Ok me and my wife tried out now our first dungeon. And like there are currently i must say that this is just completely unfair.
It has been said that GW2 scales things to the size and level of people involved. Now in the world with the events works that fine. Now i don’t see why this doesn’t work at all in the Dungeons.
Now we tried with our characters which are both at Level 80 the first Dungeon (Ascalonian Catacombs) in Story Mode which is after all supposed to be easier than exploring. And what happened? One!! normal enemy gave us hell. After 40 minutes of being just past 6 NORMAL enemies and having died already plenty of times, we broke of the Dungeon.
And now i am writings this post, then for me this is just simply unfair.
Currently the Story Dungeons aren’t hard, they are impossible.
Actually, I think AC story is – or was before Jan 28 patch – notably harder than any explorable path for this particular dungeon. Yes, most explorable bosses are “harder”, as they can OHKO some players, and a handful events are more difficult as they require more cooperation and general awareness to complete, but this is mostly offset by simple fact that ghosts are MUCH tougher than gravelings. No comparison, really.
Anyway, doing AC story will eventually put you in the “Lovers” fight, and I think it’s impossible to duo for average players.
I believe your post is a good example of what I’d call the the real issue with story dungeons: too sudden difficulty jump. Simply put, nothing in open world prepares you for this. You may be well geared 80 who completed all the Orr maps without issue, soloed champions and learned to ninja contested temple skill points, and still you stand no chance in supposedly lvl 30 dungeon. I believe scalable difficulty would be a nice and simple way to smoothen the transition, where players going solo or duo could at least learn dungeon layout and mob abilities without feeling they’re cracking their heads against a wall.
And honestly even the forced group finding doesn’t seem to be that easy, as countless people are standing outside of the Dungeon but hardly anyone is going in.
Finding group for AC is actually very easy, as all sorts of people are running it regularly – new players need to start somewhere, and veterans come to explorable for some quick money runs or push alts through story mode. People standing outside are often AFK, or chatting up guildies, or wasting time spamming “LFG” rather than join one of dozen people doing the same. Also, person “going in” may pull entire party with him, they don’t need to go for the door together. Anyway I’d suggest you give it a try, if you are a coordinated duo you will likely adapt faster than most people can.
Quite many paths are soloable.
Well, if you can do it, congrats to you. This aside, you realize this entire topic is totally irrelevant for people capable of such feats, right?