best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
2 groups that wish for 2 different end-game's
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
hardcore gw2 game-play means u can chat now on megaserver for like 9h, thats pretty hardcore as any gw2 player can be.
This is a game for players that are bad at mmo’s mostly or never played mmo’s before.
Yeah, do you know what hardcores do 16h/day?
Wilstar is “hardcore”. Its servers getting merged to 2/region (2 months out)
“Hardcores” are negligible group and they get exactly the amount of attention as they should -> none-very little.
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
No, but you are talking about Anet monitoring numbers, and according to you, the numbers for ‘hard’ content like Aetherblade path are to low for Anet to make any new content like this.
All I’m saying, is that your way of logic: Anet’s numbers say not enough % of the playerbase plays this type of content, so why make more?, is wrong. Like I said, the numbers are totally not representable to the type of content, but they represent that if you make hard content that gives crap rewards, no one will play it.Do you even read what I say before you rant on again and again? I never said that you said anything about Aetherblade path not being played. What I said was that when you used the Aetherblade path in your “Anet monitoring bullkitten” story, it is totally not representable.
But it is very representable.
It means you will do any crap if it has better rewards.
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
So you are saying arenanet actively monitors what everyone is doing all the time
Yeah, it’s called “game logs”.
even if that was true you are missing something important, in gw2 there is no real hard content apart from fotm 50, so everyone is always doing easy content (its basically the only content there is), so then anet looks at the data and it says oh look nearly 100% of all the players are always doing easy content that must mean they love it.
Even if there is nothing you would call “real hard”, there are still differences in difficulty, and parts that are harder than others. Anet can monitor how popular those parts are compared to other.
Guild wars 1 has challenging content that made you think about strategy.
And guess what? Most of people weren’t doing it.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
No, but you are talking about Anet monitoring numbers, and according to you, the numbers for ‘hard’ content like Aetherblade path are to low for Anet to make any new content like this.
All I’m saying, is that your way of logic: Anet’s numbers say not enough % of the playerbase plays this type of content, so why make more?, is wrong. Like I said, the numbers are totally not representable to the type of content, but they represent that if you make hard content that gives crap rewards, no one will play it.Do you even read what I say before you rant on again and again? I never said that you said anything about Aetherblade path not being played. What I said was that when you used the Aetherblade path in your “Anet monitoring bullkitten” story, it is totally not representable.
But it is very representable.
It means you will do any crap if it has better rewards.
You are now saying it yourself:) It’s representable, yes, but for a whole different aspect for the game. It’s representable that a lot of players choose reward efficiency over challenge. Like you said:) But some guy keeps coming up with this that it is representable for the fact that players LIKE hard content or not. And it’s not representable for that.
The fact that’s it may or may not be played doesn’t mean we don’t want it. I think that from the whole discussion topic we can come to a conclusion that maybe the bigger problem lies in the reward structure.
I don’t want WoW end game.
I don’t want gear grind.I want GW1 end game.
Best answer so far.
If GW1 was reskinned with GW2 visuals and mechanics, it’d be the best MMO ever[PERIOD]
I can’t remember arenanet doing a poll asking players if they like hard content or not.
A poll would automatically be ccorrupted. Beyond campaigning, the other piece is that these groups are far more vocal than the other groups.
A few points though:
1) Anet knows who does what, and how often.
2) Anet is de-emphasizing further development of this kind of content.They want their game to be successful and to get the greatest return of improvements for their investment. The fact that they’ve decided to not focus on that stuff right now shows they know what players want to do based on their actual actions as compared to forum noise.
You guys should watch the movie ‘Idiocracy (2006)’ its seriously like looking into the future.
First of all they don’t have to monitor it “at all times”. They have software which tracks it at all times. They get numbers and totals.
They have put harder content in the game. My guess is even new hard content is under-utilized. What if they put in TA Aetherblade path and only 20% of the game’s population ever finished it and only 25% have ever attempted it.
That’s a lot of resources when 75% of the population hasn’t entered at all. Yes I’m making these numbers up, they could be completely wrong. But my point is that Anet DOES have those numbers and if you think they don’t, you don’t know Anet.
Again, you pick up TA Aetherblade path as an example. Wasn’t it made clear that this dungeon is never played, not because it is ‘hard’, but because of it’s reward structure.
Let’s say 25% attempted it. They finished it and found out: Hey, look what god awfull kitten junk this dungeon gives me. And that for all the effort I put into this!
When that happens, you tell it to people. You tell it to your friends, to your guild etc. etc. A lot of people would still like to play and try it though, but I guess A LOT of people just didn’t care after they read someone said that. And it’s a common given that TA Aeatherpath just gives such, such, such bad rewards.So again, I’m sure they monitor numbers, but I also agree with some other posters that the numbers they have are not representable at ALL. Like the numbers for Aetherblade path. If they are low, which could be the case, that doesn’t necessarily have to mean people avoid one of the only hard content in the game, it could also mean: kitten you Arenanet, if you make harder content which take up way more time, the rewards should be better too! That’s normal for humans to think that way: more effort=more reward.
I’m not talking about why TA isn’t played now. It came with achievements and people would have played it once if they were interested in it, no matter what the rewards. It had enough of a reward to TRY IT.
So what if Anet saw most people didn’t try it or at least finish it? It would tell them something.
Even people who don’t like dungeons but like achievements would have tried it.
No, but you are talking about Anet monitoring numbers, and according to you, the numbers for ‘hard’ content like Aetherblade path are to low for Anet to make any new content like this.
All I’m saying, is that your way of logic: Anet’s numbers say not enough % of the playerbase plays this type of content, so why make more?, is wrong. Like I said, the numbers are totally not representable to the type of content, but they represent that if you make hard content that gives crap rewards, no one will play it.Do you even read what I say before you rant on again and again? I never said that you said anything about Aetherblade path not being played. What I said was that when you used the Aetherblade path in your “Anet monitoring bullkitten” story, it is totally not representable.
Yes, I’m reading what you’re saying. You’re ignoring what I’m saying.
I said, and I’ll repeat, that when new hard content comes out, no matter what the rewards are, people are going to attempt it. Particularly if it has achievements attached to it, like the Aetherpath does.
Anet doesn’t only know how many people are attempting it now, but they know how many people have EVER attempted it. And don’t kid yourself, for many, achievement points are a reward.
If not enough people EVER attempted it, or never completed it, that gives Anet information they can use, no matter if people play it now nor not. Nothing you’ve said in the paragraph above invalidates anything I said in this response, or indeed my last response.
No, but you are talking about Anet monitoring numbers, and according to you, the numbers for ‘hard’ content like Aetherblade path are to low for Anet to make any new content like this.
All I’m saying, is that your way of logic: Anet’s numbers say not enough % of the playerbase plays this type of content, so why make more?, is wrong. Like I said, the numbers are totally not representable to the type of content, but they represent that if you make hard content that gives crap rewards, no one will play it.Do you even read what I say before you rant on again and again? I never said that you said anything about Aetherblade path not being played. What I said was that when you used the Aetherblade path in your “Anet monitoring bullkitten” story, it is totally not representable.
But it is very representable.
It means you will do any crap if it has better rewards.
You are now saying it yourself:) It’s representable, yes, but for a whole different aspect for the game. It’s representable that a lot of players choose reward efficiency over challenge. Like you said:) But some guy keeps coming up with this that it is representable for the fact that players LIKE hard content or not. And it’s not representable for that.
The fact that’s it may or may not be played doesn’t mean we don’t want it. I think that from the whole discussion topic we can come to a conclusion that maybe the bigger problem lies in the reward structure.
Reward structure is fine.
If you want challenging content you have it. You dont want to do it. It IS representative.The end.
And of course they will focus what 99% wants and not what 1% wants. Man hours are very finite resource.
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
No, but you are talking about Anet monitoring numbers, and according to you, the numbers for ‘hard’ content like Aetherblade path are to low for Anet to make any new content like this.
All I’m saying, is that your way of logic: Anet’s numbers say not enough % of the playerbase plays this type of content, so why make more?, is wrong. Like I said, the numbers are totally not representable to the type of content, but they represent that if you make hard content that gives crap rewards, no one will play it.Do you even read what I say before you rant on again and again? I never said that you said anything about Aetherblade path not being played. What I said was that when you used the Aetherblade path in your “Anet monitoring bullkitten” story, it is totally not representable.
But it is very representable.
It means you will do any crap if it has better rewards.
You are now saying it yourself:) It’s representable, yes, but for a whole different aspect for the game. It’s representable that a lot of players choose reward efficiency over challenge. Like you said:) But some guy keeps coming up with this that it is representable for the fact that players LIKE hard content or not. And it’s not representable for that.
The fact that’s it may or may not be played doesn’t mean we don’t want it. I think that from the whole discussion topic we can come to a conclusion that maybe the bigger problem lies in the reward structure.Reward structure is fine.
If you want challenging content you have it. You dont want to do it. It IS representative.The end.
And of course they will focus what 99% wants and not what 1% wants. Man hours are very finite resource.
Yeah, ofcourse. I spent 2-3 hours on a way harder dungeon than regular dungeons, and I get the same or sometimes even worse loot than I would have gotten in regular dungeons. Yeah, that reward structure is fine.
I spent 2-3 hours working my butt off on the office, but someone who works for 5 min gets paid the same as I do. Yeah, thats fine, thats normal.
No, but you are talking about Anet monitoring numbers, and according to you, the numbers for ‘hard’ content like Aetherblade path are to low for Anet to make any new content like this.
All I’m saying, is that your way of logic: Anet’s numbers say not enough % of the playerbase plays this type of content, so why make more?, is wrong. Like I said, the numbers are totally not representable to the type of content, but they represent that if you make hard content that gives crap rewards, no one will play it.Do you even read what I say before you rant on again and again? I never said that you said anything about Aetherblade path not being played. What I said was that when you used the Aetherblade path in your “Anet monitoring bullkitten” story, it is totally not representable.
But it is very representable.
It means you will do any crap if it has better rewards.
You are now saying it yourself:) It’s representable, yes, but for a whole different aspect for the game. It’s representable that a lot of players choose reward efficiency over challenge. Like you said:) But some guy keeps coming up with this that it is representable for the fact that players LIKE hard content or not. And it’s not representable for that.
The fact that’s it may or may not be played doesn’t mean we don’t want it. I think that from the whole discussion topic we can come to a conclusion that maybe the bigger problem lies in the reward structure.Reward structure is fine.
If you want challenging content you have it. You dont want to do it. It IS representative.The end.
And of course they will focus what 99% wants and not what 1% wants. Man hours are very finite resource.
Yeah, ofcourse. I spent 2-3 hours on a way harder dungeon than regular dungeons, and I get the same or sometimes even worse loot than I would have gotten in regular dungeons. Yeah, that reward structure is fine.
If you enjoy challenge it is.
If its not about challenge it isnt.
Case closed.
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
No, but you are talking about Anet monitoring numbers, and according to you, the numbers for ‘hard’ content like Aetherblade path are to low for Anet to make any new content like this.
All I’m saying, is that your way of logic: Anet’s numbers say not enough % of the playerbase plays this type of content, so why make more?, is wrong. Like I said, the numbers are totally not representable to the type of content, but they represent that if you make hard content that gives crap rewards, no one will play it.Do you even read what I say before you rant on again and again? I never said that you said anything about Aetherblade path not being played. What I said was that when you used the Aetherblade path in your “Anet monitoring bullkitten” story, it is totally not representable.
But it is very representable.
It means you will do any crap if it has better rewards.
You are now saying it yourself:) It’s representable, yes, but for a whole different aspect for the game. It’s representable that a lot of players choose reward efficiency over challenge. Like you said:) But some guy keeps coming up with this that it is representable for the fact that players LIKE hard content or not. And it’s not representable for that.
The fact that’s it may or may not be played doesn’t mean we don’t want it. I think that from the whole discussion topic we can come to a conclusion that maybe the bigger problem lies in the reward structure.Reward structure is fine.
If you want challenging content you have it. You dont want to do it. It IS representative.The end.
And of course they will focus what 99% wants and not what 1% wants. Man hours are very finite resource.
I stoped reading after that o_0
Probably after www season ill leave this game for good . We have same situation like 2 months after release, nothing to do . I survived it once but I am not gona suffer another time . Living story 2 is crap and probably it will be till the end + no updates to www/spvp killed this game for me .
No, but you are talking about Anet monitoring numbers, and according to you, the numbers for ‘hard’ content like Aetherblade path are to low for Anet to make any new content like this.
All I’m saying, is that your way of logic: Anet’s numbers say not enough % of the playerbase plays this type of content, so why make more?, is wrong. Like I said, the numbers are totally not representable to the type of content, but they represent that if you make hard content that gives crap rewards, no one will play it.Do you even read what I say before you rant on again and again? I never said that you said anything about Aetherblade path not being played. What I said was that when you used the Aetherblade path in your “Anet monitoring bullkitten” story, it is totally not representable.
But it is very representable.
It means you will do any crap if it has better rewards.
You are now saying it yourself:) It’s representable, yes, but for a whole different aspect for the game. It’s representable that a lot of players choose reward efficiency over challenge. Like you said:) But some guy keeps coming up with this that it is representable for the fact that players LIKE hard content or not. And it’s not representable for that.
The fact that’s it may or may not be played doesn’t mean we don’t want it. I think that from the whole discussion topic we can come to a conclusion that maybe the bigger problem lies in the reward structure.Reward structure is fine.
If you want challenging content you have it. You dont want to do it. It IS representative.The end.
And of course they will focus what 99% wants and not what 1% wants. Man hours are very finite resource.
Yeah, ofcourse. I spent 2-3 hours on a way harder dungeon than regular dungeons, and I get the same or sometimes even worse loot than I would have gotten in regular dungeons. Yeah, that reward structure is fine.
If you enjoy challenge it is.
If its not about challenge it isnt.
Case closed.
I suppose you’d prefer content to have no reward tied to it?
Just a “Difficult for difficulty’s sake”
No, but you are talking about Anet monitoring numbers, and according to you, the numbers for ‘hard’ content like Aetherblade path are to low for Anet to make any new content like this.
All I’m saying, is that your way of logic: Anet’s numbers say not enough % of the playerbase plays this type of content, so why make more?, is wrong. Like I said, the numbers are totally not representable to the type of content, but they represent that if you make hard content that gives crap rewards, no one will play it.Do you even read what I say before you rant on again and again? I never said that you said anything about Aetherblade path not being played. What I said was that when you used the Aetherblade path in your “Anet monitoring bullkitten” story, it is totally not representable.
But it is very representable.
It means you will do any crap if it has better rewards.
You are now saying it yourself:) It’s representable, yes, but for a whole different aspect for the game. It’s representable that a lot of players choose reward efficiency over challenge. Like you said:) But some guy keeps coming up with this that it is representable for the fact that players LIKE hard content or not. And it’s not representable for that.
The fact that’s it may or may not be played doesn’t mean we don’t want it. I think that from the whole discussion topic we can come to a conclusion that maybe the bigger problem lies in the reward structure.Reward structure is fine.
If you want challenging content you have it. You dont want to do it. It IS representative.The end.
And of course they will focus what 99% wants and not what 1% wants. Man hours are very finite resource.
Yeah, ofcourse. I spent 2-3 hours on a way harder dungeon than regular dungeons, and I get the same or sometimes even worse loot than I would have gotten in regular dungeons. Yeah, that reward structure is fine.
If you enjoy challenge it is.
If its not about challenge it isnt.
Case closed.
Thats easy to say, case closed. HAHA
I enjoy challenge, else I wouldn’t be opening a topic about that we need more challenge. But I didn’t enjoy that bit of challenging content this game has to offer.
Like someone said a couple of posts earlier: “You try your best and work hard to complete some challenging content. When you completed it you feel great, but when you see the rewards, and those rewards are the same as you would get for doing the easiest thing in the game, it ruins almost all the joy for completing challenging content”
So your case is still as open as the sky.
“Case continued”
No, but you are talking about Anet monitoring numbers, and according to you, the numbers for ‘hard’ content like Aetherblade path are to low for Anet to make any new content like this.
All I’m saying, is that your way of logic: Anet’s numbers say not enough % of the playerbase plays this type of content, so why make more?, is wrong. Like I said, the numbers are totally not representable to the type of content, but they represent that if you make hard content that gives crap rewards, no one will play it.Do you even read what I say before you rant on again and again? I never said that you said anything about Aetherblade path not being played. What I said was that when you used the Aetherblade path in your “Anet monitoring bullkitten” story, it is totally not representable.
But it is very representable.
It means you will do any crap if it has better rewards.
You are now saying it yourself:) It’s representable, yes, but for a whole different aspect for the game. It’s representable that a lot of players choose reward efficiency over challenge. Like you said:) But some guy keeps coming up with this that it is representable for the fact that players LIKE hard content or not. And it’s not representable for that.
The fact that’s it may or may not be played doesn’t mean we don’t want it. I think that from the whole discussion topic we can come to a conclusion that maybe the bigger problem lies in the reward structure.Reward structure is fine.
If you want challenging content you have it. You dont want to do it. It IS representative.The end.
And of course they will focus what 99% wants and not what 1% wants. Man hours are very finite resource.
Yeah, ofcourse. I spent 2-3 hours on a way harder dungeon than regular dungeons, and I get the same or sometimes even worse loot than I would have gotten in regular dungeons. Yeah, that reward structure is fine.
If you enjoy challenge it is.
If its not about challenge it isnt.
Case closed.
I suppose you’d prefer content to have no reward tied to it?
Just a “Difficult for difficulty’s sake”
Nope, it shoud be exactly how it is, same rewards and you do what you enjoy.
If for nothing else, for the sake of constant proving people like in this thread wrong in claiming thers some huge demand when it isnt (there are still people in hard denial out there) and not skewed by bribing players with better rewards.
Its objective mesure, its like people measure 1 meter and you still argue its not and some (yours) random lenght is 1 meter and blaming 1 meter for being 1 meter and trying hard to stretch/shrink measuring tool to fit. It may be cute in the start but it gets hilarious afterwards.
Wildstar tried it your way. Well, results speak for themselves (just as in GW2)
So yeah, case is pretty much closed (been closed for few years now as far as MMOs go)
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
(edited by MikaHR.1978)
No, but you are talking about Anet monitoring numbers, and according to you, the numbers for ‘hard’ content like Aetherblade path are to low for Anet to make any new content like this.
All I’m saying, is that your way of logic: Anet’s numbers say not enough % of the playerbase plays this type of content, so why make more?, is wrong. Like I said, the numbers are totally not representable to the type of content, but they represent that if you make hard content that gives crap rewards, no one will play it.Do you even read what I say before you rant on again and again? I never said that you said anything about Aetherblade path not being played. What I said was that when you used the Aetherblade path in your “Anet monitoring bullkitten” story, it is totally not representable.
But it is very representable.
It means you will do any crap if it has better rewards.
You are now saying it yourself:) It’s representable, yes, but for a whole different aspect for the game. It’s representable that a lot of players choose reward efficiency over challenge. Like you said:) But some guy keeps coming up with this that it is representable for the fact that players LIKE hard content or not. And it’s not representable for that.
The fact that’s it may or may not be played doesn’t mean we don’t want it. I think that from the whole discussion topic we can come to a conclusion that maybe the bigger problem lies in the reward structure.Reward structure is fine.
If you want challenging content you have it. You dont want to do it. It IS representative.The end.
And of course they will focus what 99% wants and not what 1% wants. Man hours are very finite resource.
Yeah, ofcourse. I spent 2-3 hours on a way harder dungeon than regular dungeons, and I get the same or sometimes even worse loot than I would have gotten in regular dungeons. Yeah, that reward structure is fine.
If you enjoy challenge it is.
If its not about challenge it isnt.
Case closed.
I suppose you’d prefer content to have no reward tied to it?
Just a “Difficult for difficulty’s sake”
Nope, it shoud be exactly how it is, same rewards and you do what you enjoy.
If for nothing else, for the sake of constant proving people like in this thread wrong in claiming thers some huge demand when it isnt (there are still people in hard denial out there) and not skewed by bribing players with better rewards.
Its objective mesure, its like people measure 1 meter and you still argue its not and some your random measure is 1 meter and blaming 1 meter for being 1 meter. It may be cute in the start but it gets hilarious afterwards.
sry but games where everyone has everything are just boring . Maybe everyone should have very style just for loging in ?
No, but you are talking about Anet monitoring numbers, and according to you, the numbers for ‘hard’ content like Aetherblade path are to low for Anet to make any new content like this.
All I’m saying, is that your way of logic: Anet’s numbers say not enough % of the playerbase plays this type of content, so why make more?, is wrong. Like I said, the numbers are totally not representable to the type of content, but they represent that if you make hard content that gives crap rewards, no one will play it.Do you even read what I say before you rant on again and again? I never said that you said anything about Aetherblade path not being played. What I said was that when you used the Aetherblade path in your “Anet monitoring bullkitten” story, it is totally not representable.
But it is very representable.
It means you will do any crap if it has better rewards.
You are now saying it yourself:) It’s representable, yes, but for a whole different aspect for the game. It’s representable that a lot of players choose reward efficiency over challenge. Like you said:) But some guy keeps coming up with this that it is representable for the fact that players LIKE hard content or not. And it’s not representable for that.
The fact that’s it may or may not be played doesn’t mean we don’t want it. I think that from the whole discussion topic we can come to a conclusion that maybe the bigger problem lies in the reward structure.Reward structure is fine.
If you want challenging content you have it. You dont want to do it. It IS representative.The end.
And of course they will focus what 99% wants and not what 1% wants. Man hours are very finite resource.
Yeah, ofcourse. I spent 2-3 hours on a way harder dungeon than regular dungeons, and I get the same or sometimes even worse loot than I would have gotten in regular dungeons. Yeah, that reward structure is fine.
If you enjoy challenge it is.
If its not about challenge it isnt.
Case closed.
I suppose you’d prefer content to have no reward tied to it?
Just a “Difficult for difficulty’s sake”
Nope, it shoud be exactly how it is, same rewards and you do what you enjoy.
If for nothing else, for the sake of constant proving people like in this thread wrong in claiming thers some huge demand when it isnt (there are still people in hard denial out there) and not skewed by bribing players with better rewards.
Its objective mesure, its like people measure 1 meter and you still argue its not and some your random measure is 1 meter and blaming 1 meter for being 1 meter. It may be cute in the start but it gets hilarious afterwards.
sry but games where everyone has everything are just boring . Maybe everyone should have very style just for loging in ?
Well, pay ANet to make something unique just for you then.
Sry, but if you dont see how ridiculous your statement is, well….
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
I can’t remember arenanet doing a poll asking players if they like hard content or not.
A poll would automatically be ccorrupted. Beyond campaigning, the other piece is that these groups are far more vocal than the other groups.
A few points though:
1) Anet knows who does what, and how often.
2) Anet is de-emphasizing further development of this kind of content.They want their game to be successful and to get the greatest return of improvements for their investment. The fact that they’ve decided to not focus on that stuff right now shows they know what players want to do based on their actual actions as compared to forum noise.
So you are saying arenanet actively monitors what everyone is doing all the time (doubt it) even if that was true you are missing something important, in gw2 there is no real hard content apart from fotm 50, so everyone is always doing easy content (its basically the only content there is), so then anet looks at the data and it says oh look nearly 100% of all the players are always doing easy content that must mean they love it.
If it was 50/50 hard/easy content and nobody ever did they hard content then you’d have a point. But since guild wars 2 is almost 100% easy content your argument is flawed.
Maybe arenanet is playing a some sort of sick joke mimicking the de-evolution of man?
Guild wars 1 has challenging content that made you think about strategy.
Guild wars 2 has simple content that makes you think about all the pretty colours.
Guild wars 3 will probably be cartoons.
You guys should watch the movie ‘Idiocracy (2006)’ its seriously like looking into the future.
First of all they don’t have to monitor it “at all times”. They have software which tracks it at all times. They get numbers and totals.
They have put harder content in the game. My guess is even new hard content is under-utilized. What if they put in TA Aetherblade path and only 20% of the game’s population ever finished it and only 25% have ever attempted it.
That’s a lot of resources when 75% of the population hasn’t entered at all. Yes I’m making these numbers up, they could be completely wrong. But my point is that Anet DOES have those numbers and if you think they don’t, you don’t know Anet.
Again, you pick up TA Aetherblade path as an example. Wasn’t it made clear that this dungeon is never played, not because it is ‘hard’, but because of it’s reward structure.
Let’s say 25% attempted it. They finished it and found out: Hey, look what god awfull kitten junk this dungeon gives me. And that for all the effort I put into this!
So doesn’t that also proof again that those player don’t really want “hard” content but just better rewards ?
If they put in a dungeon thats easier than all others but give better rewards, won’t they suddenly run that like crazy because of the rewards .. but of course still moaning that they want hard content ?
Ahh .. i see the problem .. everybody can get those rewards maybe but only good secretrays that can type 150+ characters per minute should get them, and not the bad ones that only can type 100 per minutes.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
No, but you are talking about Anet monitoring numbers, and according to you, the numbers for ‘hard’ content like Aetherblade path are to low for Anet to make any new content like this.
All I’m saying, is that your way of logic: Anet’s numbers say not enough % of the playerbase plays this type of content, so why make more?, is wrong. Like I said, the numbers are totally not representable to the type of content, but they represent that if you make hard content that gives crap rewards, no one will play it.Do you even read what I say before you rant on again and again? I never said that you said anything about Aetherblade path not being played. What I said was that when you used the Aetherblade path in your “Anet monitoring bullkitten” story, it is totally not representable.
But it is very representable.
It means you will do any crap if it has better rewards.
You are now saying it yourself:) It’s representable, yes, but for a whole different aspect for the game. It’s representable that a lot of players choose reward efficiency over challenge. Like you said:) But some guy keeps coming up with this that it is representable for the fact that players LIKE hard content or not. And it’s not representable for that.
The fact that’s it may or may not be played doesn’t mean we don’t want it. I think that from the whole discussion topic we can come to a conclusion that maybe the bigger problem lies in the reward structure.Reward structure is fine.
If you want challenging content you have it. You dont want to do it. It IS representative.The end.
And of course they will focus what 99% wants and not what 1% wants. Man hours are very finite resource.
Yeah, ofcourse. I spent 2-3 hours on a way harder dungeon than regular dungeons, and I get the same or sometimes even worse loot than I would have gotten in regular dungeons. Yeah, that reward structure is fine.
If you enjoy challenge it is.
If its not about challenge it isnt.
Case closed.
I suppose you’d prefer content to have no reward tied to it?
Just a “Difficult for difficulty’s sake”
Nope, it shoud be exactly how it is, same rewards and you do what you enjoy.
If for nothing else, for the sake of constant proving people like in this thread wrong in claiming thers some huge demand when it isnt (there are still people in hard denial out there) and not skewed by bribing players with better rewards.
Its objective mesure, its like people measure 1 meter and you still argue its not and some your random measure is 1 meter and blaming 1 meter for being 1 meter. It may be cute in the start but it gets hilarious afterwards.
sry but games where everyone has everything are just boring . Maybe everyone should have very style just for loging in ?
Well, pay ANet to make something unique just for you then.
Sry, but if you dont see how ridiculous your statement is, well….
A lot of us paid ANet to make this type of content. Not with just paying for the game, but also paying for stuff in the gem store. We did this with the thought to help ANet deliver more content, to help the game. Now, after 2 years, a lot of players feel like their money hasn’t been put to good use, thus resulting in a lot of threads like this one.
(edited by Illuminati.2431)
No, but you are talking about Anet monitoring numbers, and according to you, the numbers for ‘hard’ content like Aetherblade path are to low for Anet to make any new content like this.
All I’m saying, is that your way of logic: Anet’s numbers say not enough % of the playerbase plays this type of content, so why make more?, is wrong. Like I said, the numbers are totally not representable to the type of content, but they represent that if you make hard content that gives crap rewards, no one will play it.Do you even read what I say before you rant on again and again? I never said that you said anything about Aetherblade path not being played. What I said was that when you used the Aetherblade path in your “Anet monitoring bullkitten” story, it is totally not representable.
But it is very representable.
It means you will do any crap if it has better rewards.
You are now saying it yourself:) It’s representable, yes, but for a whole different aspect for the game. It’s representable that a lot of players choose reward efficiency over challenge. Like you said:) But some guy keeps coming up with this that it is representable for the fact that players LIKE hard content or not. And it’s not representable for that.
The fact that’s it may or may not be played doesn’t mean we don’t want it. I think that from the whole discussion topic we can come to a conclusion that maybe the bigger problem lies in the reward structure.Reward structure is fine.
If you want challenging content you have it. You dont want to do it. It IS representative.The end.
And of course they will focus what 99% wants and not what 1% wants. Man hours are very finite resource.
Yeah, ofcourse. I spent 2-3 hours on a way harder dungeon than regular dungeons, and I get the same or sometimes even worse loot than I would have gotten in regular dungeons. Yeah, that reward structure is fine.
If you enjoy challenge it is.
If its not about challenge it isnt.
Case closed.
I suppose you’d prefer content to have no reward tied to it?
Just a “Difficult for difficulty’s sake”
Nope, it shoud be exactly how it is, same rewards and you do what you enjoy.
If for nothing else, for the sake of constant proving people like in this thread wrong in claiming thers some huge demand when it isnt (there are still people in hard denial out there) and not skewed by bribing players with better rewards.
Its objective mesure, its like people measure 1 meter and you still argue its not and some your random measure is 1 meter and blaming 1 meter for being 1 meter. It may be cute in the start but it gets hilarious afterwards.
sry but games where everyone has everything are just boring . Maybe everyone should have very style just for loging in ?
Well, pay ANet to make something unique just for you then.
Sry, but if you dont see how ridiculous your statement is, well….
A lot of us paid ANet to make this type of content. Not with just paying for the game, but also paying for stuff in the gem store. We did this with the thought to help ANet deliver more content, to help the game. Now, after 2 years, a lot of players feel like their money hasn’t been put to good use, thus resulting in a lot of threads like this one.
This feels like a bit of a misnomer. I don’t think you paid Anet to produce specific content and if you did, I’m not quite sure what to tell you.
I give money to companies that are doing stuff I like to support those companies, but I have zero control over what they actually do. I’m not sure what gave anyone the idea that Anet would make more and more challenging content over any other type of content.
Yup… This. I support the games I play. I have spent a lot of money in gem store buying armor skins and hair style kits… Ect ect. Enough gems that I could have bought a legendary at its current price with cash. In return, the content we have been given is not better than some f2p updates. I am done supporting this game. If an expansion pack comes out; I may purchase it. But that’s it.
No, but you are talking about Anet monitoring numbers, and according to you, the numbers for ‘hard’ content like Aetherblade path are to low for Anet to make any new content like this.
All I’m saying, is that your way of logic: Anet’s numbers say not enough % of the playerbase plays this type of content, so why make more?, is wrong. Like I said, the numbers are totally not representable to the type of content, but they represent that if you make hard content that gives crap rewards, no one will play it.Do you even read what I say before you rant on again and again? I never said that you said anything about Aetherblade path not being played. What I said was that when you used the Aetherblade path in your “Anet monitoring bullkitten” story, it is totally not representable.
But it is very representable.
It means you will do any crap if it has better rewards.
You are now saying it yourself:) It’s representable, yes, but for a whole different aspect for the game. It’s representable that a lot of players choose reward efficiency over challenge. Like you said:) But some guy keeps coming up with this that it is representable for the fact that players LIKE hard content or not. And it’s not representable for that.
The fact that’s it may or may not be played doesn’t mean we don’t want it. I think that from the whole discussion topic we can come to a conclusion that maybe the bigger problem lies in the reward structure.Reward structure is fine.
If you want challenging content you have it. You dont want to do it. It IS representative.The end.
And of course they will focus what 99% wants and not what 1% wants. Man hours are very finite resource.
Yeah, ofcourse. I spent 2-3 hours on a way harder dungeon than regular dungeons, and I get the same or sometimes even worse loot than I would have gotten in regular dungeons. Yeah, that reward structure is fine.
If you enjoy challenge it is.
If its not about challenge it isnt.
Case closed.
I suppose you’d prefer content to have no reward tied to it?
Just a “Difficult for difficulty’s sake”
Nope, it shoud be exactly how it is, same rewards and you do what you enjoy.
If for nothing else, for the sake of constant proving people like in this thread wrong in claiming thers some huge demand when it isnt (there are still people in hard denial out there) and not skewed by bribing players with better rewards.
Its objective mesure, its like people measure 1 meter and you still argue its not and some your random measure is 1 meter and blaming 1 meter for being 1 meter. It may be cute in the start but it gets hilarious afterwards.
sry but games where everyone has everything are just boring . Maybe everyone should have very style just for loging in ?
Well, pay ANet to make something unique just for you then.
Sry, but if you dont see how ridiculous your statement is, well….
A lot of us paid ANet to make this type of content. Not with just paying for the game, but also paying for stuff in the gem store. We did this with the thought to help ANet deliver more content, to help the game. Now, after 2 years, a lot of players feel like their money hasn’t been put to good use, thus resulting in a lot of threads like this one.
Really, when did ANet say they will make unique rewards just for you because you bought the game.
You have that kind of content AND you dont want to play it.
lol, its getting old fast. YOU and people like YOU proved ANet that that kind of content isnt worth making. YOU proved you want something else by refusing to run content YOU wanted. So….yeah.
Even in this thread you proclaim (and testify for others) you DONT WANT to run the content.
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
(edited by MikaHR.1978)
This feels like a bit of a misnomer. I don’t think you paid Anet to produce specific content and if you did, I’m not quite sure what to tell you.
I give money to companies that are doing stuff I like to support those companies, but I have zero control over what they actually do. I’m not sure what gave anyone the idea that Anet would make more and more challenging content over any other type of content.
Indeed, you have no control, but you EXPECT certain things from certain companies. You expect from a MMO company that they will use SOME of your money to produce more content. That’s the same that I expect from my bank, who charges me a bit of money every 3 months for having a bank account, that SOME of that money will go to improving security for things like online banking.
No, but you are talking about Anet monitoring numbers, and according to you, the numbers for ‘hard’ content like Aetherblade path are to low for Anet to make any new content like this.
All I’m saying, is that your way of logic: Anet’s numbers say not enough % of the playerbase plays this type of content, so why make more?, is wrong. Like I said, the numbers are totally not representable to the type of content, but they represent that if you make hard content that gives crap rewards, no one will play it.Do you even read what I say before you rant on again and again? I never said that you said anything about Aetherblade path not being played. What I said was that when you used the Aetherblade path in your “Anet monitoring bullkitten” story, it is totally not representable.
But it is very representable.
It means you will do any crap if it has better rewards.
You are now saying it yourself:) It’s representable, yes, but for a whole different aspect for the game. It’s representable that a lot of players choose reward efficiency over challenge. Like you said:) But some guy keeps coming up with this that it is representable for the fact that players LIKE hard content or not. And it’s not representable for that.
The fact that’s it may or may not be played doesn’t mean we don’t want it. I think that from the whole discussion topic we can come to a conclusion that maybe the bigger problem lies in the reward structure.Reward structure is fine.
If you want challenging content you have it. You dont want to do it. It IS representative.The end.
And of course they will focus what 99% wants and not what 1% wants. Man hours are very finite resource.
Yeah, ofcourse. I spent 2-3 hours on a way harder dungeon than regular dungeons, and I get the same or sometimes even worse loot than I would have gotten in regular dungeons. Yeah, that reward structure is fine.
If you enjoy challenge it is.
If its not about challenge it isnt.
Case closed.
I suppose you’d prefer content to have no reward tied to it?
Just a “Difficult for difficulty’s sake”
Nope, it shoud be exactly how it is, same rewards and you do what you enjoy.
If for nothing else, for the sake of constant proving people like in this thread wrong in claiming thers some huge demand when it isnt (there are still people in hard denial out there) and not skewed by bribing players with better rewards.
Its objective mesure, its like people measure 1 meter and you still argue its not and some your random measure is 1 meter and blaming 1 meter for being 1 meter. It may be cute in the start but it gets hilarious afterwards.
sry but games where everyone has everything are just boring . Maybe everyone should have very style just for loging in ?
Well, pay ANet to make something unique just for you then.
Sry, but if you dont see how ridiculous your statement is, well….
A lot of us paid ANet to make this type of content. Not with just paying for the game, but also paying for stuff in the gem store. We did this with the thought to help ANet deliver more content, to help the game. Now, after 2 years, a lot of players feel like their money hasn’t been put to good use, thus resulting in a lot of threads like this one.
Really, when did ANet say they will make unique rewards just for you because you bought the game.
You have that kind of content AND you dont want to play it.
lol, its getting old fast. YOU and people like YOU proved ANet that that kind of content isnt worth making. YOU proved you want something else by refusing to run content YOU wanted. So….yeah.
Even in this thread you proclaim (and testify for others) you DONT WANT to run the content.
We proof nothing. We have opinions. And in my opinion, and that from many others, the content they make now isn’t worth making if it is the ONLY content they make.
And this isn’t only about unique rewards, it goes way further than that. REAL maps(not just 1 in 2 years), classes, weapon skills, weapon types, utility skills, elite skills, pvp, wvwvw, the list goes on and on and on…. So if you think this is only about unique rewards you are seriously wrong.
The only content they make is LS2. And yes, many opinions state that LS2 is fine, but it’s not worth being the ONLY content that is being released. And we don’t say that is a fact, but it is our opinion.
(edited by Illuminati.2431)
This feels like a bit of a misnomer. I don’t think you paid Anet to produce specific content and if you did, I’m not quite sure what to tell you.
I give money to companies that are doing stuff I like to support those companies, but I have zero control over what they actually do. I’m not sure what gave anyone the idea that Anet would make more and more challenging content over any other type of content.
Indeed, you have no control, but you EXPECT certain things from certain companies. You expect from a MMO company that they will use SOME of your money to produce more content. That’s the same that I expect from my bank, who charges me a bit of money every 3 months for having a bank account, that SOME of that money will go to improving security for things like online banking.
Funny, I played a lot of content. I played tons of content. The content wasn’t permanent, that’s true, but it was still content. You’re just not content with the content or the way the content was delivered. But I think it’s a misnomer to say content wasn’t delivered.
People are still saying we don’t get new zones, even though Living Story Season 2 started in July and we already have 1 new zone.
This feels like a bit of a misnomer. I don’t think you paid Anet to produce specific content and if you did, I’m not quite sure what to tell you.
I give money to companies that are doing stuff I like to support those companies, but I have zero control over what they actually do. I’m not sure what gave anyone the idea that Anet would make more and more challenging content over any other type of content.
Indeed, you have no control, but you EXPECT certain things from certain companies. You expect from a MMO company that they will use SOME of your money to produce more content. That’s the same that I expect from my bank, who charges me a bit of money every 3 months for having a bank account, that SOME of that money will go to improving security for things like online banking.
But they did add it. As much as its warranted. And they will add more. As much as its warranted.
Theres very low demand for it. You will have to accept it, the sooner the better.
Same as hardcores will have to accept that they dont really matter in the grand scheme of things.
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
This feels like a bit of a misnomer. I don’t think you paid Anet to produce specific content and if you did, I’m not quite sure what to tell you.
I give money to companies that are doing stuff I like to support those companies, but I have zero control over what they actually do. I’m not sure what gave anyone the idea that Anet would make more and more challenging content over any other type of content.
Indeed, you have no control, but you EXPECT certain things from certain companies. You expect from a MMO company that they will use SOME of your money to produce more content. That’s the same that I expect from my bank, who charges me a bit of money every 3 months for having a bank account, that SOME of that money will go to improving security for things like online banking.
But they did add it. As much as its warranted. And they will add more. As much as its warranted.
Theres very low demand for it. You will have to accept it, the sooner the better.
Same as hardcores will have to accept that they dont really matter in the grand scheme of things.
I already accepted it by not playing this game anymore. But my passion for this game keeps me returning to this forum to DISCUSS this type of things. If I would accept everything that isn’t to my liking, well, thats not how life works. If you deem something worth fighting and discussing for, you do it.
Most of the players who share(a portion) of my opinion, already left the game. But it’s their passion that they still want to improve this game in the way they think is better.
This feels like a bit of a misnomer. I don’t think you paid Anet to produce specific content and if you did, I’m not quite sure what to tell you.
I give money to companies that are doing stuff I like to support those companies, but I have zero control over what they actually do. I’m not sure what gave anyone the idea that Anet would make more and more challenging content over any other type of content.
Indeed, you have no control, but you EXPECT certain things from certain companies. You expect from a MMO company that they will use SOME of your money to produce more content. That’s the same that I expect from my bank, who charges me a bit of money every 3 months for having a bank account, that SOME of that money will go to improving security for things like online banking.
Funny, I played a lot of content. I played tons of content. The content wasn’t permanent, that’s true, but it was still content. You’re just not content with the content or the way the content was delivered. But I think it’s a misnomer to say content wasn’t delivered.
People are still saying we don’t get new zones, even though Living Story Season 2 started in July and we already have 1 new zone.
For an MMO that has been out for 2 years, the content they pushed out was below standards. There was a thread earlier this week when someone compared the content gw1 pushed out next to the content gw2 pushed out in the same lifespan of 2 years. It’s just really really thin what gw2 delivers…. But I guess the thread got deleted because I can’t find it anymore.
Thats the same like if my bank only invests 1x per year in security.
Nope, it shoud be exactly how it is, same rewards and you do what you enjoy.
If for nothing else, for the sake of constant proving people like in this thread wrong in claiming thers some huge demand when it isnt (there are still people in hard denial out there) and not skewed by bribing players with better rewards.
Its objective mesure, its like people measure 1 meter and you still argue its not and some (yours) random lenght is 1 meter and blaming 1 meter for being 1 meter and trying hard to stretch/shrink measuring tool to fit. It may be cute in the start but it gets hilarious afterwards.
Wildstar tried it your way. Well, results speak for themselves (just as in GW2)
So yeah, case is pretty much closed (been closed for few years now as far as MMOs go)
My post was simply a question, not a statement.
Nope, it should be exactly how it is, same rewards and you do what you enjoy.
The trick with this sentence is that “enjoyment” can also contain the rewards gained from doing said event, and the lack of it may lower the excitement gained. You seem to say the challenge is enough for enjoyment, but there’s no real way to quantify enjoyment. It’s a subjective matter. Which is why it’s so hard to please everyone.
Saying that, a majority of people probably enjoy things more when they’re rewarded for their effort.
When you work twice as hard at a job, eventually, you should get a raise. If you play extremely well during a sports match, you should be awarded an MVP. If you complete your studies at university, you should get your degree. Simple effort to reward system. I fail to see how this goes right over your head.
Anyhow, beyond that, I’m confused about your objective section. What do you claim is objective? The difficulty in making rewards match effort? The measurement of the rewards given to effort?
(edited by nethykins.7986)
This feels like a bit of a misnomer. I don’t think you paid Anet to produce specific content and if you did, I’m not quite sure what to tell you.
I give money to companies that are doing stuff I like to support those companies, but I have zero control over what they actually do. I’m not sure what gave anyone the idea that Anet would make more and more challenging content over any other type of content.
Indeed, you have no control, but you EXPECT certain things from certain companies. You expect from a MMO company that they will use SOME of your money to produce more content. That’s the same that I expect from my bank, who charges me a bit of money every 3 months for having a bank account, that SOME of that money will go to improving security for things like online banking.
But they did add it. As much as its warranted. And they will add more. As much as its warranted.
Theres very low demand for it. You will have to accept it, the sooner the better.
Same as hardcores will have to accept that they dont really matter in the grand scheme of things.
I already accepted it by not playing this game anymore. But my passion for this game keeps me returning to this forum to DISCUSS this type of things. If I would accept everything that isn’t to my liking, well, thats not how life works. If you deem something worth fighting and discussing for, you do it.
Most of the players who share(a portion) of my opinion, already left the game. But it’s their passion that they still want to improve this game in the way they think is better.
No problem, fight for the cause
But its the state of things (not just in GW2). AAA MMOs really aint place for challenges/hardcores and i really dont know why people demand it in AAA MMOs. Its just not financially feasisble (just look at “WoW was dumbed down” claims everywhere, duh, of course it was)
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
you’re basically advocating for what happened to Teq to happen a second time elsewhere.
I love the new Tequatl encounter
Tequatl is the only real dragon at the moment.
As detrimental as it would be to the playerbase, I wish every dragon was that hard without prior planning.
That’s selfish though. not everyone has 45 minutes to devote to extensive boss planning “for glory” or “valiance” or some other knight kitten.
Casuals have all the other world bosses (‘cept for Wurm) so I don’t think it’s unfair to ask for one or two more Tequatl like encounters. Claw of Jormag and The Shatterer in particular would be awesome.
And again with assuming casuals want easy content, ugh.
Hello, Casual here. I like Teq. I like Wurm. I don’t think any true world boss should be brainless stand and spam 1. They all need some adjustments. They don’t all need to be super kitten hard, some varying level of coordination and challenge would add some spice imo.
You probably aren’t casual if you can consistently log on 30 minutes before the event timer just to get into the right instance to run Wrum.
Casuals would say “I only have an hour or two to play, I am not spending half of that sitting around waiting for the boss to appear”.
See, that’s just it though. I don’t go sit in the zone for 30 min to an hour before hand. I pop in 15, maybe 20 minutes early, and go with the flow. Sometimes the group succeeds, sometimes it doesn’t. I don’t freak out of they don’t simply because I typically enjoy the event for what it is.
I do only have an hour or so to play in the evenings, and wurm generally isn’t available during that window. I only really get a chance to do wurm and teq on the weekends.
This feels like a bit of a misnomer. I don’t think you paid Anet to produce specific content and if you did, I’m not quite sure what to tell you.
I give money to companies that are doing stuff I like to support those companies, but I have zero control over what they actually do. I’m not sure what gave anyone the idea that Anet would make more and more challenging content over any other type of content.
Indeed, you have no control, but you EXPECT certain things from certain companies. You expect from a MMO company that they will use SOME of your money to produce more content. That’s the same that I expect from my bank, who charges me a bit of money every 3 months for having a bank account, that SOME of that money will go to improving security for things like online banking.
But they did add it. As much as its warranted. And they will add more. As much as its warranted.
Theres very low demand for it. You will have to accept it, the sooner the better.
Same as hardcores will have to accept that they dont really matter in the grand scheme of things.
I already accepted it by not playing this game anymore. But my passion for this game keeps me returning to this forum to DISCUSS this type of things. If I would accept everything that isn’t to my liking, well, thats not how life works. If you deem something worth fighting and discussing for, you do it.
Most of the players who share(a portion) of my opinion, already left the game. But it’s their passion that they still want to improve this game in the way they think is better.
No problem, fight for the cause
But its the state of things (not just in GW2). AAA MMOs really aint place for challenges/hardcores and i really dont know why people demand it in AAA MMOs. Its just not financially feasisble (just look at “WoW was dumbed down” claims everywhere, duh, of course it was)
Really? AAA MMO’s aint a place for challenges and hardcores?
Let me sum up some AAA MMO’s and see if they ARE the place for challenges/hardcores.
WoW(easy example, I admit:( – check
FF14 – check
Rift – check
Lotro – check
TeSO – check
Challenging/hardcore things maybe aren’t always the CORE in those games, but at least it’s there.
This feels like a bit of a misnomer. I don’t think you paid Anet to produce specific content and if you did, I’m not quite sure what to tell you.
I give money to companies that are doing stuff I like to support those companies, but I have zero control over what they actually do. I’m not sure what gave anyone the idea that Anet would make more and more challenging content over any other type of content.
Indeed, you have no control, but you EXPECT certain things from certain companies. You expect from a MMO company that they will use SOME of your money to produce more content. That’s the same that I expect from my bank, who charges me a bit of money every 3 months for having a bank account, that SOME of that money will go to improving security for things like online banking.
Of course you go to your bank each day and say things like : oh .. today i want that
you use the security system you had 2 years ago .. because i actually payed for that
so i want to have it available whenever i want
Or to say it short : very very bad example
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
But there are so many things that GW2 does right. The combat system is amazing. It’s like owning a Ferrari but playing in goat cart. The reason I come back despite the fact that no one plays with me anymore (they have already moved onto D3) is because I do think gw2 is special and has the potential to BE the mmo.
This feels like a bit of a misnomer. I don’t think you paid Anet to produce specific content and if you did, I’m not quite sure what to tell you.
I give money to companies that are doing stuff I like to support those companies, but I have zero control over what they actually do. I’m not sure what gave anyone the idea that Anet would make more and more challenging content over any other type of content.
Indeed, you have no control, but you EXPECT certain things from certain companies. You expect from a MMO company that they will use SOME of your money to produce more content. That’s the same that I expect from my bank, who charges me a bit of money every 3 months for having a bank account, that SOME of that money will go to improving security for things like online banking.
Of course you go to your bank each day and say things like : oh .. today i want that
you use the security system you had 2 years ago .. because i actually payed for that
so i want to have it available whenever i wantOr to say it short : very very bad example
I don’t think you understand my example, or you got it the wrong way. I’m not asking for something Anet produced 2 years ago…?
Really? AAA MMO’s aint a place for challenges and hardcores?
Let me sum up some AAA MMO’s and see if they ARE the place for challenges/hardcores.
WoW(easy example, I admit:( – check
FF14 – check
Rift – check
Lotro – check
TeSO – checkChallenging/hardcore things maybe aren’t always the CORE in those games, but at least it’s there.
Most hardcore thing ever in Lotro was to not kill Frodo when you had to hear all
his whining in that quest :
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Really? AAA MMO’s aint a place for challenges and hardcores?
Let me sum up some AAA MMO’s and see if they ARE the place for challenges/hardcores.
WoW(easy example, I admit:( – check
FF14 – check
Rift – check
Lotro – check
TeSO – checkChallenging/hardcore things maybe aren’t always the CORE in those games, but at least it’s there.
Most hardcore thing ever in Lotro was to not kill Frodo when you had to hear all
his whining in that quest :
More hardcore than completing AC
Really? AAA MMO’s aint a place for challenges and hardcores?
Let me sum up some AAA MMO’s and see if they ARE the place for challenges/hardcores.
WoW(easy example, I admit:( – check
FF14 – check
Rift – check
Lotro – check
TeSO – checkChallenging/hardcore things maybe aren’t always the CORE in those games, but at least it’s there.
Most hardcore thing ever in Lotro was to not kill Frodo when you had to hear all
his whining in that quest :More hardcore than completing AC
Maybe thats why we have Trahearne .. they wanted to copy that kind of hardcore experience with him
Problem is .. we can let Trahearne die .. while we can’t kill that kitten ed Frodo ^^
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
This feels like a bit of a misnomer. I don’t think you paid Anet to produce specific content and if you did, I’m not quite sure what to tell you.
I give money to companies that are doing stuff I like to support those companies, but I have zero control over what they actually do. I’m not sure what gave anyone the idea that Anet would make more and more challenging content over any other type of content.
Indeed, you have no control, but you EXPECT certain things from certain companies. You expect from a MMO company that they will use SOME of your money to produce more content. That’s the same that I expect from my bank, who charges me a bit of money every 3 months for having a bank account, that SOME of that money will go to improving security for things like online banking.
But they did add it. As much as its warranted. And they will add more. As much as its warranted.
Theres very low demand for it. You will have to accept it, the sooner the better.
Same as hardcores will have to accept that they dont really matter in the grand scheme of things.
I already accepted it by not playing this game anymore. But my passion for this game keeps me returning to this forum to DISCUSS this type of things. If I would accept everything that isn’t to my liking, well, thats not how life works. If you deem something worth fighting and discussing for, you do it.
Most of the players who share(a portion) of my opinion, already left the game. But it’s their passion that they still want to improve this game in the way they think is better.
No problem, fight for the cause
But its the state of things (not just in GW2). AAA MMOs really aint place for challenges/hardcores and i really dont know why people demand it in AAA MMOs. Its just not financially feasisble (just look at “WoW was dumbed down” claims everywhere, duh, of course it was)
Really? AAA MMO’s aint a place for challenges and hardcores?
Let me sum up some AAA MMO’s and see if they ARE the place for challenges/hardcores.
WoW(easy example, I admit:( – check
FF14 – check
Rift – check
Lotro – check
TeSO – checkChallenging/hardcore things maybe aren’t always the CORE in those games, but at least it’s there.
And? Where is all that “hardcore” content in those games?
WoW – well few instances at endgame can be considered “challenging”
FFXIV – 1 instance at endgame
RIFT – 1 instance at endgame
LOTRO doesnt have hardcore content any more (they even drop the raids and you might want to check why he he) but when it did have it it was 1 instance a endgme
TESO – hardcore content? where exactly lol
Now that you mentioned it, GW2 has more challenging/hardore content than those games combined be thankful
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
This feels like a bit of a misnomer. I don’t think you paid Anet to produce specific content and if you did, I’m not quite sure what to tell you.
I give money to companies that are doing stuff I like to support those companies, but I have zero control over what they actually do. I’m not sure what gave anyone the idea that Anet would make more and more challenging content over any other type of content.
Indeed, you have no control, but you EXPECT certain things from certain companies. You expect from a MMO company that they will use SOME of your money to produce more content. That’s the same that I expect from my bank, who charges me a bit of money every 3 months for having a bank account, that SOME of that money will go to improving security for things like online banking.
But they did add it. As much as its warranted. And they will add more. As much as its warranted.
Theres very low demand for it. You will have to accept it, the sooner the better.
Same as hardcores will have to accept that they dont really matter in the grand scheme of things.
I already accepted it by not playing this game anymore. But my passion for this game keeps me returning to this forum to DISCUSS this type of things. If I would accept everything that isn’t to my liking, well, thats not how life works. If you deem something worth fighting and discussing for, you do it.
Most of the players who share(a portion) of my opinion, already left the game. But it’s their passion that they still want to improve this game in the way they think is better.
No problem, fight for the cause
But its the state of things (not just in GW2). AAA MMOs really aint place for challenges/hardcores and i really dont know why people demand it in AAA MMOs. Its just not financially feasisble (just look at “WoW was dumbed down” claims everywhere, duh, of course it was)
Really? AAA MMO’s aint a place for challenges and hardcores?
Let me sum up some AAA MMO’s and see if they ARE the place for challenges/hardcores.
WoW(easy example, I admit:( – check
FF14 – check
Rift – check
Lotro – check
TeSO – checkChallenging/hardcore things maybe aren’t always the CORE in those games, but at least it’s there.
And? Where is all that “hardcore” content in those games?
WoW – well few instances at endgame can be considered “challenging”
FFXIV – 1 instance at endgame
RIFT – 1 instance at endgame
LOTRO doesnt have hardcore content any more (they even drop the raids and you might want to check why he he) but when it did have it it was 1 instance a endgme
TESO – hardcore content? where exactly lolNow that you mentioned it, GW2 has more challenging/hardore content than those games combined
be thankful
Instances arent the only challenging/hardcore content a mmo can deliver.
This feels like a bit of a misnomer. I don’t think you paid Anet to produce specific content and if you did, I’m not quite sure what to tell you.
I give money to companies that are doing stuff I like to support those companies, but I have zero control over what they actually do. I’m not sure what gave anyone the idea that Anet would make more and more challenging content over any other type of content.
Indeed, you have no control, but you EXPECT certain things from certain companies. You expect from a MMO company that they will use SOME of your money to produce more content. That’s the same that I expect from my bank, who charges me a bit of money every 3 months for having a bank account, that SOME of that money will go to improving security for things like online banking.
But they did add it. As much as its warranted. And they will add more. As much as its warranted.
Theres very low demand for it. You will have to accept it, the sooner the better.
Same as hardcores will have to accept that they dont really matter in the grand scheme of things.
I already accepted it by not playing this game anymore. But my passion for this game keeps me returning to this forum to DISCUSS this type of things. If I would accept everything that isn’t to my liking, well, thats not how life works. If you deem something worth fighting and discussing for, you do it.
Most of the players who share(a portion) of my opinion, already left the game. But it’s their passion that they still want to improve this game in the way they think is better.
No problem, fight for the cause
But its the state of things (not just in GW2). AAA MMOs really aint place for challenges/hardcores and i really dont know why people demand it in AAA MMOs. Its just not financially feasisble (just look at “WoW was dumbed down” claims everywhere, duh, of course it was)
Really? AAA MMO’s aint a place for challenges and hardcores?
Let me sum up some AAA MMO’s and see if they ARE the place for challenges/hardcores.
WoW(easy example, I admit:( – check
FF14 – check
Rift – check
Lotro – check
TeSO – checkChallenging/hardcore things maybe aren’t always the CORE in those games, but at least it’s there.
And? Where is all that “hardcore” content in those games?
WoW – well few instances at endgame can be considered “challenging”
FFXIV – 1 instance at endgame
RIFT – 1 instance at endgame
LOTRO doesnt have hardcore content any more (they even drop the raids and you might want to check why he he) but when it did have it it was 1 instance a endgme
TESO – hardcore content? where exactly lolNow that you mentioned it, GW2 has more challenging/hardore content than those games combined
be thankful
Instances arent the only challenging/hardcore content a mmo can deliver.
True,but that doesnt really help your point
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
This feels like a bit of a misnomer. I don’t think you paid Anet to produce specific content and if you did, I’m not quite sure what to tell you.
I give money to companies that are doing stuff I like to support those companies, but I have zero control over what they actually do. I’m not sure what gave anyone the idea that Anet would make more and more challenging content over any other type of content.
Indeed, you have no control, but you EXPECT certain things from certain companies. You expect from a MMO company that they will use SOME of your money to produce more content. That’s the same that I expect from my bank, who charges me a bit of money every 3 months for having a bank account, that SOME of that money will go to improving security for things like online banking.
But they did add it. As much as its warranted. And they will add more. As much as its warranted.
Theres very low demand for it. You will have to accept it, the sooner the better.
Same as hardcores will have to accept that they dont really matter in the grand scheme of things.
I already accepted it by not playing this game anymore. But my passion for this game keeps me returning to this forum to DISCUSS this type of things. If I would accept everything that isn’t to my liking, well, thats not how life works. If you deem something worth fighting and discussing for, you do it.
Most of the players who share(a portion) of my opinion, already left the game. But it’s their passion that they still want to improve this game in the way they think is better.
No problem, fight for the cause
But its the state of things (not just in GW2). AAA MMOs really aint place for challenges/hardcores and i really dont know why people demand it in AAA MMOs. Its just not financially feasisble (just look at “WoW was dumbed down” claims everywhere, duh, of course it was)
Really? AAA MMO’s aint a place for challenges and hardcores?
Let me sum up some AAA MMO’s and see if they ARE the place for challenges/hardcores.
WoW(easy example, I admit:( – check
FF14 – check
Rift – check
Lotro – check
TeSO – checkChallenging/hardcore things maybe aren’t always the CORE in those games, but at least it’s there.
And? Where is all that “hardcore” content in those games?
WoW – well few instances at endgame can be considered “challenging”
FFXIV – 1 instance at endgame
RIFT – 1 instance at endgame
LOTRO doesnt have hardcore content any more (they even drop the raids and you might want to check why he he) but when it did have it it was 1 instance a endgme
TESO – hardcore content? where exactly lolNow that you mentioned it, GW2 has more challenging/hardore content than those games combined
be thankful
Instances arent the only challenging/hardcore content a mmo can deliver.
True,but that doesnt really help your point
It actually does. But if you think it’s not, thats fine though. Btw, challenging content doesn’t always have to be endgame only. But according to you, what challenging content in it’s widest sense does gw2 offer you?
(edited by Illuminati.2431)
This feels like a bit of a misnomer. I don’t think you paid Anet to produce specific content and if you did, I’m not quite sure what to tell you.
I give money to companies that are doing stuff I like to support those companies, but I have zero control over what they actually do. I’m not sure what gave anyone the idea that Anet would make more and more challenging content over any other type of content.
Indeed, you have no control, but you EXPECT certain things from certain companies. You expect from a MMO company that they will use SOME of your money to produce more content. That’s the same that I expect from my bank, who charges me a bit of money every 3 months for having a bank account, that SOME of that money will go to improving security for things like online banking.
But they did add it. As much as its warranted. And they will add more. As much as its warranted.
Theres very low demand for it. You will have to accept it, the sooner the better.
Same as hardcores will have to accept that they dont really matter in the grand scheme of things.
I already accepted it by not playing this game anymore. But my passion for this game keeps me returning to this forum to DISCUSS this type of things. If I would accept everything that isn’t to my liking, well, thats not how life works. If you deem something worth fighting and discussing for, you do it.
Most of the players who share(a portion) of my opinion, already left the game. But it’s their passion that they still want to improve this game in the way they think is better.
No problem, fight for the cause
But its the state of things (not just in GW2). AAA MMOs really aint place for challenges/hardcores and i really dont know why people demand it in AAA MMOs. Its just not financially feasisble (just look at “WoW was dumbed down” claims everywhere, duh, of course it was)
Really? AAA MMO’s aint a place for challenges and hardcores?
Let me sum up some AAA MMO’s and see if they ARE the place for challenges/hardcores.
WoW(easy example, I admit:( – check
FF14 – check
Rift – check
Lotro – check
TeSO – checkChallenging/hardcore things maybe aren’t always the CORE in those games, but at least it’s there.
And? Where is all that “hardcore” content in those games?
WoW – well few instances at endgame can be considered “challenging”
FFXIV – 1 instance at endgame
RIFT – 1 instance at endgame
LOTRO doesnt have hardcore content any more (they even drop the raids and you might want to check why he he) but when it did have it it was 1 instance a endgme
TESO – hardcore content? where exactly lolNow that you mentioned it, GW2 has more challenging/hardore content than those games combined
be thankful
Instances arent the only challenging/hardcore content a mmo can deliver.
True,but that doesnt really help your point
It actually does. But if you think it’s not, thats fine though. But according to you, what challenging content in it’s widest sense does gw2 offer you?
Really? Please elaborate where is oh so challenging content outside the latest instance in those games.
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
This feels like a bit of a misnomer. I don’t think you paid Anet to produce specific content and if you did, I’m not quite sure what to tell you.
I give money to companies that are doing stuff I like to support those companies, but I have zero control over what they actually do. I’m not sure what gave anyone the idea that Anet would make more and more challenging content over any other type of content.
Indeed, you have no control, but you EXPECT certain things from certain companies. You expect from a MMO company that they will use SOME of your money to produce more content. That’s the same that I expect from my bank, who charges me a bit of money every 3 months for having a bank account, that SOME of that money will go to improving security for things like online banking.
But they did add it. As much as its warranted. And they will add more. As much as its warranted.
Theres very low demand for it. You will have to accept it, the sooner the better.
Same as hardcores will have to accept that they dont really matter in the grand scheme of things.
I already accepted it by not playing this game anymore. But my passion for this game keeps me returning to this forum to DISCUSS this type of things. If I would accept everything that isn’t to my liking, well, thats not how life works. If you deem something worth fighting and discussing for, you do it.
Most of the players who share(a portion) of my opinion, already left the game. But it’s their passion that they still want to improve this game in the way they think is better.
No problem, fight for the cause
But its the state of things (not just in GW2). AAA MMOs really aint place for challenges/hardcores and i really dont know why people demand it in AAA MMOs. Its just not financially feasisble (just look at “WoW was dumbed down” claims everywhere, duh, of course it was)
Really? AAA MMO’s aint a place for challenges and hardcores?
Let me sum up some AAA MMO’s and see if they ARE the place for challenges/hardcores.
WoW(easy example, I admit:( – check
FF14 – check
Rift – check
Lotro – check
TeSO – checkChallenging/hardcore things maybe aren’t always the CORE in those games, but at least it’s there.
And? Where is all that “hardcore” content in those games?
WoW – well few instances at endgame can be considered “challenging”
FFXIV – 1 instance at endgame
RIFT – 1 instance at endgame
LOTRO doesnt have hardcore content any more (they even drop the raids and you might want to check why he he) but when it did have it it was 1 instance a endgme
TESO – hardcore content? where exactly lolNow that you mentioned it, GW2 has more challenging/hardore content than those games combined
be thankful
Instances arent the only challenging/hardcore content a mmo can deliver.
True,but that doesnt really help your point
It actually does. But if you think it’s not, thats fine though. But according to you, what challenging content in it’s widest sense does gw2 offer you?
Really? Please elaborate where is oh so challenging content outside the latest instance in those games.
Try primals on extreme mode in ff14 for example, more challenging than every dungeon is this game combined.
Hell, garuda on normal mode is already more challenging than most dungeons in here.
Regarding challenge: there ain’t real challenging stuff in-game, and ANet knows that, and that’s the reason these contents don’t reward fair enough. Maybe their new AI consultant can do something about it? fingers crossed
I just want a gw2 version of domain of anguish and underworld, infact if all they did was copy the original ones and give them better textures i would still be happy.
This feels like a bit of a misnomer. I don’t think you paid Anet to produce specific content and if you did, I’m not quite sure what to tell you.
I give money to companies that are doing stuff I like to support those companies, but I have zero control over what they actually do. I’m not sure what gave anyone the idea that Anet would make more and more challenging content over any other type of content.
Indeed, you have no control, but you EXPECT certain things from certain companies. You expect from a MMO company that they will use SOME of your money to produce more content. That’s the same that I expect from my bank, who charges me a bit of money every 3 months for having a bank account, that SOME of that money will go to improving security for things like online banking.
But they did add it. As much as its warranted. And they will add more. As much as its warranted.
Theres very low demand for it. You will have to accept it, the sooner the better.
Same as hardcores will have to accept that they dont really matter in the grand scheme of things.
I already accepted it by not playing this game anymore. But my passion for this game keeps me returning to this forum to DISCUSS this type of things. If I would accept everything that isn’t to my liking, well, thats not how life works. If you deem something worth fighting and discussing for, you do it.
Most of the players who share(a portion) of my opinion, already left the game. But it’s their passion that they still want to improve this game in the way they think is better.
No problem, fight for the cause
But its the state of things (not just in GW2). AAA MMOs really aint place for challenges/hardcores and i really dont know why people demand it in AAA MMOs. Its just not financially feasisble (just look at “WoW was dumbed down” claims everywhere, duh, of course it was)
Really? AAA MMO’s aint a place for challenges and hardcores?
Let me sum up some AAA MMO’s and see if they ARE the place for challenges/hardcores.
WoW(easy example, I admit:( – check
FF14 – check
Rift – check
Lotro – check
TeSO – checkChallenging/hardcore things maybe aren’t always the CORE in those games, but at least it’s there.
And? Where is all that “hardcore” content in those games?
WoW – well few instances at endgame can be considered “challenging”
FFXIV – 1 instance at endgame
RIFT – 1 instance at endgame
LOTRO doesnt have hardcore content any more (they even drop the raids and you might want to check why he he) but when it did have it it was 1 instance a endgme
TESO – hardcore content? where exactly lolNow that you mentioned it, GW2 has more challenging/hardore content than those games combined
be thankful
Instances arent the only challenging/hardcore content a mmo can deliver.
True,but that doesnt really help your point
It actually does. But if you think it’s not, thats fine though. But according to you, what challenging content in it’s widest sense does gw2 offer you?
Really? Please elaborate where is oh so challenging content outside the latest instance in those games.
Try primals on extreme mode in ff14 for example, more challenging than every dungeon is this game combined.
Hell, garuda on normal mode is already more challenging than most dungeons in here.
Ahh, you mean rehashed single boss instances from launch with moar health/damage that require just moar gear grind? lol
I just wonder what will they call them next “ultra super jaw braking mode – nau moar damage and moar health” and, just moar gear grind.
You are aware that they can just raise health/damage levels and call it “ultra mode”. And yes, nobody would play it same as nobody plays stuff thats ingame now lol
AND dont forget youredone with this “hardcore” endgame in FFXIV in 2-3 hours/week. Yeah, awesome lol
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
(edited by MikaHR.1978)
LOL really? someone actually said there was no grind here because you didn’t repeat it? smh
So let’s see we have the “you don’t have to grind for anything you just have to farm gold” crowd the “you don’t have to play the game at all no one is forcing you to” crowd and now the " it’s not a grind because you don’t have to do it a second time" crowd.
Why can’t they just accept it for what it is. I have a feeling these people sit around and make excuses for the economy like “you don’t HAVE to buy food no one is forcing you to”….
It’s funny how people twist a word definition to the point they think it fits better the thesis they want to prove.
If it is not repetitive, it is not grind. Not that hard to understand.Also, in the case you have not clear the definition of repetitive: it is a small set of actions (ie: killing a mob or a group of mobs, doing a small amount of quests etc) done over and over with no variation whatsoever.
Repetitive does not mean “you don’t have to do it a second time”. The term you’re referring to is repeatable, not repetitive.If you think that grinding is something you have to sink a lot of time in, than your definition of grinding is wrong. That is not my definition, that is the definition of various sources that has even been posted here by some people.
On another topic, I can’t really stand on how people here are asking to buff the grind rewards. For god’s sake…
“It’s funny how people twist a word definition to the point they think it fits better the thesis they want to prove.” right back at yeah.
And incidently, the grind would vanish the moment they added actual rewards to this title, that’s the one thing I can say that GW2 actually did differently than any other title, a sheer lack of meaningful rewards for doing anything anything at all fun in their game.
This feels like a bit of a misnomer. I don’t think you paid Anet to produce specific content and if you did, I’m not quite sure what to tell you.
I give money to companies that are doing stuff I like to support those companies, but I have zero control over what they actually do. I’m not sure what gave anyone the idea that Anet would make more and more challenging content over any other type of content.
Indeed, you have no control, but you EXPECT certain things from certain companies. You expect from a MMO company that they will use SOME of your money to produce more content. That’s the same that I expect from my bank, who charges me a bit of money every 3 months for having a bank account, that SOME of that money will go to improving security for things like online banking.
But they did add it. As much as its warranted. And they will add more. As much as its warranted.
Theres very low demand for it. You will have to accept it, the sooner the better.
Same as hardcores will have to accept that they dont really matter in the grand scheme of things.
I already accepted it by not playing this game anymore. But my passion for this game keeps me returning to this forum to DISCUSS this type of things. If I would accept everything that isn’t to my liking, well, thats not how life works. If you deem something worth fighting and discussing for, you do it.
Most of the players who share(a portion) of my opinion, already left the game. But it’s their passion that they still want to improve this game in the way they think is better.
No problem, fight for the cause
But its the state of things (not just in GW2). AAA MMOs really aint place for challenges/hardcores and i really dont know why people demand it in AAA MMOs. Its just not financially feasisble (just look at “WoW was dumbed down” claims everywhere, duh, of course it was)
Really? AAA MMO’s aint a place for challenges and hardcores?
Let me sum up some AAA MMO’s and see if they ARE the place for challenges/hardcores.
WoW(easy example, I admit:( – check
FF14 – check
Rift – check
Lotro – check
TeSO – checkChallenging/hardcore things maybe aren’t always the CORE in those games, but at least it’s there.
And? Where is all that “hardcore” content in those games?
WoW – well few instances at endgame can be considered “challenging”
FFXIV – 1 instance at endgame
RIFT – 1 instance at endgame
LOTRO doesnt have hardcore content any more (they even drop the raids and you might want to check why he he) but when it did have it it was 1 instance a endgme
TESO – hardcore content? where exactly lolNow that you mentioned it, GW2 has more challenging/hardore content than those games combined
be thankful
Instances arent the only challenging/hardcore content a mmo can deliver.
True,but that doesnt really help your point
It actually does. But if you think it’s not, thats fine though. But according to you, what challenging content in it’s widest sense does gw2 offer you?
Really? Please elaborate where is oh so challenging content outside the latest instance in those games.
Try primals on extreme mode in ff14 for example, more challenging than every dungeon is this game combined.
Hell, garuda on normal mode is already more challenging than most dungeons in here.
Ahh, you mean rehashed single boss instances from launch with moar health/damage that require just moar gear grind? lol
I just wonder what will they call them next “ultra super jaw braking mode – nau moar damage and moar health” and, just moar gear grind.
You are aware that they can just raise health/damage levels and call it “ultra mode”. And yes, nobody would play it same as nobody plays stuff thats ingame now lol
AND dont forget youredone with this “hardcore” endgame in FFXIV in 2-3 hours/week. Yeah, awesome lol
You weren’t asking for what the content is, you were asking for challenging content outside the latest instances, and I gave a clear answer:)
The fact if they are just health+damage upped bosses is another discussion. I just answered your question.
And like I said, Garuda on NORMAL mode is already more challenging than most dungeons in this game. And he isn’t just an upscaled boss, he is a boss you encouter somewhere in your 40’s.
(edited by Illuminati.2431)
You weren’t asking for what the content is, you were asking for challenging content outside the latest instances, and I gave a clear answer:)
The fact if they are just health+damage upped bosses is another discussion. I just answered your question.
And like I said, Garuda on NORMAL mode is already more challenging than most dungeons in this game. And he isn’t just an upscaled boss, he is a boss you encouter somewhere in your 40’s.
Yeah, sorry, theres rehashed instances from launch with moar health/damage too faints
That also doesnt really help your point rofl
As i said, raising health/damage is easiest thing that can be done. Not to mention they also charge you 15/month for THAT
If you consider FFXIV hardcore/challenging game…well, yeah lol
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
You weren’t asking for what the content is, you were asking for challenging content outside the latest instances, and I gave a clear answer:)
The fact if they are just health+damage upped bosses is another discussion. I just answered your question.
And like I said, Garuda on NORMAL mode is already more challenging than most dungeons in this game. And he isn’t just an upscaled boss, he is a boss you encouter somewhere in your 40’s.
Yeah, sorry, theres rehashed instances from launch with moar health/damage too faints
That also doesnt really help your point rofl
As i said, raising health/damage is easiest thing that can be done. Not to mention they also charge you 15/month for THAT
If you consider FFXIV hardcore/challenging game…well, yeah lol
You keep talking about ‘rehashed’ instances, which 1: is a whole other discussion, I just pointed out some challenging content, and 2: do you even read? I came up with the example of garuda NORMAL mode, but you keep ignoring that.
And I haven’t said I considered FF14 hardcore/challenging. I only say I consider it to be more challenging than gw2. Stop reading the words to your liking, but instead start to read what is actually on the screen.
But keep reading what sounds best in your head instead what is actually on the screen:)