(edited by Harbard.5738)
Anyone Else Play like Me
I identify myself to have the same gameplay style as you too, Vayne. Where most seem to abhor grind, I actually find it very entertaining as it is something that I can do, even when my day to day schedule doesn’t afford me the time to put together groups or run dungeons. My gameplay style is straight up monster loot grinder. I loved me some Runescape back in the day before they ruined it with limited exclusives and too much emphasis on microtransactions for new content (sounds sadly familiar).
As long as there is something meaningful to obtain in-game, I will continue to enjoy my grinder playstyle. Take away that long term achievement though, and problems arise.
I’m cautiously optimistic for the future; especially anything on the expansion front.
Also, it’s good to see you engage is some healthy banter. =]
(edited by Miflett.3472)
I lead a guild that play like you. We have families, careers and other RL commitments that mean we have limitations on our playing time. It has taken some time to have enough members to attempt dungeons as a guild and we never demand specific gear, builds or levels. The aim is to have fun and try and crack things together.
But when we do set our sights on something, we will work towards it. If guildhalls require influence etc, then we will work on that until we achieve it.
Personally, I have one 80, on which I’m slowly doing map completion, with the eventual aim of obtaining Bifrost. I’m also pottering around levelling a Ranger, doing dailies as I go or for 30 minutes before starting my day. I’m levelling in a different area to my main character and seeing new areas opening up for exploration.
At our peak times, I join in with our RP plot line and have fun seeing our characters develop as their stories progress.
I’m in no hurry to reach ’end’ game. In fact, I believe that for a good MMO there is no such thing as an end game. It should always be evolving and moving on, something I see GW2 doing in the form of the Living World events and future expansions.
(edited by Talenna.4052)
I can’t say 100% that our play style is the same, but from your first post, we’re pretty similar. I don’t rush content, except leveling because I would like to have vast things to do that will not be limited just because I am under-leveled.
There are many things to do in this game to keep from getting bored. Heck, I wait for my wife while she do her shopping and I can stay in the parking lot for hours without internet (i can read books, i can count cars, i can do people watching, and bird watching, i can sleep too if needed, or just listen to radio).
So…whie I have probably done a lot of the same thing in the game, I always have a goal (i.e. complete the 3day magic find in time for Karka event, get the Karma boost up for guildies, prepare their missions for the weekend, help others who missed the regular guild mission run, invite guildless players to guild to help them get guild buffs, etc)
[Aeon of Wonder]
Maguuma Server
I like to think of myself as a hard-core casual.
I’m not particularly looking for challenge in an MMO, I’m looking for fun. I just want to sort of roam around and enjoy myself. I don’t mind occasional challenges, but I’m not always up for them.
I do a lot of everything. I bounce around a lot. I’m not too focused on just getting a legendary or just getting dungeon master, or just finishing my personal story. I’ll get there. When I feel like doing something, I do it.
I’m also a big fan of helping other people. Particularly but not limited to people in my guild. Anyone needs help with a dungeon or WvW or just finding a vista, I’m there.
I guess you could say I’m a social player, who enjoys the world for what it is, without putting too much pressure on the game to entertain me, because over the years I’ve learned to entertain myself.
Guild Wars 2, so far, is the only MMO that actually fits my play style.
hmm i think am somewhat similar.
do a lot of everything ~ hmm yeah. I PvE, sPvP and WvW. some dungeons too. FotM.
not too focused on just getting a legendary ~ got a howl (warhorn precusor) that a guild member sold to me at 12 gold just after first karka event. so far i am still casually collecting the required items and materials.
or just getting dungeon master ~ did some dungeons, not all. will strive to complete this one day.
or just finishing my personal story ~ well i did arah story mode once with guild members. took us 1.5 hours! but back then my personal story did not reach the final stage yet. so i need to do arah story mode again to finish my personal story.
seeks fun ~ yes.
roam around ~ sometimes.
enjoy myself ~ yes.
occasional challenges ~ sometimes.
helping people ~ just guild members though.
for this dragon bash month. i try to do some casual farming.
because the dragon coffers drop a lot, so i look for events that spawn lots of monsters, with high drop rate, and camp there. some events occur very often. as fast as 10 minutes for the next one.
the 10 minutes i just do something else while parking my character there.
I’m told alternately that not everyone plays like me, most people don’t play like me or no one plays like me, so I thought I’d test the waters just to see.
well, i think many people likes to believes that they are the center of the universe.
i.e. when they dun like something, they tend to assume that everyone else behaves the same like them.
wow a kittenin testament that no one is gonna read
TL DR: I’m surrounded by skritts. MMOs are meh because of them but I don’t have options.
Well apparently I have never met anyone like you in this game. I play like you. I actively play all 8 classes because i find them all a lot of fun. And while exploring the world with alts all by myself while everybody else grinds/farms their kitten off is not the endgame i hoped for, the classes are fun enough to keep me coming back. Better than any other mmo. (Well, lotro s minstrel is still high up there). Still, that’s not gonna last much longer I’m afraid, cause by now I’ve given up grindgendaries, given up social gameplay and given up dungeons just this evening. Even given up on ANet (used to be a fan from GW1). All because of this reward-oriented “mentality” the target playerbase (that’s not me) of MMOs have.
But you see, I never see anyone like you. Maybe I’m n the wrong server? i’m surrounded by kittens that spin their fractal wheel day in day out, taking breaks for hours, i said HOURS of CoF speed runs, because their grindgendary is so grindy they “have to” “play efficiently” (ugh) to have hopes to buy, BUY their ultra-shiny popsicle this year still (apparently the pinnacle of mmo-playing achievement). IF rng and playing the market helps, that is. I actually kinda feel sorry for them.
So i just play solo now, I gave up. I never saw some of the dungeons because no one cares of anything in this world other than CoF. So I gave up on dungeons this evening. Luckily their new trinkets are rewarded by guild activities, so i get some half-dead skritt to play the game with me in the weekend, since my friends have already quit after ascended, after all.All in all I guess i’m used to being out of my element and mostly antisocial in a MMO because I feel I’m trying to have fun while everyone else is drowning in a cesspool of grinding, farming and apparently gambling now (“omg i just lost 5g on the moa racing! kitten anet!” “kittening chests!” “kittening mystic toilet!”).
Sometimes I don’t know why I keep playing these games cause I think it’s a bit depressing how they are made to condition people to the point they start getting too crazy about the rewards and their trinkets and whine and compare their gold/hour ratios, same crap all over every game. (This last one really makes me wonder why can’t there kittening be a massive online game with a huge world without a kittenin economy into it? Probably cause managing a massive game instead of a online casino is way harder, I guess. )
Wonder how many of us are actually out there and if we could successfully fund a real MMO game that is not there just to whet the acquisitive instincts of crazy people. Hopefully before I’m seen as “too old to be playing videogames” lol. Hope some capable company with huge balls is already trying to make something more in the lines of a huge sandbox world without trinkets and gold and just GAME, aka fun combat and mechanics. I really hope we are enough people to make a game like that stay afloat. One can dream.
Guest to Tarnished Coast. You are not alone. Most of my guild plays the way you do.
Guest to Tarnished Coast. You are not alone. Most of my guild plays the way you do.
We should start a movement. Get all of us “hardcore casuals” together on one server. Tarnished Coast seems a nice bet given that is it the unofficial RP server.
Guest to Tarnished Coast. You are not alone. Most of my guild plays the way you do.
We should start a movement. Get all of us “hardcore casuals” together on one server. Tarnished Coast seems a nice bet given that is it the unofficial RP server.
I think a lot of us are already on TC, and that’s why it’s so populated. If only we all didn’t have different guilds already. Where’s the guild alliance feature from Guild Wars 1 when you need it? lol
Guest to Tarnished Coast. You are not alone. Most of my guild plays the way you do.
We should start a movement. Get all of us “hardcore casuals” together on one server. Tarnished Coast seems a nice bet given that is it the unofficial RP server.
I think a lot of us are already on TC, and that’s why it’s so populated. If only we all didn’t have different guilds already. Where’s the guild alliance feature from Guild Wars 1 when you need it? lol
Indeed. And if I am allowed a shameless plug.
Who knows, if this gets enough thumbs up Arena Net may pay attention.
Guest to Tarnished Coast. You are not alone. Most of my guild plays the way you do.
We should start a movement. Get all of us “hardcore casuals” together on one server. Tarnished Coast seems a nice bet given that is it the unofficial RP server.
I think a lot of us are already on TC, and that’s why it’s so populated. If only we all didn’t have different guilds already. Where’s the guild alliance feature from Guild Wars 1 when you need it? lol
Indeed. And if I am allowed a shameless plug.
Who knows, if this gets enough thumbs up Arena Net may pay attention.
They’ve always had the intention of adding guild halls…my guess will be in the first expansion. Guild vs guild I’m not sure about, but I wouldn’t mind a PvP death match.
Guest to Tarnished Coast. You are not alone. Most of my guild plays the way you do.
We should start a movement. Get all of us “hardcore casuals” together on one server. Tarnished Coast seems a nice bet given that is it the unofficial RP server.
I think a lot of us are already on TC, and that’s why it’s so populated. If only we all didn’t have different guilds already. Where’s the guild alliance feature from Guild Wars 1 when you need it? lol
Indeed. And if I am allowed a shameless plug.
Who knows, if this gets enough thumbs up Arena Net may pay attention.
They’ve always had the intention of adding guild halls…my guess will be in the first expansion. Guild vs guild I’m not sure about, but I wouldn’t mind a PvP death match.
Read the whole idea my friend. There is a framework outlined for alliances and even player housing in there.
Guest to Tarnished Coast. You are not alone. Most of my guild plays the way you do.
We should start a movement. Get all of us “hardcore casuals” together on one server. Tarnished Coast seems a nice bet given that is it the unofficial RP server.
Piken Square is the EU unofficial RP server, it too is busy and a good place for like-minded EU players to gather.
Our playstyles seem to be very similar as I am a roamer too and I enjoy helping others out of tricky situations.
But where I realized we differ is when reading:
My intelligence tests quite high. I’m almost never bored. (and when I say quite high I mean just around the beginning’s of genius level).
I could see some form of Irony but from the context it looks like you really mean this.
From that line on who can take you for serious? Looks like a classic case of narcissism here.
Please correct me.
Does anyone else play like you …
I’d bet coppers to gems that the silent majority plays like you.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
Our playstyles seem to be very similar as I am a roamer too and I enjoy helping others out of tricky situations.
But where I realized we differ is when reading:
My intelligence tests quite high. I’m almost never bored. (and when I say quite high I mean just around the beginning’s of genius level).
…I could see some form of Irony but from the context it looks like you really mean this.
From that line on who can take you for serious? Looks like a classic case of narcissism here.Please correct me.
Someone made a comment about intelligent people needing stimulation as opposed to entertaining themselves, which I do. I pointed to my intelligence to say that I’m an intelligent person who doesn’t need to be “entertained”. That is to same the mental stimulation doesn’t need to be external.
Had someone not made a comment about intelligence and needed external stimulation I’d not have mentioned it at all. I’m about as far from in “intellectual snob” as you can get. The fact is I traditionally test quite high, either just over or just below genius level, but in hundreds of posts, I’ve never mentioned it until now.
Our playstyles seem to be very similar as I am a roamer too and I enjoy helping others out of tricky situations.
But where I realized we differ is when reading:
My intelligence tests quite high. I’m almost never bored. (and when I say quite high I mean just around the beginning’s of genius level).
…I could see some form of Irony but from the context it looks like you really mean this.
From that line on who can take you for serious? Looks like a classic case of narcissism here.
Except it could be the truth. Genious level IQ scores aren’t an exception thing in the gamer community, especially not for oldskool gamers like Vayne. Stating the truth isn’t necessarily narcissistic although I usually don’t mention my IQ scores at all anywhere, it makes you look a bit Vayne vain. I’m probably the least intelligent person in my department, which says a lot about the department.
Please correct me.
You’re welcome.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
I think a lot of people play the way you do. Even though I frequently disagree with your forum posts, I still play more or less the way you do. I honestly think that it’s the only way to enjoy the game.
I think a lot of people play the way you do. Even though I frequently disagree with your forum posts, I still play more or less the way you do. I honestly think that it’s the only way to enjoy the game.
It’s certainly the only way I can enjoy the game. And since my goal is to enjoy it…I have to play it this way…but I probably would play this way even if I didn’t have to. I just don’t need a second job.
Thank you for the clarification of your perspective, Vayne.
I’ve read the statement which lead to your reaction when I was writing my previous post.
As English is not my first language I will refrain from an attempt to explain why I find such a statement narcisstic (specially the statement in brackets).
Because if you didnt get what I mean to this point I doubt you will allow yourself to grasp my perspective at all despite your intelligence.
I am just shaking my head and will leave it like that as I dont want to derail this thread any further with that fine topic and I excuse for having done so
Please correct me.
You’re welcome.
Huh, who are you now?
I frankly dont care if its true or not, that is not the point at all.
Anyway…if there is more need for clariciation/explanation on this please send me a PM.
(edited by Dafomen.7892)
I like to play for the social aspect. I like to help people like the OP does. Playing with others is a whole experience that extends beyond the game.
In the end, you will always learn something when playing with others: You’ll learn how to play, who to play with, and most importantly who NOT to play with lol
Thank you for the clarification of your perspective, Vayne.
I’ve read the statement which lead to your reaction when I was writing my previous post.
As English is not my first language I will refrain from an attempt to explain why I find such a statement narcisstic (specially the statement in brackets).
Because if you didnt get what I mean to this point I doubt you will allow yourself to grasp my perspective at all despite your intelligence.I am just shaking my head and will leave it like that as I dont want to derail this thread any further with that fine topic and I excuse for having done so
Please correct me.
You’re welcome.
Huh, who are you now?
I frankly dont care if its true or not, that is not the point at all.Anyway…if there is more need for clariciation/explanation on this please send me a PM.
No worries, mate. It’s easy to see how someone would assume I’m just bragging, when I was in fact responding.
Either way, you’ll judge me as you will.
(edited by Vayne.8563)
I like to play for the social aspect. I like to help people like the OP does. Playing with others is a whole experience that extends beyond the game.
In the end, you will always learn something when playing with others: You’ll learn how to play, who to play with, and most importantly who NOT to play with lol
And it makes you a better player in a lot of ways…having to adapt to either the strengths or the deficiencies of other players. Both can be challenging.
I often like playing with players who are better than me, because it means I have to step up my game. And I like to play with people who need help because that’s good for the game generally. It helps build community.
In the end, I get a lot of enjoyment from helping out others.
To answer your question on your original post, I do play like you. I am heavily involved in two different guilds. One is very dungeon/fractals focused and they other is much more PvE and guild focused. I enjoy both very much and love the social aspect of both guilds who have a lot of wonderful people in them. I agreed to be an officer in one of them because I like to help people out with anything. It makes playing for me fun.
As for this…
My mother always said ‘only stupid people get bored, they don’t know how to entertain themselves’.
Your mother was entirely wrong. The higher the intelligence the more the need for external stimulation. This is why there is frequently a link between high natural intelligence and poor behaviour in children at schools. It is also the reason why big cats, elephants, primates etc frequently display pacing behaviour, aggression and self-harm in captivity.
It is also the reason why highly intelligent people are usually not found working in highly repetitive jobs such as assembly line work.
You’ve said some untrue things but this is absolute at the bottom of the barrel. Intelligence doesn’t necessarily need to be spoon fed entertainment. SOME intelligent people can make their own entertainment.
What you’re confusing is something else with intelligence…and that’s drive. Some people are driven but many MANY intelligent people are not. A lot depends on their upbringing, their life experiences, their genes.
My intelligence tests quite high. I’m almost never bored. (and when I say quite high I mean just around the beginning’s of genius level). But I grew up in circumstances where I LEARNED to entertain myself, because when I grew up entertainment wasn’t spoon fed the way it is today. You had to think. Had to use your imagination. Had to figure out how to entertain yourself.
And once you get into that habit, external stimulation,. while nice, isn’t necessary.
And this…
Our playstyles seem to be very similar as I am a roamer too and I enjoy helping others out of tricky situations.
But where I realized we differ is when reading:
My intelligence tests quite high. I’m almost never bored. (and when I say quite high I mean just around the beginning’s of genius level).
…I could see some form of Irony but from the context it looks like you really mean this.
From that line on who can take you for serious? Looks like a classic case of narcissism here.
I agree with you Vayne and have this to add.
First: I don’t think Vayne was saying he had high intelligence to brag, but to point out that those with high intelligence can entertain themselves. Period. No narcissism at all.
Second: There are many people with ceiling shattering IQ’s who are very stupid. The ability to retain knowledge and test well says nothing about your ability to manage life and social interaction. Conversely, there are just as many that do not have close to genius IQ’s who are more successful and wise than those blowing the IQ tests out of the park. These people are often looked at as vastly intelligent when in actuality they are merely driven, focused, shrewd and savvy. All of which have nothing to do with IQ.
So yes, you can still have a high IQ and be an idiot. I will agree that there are lot of very intelligent people who get bored easily, but as Vayne said, they have never been taught or forced to entertain themselves. Again, IQ does not equal the ability to govern life in a constructive and acceptable way.
To answer your question on your original post, I do play like you. I am heavily involved in two different guilds. One is very dungeon/fractals focused and they other is much more PvE and guild focused. I enjoy both very much and love the social aspect of both guilds who have a lot of wonderful people in them. I agreed to be an officer in one of them because I like to help people out with anything. It makes playing for me fun.
As for this…
My mother always said ‘only stupid people get bored, they don’t know how to entertain themselves’.
Your mother was entirely wrong. The higher the intelligence the more the need for external stimulation. This is why there is frequently a link between high natural intelligence and poor behaviour in children at schools. It is also the reason why big cats, elephants, primates etc frequently display pacing behaviour, aggression and self-harm in captivity.
It is also the reason why highly intelligent people are usually not found working in highly repetitive jobs such as assembly line work.
You’ve said some untrue things but this is absolute at the bottom of the barrel. Intelligence doesn’t necessarily need to be spoon fed entertainment. SOME intelligent people can make their own entertainment.
What you’re confusing is something else with intelligence…and that’s drive. Some people are driven but many MANY intelligent people are not. A lot depends on their upbringing, their life experiences, their genes.
My intelligence tests quite high. I’m almost never bored. (and when I say quite high I mean just around the beginning’s of genius level). But I grew up in circumstances where I LEARNED to entertain myself, because when I grew up entertainment wasn’t spoon fed the way it is today. You had to think. Had to use your imagination. Had to figure out how to entertain yourself.
And once you get into that habit, external stimulation,. while nice, isn’t necessary.
And this…
Our playstyles seem to be very similar as I am a roamer too and I enjoy helping others out of tricky situations.
But where I realized we differ is when reading:
My intelligence tests quite high. I’m almost never bored. (and when I say quite high I mean just around the beginning’s of genius level).
…I could see some form of Irony but from the context it looks like you really mean this.
From that line on who can take you for serious? Looks like a classic case of narcissism here.I agree with you Vayne and have this to add.
First: I don’t think Vayne was saying he had high intelligence to brag, but to point out that those with high intelligence can entertain themselves. Period. No narcissism at all.
Second: There are many people with ceiling shattering IQ’s who are very stupid. The ability to retain knowledge and test well says nothing about your ability to manage life and social interaction. Conversely, there are just as many that do not have close to genius IQ’s who are more successful and wise than those blowing the IQ tests out of the park. These people are often looked at as vastly intelligent when in actuality they are merely driven, focused, shrewd and savvy. All of which have nothing to do with IQ.
So yes, you can still have a high IQ and be an idiot. I will agree that there are lot of very intelligent people who get bored easily, but as Vayne said, they have never been taught or forced to entertain themselves. Again, IQ does not equal the ability to govern life in a constructive and acceptable way.
This statement about intelligent people is very true. There’s IQ and then there’s things like social IQ. A lot of people with a high IQ have a very low social IQ and vice versa.
My intellectual IQ may be quite a bit higher than my social IQ. I blame my lousy childhood. lol
And it makes you a better player in a lot of ways…having to adapt to either the strengths or the deficiencies of other players. Both can be challenging.
I often like playing with players who are better than me, because it means I have to step up my game. And I like to play with people who need help because that’s good for the game generally. It helps build community.
In the end, I get a lot of enjoyment from helping out others.
I wish more players thought like this. I’m not saying that we’re lacking these types, but this line of thinking would definitely encourage group play a lot more. Cooperation has the potential to bring much more than competition
I think a lot of people play the way you do. Even though I frequently disagree with your forum posts, I still play more or less the way you do. I honestly think that it’s the only way to enjoy the game.
I’d go further and say it’s the only way to enjoy any game at all. Those grindy elitist games are either continuation from kindergarten ideas “I’m better than you so you can’t play with me” or so boring you’d have to be lobotomized to keep doing that same rotation for hours to get half a level in exp or a piece of +1 gear. I don’t want either in a game, and I can’t imagine anyone else wanting that (except kindergarten age and lobotomized people). Correct me if I’m wrong though.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
Count me in with the casual players. I have one character at 80 in exotics from the TP and at least one character of every profession. When I get on to play I choose whichever one I feel like (currently switching between Necro, Ranger and Engineer as whim dictates).
I have yet to set foot in either dungeon or fractal although I’m mildly curious about the story paths of each. I have not yet joined a guild but have been giving it some thought lately. Mostly I roam around whichever region looks interesting at the moment with whatever character sounds fun, joining DEs as I run across them and helping out anyone that seems to want/need it before wandering off again in some random direction on my own.
I keep discovering new little bits of terrain or story, learning more about how different professions can work together and finding little bits of things that make me smile. My long-term goals at the moment are 100% map completion and having one character of each profession at 80. Clearly that’s going to take awhile but I’ll get there eventually and hopefully have some fun along the way. That’s the point of playing a game, after all.
Main? What “main”? I play all of them sooner or later.
I like to think of myself as a hard-core casual.
I’m not particularly looking for challenge in an MMO, I’m looking for fun. I just want to sort of roam around and enjoy myself. I don’t mind occasional challenges, but I’m not always up for them.
I do a lot of everything. I bounce around a lot. I’m not too focused on just getting a legendary or just getting dungeon master, or just finishing my personal story. I’ll get there. When I feel like doing something, I do it.
I’m also a big fan of helping other people. Particularly but not limited to people in my guild. Anyone needs help with a dungeon or WvW or just finding a vista, I’m there.
I guess you could say I’m a social player, who enjoys the world for what it is, without putting too much pressure on the game to entertain me, because over the years I’ve learned to entertain myself.
Guild Wars 2, so far, is the only MMO that actually fits my play style.
I play the same, except I do the daily for sure, + the monthly. And I am not in a guild. Both GW1 and gw2 are great for this.
Vayne, I like your posts btw… +1
There are more of you in the game, lots more I like to grab a camp or two in the morning, maybe challenge myself and my friends to a fractal or a dungeon… when I have time I roam (I love Metrica, funniest dialogues in the game! My favourite spot is the one classroom where various events disturb the lecture, I recommend
After 10 months, Im at fractals lvl 12, I almost have all the dungeons explored, I do have 100% world completion though! I think Im doing something right, because I still find GW2 extremely fun to play!
…(I love Metrica, funniest dialogues in the game! My favourite spot is the one classroom where various events disturb the lecture, I recommend
) …
I love those dialogues too! (I dont know about that classroom tho, thanks for the hint!)
Expecially after an event, where 99% of the players run away the second they got the reward, I stay and listen to the NPCs, follow them and often discouver new events which are being kicked off.
Or just simple random dialogues popping up here and there.
For example in Kessex Hill nearby the Overlake Haven WP there is a woman saying something like “Last night we heared some Krayts by the Lake”…and then an grumpy Asura (of course) replies in such a unusal way…I just love it (not gonna spoil it hehe).
This is where GW2 shines…all those events and dialogues are just excellent made (apart from a few exception like Trahearne or however he is spelled)!
And this is where most of the development time went I guess…because there are sooooo many and after nearly a year I find new ones regulary.
Thats the main reason I still play and enjoy GW2.
Now…where is that classroom?
(edited by Dafomen.7892)
My mother always said ‘only stupid people get bored, they don’t know how to entertain themselves’.
Your mother was entirely wrong. The higher the intelligence the more the need for external stimulation. This is why there is frequently a link between high natural intelligence and poor behaviour in children at schools. It is also the reason why big cats, elephants, primates etc frequently display pacing behaviour, aggression and self-harm in captivity.
It is also the reason why highly intelligent people are usually not found working in highly repetitive jobs such as assembly line work.
You’ve said some untrue things but this is absolute at the bottom of the barrel. Intelligence doesn’t necessarily need to be spoon fed entertainment. SOME intelligent people can make their own entertainment.
What you’re confusing is something else with intelligence…and that’s drive. Some people are driven but many MANY intelligent people are not. A lot depends on their upbringing, their life experiences, their genes.
My intelligence tests quite high. I’m almost never bored. (and when I say quite high I mean just around the beginning’s of genius level). But I grew up in circumstances where I LEARNED to entertain myself, because when I grew up entertainment wasn’t spoon fed the way it is today. You had to think. Had to use your imagination. Had to figure out how to entertain yourself.
And once you get into that habit, external stimulation,. while nice, isn’t necessary.
There you go, stating your opinions as fact again. I’m happy that your intelligence has been tested as quite high…sounds like a thorough examination.
“Your sons test results are back, he is quite high on the general intelligence quotient”
“What does that mean exactly?”
“Well, he won’t be President but he won’t be hauling garbage”
“Thankyou very much Mr. Guy-from-Mensa, we were worried for a time because he spends most of his time bashing imaginary pinatas in a virtual world”
“I see”
But, it is however a proven fact that higher intelligence is linked to poor behaviour in childen, mainly because the school lessons they are forced to endure are just not stimulating enough.
I never said that intelligent people couldn’t make their own entertainment, in fact it’s more likely that very intelligent people make entertainment not only for themselves but also for others. This doesn’t alter the fact that unless you are actually not very intelligent you are unlikely to find satisfaction from repeating the same actions repeatedly. Unless you are intelligent and also autistic.
(edited by pricer.5091)
My mother always said ‘only stupid people get bored, they don’t know how to entertain themselves’.
Your mother was entirely wrong. The higher the intelligence the more the need for external stimulation. This is why there is frequently a link between high natural intelligence and poor behaviour in children at schools. It is also the reason why big cats, elephants, primates etc frequently display pacing behaviour, aggression and self-harm in captivity.
It is also the reason why highly intelligent people are usually not found working in highly repetitive jobs such as assembly line work.
You’ve said some untrue things but this is absolute at the bottom of the barrel. Intelligence doesn’t necessarily need to be spoon fed entertainment. SOME intelligent people can make their own entertainment.
What you’re confusing is something else with intelligence…and that’s drive. Some people are driven but many MANY intelligent people are not. A lot depends on their upbringing, their life experiences, their genes.
My intelligence tests quite high. I’m almost never bored. (and when I say quite high I mean just around the beginning’s of genius level). But I grew up in circumstances where I LEARNED to entertain myself, because when I grew up entertainment wasn’t spoon fed the way it is today. You had to think. Had to use your imagination. Had to figure out how to entertain yourself.
And once you get into that habit, external stimulation,. while nice, isn’t necessary.
There you go, stating your opinions as fact again. I’m happy that your intelligence has been tested as quite high…sounds like a thorough examination.
“Your sons test results are back, he is quite high on the general intelligence quotient”
“What does that mean exactly?”
“Well, he won’t be President but he won’t be hauling garbage”
“Thankyou very much Mr. Guy-from-Mensa, we were worried for a time because he spends most of his time bashing imaginary pinatas in a virtual world”
“I see”
But, it is however a proven fact that higher intelligence is linked to poor behaviour in childen, mainly because the school lessons they are forced to endure are just not stimulating enough.
I never said that intelligent people couldn’t make their own entertainment, in fact it’s more likely that very intelligent people make entertainment not only for themselves but also for others. This doesn’t alter the fact that unless you are actually not very intelligent you are unlikely to find satisfaction from repeating the same actions repeatedly. Unless you are intelligent and also autistic.
No, Sir. I’m intelligent and creative. Creative people (writers and artists) tend to live a lot inside their own minds and when stuff stiumlates them just a little, that stimulation can go on and on an on. RPers will tend to last a lot longer in a game that people who burn through content, because they make their own content. And while I’m a no longer an RPer (I was in pen and paper games for a long long time), I still make a lot of my own content in my head. It’s called using your imagination.
My IQ tests generally take me to somewhere between 140 and 150. I’ve scored higher and lower over the years. That’s what I mean by quite intelligent. I’ve also passed the mensa test (a loooooooong time ago) and I’ve tested in largely the top 2% in intelligence in various school tests I’ve taken. I’ve written and published quite a bit of work.
My intelligence quotient shows that I test very high on tests that are language and pure math, but my visual acuity tests quite a bit lower, so the more “visual” an IQ test is the lower I generally test.
I also have what they call a high intuitive IQ. And yes, I don’t need a lot of external mental stimulation because I have internal mental stimulation. As a writer I make my own entertainment.
I’m happy you can categorically state stuff like intelligent people need stimulation, but whether that stimulation is external or internal is still very much up in the air. It’s entirely possible that games like Guild Wars 2 will keep people that don’t need much external mental stimulation quite happy, where maybe other games will keep other people happy.
The funny bit is, you were the one who made what is essentially an absolute comment and I was simply refuting it by using myself as an example. This makes you completely disingenuous. Stop trying to turn this around.
Intelligent people DO need stimulation but that stimulation doesn’t have to be spoon fed entertainment or challenge. There are different kinds of intelligence and obviously they’d have different entertainment requirements.
Other than the fact I have 5 fully (or almost fully) geared characters, I would call myself a hardcore casual as well.
I don’t farm mindlessly, I don’t spend hours doing just one thing, or have a desire for a legendary.
Intelligent people DO need stimulation but that stimulation doesn’t have to be spoon fed entertainment or challenge. There are different kinds of intelligence and obviously they’d have different entertainment requirements.
I never said it did. I merely implied that this game does not provide the building blocks for an intelligent or non-intelligent person to properly amuse themselves as it is almost entirely based on repetitive actions. I suspect that those with more requirements, generally intelligent people who could be making better use of their time, would probably agree.
You know,. it would be a lot easier to accept anything you said if so much of it wasn’t said through thinly veiled derision. Are your arguments so weak that you have to assault people to try to make a point?
Seems there are lots of people who play like me. The implication of your original premise is that intelligent people need to play games that mentally stimulate them, and this game isn’t stimulating you, so you must be more intelligent than other people. It’s a nice back-handed way of making yourself look intelligent, but it’s meaningless, unless you believe yourself more intelligent than everyone on this thread who shares my play style.
I think that you should stop making sweeping broad definitive statements and then trying to accuse me of doing the same. I simply said that what you said wasn’t necessarily true, which is far more likely true than what you said, which was a more sweeping and broad statement.
There was a great line from the original Star Trek (the episode Shore Leave written by the great science fiction author Theodore Sturgeon). The Enterprise had landed on a planet run by an advanced race. The alien said to Kirk and Sulu:
Keep: This planet was created by our race to come and play.
Sulu: Play? As advanced as you obviously are and you still play?
Kirk: Yes, play, Mr. Sulu. The more complex the mind the more need for the simplicity of play.
I’ve always thought that was a pretty decent observation.
I play in much the same way. I have found how to create my own fun in games, since at a certain point of having played a significant number of them, I started to become jaded.
I mostly WvW though, and at this point I dont really like levelling up.
My favorite parts of most any MMO are theorycrafting, finding “odd stuff,” and just trying to improve my own gameplay at every opportunity. I even record my play just to improve. Never have the intention of sharing the vids, but its a great tool for seeing things that are so incredibly easy to miss in the heat of battle.
Some of my favorite moments are when your playstyle just “clicks” with another random player. You may never see them again, but for the time, its just a really cool experience in my opinion.
No, Sir. I’m intelligent and creative. Creative people (writers and artists) tend to live a lot inside their own minds and when stuff stiumlates them just a little, that stimulation can go on and on an on.
I’m an artist (painter) rather than a writer, and I suck at math – when I was young I considered going into computer programming but the math calculations turned me away from it. But nearly everything you said also applies to me. Same IQ range, I was in advanced classes in school, always had an active imagination and loved playing D&D and White Wolf games, etc.
No wonder I usually agree with you.
“Hello, my name is Vayne and I’m a genius. I love to press F to chop down trees and smash piñatas 4-6 hours a day in Guild Wars 2 because I made myself believe it is stimulating. I also like to waste my time on the forums boasting, opening topics about myself and fighting people’s legitimate complaints about the game on the forums with contradictory statements instead of ignoring them like extreme geniuses would do.”
Something is wrong here.
Dude, please, instead of wasting your 150 IQ like this, go develop a new, clean and unlimited power source, we need it badly.
“Hello, my name is Vayne and I’m a genius. I love to press F to chop down trees and smash piñatas 4-6 hours a day in Guild Wars 2 because I made myself believe it is stimulating. I also like to waste my time on the forums boasting, opening topics about myself and fighting people’s legitimate complaints about the game on the forums with contradictory statements instead of ignoring them like extreme geniuses would do.”
Something is wrong here.
Dude, please, instead of wasting your 150 IQ like this, go develop a new, clean and unlimited power source, we need it badly.
I love posts like this. They make me giggle.
You see, not everyone that has a 150 IQ is necessarily a go getter. Not everyone has equal motivation. Sometimes people have physical problems. Sometimes people have emotional problems. Sometimes people have life situations that make it harder to get things done in real life. One of the smartest blokes I ever met has done nothing with his life because he has zero motivation. And probably due to his being bullied when young in school (this happens to LOTS of smart people), he’s never felt secure or supported enough to overcome his depression and anxiety. He’s smart, but screwed up. Nothing to be done about it.
I’ve done my time. I’ve worked. I’ve published articles and books. I’ve done some teaching and lecturing. I’m retired now. I do what I want with the time I have. And since my personal situation leaves me basically home bound (more or less anyway), I’ll spend my time any way I kitten please.
Thanks for your concern on my behalf though.
You see, not everyone that has a 150 IQ is necessarily a go getter. Not everyone has equal motivation. Sometimes people have physical problems. Sometimes people have emotional problems. Sometimes people have life situations that make it harder to get things done in real life. One of the smartest blokes I ever met has done nothing with his life because he has zero motivation. And probably due to his being bullied when young in school (this happens to LOTS of smart people), he’s never felt secure or supported enough to overcome his depression and anxiety. He’s smart, but screwed up. Nothing to be done about it.
When I read this, I thought about myself, felt sad and guilty and remembered me I should be studying right now. Shouldn’t waste myself like that.
You see, not everyone that has a 150 IQ is necessarily a go getter. Not everyone has equal motivation. Sometimes people have physical problems. Sometimes people have emotional problems. Sometimes people have life situations that make it harder to get things done in real life. One of the smartest blokes I ever met has done nothing with his life because he has zero motivation. And probably due to his being bullied when young in school (this happens to LOTS of smart people), he’s never felt secure or supported enough to overcome his depression and anxiety. He’s smart, but screwed up. Nothing to be done about it.
When I read this, I thought about myself, felt sad and guilty and remembered me I should be studying right now. Shouldn’t waste myself like that.
Being smarter doesn’t saddle you with more responsibility than being not smart. You don’t have to do things just because you have the potential to do so. In fact, so many people who force themselves to do stuff out of a sense of responsibility damage themselves irreparably down the road. I did it to myself. Drove myself too hard (when I was younger), burned myself out, ended up with all sorts of medical problems, all because of the pressure I put on myself.
By all means, get your degree, work on your life, study…but take some time out to have some fun along the way as well.
When I read this, I thought about myself, felt sad and guilty and remembered me I should be studying right now. Shouldn’t waste myself like that.
Everyone who wastes his time (with entertainment) instead of studying and then maybe asking unwelcome questions is doing exactly what the establishment expects them to do.
If you can still pay your taxes and debts you are fullfilling your role in our fine society.
panem et circenses
And when people get old, grumpy and live of their pension, some may realize what they have not done with the time given to them and try to compensate….
This thread has already derailed from its topic so I wont ask for an excuse adding to that trend.
Seems there are lots of people who play like me. The implication of your original premise is that intelligent people need to play games that mentally stimulate them, and this game isn’t stimulating you, so you must be more intelligent than other people.
It wasn’t actually. If you read back, I believe you will find it was you that was flashing your 150 IQ score around like a cub scout who got the gold star at the annual jamboree. I am merely flabbergasted that anyone with an intelligence level above that of a flounder would find the seek-and-go-repeat nature of the game stimulating. But you have clarified that not everyone with intelligence is a go-getter, so each to their own and I’ll leave it at that.
Did the thread even have a topic? Ah yes, I suppose it did, it was Vayne asking if anyone else played like he does…and the answer was, conclusively, yes they do.
So thats alright then, perhaps you will form a club or even a guild to keep yourselves entertained on those long winter nights. Everyone is happy. Not really much else to say on the subject.
My wise mother always said: Don’t feed the trolls! =)
The problem here is two fold (with regards to posting on negative threads). First of all I don’t post in all negative threads and sometimes I agree with the posts in negative threads. I don’t know white knight mindlessly.
By the same token I know that the biggest percentage of forum readers never post at all and I also know that repetition has an effect on how people think. You probably don’t read a thread and believe what’s being said but a whole lot of people do…and most of them will never post.
By providing a balancing point of view, I’m giving those people a chance to see both sides of the issue.
You aren’t providing a balancing point of view, you’re providing your point of view. And, as you admit, you use repetition to attempt to reinforce your point of view alongside your indirect ad hominem attacks on the people you disagree with. You’re certainly not a white knight.
Threads like these are lightning rods for controversy and disagreement. They encourage the two warring factions in Forum Wars 2 to continue their endless, passive aggressive snark toward each other as each side tries to claim—without warrant—that their particular playstyle represents a large segment of the population and thus is valid, proper, true, right (or some such thing) over against the other. As the anger and resentment (over a game…) rises, each side tries to goad the other into getting infractions.
They are a waste of time given that the best purpose of these forums is to give the developers meaningful ideas about how to improve the game. Threads based on composition fallacies designed to poke people in the eye are meaningless.
And all the hypocrisy and petty vindictiveness is a tad ridiculous. These forums have become a more sophisticated version of the Diablo III forums.
I look forward to when the ignore feature is fixed. Maybe the quality of discourse will increase a degree or two.
but a harsh word stirs up anger.” -Jewish Proverb
There was a great line from the original Star Trek (the episode Shore Leave written by the great science fiction author Theodore Sturgeon). The Enterprise had landed on a planet run by an advanced race. The alien said to Kirk and Sulu:
Keep: This planet was created by our race to come and play.
Sulu: Play? As advanced as you obviously are and you still play?
Kirk: Yes, play, Mr. Sulu. The more complex the mind the more need for the simplicity of play.
I’ve always particularly admired this excerpt from Dennis Leary’s No Cure For Cancer:
“I want the shiny people over here, and the happy people over here, ok! I represent angry, gun-toting, meat-eating f****** people”
Intelligent people DO need stimulation but that stimulation doesn’t have to be spoon fed entertainment or challenge. There are different kinds of intelligence and obviously they’d have different entertainment requirements.
I never said it did. I merely implied that this game does not provide the building blocks for an intelligent or non-intelligent person to properly amuse themselves as it is almost entirely based on repetitive actions. I suspect that those with more requirements, generally intelligent people who could be making better use of their time, would probably agree.
Pricer, I understand what you meant and so did Vayne from what I have of both of your posts. However, if you could read your first post objectively you might see that you more than implied what you did. Vayne also has a very valid point. There are more than one type of intelligence and their methods of mental stimulation are vast.
For many intelligent people who utilize brain function extensively on a daily basis, repetitive stimuli outside of their daily machinations can serve as both stress reliever and entertainment. If you truly believe that GW2 is a strictly repetitive drone, you might be surprised to find that there are probably many intelligent people that would actually find the environment relaxing and fun.
The other thing I would say is that you may see GW2 as strictly an exercise of repetition, but that is perception not fact. There is plenty of lore and scads of quests that build upon the GW story. There is much that can be done that has nothing to do with grind or cyclical behaviors. I enjoy talking to NPC’s in and out of cities to see what they have to say. There are quests built into many places that give bits of lore that you would not expect. There is a lot to discover in GW2. The place is also visually remarkable and much time can be taken in just admiring the artistry of the game.
I believe the game has more than enough mental stimulation to keep any intelligent person entertained. What innervates a person’s enjoyment is not predicated on their intelligence. It is a combination of many factors that determines which things keep mentally gifted as well as the not so gifted entertained. This game may not do it for you and many such as yourself. Conversely, it is very entertaining and not at all repetitive for others including those with high mental capacity. A staggering amount of things are in the eye (and mind) of the beholder, not just beauty.
You know what Jheryn and Guns and Giblets…you are absolutely right. My frustration is based on the fact that I (like many other people) want change, so I come on the forum to highlight what I believe is wrong and I (much like everyone else) get no response from the developers at all, but a bunch of angry comments stating that “you are playing the game wrong”. Indeed. I certainly am, because I’m not playing it…I’m arguing about it on the internet, which as everyone knows is a really special way to prove your intellectual superiority. And I’m quite frankly bigger than that.
So with that in mind, being a creature of simple needs and easy frustration. I quit the forum. Au-revoir, bon-voyage, abiento and goodnight. You might see me in game whacking away at the latest version of a pinata….sky-pinata or something probably.
Have fun.
@OP: that pretty much describes me. I like to understand my profession, roam the forums, ask questions, answer questions, acquire gear, try new builds, play all over, play at my pace…
But I don’t need a Legendary. I don’t need 1000g. I don’t want to be in a guild that requires weekly runs of X. I don’t need to be fractal 50 or even 38. I collect dyes, not minis or expensive exotics. I like the occassional JP but don’t fret when I can’t do it. I like PvP but will never tPvP.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)