Guild: N/A
Seafarer’s Rest – EU
Hi All
I’ve just recently over the past month started spending my time reading through the forum and even occasionally posting the odd suggestion/request.
Nothing ever seems to feed through to the Anet Developers (not what I post personally but in general), do they have any active involvement with these forums on a level in which they give genuine responses… not some marketing gimmick.
We’re seeing comments and suggestions that would make real dramatic improvements to this game and you don’t have to look hard to spot them they’re always the most talked about threads.
I’m seriously considering packing in the game, the content is over thought, too restrictive and PvP wasn’t even considered one of the worse jobs I’ve ever seen done.
Let me know what you think… I could be wrong and just looking in all the wrong places.
The developers do read the forums. With all the upcoming content though they do not have time to respond to every thread.
Understood not all things can be done overnight, but just to hear they’re working on it or are taking them into consideration would be a move in the right direction and give the current player base a little bit of hope…
The developers do read the forums. With all the upcoming content though they do not have time to respond to every thread.
I’m not suggesting they respond to every thread… I’m asking for active involvement on a level that you can at the very least see they’re taking comments onboard.
At the end of the day this game revolves around it’s players, don’t listen to them you lose them.
Compared to other companies, ANet stays somewhat distant from the community.
While this can always be considered a professional stance, it more often than no,t just comes across as stark and business like to players.
Most interaction is of the form generated kind or hidden behind a moderation note that sounds more robot than human.
A couple of notable exceptions: Gaile Gray, for Guild Wars she was the face and voice of ANet, now for GW2 she’s neck deep in Account Issues.
The other exceptions are some of the devs and “live response embeds” who occasionally delve into profession related topics and threads and other specific bug issues.
The rest is all clinical and rubber gloved.
The developers do read the forums. With all the upcoming content though they do not have time to respond to every thread.
I’m not suggesting they respond to every thread… I’m asking for active involvement on a level that you can at the very least see they’re taking comments onboard.
At the end of the day this game revolves around it’s players, don’t listen to them you lose them.
Players as a whole make terrible game designers, because they can’t (or refuse to) see that changes they suggest would break other mechanics or open up the game to exploits.
They do make the occasional comment, but usually it’s on the small, “nice” threads. When something causes a major issue (Guild Missions, Guesting, Culling, Ascended Gear, Grind, Communication) they tend to ignore the threads as long as possible until they find a reason to close them without any meaningful comment.
Correspondingly one of the issues commonly brought up here is a lack of communication. So you’re observations are certainly warranted.
What Kuldebar said….
It comes across as ‘aloof’ to the players. In reality it is more of a business aproach and the fact that I’m sure they have all been briefed on legal and/or accountability ramifications.
Players as a whole make terrible game designers, because they can’t (or refuse to) see that changes they suggest would break other mechanics or open up the game to exploits.
This. Plus devs aren’t going to let themselves get drawn into the endless arguments/debates about it. Those that get involved are masters of managing their involvement in content. On the other hand, I can’t think of a major issue that they haven’t at least commented on. But they tend not to comment again when the same thing is brought up. Still… Robert Hrouda has set a shining example that I wish the other devs would follow up with. Some of them have been seriously burned by two vehement halves of the player base, like Habib Loew.
In the end, no, player comments are not going to be an important part of the design/balance. Design by committee and design by complaint are the two worst methods of design ever.
I could be wrong and just looking in all the wrong places.
The Devs were, the Devs are, and the Devs shall be. Not in the spaces we know, but between them, they walk serene and primal, undimensioned and to us unseen. In other words, on Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
I tend to agree that some of the sugestions while they seem good would horribly break other aspects. They do have community relations people that post here on the forums as well as the devs themselves occasionally.
If you come to these forms a lot you will find that ppl post the same thing over and over so it only seems like there no response because they have responded to the subject. Every person thinks they though of the idea so they too post there ideas with out reading up on others post.
How can you possibly justify content ruled by its players is a poor method of development, agreed you can’t always appeal to everyone and I’m sure you even have the odd individual who would state that this game is perfect in its current format.
But when the masses speak it is generally for a good reason, it is then down to the designers to implement their requests in a way that doesn’t destroy the games content.
Player content and involvement is paramount to the success of any game, we wouldn’t see the same threads repeated over and over again if something was done about it.
Example:- Mounts
Why won’t they openly say you have your broom and map travels deal with it you’re not getting a 60% speed boost outside of combat! Given you would still get the idiots but at least we’d all be able to give them their marching orders
I could be wrong and just looking in all the wrong places.
The Devs were, the Devs are, and the Devs shall be. Not in the spaces we know, but between them, they walk serene and primal, undimensioned and to us unseen. In other words, on Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
These are all marketing posts….
John Peters in October: Condition damage is an issue we are looking into.
John Peters in February: Condition damage is an issue we are looking into.
Original Posts:
Nothing has been done, no plan has been announced, no timetable has been hinted at.
Nearly 8 months since launch and 1/2 of all builds have issues in group combat. Really?!?!
Hard to believe anyone in a position of responsibility is listening.
The Dev Tracker:
Those are the responses that devs have made to threads.
I wrote a suggestion post that said fractals should allow all players in to any available scale, and just increment each players personal max scale on completion.
whilst they didn’t reply so it’s hard to say whether they read my post, the idea was implemented almost exactly as i proposed in a later patch. So I’d like to think that i had a hand in that particular improvement
sadly most of my other suggestions have so far not made it in to the game :p
Regarding mounts, they have come out and said that already. Just people keep pushing the suggestion any ways, regardless of what Anet has said. And it happens with all things as well. Regardless of what Anet has said on certain suggestions, players continue to bring it up in hopes that they will change their minds.
There is no definite page that has all the answers from Anet on certain subjects. Sadly, it is all lost in different obscure posts throughout the forums. So newer players to the forums don’t know what Anet has said, while those of us who frequent the forums constantly, already know the answers. So in turn, you see tons of threads on the same thing, waiting for Anet to answer them, while the “old-timers” already know the answers from previous threads Anet has already responded to. And we all know how well the players are at using the search function….
Another thing you have to take into consideration, while some suggestions might seem like good ideas to the players, they might be bad ideas to Anet. Anet has a vision for Guild Wars 2. While that vision has changed here and there, it is still basically stuck to the path they wanted for it. Some of these suggestions players bring up would go against their vision, and while they seem good to players, they are not the direction Anet wishes to go in.
You have to remember that just cause we see certain ideas as good and needed for the game, doesn’t mean that Anet agrees with us. They have their vision on what this game needs and should be. Mounts, as per the example, while they seem like interesting things and pretty much every other MMO uses them, they go against the vision that Anet has for this game. Thus they won’t do it, no matter how much the community thinks it is a great idea.
Hope all that made some sort of sense.
Our staffs are reading the forums every day, so your concerns can be addressed properly. However, they can’t answer each threads or posts, due to the huge amount of them.
Furthermore, you can find all posts from the team in the Dev Tracker sub-forum.
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