[iQ] Intrinsic Quality
[PREDICTION] April Fool's Day Prank
[iQ] Intrinsic Quality
My prediction. Whatever they do, it will tick off enough people that they’ll come to the forum to complain about it and demand a way to toggle it off.
ANet may give it to you.
If they really wanted to trick us they could announce SAB is coming back and then not release it.
But what I’d actually like to see (besides SAB) is the fake patch notes like they did in GW1, those were always fun and the reactions from people who fell for it were even better.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Silly bobble-head bullkitten.
You know something, if on April 1st they released all the new legendary weapons that was promised, it would do down in history as one for the greatest April Fool jokes of all time. I would go as far as saying it would make headlines around the world and have Guild Wars 2 talked about in the mainstream media.
Alas, I feel I am dreaming it could be this elaborate.
I would rather have the bubble head then that stupid airplane thing anyday.
gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge
A toggle option for April 1st that does not work.
The Infinite Continue Coin back in the gem store. You know that would be a good one.
My prediction is they will turn every single NPC in the game into Colin Johanson for the day and they may even swing swords no stop!
A nice way to do April Fools as well as a final send off for him. :P
Every enemy in every level is replaced with a pack of pocket raptors for a day.
I hope they don’t waste resources on a joke, better things to do atm.
Every enemy in every level is replaced with a pack of pocket raptors for a day.
Way ahead of you
Restore that which was lost. And all shall be as one.”
Everyone is turned into quaggans.
RIP City of Heroes
They’re going to release all the 12 legendaries we paid for but never got and everyone will laugh so hard as they realize they were fooled as Anet redeems itself and set the track right for a second expansion…
Change everyones armour to animal onesies!
Then please sell them in the gem store will go nice with my animal hats <3
they will announce new expansion.
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend
They will make NPC’s of all players that left the game recently so WvW, PVE, PVP will be full.
This will be my first April Fool’s day in GW2 but they will have to work hard to beat the GW1 “stick man” thing. All max level toons were drawn as stick men. I found it laugh-out-loud funny, first because, you know, it was proper funny and, second, because of the astonishing drama-laden rage/crying in chat from some players who demanded that their uber-elite armour be restored. I even made a special toon called “Sticky Stickman” and started accusing everyone of being stickist. Nostalgia ain’t what it used to be.
Anyhow, my prediction:
For one day only replace all legendary skins with those from starter weapons and change all their sound effects to a sample of the devs laughing. Wossat? Too close to the bone?…
They’re going to release all the 12 legendaries we paid for but never got and everyone will laugh so hard as they realize they were fooled as Anet redeems itself and set the track right for a second expansion…
ANet would be so loved
I make PvP & WvW videos
This will be my first April Fool’s day in GW2 but they will have to work hard to beat the GW1 “stick man” thing. All max level toons were drawn as stick men. I found it laugh-out-loud funny, first because, you know, it was proper funny and, second, because of the astonishing drama-laden rage/crying in chat from some players who demanded that their uber-elite armour be restored. I even made a special toon called “Sticky Stickman” and started accusing everyone of being stickist. Nostalgia ain’t what it used to be.
Anyhow, my prediction:
For one day only replace all legendary skins with those from starter weapons and change all their sound effects to a sample of the devs laughing. Wossat? Too close to the bone?…
If forum rage induced by a one day bit of fun is your thing, keep your schedule clear on Friday. The plane prank of last year sent people frothing.
One way or the other, April 1st will be high entertainment.
the spring update will come in with all new legendaries included
I miss the ‘mini-me’ from GW1 and the gender swap. Those were the best.
Somehow it would feel appropriate if they turn us all into torch-and-pitchfork wielders for the day
The Gem store item Aviator box will be renamed ‘’ Box of hats of leadership ’’ , the function remain the same : running around everywhere while making funny noises and bad decisions.
I hope they don’t waste resources on a joke, better things to do atm.
I think it’s safe to assume it’s planned already and just needs to be activated.
Somehow it would feel appropriate if they turn us all into torch-and-pitchfork wielders for the day
Coming to the gem store soon…PITCHFORKS!
last year it was the aviator thing right? I had just started playing the game, and i couldn’t understand what was happening to my character lol XD
Maybe they’ll turn us into devs for the day. We’ll have to keep 200 invisible plates spinning whilst being verbally abused by an angry mob.
SAB incoming, make sure to bring out that Infinite gold coin sitting on your shelf eating dust, give it a good cleaning and bring it to Rata Sum =D
The mini Colin will be finally released. And as promised, will have dialogue fitted as standard: “Hey, you swung a sword! Oh look, you swung your sword again!”
Following an event chain allows the unlocking of a Locomotive (with H.Y.P.E. emblazoned on the boiler) glider.
(edited by Yakkus.8765)
A repeat from something last year or the year before.
Probably something so annoying that I dont want to login for the day
Maybe they’ll turn us into devs for the day. We’ll have to keep 200 invisible plates spinning whilst being verbally abused by an angry mob.
And then they’ll pay us and give us benefits for not doing our jobs! Oh, man. This is going to be the best April Fool’s Day prank ever. /sarcasm
I will be sitting hopefully in Rata Sum, as I’ve done for the last two April Fool’s days, and vote Joshua Foreman for president. (Of the world.)
-Mike O’Brien
Because we can’t be angry about both?
Tomorow is April Fools’ Day.
What will this day bring in 2016? Is there any info?
It’ll bring a load of people to the forums who can’t take a joke for one day.
Edit: Someone will write this on the forums tomorrow:
“You should have at least give us a toggle for this, so we players have A CHOICE "
(edited by penelopehannibal.8947)
That’s offensive. A JOKE KILLED MY FATHER!
That’s offensive. A JOKE KILLED MY FATHER!
I’m sorry about that. Perhaps ArenaNet should have given a toggle to the joke first then. Or perhaps resetting your system’s clock to the day before April 1st might reset it, and bring back your father!
It will be something that gets added to the gem store later.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
This jokes always creating bugs. Best jokes for players. I dont wanna airplane or something
It was already announced: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Upcoming-changes-in-Spring-Quarterly-Update
I can’t wait for the crying to begin.
When did we all lose our sense of humor? We used to love this / look forward to it in GW1.
We will all play as our mini’s mini.
lose a pip,win 2 pips,lose a pip,lose a pip…………..-
-Go go Espartz.-
I can’t wait for the crying to begin.
When did we all lose our sense of humor? We used to love this / look forward to it in GW1.
Last years April fools was just annoying. I play with in game sounds but to hear brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr killed my ears.
That’s offensive. A JOKE KILLED MY FATHER!
I’m sorry about that. Perhaps ArenaNet should have given a toggle to the joke first then. Or perhaps resetting your system’s clock to the day before April 1st might reset it, and bring back your father!
- That didn't actually happen. My dad just retired to a new house in Florida.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
I can’t wait for the crying to begin.
When did we all lose our sense of humor? We used to love this / look forward to it in GW1.
Last years April fools was just annoying. I play with in game sounds but to hear brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr killed my ears.
Yes, I’ll agree that least years got annoying after a bit, but it was still chuckle worthy. I still laughed until my cheeks hurt when I first loaded in (and the initial wtf is happening moment passed). After that I just adjusted my sound or my graphics (depending on my mood) and carried on.
I can’t wait for the crying to begin.
When did we all lose our sense of humor? We used to love this / look forward to it in GW1.
Last years April fools was just annoying. I play with in game sounds but to hear brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr killed my ears.
Yes, I’ll agree that least years got annoying after a bit, but it was still chuckle worthy. I still laughed until my cheeks hurt when I first loaded in (and the initial wtf is happening moment passed). After that I just adjusted my sound or my graphics (depending on my mood) and carried on.
I remember when it triggered last year. I was hanging around LA, and all of a sudden everyone started going “wtf happened to my screen?” And then my arms were suddenly sticking out, and I was making airplane noises as I ran. I nearly died laughing.
At what time the April Fools update goes live usually?
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
Tomorow is April Fools’ Day.
What will this day bring in 2016? Is there any info?
They are going to postpone development of the new expansion indefinitely until they finish adding all the new legendary weapons, the legendary backpack, the legendary armor, two more raid wings, new fractals, balance changes to PvP leagues, balance changes to WvW, balance changes to PvE, Alpine borderloads instead of Desert borderloads, guild progression and leveling in WvW, SAB, new dungeon and every other half finished underdelivered project they have started and promised us in the last 3 years.
April fools!
(edited by MadRabbit.3179)
At what time the April Fools update goes live usually?
If I recall correctly, it should happen at server roll over tonight. (Which is 8pm eastern right now) I think that’s when it kicked in last year. Since technically the server thinks its tomorrow at that point.
It would be kinda cool to see a joker’kitten offered in the gem store.