As of now there’s a number of armors or pieces of such armors which are still entirely missing from PvE, either the only way to get some of those pieces is personal story (like Stalwart/Commando sets), but we haven’t recieved a single official response about this matter… is it intended? not? bug? drops set on 0%? Are they working on this?
Besides pointing this out I wanted to know the exact piece/armor sets NOT available in PvE, as of now I’m only aware of some medium armors (as I main engineer).
So… could anybody be so kind to post which armor piece is missing from PvE? ( armor class, part, name and all)
Also point out which armor is only available as a personal story reward, as it’s a missable one-time-only (character creation items WON’T be considered).
Let’s start with my own list of missables:
Stalwart Helm (entirely missing)
Stalwart shoulders (entirely missing)
Stalwart boots (entirely missing, it should have been a personal story reward out of 3 choices but even thought the item name is Stalwart boots the skin doesn’t match)
Stalwart Gloves (entirely missing, it should have been a personal story reward out of 3 choices but even thought the item name is Stalwart Gloves the skin doesn’t match)
Stalwart Legs (entirely missing, it should have been a personal story reward out of 3 choices but even thought the item name is Stalwart Legs the skin doesn’t match)
Stalwart Jerkin (personal story reward out of 3 choices)
Commando gloves (entirely missing)
Commando boots (entirely missing)
Commando Bandanna (The PvP locker actually resembles Stalwart’s helm, the bandanna should have a different skin, it IS however a personal story reward out of 3 choices)
Commando Jerkin (personal story reward out of 3 choices)
Commando shoulders (personal story reward out of 3 choices)
Commando pants (personal story reward out of 3 choices)
I think these are all missables in the medium armor category
Tribal mask (entirely missing)
Tribal shoulders (entirely missing)
Tribal gloves (entirely missing)
Tribal boots (entirely missing)
Tribal chest (entirely missing)
Tribal pants (entirely missing)
(edited by Rfreak.6591)