Ascended amulets and ascended items overall.
So there are 2 issues now.
1. Lack of combinations that we used to know from exotic sets.
2. Hard to obtain amulets – too grindy. Maybe they can be obtained randomly from higher levels’ chest?
I could be wrong, but I am randomly, without any basis at all, guessing that the laurel system will improve with more then one way to get them, which would make the current prices more reasonable. Hopefully… ok maybe I am grasping, but its good to have hope
All I’m reading in this game is dooms-day and nay-sayers. Give Anet time! You guys aren’t even giving them adequate time to flesh out the game you’re just like, “GIVE ME WHAT I WANT NOW!” and when they don’t you QQ.
TLDR; good things come to those who wait.
Let me guess, you use none of the missing armor sets?
If we were asking for a new map, or something huge and time consuming to create, then I agree ‘more time’ is a valid statement. We are talking about armor sets that already exist in the game, how long could it possibly take to add another few types of rings, amulets and back pieces when they were adding all the others ones to the game? No one cares if they share the same graphic, we care that they do not exist at all.
If for some reason it does take time, and we need to give it more time, then ANET can tell us about it, tell us the reasons and give us an indication of how long we have to wait. Instead we have complete and utter radio silence on the topic, and that is why folks are getting annoyed. More time my bass.
The main issue i see about having the rings, backpieces, and amulets with Healing/toughness imbedded in them are incase of the characters like my warrior. Without ascended gear i am able to take run into a WvW zerg and not die while taking them out. On top of it when i did the math calculations for my regeneration i get 608HP/sec so if they add more healing to it then my regen would just start to get crazy.
Unless i am missing some values, the highest regen pr sec you should see is 293 health pr second. That is using the formula from the wiki on regeneration and the exotic gear numbers from the affix page from same.
They have to be very careful with stats. I think Ascended items were not originally in the overall plan and they don’t really fit. You cannot give all stats or you could push things like Crit % chance over 100% or make healing so strong you can outheal anything or toughness so high you take virtually no damage or health pools so high that you can literally tank the boss stood in his face.
I’m not saying amulets will do that as it stands but add in rings/backpiece/later ascended weapons and armour/food/consumables etc.. You can only fit in so many stats before going too far and having to retune the entire game because you just made everything trivial, if you do that new players wouldn’t stand a chance of survival.
That’s my opinion on why only certain stat combinations are available. Someone at Anet knows what is coming and what the eventual stat limit is and has to make the hard choice of what you can and cannot have in order not to break their game.
Of course I could be well wide of the mark as I am just voicing my personal guess.
They have to be very careful with stats. I think Ascended items were not originally in the overall plan and they don’t really fit. You cannot give all stats or you could push things like Crit % chance over 100% or make healing so strong you can outheal anything or toughness so high you take virtually no damage or health pools so high that you can literally tank the boss stood in his face.
You know that Berserker AND Soldier stats are in both amulets and rings, right?
They have to be very careful with stats. I think Ascended items were not originally in the overall plan and they don’t really fit. You cannot give all stats or you could push things like Crit % chance over 100% or make healing so strong you can outheal anything or toughness so high you take virtually no damage or health pools so high that you can literally tank the boss stood in his face.
You know that Berserker AND Soldier stats are in both amulets and rings, right?
Sorry, I was talking more generally as a concept ather than specifics. The stats I mentioned are for descriptive examples only, I haven’t actually looked up what exactly is and isn’t available.
Also as I said I could be totally wrong on this, it is just my best guess.
Passing on all ascended jewelry for now. None of the stat distributions fit my gear build. If I switch from my Knights jewelry to ascended (probably soldiers) I’ll have to swap out my soldier’s armor for knights. Not going to happen right now for a few additional stat points.
First when I walked to the laural vendor I thought: WTF, 30 Laurels for ONE amulet? Like one month of playing each day’s dailies to get ONE amulet with better stats? Clearly no gear grind there.
How do you “grind” dailies? That term is being used so inflationary these days, almost everything you could possibly do in a game is considered grind. The best gear is supposed to be achieved over time. If anything at all, they should remove the fractals grind, because there the term actually is correct.
They have to be very careful with stats. I think Ascended items were not originally in the overall plan and they don’t really fit. You cannot give all stats or you could push things like Crit % chance over 100% or make healing so strong you can outheal anything or toughness so high you take virtually no damage or health pools so high that you can literally tank the boss stood in his face.
With the current numerical differences between exotic and ascended, not going to happen. Also, crit chance can already hit 100% (or at least the high 90s). As for healing, it is nerfed out of the gate except for a few water elementalist skills. This in that healing power rarely translates 1:1 into healing, instead it is 10:1 or lower. Meaning that you can dump 1000 extra points into it and barely see 100 extra health come out the other end, if that. In a end game where a single attack can be measured in 1000s of damage done, that kind of extra healing is a fart in a hurricane.
Well … this is true for a lot of items, especially the trinket slots. Before ascended there wasn’t even an exotic backpack for example, and there’s still no exotic breather. Across the board, stats are “missing”. As far as traits go, some stat pairs don’t always make sense.
But I don’t see that as a bad thing necessarily. It means you’ll have less options to build a min-max character, which, overall, is better for the game. Balancing and designing around min-max is very boring. In many cases, reducing options increases creativity.
While I agree with you to some extent, you wrote that the game is still lacking some cases, and that’s the point of this topic
Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. One of the best books in the french language was written without the letter “e”. Adding limitations to gear choice makes for more original builds.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
No, it’s definitely a bad thing.
More choices : some players go with “cookie-cutter” builds, some others will be more creative
Less choices : every player is FORCED TO “be creative”.
The bottom line is that people don’t like being forced to “be creative”, as you put it. And that if Arenanet wanted to encourage less “standard” builds they wouldn’t have added Berserker/Soldier items
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
(edited by Wolfheart.1938)
Well … this is true for a lot of items, especially the trinket slots. Before ascended there wasn’t even an exotic backpack for example, and there’s still no exotic breather. Across the board, stats are “missing”. As far as traits go, some stat pairs don’t always make sense.
But I don’t see that as a bad thing necessarily. It means you’ll have less options to build a min-max character, which, overall, is better for the game. Balancing and designing around min-max is very boring. In many cases, reducing options increases creativity.
While I agree with you to some extent, you wrote that the game is still lacking some cases, and that’s the point of this topic
Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. One of the best books in the french language was written without the letter “e”. Adding limitations to gear choice makes for more original builds.
Quite the opposite. It just makes everyone play the glass cannon.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Well … this is true for a lot of items, especially the trinket slots. Before ascended there wasn’t even an exotic backpack for example, and there’s still no exotic breather. Across the board, stats are “missing”. As far as traits go, some stat pairs don’t always make sense.
But I don’t see that as a bad thing necessarily. It means you’ll have less options to build a min-max character, which, overall, is better for the game. Balancing and designing around min-max is very boring. In many cases, reducing options increases creativity.
While I agree with you to some extent, you wrote that the game is still lacking some cases, and that’s the point of this topic
Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. One of the best books in the french language was written without the letter “e”. Adding limitations to gear choice makes for more original builds.
I don’t understand the logic here how is limiting choice in ascended gear stat setup allow for more original builds. Ascended gear first off cannot have jewels placed on them so it limits itself in that way already. You have very little choice in customization of these items since both the prefix and suffix are already preset. They’ve done a better job of including slight variations to the ascended gear set, but again some of the stat choices are clunky and sub-optimal (example: Symbol of the deceiver (ascended amulet) stat setup: 126 Cond. Damage, 67 Vitality, 85 Toughness, and 18 precision) precision is a trait that one specifically needs to trait into, 21 precision offers 1% increase in critical chance. Adding 18 precision to an amulet that seems intended for a condition/tank build makes no sense, changing it to power or the much maligned healing power would all have been more beneficial than 18 precision.
Ascended gear mostly seems to cover just glass cannon and bunker play-styles with a few farming MF gear mixed in. Now say you play a hybrid build carrion (power,vit, cond. damage), knight’s (power, toughness, precision), rampager (power, precision, cond. damage), or any build utilizing healing power you’re completely left out of the equation. What happens is people who play any of those offensive hybrid play-styles will just become glass cannons as there is ascended gear available that makes these build more optimal, and people who play more defensive hybrid play-styles will just become bunkers. Limiting choices never allows for more originality or creativity it actually hinders it. Limiting ascended gear stat options is like me giving you red and blue paint and then saying be creative and paint me a colorful picture the only thing is you can’t mix the paint together or use any other paint. In the end what am I left with a picture someone chose to paint completely in red or blue or a picture with some red and blue, wow didn’t see that coming. Expanding stats allows for creativity and more possibilities, limiting stats allows for stale mass produced play-styles that devolve into stagnant game-play.
Knights, yes please!
Knights, yes please!
My Guardian wears Knight’s gear because it works very well for him. I could utilize other ascended gear but it would require a different spec and playstyle.
Not gonna make “demands,” because this is a game and that would be silly. What I will say is that not being able to play how I like, not understanding why some sets were left out, and not knowing if these sets will ever be in game doesn’t make me want to spend more time logged in to the game.
It seems like exotic is good enough for the world content and the events, but it really gives me no incentive to do fractals more than once, just to see the content.
It’s also a little annoying to think that people who chose a certain spec and playstyle before the introduction of ascended gear can keep playing how they like and still get fractionally stronger with gear, whereas people who chose another spec and playstyle cannot without changing how they play the game.
The stat limitations may be a way to limit people from obtaining numbers the devs would prefer not to see.
Other games have forms of diminishing returns that gw2 doesn’t. (sure gw2 has a type of DR on stats’ productivity, but it’s different than some other games).
I think rather than rebalance the stats they are curbing some of the gear choices instead.
I’m not saying its necessarily the right way to go about it… But it may solve the same issue (overpowered stat combos) without retroactively needing to nerf the stats on all the gear people have been saving up for and buying to date.
There have already been other threads regarding this issue with A LOT MORE REPLIES AND VIEWS, but for some convenient reason they all disappeared and now we have what looks like a small thread with a tiny minority of people complaining about the issue. There has been no official response on this matter, and I can only assume that they have their reasons for not responding.
Sadly, it seems Anet has become just another greedy corporation that only cares about their profit margin. I feel bad for the developers as they are caught in the middle and have to deal with all these complaints with their hands tied behind their back by their greedy corporate masters.
Judging by how long it takes them to develop patches and fix exploits, some of which have been around since launch to this day, I would bet that they are understaffed as well which of course means more money for the investors. I understand that people need to make money, but would it kill you to hire a few more people to take care of these issues and answer some questions?
Chiming in from my original post that was locked from a moderator: The questions still stand:
1) Out of 18 armor sets that currently exist ( …scroll down to Triple Attribute), why are only 6 of them implemented in their purest form (equivalent prefix and equivalent suffixes are the same from
2) Where are the “amulets for every playstyle” that was advertised in the patch preview?
3) Why is it taking so long to implement the other armor combinations? Would it not have been more efficient to release all the armor combinations at the same time?
4) Since Ascended gear was created after launch, is it safe for us to assume that we have to wait another six months before equivalent rings, backpieces, and amulets are released for the other combinations?
5) What is the current plan regarding the missing armor combinations going forth (assuming there is even one)?
(edited by KinkyPotato.4219)
I’ve just remembered another issue with Ascended gear. What are we supposed to do with not wanted rings? I’ve been stacking them for some time, but just selling them for 4s~ is a bit disappointing. They’re not easy to get (luck/10 days of doing dailies) and yet we cannot even salvage them (and rare backpieces as well, but that’s another story). It would be nice to salvage them for example for mist essence of different tiers.
All I’m reading in this game is dooms-day and nay-sayers. Give Anet time! You guys aren’t even giving them adequate time to flesh out the game you’re just like, “GIVE ME WHAT I WANT NOW!” and when they don’t you QQ.
TLDR; good things come to those who wait.
Let me guess, you use none of the missing armor sets?
If we were asking for a new map, or something huge and time consuming to create, then I agree ‘more time’ is a valid statement. We are talking about armor sets that already exist in the game, how long could it possibly take to add another few types of rings, amulets and back pieces when they were adding all the others ones to the game? No one cares if they share the same graphic, we care that they do not exist at all.
If for some reason it does take time, and we need to give it more time, then ANET can tell us about it, tell us the reasons and give us an indication of how long we have to wait. Instead we have complete and utter radio silence on the topic, and that is why folks are getting annoyed. More time my bass.
The main issue i see about having the rings, backpieces, and amulets with Healing/toughness imbedded in them are incase of the characters like my warrior. Without ascended gear i am able to take run into a WvW zerg and not die while taking them out. On top of it when i did the math calculations for my regeneration i get 608HP/sec so if they add more healing to it then my regen would just start to get crazy.
Unless i am missing some values, the highest regen pr sec you should see is 293 health pr second. That is using the formula from the wiki on regeneration and the exotic gear numbers from the affix page from same.
You are missing many regeneration for a warrior. Healing Signet, Regeneration, Banner of Tactics, Adrenal Health, Armour + Accessories + Weapons
Which by the Hero Panel (cant look at it right now) gave me if i remember correctly 983 (cant remember if that is with or without banner yet). Banner is giving Regeneration fyi.
120hp/s from Adrenal Health (360hp/3secs),
Regeneration: 130 + (0.125 * 983) per second = 252.875
Healing Signet: 200 + (983 * 0.033) per second = 232.439
add those together and you get 605.314hp/sec
This is even with Melandru Runes in place.
[GWAM] and [LUST]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
Suddenflame, it’s the topic about Ascended gear. If you want to write about warrior, then please go to Warrior subforum or take it to PMs. Thanks.
Suddenflame, it’s the topic about Ascended gear. If you want to write about warrior, then please go to Warrior subforum or take it to PMs. Thanks.
Thorquist, perhaps you can edit the title of this post to state somewhere that armor combinations are missing? “Ascended amulets and ascended items overall” is pretty vague and doesn’t convey much. Much appreciated!
Please keep the discussion on topic. The devs need to see that many in the community are not happy about this and going off topic only distracts from the main issue, namely, the lack of stat options in ascended gear and the danger it presents to many builds.
Please keep the discussion on topic. The devs need to see that many in the community are not happy about this and going off topic only distracts from the main issue, namely, the lack of stat options in ascended gear and the danger it presents to many builds.
As i said before they have stated there is going to be new stats 2 months ago. They are probably holding out on some of the states for the big release of all new stats along with ascended stats. So if stated 2 months ago it has a bit longer in development time (new stats will also apparently will be on exotics cause it will have other combinations). Plus they also stated when Ascended was released that there is going to be a lot more done to them then Exotics. So we are just seeing the start of something different. They may not be out yet but we shall wait and see. Plus right now it has no major effect on any said builds.
P.S. I run a Healing Power on a warrior so yes i am one of those affected by not having it.
[GWAM] and [LUST]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
Please keep the discussion on topic. The devs need to see that many in the community are not happy about this and going off topic only distracts from the main issue, namely, the lack of stat options in ascended gear and the danger it presents to many builds.
As i said before they have stated there is going to be new stats 2 months ago. They are probably holding out on some of the states for the big release of all new stats along with ascended stats. So if stated 2 months ago it has a bit longer in development time (new stats will also apparently will be on exotics cause it will have other combinations). Plus they also stated when Ascended was released that there is going to be a lot more done to them then Exotics. So we are just seeing the start of something different.
I certainly hope so – but if it’s so, why won’t they just tell that? Besides, that’s not exactly true – they did introduce two new stat sets (Apothecary and Giver) lately – after ascended items. They could have added their ascended equivalents right then easily, and yet they chose to not do so. Why?
I have no idea – and I have no idea, because since the problem has appeared on Nov 15th devs have been ignoring it’s very existence. We don’t even know if it’s considered a problem at all, much less when and how they are going to fix it.
The continued silence from the devs is far more worrying than some stats missing. The latter can be a simple mistake. The former looks like an intentional behaviour.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Suddenflame, it’s the topic about Ascended gear. If you want to write about warrior, then please go to Warrior subforum or take it to PMs. Thanks.
Thorquist, perhaps you can edit the title of this post to state somewhere that armor combinations are missing? “Ascended amulets and ascended items overall” is pretty vague and doesn’t convey much. Much appreciated!
Almost the whole first post is about it as well as most of the posts in the topic and the current one invites to vaster discussion about Ascended gear in general And since a moderator wrote in your topic, that it was send to the team I think it’s enough
Bowl of Saffron-Mango Ice Cream is ok food for healers
^ This. Saffron-Mango Ice cream food buff with Cleric armor and Magi trinkets is a really good boost to healing.
Chiming in from my original post that was locked from a moderator: The questions still stand:
1) Out of 18 armor sets that currently exist ( …scroll down to Triple Attribute), why are only 6 of them implemented in their purest form (equivalent prefix and equivalent suffixes are the same from
2) Where are the “amulets for every playstyle” that was advertised in the patch preview?
3) Why is it taking so long to implement the other armor combinations? Would it not have been more efficient to release all the armor combinations at the same time?
4) Since Ascended gear was created after launch, is it safe for us to assume that we have to wait another six months before equivalent rings, backpieces, and amulets are released for the other combinations?
5) What is the current plan regarding the missing armor combinations going forth (assuming there is even one)?EDIT: FORMATZOR.
I’ma just quote this, since these questions cover all of mine and then some.
Please keep the discussion on topic. The devs need to see that many in the community are not happy about this and going off topic only distracts from the main issue, namely, the lack of stat options in ascended gear and the danger it presents to many builds.
As i said before they have stated there is going to be new stats 2 months ago. They are probably holding out on some of the states for the big release of all new stats along with ascended stats. So if stated 2 months ago it has a bit longer in development time (new stats will also apparently will be on exotics cause it will have other combinations). Plus they also stated when Ascended was released that there is going to be a lot more done to them then Exotics. So we are just seeing the start of something different.
I certainly hope so – but if it’s so, why won’t they just tell that? Besides, that’s not exactly true – they did introduce two new stat sets (Apothecary and Giver) lately – after ascended items. They could have added their ascended equivalents right then easily, and yet they chose to not do so. Why?
I have no idea – and I have no idea, because since the problem has appeared on Nov 15th devs have been ignoring it’s very existence. We don’t even know if it’s considered a problem at all, much less when and how they are going to fix it.
The continued silence from the devs is far more worrying than some stats missing. The latter can be a simple mistake. The former looks like an intentional behaviour.
I do believe the dev was referring to stats that are not event specific but are like full on new combinations. Such as the giver one has snowflakes which are only found during wintersday.
[GWAM] and [LUST]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
All I’m reading in this game is dooms-day and nay-sayers. Give Anet time! You guys aren’t even giving them adequate time to flesh out the game you’re just like, “GIVE ME WHAT I WANT NOW!” and when they don’t you QQ.
TLDR; good things come to those who wait.
Let me guess, you use none of the missing armor sets?
If we were asking for a new map, or something huge and time consuming to create, then I agree ‘more time’ is a valid statement. We are talking about armor sets that already exist in the game, how long could it possibly take to add another few types of rings, amulets and back pieces when they were adding all the others ones to the game? No one cares if they share the same graphic, we care that they do not exist at all.
If for some reason it does take time, and we need to give it more time, then ANET can tell us about it, tell us the reasons and give us an indication of how long we have to wait. Instead we have complete and utter radio silence on the topic, and that is why folks are getting annoyed. More time my bass.
The main issue i see about having the rings, backpieces, and amulets with Healing/toughness imbedded in them are incase of the characters like my warrior. Without ascended gear i am able to take run into a WvW zerg and not die while taking them out. On top of it when i did the math calculations for my regeneration i get 608HP/sec so if they add more healing to it then my regen would just start to get crazy.
Unless i am missing some values, the highest regen pr sec you should see is 293 health pr second. That is using the formula from the wiki on regeneration and the exotic gear numbers from the affix page from same. are missing many regeneration for a warrior. Healing Signet, Regeneration, Banner of Tactics, Adrenal Health, Armour + Accessories + Weapons
Which by the Hero Panel (cant look at it right now) gave me if i remember correctly 983 (cant remember if that is with or without banner yet). Banner is giving Regeneration fyi.
120hp/s from Adrenal Health (360hp/3secs),
Regeneration: 130 + (0.125 * 983) per second = 252.875
Healing Signet: 200 + (983 * 0.033) per second = 232.439
add those together and you get 605.314hp/secThis is even with Melandru Runes in place.
The 252.875 health per second you are including from the banner assumes you are holding the banner in your hand, making you a completely useless foe who does barely any damage with the “stab” attack. Also, the “compassionate banner” skill you are referencing only lasts for 5 seconds. Including an activated skill (that requires you to remove all worthwhile attacks) in your regeneration calculations is misleading and an error on your part. PASSIVE regeneration is the primary focus of your statement and “compassionate banner” is clearly not PASSIVE. Your effective PASSIVE regeneration is only 352.439 health per second. You cannot defeat a zerg with this regeneration, and it is not OP.
All I’m reading in this game is dooms-day and nay-sayers. Give Anet time! You guys aren’t even giving them adequate time to flesh out the game you’re just like, “GIVE ME WHAT I WANT NOW!” and when they don’t you QQ.
TLDR; good things come to those who wait.
Let me guess, you use none of the missing armor sets?
If we were asking for a new map, or something huge and time consuming to create, then I agree ‘more time’ is a valid statement. We are talking about armor sets that already exist in the game, how long could it possibly take to add another few types of rings, amulets and back pieces when they were adding all the others ones to the game? No one cares if they share the same graphic, we care that they do not exist at all.
If for some reason it does take time, and we need to give it more time, then ANET can tell us about it, tell us the reasons and give us an indication of how long we have to wait. Instead we have complete and utter radio silence on the topic, and that is why folks are getting annoyed. More time my bass.
The main issue i see about having the rings, backpieces, and amulets with Healing/toughness imbedded in them are incase of the characters like my warrior. Without ascended gear i am able to take run into a WvW zerg and not die while taking them out. On top of it when i did the math calculations for my regeneration i get 608HP/sec so if they add more healing to it then my regen would just start to get crazy.
Unless i am missing some values, the highest regen pr sec you should see is 293 health pr second. That is using the formula from the wiki on regeneration and the exotic gear numbers from the affix page from same. are missing many regeneration for a warrior. Healing Signet, Regeneration, Banner of Tactics, Adrenal Health, Armour + Accessories + Weapons
Which by the Hero Panel (cant look at it right now) gave me if i remember correctly 983 (cant remember if that is with or without banner yet). Banner is giving Regeneration fyi.
120hp/s from Adrenal Health (360hp/3secs),
Regeneration: 130 + (0.125 * 983) per second = 252.875
Healing Signet: 200 + (983 * 0.033) per second = 232.439
add those together and you get 605.314hp/secThis is even with Melandru Runes in place. 252.875 health per second you are including from the banner assumes you are holding the banner in your hand, making you a completely useless foe who does barely any damage with the “stab” attack. Also, the “compassionate banner” skill you are referencing only lasts for 5 seconds. Including an activated skill (that requires you to remove all worthwhile attacks) in your regeneration calculations is misleading and an error on your part. PASSIVE regeneration is the primary focus of your statement and “compassionate banner” is clearly not PASSIVE. Your effective PASSIVE regeneration is only 352.439 health per second. You cannot defeat a zerg with this regeneration, and it is not OP.
You don’t need to hold banners to gain regeneration from them o.O
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.
In addition, the adrenal health (120 health per second) occurs only after 30 successful attacks with your weapon. Assuming you survive until then, you are left with far less regeneration up until that point. This places your total, passive regeneration below 352.439. I would estimate your actual passive regeneration at close to 300 health per second.
(Edited to include adrenal health regeneration)
In addition, the adrenal health (120 health per second) occurs only after 30 successful attacks with your weapon. Assuming you survive until then, you are left with far less regeneration up until that point. This places your total, passive regeneration below 352.439. I would estimate your actual passive regeneration at close to 300 health per second.
(Edited to include adrenal health regeneration)
Your still wrong LOL you have to look up banners dude. May i direct your attention to a trait:
last one is just in case you try brining in the CD on banners.
[GWAM] and [LUST]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
In addition, the adrenal health (120 health per second) occurs only after 30 successful attacks with your weapon. Assuming you survive until then, you are left with far less regeneration up until that point. This places your total, passive regeneration below 352.439. I would estimate your actual passive regeneration at close to 300 health per second.
(Edited to include adrenal health regeneration)
Your still wrong LOL you have to look up banners dude. May i direct your attention to a trait: one is just in case you try brining in the CD on banners.
Haha, I concede.
In addition, the adrenal health (120 health per second) occurs only after 30 successful attacks with your weapon. Assuming you survive until then, you are left with far less regeneration up until that point. This places your total, passive regeneration below 352.439. I would estimate your actual passive regeneration at close to 300 health per second.
(Edited to include adrenal health regeneration)
Your still wrong LOL you have to look up banners dude. May i direct your attention to a trait: one is just in case you try brining in the CD on banners.
edit: Signet of Rage helps with that as well. But i tend to use it to increase my damage and speed while in their zerg. Which takes only secs to get 30hits considering if i am in their zerg i will have hit 5 per hit which means i only have to hit 6 times even better i just use 2 on the axe skill which gives me 10 by itself (cause it spins twice and hits people twice). Dude accept it that i can 605HP/sec super easy.
[GWAM] and [LUST]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
Still waiting for an answer. Of my 8 planned characters only 3 can use the current ascended gear.
The best option for my is my 3rd favorite class.
See a problem here?
Not having all affixes available in ascended version sucks; plain and simple. It bloooows.
I understand that we can’t get every stat combination possible because there are 1,023 possible combinations (nCr(10;1) + nCr(10;2) + nCr(10;3) + … + nCr(10;10)) but right now we have an entire stat wiped out.
Question for people running fractals: is there healing power on fractal ascended rings? Maybe Arenanet thought that people not running dungeons aren’t team players and don’t care about support roles? I noticed that the items tend to be offense-oriented.
It kind of sucks because I like gearing for survival even though I’m not a dungeon runner. I wonder if those ascended items will actually be an upgrade for me.
There is no healing power on any of the Ascended rings except the celestials and this one weird condition damage set, and that’s only on the “gem socket” of the ring, not even the main stats. And support roles are valued in the open world and in WvW just as much as in dungeons. Healing power also doesn’t have to be solely for support roles.
All I’m reading in this game is dooms-day and nay-sayers. Give Anet time! You guys aren’t even giving them adequate time to flesh out the game you’re just like, “GIVE ME WHAT I WANT NOW!” and when they don’t you QQ.
TLDR; good things come to those who wait.
Let me guess, you use none of the missing armor sets?
If we were asking for a new map, or something huge and time consuming to create, then I agree ‘more time’ is a valid statement. We are talking about armor sets that already exist in the game, how long could it possibly take to add another few types of rings, amulets and back pieces when they were adding all the others ones to the game? No one cares if they share the same graphic, we care that they do not exist at all.
If for some reason it does take time, and we need to give it more time, then ANET can tell us about it, tell us the reasons and give us an indication of how long we have to wait. Instead we have complete and utter radio silence on the topic, and that is why folks are getting annoyed. More time my bass.
The main issue i see about having the rings, backpieces, and amulets with Healing/toughness imbedded in them are incase of the characters like my warrior. Without ascended gear i am able to take run into a WvW zerg and not die while taking them out. On top of it when i did the math calculations for my regeneration i get 608HP/sec so if they add more healing to it then my regen would just start to get crazy.
Unless i am missing some values, the highest regen pr sec you should see is 293 health pr second. That is using the formula from the wiki on regeneration and the exotic gear numbers from the affix page from same. are missing many regeneration for a warrior. Healing Signet, Regeneration, Banner of Tactics, Adrenal Health, Armour + Accessories + Weapons
Which by the Hero Panel (cant look at it right now) gave me if i remember correctly 983 (cant remember if that is with or without banner yet). Banner is giving Regeneration fyi.
120hp/s from Adrenal Health (360hp/3secs),
Regeneration: 130 + (0.125 * 983) per second = 252.875
Healing Signet: 200 + (983 * 0.033) per second = 232.439
add those together and you get 605.314hp/secThis is even with Melandru Runes in place.
I so hate it when the game references heal over time effects that do not involve the regeneration boon as “regeneration”! Makes keeping track of it all so darn hard!
Suddenflame, it’s the topic about Ascended gear. If you want to write about warrior, then please go to Warrior subforum or take it to PMs. Thanks.
Thorquist, perhaps you can edit the title of this post to state somewhere that armor combinations are missing? “Ascended amulets and ascended items overall” is pretty vague and doesn’t convey much. Much appreciated!
Almost the whole first post is about it as well as most of the posts in the topic and the current one invites to vaster discussion about Ascended gear in general
And since a moderator wrote in your topic, that it was send to the team I think it’s enough
Until i see the team’s reaction (in the form of clear info about what we should expect) i’m going to treat this as a standard mod speak for “we’re closing this thread because it’s inconvenient, and funneling the talk to the least-appropriate topic so it’s much more likely to be overlooked”. It wasn’t the first time it happened, after all. Lot of other important cases have been already treated like that (and then conveniently forgotten).
Remember, remember, 15th of November
It’s just incomplete-a work in progress. Sad but true. But as I said, it makes me see no point in acquiring any current available gear, because it doesn’t apply to my builds and playstyle. We were given an Ascended gear teaser of sorts-though it doesn’t really make sense why would they release odd stat combinations before the common ones that people have used for a long while?
The thing is pretty much every patch has been incomplete/a work in progress.
I haven’t played in nearly a month (last day of the new instances in Wintersday), but I’ve been following patch notes and such, and this patch doesn’t make me want to log back in.
It’s been nearly 3 months since they said they really should have had Ascended items available everywhere (not just FotM), and from what I can tell, this patch adds amulets that are only available via laurels (again, limiting acquisition to BiS items to one activity).
And again not all stat sets are available?
I don’t get the impression that Anet is really learning as they go.
Another event patch with very limited in-game info (from what I can read on various sites) as to what to actually do, leading you to almost have to get info from outside sources, and then the actual info on the Anet site is vague and needs clarifying.
I think they left out “knight, cleric, etc” thing from the merchant because (maybe) in the future, we can craft ascended gear (if you see in crafting filter, it has ascended below exotic). The problem is when will Anet implement it ?
I just want to remind you that this topic is NOT about Warrior and his regeneration. This goes especially to Suddenflame. Please, stay on topic and be constructive about it.
I just want to remind you that this topic is NOT about Warrior and his regeneration. This goes especially to Suddenflame. Please, stay on topic and be constructive about it.
Sorry. I ended up picking up that issue because i thought the numbers claimed where wrong, and so a poor basis for claiming that ascended items with healing power would be overpowered. I still think it is a poor argument as the difference between exotic and ascended appears to be less than 100 and so end up producing less than measurable increases because most healing skills gain 1/10 or less from healing power (if it has a impact at all).
hoping for all the old combinations as well as for new combinations we have not had yet
I think they left out “knight, cleric, etc” thing from the merchant because (maybe) in the future, we can craft ascended gear (if you see in crafting filter, it has ascended below exotic). The problem is when will Anet implement it ?
That would make sense, but then it begs the question of why Berserker wearers are so privileged? Is it because they feared the likely larger backlash that would have come from the community due to the (I’m assuming) larger population that wears it if they wouldn’t have implemented it? It just doesn’t make sense, which is why people are concerned and asking questions on this forum with the hope of some response.
First when I walked to the laural vendor I thought: WTF, 30 Laurels for ONE amulet? Like one month of playing each day’s dailies to get ONE amulet with better stats? Clearly no gear grind there.
How do you “grind” dailies? That term is being used so inflationary these days, almost everything you could possibly do in a game is considered grind. The best gear is supposed to be achieved over time. If anything at all, they should remove the fractals grind, because there the term actually is correct.
Grinding is actually repeating the same thing to achieve something (with a high amount of repeats needed). It also means, because of the high amount of repeats, that the overall time you need is very high, while the time you need for each repeat doesn’t actually have to be long.
You need a lot of dailies for just one amulett, that takes you a hell amount of time and you have to do repetetive kitten.
There is also a difference between grinding for stats and grinding for skins. Grinding for skins is largely optional. As Anet advertised: You don’t need the skins for actually being “the best” in the game, stat wise. That is a really important point in the gw series. Max stats are fairly easy obtainable (aka in a short time). Ascended items are NOT easy to obtain, they take a lot effort in time and doing repetetive stuff.
Now skins will come over time. If you have maxstats you can just do what you want, everything that is fun to you and stop doing stuff that isn’t fun to you and at some time you get your beloved skin. You can also grind for it of course but it’s your decision if you want to or not.
Last: The problem is also that the way of grinding stuff is very boring. You don’t have much options. Ascended Amu? Just do Dailies. Rings? Fraktals & Dailies. What for gold? Dungeons or farming PvE (AH beside), while each area and dungeon is just the same. You don’t need to adjust builds or way you play to the area or enemies you farm. It’s the same everywhere everytime you do it and that is also a big problem why farming feels so boring and repetetive in this game. I don’t really like farming at all but I did some in GW1 because I could change so much. There were like over over 100 areas to farm, sometimes for different things and for each area like 823659235+-2 builds for more than one profession. There was a hell of a lot of variety and because of that it was fun and felt less repetetive.
All I can think is that anyone stacking Berserker’s is the very definition of “Glass Canon”, so they’re going to die quickly anyway.
Any other stat combination and it starts to get hazy.
I use full Knight’s on my warrior (apart from the back piece for obvious reasons).
If ArenaNet continue to release ascended gear that’s almost, but not quite Knight’s (the Power / Crit. Damage / Toughness set), I’m better off sticking with my exotic Knight’s.
I have a faint glimmer of hope that this is on-purpose and what they’re doing is stealth-nerfing ascended gear by the back door by simply making desirable stat combos unavailable. Any ascended gear you buy that replaces your existing gear will actually reduce the effectiveness of one of your stats.
Still miffed I can’t get my grubby mitts on an exotic Knight’s back-piece or indeed craft one.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
I think some people are over-dramatizing the “issue”. Exotics are still perfectly viable. And tbh its your skill as a player, not a minute increase in stats, that determines the effectiveness of your character and build. You can still change up your stats quite a lot with changing all your other gear. Its not like your build stands or falls on the ascend items.
Yes, some stat increases are nice, and I would get them myself, but really, I can still play however I want to effectively.
I would not mind more variety, but if you want to see an improvement, put forth a constructive criticism post, not a whine, and you might see more success. I really don’t think the tone in certain posts here is a good idea to bring this to light (talking about the more whiny, “I am a victim, woe is me” type of posts).
- Charles Fort