Broken Intentions: It's been 6 months
And this is why developers normally avoid telling anyone anything about their products until they’re almost ready for release.
Even Peter Molyneux learnt that lesson.
Or they just leave a small print that this is in active development and intended for release in year x, with no fixed deadline.
You need to throw info out to players interested. It’s in fact crucial. Look at ESO, I consider Matt Frior’s May roadmap letter to be the reason why ESO still actually exists. Launch was a bugfest, reviews were poor, players weren’t happy, and in short, it was a mess. But him talking about all the cool stuff they were working on got people hyped, it was the first time when there was a generally positive atmosphere in the forums. You need that anticipation, otherwise people got nothing to look forwards to.
He had no choice in the matter – the game sucked so bad, it wasn’t worth the money people spent on it.
People are now lauding FFXIV but this is go around 2 for that game and the first one made sure I would never try an FF game again.
This game forum does not have the same type of posters – most here are OCD or have personality problems (too much self importance) . It is what it is.
I think thats a bit insulting, but anyways.
People like having good things to look forwards to. It’s not just something you do on a failing game, developers since time immemorial has been talking about things in their upcoming games. You need hype, you need to get players excited and think it’s worthwhile to stick with the game, or at least keep it on their radar.
It is not insulting – it is the truth. All you have to do is read the negative threads on this forum. I read the threads and shake my head at all the declarative statements that just bash this game w/o any suggestions as to what can be done constructive.
That’s basically true for every MMO forum ever. Or the internet in general to be honest. When people don the mask of anonymity, they often let their emotions speak for them.
The only forums where you won’t find any negativity is on games that are dying or dead, because by that point, no one cares anymore.
There’s no anonymity here. If you’ve ever had to have an account recovered or password recovered or email changed or had issues with the gem shop you have to provide your personal details. They know exactly who we are. We might use fake handles in the forums that protects our identity from one another but we’re not anonymous to Anet.
There’s anonymity to each other. People who harrass other posters on forums are anonymous to them, unless they choose to provide personal details publicly on the forum…and why would they?
And this is why developers normally avoid telling anyone anything about their products until they’re almost ready for release.
Even Peter Molyneux learnt that lesson.
Or they just leave a small print that this is in active development and intended for release in year x, with no fixed deadline.
You need to throw info out to players interested. It’s in fact crucial. Look at ESO, I consider Matt Frior’s May roadmap letter to be the reason why ESO still actually exists. Launch was a bugfest, reviews were poor, players weren’t happy, and in short, it was a mess. But him talking about all the cool stuff they were working on got people hyped, it was the first time when there was a generally positive atmosphere in the forums. You need that anticipation, otherwise people got nothing to look forwards to.
He had no choice in the matter – the game sucked so bad, it wasn’t worth the money people spent on it.
People are now lauding FFXIV but this is go around 2 for that game and the first one made sure I would never try an FF game again.
This game forum does not have the same type of posters – most here are OCD or have personality problems (too much self importance) . It is what it is.
I think thats a bit insulting, but anyways.
People like having good things to look forwards to. It’s not just something you do on a failing game, developers since time immemorial has been talking about things in their upcoming games. You need hype, you need to get players excited and think it’s worthwhile to stick with the game, or at least keep it on their radar.
It is not insulting – it is the truth. All you have to do is read the negative threads on this forum. I read the threads and shake my head at all the declarative statements that just bash this game w/o any suggestions as to what can be done constructive.
That’s basically true for every MMO forum ever. Or the internet in general to be honest. When people don the mask of anonymity, they often let their emotions speak for them.
The only forums where you won’t find any negativity is on games that are dying or dead, because by that point, no one cares anymore.
There’s no anonymity here. If you’ve ever had to have an account recovered or password recovered or email changed or had issues with the gem shop you have to provide your personal details. They know exactly who we are. We might use fake handles in the forums that protects our identity from one another but we’re not anonymous to Anet.
There’s anonymity to each other. People who harrass other posters on forums are anonymous to them, unless they choose to provide personal details publicly on the forum…and why would they?
Hmm, that sounds… familiar…
We might use fake handles in the forums that protects our identity from one another…
Let’s just agree on what we have known about this game for some time now, the devs have missed the mark on a majority of patches/features and this development cycle/content implementation is generic/a failure.
Let’s just agree on what we have known about this game for some time now, the devs have missed the mark on a majority of patches/features and this development cycle/content implementation is generic/a failure.
You not liking something makes it neither generic nor a failure. I won’t agree to it, because that’s simply an opinion. We don’t even know if it’s a majority opinion. A lot of people I talk to really seem to like the new content. Certainly it gets enough upvotes on reddit.
Failure implies something very specific. You can say you don’t like something. You can say it’s not fun (for you). Calling it a failure is simply misusing the language.
Or they just leave a small print that this is in active development and intended for release in year x, with no fixed deadline.
You mean just like they did in the case of the blog being discussed here and yet we still see these threads rather often?
People read what they want to read, no matter how clearly they are told that it is a plan and might change.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Let’s just agree on what we have known about this game for some time now, the devs have missed the mark on a majority of patches/features and this development cycle/content implementation is generic/a failure.
You not liking something makes it neither generic nor a failure. I won’t agree to it, because that’s simply an opinion. We don’t even know if it’s a majority opinion. A lot of people I talk to really seem to like the new content. Certainly it gets enough upvotes on reddit.
Failure implies something very specific. You can say you don’t like something. You can say it’s not fun (for you). Calling it a failure is simply misusing the language.
Let’s see; twitch views are insanely low, forum post views/comments are the lowest I’ve ever seen, pvp tournaments barely get 200 viewers (used to be 4,000 summer last year, a lot more before that) - not to mention ArenaNet’s own Guild Wars 2 channel barely supports 1,200 for major content review (such as a balance patch), where only 6 months ago it was around 10,000, ArenaNet releases no figures supporting ’active playerbase’ (just sales over the cumulative period since launch - which a vast majority is from the early launch period and these figures hide the actual active player base), servers were ’merged together as a feature’, many implementations have been forgotten about (take for example guild missions), problems with bots (such as nerfing ’fast farmers drop rate’) have yet to been effectively addressed, no new legendaries, pvp queue system remains broken, same pvp game mode since launch, no significant new dungeons other than a TA path nobody runs and some fotm paths which were recycled from previous content (drop rate/random loot table is still a terrible implementation). I’d say all that is quite a good support of my comments above. Nonetheless, sorry you don’t agree with the clear opinion I painted that also happens to be significantly backed by the large amount of dip in both viewers, forum viewers, and forum commenters. Sure, some people don’t visit the forum, some don’t view twitch, etc - I still don’t see how a significant decrease in these numbers is not a clear indicator of a depreciating community & in turn a representation of said communities’ dissatisfaction. Unless you think twitch is suffering in general from a lack of viewers - would that be where the dip is coming from? The internet is deciding to visit gaming streams less? lol. Cheers. You’ve been a fan-boy since day one, which is fine; I don’t agree with your opinion either. But which facts did you want to provide for me to back that both Guild Wars 2 continues to be a success and that it is a growing and thriving community? Or that patches themselves have been successful and driven back in new players, etc? On a side note, you realize that in order to agree with something usually involves parties having differing ’opinions’ - correct?
(edited by docMed.7692)
Let’s just agree on what we have known about this game for some time now, the devs have missed the mark on a majority of patches/features and this development cycle/content implementation is generic/a failure.
You not liking something makes it neither generic nor a failure. I won’t agree to it, because that’s simply an opinion. We don’t even know if it’s a majority opinion. A lot of people I talk to really seem to like the new content. Certainly it gets enough upvotes on reddit.
Failure implies something very specific. You can say you don’t like something. You can say it’s not fun (for you). Calling it a failure is simply misusing the language.
Let’s see; twitch views are low, forum post views/comments are the lowest I’ve ever seen, pvp tournaments barely get 200 viewers (used to be 4,000 summer last year, a lot more before that), ArenaNet releases no figures supporting ‘active playerbase’ (just sales over the cumulative period since launch – which a vast majority is from the early launch period and these figures hide the actual active player base), servers were ‘merged together as a feature’, many implementations have been forgotten about (take for example guild missions), problems with bots (such as nerfing ‘fast farmers drop rate’) have yet to been effectively addressed, no new legendaries, pvp queue system remains broken, same pvp game mode since launch, no significant new dungeons/etc. I’d say all that is quite a good support of my comments above. Nonetheless, sorry you don’t agree with the clear opinion I painted that also happens to be significantly backed by the large amount of dip in both viewers, forum viewers, and forum commenters. Sure, some people don’t visit the forum, some don’t view twitch, etc – I still don’t see how a significant decrease in these numbers is not a clear indicator of a depreciating community & in turn a representation of said communities’ dissatisfaction. Cheers. You’ve been a fan-boy since day one, which is fine; I don’t agree with your opinion either
Bots? I haven’t seen any bots in a long time.
Just because someone doesn’t agree with your opinion, they are not a ‘Fan Boy’. You have just taken your argument to the FOX News type of argument – which is condescending and generally non-productive.
Bots? I haven’t seen any bots in a long time.
Orr is packed with bots… they move a bit less predictably at first glance, but if you follow them for some time you will notice their pattern and flaws (like their occasional twirl while switching direction).
- Mike Obrien
Let’s just agree on what we have known about this game for some time now, the devs have missed the mark on a majority of patches/features and this development cycle/content implementation is generic/a failure.
You not liking something makes it neither generic nor a failure. I won’t agree to it, because that’s simply an opinion. We don’t even know if it’s a majority opinion. A lot of people I talk to really seem to like the new content. Certainly it gets enough upvotes on reddit.
Failure implies something very specific. You can say you don’t like something. You can say it’s not fun (for you). Calling it a failure is simply misusing the language.
Let’s see; twitch views are low, forum post views/comments are the lowest I’ve ever seen, pvp tournaments barely get 200 viewers (used to be 4,000 summer last year, a lot more before that), ArenaNet releases no figures supporting ‘active playerbase’ (just sales over the cumulative period since launch – which a vast majority is from the early launch period and these figures hide the actual active player base), servers were ‘merged together as a feature’, many implementations have been forgotten about (take for example guild missions), problems with bots (such as nerfing ‘fast farmers drop rate’) have yet to been effectively addressed, no new legendaries, pvp queue system remains broken, same pvp game mode since launch, no significant new dungeons/etc. I’d say all that is quite a good support of my comments above. Nonetheless, sorry you don’t agree with the clear opinion I painted that also happens to be significantly backed by the large amount of dip in both viewers, forum viewers, and forum commenters. Sure, some people don’t visit the forum, some don’t view twitch, etc – I still don’t see how a significant decrease in these numbers is not a clear indicator of a depreciating community & in turn a representation of said communities’ dissatisfaction. Cheers. You’ve been a fan-boy since day one, which is fine; I don’t agree with your opinion either
Bots? I haven’t seen any bots in a long time.
Just because someone doesn’t agree with your opinion, they are not a ‘Fan Boy’. You have just taken your argument to the FOX News type of argument – which is condescending and generally non-productive.
I think straw man and semantic arguments do a good enough job to get someone labelled a fan boy.
Also, in before “decrease interest in GW2 outside of the game means nothing”.
Let’s just agree on what we have known about this game for some time now, the devs have missed the mark on a majority of patches/features and this development cycle/content implementation is generic/a failure.
You not liking something makes it neither generic nor a failure. I won’t agree to it, because that’s simply an opinion. We don’t even know if it’s a majority opinion. A lot of people I talk to really seem to like the new content. Certainly it gets enough upvotes on reddit.
Failure implies something very specific. You can say you don’t like something. You can say it’s not fun (for you). Calling it a failure is simply misusing the language.
Let’s see; twitch views are low, forum post views/comments are the lowest I’ve ever seen, pvp tournaments barely get 200 viewers (used to be 4,000 summer last year, a lot more before that), ArenaNet releases no figures supporting ’active playerbase’ (just sales over the cumulative period since launch - which a vast majority is from the early launch period and these figures hide the actual active player base), servers were ’merged together as a feature’, many implementations have been forgotten about (take for example guild missions), problems with bots (such as nerfing ’fast farmers drop rate’) have yet to been effectively addressed, no new legendaries, pvp queue system remains broken, same pvp game mode since launch, no significant new dungeons/etc. I’d say all that is quite a good support of my comments above. Nonetheless, sorry you don’t agree with the clear opinion I painted that also happens to be significantly backed by the large amount of dip in both viewers, forum viewers, and forum commenters. Sure, some people don’t visit the forum, some don’t view twitch, etc - I still don’t see how a significant decrease in these numbers is not a clear indicator of a depreciating community & in turn a representation of said communities’ dissatisfaction. Cheers. You’ve been a fan-boy since day one, which is fine; I don’t agree with your opinion either
Bots? I haven’t seen any bots in a long time.
Just because someone doesn’t agree with your opinion, they are not a ’Fan Boy’. You have just taken your argument to the FOX News type of argument - which is condescending and generally non-productive.
You’re right, I haven’t seen more than 1 or 2 bots every so often over the past month or two. However, did you know there is an anti-farm mechanic Anet implemented to stop botting? If you kill mobs too quickly, do you notice that suddenly your drop rates decrease significantly? ArenaNet implemented this change to stop botters, but it just hurts hardcore-no-life-farmers. That is what my comment was pointed at, Anet has actually done a good job at catching botters in my opinion, it just sucks that their solution drastically impacts actual players legitly trying to farm mobs (say for example drops of blood).
You obviously must not know who Vayne is, I’ve seen his consistent comments on here for years; he is definitely a fan-boy - nothing wrong with that though, I’ve asked for actual facts (like I provided) to back any opinions here though (crickets). Nonetheless, the actual values I provided to back this is hardly a ’fox-esque’ logic. Those are actual values and a drop in both viewership/community subscribers (reddit) and forum goers is a direct correlation to the state of the game; Or do you think LoL has 50-100k viewers regularly because it is an unpopular game? What about launches of MMO’s that start out with massive viewers and then a drop in viewership? It couldn’t possibly be because the viewers stop being interested and stop playing the game (look at ESO view numbers, averages around 10-20 if you think otherwise). Either way, not saying GW2 is done or even a bad game, I’ve enjoyed my time with it, but in my and many others’ opinion the devs have and continue to repeatedly drop the ball on many of the implementations/improvements that should have simply been included before they even launched the game.
(edited by docMed.7692)