Thanks for responding to my questions!
My structural suggestions:
Post 1
Introduction to the topic and goal of the discussion. Most importantly, a description of the design philosophy behind the topic. (What is a Tyrian Ranger)
Post 2
A log effectively describing player generated ideas, with links to more detailed descriptions. The description should include pros and cons.
Posts 3-x
These depend on the tech behind the forum. These posts could be set up for one idea with pros and cons = one post. Forum participants who do not want to post an opinion can up vote the ideas they like the most.
This suggestion seems to presume a summary thread, in addition to the original CDI. Or am I misinterpreting this and is it supposed to go inside the main CDI?
I agree with keeping a flexible approach to summarising btw, the way the CDI-threads develop are wildly different. The suggestion you describe would probably make it easier for players to grasp the basics of the thread, but perhaps laying down the core of design philosophy is better left to the devs? (Which doesn’t mean it can’t be done, just that it is up to the devs to do so.)
For this summary system, I think a navigation system would be the best, with maybe a log summing up the gist of it.
Namely the navigation system links to the proposals themselves, with the log summing up the discussions that take place, since they are two different things more or less.
So very similar to the way we did it with the horizontal character progression thread.
Is there any way in which we could improve the visibility of such a navigation thread? I’ve heard a Q/A idea, perhaps a sticky? The red swash probably helped quite a bit on the previous navigational thread, but there were still plenty of contributors that seem to have missed it altogether.
Otherwise, having a few first posts reserved for updaters to make links to main proposals and sum up discussion could be an idea
About The lost Witch’s question: I love these kind of summary :
Though they must be hard work, gives a good idea of what went on if we missed things, or just as refreshers… and it’s easy to look up things for more details 
(and all the links catches the eye, so not too hard to find among the other posts)
Well, in a way, the character progression threads had some of this first post-summary stuff in them. The OP was updated with links to summaries, but apparently people still missed those?
Also, yeah, I really liked Bezagrons summary style. They added up to become a pretty long read themselves, but I guess with more narrow topic choices, this should be easier to keep up.
Readers need to be able to digest all the key information from three pages of posts, in the space of one single post. Crediting and links are of less use in getting up to speed on the discussion, (if they wanted this much info, they would just read the three pages), but can be helpful when trying to get more detail or reply to what was brought up…
…You can link to as many posts as you have words to make into links. With direct access to the posts themselves, we don’t need poster names present in the summary at all; they serve little purpose here other than in cultivating bias.
Anything that detracts from the discussion points themselves should be hidden or removed, so that people trying to get up to speed are willing to actually use the summaries to do so.
Yeah, the linking system is really nice.
I guess the poster names would function not only to give credit though, but also to more easily distinguish between related ideas. (As was the case with the variety of subclass-ideas.) Though, on the other hand, it would be of more use as a reminder to those that already follow the thread, than that it would be in a summary for newcomers.
Cut every single thing that is incongruent with their primary Skill-balancing team’s design philosophies over the past year. …
This may very well be sarcasm, but in case it is not:
Censoring ideas is probably not the best way to summarize, since players will keep making the same posts then, as they assume that their ideas have not been mentioned before. On top of that, you’re putting a lot of trust in the summarizer to be aware of design-consistency. And most importantly, these threads have tremendous brainstorm potential, a process that is limited severely by sticking to design-consistency.