CDI- Guilds- Logistics and QOL
Separate tabs for chat that show a number in a bracket for how many comments there have been in that tab since you last looked at it.
So the chat tab would look like:
- | Combat | All | Random Guild Name[RNDM](4) | Other Random Guild [RnDm](15)
It is still a drop down window though, as apposed to a click.
Specifically: | Random Guild Name[RNDM](4) |
Unless i am not understanding your design.
Think of that garbage diagram I threw out there as the top of the chat window and each of those is a tab. the number in brackets (4) is the number of messages that has been typed since you last looked at it. You click the tab to view those. Kinda like how Twitter works when you have it in a browser window you arent looking at. It would say Twitter(24) meaning there were 24 tweets you havent seen yet since you last looked at that particular page.
Yep so an extra click. We can do better than that (-:
Fair enough. As long as I get my guild Message of the Day in the chat window, I am ok with whatever
Sold to, Mr or Mrs Iason Eva (-:
P.S: Have a good night to, I think I will do the same. Thanks for a fun chat tonight folks.
What about automatic guild tax ?
Anyone has suggested this function?
Sorry but i didn’t read the entire topic.
What about automatic guild tax ?
Anyone has suggested this function?
Sorry but i didn’t read the entire topic.
Really there are already alot of gold sinks in the game. Im not crazy about this idea.
Has been proposed, yes. Not everyone is a fan. I think the idea of a donation box got more support.
Build + Gears Loader
Free: You can now easily save/load your favorite builds/gears for open world, pvp, wvw, dungeon paths by simply clicking on “Build/Gear Loader” icon at the top of your screen. It will pop up a menu that quickly lets you either load or save builds + gears. For example, if you load a build, it’ll load the traits, and it’ll also load armors + weapons + trinkets. The build/gear loader will know which armors/weapons/trinkets you want by referencing specific armor/weapon/trinket slot(s) that you chose when you originally saved the build. You get 1 additional armor/weapon/trinket storage set for free on patch day.
Gems: You can buy additional “armor storage – 6 slots per set”, “trinket storage – 6 slots per set”, and “weapon storage – 4 ground /2 water slots per set” for 600 gems. These slots are available to all of your characters in the same manner as the current armor/weapons/trinkets slot.
Wait! What if you want to load a build that uses ascended gears that you want to share across multiple characters? Let’s say you bought 5 additional armor storage sets. For example, while amor storage set 2 is empty (on all characters) , you can set it to “Account Bound Mode” or “Soul Bound Mode”. “Soul Bound Mode” means the slots on armor storage set 2 can only store soul bound items. “Account Bound Mode” means the slots on armor storage set 2 can only store account bound items. While armor storage set 2 is in “Account Bound Mode”, you won’t have a separate versions for each of your character, but you will only get 1 version for all of your characters. Now you can easily share ascended gears across all characters without having to move them back and forth!
Build + Gears Loader
Free: You can now easily save/load your favorite builds/gears for open world, pvp, wvw, dungeon paths by simply clicking on “Build/Gear Loader” icon at the top of your screen. It will pop up a menu that quickly lets you either load or save builds + gears. For example, if you load a build, it’ll load the traits, and it’ll also load armors + weapons + trinkets. The build/gear loader will know which armors/weapons/trinkets you want by referencing specific armor/weapon/trinket slot(s) that you chose when you originally saved the build. You get 1 additional armor/weapon/trinket storage set for free on patch day.
Gems: You can buy additional “armor storage – 6 slots per set”, “trinket storage – 6 slots per set”, and “weapon storage – 4 ground /2 water slots per set” for 600 gems. These slots are available to all of your characters in the same manner as the current armor/weapons/trinkets slot.
Wait! What if you want to load a build that uses ascended gears that you want to share across multiple characters? Let’s say you bought 5 additional armor storage sets. For example, while amor storage set 2 is empty (on all characters) , you can set it to “Account Bound Mode” or “Soul Bound Mode”. “Soul Bound Mode” means the slots on armor storage set 2 can only store soul bound items. “Account Bound Mode” means the slots on armor storage set 2 can only store account bound items. While armor storage set 2 is in “Account Bound Mode”, you won’t have a separate versions for each of your character, but you will only get 1 version for all of your characters. Now you can easily share ascended gears across all characters without having to move them back and forth!
What does this have to do with Guilds? Is this something you want tied to being in a guild or something? Not sure how you would tie guild membership into being able to purchase something from the gem store or not.
What about automatic guild tax ?
Anyone has suggested this function?
Sorry but i didn’t read the entire topic.
I’d rather an optional donation box.
Less chance of abuse that way. And less problematic when dealing with inactive members. I’d hate to take a two month break and find out that the guild leader in the middle got really greedy and dwindled my funds down.
(edited by Seera.5916)
I’m not sure if someone has already proposed this QoL or something similar. I would appreciate it if such a case is.
Proposal Overview
A build template system, allowing for players to switch up their builds on the fly without having to manually do so every time.
Goal of Proposal
With this QoL suggestion, this will drastically cut time on players changing their build to several occasions; such as dungeons, World Bosses, WvW, etc.
Proposal Functionality
How the idea works is that under the equipment tab of the Hero Panel, there are multiple slots (around 2 or 3) to have both separate armor, jewels, and traits. To keep this simple: We have our current set-up. Upon clocking this empty slot or tab, we can now insert another set (or same) of armor and traits, if we so choose.
With the slot being completed to the desire of the player, once they are out of combat, they can open up the equipment tab and select said template they wish to choose, along with the associated traits they put in with the template.
And at any time, as long as they are out of combat, they can chose to clear any of the templates or edit them, if they so desire; from the armor, jewels, and traits.
To add a situation, if it were to ever occur: If a player decides he wants to use his/her legendary, but with a different stat combination for each set, when they change between builds, their legendary’s stats will change accordingly.
Edit: A detail I did forget to add in. Upon setting another set of armor into the one of the template slots, said armor and jewels will no longer appear in your inventory slot, thus also eliminating the clutter of having the items take up inventory space.
Associated Risks
As far as I can see, I don’t see any real risk to having this feature around. I feel it would be an overall improvement to the game.
Edit: Well, I do see only one and that is if a player wants to change their weapon…still thinking about that. Any additional input would be appreciated.
Edit: Well, seems someone has already beaten me to it. Haha.
(edited by Storm Toryama.2197)
I’m not sure if someone has already proposed this QoL or something similar. I would appreciate it if such a case is.
Proposal Overview
A build template system, allowing for players to switch up their builds on the fly without having to manually do so every time.Goal of Proposal
With this QoL suggestion, this will drastically cut time on players changing their build to several occasions; such as dungeons, World Bosses, WvW, etc.Proposal Functionality
How the idea works is that under the equipment tab of the Hero Panel, there are multiple slots (around 2 or 3) to have both separate armor, jewels, and traits. To keep this simple: We have our current set-up. Upon clocking this empty slot or tab, we can now insert another set (or same) of armor and traits, if we so choose.With the slot being completed to the desire of the player, once they are out of combat, they can open up the equipment tab and select said template they wish to choose, along with the associated traits they put in with the template.
And at any time, as long as they are out of combat, they can chose to clear any of the templates or edit them, if they so desire; from the armor, jewels, and traits.
To add a situation, if it were to ever occur: If a player decides he wants to use his/her legendary, but with a different stat combination for each set, when they change between builds, their legendary’s stats will change accordingly.
Edit: A detail I did forget to add in. Upon setting another set of armor into the one of the template slots, said armor and jewels will no longer appear in your inventory slot, thus also eliminating the clutter of having the items take up inventory space.
Associated Risks
As far as I can see, I don’t see any real risk to having this feature around. I feel it would be an overall improvement to the game.
Edit: Well, I do see only one and that is if a player wants to change their weapon…still thinking about that. Any additional input would be appreciated.Edit: Well, seems someone has already beaten me to it. Haha.
QoL is actually guild QoL not general QoL Hope this helps.
the chat option i think that should change is being able to se chat from guilds you arent repping. we will call it alliance chat for those your not repping. let it be anohter color with the option to turn it off. i dont care if the mesages blend i dont want it to be the same color as the one im repping. im asking for five colors just an extra color. if im not repping them at the time but i do still want to see what they are saying and i can cross rep when i want to respond back. id like it is influence was divided by all the guilds i belong that way when im not repping im still helping them. thats the only guild things i have any opinion about
also thank chris for doing the cdi and taking your own time out of your busy schedule i know i couldnt do that
I think small guilds would Ally . WvW guilds would. And potentially for PVE content to with larger guilds. And WvW alliances with pve guilds. I have been adopted by a WvW Zerg Smashing guild called Helioz on TC and they wanted to ally with a PVE guild to do the content.
Depends on how progression is distributed and the communication channels etc.
First: I am not against introducing guild alliances. But it should be kept in mind that not every small guild would want to do an alliance since that can be quite a mess so if such a system would be introduced so please don’t add things that could only be obtained with alliances (like certain bonus things etc). If an alliance would lead to having a common chat, sharing some guild bonus things, sharing guild missions it would be an awesome addition.
I agree with everything you are saying. I am simply stating that persistence is fun (-:
That sounds great to me, as long as the individual guilds can retain their original identity – for example, the small family guild I mention would be against an overly formal alliance because it would potentially expose the children in that guild to a large number of strangers (which is understandable).
With all of what’s been said in mind, Yaya’s suggestion regarding shared or saved progression – that advances a larger alliance (with unique perks and unlockables) – seems like a really great idea.
The tricks would be implementing that progression without using a system that puts one guild above the other – and implementing a system that allows for multiple alliances between divergent guilds (basically, my guild would possibly want to be in three unique alliances with the three guilds I mention above – based on the activities we share with each).
Of course, to make things even harder, the system would need to be simple to understand and implement.
Of course it would (-:
Problems are the fuel of evolution though, so I am all in!
My thinking was simply -adding to the existing “community” tab under the achievement panel, and the guild perks. Unlocking more titles, skins, and tonics would be reward enough, in addition to increased bonuses/buffs through alliances. There could also be ap’s earned by random on the spot alliances, and/or long term dedicated alliances. But neither guild gains any edge over the other they don’t earn anyway.
An alliance will only be created for mutual gain, so these cosmetics and are just icing on the cake.
P.S Chris you are great, thanks for trying to repair things!
(edited by Yaya.5984)
- Make it possible to be in one Guild only – not 4. The current systam braeks ppl apart and creats conflicts. Bring back Alliances as in GW1! Add an Aalliance chat channel.
Cons: May create rage among ppl who like the current systam (I am NOT one of them).
- Guild halls – a Place to upgrade, hang out/meet and celebrate.
- GvG – A fun way to challenge u’r friends from other Guilds! Teams of up to 10 ppl?
- Guild mail/messages for leaders to use. To announce Guild missions etc?
- a message telling u when ppl from u’r Guild log on.
- Guild commander tag – only visible to guildies.
- A Guild calendar that stretches one month or even one week ahead. To be able to plan for events.
- A special Place to post the Guilds Requirements (currently we use the message of the day for this). Make it link-able.
- A symbol (similar to the map-compleation star) over ur characters head (visible to others than self only) that tells others that u’re a Guild leader. Toggle-able. Useful for recruting.
(edited by Frostfang.5109)
Proposal Overview
Achievements and Monthlies for Guilds
Goal of Proposal
Encourage playing with guildmates and give guilds a reason to exsist outsite of guild missions.
Proposal Functionality
There should be achievements and monthlies that can be done by guilds.
Those should not require guild missions and shouldn’t favor large guilds too much.
There should be however a minial number of people required participating (5 maybe) to complete the quests. The size of each quest should be larger based on the number of active guildmembers.
“complete X eventchains”, “secure X area (do all events in that area atleast once)”, “press X buttons on different places simultaneously (not as hard as guild trek)”, “capture and claim X objectives in WvW/EotM”, “hold X objective atleast for Y hours in WvW/EotM”, “win atleast one GvG”, “perform an epic dance battle vs. another guild”, “commit mass suicide (all have to jump off a cliff because… why not?)”
Associated Risks
Errr… Some achievement grinder will be sad probably.
(edited by HHR LostProphet.4801)
i’m lost. Wheen is the next phase? Where the phases topics written? So complexe structure overall…
- Make it possible to be in one Guild only – not 4. The current systam braeks ppl apart and creats conflicts. Bring back Alliances as in GW1! Add an Aalliance chat channel.
Cons: May create rage among ppl who like the current systam (I am NOT one of them).
A big nono from my part. I need my personal bankslot guild.
Proposal Overview
Turn “Admin Lower Ranks” into its more granular counterparts: “Invite New Members”, “Promote Members”, “Demote Members”, and “Kick from Guild”
Goal of Proposal
Make granting authority to members of the guild more granular, and allow for more classes of control.
Proposal Functionality
By allowing guild leaders to have more control over their ranks, they are able to make the function of their guild more smooth. They could allow all members to invite, allow some officers to hand out promotions, and reserve demotions and kicks for only the highest ranks, for example.
Associated Risks
Virtually none. It may be Confusing For New Players™, but if you are managing a guild, you ought to be taking the time to understand this stuff anyway. Plus, these options are fairly self-explanatory, and would probably clear up what the “Admin Lower Ranks” fully entails without having to hover over it.
I would be personally very unhappy if the amount of Guilds a player could belong to was reduced to only two.
Ideas that add to the game are great…ideas that remove what we already enjoy? Not so great. As evidenced by the player-base reaction to the latest Feature Patch.
Yep that seems to be the resounding feedback about reduction in guild occupancy. Alliances can exist outside of that though.
I think we have two factions:
- multiguilders: they have their reasons to hop guilds constantly
- home guilders: they want to be able to create an unique place
then let’s be back to basic: RPG are all about choices and consequences, do we agree on this? if choices have no consequences, then something is wrong.
Multiguilders have already their way and their reasons, so what about giving Home Guilders solid reasons and tools to also have their way? Make committing to a single guild worth it through specialization, and have the bonus make up for renouncing to hopping, make loyalty count.
In the long run there would be two approach to the game:
- variety (multiguilding)
- specialization (home guilding)
i’m lost. Wheen is the next phase? Where the phases topics written? So complexe structure overall…
Pssst… don’t say that or they’ll release a “New Forumers Experience” patch! O.O
I do like the idea of alliances. There are a lot of associated gameplay and meta social opportunities.
Indeed. So do many of the players. The feedback I got from discussions is that people do NOT want the rigid alliances of gw1 though. They want to forge their own alliance of guilds (pretty much what the multiple guild idea achieves).
The problem is the current implementation causes a lot of grieving being members, and leadership. Mostly related to influence, partly related to lack of visibility of guild chat.
The other problem here is most people having these issues just find another guild (or stop caring and make their own private 1-man guild) rather than putting effort into bringing the issue to the forums and anet.
Linking this thread again as its relevent to my point here:
This thread, although only has a small number of people discussing, does show the different viewpoints of a large proportion of your playerbase.
I would personally like to see influence I earn mirrored between all my guilds, but I can understand the need to balance this. Maybe reduce individual influence gain, but buff influence gained by groups from the same guild?
Visible representation in the guild window isn’t needed, while representation needs to exist for the displayed guild tag, and possible which guild /g chat broadcasts in. Other guilds could be merged into an “alliance chat” channel, which is visible, but the player can’t talk in (due to being confusing if you randomly popped up in another guilds chat with zero context).
Look into improving the current system to reduce the friction between members/leaders and guild A /guild X.
While allowing each player to create their own alliance. Don’t go for rigid guild leader cliche kind of alliance that we had in gw1.
The individual doesn’t want someone else telling them which guilds they are associated to (look at the grief 100% rep causes..).
My personal opinion would be I don’t want the number of guilds I can be in reduced either, but perhaps reducing it would increase the feeling of being part of each guild.
Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.
Multiguilders have already their way and their reasons, so what about giving Home Guilders solid reasons and tools to also have their way? Make committing to a single guild worth it through specialization, and have the bonus make up for renouncing to hopping, make loyalty count.
I tend to think that home-guilders need to earn loyalty, not command it. If I belonged to multiple active guilds, and enjoyed doing that, I wouldn’t want to feel like I was missing out by not committing to a single co-dependent guild. If you have a tight “home guild” and you want your members to stick with your guild, then make it a fun place to be, have a nice community and smooth activities and people will want to stay. If they don’t, then they were never yours to begin with. You shouldn’t be given special tools to bribe people into hanging out with you (although you might want to try actually bribing players into hanging out with you, start sending them money and prizes and they might stick around).
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
I know it’s a post about Logistics and QOL, but I need to clarify something.
GvG: tournament 8v8 between guilds in Guild Wars 1 and a ranking system
All your points were very good besides this one. Guild Wars 2’s gameplay is far from GW1’s, 8v8 on a GW2’s GvG would be not taking into consideration tons of gameplay elements. Good numbers would be more 20v20 or 15v15.
Ok. Now gvg just a matter of time.
But if you made aliance why not make alliance battles? They could be like boss events, so you can fix a time with your mates. I realy liked fort aspenwood, i can image something similar in the vigil or whisperer base
And a survive as long as possible the monsters attack also should be fun, maybe a tower defense game mode
Just the WvW
Proposal Overview
Make it very hard to leave a guild by accident.Goal of Proposal
To prevent loss of personal guild banks and their contents, or guild leaders losing control of their guilds to a random member who then wrecks the guild. To prevent the tension involved in every rep swap when hopping to a personal guild for inventory management … “Will this be the moment I click the wrong button and lose it all?”Proposal Functionality
- Move the Leave Guild button away from other frequently used buttons.
- Make the Leave Guild button obviously dangerous — perhaps make it red and octagonal shaped (though that is more a warning to US players, maybe, as it looks like a Stop Sign for drivers).
- Give a warning popup. If you are the sole member of the guild, “Warning: This will disband the guild and all items in the guild bank will be destroyed. Proceed?” If you are the leader, “Warning: You are stepping down from leadership and may not be able to return to your leader position. Proceed?” If you are a regular member, “Warning: You are leaving (Guild Name). You will no longer have access to guild benefits. Proceed?”
Small and focused as this is, I really do approve/agree.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I tend to think that home-guilders need to earn loyalty, not command it.
try saying that to your wife “ok dear, in the future I may or may not be loyal to you, but you have to earn it first! meanwhile – if you excuse me – I have to date Nancy, Stacy, Jilly and Mary. That’s today. KTX bye”.
Nah, loyalty is something you are born with. It’s ok to carefully choose where to invest that characteristic, but if all places are alike it has completely no sense.
Just think about why you tend to choose a particular restaurant or hotel over others: it’s because they have something that make them unique in your eyes.
Currently, GW2 offers no tools for any kind of specialization so it is not even possible to try.
Multiguilders have already their way and their reasons, so what about giving Home Guilders solid reasons and tools to also have their way? Make committing to a single guild worth it through specialization, and have the bonus make up for renouncing to hopping, make loyalty count.
I tend to think that home-guilders need to earn loyalty, not command it. If I belonged to multiple active guilds, and enjoyed doing that, I wouldn’t want to feel like I was missing out by not committing to a single co-dependent guild. If you have a tight “home guild” and you want your members to stick with your guild, then make it a fun place to be, have a nice community and smooth activities and people will want to stay. If they don’t, then they were never yours to begin with. You shouldn’t be given special tools to bribe people into hanging out with you (although you might want to try actually bribing players into hanging out with you, start sending them money and prizes and they might stick around).
Pretty sure they meant the individual, not the guild..
Also we don’t want to be tied to one guild, we just want to feel part of it while enjoying the game with others.
See previous posts about earning influence for ones entire alliance of guilds, multi-guild-chats, and removing the “not representing” icon since it would no longer be relevant (except for egotistical guilds that want their guild tag displayed 24/7).
Improve the multi-guild functionality, not punish those who use it (indirectly by rewarding those who don’t use it or otherwise).
Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.
(edited by Artemis Thuras.8795)
Automated guild-ranks.
No and just no. Beyond the “entry” rank assignment it’s a bad idea to automate any of the other ranks. If you can’t be bothered to manage your guild and have no one to help then it’s time to trim the membership or just close the guild.
Right now there is enough granularity for what is there. If things are added then they should include rights assignment like everything else. If things get really complicated it might be an idea to add guild roles as a sort of template to streamline assigning rights.
It’s completely optional to use so i’m not sure why you would be so much against it. You don’t like that option? Don’t use it! Simple as that.
We have an international guild so people all play on different times. They play also on different characters. Some always join for guild-missions some never some sometimes.
There is so much variables that it is almost impossible to be fair to all members. In addition it also makes it much more clear for members themselves.
We have a big guild and multiple officers helping but that does not mean this would not be useful, besides we would also like to play the game ourself in stead of watching the roster 24/7 noting online times / representing times and so on the whole time (what would be the only way to manually do what this function could provide!). Personally I think if guild-members would do that they should close there guild because what’s a guild if the leaders only look at the roster all day?
I would personally also only use it for the first few ranks but it’s really a very good and useful tool for bigger guild.
Now that you might not use it yourself that’s all fine but it’s a little bit stupid to come here and say “No and just no.” as if it would hurt you what is of course not the case. It’s completely optional.
We work with these other three guilds in five different ways:
1. When the WvW guild needs support and we arent doing anything as a guild, we have a large number of members hop into their Teamspeak and follow their lead.
2. When members of the primarily APAC guild have to miss their guild mission night, we have a standing arrangement that they can come to ours (and vice versa). Additionally, officers from each guild agree to help out if the other guild is short of people in a given week.
3. The APAC guild and the faimly guild both have permission to use our custom guild pvp arena (which is technically mine, but it is kept running by donations from the guild) – and we set aside one night every other week for fun 3v3 deathmatch tournaments in the courtyard.
4. The family guild leads a “themed” wvw night (all minion master, all asura, etc) one night each week that we like to participate in.
5. Officers of all guilds often whisper back and forth whenever their guild is doing anything that takes larger numbers, so alot of adhoc groups form.
I want to thank you for writing out some concrete examples like this — so much easier than working in a vacuum.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
A lot of people have already covered the Deep Cave/Treasure Trove and other permissions issues which I will add my +1 to and add something else.
Proposal Overview
Add additional options for rank management for security and ease of use.
Goal of Proposal
Tweaking current permissions to be more user friendly, have additional functionality for guild leadership.
Proposal Functionality
-Add an option to require a confirmation dialogue per rank for promoting to or demoting.
This would likely be left unchecked for lower ranks, but would spawn an “are you sure?” dialogue for officer ranks. It is surprisingly easy to accidentally change ranks of members in game, this would solve some of the issues when our assets are tied to our ranks.
-Permissions to add to, remove from and see a “cannot be invited to the guild” list.
There are a few people who have either been kicked from our guilds or have behavior we don’t want that we would like to blacklist from being invited.
-Give cash deposits their own sections and permissions, or at least their own customizable text.
If cash is being set aside for something in the guild bank, it would be good that members could see that.
Associated Risks
Any kind of visible guild ban could put players on such lists at risk of being abused or queried on it. Being able to limit visibility would mitigate this somewhat, but would not remove it.
I tend to think that home-guilders need to earn loyalty, not command it.
try saying that to your wife
“ok dear, in the future I may or may not be loyal to you, but you have to earn it first! meanwhile – if you excuse me – I have to date Nancy, Stacy, Jilly and Mary. That’s today. KTX bye”.
Some countries have weird laws but I doubt you can marry your guild in any of them.
While some guilds might have an informal contract requiring full ‘loyalty’ from their members, it’s a rather unhealthy idea that I’d prefer GW2 didn’t support. Rather than dealing with the symptom – non-representation – it makes more sense to address the cause. Why are people not representing?
Most of the time it’s going to be because the guild can’t offer what they’re looking for all the time. Friends in other guilds, specialist activity guilds, even personal bank guilds.
I’m pretty sure no-one represents other guilds for the thrill of eloping. But I suppose stranger things have happened. After the World Cup semifinal I’m keeping an open mind.
(edited by Ben K.6238)
If these issues were resolved by opening up a seperate channel for all guilds you are a member of, dividing all influence earned between each guild you are a member of and displaying the MOD and online members of each guild you are a member of, then it would not be a problem. In essance you would need full access to each guild you are in at all times to truly be in multiple guilds.
Quick comment – if you could switch between repping guilds without losing guild chat, dividing influence wouldn’t matter so much. If you wanted to go 50/50 you could switch over at will. I’m not sure how complex divvying up the influence would be to implement, but until then there’d be a workaround if we could have all /g channels displayed.
How would you handle the UI design. Specifically clutter?
As far as clutter for general features, it could be just a matter of clicking on the guild in the guild menu and displaying all the information avail to a repping member to every member. you would select the guild and it would display mod, online members, influence, upgrades etc as it does now to repping members. If you wanted to change to another guild then just clicking on the guild would give you access to that guilds info without clicking rep each time.
As far as clutter in the chat, each guild would have their own color to signify each channel like map/say now. Players would have the option of turning off specific channels as they do now. It does present the porblem of channels with alot of discussion hiding comments of other channels. This is already an issue though when say/map chat gets really going in some areas. We would alwasys have the same option of hiding specific channels like we do now though.
Hey Steve,
Interesting points. If you had each guilds chat on your main chat panel you would likely get a huge amount of traffic and not be able to keep up with the volume. I get that people can hide channels but it needs to be designed in such a way that at its max functionality it doesn’t break immersion.
I definately see your point. Its currently an issue in some areas now too. There are days when map/say chat in Divinities Reach can get going and I miss comments from my guild chat. Adding more channels could make things worse, definately. Maybe a chat revamp is neccessary? I don’t know.
Something for us to keep discussing.
Few things come to mind:
- Make /map and /say chat fade away faster than /whisper, /guild, /party when the chat menu is not opened. This would mean that, if a guild member said something, and two people on map followed up in the chat, after a few seconds, the /map chat would fade away but the /guild words would still remain on the screen for, say, twice the duration. This could also be customisable, allowing players to set up priorities for this.
- Alternatively (or in addition to), chat channels with “priorities” would have their own section of the chat reserved just for themselves – say, about two lines. So if your chat window is filling fast with /said messages, and if a guildie or a whisping friend would tell you something, that particular line would be stickied at the top of the chat, without being pushed back by the incoming /say or /map messages, until a set amount of time has passed.
- Alternatively (or in addition to), players could choose to divide the chat in two – with an upper and a lower part for different channels, as well as set up how much space each of the two divisions would take (say, a /guild channel would take 70% of the lines’ space, the remaining 30%, all up to the player).
- And there’s also, of course, emphasized brackets for whenever a new message is posted on that channel.
Not sure if this is the correct phase for this but here goes:
Proposal Overview
Guild Alliances; allow multiple guilds to form as one allaince to do missions together, and chat / organise
Goal of Proposal
Keeping guild identity whilst allowing for expansion and more people involved with each other for a common goal, sometimes smaller guilds will struggle getting numbers together.
Proposal Functionality
Under guilds a seperate tab for alliances, allowing for an alliance leader to add more guilds to a limit (i think it was 10 in gw1). Add a new chat tab for alliance (similar to gw1). Allows multiple guilds to chat to each other, go on guild missions together and organise in game and out of game events, and world bosses. Possible WvW planning
Associated Risks
Possible overcrowding
Spamming chats
May cause smaller guilds to lose part of their identity if they get out voiced (can always leave)
A pair of related proposals regarding guild calendars. These should be considered in addition to another full guild calendar proposal as feature requests.
Proposal the First
Proposal Overview
Import calendars from a trusted calendar provider (e.g.: Google, Apple, Yahoo, or Microsoft) for display in the guild calendar UI.
Goal of Proposal
Some guilds have existing calendars that they could continue to use, needing only the means to display the calendar in-game. Rather than give cause to redo all the effort that went not only into making these calendars, but also into making calendar software, take advantage of what has already been accomplished.
Proposal Functionality
In a proposed Guild calendar UI, one or more calendar URLs can be entered. These calendars are downloaded and rendered in the guild calendar UI.
Associated Risks
There is, unfortunately, the question of public calendars, and authentication for non-public calendars.
The simplest option is to require a publicly available calendar. Anyone on the Internet with the calendar URL will be able to access it. However, some guilds might not appreciate their calendars being public to allow inclusion in the guild UI.
A more complex option is to authenticate the GW2 server with the calendar providers, collating the calendars and publishing them at a guild-specific URL, which the game client accesses (piggybacking on current player authentication).
Further is to authenticate the game clients themselves with the calender providers, downloading the calendars directly from the source. It would be simpler to make a generic calendar panel, which can automatically use guild calendar URLs, rather than guild calender specifically.
Proposal the Second
Proposal Overview
The in-game calendar should also provide a URL that the user can enter into his or her own calendar application.
Goal of Proposal
A calendar soley in-game requires the game client to be installed, patched, and logged in to to view. If the calendar is made available to guild members outside of the game client, then those members will be able to determine what is happening, and what is scheduled to happen, even if they don’t have immediate access to the game client.
Proposal Functionality
Alongside a proposed in-game guild calendar, any URLs the calendar data is retrieved from should be made available to the user.
Associated Risks
In-game guild calenders should not be published at a public URL by default. While it should not be a problem if this is desired by the guild, it must be possible for the calendar to be restricted to only guild members out-of-game just as it is in-game.
Rather than dealing with the symptom – non-representation – it makes more sense to address the cause. Why are people not representing?
because whatever you choose has no consequences, and it has no consequences because the game is designed – so far – this way.
Instead, as mmoRPG, I want to see that RPG part in action, and see my choices having consequences, being relevant and carrying weight.
It requires for me a lot of efforts to see what is positive in getting the same result whatever choice you make, examples that come to my mind are in no particular order: you can’t be Paragon AND Renegade, you can’t be Templar AND Assassin, you can’t be Alliance AND Horde, you can’t be Empire AND Rebels, you can’t be Mickey Mouse AND Donald Duck ecc.
Most of the time it’s going to be because the guild can’t offer what they’re looking for all the time. Friends in other guilds, specialist activity guilds, even personal bank guilds.
this is also something that is missing in the game design, and I remember when I first started playing gw2 I was really negatively surprised by the lack of Guild Alliance system.
The ideal scenario would let you join one guild, then make your way to as many alliances you want (I see no point in limiting the numbers of alliances), alliance chat and whatever tools would be needed to be sure to cover all social aspects and let friends keep in touch even in different guilds, but I also would like to have the ability to see the guild grow by itself and become independent from the officers, let’s say “vision based” rather than “work based”.
I can’t see why guild members would want me ( as their leader) to dictate which guilds they are allied with (rigid gw1 alliances). At the same time I don’t want to have to make that facist imposment upon them.
The multiple guild concept allows each person to forge their own alliance. We just need to remove the root causes of grieving. Influence and chat limitations of representation.
Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.
The ideal scenario would let you join one guild, then make your way to as many alliances you want (I see no point in limiting the numbers of alliances), alliance chat and whatever tools would be needed to be sure to cover all social aspects and let friends keep in touch even in different guilds, but I also would like to have the ability to see the guild grow by itself and become independent from the officers, let’s say “vision based” rather than “work based”.
This isn’t really what most people want. Your still suggesting tieing people to a single guild. What if a guild doesn’t want their rosta filled up with people who don’t generate influence for them? Or for any other reason. Your just morphing the reason to grieve those players. Meaning guilds will still have a very cliche feel to them.
Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.
Proposal Overview
Make it very hard to leave a guild by accident.Small and focused as this is, I really do approve/agree.
Yeah, it’s a really minor thing, but I consider it important too.
Maybe use the same method as they use at destroying rare+ items?
You should type in the guild name to a pop-up box to leave it.
QoL is actually guild QoL not general QoL
Hope this helps.
Okay, thanks for clearing that up!
I would be personally very unhappy if the amount of Guilds a player could belong to was reduced to only two.
Ideas that add to the game are great…ideas that remove what we already enjoy? Not so great. As evidenced by the player-base reaction to the latest Feature Patch.
Yep that seems to be the resounding feedback about reduction in guild occupancy. Alliances can exist outside of that though.
Indeed. Alliances would be adding something to the game, and I’m sure they would make many players pleased. Especially, Alliance chat. =)
Not sure about the logistics of Influence, Bonuses, Buffs, or anything else. What I mean is would people be asking for such things? Would several smaller Guilds want to pool their resources in such a way as to be able to, then, participate in content only the larger Guilds are able to now?
It might require some thought.
I think small guilds would Ally . WvW guilds would. And potentially for PVE content to with larger guilds. And WvW alliances with pve guilds. I have been adopted by a WvW Zerg Smashing guild called Helioz on TC and they wanted to ally with a PVE guild to do the content.
Depends on how progression is distributed and the communication channels etc.
I might be a little late to this part of the conversation but I’d be all for this. I’m in a tiny guild (2.5 people!) and very hesitant to join a large one, though I have a slot reserved for just in case. Anything that would allow family guilds and small groups of mates to get together and get things done would be wonderful.
This is one of the main reasons i like the idea.
I can’t stress enough how much I am in support of this too. We have 4 active members in my current family-based guild, and though we have managed to do one Bounty training mission, all the “real” guild missions are way beyond us. I know I could just join a bigger guild, but I really don’t have that urge – on the other hand it would be amazing to be able to do these activites in an alliance.
I love the discussion that came up last night, but the post that struck me most was from the guild that was 350 strong that teamed up with other guilds for doing things like WvW. Reason being I think that if we start allowing huge guilds to form alliances that become over 1000 members strong, then we’re going to find ourselves in the same situation we are now. Adding features to take advantage of the largest of guilds means smaller guilds (alliances) will not be able to take advantage of it.
Size limits is important, no alliance should be able to grow past the current guild member limit.
However, the same person said that they would prefer a dynamic event system, so maybe there should be a different feature allowing guilds to team up for large-scale activities, his example of wvw seems particularly appropos.
Maybe that should actually be part of the event schedule (I will insist it be this rather than a calendar until I’m told otherwise, as a developer, I can say that developing good calendar UI is such a colossal pain). If we create shared events between guilds or a public calendar where a guild can post signups for everybody.
Probably with a special public calendar for each server’s wvw, it wouldn’t do to advertise a scheduled raid in Divinity’s Reach megaserver.
(edited by wwwes.1398)
Proposal Overview
More guild and group content, especially guild/ group vs environment (in instanced areas)
For smaller groups (~ 5 minimum) to medium-sized guilds (no idea.. maybe 50 maximum??).
Goal of Proposal
Increases the diversity of content for groups or guilds and gives us some more options what to do ingame. Now there is still a lack in a few areas where there should be more content.
Proposal Functionality
Some ideas:
a) defend a building/ place:
you and your guild (or a bigger group of friends/ random people) face waves of mobs; you don’t have to care for picking up loot because everyone will receive it automatically after each wave/ at the end depending on how far and good your group is; mob strength scales on player number and will increase with each new wave
there could be several modes to choose from before it starts like ‘infinite mobs’ (ends when you are not able to kill them anymore) or a limited thing like ‘defend for 10 minutes’ or ’kill 500 mobs" and of course the area, landscape and mobs can vary, etc..
b) attack a building/ place:
you and your group/ guild attack a building and try to capture it, loot should be given at the end, mob strength scales on player number
several modes possible like “capture in 10 minutes” or “kill the chieftain” (for that one you first have to break through the wall, then kill lots of enemies before you get through to the chieftain), different areas, buildings etc…
c) mixed, but overly a friendly game option where your group is building a camp/ whatever and you have to gather things for that; from time to time you have also to ward off a few mobs, but the aspect is more in doing something friendly together
d) boss challenge:
you and your group/ guild are fighting together against random bosses (maybe some of the existing world bosses, too)
there could be also an option for single mode
a), b) and d) could both be offered in normal mode and hard mode
Associated Risks
People might enjoy it. (-;
(edited by Navi.7142)
I would be personally very unhappy if the amount of Guilds a player could belong to was reduced to only two.
Ideas that add to the game are great…ideas that remove what we already enjoy? Not so great. As evidenced by the player-base reaction to the latest Feature Patch.
Yep that seems to be the resounding feedback about reduction in guild occupancy. Alliances can exist outside of that though.
Indeed. Alliances would be adding something to the game, and I’m sure they would make many players pleased. Especially, Alliance chat. =)
Not sure about the logistics of Influence, Bonuses, Buffs, or anything else. What I mean is would people be asking for such things? Would several smaller Guilds want to pool their resources in such a way as to be able to, then, participate in content only the larger Guilds are able to now?
It might require some thought.
I think small guilds would Ally . WvW guilds would. And potentially for PVE content to with larger guilds. And WvW alliances with pve guilds. I have been adopted by a WvW Zerg Smashing guild called Helioz on TC and they wanted to ally with a PVE guild to do the content.
Depends on how progression is distributed and the communication channels etc.
I might be a little late to this part of the conversation but I’d be all for this. I’m in a tiny guild (2.5 people!) and very hesitant to join a large one, though I have a slot reserved for just in case. Anything that would allow family guilds and small groups of mates to get together and get things done would be wonderful.
This is one of the main reasons i like the idea.
I can’t stress enough how much I am in support of this too. We have 4 active members in my current family-based guild, and though we have managed to do one Bounty training mission, all the “real” guild missions are way beyond us. I know I could just join a bigger guild, but I really don’t have that urge – on the other hand it would be amazing to be able to do these activites in an alliance.
I don’t really think you’re the person who got me thinking about this (slightly over a day ago? Wayfarer? Twice as many as my guild?) but it would be great if an alliance hook our sort of people up. I had it in Daoc and we got so much done without losing out identities. Plus making friends!
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
Also I think if the way alliances work is to generate influence for every guild in that alliance, it’s going to be possible to create skeleton guilds that do nothing but farm influence and give the owners a permanent boost. I think it would be better to generate influence normally and then generate a pool of influence for the alliance that can be used to buy stuff like banners or buffs or what not. Guild missions and merits should stay associated with each single guild within the alliance, though any member of the alliance should be able to join in and help.
Beyond the possibilities of exploitation, sharing these things also seems like it could create problems when a guild wants to leave an alliance. It should be possible for a guild to just leave an alliance as neatly as possible without disrupting that guild or the others in the alliance. Though maybe it should have a hefty influence cost to do things like leave a guild or kick another guild from the alliance. Joining an alliance should be something that requires more than a few minutes thought.
(edited by wwwes.1398)
Well since Alliances seem to be an acceptable subject at this phase, here goes.
Title: Guild Alliance
Proposal Overview: Instating the Alliance building functionality as a multi-guild option
Goal of Proposal: Increase the playability of more difficult content and increase comradery between guilds and individuals.
Proposal Functionality: Fix the ‘Too small to succeed mentality’
We did have Alliances in GW1 for many years. As I recall there were 10 guilds that could be in an alliance. The Alliance was usually made up of like-minded guilds and allowed for more social interaction with those you might not otherwise be exposed to.
- The Alliance Chat functionality was quite helpful in organization and functional logistics.
- It was great for small to medium size guilds too to be able to throw more bodies at a situation which required more people power.
- Group user designated events tended to be hosted in one of the Alliance’s Guild Halls, problem there though is GW2 remains Guild Hall deficient.
For Example: Our Alliance, the Society Of Souls [Argh] used to have giveaways, lotteries, and various other PvE in world events. Some of which were announced and open to the general public. I met a lot of wonderful people who I otherwise would have not had the pleasure of encountering had the alliance not existed.
Associated Risks: As we already had Alliances in our game’s predecessor maybe I will leave it up to the esteemed Chris W to address what the issues were in the past, then we could address possible solutions in the future.
Proposal Overview
Add “Societies” to the game – a new type of guild-like organization focused on providing services via subscription.
Goal of Proposal
- Provide a way for players to engage with their favorite community leaders
– Relieve guilds of the need to function as service providers
– Support social play by not forcing players to choose between friends and activities
– Pave the way for, but not absolutely require, one-guild-per-player, if desired
Proposal Functionality
A society would resemble a guild, with a membership roster, hierarchy, and possibly shared storage. However the roster would be much smaller, as low as 20 members. These members would function as a sort of executive board for the society.
Players wishing to interact with the society would be able to “pledge” to it. This pledge would function as a subscription, enabling a player to receive broadcast announcements from the executive board. When the board of a society wants to organize an event they could send a broadcast to their subscriber base. Other proposed guild features, such as an events calendar, may also apply here.
Pledging to a society would be voluntary on the part of the player and able to be revoked at any time. The mechanism for Pledging would depend on a player action like joining a squad, rather than an invitation sent from the board as with a guild.
When the pledges of a society gather on a map with members of the board to do events, the society would get some sort of credit for the success of the event. The society credit would function a lot like influence and merits, and societies would be able buy a lot of the same sort of upgrades.
Representation would be separate from guilds. Pledges might not even need to represent their society. Their presence on the same map as a board member could signal to the system that they are participating in a society function. The board members would still need to choose which society they wish to represent at a given event, so that the game knows which society to assign credit to, should they be on more than one board.
The board should have access to a list of their pledges. They would need the ability to tag, label, sort, and/or categorize pledges. This would be used to help the board when scouting out new talent, designating which pledges are able to serve as team leaders, flagging players as needing additional assistance, or flagging players for disruptive behavior. This information should be private to the board.
Associated Risks
All of the risks of inter-player communication: trolling, harassment, spam. This would be self-limiting, as pledges who feel that a society’s messages are unwanted could easily revoke their pledge and find or found a new society whose communication style they prefer.
The board may need a way to kick a pledge from the society.
Large guilds may feel their responsibilities being encroached on or feel pressured to also form a society for their guild.
It may prove difficult to sort out which society gets credit if multiple societies are present on a map for an event. Perhaps go by the total number of pledges present for each society.
Players may not initially understand the difference between a guild and a society.
Some guilds may already have “society” in their name, which could lead to confusion.
As essentially a new system, there would be a lot of front and back end code and UI changes, with all the risks associated with software development.
(edited by culturespy.1324)
Some random toughts on alliances:
First: Why do we want an alliance?
For me the reason would be to have a wider group of people, who can help out each other with forming groups for fractals, dungeons, guild activites probably. So basicaly it’s a friendship between 2 or 3 (or possibly more) guilds. Each can keep its own identity, but together they have the numbers for different kinds of activites (maybe raids in the future). That’s an alliance I can imagine.
I would definately differntiate this from “task/goal-oriented guilds” – at least that’s what I call them. You know very big guilds with non-dominant social life, created only for a single purpose like kill three-headed-wurm, WvW guild for the server, Dry Top farmers or whatever you can imagine.
The biggest question I have with alliances is that how global or individual should it be?
- the alliance is a rigid, global thing, each member is inside the exact same alliance
- alliances are guild-based choices, each guild can form its own group of alliance
- alliancer are presonal choices, each player can be in the alliance they want to
I would rule out the third, individual option immediately, because that’s not a real alliance, that’s just creating a platform for having all the guilds you are in connected somehow. It’s basicaly a friend list and doesn’t add anything to the social life that a good alliance should fulfill.
Separate alliances for each guild seem better at first sight, because it offers freedom for every guild to surround itself allies it wants to, plus it would create a web of connections, but it might raise some problems in action. For example “alliance chat” is out of question that way, because I would see different members there than one of my allied guild member is seeing, because his guild might have a different set of allies. But if there isn’t any alliance chat, than what practical things would it offer. Why would it be better than unofficial alliances that we can already have today, like “I ask XY guild, they are kind, they might help us out.” I have some ideas, like you could invite your allies to your guild hall (for a dinner party :P) but that will be another topic I guess.
On the other hand if alliances are rigid and not guild-based that would raise the question that who would decide about inviting a new guild to the alliance. Imagine two guilds that are already partners but one would like to add a third one. It shouldn’t be a problem between partners and I’m sure most of the guilds can sort it out, but technically we would rely on being fair and considerate with other, which is a human issue afterall. Relationships usually have bumps so we should think about how would kicking a guild out of an alliance work, or should we have that option in the first place.
So all in all the biggest question for me, before we would go into details about alliances, that would they be non-overlaping social cricles (even with their own name) or do we want different alliances for each guild, but then we should deal with the issues that it raises.
I know I’m not offering many answers here , but I really consider this a core point of alliances and I can come up with many pros and cons for both types.
(edited by CyClotroniC.4957)
Gemstore contracts for Guild Hall feature
This will be a two way benefit to both players and ANET. Guilds will receive the guild halls they have been wanting and ANET will be able to receive minor compensation via gem purchases for it.
The process works similar to how PvP Custom Arenas work in the long run. A guild must have Architecture T7 before being able to purchase a Guild Hall Contract. Once you have the contract you are then able to purchase and activate a Guild Hall through purchase on the gemstore (1600gems). This gives you one month access to the guild hall. You add days to it similar to how you add days to a PvP Custom Arena. You can add other functions to the guild hall through both gemstore microtransaction (maybe black lion things like trading post vendor, bank, merchant, etc) for a one time purchase and also through influence (crafting stations, armorsmith and weaponsmith, etc.) which will be in the T5,6,7 category.
This also opens the possibility for ANET to come out with new guild hall skins (which just change the guild hall and not the vendors [though vendor changes would be nice based on guild hall]). These skins could be seasonal or released in line with LS events. Ie. Halloween comes around and for maybe 2-4 weeks they have the Halloween guild hall theme for sale that you can unlock on the guild account. You can then access a new tab under guild (if you have the appropriate rank) and change the guild hall from the list of unlocked guild halls (similar to how the new wardrobe shows you outfits you have unlocked, ones that are locked, and ones that are for sale). Once you have the skin unlocked you can choose it whenever you want with no additional charge. Want a Halloween guild hall this week? Awesome! Want a Wintersday, SAB, or Mordem corrupted hall next week? Go right ahead! As long as you own it, you can switch it. [Note: if players are inside when you change the hall, it can do just like a WvW reset and give a 10 minute counter for people to leave, and if they don’t leave they are kicked until it switches.]
A vast majority will like this (because they have guild halls) but there will be a lot of negative feedback about having to pay for something that they assumed would be in the game. There would be a lot of flak for that. Also there would be a risk of losing purchased items (ie, vendors purchased on gemstore or influence) if you don’t pay for your guild hall. This this I say maybe give the community a basic guild hall when you unlock guild halls in Architecture T7 and make the payment for guild halls maybe a “Guild Hall Starter Pack” which gives you access to maybe 5 preset guild halls (Charr, Norn, Human, Sylvari, Asura).
Additional Notes
Different Guild Hall ideas for purchase off the gemstore:
Dragon Bash
Cultural (Human, Norn, Sylvari, Asura, Charr)
Toxic (Nightmare Tower)
Quaggan (Primarily underwater?)
Love the CDI. Hope i can still contribute something useful.
I love the idea of Guild Raids. Right now, organising events is rather disappointing. Say for example me and my guild would want to organise an event, and we choose Tequatl. We’d have to round up whats probably a majority of the guild, and plan a few days beforehand, for an event thats going to last a grand total of 15 minutes probably. Right now, aside from maybe dry top, theres very little we can organise a major event around that we can keep doing for multiple hours. If we had living storystyle raids we could do, we could finally organise big events around ingame content. Im lucky to have a guild leader who comes up with all kinds of creative ideas, but these kinds of people are rare, and alot of guild leaders have trouble finding events to do.
I personally consider myself as mostly belonging to and being loyal to one guild, and i believe facilitating the organising of events would make that guilds can do much more together and greatly increase guild cohesion.
Then, i thought of two ideas, or more general concepts, that would be great for guilds.
The first one is a more obvious way to alert guild members to the events the guild is holding.
The goal of this would be, obviously, to increase awareness of guild events and increase attendance.
Im thinking of an announcement system for guild events. Possibilities include an icon in the jiggly chest area for the event, a very obvious message in the chat window, an overlay like the ‘your inventory is full’ thing over your game, and more. The possibility to add a countdown to the guild window somewhere could be really useful.
The major issue here is clutter, which is easily solvable by a toggle in the options menu, i think.
The second idea was to bring more clarity to the events themselves through partylike features for guilds.
The goal would be to make it easier for guild leaders to organise the events and to bring more clarity to the members attending them.
What im thinking of is mostly bringing party features like map lines, map alert pings (the red ones), and dots where people are, to guilds while events are active, controlled by guild members with sufficient permissions. An idea here too is to allow the event leaders to have their messages highlighted in chat.
Main issue again is unwanted clutter, which could be solved with the same toggle as above.
Proposal Overview
Make it very hard to leave a guild by accident.Goal of Proposal
To prevent loss of personal guild banks and their contents, or guild leaders losing control of their guilds to a random member who then wrecks the guild. To prevent the tension involved in every rep swap when hopping to a personal guild for inventory management … “Will this be the moment I click the wrong button and lose it all?”Proposal Functionality
- Move the Leave Guild button away from other frequently used buttons.
- Make the Leave Guild button obviously dangerous — perhaps make it red and octagonal shaped (though that is more a warning to US players, maybe, as it looks like a Stop Sign for drivers).
- Give a warning popup. If you are the sole member of the guild, “Warning: This will disband the guild and all items in the guild bank will be destroyed. Proceed?” If you are the leader, “Warning: You are stepping down from leadership and may not be able to return to your leader position. Proceed?” If you are a regular member, “Warning: You are leaving (Guild Name). You will no longer have access to guild benefits. Proceed?”Small and focused as this is, I really do approve/agree.
This is really good and it’s totally true.
Also, I think a valid point in these discussions about multiple guilds would be the fact that we can’t store gold in our personal bank. Someone from ArenaNet even suggested having a personal guild bank when the change was made to alleviate the issue. Unless a way to store gold in personal storage is added along with Alliance functionality at least as good as in GW1 is added I am totally uninterested in being able to be in less than 5 guilds.
How would you handle the UI design. Specifically clutter?
Interesting points. If you had each guilds chat on your main chat panel you would likely get a huge amount of traffic and not be able to keep up with the volume. I get that people can hide channels but it needs to be designed in such a way that at its max functionality it doesn’t break immersion.
It is still a drop down window though, as apposed to a click.
Specifically: | Random Guild Name[RNDM](4) |
Unless i am not understanding your design.
While I think that the entire chat system could do with a total top down rebuild, I wouldn’t want to see much needed guild improvements postponed until at total chat redesign becomes a priority.
The system already has the ability to create multiple tabs and customise which channels go into each tab, so the ability to split different guild chats away from each other is already possible.
The recent massive optional increases in combat log traffic have also created a UI modification (the little side arrow that opens a sub-menu) that could be used to easily manage whether or not you are listening to a particular guild channel when creating or editing a tab.
Essentially the ability to control chat system overload is already in the hands of the player, so worrying about it becomes less of an issue, at least in my mind.
That being said, the ability to easily detect if something has been said on a channel that you’re not currently watching would be a huge benefit to the system.
One way of implementing could be a simple modification like the one in the image I’ve attached to this post. I’ve added channels for home server chat (/h), roleplay (/rp) and alliances (/a & /a1-a5) because you might as well add the other common requested channels while doing guilds. I’ve also assumed that the cap would be 1 alliance per guild, because otherwise the system would become massively complex from a chat point of view.
With a UI similar to this, you could tell at a glance if there is chat you’ve not read, and also have an easy reminder to the short-cuts to pull up the channel. I’d suggest that you’d be able to click on the coloured squares to turn on (and off) the main channels in a single click.
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