Charr and Asura female precursor armor
All female characters should use the female version of Armor.
I know for myself and most of the friends I have in game that Asura Female Armor has always been particularly frustrating in that it uses the male armour variant, especially when Previews show the Female version and then you end up with a Male Chest piece.
(edited by Lady Elyssa.2469)
Cats should not have boob plate. Even if you were going for a more feminine look, there should never be something like that on Charr.
Asura: no.
Charr: don’t care.
Yes, change it.
Lore-wise it doesn’t even make sense for female charr and asura to use female armour.
However, I don’t think the male armour even looks good. It looks bland and boring, I can see why other players may not like the male varient on the female charr and asura; the male varient is ugly on male characters already.
Perhaps updating the male varient and giving it more appeal (ahem, let’s make it as revealing as our female versions ).
(edited by Riplexy.3479)
Yes, change it.
Yes, change it.
Lore-wise it doesn’t even make sense for female charr and asura to use female armour.
There is, literally, zero lore that states that with the Asura. The Charr, yes; the asura, that is a cultural trait that is entirely assumed by the forums based on nothing more than asurans regularly only having one armor set, which was a result of time/resource budgeting in the art department having nothing to do with lore.
(edited by Conncept.7638)
Yes, please change it.
There’s nothing wrong with aiming for more feminine armor styles, but overly sexualized armor is absurd, especially when it doesn’t respect the established lore for the races. (Why not armor that shows off the sexy ears or big-brained forehead for asura, or actually respects the charr tail, ie. the easiest sexually dimorphic trait to pick out in charr?)
Not to mention, those particular boob cups on charr and asura look ridiculous (wear ‘em and grow boobs when you didn’t have any… wut?)
can’t we have both tbh?
Give ascended armor a double option skin?
why not just let us choose in game which version we want. whether male or female.
Having a male/female version toggle for armors when applicable would be a wonderful thing imo.
Not sure if it’s at all possible… but since it’s legendary armor… can a toggle be added that’ll let the player choose?
Instead of getting rid of one style completely and making a big group of people upset, why not have both? Having an option to dress your character with either style or to pick a certain recipe that contains a certain style would be appreciated by all players.
Make the male version default, with the female version of the skin unlocked as an alternative, like the recent Cavalier weapon skins also unlocking Guild Cavalier weapon skins. Everybody wins, and no art assets are wasted.
Yes, change it.
“Slap two impractical AND anatomically wrong boob domes on it” is not the only way in the world to make something “feminine”, kitten .
Yes, it should be changed. It doesn’t make sense that every other armor and outfit looks same on male and female asuras and charrs but the precursor armor doesn’t.
(edited by Moonsphere.4295)
It’s horrible!! Do not let the Charr and Asura boobs !! These are not human !!
Change IT! please please please!!!
(edited by Louveepine.7630)
There is, literally, zero lore that states that with the Asura. The Charr, yes; the asura, that is a cultural trait that is entirely assumed by the forums based on nothing more than asurans regularly only having one armor set, which was a result of time/resource budgeting in the art department having nothing to do with lore.
I do recall reading something outside of the forums that stated otherwise in regards to female asura but, whatever. ¯\(?)/¯ Mistakes happen, so calm down and have some tea.
Redgardless though, tiddy plates on mole-rat females still look ridiculous.
“What was that phrase? Six or nothing?”
Please change it. I love female charr because It’s been awesome to play a female character that isn’t weirdly sexualized through armor choices, and I’d like to continue that trend with the precursor armor if possible.
If the ONLY option is to change it to the male version, then do so.
But if you really value our input, please make a femenine version which make sense for Charr and Asura, and adjust the details so tails, horns, ears and feet looks good.
PLEASE make those unique and awesome races of Tyria have armor that look awesome on them.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
Pictures, for those who haven’t seen this armor on female Asura and Charr.
imo it should be changed to male armor, at least on the chest plate.
OMFG I’m laughing soo hard atm the faces of these characters says iy all xd it’s like WTF have ya made me wear xdddd ceep it xd it helerious
Yes switch to male variant. Or do one of two other things: Keep the individual breast cups, but cover the rest of the body so it doesn’t look like bikinis, or keep the same amount of skin showing, but make the breast piece a single plate.
I have 16 female aura characters. They all vote yes to change it too.
Maybe bring it back at Halloween with an effect that makes their heads tiny so they can play dress-up as smallbrains.
Yes to male variant for Asura and Charr, please.
Okay, I just saw a screenshot of an Asura with the babyface and the legendary boobcups.
I was saying yes to the change because female armor on Charr look ridiculous, but seriously, now I’m saying yes also because I think it’s horrendous to see what look like a 4 years old with boobcups. ._.
how about:make EVERY armor a togle between male and female FOR ALL.
yes we will see pink norns (with bunny ears) in pink tutus? (gaaay? Yes! More)
But we have those all the time anyways.. pink norns with pink staches, scallywag and maybe one short trouser(does something like that exist?) who have the glittery backpack and the princess-wand-skin..
Like.. Its okay or not?
You would make so many people happy with such an option.. The people who wanna look a bit funny/weird, the people who love them their sexy outfits (feathered undergarment on men: yes please. Why should only female models look like exotic dancers? )
and the people who dont love their sexy outfits (or like them on some characters and on others not like myself) will be happy because then my gruffy scarfaced nornwarrior can run around without the weird gaps in the phalanx armor or the weird holes between the boots and the tassels on the carpax armor (my favorite)
or the bladed armor (would be my favorite if there wasnt the stupid hole focusing the view ON HER CROTCH.. why? )
so.. like…. if you wanna make a ton of people happy out of a myriad of reasons.. try to shape the armors so they fit all models and give us the option to toggle male/female versions (if its too much work then just do it for the chest, legs/shoes first)
like that would be so great… People like me who mostly play female chars (and I dont wanna have to play male chars not to look stupid, sry) can choose between sexy and modest, people who like looking funny or weird can now run around roleplaying as drag queens n kings… (howsabout giving us false beard skins? that would be great. And ironic. scnr )
I think really this would solve so many problems.. because I can have my warrior without boobcups and my mesmer will be the sexiest dazzling sylvari around.. and e´rrbody is happy.
everybody gets what they want.
yes It may take time and stuff but If you are able to make a rule/program/somethin
that all designers go when they design their stuff to be sure the toggling will work… then I bet my kitten that you wont have people crying about the weird sexualized female armors and others wont whine because the love the weird sexualized female armors..because everybody can have what they want without having to alter or change the character they play (only because the game restricts you so much(gender gated clothing and haircuts) in a game that should be about looking great/sexy/bada** while saving the world)
Yes. Charr and Asura are not humanoid, they do not have breasts. They look ridiculous.
But: Why even have separate armors for genders to begin with? Obviously there’s some slight changes that would need to go on for breasts, but that seems minimal in comparison to designing what usually amounts to two completely separate armor sets and selling them under the same name. Sometimes the same armor is SO different between genders – wouldn’t that double the amount of available skins/currency sink and allow people to choose what fits their character best and not what Anet thinks about gender? Yes, let boys wear dresses and bikinis. Yes, let girls pick between tiny tops and head to toe armor. It’s just such an arbitrary division and a waste of work.
I also like what someone else said about Asura and Charr on reddit: they probably have a very different idea of “feminine” and stuffing them in human lady armor without any charr-feminine or asura-feminine alternative is avoiding some cool attention-to-detail world building that we like to see on every level of the game.
(edited by kimeekat.2548)
Redesign each model, honestly. There is no reason for my charr to be forced to fit into human male or female armor. She is a charr. She should have charr precursor armor. Even my male charr should have charr precursor armor.
Recognize that you can’t just force a square peg into a round hole and spend some time designing character armor that fits the character. Especially for legendary armor, armor that I’m expecting you guys to have put some work into, I’m expecting something akin to cultural armor. My asura with legendary armor would signify that my asura is legendary. These armors do not say legendary to me. They say “should have rolled a human.”
Norn and Sylvari would fit into human armors, but honestly they should have their own armor models, as well.
I can only speak from the Asura perspective as I have no Charr, but having the same model for both would make the armour set seem about as legendary as the gem store armours we used to buy that were identical for both genders. It definitely needs a rework, because breast plates on a race without any breasts is a bit silly, and, I don’t think any comment needs to be added on the light leggings other than “dear god, why. That butt looks like it’s concealing a tail the leggings are extending that far out at the back”. There should be a distinction between the two else it defeats the purpose of unique and legendary, but the distinction between the two shouldn’t be the current version at all for the light armour. The medium is… interesting. The heavy is actually okay, however. I’ll also add for medium and heavy’s helmet: If legendary armour/legendary precursor armour is just going to remove ears from existence, what makes this set special compared to the million other sets that already clip through everything that isn’t part of a Human’s model?
Something as special and expensive as legendary armour should really be fit for each race’s culture instead of a copy-paste of the Human’s and it’d be a brilliant yet woefully expensive unofficial tier 4 to the cultural armour, by technicality. When a wedding outfit is more culturally fitting to each race than the most legendary armour in the game, you really do have to question the choice…
(edited by Zaldinora.6748)
Yes please change it, it looks incredibly silly.
Yes, please do change it!
Redesign each model, honestly. There is no reason for my charr to be forced to fit into human male or female armor. She is a charr. She should have charr precursor armor. Even my male charr should have charr precursor armor.
Recognize that you can’t just force a square peg into a round hole and spend some time designing character armor that fits the character. Especially for legendary armor, armor that I’m expecting you guys to have put some work into, I’m expecting something akin to cultural armor. My asura with legendary armor would signify that my asura is legendary. These armors do not say legendary to me. They say “should have rolled a human.”
Norn and Sylvari would fit into human armors, but honestly they should have their own armor models, as well.
I can only speak from the Asura perspective as I have no Charr, but having the same model for both would make the armour set seem about as legendary as the gem store armours we used to buy that were identical for both genders. It definitely needs a rework, because breast plates on a race without any breasts is a bit silly, and, I don’t think any comment needs to be added on the light leggings other than “dear god, why. That butt looks like it’s concealing a tail the leggings are extending that far out at the back”. There should be a distinction between the two else it defeats the purpose of unique and legendary, but the distinction between the two shouldn’t be the current version at all for the light armour. The medium is… interesting. The heavy is actually okay, however. I’ll also add for medium and heavy’s helmet: If legendary armour/legendary precursor armour is just going to remove ears from existence, what makes this set special compared to the million other sets that already clip through everything that isn’t part of a Human’s model?
Something as special and expensive as legendary armour should really be fit for each race’s culture instead of a copy-paste of the Human’s and it’d be a brilliant yet woefully expensive unofficial tier 4 to the cultural armour, by technicality. When a wedding outfit is more culturally fitting to each race than the most legendary armour in the game, you really do have to question the choice…
Just have to put these two awesome posts here AGAIN, because just +1 them is not enough.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
kitten this is funny they give us a choice bettwen what they want to and have done from the start.
The reskin human male on both asura and charr female. (the obvious choice but its not becouse people want it but that the other “choice” is to silly)
Or a reskin human female armor for both that make no sence in the slightest.
Stop being lazy and do 10 diffrent armor skins 1 for each race and gender.
If not then why stop there make, 1 weapon skin and reskin it to all the other weapons aswell so noone knows what weapon you wield ( perfect way to get the great axe we always wanted) dual great axe thief in pvp hm is that a pistol pistol, sword pistol, dagger pistol or anywere inbetten… would honestly be a great april fools joke
Yes change it to the male variant! It looks absolutely ridiculous as it stands right now.
~Hokie —
~Red Kiwi
Yes, make the female charr/asura wear the male version. The current version is just ridiculous. And it’s supposed to be LEGENDARY armor (well, not yet, but since it leads to it, I’ll assume the basic shape is here to stay). It should look good on everybody, and every body. To be honest, I am very wary of what the legendary armor will look like on charr and asura (and norn, somewhat), because of the game’s history of humanoid designs badly stretched or squashed on less-humanoid bodies. So I definitively think each race should get something fit for it. People are going to invest a lot of time in those armors, and they should look good.
Yes, please please change it. 8 out of my 9 characters are female charr. The 9th is male. I play this race to get away from the stupid boobcentric designs in other games. I don’t care if my charr get the same armor across both genders, I just refuse to have boobs on any of them. I don’t have any asura but it makes no sense to me why a boobless race would need a bra.
I wouldn’t say change it to male.
But do something more fitting than what it currently is.
This is my opinion aswell.
pop up a poll and I bet you hit that 75%
While I do want more girly and feminine things for my Asuras, I don’t think slapping cups on armor and calling it a day is the way to go.
Yes please. Change it. The cups are really out of place for these races.
Yes, please swap out the chestplate for the male variant one.
Part of the reason I decided to play Charr in the first place is that they were a nonhuman race with women who weren’t just sexy humanoids, but like, with fur or something.
What I am courious about is, if the legendary armor in the end is just the base model we have allready, just with a prettier skin and some effects?
If that is the case, then I really am concerned on what they call legendary.
Oversized skulls?
Ugly trenchcoats
Pretty standard light armor.
The skin right now shows that there is still some polish needed, but if we see a hint of the endresult then I am concerned.
I like the heavy version, though
Yes, change them.
The absolute best would be to remodel the set entirely to fit each race. Assuming the general design of the armor will stay the same when making the journey to the legendary version: you really cannot have stretched textures, weirdly translated armor pieces or clipping on legendary armor! It should supposedly (one of) the coolest armor(s) in the game, representative of GW2, so it need to at least fit each race well.
Also a choice for everyone whether they want to use the male or female design would be super cool. But I can understand that would take a lot of work.
I don’t see why people are having heart attacks over this.
But for my input, I really am tired of my female Asura and Char having armor that looks incredibly restrictive and “chaste”. Why can’t there be more variety for ALL armor of ALL genders? I get that Asura and Char don’t have much sexual dimorphism, but sometimes it’s really hard to tell the difference between genders when toons are just running around a map. Some male versions of armor are incredibly ugly, too. Why be so lacking in variety? And I am speaking for light, medium, and heavy armors.
Guild: Moonlit Renegades (Moon)
Highest-Level Toon: Markus Emmerich, 80 Human Scrapper
I’d like to put my vote on changing it.
While I agree that those races should have the option for more feminine-based armor options, I don’t agree that it’s achieved through giving them steel breasts. The armor should be sleek and flat, just as their chests are.
Yes, change it and.. start making decent armors for charrs. That precurson set is just ridiculous on charr. I can imagine “legendary” already based on precurson.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Yes! Six or nothing!
I can see the Charr female version looking silly, but on Female Asura please leave it be. We do not have enough (if any) feminine options on Asura, and it doesn’t even look that silly on Asura.
I don’t see why people are having heart attacks over this.
I really really don’t get it either. Whenever Arenanet releases an even remotely revealing outfit, people get up in arms and scream “SEXIST” and how they’re sick of """all the bikinis""".Tell me again where all these bikinis are? Sure there are many, but at the same time there are MANY OPTIONS THAT EXIST WHICH ARE NOT BIKINIS THAT LOOK NICE AS WELL! Compare that to the Asura female options where we have almost quite literally zero “feminine” or “sexy” armors. I also fail to see the inherent negative connotation that many users associate with “sexy” armors. Who’s business is it besides my own in the way I choose to dress my characters? I’m also on the side where men should have some more revealing armors as well, but that’s for another thread.
(edited by Ian.1349)
For this tier of the precursor armor I would vote no. Do not change it.
However, before people are able to get the Tier II armor I would seriously look at it in terms of how odd it looks. Make the chest pieces unique and feminine, but without the emphasis on boobs.
Regardless of what you do though: Make sure that helms don’t remove asura ears or charr horns and that coats/pants are properly fitted to accommodate charr tails. YES, extra work will be required to make those modifications, but if you’re going to have races that do not conform to the standard humanoid model you need to do that work.
Surprised there is no poll for this. WvW folks have polls to make it easy for you.
Jenna Gracen – Scrapper && Merit Sullivan – Guardian
Daenerys Ceridwen – Druid && Vexia Gracen – Chronomancer
Yes, unless you can create a female armor that will fit to those races.
Yes, please change it. Ideally precursor and legendary armor should have cultural designs (with culturally-based gender differences where appropriate – see Wedding Attire Outfit).
At the very least, please try to eliminate tail/horn/ear/toe clipping for charr and asura characters. Custom racial boots have worked well in the past (see Ascalonian Sentry Boots on charr).
(edited by RWinter.1680)
Give them six cups! (And male char four more hands, of course. )