(edited by Izaya.2906)
Close the equipment gap
Well you first explain how the stats don’t matter at all and then you say they are the only reason to ever to craft ascended items. This contradicts itself.
If the stats are irrelevant now, there is already no reason to craft ascended gear according to your statement.
However I see a lot of players using it.
It appears to me like the stats are indeed very significant, so much, that they justify the massive grind required to get them.
Also ascended armor has infusion slots so the main reason to craft it is to participate in high-level FOTM.
Maybe you should go back and look at why ascended gear was added in the first place.
Hint: there would be no one here to play with if they didn’t add it.
Well you first explain how the stats don’t matter at all and then you say they are the only reason to ever to craft ascended items. This contradicts itself.
If the stats are irrelevant now, there is already no reason to craft ascended gear according to your statement.
However I see a lot of players using it.
It appears to me like the stats are indeed very significant, so much, that they justify the massive grind required to get them.
“If the stats are irrelevant now, there is already no reason to craft ascended gear according to your statement.”
This^ There are many threads explaining just how meaningless ascended is. One reddit poster even did the math and showed that wearing ascended while in lower level zones nerfs you because of scaling.
There really is not reason to make the armor unless you’re like me and just have nothing else to work towards.
Finally found it, here is the reddit thread.
I was looking for it earlier this week.
HoT is the perfect opportunity to up the stats of exotics to be on par with ascended items.
Having no equipment spiral has always been one of the best things about GW.So why not take this chance to even out the playing field and adjust the stats to one base level.
Now you might think the stat difference is rather small and has no significant impact. But if you compar it to other games like WoW, wich is pretty much the poster child for an endless gear treadmill, you can see the stat increase is about the same as in WoW, percentage wise.
If ANet comes through with their promises of “truly chalenging PvE content” I can’t help but wonder what this content will be balanced around.
If it’s balanced for exotics the hardcore crowd will just plow through the contend and be disappointed because it’s no challenge.
On the other hand if it’s balanced around ascended gear we will have a hard split in the community, at least in dungeons ect.I’d be very interested to know how people who have all the ascended stuff would feel about a change like this.
I think it’s funny the number of people who will be (have already been) posting bad math for the % difference between the exotic and ascended, who’ve forgotten the reason why it was implemented wasn’t for open world but was supposed to solely be for fractals, and who will no doubt tell you no because they don’t want to be equal to others they consider beneath them.
It’s amazing isn’kitten Remember when this game wasn’t going to have stats on gear at all making it an even playing field for everyone? That would have been truly revolutionary a design but they decided to go the same direction as every other game title out there it seems. Sad.
Maybe you should go back and look at why ascended gear was added in the first place.
Hint: there would be no one here to play with if they didn’t add it.
That’s actually not true. If anything, ascended introduction only increased the rate at which people were leaving the game in the beginning. The player hemorrhage slowed and stopped only after Living Story started.
And that’s why we don’t have next tiers of gear in the game after ascended, even if when that tier got introduced, they did intend to continue with vertical progression later on.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I don’t really care about Ascended gear mainly because it’s a grind I rather save for the next set of Legendary weapons and because Exotics are pretty close minus a few stats.
Why can’t you people just assume the fact that ascended changes NOTHING except giving players a goal to work for.
i wouldn’t call ~+20% dps bonus on zerkers (full exo vs full ascended) to be nothing. Besides, the problem goes beyond mere stats – it changes the core ideology behind the game away from things i bought this game for.
Exagerate much? Here read up:
It’s 10% and that is with a majority of this bonus comming from trinkets (the easiest to aquire ascended),a medium part from weapons (the in between ascended), and a very minor part from armor (the by far biggest chunk with lowest return).
Okay, adding might stacks, fury and other buffs does change the calculation a bit, downplaying the effect of ascended. Still, +11% is still a significant bonus. Actually, to think of it, if you are a person that always fights with full buffs, then +11% dps (well, +12.5%, since you’d likely have infusions as well) is definitely a huge bonus.
Games change, ascended is here to stay. Learn to deal with it and enjoy the game or not, your call.
As you say, games change. It changed once in a way that i dislike due to few people crying, so i see no reason why it couldn’t change the other way someday if i won’t give up on it.
Again, exagerate much. Almost no one who has full ascended uses full infusions. Most people, like myself pop a +5 agony resist in the slot and are done with it.
But let’s assume you do fully infuse every slot for maximum stats (5 to stat per slot). Thats another about 3,000 gold for around 80-84 power. Here let me spell it out, 3,000 !!!!! gold for the last 1% increase.
And that is not even considering that the first around 8% come from trinkets alone (which are dirty easy to get and require only a time commitment, are tradable between characters and cost almost no gold).
As is right now, ascended has got to be one of the closest things to get added that appeases both worlds, those who want to stop at exotic tier and those min/maxing for BiS. That is not even counting the fact that the moment you step into areas sub 80 your ascended get isntantly downgraded to exotic quality.
It was something along the lines of:
1-39 → you get downgraded to Masterwork maximum
40-59 → you get downgraded to Rare
60-79 → you get downgraded to Exotic
80 → here you get your ascended bonus compared to exotic
(this section is for those theorycrafting on how downgrading works)
Maybe you should go back and look at why ascended gear was added in the first place.
Hint: there would be no one here to play with if they didn’t add it.
That’s actually not true. If anything, ascended introduction only increased the rate at which people were leaving the game in the beginning. The player hemorrhage slowed and stopped only after Living Story started.
And that’s why we don’t have next tiers of gear in the game after ascended, even if when that tier got introduced, they did intend to continue with vertical progression later on.
I call hear say. The game was bleeding people left and right who could not find something to do at maximum level since decking out in exotics took about 2 weeks. The living content at most halted the bleeding a little, but even that was not enough. Why do you think anet switched to an expansion model again?
Give some statistics or proof since the game developement and direction it’s headed does not support your theory.
HoT is the perfect opportunity to up the stats of exotics to be on par with ascended items.
No, why should they?
If you care so much about that +5% then you better work for it. Stop demanding stuff for free and therefor devaluing other people’s hard work and ruining their experience.
How do you think people who worked hard to get their ascended gear would respond if Anet would actually listen to your horrible suggestion? You might not realize it, but your request is very selfish.
HoT is the perfect opportunity to up the stats of exotics to be on par with ascended items.
Having no equipment spiral has always been one of the best things about GW.So why not take this chance to even out the playing field and adjust the stats to one base level.
Now you might think the stat difference is rather small and has no significant impact. But if you compar it to other games like WoW, wich is pretty much the poster child for an endless gear treadmill, you can see the stat increase is about the same as in WoW, percentage wise.
If ANet comes through with their promises of “truly chalenging PvE content” I can’t help but wonder what this content will be balanced around.
If it’s balanced for exotics the hardcore crowd will just plow through the contend and be disappointed because it’s no challenge.
On the other hand if it’s balanced around ascended gear we will have a hard split in the community, at least in dungeons ect.I’d be very interested to know how people who have all the ascended stuff would feel about a change like this.
Anet won’t do that. Also, ncsoft issued refunds to customers upset over ascended gear in the first place so you best bet that they would have to do that all over again considering how much playtime, gems purchases to gold conversions, grinding, time gates, crafting… it took for players to obtain acsended gears. Not to mention that you are asking for exotic, ascended and legendary gear to all posses the same stats which is just silly at this point.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
Describing the current BiS situation in GW2 using the terms “equipment gap” and “equipment spiral” is simply hilarious. This is a troll post, right?
There is only ONE aspect of the game that “requires” Ascended equipment (high level Fractals). There is NO “Equipment Spiral” and Anet has stated there will not be any higher tiers to create one.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
More than balancing around ascended, could just make ascended more accessible, you know, PHYW, get it for completing the “challenging content”, fractal rewards (Not RNG) etc. The fact that only reliable way to get it is crafting is what is wrong, its a gold sink.
This again no no no u can always craft that gear is SUPER easy to craft it u just play the game and make the gear all the time and effort i have place into that gear will mean kitten if they do what u ask also exotics are JOKE how easy are to get there is no skill put in that so NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I wouldn’t have made my ascended set for my ranger based just on skins, and I wouldn’t have done it based just on the pathetic boost to stats. It was the combination of stats and skin. Removing those stats so some entitled prick can have the same stats without the effort would be a slap in the face to all the time and gold I sunk into my set.
Funny thing is that I still use my exotic set for most non fractal content….
Blue Dorito-S/Re|Transitor-S/En |Tina Feyspirit-N/M|
Bmoe-A/T|Peter Whatsherface-H/G|Acolyte Rin-H/N
Sorry OP, but will have to support the opposite.
I admit I use 90% Exotic gear / 10% Ascended and run 7 characters on a regular basis with 3 others occasionally. That said I would prefer that they widen the gap between exotic and ascended. The extra work should warrant increased stats gains and would probably create more interest to make more ascended gear. Extra effort should be rewarded.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
You can beat the current game without armor, so no need to buff exotics or nerf ascended.
Sorry OP, but will have to support the opposite.
I admit I use 90% Exotic gear / 10% Ascended and run 7 characters on a regular basis with 3 others occasionally. That said I would prefer that they widen the gap between exotic and ascended. The extra work should warrant increased stats gains and would probably create more interest to make more ascended gear. Extra effort should be rewarded.
Spending a bunch of gold and running between a work bench and a trader might be work but it’s not challenging and it hardly reflects the game play that you’d wear that gear for. It’s great that the best gear in a game can be crafted, but that shouldn’t be the only reliable way to get it or even the main way. People keep claiming that they only make that gear for something to do and that the stats are irrelevant, but this thread is full of shell shocked hysterical fits of terror at the idea of any stat change.
Ascended was introduced because Anet at some point realized there is just nothing to work to for people. I wasn´t a big fan at first, but I guess without some long term goal, MMORPG just don´t retain players very well. The difference is rather small. Why can´t people take their time and aquire the shiny as they go? Oh right, age of the casual entitlement crowd ruining any long term game design.
You can beat the current game without armor, so no need to buff exotics or nerf ascended.
So, you have had great success taking Stone Mist against 30 enemies while naked and alone. Impressive.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
Ascended was introduced because Anet at some point realized there is just nothing to work to for people. I wasn´t a big fan at first, but I guess without some long term goal, MMORPG just don´t retain players very well. The difference is rather small. Why can´t people take their time and aquire the shiny as they go? Oh right, age of the casual entitlement crowd ruining any long term game design.
You said it yourself it was introduced. Meaning its not something that was native.
So the backwards logic being used here to blame the casual crowd is pretty absured, considering said armor was added to entice the people looking for more (aka the Gear Treadmill addicts) to stick around. Not to appease the casual crowd.
The additional only added to the divide between the community, which is not something Anet should be proud of considering they wanted a community that works together not one that isolates based on gearlevel.
That being said i’m against deleting it entirely as that’s more harm than good. However, they can open up more meaningful ways to progress through that “optional treadmill”.
Crafting is time gated which to a vast majority of people is annoying, combine that with others who just hate crafting and you’ve already created a segregated community.
There’s some non-RNG methods to get a piece here and there and those are fine, but there should be more.
There’s the copious amount of RNG from X content, and those really should be looked into. Especially if it comes from content where its required (fractals).
That’s it, some small changes at the core for ascended items and you’ll have a happier community as a whole.
You can beat the current game without armor, so no need to buff exotics or nerf ascended.
So, you have had great success taking Stone Mist against 30 enemies while naked and alone. Impressive.
Probably just about the same chance of success in full ascended…. at least being naked would be more amusing.
Sorry OP, but will have to support the opposite.
I admit I use 90% Exotic gear / 10% Ascended and run 7 characters on a regular basis with 3 others occasionally. That said I would prefer that they widen the gap between exotic and ascended. The extra work should warrant increased stats gains and would probably create more interest to make more ascended gear. Extra effort should be rewarded.
Spending a bunch of gold and running between a work bench and a trader might be work but it’s not challenging and it hardly reflects the game play that you’d wear that gear for. It’s great that the best gear in a game can be crafted, but that shouldn’t be the only reliable way to get it or even the main way. People keep claiming that they only make that gear for something to do and that the stats are irrelevant, but this thread is full of shell shocked hysterical fits of terror at the idea of any stat change.
Didn’t say that ascended is challenging, effort in this case is time required and acquiring the materials in whatever fashion the player sees fit. I flip things on the AH, run harvesting runs, PvP reward track, WvW player drops and do some dungeons. Those actions require effort in accordance with time. If you want to roll challenging in that then that’s where speed runs in harvesting/dungeons come in, winning in PvP and WvW to reduce delay in player loot all come into play. The point is there should be a difference in the gear considering the difference in required cost to make it. Now I am not saying go crazy but the current or even double of the current difference do not seem out of line, and remember I say this while NOT using it for the most part either. Good hunting!
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
You can beat the current game without armor, so no need to buff exotics or nerf ascended.
So, you have had great success taking Stone Mist against 30 enemies while naked and alone. Impressive.
Probably just about the same chance of success in full ascended…. at least being naked would be more amusing.
Oh naked runs are a blast, don’t get me wrong have done that. But until you do there is more yet to do in game yet and wouldn’t claim to have beat it.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
Didn’t say that ascended is challenging, effort in this case is time required and acquiring the materials in whatever fashion the player sees fit. I flip things on the AH, run harvesting runs, PvP reward track, WvW player drops and do some dungeons. Those actions require effort in accordance with time. If you want to roll challenging in that then that’s where speed runs in harvesting/dungeons come in, winning in PvP and WvW to reduce delay in player loot all come into play. The point is there should be a difference in the gear considering the difference in required cost to make it. Now I am not saying go crazy but the current or even double of the current difference do not seem out of line, and remember I say this while NOT using it for the most part either. Good hunting!
You make a good argument even though I disagree, except for the part about how the difference in stats should be more. There’s no way most players are going to be able to craft multiple sets let alone one full set and especially people who mostly pvp. That creates a gear tier of players like any other mmo and the player base would simmer down to the haves and will never have which would be worse in this game since they can’t even reliably raid for it since it’s not only a small chance at the gear itself, it’s an even more abysmal chance at the right build stats. That would turn a game where people sort of play how they want into GW2 crafting and GW2 SPvP.
If anything, please widen the gap. It should be 10% difference to be fair.
in response to another previous post about legendaries, this is a REALLY GOOD POINT. I didn’t think about it because I don’t have one. Would those of you who would have the armor gap closed also have the weapon gap closed so that legendaries are the same stats as exotics? And if not, why is that different?
Ofc the legendary should be the same as exotics if the gap get closed just like it was before ascended got introduced, yes at launch exotic were the best gear you could get, and legendary weapons had exotic stats
No, Ascended armor is crafted for high level fractals, And for other people who like to invest something into the game they play it is a way to get best in slot gear. The stat difference however small is welcome also. We who have made multiple sets of ascended armor have worked hard to do so, why should that be negated to give people the same stats with no work done for them. This just seems like “they have it but i want it but i dont like to work for it” argument to me, kind of entitled.
Tl;dr, If you want something, invest a bit of your time/effort to get it, instead of expecting the world to give it to you no effort required.
May our BL break all foes. Fear our babou!
Gunnars Hold Represent! <3
No, Ascended armor is crafted for high level fractals, And for other people who like to invest something into the game they play it is a way to get best in slot gear. The stat difference however small is welcome also. We who have made multiple sets of ascended armor have worked hard to do so, why should that be negated to give people the same stats with no work done for them. This just seems like “they have it but i want it but i dont like to work for it” argument to me, kind of entitled.
Tl;dr, If you want something, invest a bit of your time/effort to get it, instead of expecting the world to give it to you no effort required.
So pressing a craft button over and over again is effort and deserves reward but being in active content working with other players and actually playing the game is undeserving? There’s no sense in what you’ve said, your’e simply saying that people who have more free time during the day to waste much of it crafting deserve better gear while people who have to work and commute and want to actually play the games challenging content with the time they have can F off with exotics.
That is not even counting the fact that the moment you step into areas sub 80 your ascended get isntantly downgraded to exotic quality.
It was something along the lines of:
1-39 -> you get downgraded to Masterwork maximum
40-59 -> you get downgraded to Rare
60-79 -> you get downgraded to Exotic
80 -> here you get your ascended bonus compared to exotic
(this section is for those theorycrafting on how downgrading works)
How sure are you? Have you actually checked this yourself or are you relying on what someone else said and just assumed it to be true?
(I will also add, which I forgot to, that I had read Wethospu’s reddit post months ago)
(edited by Ayrilana.1396)
So pressing a craft button over and over again is effort and deserves reward but being in active content working with other players and actually playing the game is undeserving? There’s no sense in what you’ve said, your’e simply saying that people who have more free time during the day to waste much of it crafting deserve better gear while people who have to work and commute and want to actually play the games challenging content with the time they have can F off with exotics.
It’s a player’s choice how they want to spend their time. Run a couple of dungeons, run a fractal, do some WvW or craft their ascended.
It’s not a question of having more time, it’s a question of how that player chooses to spend the time they have. Prioritization is different for everyone and the rewards for how that time is spent are also personal choice.
The crafter sacrifices immediate gain, versus say a dungeon run, for a longer term investment.
No, Ascended armor is crafted for high level fractals, And for other people who like to invest something into the game they play it is a way to get best in slot gear. The stat difference however small is welcome also. We who have made multiple sets of ascended armor have worked hard to do so, why should that be negated to give people the same stats with no work done for them. This just seems like “they have it but i want it but i dont like to work for it” argument to me, kind of entitled.
Tl;dr, If you want something, invest a bit of your time/effort to get it, instead of expecting the world to give it to you no effort required.
So pressing a craft button over and over again is effort and deserves reward but being in active content working with other players and actually playing the game is undeserving? There’s no sense in what you’ve said, your’e simply saying that people who have more free time during the day to waste much of it crafting deserve better gear while people who have to work and commute and want to actually play the games challenging content with the time they have can F off with exotics.
There is nothing in the game that you can’t do in exotics, outside of maybe level 30+ fractals. Even then if you have a high enough AR in your Backpiece and Rings you can make it.
You get 6 slots for AR from your Jewelry, which with just basic +5 will get you to 30 AR which will get you through level 29 fractals with no complications. If you make an Ascended weapon then you can get to 40 AR which gets you all the way through level 39 fractals.
There is nothing in the game that you can’t do in exotics, outside of maybe level 30+ fractals. Even then if you have a high enough AR in your Backpiece and Rings you can make it.
You get 6 slots for AR from your Jewelry, which with just basic +5 will get you to 30 AR which will get you through level 29 fractals with no complications. If you make an Ascended weapon then you can get to 40 AR which gets you all the way through level 39 fractals.
True… even further, you can infuse 3 of the 6 and slot +10 infusions.. 60AR.. now you’re good for 1-49 w/o crafting a single piece of Ascended.
So pressing a craft button over and over again is effort and deserves reward but being in active content working with other players and actually playing the game is undeserving? There’s no sense in what you’ve said, your’e simply saying that people who have more free time during the day to waste much of it crafting deserve better gear while people who have to work and commute and want to actually play the games challenging content with the time they have can F off with exotics.
- Ascended was put in to serve as a goal. The game lacked goals other than the Legendary, and Anet added a gear pursuit. It seems ANet added this to keep player attention.
- There was a lot of backlash at the time. People were incensed that the before-launch statements about flat, easy BiS acquisition were abandoned. Many were upset that there was only way to get the new tier. There were only rings at first, available only in 10+ Fractals, the supposedly harder content they added at the same time.
- ANet then promised that there would be more than one means to get Ascended items. Did they do this in response to the complaints, or was this the plan all along. Who knows?
- Subsequently ANet added laurels, which served as a means to get rings and amulets. Accessories were added (via laurel/ecto or guild missions) later. Much later, crafting was expanded for weapons and then armor, with drops as the secondary means to attain.
- Of all the means-to-attain, armor/weapon drops are the only completely unreliable means. The drop rates are really bad to begin with (though better in fractals by all reports). Then the stat prefix is random.
So, while crafting may not be challenging, it does take time and/or gold to gather mats. Thus, Ascended is serving its purpose, keeping people busy and giving them a target. That’s all it is, really. If it was ever meant to be a reward for beating harder content, that only lasted about a month.
I’m not one who puts any weight into the idea that someone “deserves” something because they put in time in a game. Neither am I keen to think that those with higher skill deserve special benefits. However, ANet designed the Asc. gear tier so that time and effort is what counts. Which is why it would be a mistake to take that away, just as it would be a mistake to take away the benefits if it were attained via skill.
What equipment gap? Its only like 5% unless you’re in a lvl 50 fractal. Personally, I think ascended gear is great. It gives me something to work towards instead of just legendaries. Plus, ascended gear is farmable. Its not like people are cash shopping all their gear like in WoW and other MMOs. I mean I am sure a few here and there do, but the vast majority has farmed it if they have it from my in game experience. Plus, everyone has plenty of time before HoT drops to make some ascended gear. The playing field is leveled in pvp already (gear wise). It doesn’t need to be in pve. People need things to work towards, other wise what is the point of pve?
That is not even counting the fact that the moment you step into areas sub 80 your ascended get isntantly downgraded to exotic quality.
It was something along the lines of:
1-39 -> you get downgraded to Masterwork maximum
40-59 -> you get downgraded to Rare
60-79 -> you get downgraded to Exotic
80 -> here you get your ascended bonus compared to exotic
(this section is for those theorycrafting on how downgrading works)How sure are you? Have you actually checked this yourself or are you relying on what someone else said and just assumed it to be true?
(I will also add, which I forgot to, that I had read Wethospu’s reddit post months ago)
Since you mention the reddit thread let me link to it, saves me the time to explain.
This is something that can easily be reproduced. Just visit a lower level area, exchange you ascended to equal stat exotics and see for yourself. I did not go out of my way to recheck every stat combo or get full masterwork sets.
What is mentioned in the thread though about exotics even being more useful (since you can carry around different ones with different Sigils/Runes) is just the the icying (an exotic with +10% damage to certain enemy type wins over an ascended with +5% flat damage bonus for example). So here we are, people crying over ascended, when exotics might even be more useful for a huge part of the PvE content. Ironic really.
Why are there so many new players that demand ascended be downed or removed. Ascended s only used in High level fractals nothing else. So what about the small percentage boost we are all the same stat wise when in pve zones. Stay at your exotic gear op you are ok in that area. If your jelly at ascended then spend the time to make it like everyone else. Or hope it drops for you, a few days at silverwaste will drop you some ascended chest.
Or hope it drops for you, a few days at silverwaste will drop you some ascended chest.
Ahahahaha…….. yes….yes it will…IF you are lucky….i have farmed enough bandit crests to buy all but one of the new armor skins…sent 3 weeks out their farming gold..doing chest runs.. you know what i got? not a single ascended or even exotic drop. But that is off topic.
On topic: No, ascended is fine, im crafting it..very slowly, why? i dont get good drops, but you know what? i dont have a problem with that really, its a shame i cant get the one skin i want in the game of course. But when i make a piece of ascended armor i feel like ive actually earned it. I dont buy the materials, i get them by doing things in game.
I also dont feel robbed, or cheated, or like im underpowered compared to someone with ascended.
Edit: plus the skins look ugly, so im in no great hurry to craft them…its mainly the chest i get for finishing 3 full sets thats actually making me do them. If the stats are a problem for you, craft them. the mats are pretty easy to come across, and this is coming from someone who will probably end up kiting out 12 or more characters in ascended armor, weapons and full sets of trinkets…
(edited by Dante.1763)
Or hope it drops for you, a few days at silverwaste will drop you some ascended chest.
Ahahahaha…….. yes….yes it will…IF you are lucky….i have farmed enough bandit crests to buy all but one of the new armor skins…sent 3 weeks out their farming gold..doing chest runs.. you know what i got? not a single ascended or even exotic drop. But that is off topic.
On topic: No, ascended is fine, im crafting it..very slowly, why? i dont get good drops, but you know what? i dont have a problem with that really, its a shame i cant get the one skin i want in the game of course. But when i make a piece of ascended armor i feel like ive actually earned it. I dont buy the materials, i get them by doing things in game.
I also dont feel robbed, or cheated, or like im underpowered compared to someone with ascended.Edit: plus the skins look ugly, so im in no great hurry to craft them…its mainly the chest i get for finishing 3 full sets thats actually making me do them. If the stats are a problem for you, craft them. the mats are pretty easy to come across, and this is coming from someone who will probably end up kiting out 12 or more characters in ascended armor, weapons and full sets of trinkets…
Lol I did say Hope, see op like this guy, there is no rush to get ascended. The skins are horrid and I honestly I just transmuted mine to a mix and match set. Save you gold for the upcoming legendaries. Hopefully you don’t complain about those to.
That is not even counting the fact that the moment you step into areas sub 80 your ascended get isntantly downgraded to exotic quality.
It was something along the lines of:
1-39 -> you get downgraded to Masterwork maximum
40-59 -> you get downgraded to Rare
60-79 -> you get downgraded to Exotic
80 -> here you get your ascended bonus compared to exotic
(this section is for those theorycrafting on how downgrading works)How sure are you? Have you actually checked this yourself or are you relying on what someone else said and just assumed it to be true?
(I will also add, which I forgot to, that I had read Wethospu’s reddit post months ago)
Since you mention the reddit thread let me link to it, saves me the time to explain.
http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/2mgibt/why_ascended_gear_is_a_big_joke_in_pve/This is something that can easily be reproduced. Just visit a lower level area, exchange you ascended to equal stat exotics and see for yourself. I did not go out of my way to recheck every stat combo or get full masterwork sets.
What is mentioned in the thread though about exotics even being more useful (since you can carry around different ones with different Sigils/Runes) is just the the icying (an exotic with +10% damage to certain enemy type wins over an ascended with +5% flat damage bonus for example). So here we are, people crying over ascended, when exotics might even be more useful for a huge part of the PvE content. Ironic really.
This downgrading only applies to the weapons, in relation to weapon strength, and not the other ascended equipment. This was what spurred my original post.
As far as we can tell, HoT is all raid/Silverwastes-like content.
So the damage difference between a full ascended zerker vs a full exotic zerker = roughly 14% (remember that 5% gets multiplied through crit damage, scholar runes and traits)
It’s bigger than most people think, but a full group of skilled exotic zerkers would still kill stuff faster than we’ve ever seen.
The real case of gearism is as follows:
- Someone in half rampagers, one piece level 78, the rest mixed and matched. Trinkets not exotic or even level 60.
- Someone in full ascended Nomad gear (assuming HoT doesn’t present a scenario new to GW2 where a tank is required in PvE)
Both of these cases run the risk of scaling enemies’ HP pools beyond what the player can dish out within the time limit. So in other words, their presence is a burden to everyone around.
That is why it is absolutely important to strive maximize your potential. If you fail and die, you learn. If you waypoint away instead of lying around dead, you won’t get yelled at. Get the highest damage gear you can handle and USE your skills. An ele in Soldier gear who uses ice bow and lava font is going to do more DPS than an ele in Berserker gear who only casts fireball.
This is why the Beekeeper at Vinewrath is often the longest boss fight. South is the lazy lane and the new player lane. Experienced players who are paying more attention are more likely to fight the thrasher or terragrif because they want their reward so they go where they are needed most.
Once you get into the mindset of improving your build, trying new things, letting go of what doesn’t work and honing your skills, you’ll find yourself totally capable in exotic gear. However, at that point you’ll find the game less frustrating, profits easier to make and you may just have worked up the dedication to enjoy the trek toward ascended gear.
If you can’t do it in exotics then ascended isn’t going to improve your chances by much.
That aside I don’t think the devs are stupid enough to shoot themselves in the foot like that.
Err too much text. Is the OP seriously complaining about a <5% stat increase? I mean there is already literally 0 reason to go for ascended armor in the first place, it’s cheaper to invest in +10 – +15 agony infusions if you’re doing high level fractals. Suppose stats are equal to exotic, what would be your reason to make it?
So the damage difference between a full ascended zerker vs a full exotic zerker = roughly 14% (remember that 5% gets multiplied through crit damage, scholar runes and traits)
The “12.45% projected dps difference” is including crits as a part of the dps difference. It also includes a full 25 Might and stat bonuses from Runes (and even gives more than you should have under most sets), so the difference comes down to Traits + Unique Rune buffs almost exclusively. So for nearly every PvE scenario, the difference being that large is pretty much absolute as that number. Or if it’s one of the larger World Bosses, extremely over what the difference would be (it’s not a 5% difference in Power but 4.3% difference in power, which would be the difference for the World bosses if you ignore the two buffs previously mentioned).
Nomads vs. lower level offensive gear, however, is why this game’s overworld stuffs will never really go beyond a certain threshold of easiness, unless it forces players to break apart far further than where we’re currently at. Defensive stats in this game function as a “make this easier for me” button, as the core character functions give all the survive-ability one could ever need. However, having everything out in the open like that means that people from all skill levels will be there, and thus there will be a pretty hefty amount of people not have all of their respective class learned + have the gameplay down pat. Some World Bosses get around this by being immune to critical hits, making Soldier’s the defacto choice (and thus cause the overall dps difference between the high and low ends of the damage spectrum to greatly diminish), but the damage difference is still pretty high.
That is not even counting the fact that the moment you step into areas sub 80 your ascended get isntantly downgraded to exotic quality.
It was something along the lines of:
1-39 -> you get downgraded to Masterwork maximum
40-59 -> you get downgraded to Rare
60-79 -> you get downgraded to Exotic
80 -> here you get your ascended bonus compared to exotic
(this section is for those theorycrafting on how downgrading works)How sure are you? Have you actually checked this yourself or are you relying on what someone else said and just assumed it to be true?
(I will also add, which I forgot to, that I had read Wethospu’s reddit post months ago)
Since you mention the reddit thread let me link to it, saves me the time to explain.
http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/2mgibt/why_ascended_gear_is_a_big_joke_in_pve/This is something that can easily be reproduced. Just visit a lower level area, exchange you ascended to equal stat exotics and see for yourself. I did not go out of my way to recheck every stat combo or get full masterwork sets.
What is mentioned in the thread though about exotics even being more useful (since you can carry around different ones with different Sigils/Runes) is just the the icying (an exotic with +10% damage to certain enemy type wins over an ascended with +5% flat damage bonus for example). So here we are, people crying over ascended, when exotics might even be more useful for a huge part of the PvE content. Ironic really.
This downgrading only applies to the weapons, in relation to weapon strength, and not the other ascended equipment. This was what spurred my original post.
Good point, hence why he goes into the attribute cap in his second point where he explains how there are maximum attribute states. Ascended gear will get you caped making buff food, stats from traits, sigil and runes obsolete. Since you cap with ascended and gain no benefit from such items, a player in exotic gear can easily use buff food to compensate and be just as effective as someone in full ascended.
True, but your point has more to do with people afking content and others having to pick up their slack. Yes, having ascended gear will make it easier to compensate for others auto attacking a boss and not fully participating in a fight.
We also do not know on what basis the game will get balanced in HoT. So far rares and exotics have been more than sufficient to complete all ingame content (besides high level fractals due to agony, and even that was only added in the fractured release and was not the case before).
As far as we can tell, HoT is all raid/Silverwastes-like content.
So the damage difference between a full ascended zerker vs a full exotic zerker = roughly 14% (remember that 5% gets multiplied through crit damage, scholar runes and traits)
It’s bigger than most people think, but a full group of skilled exotic zerkers would still kill stuff faster than we’ve ever seen.
The real case of gearism is as follows:
- Someone in half rampagers, one piece level 78, the rest mixed and matched. Trinkets not exotic or even level 60.
- Someone in full ascended Nomad gear (assuming HoT doesn’t present a scenario new to GW2 where a tank is required in PvE)
Both of these cases run the risk of scaling enemies’ HP pools beyond what the player can dish out within the time limit. So in other words, their presence is a burden to everyone around.
That is why it is absolutely important to strive maximize your potential. If you fail and die, you learn. If you waypoint away instead of lying around dead, you won’t get yelled at. Get the highest damage gear you can handle and USE your skills. An ele in Soldier gear who uses ice bow and lava font is going to do more DPS than an ele in Berserker gear who only casts fireball.
This is why the Beekeeper at Vinewrath is often the longest boss fight. South is the lazy lane and the new player lane. Experienced players who are paying more attention are more likely to fight the thrasher or terragrif because they want their reward so they go where they are needed most.
Once you get into the mindset of improving your build, trying new things, letting go of what doesn’t work and honing your skills, you’ll find yourself totally capable in exotic gear. However, at that point you’ll find the game less frustrating, profits easier to make and you may just have worked up the dedication to enjoy the trek toward ascended gear.
Difference between Ascended / Exotic 2-handed weapon: 9/6/6
Difference between Ascended / Exotic Armor (full set): 14/11/11
Difference between Ascended / Exotic trinkets (all 6): 62/31/31
Difference between Ascended / Exotic trinkets (no back): 55/27/27
I’m only going to add here that getting Ascended Amulet, Rings and Accessories is very easy and those trinkets provide the highest attribute boost.
It’s better and more reasonable to calculate the difference between a full ascended and a exotic + ascended trinket person.
As far as we can tell, HoT is all raid/Silverwastes-like content.
So the damage difference between a full ascended zerker vs a full exotic zerker = roughly 14% (remember that 5% gets multiplied through crit damage, scholar runes and traits)
It’s bigger than most people think, but a full group of skilled exotic zerkers would still kill stuff faster than we’ve ever seen.
The real case of gearism is as follows:
- Someone in half rampagers, one piece level 78, the rest mixed and matched. Trinkets not exotic or even level 60.
- Someone in full ascended Nomad gear (assuming HoT doesn’t present a scenario new to GW2 where a tank is required in PvE)
Both of these cases run the risk of scaling enemies’ HP pools beyond what the player can dish out within the time limit. So in other words, their presence is a burden to everyone around.
That is why it is absolutely important to strive maximize your potential. If you fail and die, you learn. If you waypoint away instead of lying around dead, you won’t get yelled at. Get the highest damage gear you can handle and USE your skills. An ele in Soldier gear who uses ice bow and lava font is going to do more DPS than an ele in Berserker gear who only casts fireball.
This is why the Beekeeper at Vinewrath is often the longest boss fight. South is the lazy lane and the new player lane. Experienced players who are paying more attention are more likely to fight the thrasher or terragrif because they want their reward so they go where they are needed most.
Once you get into the mindset of improving your build, trying new things, letting go of what doesn’t work and honing your skills, you’ll find yourself totally capable in exotic gear. However, at that point you’ll find the game less frustrating, profits easier to make and you may just have worked up the dedication to enjoy the trek toward ascended gear.
Difference between Ascended / Exotic 2-handed weapon: 9/6/6
Difference between Ascended / Exotic Armor (full set): 14/11/11
Difference between Ascended / Exotic trinkets (all 6): 62/31/31
Difference between Ascended / Exotic trinkets (no back): 55/27/27I’m only going to add here that getting Ascended Amulet, Rings and Accessories is very easy and those trinkets provide the highest attribute boost.
It’s better and more reasonable to calculate the difference between a full ascended and a exotic + ascended trinket person.
This! Though the armor difference and increased weapon damage should also be mentioned. I’m just going to leave this link again because I like repeating myself and we all know no ones actually reads though topics besides the first 3 posts and maybe the last one. :/
Don’t want ascended armor or weapons? Then just get the trinkets and you are more than golden.
I only wanted to sth to this very interesting conversation/discussion.
Firstly, you don’t need ascended armor. Same goes for legendaries. Every content apart from fractals can be – but still can be done without – ascended armor. Therefore having ascended armor/weapon/trinkets is more of a personal choice and not a requirement to complete anything content wise at the cap.
Secondly guys, pls keep in mind. You don’t need any ascended armor for fractals. You can do/get past 70 AR by having your trinkets (infused) and your weapon on ascended level, respectively.
Also you will ONLY feel or see the numbers, as the current state goes – when at level 80 because you won’t be nerfed. Exotic armor does absolutely the same, without same minor differences that are hardly recognizable when in PvE, especially in dungeons – where content evolves around stacking and not about your armor/weapon choice in general.
But let’s assume you do fully infuse every slot for maximum stats (5 to stat per slot). Thats another about 3,000 gold for around 80-84 power. Here let me spell it out, 3,000 !!!!! gold for the last 1% increase.
I guess you haven’t heard about WvW +5 stat infusions…
That’s actually not true. If anything, ascended introduction only increased the rate at which people were leaving the game in the beginning. The player hemorrhage slowed and stopped only after Living Story started.
And that’s why we don’t have next tiers of gear in the game after ascended, even if when that tier got introduced, they did intend to continue with vertical progression later on.I call hear say. The game was bleeding people left and right who could not find something to do at maximum level since decking out in exotics took about 2 weeks.
The game was bleeding people because it was new game, and this happens at the start of every new MMO. There are lot of curious people that want to see whether this new game is The One, but ultimately lot of them find that it wasn’t as perfect as they suspected, and they go back to their main one (or move to the next New Stuff on the market). And while lot of people did ask for something to do, they actually meant content (new events, dungeons, zones, …raids), not hamster wheels.
The living content at most halted the bleeding a little, but even that was not enough. Why do you think anet switched to an expansion model again?
I agree, that longterm LS also failed in that regard, but shortterm, LS season 1 did manage to do what ascended didn’t. This wasn’t the point of my post anyway, since i was concentrating on ascended.
Give some statistics or proof since the game developement and direction it’s headed does not support your theory.
Which theory? That the introduction of ascended did not slow down player hemorrhage? You have proof in the very game design you bring up.
When ascended gear was introduced, the devs clearly said that it was only a start of vertical gear progression which they intended to continue. At HoT introduction however, the same Mike O’Brian who around Ascended release said people that thought there will be no new gear tiers are naive, clearly stated that BiS eq will remain BiS (and that he fully expected for the crowd to storm the stage if he said otherwise). That shift in design can be only attributed to ascended not fulfilling their purpose. And since their only purpose was player retention…
Remember, remember, 15th of November
What a great suggestion OP!
Let me add some more to that. How about:
- Setting back everyones Fractals level to 10
- Everyone loses 500 WvW levels (if you haven’t got 500, then you go negative and you gain negative WvW traits)
- One of your characters randomly gets perma-crippled
- From now on, every character you own has a chance to spontanously combust – if it does, it gets deleted forever