Coil Event Fail Toxicity
Just grab a few warriors and have them banner the NPC’s while spec’d with the banner cool down trait. The NPC’s should last long enough between rotations that the event won’t fail. Now all that need the event to succeed can get their living story. The farmers can just let it fail after the escort succeeds.
Can’t banner NPC’s anymore.
It only takes one person to succeed the event and wreck their farming. I did it yesterday after taking a few days off from the game. Logged in, went to Frostgorge and completed the event for them. I actually got two achievements in doing so. My new favorite way to get AP is to hunt down and derail farming exploit spots like Coil.
Oh. I thought that was WvW only.
I’m pretty sure you can still stand on one of the far corners and not draw aggro. Although I haven’t tested it out to the point that the event succeeded, it did seem to work for the minute or so that I stood there. Those that need their LS to progress still have a chance.
I derail the Coil farm at least once a day and i’m gonna start calling my guilds to see if anyone needs their LS still, that way they can get it done. Just need more people wrecking the farm and eventually it will die even if Anet doesn’t get rid of it.
Remember to put up a LFG to ferry people over that need it when you do.
Can’t banner NPC’s anymore.
Yeah, you can. You just can’t do it in wubwub.
Just grab a few warriors and have them banner the NPC’s while spec’d with the banner cool down trait. The NPC’s should last long enough between rotations that the event won’t fail. Now all that need the event to succeed can get their living story. The farmers can just let it fail after the escort succeeds.
Can’t banner NPC’s anymore.
It only takes one person to succeed the event and wreck their farming. I did it yesterday after taking a few days off from the game. Logged in, went to Frostgorge and completed the event for them. I actually got two achievements in doing so. My new favorite way to get AP is to hunt down and derail farming exploit spots like Coil.
Oh. I thought that was WvW only.
I’m pretty sure you can still stand on one of the far corners and not draw aggro. Although I haven’t tested it out to the point that the event succeeded, it did seem to work for the minute or so that I stood there. Those that need their LS to progress still have a chance.
I derail the Coil farm at least once a day and i’m gonna start calling my guilds to see if anyone needs their LS still, that way they can get it done. Just need more people wrecking the farm and eventually it will die even if Anet doesn’t get rid of it.
Remember to put up a LFG to ferry people over that need it when you do.
I think it would be rather amusing if Anet enables open world PvP juuuuuuust for that portion of the map.
Using the Living Story as an excuse to grief the farmers is nonsense, you don’t have to even do the Coiled Watch events to do the Living Story just go there and find the spot to enter the instance. I just this afternoon did this with a friend of mine, no event going, at least be honest about why you’re going after the Farmers.
Actually you’re wrong. You have to do coiled watch because it’s the event that opens the doors so you can get in inside to the place where the story is.
Don’t like people interfering with your farm? Go somewhere else.
You can farm in other areas. You can’t finish the living story in other areas.
Greedy little farmers and their illogical arguments.
Actually you’re wrong and you apparently didn’t read what I posted. We weren’t farming we went there after doing the Giant Ooze to unlock a trait and then because 1 of our party had a green star on her map we went to Coiled. We did not do any events there because there weren’t any going on, perhaps the Doors stay open until the event resets, I don’t know I haven’t been there often enough to know how that event chain works I just know you don’t need the event to get the Living Story because we did it and did not do the events.
You tell me I’m wrong but then admit you don’t know what you’re talking about. Righto…
You have to finish the event chain to open the doors. Simple as that. They stay open until the event resets or a minute or two before it resets, at least. I’m not sure on the exact timer but it’s probably around 25 to 30 minutes.
Now, if the start of the event is being intentionally failed then I’m sure you can do the math.
It’s great that you’re friend got in and did it easily. That’s fantastic. But on most maps the event is being farmed making it so people can’t just walk in and do their living story.
You can get in as long as the escort chain hasn’t started yet, BUT you can’t claim credit for destroying the totem and enter the instance once the defense/capture Coiled Watch event has started until the event chain is successfully completed.
(inb4 you’re the same person posting on two accounts. Coincidental names!)
Didn’t you see the screenshots in this very thread?
Those screenshots are taken by a player who deliberately instigates flame, hate and toxicity. I doubt he asked nicely if someone helps him get to an unfarmed server.
In before, if he answeres, it will be something like: “And now I got to find a specific server in order to complete an event? …[Random Phrase that ANet should fix that]”.
Your mind-reading skills need work. Not to mention that’s also poisioning the well.
(edited by HandOfKane.5409)
farmer toxicity is nothing new, its unfortunately occurs anywhere many ppl abuse a farm, orr, frostgorge. Last time I was in cursed shore, someone called out an event, they said no dont go there, train is at this event, I asked where that first event was that was called out because I didnt know where it was, I had no intention of interfering with their precious farm, but they got so defensive and paranoid, those jerks went on and on with their toxic laced reactions. Greed rots their minds. I also node farm in frostgorge, and I see this every single day with the champ farmers and the coil farmers, its really disgusting to see people act like this over virtual crap.
Its messed up you had to experience that.
My friend got kicked from guild for crashing to loot train for doing living story.He was unlucky that officer was on the train and forget to look at map chat /whisper.
I wouldn’t want to be a part of a guild that does that.
I just tried to help my sister with her story and got called a troll for asking if we could complete the event. I wouldn’t be surprised if I was reported for griefing.
Literally ONE person said they’d help us complete the event, everyone else shouted at us to go join another server because “this is the only one that has a farm on it.” We tried guesting onto other servers with lower population but they were all farming too.
Is there a way we could organize a server that completes the event and keeps it running as a public service? Or are we going to have to wait until this is nerfed?
Unfortunately with mega server this isn’t anymore. However, I would just complete the event and ignore map chat or say chat. Despite the people yelling at you, if you need help completing the LS event just messaged me in game. I’ll be glad to help with that event, no one should be stopped from progressing through their story.
Just grab a few warriors and have them banner the NPC’s while spec’d with the banner cool down trait. The NPC’s should last long enough between rotations that the event won’t fail. Now all that need the event to succeed can get their living story. The farmers can just let it fail after the escort succeeds.
Can’t banner NPC’s anymore.
It only takes one person to succeed the event and wreck their farming. I did it yesterday after taking a few days off from the game. Logged in, went to Frostgorge and completed the event for them. I actually got two achievements in doing so. My new favorite way to get AP is to hunt down and derail farming exploit spots like Coil.
So you are openly admitting that you enjoy griefing players you deem as a nuisance to your play style just because? And this is fun how?
Do you have a happy life outside this game on the internet? Seems you do not and I’m sorry for that sir.
I though griefing in any form wasn’t allowed in this game…but I can see it is since anet is taking a hands off approach to this. It seems they are just going to let this whole thing devolve into some kind of war of angry nerds and not do anything to stop it since they can’t make both sides happy.
Just grab a few warriors and have them banner the NPC’s while spec’d with the banner cool down trait. The NPC’s should last long enough between rotations that the event won’t fail. Now all that need the event to succeed can get their living story. The farmers can just let it fail after the escort succeeds.
Can’t banner NPC’s anymore.
It only takes one person to succeed the event and wreck their farming. I did it yesterday after taking a few days off from the game. Logged in, went to Frostgorge and completed the event for them. I actually got two achievements in doing so. My new favorite way to get AP is to hunt down and derail farming exploit spots like Coil.
So you are openly admitting that you enjoy griefing players you deem as a nuisance to your play style just because? And this is fun how?
Do you have a happy life outside this game on the internet? Seems you do not and I’m sorry for that sir.
I though griefing in any form wasn’t allowed in this game…but I can see it is since anet is taking a hands off approach to this. It seems they are just going to let this whole thing devolve into some kind of war of angry nerds and not do anything to stop it since they can’t make both sides happy.
I can assure you that if the griefing and arguments continue, ANet will nerf the respawn timer on the event, guaranteeing that it is no longer lucrative to farm it due to a higher time/reward ratio. Why do I know this? Because this is what has happened every time these types of issues arise. The exception to this is Queensdale Champ train — and that fix was a straight up removal of all but one of the Champs.
Just grab a few warriors and have them banner the NPC’s while spec’d with the banner cool down trait. The NPC’s should last long enough between rotations that the event won’t fail. Now all that need the event to succeed can get their living story. The farmers can just let it fail after the escort succeeds.
Can’t banner NPC’s anymore.
It only takes one person to succeed the event and wreck their farming. I did it yesterday after taking a few days off from the game. Logged in, went to Frostgorge and completed the event for them. I actually got two achievements in doing so. My new favorite way to get AP is to hunt down and derail farming exploit spots like Coil.
So you are openly admitting that you enjoy griefing players you deem as a nuisance to your play style just because? And this is fun how?
Do you have a happy life outside this game on the internet? Seems you do not and I’m sorry for that sir.
I though griefing in any form wasn’t allowed in this game…but I can see it is since anet is taking a hands off approach to this. It seems they are just going to let this whole thing devolve into some kind of war of angry nerds and not do anything to stop it since they can’t make both sides happy.
There’s the thing. They don’t need to make both sides happy.
Anet has put plenty of legit places to farm into the game that do not require the exploitation of game mechanics to achieve them.
If those aren’t good enough for the fail farmers then tough luck. But by their own admission it’s not and they think they deserve better rewards for doing less work.
Well I got hit with this today when I decided to pick back up on the LS storyline. I remembered seeing a bunch of people gathered around the area when I’d go do node farming on the map but didn’t really ask why. Just figured it was good loot. Generally I like to farm too, but mostly I do it on Cursed Shore, and in my experience most people like to actually complete events there lol. So I didn’t think much of it when I went for the Coiled Watch event.
Thankfully I wasn’t cursed out but people were acting very childish that they were going to lose their one round of farming this event just because a few of us there needed to complete it for the LS. I was made fun of for this, but I generally just shrug it off. Really though, I’ve never seen the community be quite so toxic before this. I honestly didn’t realize I was disrupting their farm to begin with until they started yelling not to kill things. :shrug:
So it’s not as if I intentionally go out of my way to irritate people, I just needed to get this section done (and thankfully I did with the help of the other people there for story as well). Then I’m done and out of their hair…
I just can’t believe people are so self centered sometimes, but with the internet comes anonymity, and people are generally more ballsy when they don’t have to look you in the eye.
I don’t think they need to kill the event or the champs, just give this section of the LS its own instance like most of the story has been before. That way people can farm or do their story in peace without stepping on eachothers’ toes. Otherwise all this creates is a very toxic environment, and obivously people are going to be a little miffed if they’re being called out for trying to play the game as intended.
I only just got back into Guild Wars 2 recently myself, and coming back to this wasn’t exactly great. There’s a reason I loved this game more than other MMOs and it was the community, and this unfortunately has brought out a lot of ugliness in people.
Just grab a few warriors and have them banner the NPC’s while spec’d with the banner cool down trait. The NPC’s should last long enough between rotations that the event won’t fail. Now all that need the event to succeed can get their living story. The farmers can just let it fail after the escort succeeds.
Can’t banner NPC’s anymore.
It only takes one person to succeed the event and wreck their farming. I did it yesterday after taking a few days off from the game. Logged in, went to Frostgorge and completed the event for them. I actually got two achievements in doing so. My new favorite way to get AP is to hunt down and derail farming exploit spots like Coil.
So you are openly admitting that you enjoy griefing players you deem as a nuisance to your play style just because? And this is fun how?
Do you have a happy life outside this game on the internet? Seems you do not and I’m sorry for that sir.
I though griefing in any form wasn’t allowed in this game…but I can see it is since anet is taking a hands off approach to this. It seems they are just going to let this whole thing devolve into some kind of war of angry nerds and not do anything to stop it since they can’t make both sides happy.
Perhaps that player likes running the event and enjoys helping others.. not saying this is the case for this particular player but some players enjoying rerunning content and at the same time dislike having abuse hurled at them for doing so.. the toxic environment wasn’t there before the reset exploit was sent viral on these kind of events.. .. without the root cause there would be no action for others to react to in the first place.
Look we get it, some players choose to hide behind the “just cos our playstyle differs to yours” argument, but its nothing more than a smokescreen attempt to hide the incessant need to exploit the events out of greed… nothing more, nothing less and they feel threatened when others don’t share that ideal and will do anything, say anything in order to protect their farm, using others reactions as a way to cry foul.
Bottom line is.. this kind of viral event exploitation is doing nothing but kill PvE / Openworld.
Just like Blix, once the event exploits go viral other areas of the game loose interest, events fall silent, LS gets hindered and one event on one map becomes the breading ground for discontent amongst the playerbase… so ANET may just as well say screw it, no need to develop anything else, let openworld PvP be the way to go and be kitten ed with it.. at least then no one will have any argument over what is right and wrong… eventually the cesspool of attitude and greed will subside as they begn to amass all they can store. Wiith nothing to do, craft, or buy cos everyone has farmed it all, the game becomes even emptier across Tyria including the exploited event(s)
Didn’t you see the screenshots in this very thread?
Those screenshots are taken by a player who deliberately instigates flame, hate and toxicity. I doubt he asked nicely if someone helps him get to an unfarmed server.
In before, if he answeres, it will be something like: “And now I got to find a specific server in order to complete an event? …[Random Phrase that ANet should fix that]”.
The doubts I expressed include the screenshots taken.
Just grab a few warriors and have them banner the NPC’s while spec’d with the banner cool down trait. The NPC’s should last long enough between rotations that the event won’t fail. Now all that need the event to succeed can get their living story. The farmers can just let it fail after the escort succeeds.
Can’t banner NPC’s anymore.
It only takes one person to succeed the event and wreck their farming. I did it yesterday after taking a few days off from the game. Logged in, went to Frostgorge and completed the event for them. I actually got two achievements in doing so. My new favorite way to get AP is to hunt down and derail farming exploit spots like Coil.
So you are openly admitting that you enjoy griefing players you deem as a nuisance to your play style just because? And this is fun how?
Do you have a happy life outside this game on the internet? Seems you do not and I’m sorry for that sir.
I though griefing in any form wasn’t allowed in this game…but I can see it is since anet is taking a hands off approach to this. It seems they are just going to let this whole thing devolve into some kind of war of angry nerds and not do anything to stop it since they can’t make both sides happy.
This is why ANet needs to close down Fail to profit events including Coil Watch. Make it hard for griefers to grief farmers.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
I swear players must have truly poor long term memory or something. Doesn’t anyone realize the OP has trolled various champ trains and events before? Oy! Stop posting as you are only feeding him.
I swear players must have truly poor long term memory or something. Doesn’t anyone realize the OP has trolled various champ trains and events before? Oy! Stop posting as you are only feeding him.
I agree. OP is a griefer, which is why Coiled Watch and other fail to profit needs to be shut down. Make it hard for griefers like OP to grief events.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
It’s a sad state when wanting to complete an event for whatever reason marks you as a griefer. Though I guess it’s to be expected from the very people who are truly grieving others by up-scaling the event so it fails, shouting verbal abuse when their failing fails and then try to quantify the reasons one would want to complete an event as to be trolling. There should not be any such event in game where other players question the motives of another for wanting to complete it.
It’s a sad state when wanting to complete an event for whatever reason marks you as a griefer. Though I guess it’s to be expected from the very people who are truly grieving others by up-scaling the event so it fails, shouting verbal abuse when their failing fails and then try to quantify the reasons one would want to complete an event as to be trolling. There should not be any such event in game where other players question the motives of another for wanting to complete it.
You keep repeating yourself.
And you didn’t answere my question, yet.
It’s a sad state when wanting to complete an event for whatever reason marks you as a griefer. Though I guess it’s to be expected from the very people who are truly grieving others by up-scaling the event so it fails, shouting verbal abuse when their failing fails and then try to quantify the reasons one would want to complete an event as to be trolling. There should not be any such event in game where other players question the motives of another for wanting to complete it.
You keep repeating yourself.
And you didn’t answere my question, yet.
I saw no question, only a statement to incite.
It’s a sad state when wanting to complete an event for whatever reason marks you as a griefer. Though I guess it’s to be expected from the very people who are truly grieving others by up-scaling the event so it fails, shouting verbal abuse when their failing fails and then try to quantify the reasons one would want to complete an event as to be trolling. There should not be any such event in game where other players question the motives of another for wanting to complete it.
You keep repeating yourself.
And you didn’t answere my question, yet.I saw no question, only a statement to incite.
Where is the toxicity???
I’m doing it as well and it’s very chill, just now and then there’s “that guy” who comes to “complete” his story for 1024th time to ruin the farm and troll, then post screenshots showing no toxicity at all.
(edited by Bigsexy.8302)
For do living story you only need to use group browser looking forplayers that want to do LS too. whrn u are 5 or 10!!!! then u can go any map and complete events! Y dont need any permission and u cant let them stop farming. All can do what he wants.
You only need join a gr and go to do LS and achievments… but if u are 1 o2 you will cant do it…. easy!! you maybe waste some time for do it but not a lot!! if u are 3or4 players u cand do it!! XD i think there are maps for LS u only need LFG!!
It’s a sad state when wanting to complete an event for whatever reason marks you as a griefer. Though I guess it’s to be expected from the very people who are truly grieving others by up-scaling the event so it fails, shouting verbal abuse when their failing fails and then try to quantify the reasons one would want to complete an event as to be trolling. There should not be any such event in game where other players question the motives of another for wanting to complete it.
You keep repeating yourself.
And you didn’t answere my question, yet.I saw no question, only a statement to incite.
I am not continuing to “wreak havoc and instigate flame”, that is on the toxic portion of the farmers. I will keep completing an event that can be completed, as designed by Anet. Until such time Anet reworks it so it cannot be completed or everyone has completed their living story.
I never said I was better than anyone. This thread was to showcase the toxicity that exists when this event is completed. I am actively completing an event. If they choose to get angry, then again I say that’s on them. Do I get angry and start verbally abusing people when they call for failing of each stage, even actively trying to fail it in certain parts? No, because I’m an adult and with that comes the responsibility of your words and actions.
Whether you see my reasons as mere excuses is immaterial to the discussion. The discussion is the toxicity that revolves around completing and failing this event. While others have come forward to say they were verbally abused trying to complete this event and you are still trying to make it out that I’m the cause of the farmer’s bad behavior? We are all responsible for ourselves. Trying to place blame on others for your own actions is a poor excuse used by those unable to understand their own shortcomings.
As to your challenge question. I’ll not let someone force me do something I do not wish to do, whether he is taller, older, bigger and even has 2 guns. I’ll complete the challenge as intended and be done with it. If the others wish to be coerced, that’s on them.
There are no compromises when it comes to a subset of the community that have been demonstrated to be toxic. They are bad people, the ones verbally abusing others. The farmers need no help, they have failed the event against the pleading of many living story players. Some of those “ordinary players” are toxic and denying that is a fallacy.
How about you stop trying to place blame on those wishing to complete an event and put it on those who are actually being toxic and verbally abusing others?
And there is the problem I have with you. And probably many more. You can’t always do what you want, when you want. An MMO nowdays is a complex, social structure. A community. And as thus, it is based on compromises and patchworks every day. Whether it is which Heart or Event you do with friends, which dungeon you are going to play through, if you do decide between fractal or sPvP. If you play in a group – and nothing less is what it’s about, just that the group in GW2 is in size of thousands of players.
Allthough I agree that there is a lot of toxicity going around there, you of all should not deny that it is raised by those who want to do this Event now, now at this exact moment, on this exact server and nowhere or notime else. It is that stubbornness that brings flame and hate. Of course, lots of farmers are stubborn, too. I realised that when I was trying to keep a server free from farm. Nevertheless, almost all of these people are NOT bad people. They are ordinary players (I got to underline that again). I got a lot of friends doing Coiled Watch farm. I did it myself until I realised it’s really not worth it (At least too me, it’s helluva boring). And you said it yourself, some of these players are toxic. SOME. Not all. Why do you want to ‘punish’ all of them so badly?
Also, you say you are an adult. Is it really that adult to constantly seek out farmed servers and do the Events they are doing?To me, it doesn’t seem that way. There are enough unfarmed servers, allthough hard to find sometimes. There is the lfg tool that may help you find one. I just don’t get the full grasp of why you want to disrupt their farming so badly. It’s not helping, I am very sure of that. If you were to help others, you’d do it like I do.
And then again. I want to underline that we are all individual, human beings. And everyone, farming or not, deserves to be treated with respect. Even when some of these individuals do not do it all the time. Allthough it’s a game, everyone still has the same human rights, no?And you can’t loose these rights. No matter what you do. No matter how inhuman you may be. Which is my plea to you again. Treat them with the same respect you want to be treated. You don’t want to get flamed while doing the event, they don’t want to get their Event dileberatly disrupted. I hope you got the point.
My point still stands. You should not get abused for wanting to complete an event.
My point still stands. You should not get abused for wanting to complete an event.
I absolutely agree. You should not. But you also should not feel the need to complete an event just to make people mad.
My point still stands. You should not get abused for wanting to complete an event.
I absolutely agree. You should not. But you also should not feel the need to complete an event just to make people mad.
As I’ve said before the event is being completed to help out people to complete their living story. Something you chose to ignore. No matter how much you try to twist it, that fact will not change.
Whether it’s irl or in a game, there may be some abuse/anger whenever an individual or small group does something a large amount of people don’t want them to do.
Like opening the window of a bus to enjoy the cool breeze when it’s 50 degrees outside.
I like completing the event.
How many times do you need complete it? I don’t mean to make a personal attack but I do question why you are there if not to troll the farmers. I checked earlier and found a map within minutes that was not being farmed and had people doing the event to completion. So I think this thread a bit disingenuous.
More than a bit. This whole thread reeks of disingenuousness. Nobody is coming off looking particularly good, either the raging farmers or the butter-wouldn’t-melt griefers.
[TWG] – Gunnar’s Hold
Always remember Wheaton’s Law
My point still stands. You should not get abused for wanting to complete an event.
I absolutely agree. You should not. But you also should not feel the need to complete an event just to make people mad.
As I’ve said before the event is being completed to help out people to complete their living story. Something you chose to ignore. No matter how much you try to twist it, that fact will not change.
I’m not twisting anything. It is a fact you complete it on one server, and them search for another to complete it. It is a fact that you are disrupting farms on purpose. If you really want to help. Choose 1 Server. Keep it farmfree. Taxi in people. Build contacts to farmers. Let them redirect people to you. Treat >everyone< with respect.
And Laurelinde, I couldn’t agree more with you.
It also hurts me to see the cause of helpin players being abused for deliberately taking other players fun.
(edited by Nia.3964)
Well, Blix is different in a way because it is not tied into the Living Story.
I have to agree with this in terms of which side should have some “rights” to the event. However, there is a difference between needing to actually advance your Living Story and showing up just to be disruptive to a practice you somehow feel the need to oppose (Failing an Event for profit).
Rest assured that when the “Toxicity” and abuse reports start to roll into Anet Support, the fail rewards will be nerfed to “fix” the issue.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
I would think that being able to get larger rewards for failing an event that people need to complete in order to do the most important aspect of content Arenanet is currently focusing on would be seen as a design flaw to people with a shred of common sense, and that in order to ‘protect’ that farming location people would take modest precautions by not attempting to report people actually trying to do the content in droves.
Imagine a support rep getting:
“Hey Anet, we’re getting a whole lot of bonuses for letting this frequently respawning event fail (which requires little effort on our end), but this one guy keeps trying to succeed even though it’s tied to the living story you guys are focusing so much on. Can you ban him for trying to complete his content please? He’s obviously griefing even though he is playing the event as intended; because the majority believes he is wrong to do so/he feels compelled to stop us.”
Yes, people are going to try to ruin your day. That being said, the reasonable course of action would be to not go crying to Anet about people playing the game the way Anet intended them to play it, especially with what happened to blix.
Be mad, but not stupid.
[Insert Kermit Here]
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
If this game had a good farm, then things like this wouldn’t happen. Isn’t it obvious that people want to farm? We want to play that way. Why can’t we? Because there are no farms in this game we resort to farming champs by scaling events, fail, then repeat. To fix this “problem”, give us our old Cursed Shore back. We just want to farm.
For do living story you only need to use group browser looking forplayers that want to do LS too. whrn u are 5 or 10!!!! then u can go any map and complete events! Y dont need any permission and u cant let them stop farming. All can do what he wants.
You only need join a gr and go to do LS and achievments… but if u are 1 o2 you will cant do it…. easy!! you maybe waste some time for do it but not a lot!! if u are 3or4 players u cand do it!! XD i think there are maps for LS u only need LFG!!
Yeah let us try to find a dying map that will auto kick us before we even manage to complete all three quests in the chain.
“you have one hour before map dies and to change maps to get the nice 10% exp boost we will give you or we will auto place you in a map.” I got kicked within a few minutes when that popped up after dying at end event with the totem.
I said this in the other clone thread to this one that I had to solo the whole chain and nearly succeed if it didn’t kick me after a death at end.
If it was possible to taxi over every story player to a dead map, I would do it just to get them out of your kitten hole hairs, but I’ll probably get the toxic farmer community to join in as well. Not advertising for this in LFG is probably best.
Honest question:
If you’re trying to do an event, but for whatever reason you can’t, can’t you just go to a different overflow and try there? I’m not trying to take sides, or continue the pointless arguing that’s been going on for 6 pages. I just honestly want to know. This is the beauty of the megaserver. You can leave the map and come back in order to find one that lets you accomplish whatever you’re trying to accomplish.
Trying to visit a karma merchant in one of the temples in Orr? Keep zoning out and back in til you find one with the waypoint uncontested and the merchant up. I do it all the time.
Trying to complete a specific event but for some reason it’s not up? (ie Coil) Keep zoning out and back in til you find one where the zerg isn’t ruining it.
Trying to zerg farm an event (ie Coil) but you found an overflow where they’re completing the event? Keep zoning out and back in til you find an overflow where the zerg is failing the event.
Am I wrong in thinking that this is the easiest and most adult solution? Isn’t this an excellent use of the megaserver? Isn’t this easier than immediately turning to: “These players aren’t doing exactly what I want so I’m going to get upset until they stop” …?
For background:
– I wanted to complete the Coiled Watch event chain for achievements, so I found a map without a zerg
– I wanted to farm the event to see what it was like, so I found an overflow with a zerg on it
So simple.
Honest question:
If you’re trying to do an event, but for whatever reason you can’t, can’t you just go to a different overflow and try there? I’m not trying to take sides, or continue the pointless arguing that’s been going on for 6 pages. I just honestly want to know. This is the beauty of the megaserver. You can leave the map and come back in order to find one that lets you accomplish whatever you’re trying to accomplish.
Trying to visit a karma merchant in one of the temples in Orr? Keep zoning out and back in til you find one with the waypoint uncontested and the merchant up. I do it all the time.
Trying to complete a specific event but for some reason it’s not up? (ie Coil) Keep zoning out and back in til you find one where the zerg isn’t ruining it.
Trying to zerg farm an event (ie Coil) but you found an overflow where they’re completing the event? Keep zoning out and back in til you find an overflow where the zerg is failing the event.
Am I wrong in thinking that this is the easiest and most adult solution? Isn’t this an excellent use of the megaserver? Isn’t this easier than immediately turning to: “These players aren’t doing exactly what I want so I’m going to get upset until they stop” …?
For background:
– I wanted to complete the Coiled Watch event chain for achievements, so I found a map without a zerg
– I wanted to farm the event to see what it was like, so I found an overflow with a zerg on itSo simple.
Did you even read my post? Its impossible to do this now cause as soon as you find an empty map the game now forces you to find a non-empty one or you get put into one in a few minutes (not an hour like it says).
Honest question:
If you’re trying to do an event, but for whatever reason you can’t, can’t you just go to a different overflow and try there? I’m not trying to take sides, or continue the pointless arguing that’s been going on for 6 pages. I just honestly want to know. This is the beauty of the megaserver. You can leave the map and come back in order to find one that lets you accomplish whatever you’re trying to accomplish.
Trying to visit a karma merchant in one of the temples in Orr? Keep zoning out and back in til you find one with the waypoint uncontested and the merchant up. I do it all the time.
Trying to complete a specific event but for some reason it’s not up? (ie Coil) Keep zoning out and back in til you find one where the zerg isn’t ruining it.
Trying to zerg farm an event (ie Coil) but you found an overflow where they’re completing the event? Keep zoning out and back in til you find an overflow where the zerg is failing the event.
Am I wrong in thinking that this is the easiest and most adult solution? Isn’t this an excellent use of the megaserver? Isn’t this easier than immediately turning to: “These players aren’t doing exactly what I want so I’m going to get upset until they stop” …?
For background:
– I wanted to complete the Coiled Watch event chain for achievements, so I found a map without a zerg
– I wanted to farm the event to see what it was like, so I found an overflow with a zerg on itSo simple.
Did you even read my post? Its impossible to do this now cause as soon as you find an empty map the game now forces you to find a non-empty one or you get put into one in a few minutes (not an hour like it says).
Hrm. i had similar problems maintaining my empty map. Dunno if it’s a bug, because when I leveld my thief, I had no problems with it. If you are on EU and trying to find an empty map, I’ll be glad to help you. Just PM me ingame
(Well, or probably not necessary anymore, update is incoming)
Either way, the failure timer of the event has been adjusted.
Frostgorge Sound:
Drive the Sons of Svanir from Coiled Watch:
Adjusted the event timing after failure of the Defend Coiled Watch objective.
Thanks for the fix. Take that farmer boys^^
for I shall not change.
Frostgorge Sound:
Drive the Sons of Svanir from Coiled Watch:
Adjusted the event timing after failure of the Defend Coiled Watch objective.Thanks for the fix. Take that farmer boys^^
selfish lime
Lol.. they chose yet again to fire fight the issue.. wonder where the next one will sprout up from.. watch this space!
Lol.. they chose yet again to fire fight the issue.. wonder where the next one will sprout up from.. watch this space!
I assume they are working on fixing the problem. But I suppose that takes a lot of time. You don’t have to forget that this game is very, very complex in it’s structure. There are many ideas to address this problem in the forums. And I suppose many more ideas on ArenaNet staff meetings. But you got to think these ideas through completely, then find a smart way to implement them, then test them.
Imo they would have to rework large parts of the Event system.And I think a year is probably a valid timespan in order to achieve such a good rework. Anything else could be flawed again – and abused again.
So, give them time and let them hotfix until then.
My point still stands. You should not get abused for wanting to complete an event.
I absolutely agree. You should not. But you also should not feel the need to complete an event just to make people mad.
As I’ve said before the event is being completed to help out people to complete their living story. Something you chose to ignore. No matter how much you try to twist it, that fact will not change.
I’m not twisting anything. It is a fact you complete it on one server, and them search for another to complete it. It is a fact that you are disrupting farms on purpose. If you really want to help. Choose 1 Server. Keep it farmfree. Taxi in people. Build contacts to farmers. Let them redirect people to you. Treat >everyone< with respect.
And Laurelinde, I couldn’t agree more with you.
It also hurts me to see the cause of helpin players being abused for deliberately taking other players fun.
Nia, you nailed it dead on.
Thanks for the fix. Take that farmer boys^^
Comments like this are unnecessary and rude. Why would you be happy about this “fix” if not out of spite or schadenfreude?
It´s a loose-loose situation. The farmers can´t farm the event anymore (or at least not as efficiently as before) and the people who want to progress their LS will have to wait longer for the event to start if it had failed previously.
Again the core issues – that is, failing events to be sometimes more profitable than completing them and the lack of a place dedicated to farming (like boss blitz used to be) – have not been addressed.
Thanks for the fix. Take that farmer boys^^
Comments like this are unnecessary and rude. Why would you be happy about this “fix” if not out of spite or schadenfreude?
It´s a loose-loose situation. The farmers can´t farm the event anymore (or at least not as efficiently as before) and the people who want to progress their LS will have to wait longer for the event to start if it had failed previously.Again the core issues – that is, failing events to be sometimes more profitable than completing them and the lack of a place dedicated to farming (like boss blitz used to be) – have not been addressed.
Wait longer? Longer than hours and hours the farmers would constantly fail it, forcing living story people to hope they could find another flow? No, it’s going to be a lot faster, even if it fails to complete than before.
Thanks for the fix. Take that farmer boys^^
Comments like this are unnecessary and rude. Why would you be happy about this “fix” if not out of spite or schadenfreude?
It´s a loose-loose situation. The farmers can´t farm the event anymore (or at least not as efficiently as before) and the people who want to progress their LS will have to wait longer for the event to start if it had failed previously.Again the core issues – that is, failing events to be sometimes more profitable than completing them and the lack of a place dedicated to farming (like boss blitz used to be) – have not been addressed.
I’m sure that people doing the LS would prefer to wait longer if the event chain fails rather than not being able to do it at all.
Frostgorge Sound:
Drive the Sons of Svanir from Coiled Watch:
Adjusted the event timing after failure of the Defend Coiled Watch objective.Thanks for the fix. Take that farmer boys^^
Don’t have to be rude about it.