Come Vote or add Lankybird's Wish List

Come Vote or add Lankybird's Wish List

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybird.8149


This is a ever changing wishlist, some will have (Voted Out) if a lot of feed back was given to it.

1.) Guild Wars (Possibly coming in spring/summer pvp patch)- A system that allows guilds to fight server or cross server with some sort of ladder system in place.

2.) Guild Halls- Guild halls (instants) Feel free to copy paste GW1 format on them.

3.) (VOTED OUT BY PEOPLES!) Cosmetic Mounts

4.) Lots of player events in WvW – WvW and WvWvW is a lot of fun, and I like the direction it is headed. Great thought and work are put into it and it shows. Some more events to cut down 24/7 zerging could be an event for uber Treb that is on map, char guy needs help blah blah story story, all the servers fight over are to control it, then escort it back to base, now that team has uber treb that shoots entire map for a day at home base. So things like this but at large scale.

5.) (VOTED OUT BY THE PEOPLES) WvW weapons and champs – Extremely high powered weapons that only last for a day (unlocked by guild). Guild can pay influence to have guild Champ (greatly improved stats) for a day.

6.) Mini Battles- Ability to battle other players with your minis. NO not PVP I am saying minni vs minni, think like a POKEMON battle but with minnis. How they do this could go many ways so I will just leave it at this for now it was to confusing with all the battle type suggestions.

7.) More Mini – Not enough, easily obtainable (unless they are now impossible.)

8.) Gambling – Casinos. black jack, poker, roulette wheal or GW2 custom card games, I don’t care as long as it is there. I mean the owner of Moa racing has to be rich enough for one now. I would SUGGEST for it making it like guild puzzles where a guild could unlock it temporally and go have fun.

9.) Build Templates – It would be nice to change builds in seconds rather than minutes, small change that would go a long way for me. I saw this on another post and wanted to add it here.

10.) Activities Tab- Adding a tab like the PVP one but for Activities. I do not do Activities as much as I would if they were easily accessible.

11.) Guild Capes – Guild Capes (or Tabards.. or both?) as an option for players. As back piece or not does not matter just want option.

12.) DC Reque for dungeons – You DC or crash and you have xx time to get back in.

13.) Story mode AI for dungeons

14.) Contested WP Fee – Pay extra silver to travel to a contested WP, or even a gold (Sometimes I am desperate.)

(edited by Lankybird.8149)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


1) Yes!

2) Yes!

3) Nah…

4) Umm..sure

5) WTF??

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: johnIV.3849


Can’t believe guild halls were not implimented in the very beginning. These are great ideas. On the mount situation, I wouldn’t mind riding a kitten horse around tyria. Just for the look and maybe swiftness.

Only problem though, what in the kitten would my big charr ride on.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


1) Sure. Didn’t really partake of gvg in GW1, but I’m absolutely fine with more pvp modes (and let’s face it, gvg is a pvp mode).

2) Yes please. I miss my guild hall.

3) No. Absolutely not.

4) Maybe. I can’t really see WvWers asking for this. I mean, they don’t really do the events that are there now, unless it’s happening while they are doing their normal thing. People rarely ever escort the dolyaks for example. The defend events….not when it’s more profitable to let the enemy take it and then recap it…

5) Again no. Just….no.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybird.8149


Ha ha thanks for feed back. Yep I know 3 (mounts) is insane, again I just like the idea of adding more and more and more stuff. Again NO speed increase, only reason to have it would be to ride around showing off. It is more for my in game friend HeroicPandas who whines about it every day to me. I would personally like to see more minis and have a mini battle options (like pokemon battles haha) that would be similar to the costume brawls. and yes take that as far as having a ladder etc the more options the better. I see a lot of dislike for the WvW, which I understand, I do not do a ton of WvW I am not much a fan of zerging so if people like the system in place dont change it I think they are doing good things with WvW. Feel free to add things you would like to see this is more for GW2 Staff than anything, they always say they want fan input and I am just trying to get it out there!

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybird.8149


Can’t believe guild halls were not implimented in the very beginning. These are great ideas.

When they launched they said more things would be added to guilds, and they have added lots of guild events such as the puzzles but yes I would like to see a guild area like in GW. I do not know if they got rid of it to keep a large presence in Lions Arch or what but the guild halls are surly missed and I hear it from almost everyone that played GW.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leo Paul.1659

Leo Paul.1659

I just hope that if they do implement guild halls, they wont be like custom arena kits that costs gems for upkeep. They should require guild currencies, like merit or influence to purchase.

Queen Of The Moors (Blackgate)
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybird.8149


I just hope that if they do implement guild halls, they wont be like custom arena kits that costs gems for upkeep. They should require guild currencies, like merit or influence to purchase.

Yes it no gem upkeep would be nice, but having it would be better than not having it at all. I am happy with trading gold for gems, and as long as it is a guild effort it is not a problem for a large guild or smaller active guilds.

Another Good Idea would be having “special guild halls” that must be earned, such as a WvW guild hall for guild with most active guild in WvW on server. No bonus just cool looking area as reward. Also same obviously with PVP, Guild Challenges like the puzzles, richest etc.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybird.8149


The special guild halls are of course only IN ADDITION to the regular ones we all want!

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leo Paul.1659

Leo Paul.1659

I don’t mind cosmetic upgrades that cost gems.. Just that the base (guild hall itself+basic necessities) should be attainable by everyone equally (via pve,pvp or wvw).

Queen Of The Moors (Blackgate)
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: coglin.1867


In the OP you suggest your are posting on what “people” want. More accurately, you you stated that it as “things you feel people want”. I am curious, who specifically are the “people” you are claiming to represent here?

1) I could care less about guild battles, but I am not against them

2) Guild halls are the biggest waste of development time possible. they do not offer anything new in game. I much prefer they spend the time on the bugs of my favorite profession.

3) I have hated mounts in every game. All they do is cause lag and serve no real functional value to the game.

4) How many WvW servers have you played on? Because they do not all “zerg” all the time. If you only zerg in one big blob, you will be destroyed in WvW by the 5 groups of 15 that take 4 keeps and 2 caps at the same time against you. Perhaps you should stop applying your single server experience and claiming it applies to all.

5) No.

A video on what weak PvPer’s and WvWer’s want.

(edited by coglin.1867)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Leo Paul.1659

Leo Paul.1659

Who’s to say that guild halls wouldn’t come with new content?

Queen Of The Moors (Blackgate)
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybird.8149


1) I could care less about guild battles, but I am not against them

2) Guild halls are the biggest waste of development time possible. they do not offer anything new in game. I much prefer they spend the time on the bugs of my favorite profession.

3) I have hated mounts in every game. All they do is cause lag and serve no real functional value to the game.

4) How many WvW servers have you played on? Because they do not all “zerg” all the time. If you only zerg in one big blob, you will be destroyed in WvW by the 5 groups of 15 that take 4 keeps and 2 caps at the same time against you. Perhaps you should stop applying your single server experience and claiming it applies to all.

5) No.

True Henge of Denvari is currently ranked 8 over all I think? I am not the end all of ideas in WvW just suggesting some I understanding the disagreement. Seems most people have not liked any of the ideas in WvW. I don’t think the Guild Halls would be a waste of devolpment though, obviously I wouldn’t want to take away from fixing bugs and balancing, and I do not want to stop living world stuff from happening, but I feel that a lot of people would like to see them. The list does get a lot more radical the further down it you go. :P Thank you for the feedback

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybird.8149


I don’t mind cosmetic upgrades that cost gems.. Just that the base (guild hall itself+basic necessities) should be attainable by everyone equally (via pve,pvp or wvw).

We are on the same page no use of gems and unlocking based off in game merits is my preferred method too. I am just saying if the only way they could justify devolving it is to have gems involved to make some profit back on the efforts I would rather have that than nothing at all.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Berethor.6142


1) YES
2) YES
3) YES
4) meh
5) NO
6) YES

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


@ 6: Nooooooooooooo!

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybird.8149


Mixed votes on number 6. I will keep it up till we have more feed back. I love the idea. I wouldn’t of thought for it without feedback from here. Please feel free to not only give input but voice out what YOU would like added and I will put it on the list.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nat.4029


Who’s to say that guild halls wouldn’t come with new content?

“Momma….what’s “new content” mean?"

“Well Forrest…it’s when something is added to the game, and then it never comes back.”

Valar Morghulis

(edited by Nat.4029)

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pswendel.8179


Re – describe #6 to be Polymock and maybe it will garnish attention.

1, 2, 4, 6. Sure.

I’m more interested in a community in new content than a Guildhall where guilds can afk. That’s all Guildhalls were in GW1.

GvG might work if Guildhall exist, though. Neither really should exist without the other.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybird.8149


Re – describe #6 to be Polymock and maybe it will garnish attention.

1, 2, 4, 6. Sure.

I’m more interested in a community in new content than a Guildhall where guilds can afk. That’s all Guildhalls were in GW1.

GvG might work if Guildhall exist, though. Neither really should exist without the other.

I do like the living story stuff that has been added, although the plot has been a little boring to me the events are really fun as far as events go. I do not want them to stop or even slow down on this, but adding 5 people to the staff to program guild halls over 6 months (plenty of people and time) at lets say $100.00 an hour for 40 hours a week (which would be insane pay 124,000.00 for half a years work.) would set back GW 620,000.00. Now that is a pretty big stretch (I hope) on pay but lets just put it way up there. So over half a mill. Now if players needed to buy the guild hall from BM they would get some of it back that way, and then the addition of making it so you had to get upgrades through market using gems, again they would make some of it back. Finally gem upkeep to keep guild halls going they would make it back. Over time I think they could make their money back on the investment without stopping or even slowing down on their living story and or separate upgrades to game. Honestly I would like to see staff hired in to GW2 to souly deal with GUILDS. I mean it is GUILD wars.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybrit.4598


Just one thing – I’m in admiration of your name, OP

My Life in Tyria:
Updated every Monday

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybird.8149


Just one thing – I’m in admiration of your name, OP

Great minds think alike. Good to see another Lanky.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751


1.) Suggested many times.
If done correctly, yes.

2.)Suggested many times.
Yes, but if they do, they need to be upgradable just like in GW1, being able to add crafting stations, bank access, etc.

3.)Suggested many times.
Absolutely not under any circumstances. no, No, NO!

4.) Do not WvW, so do not care.

5.) Do not WvW, so do not care.

6.) Concept too unclear to make a decision.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybird.8149


ShinningSquirrel Thank you for feed back, I tweaked number 6 for you. All of these have been suggested many times to me personally that’s why I am making a list for GW2 staff to address some of this. 1 and 2 especially. I am 100% with you on no mounts but it is something that I hear a lot of comments on that’s why I presented it.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draycon.1369


Soo i got a great ideas for some minigames when i saw people messing around with endless mystery tonics sooo…

1.)A hide and seek game in which your first skill is to transform you into an object or an animal and instead of being static you can actually run around and hide. There could be other skills that could help the seekers find you but by using those skills your cooldown of the transformation skill would go down and you could turn into something else.. maybe even something smaller.

2.)A game where there are 2 teams. In the first team everyone is a guard and the other one everyone is a thieve that can change into one of the NPCs that roam around a town minding their own business. So the guards have an objective to defend some kind of treasure and the thieves have to distract the guards or decieve them to get to the goods and bring them to their lair.This little game should be located in a city area or a town where there are alot of NPCs and buildings.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gele.2048



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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybird.8149


Thanks for input Draycon, and Gele I guess Heroic Pandas not alone on mounts most people have hated the idea.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yalora Istairiea.6287

Yalora Istairiea.6287

Of your 7 ideas:

  1. PvP – No interest
  2. Guild Halls –
  3. Mounts – Many times no
  4. WvW – No interest
  5. WvW – No interest
  6. Polymock – Already in the works, Asuran Portal in Rata Sum. Will wait to see what happens.
  7. Minis – very little interest till ^6 is implemented

Just my two coppers worth.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybird.8149


Yalora Thank your for input. by 1 do you mean you just do not like pvp in general? It is a push for more pvp and also a pvp system that is not about capture points. More of a fun way to battle it out with other guilds and I wouldn’t care if it was a balanced or unbalanced combat system. Personally since it would be so different I would like unbalanced to help show off guild strength. On number two thanks for the link post, it is exciting to see it in the works, I guess what I am am commenting on is the old guild zones etc. I am happy they are committing to actual guild areas though it is great to hear. I am excited to see what all features they add to guilds. 6-7 I am eager to see as well but regardless need more mini

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yalora Istairiea.6287

Yalora Istairiea.6287

LB, sorry I should have been more explicate but I have been told I tend to be quite wordy so I was trying to simplify

  • For your items 1,4 & 5 – I only do PvE. I have no interest in PvP or WvW so I would not be able to comment on those areas effectively.
  • Item 2 – the link that I posted was something that I wanted to see happen and not an ANet official item. Just my personal wish list.
  • Item 3 – I just think that Mounts are a bad idea in general for numerous reasons but those have been discussed in many other threads so won’t go into it here
  • Item 6 – ANet already has in process
  • Item 7- I am just not interested in Minis until Polymock starts up

Hope that clarifies.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybird.8149


Yalora – Yeah that does clarify. I dabble into everything and but wouldn’t consider myself a master at anything. I think the addition of Guild PVP would be beneficial on almost every level.

1.) Unit Cohesion, hear it all the time in the Army, and Guild PvP would bring guilds closer together therefor increasing the game experience as a whole.
2.) Something New, yep something new always brings interest, but I think this would really give pvp a second chance, people would be interested in trying out something new and maybe give Spvp a second chance.
3.) More for vets- if you love SPVP then this shouldn’t make you angry, it is something extra for you, and more a good thing.
4.) Most importantly I want it, isnt that best reason ever? Seriously though Looking through even this post people either A.) Support the idea or B.) Do not do PVP so wont comment.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybird.8149


Honestly I should bring the list down to 2 things almost everyone agrees on and wants, that would not take away from Guild Wars 2 “staff philosophy” on what the game should be or direction it is heading. Guild Fights (NOT SPVP, don’t like auto finding anyone and certainly do not count a custom arena fight enough to suffice) and Guild Halls. As I said both are guild oriented (As you expect in a game called Guild Wars) and push to enhance game not change it. The player support for this is insane, and yet I do not really see much being done for it.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LanfearShadowflame.3189


6. Maybe, but only if it were a pvp arena. Something like hero battles I suppose. Although, something similar to polymock might be ok too. Would love to see polymock come back.

7. Always game for more minis. Earned through a variety of options. Not locked to gemstore or TP only. Rarers ones = more difficult to obtain, but not so difficult that only the people that play 8+ hours a day can get them. I’m good with people having rare things, but skill > time please.

8. Oh hell no. Lets not make the gap between ‘the rich’ and ‘everyone else’ any bigger than it is thanks.

Don’t look at me like that. Whatever you’ve heard, it’s probably not true.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybird.8149


8.) Gotta spend money to make money :P. This can make the Poor rich and the rich poor. Once you buy all your gear, have all your stuff, and your alt sets…. and max matts and then some….. and oh hell just a couple 100 gold to carry around, you dunno what to do with it. I would like to gamble it all away, takes awhile at 50 silver a race. I think the Phantasy Star Universe had a cool casino feature, everyone could collect 1 casino coin a day, then try to earn enough money (Casino Money) to buy cool plush unlocks. Loved doing it and I think it could be a fun add on, again an add on that would add to the game but not change any systems in place.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harper.4173


Seriously – mounts are a bad idea. The game doesn’t need them – why would we have them?

For long distance travel we have waypoints.
For short distance we can run.
They serve no purpose.

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wolvenra.9617


Seriously – mounts are a bad idea. The game doesn’t need them – why would we have them?

For long distance travel we have waypoints.
For short distance we can run.
They serve no purpose.

For looks. And bragging rights. No different than the flying broom and the undergrounddredgething you can buy for gems.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybird.8149


Right Wolvenra kinda hit the point I wanted to make, and as I said above, it is purely for looks and bragging rights not for any kind of speed use or even practical use. As I said before I personally do not crave or need mounts in any way but I have been told by many others they wanted them and I look at this as a community list more than anything. Thank you both for input.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: A R W E N.6895

A R W E N.6895

If I may add my own list,

1) better reward in general
2) increase karma gain
3) make ascended gear weapon obtainable by different means
4) Bring some instances from gw1 to gw2 and make it feel like gw2
5) Fix the useless classes (Engineer, ranger etc) (don’t flamme, i know that ranger and engi require skill, but for the casual gw2 player, this is hard)
6) Mounts ( I could see myself on a plane why not)
7) Fix the drop rate of many items (precursors etc)
8) Add unique drops to each dungeons (the obsidian edge was unique to fow, the crystaline sword was unique to UW etc)
9) Add more depth to the lore
10) Balance in PVP
11) More skills to use and more weapons to use for each class
12) Qol improvement (build editor in game) (possibility to save your builds) (increase the stack amount etc)
13) Fix overflows.
14) …. keep going

I love debate
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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elothar.4382


On OP’s list:

(1) Don’t care so long as it does not impact me. I would likely not want to participate and as long as I can go about my business and not be bothered, I am okay with it. If it means, however, that I must either (a) not represent or (b) be subject to open world fighting…then…Nope, not for me.

(2) Don’t care one way or the other.

(3) I like mounts…a lot…but I understand that they are not in this game and I am okay with it. Would love to have mounts…heck…even flying mounts but if they are not in the game, it is not a big deal to me.

(4) Don’t care

(5) Don’t care

(6) Don’t care

(7) Don’t care

(8) Hmmm…not sure how this would work. I am not much of a gambler in any event but if there were some type of chance-related rewards that guilds could unlock, I would not be opposed to it…just wouldn’t matter much to me.

In reviewing my post, I see a lot of “don’t cares.” Just to explain – what this means is that it is not that important to me one way or the other but I have no objection to the concept to the extent that it makes other players happy.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybird.8149


Thanks for feedback ARWEN and Elothar. To ARWEN- great ideas, the list I have hear is mostly focused on not changing the game but adding on to it, your list was pretty big to CHANGES in the game, and although I agree with some it I think ANET gonna do what ANET gonna do and a lot of thought goes into their changes on things that I am no where near caught up on enough to comment. However Number 12.) Build Editor in game I took big notice in. I agree GW1 had a template for builds and I was reading about people wanting that back in diff forum. I put it on the list I love the idea of bringing back templates for builds.
Elothar – Lot of comments on mounts haha, I personally feel the same way, if they had em cool if not cool. But I put it on the list because my friend whines about it to me every day (HeroicPanda). The list as you said is a lot of content I do not think would CHANGE the game but would be fun add on content. With the exception of 4 and 5 which are pretty radical to WvW. Thanks for input everyone keep it coming!

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybird.8149


Just quick comment this is not meant to bash ANET or GW2 staff, love this game and will keep playing with or without this content added I just wanted to bring up some stuff to kind of talk about and for GW2 staff to consider. Maybe one day the list will be brought up in a meeting and they can say yeah or no and move on but getting it to that point is more than accomplishment enough for me. These are just things I would like to be considered and if the effort is to much for ANET to justify or if it moves the game in a direction they do not want I get that, again just want these things to be discussed.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harper.4173


Seriously – mounts are a bad idea. The game doesn’t need them – why would we have them?

For long distance travel we have waypoints.
For short distance we can run.
They serve no purpose.

For looks. And bragging rights. No different than the flying broom and the undergrounddredgething you can buy for gems.

You guys said looks and bragging rights – the issue here is that in other games pets serve a purpose. You travel with them.
There are different types each with a different speed attached to them and different abilities. They’re a part of the game mechanics.

So yeah – bragging rights – great – but wouldn’t you rather have a new set of legendary weapons – maybe even other legendary items – such as trinkets or armor – or better yet – MORE armor sets instead of pets?

The developers only have THAT much time to design cool things to put into the game.

Pets would be very hard to implement since you’d have to have pets that are appropriately sized for both Asura and Norn/Charr.

I get the appeal for pets – but personally if they’re going to spend their time developing something it might as well be new legendary weapons / new awesome armor sets or new cool back pieces.

If here they fall they shall live on when ever you cry “For Ascalon!”

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Posted by: Headcase.4618


I disagree about the game not needing mounts. While waypoints can be useful to get around (after you’ve activated them of course) they be can be a real pain when some of them become contested and you’re unable to use them (ex. half of the wps in the Straits of Devastation), so you could use a mount to get to contested areas real quick.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybird.8149


Well I think if GW2 WANTED mounts, they would make them. I like and prefer way points, and like NOT having a mounts. This is more of an idea NOT to change what is in place but also make people who beg for mounts happy. I would suggest you are out of armor and they are purely for riding around town showing off, I say out of armor so it would be impractical to use out of cities. Just my PERSONAL idea. However overall I really agree with Harper on this, I would be happier with lots of new weapons and armor, more the better can never have enough. Mounts on list for the many people that have asked for them.

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Posted by: Linnea.5146


I saw this thread earlier today, it feels closer to what the community wants. Sadly, it got lost in the now archived suggestions forum.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybird.8149


Linnea, the post was great, however that focus on big changes to the game, IE New Races (which would need entire story lines) New Classes (completely change PVP) , New weapons (again game changer) and of course new worlds and bosses. Now I love any new content so yes I would be excited about all of that, but I know that those would be HUGE changes to the game that can really effect how it is played. This is just little changes that would not change much about it or how it plays just quality of life within game. Thank you for the post though.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybird.8149


I am moving off this forum and focusing on each of these as separate issues. Thanks for feedback everyone. I have deducted that more people WANT GvG and Guild Halls by a large margin than that of those who do not care or do not want.

Come Vote or add Lankybird's Wish List

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Slither Shade.4782

Slither Shade.4782

5. Even as the opener if you dc it does not boot the party (I believe) and you seem to have xx time to get back in. Having someone dc every 5 minutes gets old and can double the length of the run. Most parties tolerate a dc but I would not blame a speed run for kicking. So I have to say no.

Come Vote or add Lankybird's Wish List

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: X The Manimal.5293

X The Manimal.5293

Sooo… are we like voting on this? If so then…

1.) Guild Wars – Great idea and I agree. I wouldn’t be surprised if ANet is actually already working on this.

2.) Guild Halls (IN THE WORKS BY GW2 STAFF) – This is just as important as having Guild V Guild. Big YES from me! It was a lot of fun in GW1 to have a home for the Guild!

3.) (VOTED OUT BY PEOPLES!) Cosmetic Mounts – I agree, NO mounts please. Waypoints are already enough. Even if some are contested, you can waypoint to nearest location and take a SHORT run.

4.) Lots of player events in WvW – Great idea! Give people a sense of direction and objectives besides “run in zerg and kill anything you see”. =P

5.) (VOTED OUT BY THE PEOPLES) WvW weapons and champs – Need more info on what this means but it was voted out apparently so nevermind.

6.) Mini Battles – Wouldn’t hurt but as long as ANet doesn’t dedicate TOO much of their focus on this.

7.) More Mini – More minis sounds good to me!

8.) Gambling – This seems kind of random to me to place into the game, but it wouldn’t hurt I guess. I’m indifferent.

9.) Build Templates – OMG YERS!!! This was amazing in GW1!

10.) Activities Tab – Indifferent, but couldn’t hurt to have it.

11.) Guild Capes – Agreed, but add capes IN GENERAL. Not just Guild Capes.

12.) DC Re-queue for dungeons – Agreed, very quality-of-life item.

I would like to ADD one more to the list if I may… 13. Personal Armory – A collection of all your skins and armor you’ve collected! It’s SUCH a pain having to choose one over the other. Once you use a skin, that’s it. You can’t have more than one unless you craft or buy that piece of armor again and re-apply a skin. SO ANNOYING!!!

Come Vote or add Lankybird's Wish List

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: X The Manimal.5293

X The Manimal.5293

I am moving off this forum and focusing on each of these as separate issues. Thanks for feedback everyone. I have deducted that more people WANT GvG and Guild Halls by a large margin than that of those who do not care or do not want.

Based on what though? Have you been collecting this data for a long time now? Because there are only a handfull of posts on this thread… its not even to page 2 yet lol.