Coming from other mmo's (suggestions)
One thing that nobody who asked for mounts ever considered:
What kind of animal would it be that the smallest asura and the biggest norn or charr could ride just as comfortably without looking really bad? None. It does not compute. And if you start limiting mount choices by race or scale the same animal to asura and to charr size, that’s also quite goofy.
That said, the question of mounts is something that cannot be decided with reason. Both sides are very passionate about it. I just simply wouldn’t like to see mounts in the game.
As for the wider topic:
- I don’t have a problem with getting ascended gear (i have a problem storing all those ascended weapon and armour chests).
- The holy trinity is coming soon™ in HoT raids.
- When Anet updated the gemstore more regularly, they took a lot of heat for that too. Personally i would like to see more stuff in the store (more options cannot hurt).
- Please not another “nerf mesmer” post…
The problem is that very mmorpg atm is totally the same with something else.Thats why ppl jumb from one game to another.Because they play the same game with different graphics.They should try to make gw2 totally different and interesting to make people stay and dont leave after they max lvl their characters because they have the same feeling with the previous mmo they played.
so i played
wow for 8 years
everquest 1 for 7
lotro for 2
and swtor for about 4and have tried and hated
Rifti do however enjoy playing Gw2 BUT!!!
from playing other mmos i truly feel there are some things that need to be brought in and changed with this game for GW2 to maintain the new people playing the game, i.e. people from other mmos (warcraft for example lost 5 mill subs)
first thing, is :
WAY to many time sinks
i can understand the legendary being time consuming and thats fine
but ascended gear shouldn’t be as time consuming (for example)
i also dont like the fact that your best way of getting them is via tradeskills
imo each boss in the hardest version of the dungeons should drop something , and each world boss, make them weekly lockouts if you have to
That’s because they stopped carrying about the core dungeons (Catacombs-Arah). It has been said here the main dungeon developer left a while back and no one has assumed the same role he had. Focus shifted to Fractals which is active, but it can be very hard to get a low level Fractal group. If you’re interested in Ascended gear, Fractals will play a big part of that in HoT. So while the core dungeons may be time sinks I do not believe Fractals are.
2nd thing
MOUNTS if GW2 really wants to make money add mounts, ya theres points all over the place , but i personally like riding through and enjoying the scenery instead of skipping it all by porting
this could be a huge cash cow on the market PLUS make the chests worth something and buying the keys worthwhile
3rd thing
For the love of the gods, No! No mounts in GW2. It seems to be something all former WoW players complain about. Look, it just doesn’t go along with the games lore. It could be written in at some point but you’re more likely to see a playable flying race before mounts (the flying race is already in the game and even has their own home city, it’s just locked out)
3rd party addons
this is pretty big, damage meters and ui customization would be alot more veteran MMO player friendly and keep people playing
There are a few things out there. Not sure if forum rules permit me to mention them here so I won’t.
4th thing
more of a traditional dungeon trait for classes, ie tank, healer, dps
i know this game pushes the whole mechanic thing to its limits..but alot of new players coming from other games feel this gets old very fast
to much invis skip through trash in dungeons for example
why even have it in there if people can skip it, why not just have the 4 bosses lined up one after another?
Well this would be why the traditional dungeons sort of died. The thing about the holy trinity for dungeon runs is that it’s actually a lot of fun to play. Everyone completing a piece of a strategic puzzle. GW2 encourages everyone to be a jack of all trades. Well, they did. The new Druid class can be specked to heal like nothing else we’ve seen before. Last BWE I did three explorable dungeons on Druid trying to play the role of dedicated healer. What happened?!? Well, Heath bars stayed high but at the end everyone said that would prefer DPS of full health bars. Ultimately the core game content just is not designed for dedicated healers to be of any use at all.
Honorable mentions:
NERF Mesmer for the love of god lol
balance pvp
Actually PvP is in a really good place right now. The Elite Specs could destroy it, but after three years of tweaks, you can take almost any class into the PvP lobby, go find a strong meta build for that class, train on it for an hour and then go into a pug unranked match and be effective. It is pretty well balanced right now. After HoT releases, we’ll see.
make boss exclusive items that have a decent drop rate (esp in upcoming raids, (pets aren’t acceptable btw))
Update store with new items monthly
post everything there is on the store 24/7 (its money you’re losing)
There is a strategy around the cash store rotations I’m sure. As far as putting all items in the game there, no. That’s ridiculous. They have an on staff economist who created and balances the economy around a series of currenies. Cold, Gems, Karma and Lurals. The economy is balanced to make so players who invest a lot of time go after items you can’t buy in the cash store. It also gives incentive to log in daily. It’s very clever when you really break it down.
every suggestion made by OP has been decided by the majority of the community that they’re unwelcome suggestions and tons of players would probably quit if they came around
moderators pls close thread, im sick of hearing the same suggestions every time I visit the forumsdecided by the very small handful of people that actually use the forums you mean?
and if this is a on-going topic like you say , your point is null and void
that just proves this is something people wanteither way warcraft is a dated game, so saying “go back to wow” is just plain ol kittened
and even if (which i doubt and would bet 1 mill bucks on) they added a few of these things and lost all of the people that they have had since launch , the amount of people they would gain would overshadow that amount x10
how many people play this game 200k?
another thing to consider is that when people arent happy with an MMO they just quit playing it, they dont post on the forums and give the devs a chance to hear them and fix/change things
and i never said i didnt like this game, i play it tons, it would just be nice for the rewards in the game to fit the time spent getting them
I feel it would be more correct to say it’s been decided by the vocal majority. It is true that not all, or even most, players engage in the discussions on the forums. I myself have played many mmo where I never even went into the forum section on the game unless hunting for tech support. =)
Thing is though, your opinion can’t be heard unless you speak up. It’s kinda like not voting and then being disappointed because the ’’wrong’’ politician won.
It’s true, there are a lot of post with suggestions of OPs nature so there is a demand for these things. If we take into account that not all players join in the forums there are also even more that want this. But there are even more that argue against them. So logically there must be an even larger amount of players that do not want these thing to come to pass.
It is all fine and good to make suggestions, even if they like most of these would change the core gameplay of GW2. It’s absolutely fine to agree with OP and voice that as well. But it must also be fine to argue against these suggestions, to let whoever is in charge that might see this know that this isn’t something that everybody agrees with.
Free speech gives people the right to express whatever (almost) we want, it does not give us the right to not be judged by what we express.
For example: if I would like a Bioware-ish romance plot with Braham, please and thank you, and made that suggestion as a forum topic. I would probably get a few who agreed and a lot who did not agree and let their opinion be known. Because that is not what GW2 is currently about, it’s not in the core gameplay at the moment and there are a lot of already existing games that can provide that for me.
The counter arguments to my suggestion is not an insult to me personally, the people who say I’m wrong about this are not attacking me or my freedom of speech. They’re just letting their own opinion be heard as well so developers who might read the topic sees that the people who do take time out of their lives to debate the game know what the vocal majority want.
And I honestly don’t think Anet would win money-wise in the long run if they implemented most of these changes. As others have debated: Anet makes changes to conform to new players that have left their previous mmo and want more of the same. Once they’ve gained that they will be bored again and leave.
GW2 surely has alot of things missing, that other MMOs have and I personally wouldn’t agrre to everythign the OP has written, but this are the points, where I’d like Anet would implement the Features also too into GW2 to significantly improve the Game and make it more fun:
1) No Time Gated Gear
If GW2 should become ever as much as multi character freindly as the game was at Release, then this stupid time gating of Ascended Gear has to disappear, there I can agree with the OP. Anet has to remove also alot of its absolute senseless RNG factors out of the game. We are playing here an Online Game and not LOTTERY >.>with the exception of the Mystic Forge, because its by design just an Item Sink with a Chance to reward you with something better than the junk that you have thrown away through it. And its by design a way how you can receive some special items only. So thats the only RNG that should exist in the game imo.
2) Rewards
This has always been from release day on a huge problem of this game, that Anet is constantly underwhelmingly rewardign us for the efforts that we do in the game.
Here it would be a nice start, if ANet would begin with polishing the rewards for defeating World Bosses (and redesign more of them to make the new rewards appropriate) and add then a World Boss Token System, that allows players to buy from NPCs also with enough tokens the rewards that they want, if they just have with the loot no luck. Example Tequatl – you have killed like already 100s of times him and you still have had not a single one of his special skin weapons drop fro you, but you drown already in like thousands of Tequatl Coins, then you could go to a NPC that wants these Tequatl Coins and trades them in for you for the Tequatl Weapons and other Stuff that you can loot from him, like his special Rune, like his Miniature, like Ascended Chests for Gear of a specific Stat Type. ANd instantly the whole thing would feel alot more rewarding, because you would know, your efforts give you at the end at least something that you want, if you hat at least no luck, then the time spent with the content is at least rewardign for you… and doesn’t feel like wasted.
3) Mounts
Yes, can agree here, I want them too since Game Release, but their priority currently is very low. There are still many other things where even I say, they need to get changed/fixed first with a much higher priority, before Anet should add Mounts to the game, like for example adding first finally all the content, that should have been already since Game Release in the game, like they announced it and which are still not 3 years later in the game, what I find really ridiculous by now, stuff like Polymock, Bar Brawls (<Funnily their achievements were once in the game and got later removed .wtf WHY?), Target Shooting and alot of other Minigames that should help making all the racial towns places ful of live where you want to constantly visit them, was the speaking.. and what do we have instead? – Mostly Ghost Towns and peopel need for activities just to run to LA, instead of going to the specific towns, how it was at Game Release needed, that you have had to go for exampel to Hoelbrak, if you wanted to play Keg Brawl and you could play it whenever you wanted and not like now only, when its up on a stupid acticity cicle!! rolleyes!
4) Improved UI
This is pretty mich something that would be very nice for an upcoming Feature Pack.
There was once a thread here from someone, who made a really great job for changign the UI, making them visusually alot more appealing, more sorted and overviewable so that you hadn’t to open anymore tons of windows, but just 1 to see everythign you need. That guy should have been hired by Anet so that he could help their UI devs to significantly improve the current UI systems…
5) Classic Roles
Can agree here only to disagree, hell please no Tank, Healer ect. for Dungeons…
Dungeons per see belong all completely reworked and improved with more content in form of adding alot more Dungeons (like some of the old GW1 ones) and new forms of Dungeons (Zelda like- Solo Dungeons, Dungeon Crawlers, Raid Dungeons, Guild Crusade Dungeons)
Anet needs imo to completely remove the stupid “Path System” it limits way too much the possibilities to design their dungeons and it makes their dungeons look alot smaller than they are. Sadly Anet seems to have due to our feedback completely neglected Dungeons in favor of Raids it seems to be unlikel<y, that Anet will ever improve this junkand leaves it simply as it is now as a permanent self reminder, of how content shouldnt be designed.. i dont know … or they simply wait for the right moment where they have the time to make changes similar to how the Twilight path got added, that they wait just for the right opportunity again for making changes with the help of Living Story…but all that doesn’’t chane my opinion, that Dungeons are currently one of GW2’s biggest contents that direly needs to be reiterated and changed and be it simply first with the next expansion and we have to pay for it, i wouldn’t care, as long dungeons become finaly a much better fun making content that is more depthful designed, than this silly multi path system that is designed as group content in mind and in the end gets farmed by many solo to profit of lazy players that want just fast the tokens. Alone due to this reason are all the dungeons long overdue for complete redesigns imo as this dungeon selling is absolutely harmful for the game economy in a passive way, because it setted the gold limits of many people alot higher, so that the mindset of people wanting ridiculous high amounts of gold for stuff they sell skyrockets with that mentality too. and with that naturally also skyrocked the gem to gold conversion very fast… this should have never happend, but Anet just willingly accepted this, because for them it naturally meant that alot lesser people will convert gold for gems, so faster the conversion became alot harder… so they simply took the easiest position they could take on this – acceptance as a “service” rolleyes
So much about the OP points, with the next postign now stuff, that I#d like to see anet taking over and addign into GW2 in their own way
Magic carpet is already in the gem store.. Why not mounts? Just make them pure aesthetics. I don’t mind riding a cool Pegasus when walking around. Maybe give them a 50% move speed bonus, and make it disarmed when attacked or attacking. Just like magic carpet except with the 50% move speed.
Gem store item with ingame bonusses was tried 1 time: the watchwork pick…
While the unrest has cleared it was a reason for HUGE riots on the forum… Everybody was mad as could be cause it was considered P2W (Pay to Win) dut to thefact it was aan item providing uneven bonusses to people who could shed out 800 and later 1000 gems for something from the cash store…
Making a mount giving a speed buff higher then anythinng ingame wil cause the same thing… Also I do not need to see people running around on winged horses… I might add that playing human wouldn’t be a problem but being NORN or CHARR your pegasus will die due to the fact it needs to carry 150+ or 200+ kilograms as weight. And as flying ins’t avaailable ingame your pegasus will stay grounded (and if you are asura I’d suggest you’d use the saddlebags to move around safely….)
ArenaNet has already changed gear due to riots on the forums before (I remember a copy of t3 human armor with added flames available to all in the gem shop which was met with outrage… and was pulled or replaced with another less “sensitive skin”)
I think you should consider buying yourself a flying carpet. and forget about speed buffed mounts. It will not happen. Ever…. It is P2W…. And therefore not wanted.
so remember :
- no ingame buffs
- no combat possibilities
- no movement other then normal character movement (no flying, teleporting)
- no animals
you could get a pogo stick (as long as the hops do not allow for extraordinairy movement or maybe a golem… a grounded pegasus made from cardboard and harpy feathers NP, an for that matter Pegasi do not exis in GW lore.. The only horselike beings ingame are centaurs…. last creatures to ride actual horses were necrid horsemen. (GW 1)
But still I hope Mounts are a passed station….
news flash GW2 is 110% pay to win
u can buy gems convert to coins and buy the legendary, how is that not pay to win?
news flash GW2 is 110% pay to win
u can buy gems convert to coins and buy the legendary, how is that not pay to win?
Because you don’t win anything? It’s more Pay-to-Shiny than pay to win. Pay to win by it’s definition makes you better than non paying players. Pay to shiny just makes you shinier.
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.
Magic carpet is already in the gem store.. Why not mounts? Just make them pure aesthetics. I don’t mind riding a cool Pegasus when walking around. Maybe give them a 50% move speed bonus, and make it disarmed when attacked or attacking. Just like magic carpet except with the 50% move speed.
Gem store item with ingame bonusses was tried 1 time: the watchwork pick…
While the unrest has cleared it was a reason for HUGE riots on the forum… Everybody was mad as could be cause it was considered P2W (Pay to Win) dut to thefact it was aan item providing uneven bonusses to people who could shed out 800 and later 1000 gems for something from the cash store…
Making a mount giving a speed buff higher then anythinng ingame wil cause the same thing… Also I do not need to see people running around on winged horses… I might add that playing human wouldn’t be a problem but being NORN or CHARR your pegasus will die due to the fact it needs to carry 150+ or 200+ kilograms as weight. And as flying ins’t avaailable ingame your pegasus will stay grounded (and if you are asura I’d suggest you’d use the saddlebags to move around safely….)
ArenaNet has already changed gear due to riots on the forums before (I remember a copy of t3 human armor with added flames available to all in the gem shop which was met with outrage… and was pulled or replaced with another less “sensitive skin”)
I think you should consider buying yourself a flying carpet. and forget about speed buffed mounts. It will not happen. Ever…. It is P2W…. And therefore not wanted.
so remember :
- no ingame buffs
- no combat possibilities
- no movement other then normal character movement (no flying, teleporting)
- no animals
you could get a pogo stick (as long as the hops do not allow for extraordinairy movement or maybe a golem… a grounded pegasus made from cardboard and harpy feathers NP, an for that matter Pegasi do not exis in GW lore.. The only horselike beings ingame are centaurs…. last creatures to ride actual horses were necrid horsemen. (GW 1)
But still I hope Mounts are a passed station….
news flash GW2 is 110% pay to win
u can buy gems convert to coins and buy the legendary, how is that not pay to win?
What exactly do you win? Who do you win over?
Magic carpet is already in the gem store.. Why not mounts? Just make them pure aesthetics. I don’t mind riding a cool Pegasus when walking around. Maybe give them a 50% move speed bonus, and make it disarmed when attacked or attacking. Just like magic carpet except with the 50% move speed.
Gem store item with ingame bonusses was tried 1 time: the watchwork pick…
While the unrest has cleared it was a reason for HUGE riots on the forum… Everybody was mad as could be cause it was considered P2W (Pay to Win) dut to thefact it was aan item providing uneven bonusses to people who could shed out 800 and later 1000 gems for something from the cash store…
Making a mount giving a speed buff higher then anythinng ingame wil cause the same thing… Also I do not need to see people running around on winged horses… I might add that playing human wouldn’t be a problem but being NORN or CHARR your pegasus will die due to the fact it needs to carry 150+ or 200+ kilograms as weight. And as flying ins’t avaailable ingame your pegasus will stay grounded (and if you are asura I’d suggest you’d use the saddlebags to move around safely….)
ArenaNet has already changed gear due to riots on the forums before (I remember a copy of t3 human armor with added flames available to all in the gem shop which was met with outrage… and was pulled or replaced with another less “sensitive skin”)
I think you should consider buying yourself a flying carpet. and forget about speed buffed mounts. It will not happen. Ever…. It is P2W…. And therefore not wanted.
so remember :
- no ingame buffs
- no combat possibilities
- no movement other then normal character movement (no flying, teleporting)
- no animals
you could get a pogo stick (as long as the hops do not allow for extraordinairy movement or maybe a golem… a grounded pegasus made from cardboard and harpy feathers NP, an for that matter Pegasi do not exis in GW lore.. The only horselike beings ingame are centaurs…. last creatures to ride actual horses were necrid horsemen. (GW 1)
But still I hope Mounts are a passed station….
news flash GW2 is 110% pay to win
u can buy gems convert to coins and buy the legendary, how is that not pay to win?
First of, two wrongs do not make a right. Just because you perceive GW2 is pay-to-win does not mean more pay-to-win aspects should be added.
Second, pay-to-win usually gets used, as far as free-to-play games go, that players can gain an unfair advantage by spending money. This usually refers to exclusive or better items, gear, buffs than available to non-paying customers. Just about every non-cosmetic item is available via ingame means and as far as the competative aspekt is concerned, every one is on equal footing.
So, no, GW2 is NOT pay-to-win. It’s at most pay-to-skip-content.
Things anet should take over from other MMOs:
1) Personal Housing/Gardening
Games like Final Fantansy 14 are good examples, how such systems should look like and work and I’d love to see it, if anet could redesign the Personal Home Instance into a Game peature, that we players TRULY can personally CUSTOMIZE, where we can build our own homes with upgradeable houses, decorate it as we like (hey, guild decorations now, so its starting, next step logically is just housing …).
A place, that works for every player like a personal hall of monuments, where we can invite otjher players in our group to enter our home instances and see what for achievements we have made, where alot of the personal story and living story items ect we collected over tiem can become Home Decorations (example the majories memory book could become something we can place somewhere, like on a table as decoration. A part of the slain Zhaitan could become a wall decoration ..possibilities are so endless…)
2) Alot more good animated EMOTES
Its really frustrating, how less emotes GW2 has even compared to its prequel GW1 which had alot more Emotes than GW2.
Blade and Soul, a game that got published by the same company at the same year of development and release date behind the game NCSoft, has also better emotes, even one for eating/drinking food/potions, that GW2 has eatign drinking is just a symbol popping up as buff icon, no emote at all…. this simply shows, how much potential for quality here at GW2 was just ignored to make the game look immersive and realistic!!
3) Fishing, Digging
We have a freaking FISHING ROD IN THE GAME, but no fishing… this is like giving you a plate full of food, but giving you no fork and no knife at the same time …
It hsould be a no brainer, that when you implement fishign rods into the game, that you should implement then also a fishing activity where you can actually USE THEM then also >.> same goes for Digging.. man we have SHOVELS… but no, we can’t use them to dig with them around oO WHY Anet WHY???
4) Much better telegraphing of Attacks
Games like Wildstar show it, how it could be done better, again a game thats published by NCSoft, where you start to ask yourself, are the development teams from the companies that are all sitting under the same hat of publisher not sharing their wisdom with each other? ANet showed that they can improve the telegraphing at season 2 and especially at the marionette battle… I just hope with HoT it becomes again better
5) Improved fully 3D using Action Combat System that makes everywhere usage of the Z-Axis
Again Blade and Soul is here a parade example of hoe Anet could improve significantly the combat system of GW2 to enrich it more with action and fun in the end, by making it possible, that we can launch enemies also higher into the air, to perform mid air attacks and combos while the enemy is still in the air. We have launch, but its only a knock back and not a launch up. So it would be nice to see added as new CC effect launch up (we have under water SINKING, so why the hell is there not on land counterpart, that lets us castapult our enemy into the air???
Also more interacting with the enemy body would be wishful. With HOT we see, that you seme to have found out finallly, how colission control can be used in a fun way to improve combat (see Berserkers utility skill that makes player bodies into projectiles to play bowling with enemies)
Next nice step would it be to add “GRIPPING & HOLDING”, so that we can grip a foe and if he doesn’t react quick enough by pressing F to counter it that we can hold the enemy so that ce can’t move fro some seconds unless a stun break is used that will deal then some significant damage to the holder as a counter balance for the risk of trying to hold the enemy. Followd by the mechanic, that we can throw a holded enemy also if the health is under a threshold to throw them into other enemies.
6) Improved LFG/ Guild Search
Our LFG currently is really not very omptimized and doesn’t make usage of all its potential. It should get improved also to the point, that it provides the feature “Looking for Guild” as a little example, so that all this map chat guild advertise spam can end
7) Order Guild System for Daily, Weekly/Monthly Quests
ANet imo shouldn’t have removed the Monthly Achievements, simply reworked would have done the job and I think they should brign them back together with new Weekly Achievements, both max capped like Daily Achievements.
And then improved all this on top with some specific NPC guilds, that provide you daily, weekly, monthkly with special tasks (Quests) that you can do or not if you want, which give you special personalized rewards based on how successful you completed or partially completed you have these taskas until their timers run out to give back report to the quest giver.
GW2 is a game, which easily could work with both systenm,s its dynamic event system and a dynamic daily/weekly/monthly quest system to provide players enough nice to do side taskas for when they have beaten already the story.
Such NPC Guilds could be then for example:
- A classical Monster Hunter Guild, which gives you tasks to go kill specific creatures for them, whereyou can get also Head Hunter Quests for some very rare and special monsters, that if you defeat them, you can earn some nice unique rewards from. and where you can gain Hunter Ranks and so higher your Monster Hunter Rank, so more and better (and riskful/dangerous) quests will be given to you by that order guild.
- or class specific guilds, like a Thief Guild, where when you are a Thief can get special thief related quests where your special thief skills are required to do them successfully, where you can gain new Thief Skills as rewards by ranking up in the Thief Guild and where yiou can earn also new Thief Skill Skins for more customization of your skills.
and so on
8) Repair to > Refining
Repair has become completely obsolete in this game, why not change it and make somethign useful out of it?
Instead that Equipment can break, it can get “worn”
Worn Equipment will have a 20% Malus in it Offense/Defense Stat (yes, weapons will get worn too now) and you can remove that Malus by refining the Equipment on such a refining point or by using a Refinement Kit item (that Gemstore thing)
By refining your requipment on such a station, you get get also a little Stat Bonus (PvE/WvW only) as long your equipment isn’t worn.
Refining equipment comes with a money/token sink and has 5 tiers which raise the Defense/Offense Stat of the equipment per tier by 4% each.
But the more you refine, so higher is the chance that you fail and end up with worn equipment.
Refine Tier 1 = 100% Guaranteed , costs 10 Silver (in WvW 5 Silver and 25 Badges of Honor)
Refine Tier 2 = 90% Guaranteed, costs 15 Silver (in WvW 10 Silver and 50 Badges)
Refine Tier 3 = 75% Guaranteed, costs 20 Silver (in WvW 15 Silver and 75 Badges)
Refine Tier 4 = 60% Guaranteed, costs 25 Silver (in WvW 20 Silver and 100 Badges)
Refine Tier 5 = 50% Guaranteed, costs 50 Silver (in WvW 35 Silver and 150 Badges)
Refinements stay as long you stay on the map, they don’t get lost after a Death.
For PvE we add a Refinement Mastery, that will improve your chances, lowers costs and improves the results. For WvW a a slightly weaker Refinement Trait will get added, that will do there the same for put in Rank Points. Used numbers here are now just examples to show how it could work.
9) Collectable Card Game/ Cards as Hybrid Upgrades
How I’d wish GW2 would have its own collectable Ingame Card Game as an activity
It would give the Art Developers of GW2 somethign where they can really shine at.
A Card game in GW2 that works like a mixture of FF8’s Triple Tried and Witcher 3’s Gwent would be awesome together with the feature of Ragnarok online maybe to use Monster Cards also if liked as “Equipment Uprades” to gain this way some special abilities or attributes ect. from an upgrade typoe, that works like a kind of Hybrid between Runes and Gemstones, which can give you either a Stat Boost or a Special Effect, but has no Set Bonus, so that it makes no sense to use multiple cards of the same effect type as Monster Cards count as “Unique” so that you can use them as Upgrade only once.
Then make them collectabl by various kinds of way.. buyable from karma npcs, gainable as loot from monsters/bosses, earnable through matches against other players, if both accept to play for cards of the player deck they use for the match.
Trading (via TP), gemstore, achievement reward and so on
10) Heroic Movements
better interaction with the environment in regard of movement.. is it really heroic, when we fall flat on the belly after jumping somewhere down? HELL NO
Games like the upcoming Everquest Next show how its done better.
Destructable environment, reactive animations based on the environment that characters automatically try to overcome obstacles that are in their way by heroically jumping over them ect. or when falling, doing nice too look rolls to just fall not flat on the belly and get fall damage or so. Thats imo something ,where the masteries could help out in the movement section to make GW2 better
11) A much better Day/Night System with really dark nights and nice looking sunsets
Here again are games like Everquest next GW2 far beyond. (and with dark nights i mean Dragons Dogma-Dark Level, that you need a source of light to be able to see something, or in regard of GW2, Frost Fractal Forest/Obsidium Sanctum Dark Level…
Yet, HoT will have a map now with day/night setting.. but a day/night setting is imo somethign, that belogns into the WHOLE world and not just only in a single map
I disagree with all of the OP’S points, but happily welcome them for discussion. The antithesis to a lot of your points is the reason I play GW2.
mounts arent needed in gw2. one reason is obvious and thats the waypoint system. maps in gw2 arent like one in tera or WoW where a mount is practically needed to get around the map. gw2 maps are seperated into medium size instances which take about 4/5 mins to run to one side or the other.
Guild- JLAI (Dragon Slayers of Zhaitan)
Not every Mud has to be the same.
But I do think it’s hilarious in a game which is undisputed pay to win due to being able to buy pretty much anything you need instantly up to and including legendaries with cash are negative about mounts.
Just funny, that boat sailed years ago.
Why do players always want to make GW2 like all the other games they have played?
Because they know that other game, feel comfortable with how it plays, like its features. It’s the same reason I want the trait system to revert to the original GW2 trait system (except for one detail) or the NPE to go away and the mobs in the lower areas to be tougher like they used to be. It’s just hard for people, me included, to accept things the way they are, the bad with the good, and just enjoy playing the game as it is. It’s the same reason we sabotage almost every experience we have by comparing it to some imaged best we’ve ever had, whether it’s some meal, sex, or whatever instead of just enjoying what’s happening at the moment.
Sorry about the rant. I’m stepping off my soapbox now. But I just realized I needed to hear that.
Not every Mud has to be the same.
But I do think it’s hilarious in a game which is undisputed pay to win due to being able to buy pretty much anything you need instantly up to and including legendaries with cash are negative about mounts
Just funny, that boat sailed years ago.
Maybe learn what pay-to-win means first before complaining about it?
If one had a mount it would be easier for one to distinguish oneself from the peasants.
(I believe some of them don’t even shower after a hard day scrabbling around in the filth and being repressed.)
If one had a mount it would be easier for one to distinguish oneself from the peasants.
(I believe some of them don’t even shower after a hard day scrabbling around in the filth and being repressed.)
Oh you’d be distinguished alright….as the only guy around banging two coconut halves together.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
If one had a mount it would be easier for one to distinguish oneself from the peasants.
(I believe some of them don’t even shower after a hard day scrabbling around in the filth and being repressed.)Oh you’d be distinguished alright….as the only guy around banging two coconut halves together.
That made this dreary day much brighter for me LMAO
I would LOVE to see the coconuts for April 1st that would be a riot. Announce mounts are coming and have it be that LOL
If you all keep this up, this thread is going to get merged in to the purgatory that is the mount thread. Just saying.
Let me ask you this:
Do you really like the game to 100% without exceptions and agree on everything A-net does?
Proud member of the Blackgate community.
If you all keep this up, this thread is going to get merged in to the purgatory that is the mount thread. Just saying.
And is that really a bad thing?
news flash GW2 is 110% pay to win
u can buy gems convert to coins and buy the legendary, how is that not pay to win?Because you don’t win anything? It’s more Pay-to-Shiny than pay to win. Pay to win by it’s definition makes you better than non paying players. Pay to shiny just makes you shinier.
And legendaries are not substantially powerful than your average exotic. They look pretty and you can adjust the stats on the fly. It just gives you bragging rights in the long run.
Not every Mud has to be the same.
But I do think it’s hilarious in a game which is undisputed pay to win due to being able to buy pretty much anything you need instantly up to and including legendaries with cash are negative about mounts
Just funny, that boat sailed years ago.
I’m seriously confused by this comment and hoping that it is just plain ignorance on your part.
To my understanding the Pay to Win model is basically to purchase an item/buff/weapon/armour piece that essentially gives an advantage to the user over the player base that does not have access to this item.
What you basically described is a Pay to Skip model, as the player base as a whole have access to this item. The purchase is solely to skip ahead the time and grind required.
Regardless your statement as a whole is severely flawed, as if there is an item that gives you power that can only be purchased by gems. The GW2 player base can still access this item by converting in-game gold to gems.
news flash GW2 is 110% pay to win
u can buy gems convert to coins and buy the legendary, how is that not pay to win?
What? Seriously?
You are admitting that gems (real money) need to be converted to in-game gold so that this all powerful “winning” item can be bought. I am hoping you realize that you just stated everyone has equal access to this item, the only difference is the time it is obtained (again Pay to Skip).
News flash 100% Pay to Skip.
I hope you take this into account in future threads posts.
(edited by SelenaDread.2814)
If you all keep this up, this thread is going to get merged in to the purgatory that is the mount thread. Just saying.
And is that really a bad thing?
Indubitably not. Probably the best option, short of time traveling to slap the OPs hand with a ruler before they could post.
I like GW2 the way it is. If I wanted it to be like other mmos, I’d just play them. I don’t play them because of all the things you want to bring to GW2.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
Press B, click Eternal Battlegrounds …
Never go back.
Not every Mud has to be the same.
But I do think it’s hilarious in a game which is undisputed pay to win due to being able to buy pretty much anything you need instantly up to and including legendaries with cash are negative about mounts
Just funny, that boat sailed years ago.Maybe learn what pay-to-win means first before complaining about it?
I can pay, and beat you. I know what it means, dear.
Not to be rude but.
Just go back to where you came from if you like all these things so much.
Gw2 is perfect the way it is.
Not every Mud has to be the same.
But I do think it’s hilarious in a game which is undisputed pay to win due to being able to buy pretty much anything you need instantly up to and including legendaries with cash are negative about mounts
Just funny, that boat sailed years ago.Maybe learn what pay-to-win means first before complaining about it?
I can pay, and beat you. I know what it means, dear.
Clearly you do not.
Pay to Win Model:
The purchase of an item that can only be obtained with real world cash, that has an advantage no matter how insignificant to all other in-game items.
Pay to Skip Model:
Everyone has access to all the items in-game. You can use real world cash to get the items faster.
This is not a hard concept to understand
(edited by SelenaDread.2814)
I agree with the nerf mesmer part. Mesmers 1-shoting people from stealth at your spawn is just ruining WvW.
I can pay money and buy things in the gem store you cannot buy from merchants.
Some of those things make me ‘win’ over you.
I can win crafting (boosts), dungeons (boosts, revive et all), levelling (boosts) and lets not even get on to legendaries.
Virtually all F2P can claim “free players can get it eventually”. If we took that route, no game would be pay to win. That’s why although I admire your invention, ‘pay to skip’ makes no sense.
But, I do agree on one thing, it’s a boring argument. You wanna think it’s not pay to win, fine by me.
Not every Mud has to be the same.
But I do think it’s hilarious in a game which is undisputed pay to win due to being able to buy pretty much anything you need instantly up to and including legendaries with cash are negative about mounts
Just funny, that boat sailed years ago.I’m seriously confused by this comment and hoping that it is just plain ignorance on your part.
To my understanding the Pay to Win model is basically to purchase an item/buff/weapon/armour piece that essentially gives an advantage to the user over the player base that does not have access to this item.
What you basically described is a Pay to Skip model, as the player base as a whole have access to this item. The purchase is solely to skip ahead the time and grind required.
Regardless your statement as a whole is severely flawed, as if there is an item that gives you power that can only be purchased by gems. The GW2 player base can still access this item by converting in-game gold to gems.
news flash GW2 is 110% pay to win
u can buy gems convert to coins and buy the legendary, how is that not pay to win?What? Seriously?
You are admitting that gems (real money) need to be converted to in-game gold so that this all powerful “winning” item can be bought. I am hoping you realize that you just stated everyone has equal access to this item, the only difference is the time it is obtained (again Pay to Skip).
News flash 100% Pay to Skip.
I hope you take this into account in future threads posts.
(edited by keth.1836)
This is not a hard concept to understand
Don’t feel bad. Strange people have been trying to redefine and devalue the term to mean what they want it to mean for years now. They just can’t grasp the basic idea that pay2win by definition must involve items and advantages superior to anything else in the game that can only be obtained with real world money. By definition, the actual definition of the term and not their made up one, pay2win actually can’t exist in any game where cash shop currency is obtainable without actually spending cash.
It doesn’t matter though, these people just can’t grasp the basic idea. Some guy in another thread actually tried arguing that obtaining cosmetics through the cash shop made this game pay2win… I just don’t even. Seriously, I feel like anyone who misuses the term should be strapped down in a chair and forced to play Combat Arms for about three months, completely free. After three months, when the convulsions, foaming at the mouth, and induced tourette’s finally settle down they’d have a real understanding of what the term actually means, and how using it incorrectly devalues the weight of atrocity that it embodies.
I can pay money and buy things in the gem store you cannot buy from merchants.
Some of those things make me ‘win’ over you.
I can win crafting (boosts), dungeons (boosts, revive et all), levelling (boosts) and lets not even get on to legendaries.Virtually all F2P can claim “free players can get it eventually”. If we took that route, no game would be pay to win. That’s why although I admire your invention, ‘pay to skip’ makes no sense.
But, I do agree on one thing, it’s a boring argument. You wanna think it’s not pay to win, fine by me shrug.
There are games that do fall into the Pay to Win category where people do not have access to an item since it is cash only and better than any in-game item.
I seriously doubt I coined the phase Play to Skip.
Again your argument is flawed as I do not have to spend a dime to purchase items from the gem store since I can convert in-game gold to gem
I do agree that this is a pointless argument as you refuse/unable to understand the differences between free to play models. You seem to be strangely entrenched in the idea that you can pay to win by purchasing an item(that everyone has access to) from another player. I was hoping the point bullets were easier to understand. shrug
(edited by SelenaDread.2814)
Fanboys make me laugh.
Like I said, with that definition there is literally no f2p in the world as virtually all of them boast ‘you can get that shiney eventually’……….. (five years later).
This is not a hard concept to understand
Don’t feel bad. Strange people have been trying to redefine and devalue the term to mean what they want it to mean for years now. They just can’t grasp the basic idea that pay2win by definition must involve items and advantages superior to anything else in the game that can only be obtained with real world money. By definition, the actual definition of the term and not their made up one, pay2win actually can’t exist in any game where cash shop currency is obtainable without actually spending cash.
It doesn’t matter though, these people just can’t grasp the basic idea. Some guy in another thread actually tried arguing that obtaining cosmetics through the cash shop made this game pay2win… I just don’t even. Seriously, I feel like anyone who misuses the term should be strapped down in a chair and forced to play Combat Arms for about three months, completely free. After three months, when the convulsions, foaming at the mouth, and induced tourette’s finally settle down they’d have a real understanding of what the term actually means, and how using it incorrectly devalues the weight of atrocity that it embodies.
Well, except that a lot of the boosts etc. are simply not available as they are account bound when they leave the gem store and when they drop.
I know that blows your argument out of the water, but hey, keep digging that hole.
I can pay money and buy things in the gem store you cannot buy from merchants.
Some of those things make me ‘win’ over you.
I can win crafting (boosts), dungeons (boosts, revive et all), levelling (boosts) and lets not even get on to legendaries.Virtually all F2P can claim “free players can get it eventually”. If we took that route, no game would be pay to win. That’s why although I admire your invention, ‘pay to skip’ makes no sense.
But, I do agree on one thing, it’s a boring argument. You wanna think it’s not pay to win, fine by me shrug.
There are games that do fall into the Pay to Win category where people do not have access to an item since it is cash only and better than any in-game item.
I seriously doubt I coined the phase Play to Skip.
Again your argument is flawed as I do not have to spend a dime to purchase items from the gem store since I can convert in-game gold to gem
I do agree that this is a pointless argument as you as refuse/unable to understand the differences between free to play models. You seem to be strangely entrenched in the idea that you can pay to win by purchasing an item(that everyone has access to) from another player. I was hoping the point bullets were easier to understand. shrug
Bored now. Have fun!.
Fanboys make me laugh.
Like I said, with that definition there is literally no f2p in the world as virtually all of them boast ‘you can get that shiney eventually’……….. (five years later).
I literally gave a perfect example of a true pay2win game in my post and you just ignored it to insult me and call me a fanboy. Yes, there are games out there where the pay for convenience model is so bad that it approaches pay2win in how terrible it is, this isn’t one of them, but even in them using the term pay2win is incorrect. I’m sorry the world won’t just let you change the definition of terms because you feel like it. It must be really hard for you.
P.S. You hardly see any actual pay2win games anymore because of how universally reviled they are. You’ve obviously never actually played one. Count yourself lucky.
Well, except that a lot of the boosts etc. are simply not available as they are account bound when they leave the gem store and when they drop.
I know that blows your argument out of the water, but hey, keep digging that hole
Again your argument is flawed as I do not have to spend a dime to purchase items from the gem store since I can convert in-game gold to gem
Actually, it does not blow my argument out of the water, rather it shows your lack of attention to details when reading and analyzing someone else’s posts.
Sure, keep digging, but I think you are getting too close to the molten core at this point XD
So boosters are considered P2W now? Some of the most useless items I’ve seen in MMOs, it’s no wonder Anet gives them out, since I doubt anyone actually buys them.
So, these coconuts then. Will they be unlimited use or will they have a limited number of charges?
only item that can be considered slightly ptw is the watchwork mining pick but since anyone can buy it with in game gold its fine
only item that can be considered slightly ptw is the watchwork mining pick but since anyone can buy it with in game gold its fine
Watchwork and the copper salvage item. However the gold to gem conversion isn’t the best excuse against p2w, because the gem to gold aspect can be considered p2w, though it is somewhat “balanced” and irrelevant overall.
the copper salvage item isn’t p2w, it’s just a QoL improvement. the normal salvage kits provide exactly the same chances. the normal kit costs 3.52 copper per use, the copper fed 3 copper per use.
With .5 copper difference you’ll need 2.5 million salvages before you copper fed starts earning money… yes.. if you salvaged 2500 items a day you would need close to 3 years before you make any profit from the copper fed. I have one on all my characters, I need to salvage 2500 items a day for 54 years… so I doubt it’s a pay 2 win situation, and even if it saves you money you’ll lose 12,5 silver less each day if you actually salvage 2500 items a day…
I max out at ~500 salvages in general days lengthening my pay of time by a factor 5 so I’ll warn you in 270 years when I’m losing less money
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)
Well, except that a lot of the boosts etc. are simply not available as they are account bound when they leave the gem store and when they drop.
Umm, I’ve never bought a boost from the gem store. The ones I have came from Black Lion chests that I’ve opened with keys that either dropped or were rewarded to me from gameplay.
Bored now. Have fun!
Bye. Nice having you around, make sure next time your opinion is not shared by others to stick by it, since obviously you are right.
God forbid someone else educates you on something you clearly have little understanding of.
I must have over 100 Boosters, if not more. I’ve never purchased a single one from the Gem Store.
I’m not sure what you would ‘win’ with a Booster, anyway. There’s really no finish line in the game, as far as I can see.
3rd party addons would be awesome for costume UI and dps meter
I’ve got over 200 boosters, none of which I’ve bought.
I’ve won the game! \o/
You people need to leave the game now that I’ve won.
(Will the last person who leaves, please turn out the lights. Ty)
ANet may give it to you.
The only issue with gathering is cloth, especially silk, which is needed in large quantities and is used as a brake on armor production.
Mounts why? We can already go at a minimum 25% faster, some professions it’s 33% constant speed buff.
3rd party add-ons. The main reason I am against this is that it would be far too easy to put malware into an add-on and cause all sorts of problems. It would have to be extensively policed and checked, which is expensive.
Trinity, you can already trait tanks to some extent, some classes make better healers than others. Really the whole idea of the game was to get rid of the trinity as much as possible, so people don’t have to tank all the time because they have a tank class, or heal all the time because they are a monk.
In HoT the Druid will be a healer of some potential, going some way to allowing your group to play trinity if you want, or not play it if you don’t.
Honorable mentions…
Nurf Mesmers… Nurf thieves too.
Balance PvP… WvW needs it far more.
I certainly would like them to spend some time and update the interface, make it more adjustable.