(edited by Fistful Of Bacon.3046)
Create ascended gear through pvp
Better: ban ascended gear to Fractals.
Better: ban ascended gear to Fractals.
that’s, actually a decent concept.
I am glad that there is a “hard” to get material,without that ascended would be just easy to get,the new “exotic”.
“We are now! We are forever!”
Agree 100%. Why should I as a WvW/PvPer be forced to PVE to get BiS gear? Makes no freakin sense! Either make it attainable from WvW or keep it out of WvW!
EDIT: Starting to think Anet is run by ex Funcom members. Remember BORI in AoC? PVE Grind for PVP gear (It killed AoC for me)
(edited by hellsmachine.4085)
I’m backing this if I can get rank finishers through PvE.
Better: ban ascended gear to Fractals.
+1 for a good idea
+1 for a good name
Agree 100%. Why should I as a WvW/PvPer be forced to PVE to get BiS gear? Makes no freakin sense! Either make it attainable from WvW or keep it out of WvW!
I agree. It’s incredibly stupid that they bring in some PvE grind armour in WvW. This alone makes me want to go for the next big RvR.
WvW is bad as it is with all the noob zergs… ascended just makes it worse.
I am glad that there is a “hard” to get material,without that ascended would be just easy to get,the new “exotic”.
Nobody said that it shouldnt still be hard to get dragonite, there should just be more than one decent way to get it.
I agree. It’s incredibly stupid that they bring in some PvE grind armour in WvW. This alone makes me want to go for the next big RvR.
WvW is bad as it is with all the noob zergs… ascended just makes it worse.
Exactly, and its these big zergs that get rewarded with dragonite from taking keeps, while the small group havocs, and roamers don’t get squat towards ascended. (Sorry, we do get emp fragments, but you can get a plethora of those from anywhere else in game)
Better: ban ascended gear to Fractals.
They would have to make armor/weapons less RNG in fractals, and put the rest of ascended in it or this would be awful.
Yeah, it would be easier to just remove Ascended gear, or more properly, vertical progression, entirely, from the game. It’s simply not in the GW DNA and it simply fails here. BTW, I think your name, Fistful of Bacon, is perhaps the best account name I have seen to date. Cheers. Sadder even than the fact that they added VP is the fact that I didn’t think of Fistful of Bacon.
(edited by Raine.1394)
Better: ban ascended gear to Fractals.
Easy to program: make ascended gear equal in stats to exotics.
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
Better: ban ascended gear to Fractals.
Love this idea.
I am glad that there is a “hard” to get material,without that ascended would be just easy to get,the new “exotic”.
The only thing that is ‘hard’ about getting dragonite ore is fighting the urge to uninstall while mindlessly following the zerg and auto attacking for hours and hours to get the 1500+ needed.
I don’t craft, I never have in any game period, having rammed down my throat just makes me look for my game play els where.
I’m backing this if I can get rank finishers through PvE.
Hell yeah
~Sincerely, Scissors
I don’t craft, I never have in any game period, having rammed down my throat just makes me look for my game play els where.
Agree 100%. I played gw1 since 2005 and I am trying really hard to enjoy gw2, but with this half kitten vertical progression and time gating making the game increasingly alt unfriendly I will likely be jumping ship as soon as one of these new mmo’s are released.
Yeah, it would be easier to just remove Ascended gear, or more properly, vertical progression, entirely, from the game. It’s simply not in the GW DNA and it simply fails here. BTW, I think your name, Fistful of Bacon, is perhaps the best account name I have seen to date. Cheers. Sadder even than the fact that they added VP is the fact that I didn’t think of Fistful of Bacon.
I fully support removing vertical progression. Fancy rare gear can look cool, it can have the best stats possible guaranteed, but it shouldn’t have stats unattainable on normal gear.
another thread of pvper wanting to get some pve stuff without working on it or play the content it was intended
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend
another thread of pvper wanting to get some pve stuff without working on it or play the content it was intended
Hey, I’m all for not giving ascended armor in WvW… as long as all ascended armor in WvW zones immediately get reduced to exotic stats PvE players shouldn’t have a stat advantage over PvP players using something they got from a dungeon. At least, not unless those same stats are achievable via PvP.
(edited by Tolmos.8395)
another thread of pvper wanting to get some pve stuff without working on it or play the content it was intended
Hey, I’m all for not giving ascended armor in WvW… as long as all ascended armor in WvW zones immediately get reduced to exotic stats
PvE players shouldn’t have a stat advantage over PvP players using something they got from a dungeon. At least, not unless those same stats are achievable via PvP.
+1 nicely put.
[DKJ] – Jade Quarry
Agree 100%. Why should I as a WvW/PvPer be forced to PVE to get BiS gear? Makes no freakin sense! Either make it attainable from WvW or keep it out of WvW!
EDIT: Starting to think Anet is run by ex Funcom members. Remember BORI in AoC? PVE Grind for PVP gear (It killed AoC for me)
I got an Ascended weapon from a rank chest before in WvW. It was probably like 100+ ranks and months ago though, lol. Would be nice if there was some way to get armor too from WvW and something done about the insane RNG. Have full Ascended on my Thief (except range weapons cuz that = another 500 craft) Would be nice to get some crap for my alts w/o having to lvl more crafts. ;/
another thread of pvper wanting to get some pve stuff without working on it or play the content it was intended
The day it was able to be used in WvW it was no longer “PvE stuff”, so it is now “content it was intended for”. I only see 3 fair options here:
1- Remove Ascended from WvW.
2-Give WvW and Spvp its own unique pathway to Ascended Armors and Weapons.
3- Require everyone to earn specific ranks in WvW and Spvp to unlock Ascended pieces to finish their armors and weapons. Its only fair, a PvE’r never has to step out of their preferred playstyle to earn Ascended like a PvP/WvW’r has too.
Agree 100%. Why should I as a WvW/PvPer be forced to PVE to get BiS gear? Makes no freakin sense! Either make it attainable from WvW or keep it out of WvW!
EDIT: Starting to think Anet is run by ex Funcom members. Remember BORI in AoC? PVE Grind for PVP gear (It killed AoC for me)
Good old Boring. I see you didn’t like pounding rocks either lol.
You get ascent armor in WvW dude all the mats to craft it is there,dont be lazy and ask for free stuff…
^^^what are you talking about???!!!
You only get empyreal and bloodstone. You don’t get any dragonite except from keep lords and that’s just 3 and I think I only kill a keep lord every 10-20 hours of WvW gameplay.
The answer to ascended material disbalance is pretty simple and has been suggested countless times: an MF recipe to convert from one type to another type at a discounted rate. This makes it still time consuming as intended but doesn’t force people to farm activities they dislike (like dungeons in my case).
Agree 100%. Why should I as a WvW/PvPer be forced to PVE to get BiS gear? Makes no freakin sense! Either make it attainable from WvW or keep it out of WvW!
EDIT: Starting to think Anet is run by ex Funcom members. Remember BORI in AoC? PVE Grind for PVP gear (It killed AoC for me)
Good old Boring. I see you didn’t like pounding rocks either lol.
Hahaha! Player vs rock? Who ever came up with that idea, has rocks in their head… Pun intended…
I don’t understand why anyone would argue against more paths to attain bis gear.
Even if you do enjoy spending hours zerging temples and then sitting at a crafting station, do you enjoy it so much that you’re against anet adding another option for those of us that can’t stomach that grind?
Too many hamsters rolling on the gear wheel to realize the benefits of equipment standardisation across all game modes.
(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)
Too many hamsters rolling on the gear wheel to realize the benefits of equipment standardisation across all game modes.
You forgot me. I realized it long ago. Oh how I wish the whole game was level 80 (making levels redundant) and gear was free.
Better: ban ascended gear to Fractals.
Now this idea I like. When you leave fractals it converts the gear to Exotic quality or something. That would make this game much, much more enjoyable.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.