(edited by SalvinValkyries.4501)
Do Legendary User Impress You?
I got a Sunrise on May 2013 and its boring after a month and i got to say the remarks i get from player are.
10% – nice Sunrise, give it to me!, i am so jealous :[, give me gold~~.
30%- Using your daddy money is bad you know, Using your credit card to buy is so stupid, I dont even give a F.
60%- Oh you got a Sunrise? well go farm your own server tranfer, lend you gold? but you have a sunrise, china farmer, you have alot of time to farm thats all, you got no skill you just good in cof p1 farming, i bet you are a noob and only know how to farm.
I am not really a noob really maybe i do when i was 2 months old on my warrior but i am able to lead party in fotm 20,30,40 and also able to lead any dungeon in the game, but i am just not the guy that go wvw unless i have to by my guild leader and officer.
My warrior is 8 months old now :]
I got a Sunrise on May 2013 and its boring after a month and i got to say the remarks i get from player are.
10% – nice Sunrise, give it to me!, i am so jealous :[, give me gold~~.
30%- Using your daddy money is bad you know, Using your credit card to buy is so stupid, I dont even give a F.
60%- Oh you got a Sunrise? well go farm your own server tranfer, lend you gold? but you have a sunrise, china farmer, you have alot of time to farm thats all, you got no skill you just good in cof p1 farming, i bet you are a noob and only know how to farm.
I am not really a noob really maybe i do when i was 2 months old on my warrior but i am able to lead party in fotm 20,30,40 and also able to lead any dungeon in the game, but i am just not the guy that go wvw unless i have to by my guild leader and officer.
My warrior is 8 months old now :]
Yeah, generally people dispise those with legendaries out of jealousy. I tend to get less flak in that aspect however with Kudzu on my charr warrior, and most of the ridicule ends up being somewhere along the lines of “how manly”, which isn’t nearly as bad. All the females love mah flowers though. :P
I got a Sunrise on May 2013 and its boring after a month and i got to say the remarks i get from player are.
10% – nice Sunrise, give it to me!, i am so jealous :[, give me gold~~.
30%- Using your daddy money is bad you know, Using your credit card to buy is so stupid, I dont even give a F.
60%- Oh you got a Sunrise? well go farm your own server tranfer, lend you gold? but you have a sunrise, china farmer, you have alot of time to farm thats all, you got no skill you just good in cof p1 farming, i bet you are a noob and only know how to farm.
I am not really a noob really maybe i do when i was 2 months old on my warrior but i am able to lead party in fotm 20,30,40 and also able to lead any dungeon in the game, but i am just not the guy that go wvw unless i have to by my guild leader and officer.
My warrior is 8 months old now :]
Ignore the haters , just keep rubbing the item in their faces . I can relate because same thing happened to me in another mmo when my raid group acquired a Black Warbear on my server and we got nothing but hate from people .
Huh… never had such problem with bolt. Ppl usualy just wont notice its legendary anyway. Its not so flashy. But when they do, its usualy in the line of. What…is it bolt? wow! Nice!
skins don’t make you play good
i try to run fractal lvl 38 with noob guardian with Eternity he die so many times i wonder how that GS didn’t brake
this thread still amuses me. the rote responses are so expected it almost invalidates everyone who has a negative response. in game reactions are quite different than the ones i’m reading here.
i’ve been in plenty of fotm scale 48-49 pugs with 5x-10x legendaries and you can bet no one ever gets downed at that level of play
Some of you legendary wielders are confusing envy/jealousy with indifference. They’re a world apart and I guarantee the latter is the majority of what you receive.
It’s funny, considering how some people mention they get Legendaries less because they like the skins and more because they see it as a sign of status. In this topic, it doesn’t appear people give much prestige to those who own Legendary weapons… I wonder if said owners will accept that (and so that they effectively wasted their time, if their goal was sorely status), or if they will enter denial mode.
I don’t like any of their skins, I wouldn’t get them even if they had higher stats.
…and yeah Aesthetics are a lot more important to me than stats are.
(I refuse to make any of my characters wear Berserker gear)
(edited by ilr.9675)
How some people think: “There is no way to get a legendary through gameplay and have a life.”
How other people think: “Legendaries are too easy so they don’t mean anything.”
How I think: “Sweet.”
I like legendaries and I like seeing them. They don’t make me jealous, namely because I have Kudzu, but I also understand the accomplishment of getting one.
Whenever you see someone with a legendary, even if it was bought, it means somebody out there assembled a bunch of cool things and invested a bit of gold to create a recognizable item. I think that’s neat.
When precursors become obtainable with more than pure cakitten’ll become even neater.
I tend to be somewhat impressed if someone is wielding a lesser-known legendary (like most off-hand or underwater legendaries), or happens to be a profession wielding a legendary that may not be too common for that certain profession (eg. an Engineer with Flameseeker Prophecies, a Guardian with Meteorlogicus or Bifrost).
An exception, however, would be those jokey types of Legendaries, like The Dreamer and Quip. I can’t get myself to like them … which is why I have yet to make a legendary pistol for my engineer.
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .
I’m not impressed with legionaries per se, but I am impressed by someone who cleverly and creatively uses armor, dyes, weapons etc to create a awesome looking character. I’ve seen people with legendaries who still look rubbish, because they’re haven’t thought about colour coordination, armour matching etc.
Also if I see someone with more than one legendaries, my reaction would just be ‘get a life man…’
Yeah, I agree that in terms of visual impact a well-designed and well-dyed set of armour can be just as impressive (or moreso) than a legendary.
I keep trying to re-dye my painstakingly-dyed armour to match Kudzu but I can’t remove all the purple from my armour without a full body transformation (Sylvari, so it picks up my base skin colour) so adding the green, gold and pink/white looks a bit garish to me. Actually tempted to go back to my old plain white bow sometimes, although I do like the footprints and the gold projectiles.
[TWG] – Gunnar’s Hold
Always remember Wheaton’s Law
We call them lolgendaries. Nuff said.
Can we please just get the option to ping our gold to map chat? Most legendary users dont know what envy is
Just about the only thing in the game that I look at and give anyone any real respect for is their WvW titles, and that’s just because it signals an estimate on how much time they have put into WvW.
Raingarde – Level 80 Necromancer
No, and I’ll tell you why.
I got Dusk as a drop from a firefly in Godslost Swamp about a week ago, and was totally going to make Twilight. Of all the ridiculous places for a precursor to drop from..
Then I realized its colors don’t match my GS using classes and it would just look garish, it’s just one item, and maybe later they’ll release more legendaries that I’m legitimately really interested in.. and there are several other, smaller items I want more. So I sold it and bought The Mad Moon, the aetherized pistol skin, celestial dye, purchased a world transfer for a European friend to an American server he wanted in, and I’m saving the other 400g for a rainy day/spending it occasionally on close friends.
Now when I see legendaries, all I can think is “imagine all the other awesome things you could have bought.”
What I do respect? Things that take legitimate skill rather than blind luck, like I had. PVP titles, WvW titles like Stone above me, etc. Those impress me far more than winning the RNG game or having enough money to just up and buy a legendary.
I never said I didn’t respect those who have legendaries. I said I wasn’t impressed with them.
When people get a legendary, it takes time and effort, unless they bought a kittenload of gems and converted them in order to buy one. The fact that they CAN be bought is what makes them less than impressive. Not the fact that people may or may not have bought them.
I do take note when a fractal weapons goes by. Not crazy difficult, but it tells me something about the owner’s accomplishments. And some of the fractal set are genuinely cool looking.
I’m only impressed by legendaries when they actually look good with the rest of the character’s appearance… which ain’t often. I simply do not believe a meaningful percentage of the ones I see (constantly) represent personally going out and farming the t6 mats, or the lodestone for the gifts. There is just too many grindy as all hades components you can buy your way past. it’s not the player’s fault – ANet just created a giant gold sink and said “aren’t you impressed with the all-aspect mastery required?”. No, no I am not.
I’ve got most of the hard stuff done to build my own including the precursor… but I’m waiting on assembly to see what the next wave looks like on the off chance some of then actually appeal to me .
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
By far the most impressive looking character I’ve ever noticed in this game was a commander I was running with in WvW who was swapping between Bolt and The Juggernaut. They worked perfectly with the character; he looked awesome. So yep, I’ve been impressed at least once. (I feel compelled to mention that the player is also an excellent commander, even though that’s not really relevant to this thread).
I do think it’s pretty cool when I see one in game. I think that’s mostly because it’s still a to-do list item lodged in the back of my mind, as in, “I’d like to get a Legendary…one of these days, I’ll get to work on that.” So when I see another player with one, I give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they’ve got some chops that I lack. Sure, they could have bought the gold for it with real money, but since I haven’t, I don’t just assume somebody else has. This is, of course, highly subjective and admittedly, not very logical. In general, I don’t think there’s any particular status attached to having one.
“Worshipping nonsense and imagination” — Hayden Herrera (paraphrased)
Some of you legendary wielders are confusing envy/jealousy with indifference. They’re a world apart and I guarantee the latter is the majority of what you receive.
If I were indifferent, I would have looked at the name of the thread, said “Meh”, and moved on to the things, that I actually care about.
All the comments “hah! You suck and your weapons suck and im cool even without it! trust me! TRUST ME!!!!!!! PLSS!!!!!!! I BEG U!!! STOP LOOKING DOWN ON ME!!!!!NOOOOO” just make me giggle.
I have 0 legendaries, I think legendaries are awesome (excluding the minstrel and kudzu and bifrost unless you’re a mesmer), some legendaries aren’t worth it, like the scepter or the shortbow, they both need aura and footsteps, there is a prestige to getting them as much as their is prestige to having the emperor title, legendaries mean you farmed cof for a long while or you can make a lot of money with the tp, being a noob with a legendary though is worse than just being a noob, legendaries aren’t legendaries anymore though because everyone has them, that’s why I’ll just wait for new legendaries
Is currently emotionally unstable because Breaking Bad is over
Your post doesn’t make sense, since nothing will change with new legendaries from your POV.
To Topic, no i don’t get impressed, since it’s hard to impress me ;]
Simple question really, do seeing a person with a legendary make you go like; “Ohhh!”, are you indifferent, or another reaction?
Is there any reputation on getting one?
Would you go for it for the reputation or for the looks?
If it became harder/easier would you appreciate it more/less?
If you do appreciate something from legendaries or its users, what is it?
Usually the opposite.
Seeing a person with a legendary: Get out of my face. Sheath that greatsword. Do not keep on swinging it for no reason just to show off that you have a legendary.
During the previous LS (where you had to kill so many aetherblades in a certain area), there was a person botting. With a legendary. He was standing right in the middle of a spawn point, auto attacking, so that when a foe would spawn, he would be cut down. With a greatsword. Which has some awful “in-your-face” sparkles. I reported him and let him be killed by some foes that were wandering around (took some skill to get a foe to attack him in the back, as that was the only place that wasn’t guarded by that annoying greatsword).
Mind you, those that are highly annoying are usually the ones with legendary greatsword…
I don’t even notice, or pay any attention, so I guess that puts me in the “don’t care” category. Though there has been 2 times where a player would get mad at me for not making a comment on their legendary, they would throw a tantrum, that was amusing =D
I rarely notice them to be honest. When I do, I generally think “that guy must have had lots of vanilla beans before the nerf”.
I absolutely detest anything that involves the RNG. I will never participate in any in-game endeavor where a significant portion of it relies on “luck”. This is also why I refuse to use the mystic forge or buy chest keys, mini packs, etc.
Some of you legendary wielders are confusing envy/jealousy with indifference. They’re a world apart and I guarantee the latter is the majority of what you receive.
Pretty much this. I think most people, including myself, are the same way – they just don’t really care either way about someone having a legendary, unless they particularly like the skin. Personally I think most legendaries don’t look very good, but I’ve never been much of a fan of over the top weapons in the first place. That’s not to say I won’t genuinely congratulate a guild mate when they make one; for them it’s a big accomplishment and they deserve a congrats when they finish it.
Still, people should craft legendaries because they want to – because they like the skin, and/or enjoy the journey of making one. And I think most legendary wielders made it for exactly that reason. But those few who did it because they think other people should be impressed by it are bound to be disappointed, because most people just don’t care, and it seems like some of them get very upset when people aren’t properly impressed by their weapon.
i’ve been in plenty of fotm scale 48-49 pugs with 5x-10x legendaries and you can bet no one ever gets downed at that level of play
“At that level of play”. It has absolutely nothing to do with owning legendaries or not.
This is the basic misconception at the root of the topic – that somehow a sparkling weapon can affect a person’s reputation. Gear doesn’t make a good and respected player. Skills and abilities do that. Being known help with that.
The best a shiny stick can do is to make people pay attention to the person. The rest (showing that you are someone worthy of respect) is up to the players themselves.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I haven’t gotten a legendary weapon yet so, yes they do. And the cool looking armor they wear impresses me as well.
Some of you legendary wielders are confusing envy/jealousy with indifference. They’re a world apart and I guarantee the latter is the majority of what you receive.
If I were indifferent, I would have looked at the name of the thread, said “Meh”, and moved on to the things, that I actually care about.
All the comments “hah! You suck and your weapons suck and im cool even without it! trust me! TRUST ME!!!!!!! PLSS!!!!!!! I BEG U!!! STOP LOOKING DOWN ON ME!!!!!NOOOOO” just make me giggle.
Sounds like you’re projecting quite a bit there…
Tell me…why is it so damaging to your psyche to know that people don’t care about your legendary?
Some of the legendaries are really cool but as it is now i don’t really go “yeeeah i’m gonna get that too!!”. If the legendaries had lore and a better system on how to get them, not necessarily a guide, that would interest me to get one NOW.
A fractal for each legendary would be great, filled with lore.
Some of you legendary wielders are confusing envy/jealousy with indifference. They’re a world apart and I guarantee the latter is the majority of what you receive.
If I were indifferent, I would have looked at the name of the thread, said “Meh”, and moved on to the things, that I actually care about.
All the comments “hah! You suck and your weapons suck and im cool even without it! trust me! TRUST ME!!!!!!! PLSS!!!!!!! I BEG U!!! STOP LOOKING DOWN ON ME!!!!!NOOOOO” just make me giggle.
Sounds like you’re projecting quite a bit there…
Tell me…why is it so damaging to your psyche to know that people don’t care about your legendary?
Its not. But why its so important for you, to make me believe, that u not care? Thats what makes me laugh.
I just love, when ppl contradict themselves so much. “I dont care about you! So let me write a wall of text about how much i dont care”
Some of you legendary wielders are confusing envy/jealousy with indifference. They’re a world apart and I guarantee the latter is the majority of what you receive.
If I were indifferent, I would have looked at the name of the thread, said “Meh”, and moved on to the things, that I actually care about.
All the comments “hah! You suck and your weapons suck and im cool even without it! trust me! TRUST ME!!!!!!! PLSS!!!!!!! I BEG U!!! STOP LOOKING DOWN ON ME!!!!!NOOOOO” just make me giggle.
Sounds like you’re projecting quite a bit there…
Tell me…why is it so damaging to your psyche to know that people don’t care about your legendary?
Its not. But why its so important for you, to make me believe, that u not care? Thats what makes me laugh.
I just love, when ppl contradict themselves so much. “I dont care about you! So let me write a wall of text about how much i dont care”
I wonder if you see the irony in your own post. Based on your own logic (you don’t post if you don’t care) it must be damaging to you because you’re posting.
Mind you, those that are highly annoying are usually the ones with legendary greatsword…
You see, this is the kind of crap I am talking about. Players sit and you generalize (and insult) people with legendaries while picking out one fringe example of someone botting with a legendary to support their pettiness. I’ve put over 3k hours into this game and made Sunrise, Frostfang, and Howler. If you want to say I’m “highly annoying” in some attempt to rationalize because it helps you sleep at night, that’s on you.
The first 1 I saw months ago was kind of impressive. Then a few weeks later the whole world got flooded with them. I see them so often now that I am more impressed with some of the rare/exotic skins/event skins. I still haven’t seen someone with the shield yet so I might wow for a minute when I do.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
Some of you legendary wielders are confusing envy/jealousy with indifference. They’re a world apart and I guarantee the latter is the majority of what you receive.
If I were indifferent, I would have looked at the name of the thread, said “Meh”, and moved on to the things, that I actually care about.
All the comments “hah! You suck and your weapons suck and im cool even without it! trust me! TRUST ME!!!!!!! PLSS!!!!!!! I BEG U!!! STOP LOOKING DOWN ON ME!!!!!NOOOOO” just make me giggle.
Sounds like you’re projecting quite a bit there…
Tell me…why is it so damaging to your psyche to know that people don’t care about your legendary?
Its not. But why its so important for you, to make me believe, that u not care? Thats what makes me laugh.
I just love, when ppl contradict themselves so much. “I dont care about you! So let me write a wall of text about how much i dont care”
I wonder if you see the irony in your own post. Based on your own logic (you don’t post if you don’t care) it must be damaging to you because you’re posting.
Where i said, that i dont care? I do care. I take pleasure in wielding my legendary. Even if my team dont even notice it. It feels good, when some newbies asks what is a weapon you have and u show em and they all go “wow! Nice! I wish i had it!”. Same goes with other team, when u have few members left the party, plan on making lfg, but they say “Its fine! U have a Bolt! We can do it!”. Actually, except this thread, I never ever met random party, who would go “Oh…legendary? booo…u have no life!!!” or smth in this line. Never. Only here.
If people doesnt care – its fine. I dont care for any other legendary too. I love only mine. But u know what? I wouldnt write about it. Cause I dont care.
Some of you legendary wielders are confusing envy/jealousy with indifference. They’re a world apart and I guarantee the latter is the majority of what you receive.
If I were indifferent, I would have looked at the name of the thread, said “Meh”, and moved on to the things, that I actually care about.
All the comments “hah! You suck and your weapons suck and im cool even without it! trust me! TRUST ME!!!!!!! PLSS!!!!!!! I BEG U!!! STOP LOOKING DOWN ON ME!!!!!NOOOOO” just make me giggle.
Sounds like you’re projecting quite a bit there…
Tell me…why is it so damaging to your psyche to know that people don’t care about your legendary?
Its not. But why its so important for you, to make me believe, that u not care? Thats what makes me laugh.
I just love, when ppl contradict themselves so much. “I dont care about you! So let me write a wall of text about how much i dont care”
I wonder if you see the irony in your own post. Based on your own logic (you don’t post if you don’t care) it must be damaging to you because you’re posting.
Where i said, that i dont care? I do care. I take pleasure in wielding my legendary. Even if my team dont even notice it. It feels good, when some newbies asks what is a weapon you have and u show em and they all go “wow! Nice! I wish i had it!”. Same goes with other team, when u have few members left the party, plan on making lfg, but they say “Its fine! U have a Bolt! We can do it!”. Actually, except this thread, I never ever met random party, who would go “Oh…legendary? booo…u have no life!!!” or smth in this line. Never. Only here.
If people doesnt care – its fine. I dont care for any other legendary too. I love only mine. But u know what? I wouldnt write about it. Cause I dont care.
You didn’t respond to the point I made, at all.
I call them “luckies” and “grindies.”
Its not. But why its so important for you, to make me believe, that u not care? Thats what makes me laugh.
I just love, when ppl contradict themselves so much. “I dont care about you! So let me write a wall of text about how much i dont care”
The thread title is “Do Legendary Users Impress You?” Many people responded “no” or “not really” or “I don’t care either way.” Some explained why. Maybe I’m a bit off here but I thought the title of the thread was asking what people thought about players that have a legendary. Or was this thread supposed to be just for people that are impressed with them?
Its not. But why its so important for you, to make me believe, that u not care? Thats what makes me laugh.
I just love, when ppl contradict themselves so much. “I dont care about you! So let me write a wall of text about how much i dont care”
The thread title is “Do Legendary Users Impress You?” Many people responded “no” or “not really” or “I don’t care either way.” Some explained why. Maybe I’m a bit off here but I thought the title of the thread was asking what people thought about players that have a legendary. Or was this thread supposed to be just for people that are impressed with them?
I read the title and was totally oblivious to the fact that the word “users” was in there and responding about the weapon itself. Just goes to show how little I really care about the people that wield them. Why would anybody be impressed by someone accomplishing anything in a video game? If you want to impress someone go cure cancer or poverty or fly to the moon.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
You didn’t respond to the point I made, at all.
Actually I pretty much did it. U said, that it is Irony that im booing you for posting, but posting myself. But u wrong here. I do care. I take pride in wielding my legendary – so its easy to see my motives in posting. I defend my pride. But what about u? U imply, that u dont care, but what would do person, that not care? He would just say. “I dont care” this is all. He wont argue. He wont try to belittle someone elses accomplishments. But u do. And this tells much about you.
Its not. But why its so important for you, to make me believe, that u not care? Thats what makes me laugh.
I just love, when ppl contradict themselves so much. “I dont care about you! So let me write a wall of text about how much i dont care”
The thread title is “Do Legendary Users Impress You?” Many people responded “no” or “not really” or “I don’t care either way.” Some explained why. Maybe I’m a bit off here but I thought the title of the thread was asking what people thought about players that have a legendary. Or was this thread supposed to be just for people that are impressed with them?
The trouble is just in their responses. Most of people who responded "I dont care, because put excuse here " actually do care. I can see, mby not envy, but they DO care. Its like saiying "I dont care about “expensive item”, because it costs so much." Its just self-conviction, that everything allright and u dont need it. But you know what? Self-conviction can go only this far. Mby u can lie to yourself, but you can’t lie to me.
Though, i respect people opinions, and im not talking about everyone. Only about some people here, who, obviously, overdoing it for known reason.
(edited by Sergoros.4398)
The trouble is just in their responses. Most of people who responded "I dont care, because put excuse here " actually do care. I can see, mby not envy, but they DO care. Its like saiying "I dont care about “expensive item”, because it costs so much." Its just self-conviction, that everything allright and u dont need it. But you know what? Self-conviction can go only this far. Mby u can lie to yourself, but you can’t lie to me
Though, i respect people opinions, and im not talking about everyone. Only about some people here, who, obviously, overdoing it for known reason.
So they should have just posted:
I don’t care
/15 char
Simple question really, do seeing a person with a legendary make you go like; “Ohhh!”, are you indifferent, or another reaction?
I thought the first few I saw were impressive, short after game launch when there wasn’t really much information on them yet. They’re pretty common now.
Is there any reputation on getting one?
Not that I know of.
Would you go for it for the reputation or for the looks?
The looks, and as part of a personal goal.
If it became harder/easier would you appreciate it more/less?
I’d appreciate more if it became harder in the sense of requiring more real player skill, and less RNG and/or hoarding gold.
If you do appreciate something from legendaries or its users, what is it?
I like a few of the skins.
You didn’t respond to the point I made, at all.
Actually I pretty much did it. U said, that it is Irony that im booing you for posting, but posting myself. But u wrong here. I do care. I take pride in wielding my legendary – so its easy to see my motives in posting. I defend my pride. But what about u? U imply, that u dont care, but what would do person, that not care? He would just say. “I dont care” this is all. He wont argue. He wont try to belittle someone elses accomplishments. But u do. And this tells much about you.
It’s quite clear you’re not responding to what I write, but rather to your perceived persecution at the hands of the indifferent. You seem traumatized by the fact that some people don’t care about your pixels and you feel the need to attack them for their indifference, or project a sense of envy/jealousy onto them in order to make yourself feel better. All of this being highly ironic, because you condemn people for sharing their thoughts.
Nowadays, its just “Hey look, a legendary” then you just move on. Guess it depends on the situation. You would react differently if some random person on map chat said “I finally got a legendary” instead of someone you know, such as a guildie.
I pride myself in my legendary Moot.
I love how it looks.
I appreciate complements. I really don’t care if others don’t like it.
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
It’s funny, considering how some people mention they get Legendaries less because they like the skins and more because they see it as a sign of status. In this topic, it doesn’t appear people give much prestige to those who own Legendary weapons… I wonder if said owners will accept that (and so that they effectively wasted their time, if their goal was sorely status), or if they will enter denial mode.
You will see this a lot, and it is those people that have the biggest chance of driving this game into the ground. There’s people who want to boost their ego, which isn’t a bad thing, but the problem is when the purpose is to show that they are superior to others. The drama over the achievement leaderboards is proof of this.
Pretty much everything destructive (asking for more nerfs, asking for more pointless grind, asking for more pointess vertical progression, asking to take away other people’s things) is all rooted in people’s desires to either satiate or protect their own egos by drawing prestige for themselves and putting down others. And they want a way to make themselves as special to make it really blatant. A lot of people will exclaim they can’t do something, so nobody can do it, or that everyone should do whatever tiny bit of the game they are in. And this is why MMOs are often filled with crap, thanks to them.
Not referring to all legendary owners, of course- just those who excessively clamor over status and there are non-legendary owners with the exact same attitude who want the status symbol for some reason (which are worse, since their whines are now extended to that too) Some people really just wanted the skin of course
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
^^^^ This was very well said, and sums it up perfectly.
EDIT: (wanted to make sure I was after that post). To answer the question posed, no player impresses me, and I don’t get impressed by video game players in general. I play the game because I like to play it. The Legendary weapons do impress me because I appreciate their in-game beauty. I am still working towards my Legendary (Bolt). It’s been 11 months but I finally got Zap to drop yesterday. If I’m lucky, I may be able to finish it off in a month or two. But, I’m doing it because 1) I want to do it, and 2) after finishing the storyline, it gives me a nice long term goal to shoot for. And, I earn the gold to buy what I need for the Legendary doing the things I like to do. So, it’s a win win.
(edited by SRoode.7318)
No, not really. The only time I’m impressed with another player is if I see a high end sPvP title, or something like that.
So they should have just posted:
I don’t care
/15 char??
Nope. There just patterns, that show in some people. “I dont care about legendarys, cause they look stupid – fine.” and “I dont care, because players, who wield them have no skill”
See the difference? 1-st is personal opinion, 2-nd is just an attack on the wielder, to somehow heal harmed ego.
It’s quite clear you’re not responding to what I write, but rather to your perceived persecution at the hands of the indifferent. You seem traumatized by the fact that some people don’t care about your pixels and you feel the need to attack them for their indifference, or project a sense of envy/jealousy onto them in order to make yourself feel better. All of this being highly ironic, because you condemn people for sharing their thoughts.
Wow. Another wall of text to show how much u indifferent. Gj bro. Keep on hard work.
Most what i have to say already been said, but ill add up a little. U r envy. “pixels”. Yeh. This is one of the words of people, who gave up on shiny and now have to tell themselves everyday “Its just pixels…its fine…I dont need it.”
Guess what? U want it! And this is why u try to hide it so much. Cause its so obvious. Even for yourself.
speaking as a player too casual to even consider a legendary, I do notice them and am silently impressed enough to stop and look from different angles.
I especially like when it’s on a Commander; all the cool effects, the footsteps etc seem fitting to your status.
Grats to the owners, your legendary is a cool symbol of the efforts you’ve invested.