Do Legendary User Impress You?
If you have a legendary, that means you didn’t sell it for ~1500g. That shows a serious lack of mental processing. Either that, or you had 1500g spare, which means you’re a trading post trader (thanks for the inflation guys!) or you converted cash to gold, in which case your real life priorities are so kittened there aren’t words for it.
Huh??? Its been nearly a year after launch even a casual could have made a legendary by now.
I will never make a legendary to sell it, THAT is a serious lack of mental processing.
1500g gold to spare does not equal TP trader or gold buyer, its been a whole year…, I am a wvw player and got a legendary and close to a 2nd one because their skins are simply way better than others imo, simple as that.
Wow…some people.
I go for the skins, I cant do anything about the fact that they are expensive to craft, I want it and I get it eventually by playing the game.
Reputation ? Sry that doesnt make sense to me.
Anything that involves PvE doesnt impress me, PvP and maybe WvW on the other hand…
No, legendary carriers don’t impress me. They either ground gold till their fingers bled, bought gold (via TP or RMT), or got enormously lucky in drops/mystic toilet usage.
Were the Legendary account bound, and required something other than stupid amounts of gold/grind to get, it’d be impressive. As it is, my assumption is that someone spent their money/stole daddy’s credit card to get it.
“OMG… Do they Ever!” said no one ever….
if there was a journey of some sort to get the precursor or to craft the legendary…i think i would appreciate it way more
They don’t really impress me any more. I’ve gotten more or less used to people running amok with twilight, sunrise, and incinerator (especially on thieves). I used to fear them earlier in the game thinking it meant they were extremely dangerous (wvw), but I’ve learned to view them as being just slightly better than decent.
Although I’m not sure how long I can keep a label like that up since I’ve seen those legendaries running from fights longer than they’re in it (GS warriors and S/D D/D thieves)
Makonne – Hybrid Regen Ranger
And from the legendaries’ users, well…
I have yet to see one who’s not here to just show it off, specially in low-levels areas. Seriously, stop it. We all know you’re lacking somewhere else. It’s obvious.
So if I use my legendary in a low level area I’m showing off and compensating for something? You think I should switch to a different weapon? Lol, I’ve never seen anyone so irrationally upset over something to trivial.
What I see a lot is a player with a legendary greatsword (usually Twilight), running around, not killing, but having his weapon out. Yes, I find that showing off.
(as I said before, this is mostly done by warriors, running a greatsword, most often Twilight)
I don’t really care about them. To me, most of the legendaries are ugly. I also alt a lot, so I will never actually get one.
Legendaries impress me, though maybe not the person using them depending on their skill. I use Twilight myself on my asuran guard and don’t really care showing off to others I just like watching the effects myself. Can’t wait for legendaries to be in pvp so I can use them on any toon I want.
Recently i made the Eternity, and 80% of the reaction from people are; Crap legendary, Ugly, Noob, Gold buyer.
I will be impressed when people congrat u with one, instead of insulting.
Yeah I was shocked to have encountered negativity with having a legendary, lol I bet everyone who insulted you is either working towards a legendary, or not willing to put in the effort to work for it. Kinda sad being witness to this toxic attitude, anyway congratz xD
yeah its people playing sour grapes, people who have nagativity towards legendaries dont have one, they dont know the pain involved, i would like to say gratz aswell ^^ yes im impressed with legendaries, im not a lazy person in life and not in games either, ive been called an idiot for going for one and a Noob??? can you beleive it but now i just have my exploration then i can enjoy WvW with my new shiny ^^,
Current Season – Platinum (Soloq)
Retired GW2 ESL Tournament Admin
No, legendary carriers don’t impress me. They either ground gold till their fingers bled, bought gold (via TP or RMT), or got enormously lucky in drops/mystic toilet usage.
Were the Legendary account bound, and required something other than stupid amounts of gold/grind to get, it’d be impressive. As it is, my assumption is that someone spent their money/stole daddy’s credit card to get it.
how sad, another case of you cant be bothered so say everyone cheated, yes i might of got lucky for my pre (280g spent in forge) but all the rest i earned by playing the game, just because you cant (yes not because you dont want to, you cant) doesnt mean other people cant.
Current Season – Platinum (Soloq)
Retired GW2 ESL Tournament Admin
I think what would impress me more is if they made getting them more like the way EQ or EQ 2. It was challenging and time consuming and still felt as if you accomplished something great even though there was some camping involved with it, it was still fun in it’s own way. Remove the camping/farming from it and just make it a very long quest with challenging solo and group encounters. Dungeon requirements as well. Places to visit or find, jumping puzzles that have to be completed and parts of the weapons that can only be found in certain areas or off of certain mobs. Collections of some kind to trade an npc for a part of the weapon. Make nothing too easy and make it feel like an accomplishment. Sorry for rambling, but those are just my thoughts…oh yeah, take them off of the TP.
Couldn’t possibly care less. It’s just pixel loot — ridiculously ostentatious pixel loot at that, from what little I’ve seen of them. I don’t play MMOs for gear, I don’t play them to show off, and I certainly don’t play them to gape at other people showing off pixel loot.
The only characters I actively, positively notice are those who are, hmm, let’s call it well-designed. A charr or sylvari with an awesome bark/fur/pattern/hair/eye color combination, or anyone with a wicked dye job, or a more unusual combination of facial and body features (such as a tough-looking human woman instead of a babyfaced supermodel) is what I like to look at, because that shows some thought and creativity.
I like the footprints. I know how much it costs to create a legendary so, I know that player invested a lot of time in the game. I don’t have one myself.
But some legendaries are just unimpressive, like, can’t even notice he has one. It’s a vanity item, people should notice them.
As for other people criticizing legendary owner, it sounds they’re just jealous to me. It still requires some dedication. You have to play the game for quite some time to afford the obsidian shard with karma, and you need 100% world completion, which can be a pain with WvW (I’m at this point and I don’t want to switch world).
Legendary weapons should feel legendary. Some of them are, like the greatsword, but there need to be more legendaries. I checked the legendaries for my necro, and they’re all kinda bad. I wanted a staff, but Bifrost is a joke, and other weapons aren’t impressive (except maybe the incenerator for the footprint, but that’s pretty light…)
Most of them don’t really feel legendary and in the end, it doesn’t seem they’re worth the trouble.
I think that when I see legendaries, I tend to expect legendary deeds from the wielder. But then that’s a false tendency on my part.
Some say clothes make the man, but I say the man makes himself. His clothes might reflect that or not. Just like books and their covers.
Most of what I have, with the exception of one item that I spent a ton of gold on (it’s not even a legendary), I spent a lot of time gathering supplies and had a lot of luck with the randomness factors involved. I don’t expect anyone to be impressed, as long as I feel impressed with myself. I feel I spent a lot of time and was rewarded for it with nice, shiny new weapons.
Support your local environmentally friendly farmers.
Asuran Mesmer Mind Tricks: “These aren’t the golems you’re looking for.”
I have never actually thought a legendary was cool or interesting even at launch. I don’t find any of the legendaries as the better looking skins in the game and hold many other in game skins higher than the legendaries(aetherblade, jade, champ loot, mystic weapons, rox and brahams weapons, and more although i do still enjoy the look of some legendaries). I have felt this way since launch when no darker legendaries were available. Twilight isn’t dark either it has nothing to do wit horror it’s a cosmic weapon every time i look at it it feels like im looking into space.
Also i have no choice in legendaries either my main is an engi and their is no legendary that fits them. Quip shoots streamers which is stupid imo as anet already have the rainbow bow why would they make a rainbow gun and a rainbow staff. The rifle is a sniper and the engi doesn’t shoot the rifle like a sniper they shoot it from the hip and use cone/knockback/aoe abilities(and the big net that wouldn’t fit in a tiny barrel) which would be more like a shotgun/blunderbuss. The sheild also feels nothing like an engi shield to me it seems more like a gaurdian shield the new aetherblade shield is actually a great representation of what i think an engi shield would look like.
Then my friend picked up a precursor in WvW after being 80 for a week . Me and my other friends had been playing since launch and had about 6 times the amount of gametime as him yet none of us had ever seen a precursor. He quit a week after he got it sold it for full racial t3 and has not logged on since i have still been playing since then(was about 5 months ago)and still haven’t seen a precursor(i have actually not even gotten into the double digits with exotics earned straight threw drops/chests it’s been a few months since ive seen one to be honest).
The people who i know that have legendaries are the people who need acheivements, do nothing but farm, or have bought it threw RL in a days time with money either from family/friends or their own earnings. So all of these points i made combined have turned legendaries into something i used to acknowledge as someone working hard to a skin that was never actually legendary to begin with.
If they were i would of probably gotten one by now i have six 80s and I’ve always just played the game running around doing what i want to do that day be it WvW, PvE, or a little spvp. I have discovered tons of little puzzles and fun things to do around the world like the organ and the boss above the reactor. I have done every dungeon multiple times and have been to every corner of the available parts of tyria doing tons of events all over it. I have kneeled at shrines to receive random buffs, opened doors that require a quick puzzle or emote, have read tons of in game books all over tyria and many other things that most of my guildies don’t even know about(and some things that people would consider wrong like going into the unaccessible parts of zones/major cities). Yet the guy who only plays to do acheives, the guy who only players to farm, and the guy who barely plays but buys his way threw the game have all gotten a legendary while i haven’t even been able to get to a 250 stack of t6 mats yet.
All in all idc this is just here because this thread is talking about legendaries and i felt like adding my 2 cents into the mix. I still enjoy this game every time i log on in my own way and will continue to do so but I doubt any of the current legendaries will ever be a part of that.
Anet better not do 2 greatswords again though as they already make tons of them and it’s also a big canvas so it’s easier to make something cool out of it. Were I haven’t even seen a cool pistol most of them just look like smaller rifles(and so far no pistols have dropped out of the champ bags…).
TLDR version
no legendaries fit my engi, none of them look that great to me when compared to other skins, the way i have seen them earned is not legendary at all, and a person who spends a lot of their in game time doing tons of different things across all zones and game modes is really far away from 1 legendary were someone who farms the same thing all day till it gets nerfed has 3.
(edited by Emmet.2943)
I’m only impressed by the cool looking legendary weapons. I’m impressed by their look. Not by the person who has them. Some of the legendary weapons, are complete utter TRASH in comparison. I don’t want legendary weapons for my Engi because they are horrible.
I’m more impressed by people who have nicely coordinated and cool looking characters. Most of the time I’ve seen people with legendary stuff they looked ridiculous.
Legendary weapons should be account bound on crafting!!
I have made 2 for myself i feel it cheapens the accomplishment when someone with a credit card can buy a but load of gems and get a Legendary Weapon.
[QOP] Quaggan Op – Guild Leader
So the question is, does 70% of LA impress me? No it doesn’t.
I’m impressed by the amount of effort people go through to get legendaries. And if they make a cool looking character to carry them, that’s impressive.
But gameplaywise, I must regretfully say, they don’t always impress me. One of my guildies for example, spends so much time farming events to complete his legendary that his general skills have greatly suffered, to the point that he needed help downing a veteran guarding a skill point.
Suffice it to say, all that farming and auto-attacking doesn’t hone your player skills. Which is a shame, really.
Since legendaries could be bought, the standard impression they give is not “Wow that guy is awesome!”, it’s “Wow, that guy is rich!”
DODGE!!! –
Since legendaries could be bought, the standard impression they give is not “Wow that guy is awesome!”, it’s “Wow, that guy is rich!”
Don’t you mean “Wow, that guy was rich!”? ;-)
No, legendary carriers don’t impress me. They either ground gold till their fingers bled, bought gold (via TP or RMT), or got enormously lucky in drops/mystic toilet usage.
Were the Legendary account bound, and required something other than stupid amounts of gold/grind to get, it’d be impressive. As it is, my assumption is that someone spent their money/stole daddy’s credit card to get it.
how sad, another case of you cant be bothered so say everyone cheated, yes i might of got lucky for my pre (280g spent in forge) but all the rest i earned by playing the game, just because you cant (yes not because you dont want to, you cant) doesnt mean other people cant.
You misunderstand me, dude. I have 0 desire to get a legendary of my own. I understand the effort involved, but since it’s either grind grind grind, or buy it outright, to me, that’s not legendary.
If it floats your boat, that’s great. Not my thing. Also note, so far, every single person in game I’ve asked about their legendary has said they bought it from the TP. How adventurous and skillful!
I know of someone really lame, used to be in our guild, who spent $1000 real money to convert gems to gold to buy twilight. About 1-2 months into the game. He complained skill points and karma were so hard to get. Because he couldn’t buy them with his or his parents credit cards. Even at that point in the game skill points and karma were always the easiest part. We all kept laughing at him so he left the guild. I mean $1000 come on hahaha.
I only just made my first legendary a few weeks ago, bolt, I love it, but as for seeing other people with them, it doesn’t phase me because you don’t know if they earned it or duel wielded credit cards.
(edited by Have No Faith In Me.1840)
I’m not “impressed” by them but I can appreciate the time and effort (or ya, even cash, ‘cuz let’s face it, you have to work for that, too) some people put into making or obtaining them. Personally, I don’t like the look of most of the skins so it’s not something I would strive for, but if it makes YOU happy, then that’s all that matters. I have seen a few characters where the weapon really suited their entire look, and I like that.
As far as being “impressed”, maybe if you had to be PvP champion to get it, I would be. That takes real player skill, something that I really do admire.
how about if you defeat a series of hard bosses (like liadri) would give you one of the compnonents for legendary. It would mean the user had to beat them at some point rather than just mindlesly farm it up..
Legendary SoloQ
how about if you defeat a series of hard bosses (like liadri) would give you one of the compnonents for legendary. It would mean the user had to beat them at some point rather than just mindlesly farm it up..
No because that would actually make sense and it is against the game logic.
You have to think of something that people can wallet out and will them here for a very long time.
im much more impressed by people who have arah weapons and armor on thier main and alts bc that actually is hard to get (well not rly but def harder than a legendary).
And from the legendaries’ users, well…
I have yet to see one who’s not here to just show it off, specially in low-levels areas. Seriously, stop it. We all know you’re lacking somewhere else. It’s obvious.
So if I use my legendary in a low level area I’m showing off and compensating for something? You think I should switch to a different weapon? Lol, I’ve never seen anyone so irrationally upset over something to trivial.
Did I say you have to change weapons ? Please tell me where, my dear friend
Now, we both know you already have seen someone even more bothered by something EVEN more childish, am I right ? Don’t lie.
Anyway, I do get the idea that finally having a legendary weapon is no small feat (well, compared to the other choices you have, mostly), but let’s be honest for a moment: there is nothing “legendary” about it. It would be “legendary” if only you could have it, or a NPC (you know what I’m talking about, right ?). So you could say that, yes, I am bothered by the fact that “they” (Anet) are selling the idea of an “almighty” (read: flashy) weapon as a goal in a game where they always said STORY is an important factor. Call it trivial if you want.
I couldn’t care less about you and the so-called legendary weapon you seem to possess, good for you in fact ! It’s just that the idea of a legendary weapon is bothering me, and those that seems to rub it in other’s face are….well…
I don’t like it, sorry.
im much more impressed by people who have arah weapons and armor on thier main and alts bc that actually is hard to get (well not rly but def harder than a legendary).
Done Arah 5 times, finished it once, and because 2 guys solo’ed the last boss, didnt even get to see it because I (together with 2 more) died walkng there to trash mobs adn we couldnt be reached
I need 500 tokens for the gift and a LOT more for the sets which I actually want some pieces, pointless to say I might as well give up on it :C hahaha
Legendary SoloQ
im much more impressed by people who have arah weapons and armor on thier main and alts bc that actually is hard to get (well not rly but def harder than a legendary).
You do realize some legendaries require 500 arah tokens aswell as some people (many actually) BUY arah spots? When its at the las tboss, so they dont really do arah.
lets put it this way. I have arah armor and a legendary. Impressed yet?
No, it just tells me that that person was willing to do a month or more of mindless grinding for a for a visual effect
Nope. If anything since the start of the game I see people with legendaries and think “I wonder if they were an exploiter?”
Rng sucks, precursor rate sucks, drop rates suck. It’s pretty much been ‘mine mommy’s credit card’ or exploit or mindlessly run cofp1 until this patch.
peasants had no bread and who responded: “Let them eat brioche.”
I’m sort of impressed by legendary weapon users, however a vast majority of people go for Twilight, Sunrise, Kudzu/Dreamer. Though there are some people with Predator, Juggernaut, Bifrost…those other ones. it takes a long time if you truly work for it, but it’s a pain. Imo, I don’t see the reason to go for a legendary besides the some-what neat particle effects… Maybe if they did more damage or had steady damage on them, then it might make them worth it.
Dont understand the grief on the legendaries, no player would get a legendary they think looks like crap and if they have the time why would anyone be negative towards them?
I have played the game from launch, I have 8 characters each @lvl 80. Getting world completion twice is just playing the game.
With the amount of karma from that and pve/wvw and the glorious FotM relics (which gives either obsidians and/or skill points and I dare say its the best way to grind for shards/skillpoints) I have had no problems with karma/skill points to craft three legendaries.
That said I did a lot of TP trading as well so I had the gold to buy an additional two.
Im not bragging im just saying that I didnt actively grind for these items heck I didnt even get my legendaries until I got bored with the game and was looking for something new todo.
If I can get that heck why do everyone think its just grind grind grind. The only real “work” i did was to get the dungeon tokens and that doesnt even take that long…