Dye frustration

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mervil.7461


It is odd to me that I don’t see or hear more complaints about obtaining dyes now-a-days, so I assume that everybody else already has all their dyes unlocked. So this might be just me.
I am very frustrated with the lack of dye availability, as in, they ARE NOT available anymore; especially to casual players like myself. It is now only possible to obtain dyes through buying them. I just can’t drop 65g on a single dye, let alone 240g.
Unidentified dyes, as we all know, no longer drop randomly. I miss this. Because, now, the only way for me to obtain unidentified dye is to spend 5 laurels on ONE (cost prohibitive).
Or, I guess I could craft four rare color-specific unidentified dyes, and then turn them into a single unidentified dye in the mystic forge, but that’s turning 4 dyes into 1, and is rather cost prohibitive.
There’s the option of spending real money on black lion keys, but the drop rate isn’t very kind, and then you’re likely to end up with a dye of fine rarity anyway.
How does one craft a Gift of Color for Bifrost now?

Please bring back the old dye system. It simply wasn’t broken. There’s an influx of new players, thanks to the gw2 sale, and they don’t have access to any new dye.

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Melanie.1240


Have you seen the 1 silver dyes on the Trading Post? Most colors are actually below gold, but yes I agree some really pretty ones are pretty pricey eversince the chance.

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

How does one craft a Gift of Color for Bifrost now?

By buying the dyes on the trading post.

Unid dyes shouldn’t have been removed as drops though.


Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472


generally if you look at dye prices:

if it’s neon, white, black, gold(,silver) or luminescent it costs buckets,

if you want any other color you can look ’m up and buy ’m for very little

but those 40 and 50 gold dyes need other colors as well.. having an armor with 3 or 4 dye channels and just blacking everything is a true….. yes, at a loss for words how bad it actually is….

Still; missing 11 dyes total 220 gold… I have all others unlcoked but I bought ’m quite fast. I got over 700 dyes refunded when they changed teh system and I dumped them all

23 lvl 80’s, 9 times map, 4ele, 4ncr, 3war, 3grd, 3rgr, 2thf, 2msm, 1eng, 1 rev.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.

(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raptorcheese.7053


There are tons of dyes to choose from! The ones you are probably looking at are the ones that are rare to get. Dont bother with those. Loads of nice color options that are still cheap are there if you look hard enough. At least we can swap dyes as much as we can. Back in guild wars 1, we had to pay per dye for each piece of armor!!!!!

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pixelpumpkin.4608


What do you mean by “bring back the old dye system”?

The dyes that cost 240g are gemstore dyes, and they were never available through any other means. The dyes that used to drop in game are all relatively affordable. Yes, celestial and abyss might take some saving-of-moneys, but that was never different. The main difference is that in your hero panel, the gemstore dyes are listed as locked. So, okay, now you are more aware that they exist in game.

(I have all of the normal dyes unlocked but none of the gemstore ones, and I consider my collection complete.)

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mervil.7461


if you want any other color you can look ’m up and buy ’m for very little

I suppose it depends on what you mean by very little. I am, unfortunately, in-game poor. Meaning, if it costs more than 1g, I can’t “afford” it.
With the previous system, at least I had a chance, based off of luck with drops or mystic forge to obtain those rare dyes. Now I have essentially a zero % chance to obtain them.

I would also like to complete my in-game dye collection. Gemstore dye packs don’t interest me; I wasn’t aware those could be sold on the TP, and that’s what the 240g ones were. Regardless, any other rare dye is still too expensive for me to buy directly, and any other method of obtaining them (use of RNG) is also too expensive. I loved getting unid dye drops. It was effective, I could save them up, id them, mystic forge them, and attempt at dyes I didn’t have. This was a great system, and provided everybody an equal chance at unlocking dyes. Now, the only people who can afford to get dyes are the rich; people who feel 35g is chump change. I just can’t devote that much time to the game.

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Haishao.6851


How does one craft a Gift of Color for Bifrost now?

It cost about 100gold to buy them directly so it’s not that bad.
Also the NPE personal story reward bags often drop unidentified dyes.
When I made my Bifrost last month I had 15 of them gathered from playing my personal story (Forging the pact and onward) on ranger and necromancer so I only needed to buy 85.

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paul.4081


Used to love getting unidentified dyes from harvesting plants, it was my only reason to do so it turns out since now I don’t bother. Still logging and mining until they come up with a way to spoil that.

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Weirwynn.2390


Please bring back the old dye system. It simply wasn’t broken. There’s an influx of new players, thanks to the gw2 sale, and they don’t have access to any new dye.

You mean bring back the system where I’d need to buy 200g dyes individually for each of my characters? And since they’re gem store dyes, the supply wouldn’t even be any better, so they’d actually be MORE expensive due to the increased demand?

Yeah, uh, no thanks. Account-bound is the best thing that happened to dyes.

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472


Well I’m poor as well… I tend to spend my cash…

I make about AC fullrun +Cof 1,2 + TA up/fw + low level fractals a day… which is about 12 gold…

I did ac p1 and 3 and cof 1 for the whole duration since I had a level 80, which should be about 900 days. only the last are worth 4500 gold.

each day, for the past 950 days or so and still i have never owend more then 380 gold, and is my normal wallet filled with ~5-65 gold.

I do have 2 legendaries , 2 full ascneded armors, a stack of ascended weapons (well as a term of speaking …) 15 lvl 80s with most bag slots unlocked, a guild bank, and so on. I just do not have gold.

I seldomly farm SW as I have a wife and 2 kids and an hour continous play tends to be scarce at times when SW is brimming with life.

23 lvl 80’s, 9 times map, 4ele, 4ncr, 3war, 3grd, 3rgr, 2thf, 2msm, 1eng, 1 rev.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mervil.7461


Indeed, by bringing back the old system, I did not mean to make the dye system character-specific again. Making the dye system account-wide was a great idea, and I am grateful they did. However, removing the possibility of ever obtaining more dye was silly. Eventually, those abyss dyes at 68 g will all be bought up. Then they’ll go for 168g. No more dye is entering the market.
Suggestion: please bring back unidentified dye drops.

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: serenke.4806


I’m ok with the current dye system. It’s pretty neat.

Have a nice day!

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

This does come up from time to time. But I think the criticism is too narrowly focused. In the old system, dyes were cheaper, but you needed to unlock them for each and every character on your account. The Wardrobe system gives most players at least 5 unlocks and yet dye prices are only 2-3 times what they were in the 5-6 months before the announcement of the wardrobe system. (They are only now reaching similar prices to the post-announcement/pre-wardrobe panic of 2014.)

The account-wide unlock is worth even more for the limited-edition dyes and for players with more than five characters.

tl;dr economically, we are better off overall now than before. Noticeable increase in the individual prices is more than made up by the account-wide unlock.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CMM.6712


I would love to get Unidentified dyes from foraging once again, please consider adding this back! Thanks for your time reading this.

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


What I wish was that the dye leveling benefit where you get a choice of three dyes were instead an UnID’d dye. If it were, there’s a chance I might get one I don’t have. When the first character I created post-NPE got there, I already had those dyes. Each subsequent one, I get the same choices. It’s mildly annoying, to tell the truth.

As far as dye drops go, I liked getting them in GW, and I liked getting them in GW2. I’d like to still have the chance to get them…

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tigaseye.2047


Some of the dye prices are ridiculous, there is no question about it.

Should never be allowed to get to a situation where a single dye becomes unavailable and then costs 100s (if not 1000s) of gold.

I don’t mind some dyes being more expensive, but I think there needs to be some sort of cap on it.

Quite honestly, it would be better to just be able to buy them direct from the gemstore for a set price.

Then, if they were also available to players, in other ways, they could still sell them on the TP; but not for such ridiculous prices.

I feel the same way about weapon skins.

“Turns out when people play the game, they don’t admire your feet at all.” sephiroth

(edited by Tigaseye.2047)

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chris McSwag.4683

Chris McSwag.4683

They are only ‘ridiculous’ because there is high demand, low supply and people are willing to pay. Run a few dungeons and then buy what you want

[eS] Ethereal Synergy
DPS Benchmarks, Raids, Low-mans etc.

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tigaseye.2047


They are only ‘ridiculous’ because there is high demand, low supply and people are willing to pay. Run a few dungeons and then buy what you want

No, some are quite literally ridiculous, however high the demand and low the supply is.

In fact, I will up that “ridiculous” to laughable.

Not too many, but some.

…and who sets that “high demand, low supply” scenario?

That’s right, the owners of this forum.

…and I don’t do dungeons in this game, in their current sorry state.

Please see my previous posts for reasons why (if you want).

“Turns out when people play the game, they don’t admire your feet at all.” sephiroth

(edited by Tigaseye.2047)

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Novuake.2691


Its a sought after vanity item. I don’t think you have a right to complain.

These allow people to personalize their toons to a more significant degree.

Retriever Iiat – Asura Engineer
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Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tigaseye.2047


Its a sought after vanity item. I don’t think you have a right to complain.

These allow people to personalize their toons to a more significant degree.

I have every right to complain, as does everyone.

To put my complaint in context, I am someone who has “invested” a considerable amount of money into this game (relative to the amount of time I’ve been playing it, so far).

So, it’s not like I begrudge ANet a living.

I just draw the line (and giggle, frankly) at one colour (and it is just a colour) being sold to us for 100s of gold (which is, after all, 10s of $/£).

Seems to me, any one colour should be no more than around 20g.

“Turns out when people play the game, they don’t admire your feet at all.” sephiroth

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: serenke.4806


Its a sought after vanity item. I don’t think you have a right to complain.

These allow people to personalize their toons to a more significant degree.

I have every right to complain, as does everyone.

To put my complaint in context, I am someone who has “invested” a considerable amount of money into this game (relative to the amount of time I’ve been playing it, so far).

So, it’s not like I begrudge ANet a living.

I just draw the line (and giggle, frankly) at one colour (and it is just a colour) being sold to us for 100s of gold (which is, after all, 10s of $/£).

Seems to me, any one colour should be no more than around 20g.

I think a luxury car should be no more than 5000$ because it’s laughable that some car makers ask hundreds of thousands of dollars for their high-end models. As someone who continuously invests a lot of time into work, i think it’d be only fair if these models became available in a price range that everyone can afford.

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rapthorne.7345


unidentified dyes are pretty common in champion bags, and you can unlocked the full range of common dyes for a little under 8g if you buy direct from the TP.

Some dyes are very expensive either because they are very rare or very desirable (For example shadow abyss is so expensive because it is the only dye in the game that appears pure black on every single armour material variant).

Given that GW2 dyes are account wide, permanent unlocks, I feel their pricing and availability is very reasonable. Other games would have you pay $5 or much more for a single use customisation

Resident smug Englishman on the NA servers, just because.

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyx.7342


Unid dyes as drops was amazing! Getting a new color or a rare one was the best feeling.

If they reintroduced them as drops normal dye prices would drop and maybe then the inflated prices of black lion dyes would also decrease.

My other problem with dyes are the bl dye packs and the whole pay to rng. I don’t get why there isn’t more backlash for these kinds of items, they make the gem store gross.

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


why does it even matter. you can’t even afford dyes more than 1 gold.

The price only doubled. It’s not like those 200 gold dye is 1 gold before.

I’m not sure how many unidentified dye I have. I probably got 40 in 1 month. They still drop from black lion chest or level up rewards. I think they also drop from bags you get from personal story. So there are supplies. Just not supplies typical players can get unless they key farm or level up new toons.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mugiwara Zoro.9240

Mugiwara Zoro.9240

You could spend just 1 laurel on T6 Mats, sell them and use the gold to buy the unidentified dye. Assuming you don’t need the T6..

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chris McSwag.4683

Chris McSwag.4683

Seems to me, any one colour should be no more than around 20g.

Or just accept the fact that this is how most markets in life works. Perhaps laughable to spend 100G on a dye or 200USD on a designer tshirt but for some it is worth it and they will pay the price for a look.

If you don’t want to pay the price, get something else and if a lot of people do the same the market will adjust to those conditions from the buyers. It is that simple.

Gold is not hard to get in GW2, it just takes some less-than-fun farming.

[eS] Ethereal Synergy
DPS Benchmarks, Raids, Low-mans etc.

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miss Lana.5276

Miss Lana.5276

You could spend just 1 laurel on T6 Mats, sell them and use the gold to buy the unidentified dye. Assuming you don’t need the T6..

This. Never go laurels > unid’d dyes. You’ll get more by selling the t6 mats and buying the dyes. Especially if you get a bunch of blood.

As for it being so expensive, it’s incredibly easy to make money in gw2, but some methods can be brain-numbing. Run dungeons every day, do sPvP, do WvW, go mapping or SW farming or anything. Just don’t sit idle in <city of your choice> then look at the prices, feel sad, and brood. I’ve been there and it’s not good. Get active = get gold.

48 Characters|Necro|Raider|Fractaller|PvPer|Singer
So long Treeface.
“…Kormir? I know not of whom you speak.”

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tskales.2804


There’s that heart mission in queensdale that rewards with a choice of 3 dyes, but after you’ve done that heart mission 3 times they just get binned.

The reward should be a random dye.

“I’m sure glad that A-net is spending the 20 minutes or so that it would take to remove
the hobosack on making more important additions to the game.
Like golden pigs for the gem store” – Gern.2978

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azala Yar.7693

Azala Yar.7693

Making dyes as a cook would be something to complain about.

Made 40 rare dyes the other day which needed around 54 gold worth of materials and a few thousand karma.

What I got for all the time and resources was 40 dyes with a market value of less than 10 gold. couldn’t even use any of them as had them already.

Needless to say I won’t be making any more.

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Miss Lana.5276

Miss Lana.5276

There’s that heart mission in queensdale that rewards with a choice of 3 dyes, but after you’ve done that heart mission 3 times they just get binned.

This is the reward you get when you reach a certain level now. I’m not sure what level it is, but it’s under 10.

48 Characters|Necro|Raider|Fractaller|PvPer|Singer
So long Treeface.
“…Kormir? I know not of whom you speak.”

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tigaseye.2047


Its a sought after vanity item. I don’t think you have a right to complain.

These allow people to personalize their toons to a more significant degree.

I have every right to complain, as does everyone.

To put my complaint in context, I am someone who has “invested” a considerable amount of money into this game (relative to the amount of time I’ve been playing it, so far).

So, it’s not like I begrudge ANet a living.

I just draw the line (and giggle, frankly) at one colour (and it is just a colour) being sold to us for 100s of gold (which is, after all, 10s of $/£).

Seems to me, any one colour should be no more than around 20g.

I think a luxury car should be no more than 5000$ because it’s laughable that some car makers ask hundreds of thousands of dollars for their high-end models. As someone who continuously invests a lot of time into work, i think it’d be only fair if these models became available in a price range that everyone can afford.

Oh dear…

Are we really trying to compare a real life luxury car, made of real life materials and with real life high labour, storage, advertising and transportation costs, to a pretend dye (so, essentially, a colour) in a game? ><

OK, let me try to put this in terms you can, perhaps, relate to.

Minis are only 350 gems (so, about £3.50), whereas, one of the “dyes” (colours) is currently about 234g on the TP (so, about £23.40).

Now, admittedly, I don’t know all the ins and outs of designing a miniature animated animal, compared with providing yet another colour, which can then be used to shade in bits of pretend armour, but I can assure you I place far more value on the former.

“Turns out when people play the game, they don’t admire your feet at all.” sephiroth

(edited by Tigaseye.2047)

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azala Yar.7693

Azala Yar.7693

I’d say they removed world drop dyes because they needed to make them not so easy to get hold of.

If you had 5 characters previously you would have had to have 5 of the same dye, 1 for each character. For multiple characters now, you only need 1 of each dye that serves them all.

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tskales.2804


There’s that heart mission in queensdale that rewards with a choice of 3 dyes, but after you’ve done that heart mission 3 times they just get binned.

This is the reward you get when you reach a certain level now. I’m not sure what level it is, but it’s under 10.

Ah. My mistake.

Thanks for letting me know.

“I’m sure glad that A-net is spending the 20 minutes or so that it would take to remove
the hobosack on making more important additions to the game.
Like golden pigs for the gem store” – Gern.2978

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tigaseye.2047


…and another thing.

Why is Black not black?

Why is it, so very obviously, dark grey?

Black is supposed to be a complete lack of light – it is supposed to be as dark as one can get.

So, how come other dyes are darker?

I think we all know the answer to that in this case and that is (far too) easy money, but still…

“Turns out when people play the game, they don’t admire your feet at all.” sephiroth

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rapthorne.7345


Its a sought after vanity item. I don’t think you have a right to complain.

These allow people to personalize their toons to a more significant degree.

I have every right to complain, as does everyone.

To put my complaint in context, I am someone who has “invested” a considerable amount of money into this game (relative to the amount of time I’ve been playing it, so far).

So, it’s not like I begrudge ANet a living.

I just draw the line (and giggle, frankly) at one colour (and it is just a colour) being sold to us for 100s of gold (which is, after all, 10s of $/£).

Seems to me, any one colour should be no more than around 20g.

I think a luxury car should be no more than 5000$ because it’s laughable that some car makers ask hundreds of thousands of dollars for their high-end models. As someone who continuously invests a lot of time into work, i think it’d be only fair if these models became available in a price range that everyone can afford.

Oh dear…

Are we really trying to compare a real life luxury car, made of real life materials and with real life high labour, storage, advertising and transportation costs, to a pretend dye (so, essentially, a colour) in a game? ><

OK, let me try to put this in terms you can, perhaps, relate to.

Minis are only 350 gems (so, about £3.50), whereas, one of the “dyes” (colours) is currently about 234g on the TP (so, about £23.40).

Now, admittedly, I don’t know all the ins and outs of designing a miniature animated animal, compared with providing yet another colour, which can then be used to shade in bits of pretend armour, but I can assure you I place far more value on the former.

At it’s core it’s supply and demand.

There are a huge number of colour variants in the game, and there are some very cheap substitutes for certain hues that you can obtain in place of a more expensive one, for example, the midnight dye range is a good substitute for black if you’re happy with tints (which I, personally, actually prefer to just pure black).

When people can’t afford a more expensive product, most settle for a cheaper substitute, which is what I suggest you do here.

Resident smug Englishman on the NA servers, just because.

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tigaseye.2047


Its a sought after vanity item. I don’t think you have a right to complain.

These allow people to personalize their toons to a more significant degree.

I have every right to complain, as does everyone.

To put my complaint in context, I am someone who has “invested” a considerable amount of money into this game (relative to the amount of time I’ve been playing it, so far).

So, it’s not like I begrudge ANet a living.

I just draw the line (and giggle, frankly) at one colour (and it is just a colour) being sold to us for 100s of gold (which is, after all, 10s of $/£).

Seems to me, any one colour should be no more than around 20g.

I think a luxury car should be no more than 5000$ because it’s laughable that some car makers ask hundreds of thousands of dollars for their high-end models. As someone who continuously invests a lot of time into work, i think it’d be only fair if these models became available in a price range that everyone can afford.

Oh dear…

Are we really trying to compare a real life luxury car, made of real life materials and with real life high labour, storage, advertising and transportation costs, to a pretend dye (so, essentially, a colour) in a game? ><

OK, let me try to put this in terms you can, perhaps, relate to.

Minis are only 350 gems (so, about £3.50), whereas, one of the “dyes” (colours) is currently about 234g on the TP (so, about £23.40).

Now, admittedly, I don’t know all the ins and outs of designing a miniature animated animal, compared with providing yet another colour, which can then be used to shade in bits of pretend armour, but I can assure you I place far more value on the former.

At it’s core it’s supply and demand.

There are a huge number of colour variants in the game, and there are some very cheap substitutes for certain hues that you can obtain in place of a more expensive one, for example, the midnight dye range is a good substitute for black if you’re happy with tints (which I, personally, actually prefer to just pure black).

When people can’t afford a more expensive product, most settle for a cheaper substitute, which is what I suggest you do here.

This isn’t about me, or my sour grapes, or whatever.

I also happen to prefer coloured tints – or just colours – in games.

I am just someone with a very strong sense of fairness, a very strong sense of right and wrong and this system stinks, as far as I’m concerned.

Fair ways of making money are fine – especially in a game which relies on people buying random stuff to function.

As I say, I have paid more than my fair share, so far.

But this?


It feels exploitative and that kind of feeling tends to pollute how people feel about a product, in general.

“Turns out when people play the game, they don’t admire your feet at all.” sephiroth

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rapthorne.7345


Its a sought after vanity item. I don’t think you have a right to complain.

These allow people to personalize their toons to a more significant degree.

I have every right to complain, as does everyone.

To put my complaint in context, I am someone who has “invested” a considerable amount of money into this game (relative to the amount of time I’ve been playing it, so far).

So, it’s not like I begrudge ANet a living.

I just draw the line (and giggle, frankly) at one colour (and it is just a colour) being sold to us for 100s of gold (which is, after all, 10s of $/£).

Seems to me, any one colour should be no more than around 20g.

I think a luxury car should be no more than 5000$ because it’s laughable that some car makers ask hundreds of thousands of dollars for their high-end models. As someone who continuously invests a lot of time into work, i think it’d be only fair if these models became available in a price range that everyone can afford.

Oh dear…

Are we really trying to compare a real life luxury car, made of real life materials and with real life high labour, storage, advertising and transportation costs, to a pretend dye (so, essentially, a colour) in a game? ><

OK, let me try to put this in terms you can, perhaps, relate to.

Minis are only 350 gems (so, about £3.50), whereas, one of the “dyes” (colours) is currently about 234g on the TP (so, about £23.40).

Now, admittedly, I don’t know all the ins and outs of designing a miniature animated animal, compared with providing yet another colour, which can then be used to shade in bits of pretend armour, but I can assure you I place far more value on the former.

At it’s core it’s supply and demand.

There are a huge number of colour variants in the game, and there are some very cheap substitutes for certain hues that you can obtain in place of a more expensive one, for example, the midnight dye range is a good substitute for black if you’re happy with tints (which I, personally, actually prefer to just pure black).

When people can’t afford a more expensive product, most settle for a cheaper substitute, which is what I suggest you do here.

This isn’t about me, or my sour grapes, or whatever.

I also happen to prefer coloured tints – or just colours – in games.

I am just someone with a very strong sense of fairness, a very strong sense of right and wrong and this system stinks, as far as I’m concerned.

Fair ways of making money are fine – especially in a game which relies on people buying random stuff to function.

As I say, I have paid more than my fair share, so far.

But this?


It feels exploitative and that kind of feeling tends to pollute how people feel about a product, in general.

I don’t see what’s exploitative about something that’s rare and in high demand being expensive in the TP.

In a game where a large part of things is looks and customisation, I see no reason why certain aspects of that customisation shouldn’t be more difficult to obtain or more exclusive.

It has nothing to do with right and wrong. From what you’re saying your primary issue is the TP price. ANet do not control the value that players place on the items they release, ANet did not introduce the item and tell players they must list it at X price on the TP. You also assume that you have to spend X amount of gems to obtain the gold, when it’s easy enough to obtain 100g+ in a week or so just by doing dungeons daily and salvaging drops/selling mats

Resident smug Englishman on the NA servers, just because.

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azala Yar.7693

Azala Yar.7693

Its a sought after vanity item. I don’t think you have a right to complain.

These allow people to personalize their toons to a more significant degree.

I have every right to complain, as does everyone.

To put my complaint in context, I am someone who has “invested” a considerable amount of money into this game (relative to the amount of time I’ve been playing it, so far).

So, it’s not like I begrudge ANet a living.

I just draw the line (and giggle, frankly) at one colour (and it is just a colour) being sold to us for 100s of gold (which is, after all, 10s of $/£).

Seems to me, any one colour should be no more than around 20g.

I think a luxury car should be no more than 5000$ because it’s laughable that some car makers ask hundreds of thousands of dollars for their high-end models. As someone who continuously invests a lot of time into work, i think it’d be only fair if these models became available in a price range that everyone can afford.

Oh dear…

Are we really trying to compare a real life luxury car, made of real life materials and with real life high labour, storage, advertising and transportation costs, to a pretend dye (so, essentially, a colour) in a game? ><

OK, let me try to put this in terms you can, perhaps, relate to.

Minis are only 350 gems (so, about £3.50), whereas, one of the “dyes” (colours) is currently about 234g on the TP (so, about £23.40).

Now, admittedly, I don’t know all the ins and outs of designing a miniature animated animal, compared with providing yet another colour, which can then be used to shade in bits of pretend armour, but I can assure you I place far more value on the former.

At it’s core it’s supply and demand.

There are a huge number of colour variants in the game, and there are some very cheap substitutes for certain hues that you can obtain in place of a more expensive one, for example, the midnight dye range is a good substitute for black if you’re happy with tints (which I, personally, actually prefer to just pure black).

When people can’t afford a more expensive product, most settle for a cheaper substitute, which is what I suggest you do here.

This isn’t about me, or my sour grapes, or whatever

I also happen to prefer coloured tints – or just colours – in games.

I am just someone with a very strong sense of fairness, a very strong sense of right and wrong and this system stinks, as far as I’m concerned.

Fair ways of making money are fine – especially in a game which relies on people buying random stuff to function.

As I say, I have paid more than my fair share, so far.

But this?


It feels exploitative and that kind of feeling tends to pollute how people feel about a product, in general.

Seems fair to me. It is supply and demand.

ANet reduced the demand when they made it so all of your characters share the same dye. So they had to reduce the supply as well by removing world drops.

Anyway, there’s a simple answer to a dye costing more than 100g, just don’t buy it.

I have about 84 rare dyes missing from my collection (I do have black and white) I probably don’t even need those other 84 rare dyes. But I’ll still collect them if I find them.

(edited by Azala Yar.7693)

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tigaseye.2047


Its a sought after vanity item. I don’t think you have a right to complain.

These allow people to personalize their toons to a more significant degree.

I have every right to complain, as does everyone.

To put my complaint in context, I am someone who has “invested” a considerable amount of money into this game (relative to the amount of time I’ve been playing it, so far).

So, it’s not like I begrudge ANet a living.

I just draw the line (and giggle, frankly) at one colour (and it is just a colour) being sold to us for 100s of gold (which is, after all, 10s of $/£).

Seems to me, any one colour should be no more than around 20g.

I think a luxury car should be no more than 5000$ because it’s laughable that some car makers ask hundreds of thousands of dollars for their high-end models. As someone who continuously invests a lot of time into work, i think it’d be only fair if these models became available in a price range that everyone can afford.

Oh dear…

Are we really trying to compare a real life luxury car, made of real life materials and with real life high labour, storage, advertising and transportation costs, to a pretend dye (so, essentially, a colour) in a game? ><

OK, let me try to put this in terms you can, perhaps, relate to.

Minis are only 350 gems (so, about £3.50), whereas, one of the “dyes” (colours) is currently about 234g on the TP (so, about £23.40).

Now, admittedly, I don’t know all the ins and outs of designing a miniature animated animal, compared with providing yet another colour, which can then be used to shade in bits of pretend armour, but I can assure you I place far more value on the former.

At it’s core it’s supply and demand.

There are a huge number of colour variants in the game, and there are some very cheap substitutes for certain hues that you can obtain in place of a more expensive one, for example, the midnight dye range is a good substitute for black if you’re happy with tints (which I, personally, actually prefer to just pure black).

When people can’t afford a more expensive product, most settle for a cheaper substitute, which is what I suggest you do here.

This isn’t about me, or my sour grapes, or whatever.

I also happen to prefer coloured tints – or just colours – in games.

I am just someone with a very strong sense of fairness, a very strong sense of right and wrong and this system stinks, as far as I’m concerned.

Fair ways of making money are fine – especially in a game which relies on people buying random stuff to function.

As I say, I have paid more than my fair share, so far.

But this?


It feels exploitative and that kind of feeling tends to pollute how people feel about a product, in general.

I don’t see what’s exploitative about something that’s rare and in high demand being expensive in the TP.

In a game where a large part of things is looks and customisation, I see no reason why certain aspects of that customisation shouldn’t be more difficult to obtain or more exclusive.

It has nothing to do with right and wrong. From what you’re saying your primary issue is the TP price. ANet do not control the value that players place on the items they release, ANet did not introduce the item and tell players they must list it at X price on the TP. You also assume that you have to spend X amount of gems to obtain the gold, when it’s easy enough to obtain 100g+ in a week or so just by doing dungeons daily and salvaging drops/selling mats

Because it’s not, actually, rare…

IRL, things that are sold as rare are actually rare (or should be) and they are normally relatively expensive to produce.

Whereas, this colour “dye” is no more, or less, rare than any other and none of them are, actually, rare and it costs no more to produce.

Its supposed “rarity” is completely arbitrary (as in, invented by ANet).

So, even though they may not, actually, set the price on the TP – because they have complete control over its supposed “rarity”, they might as well do.

Because, if they wanted to, they could up the supply 100x, or reduce it 100x, whenever they liked.

…and yes, it does have to do with right and wrong.

IMO, there should at least be some correlation between effort put in, in something’s design and the price charged.

When there isn’t, it just looks like something verging on a scam.

Especially when you add in the fact that Black isn’t actually black, when the colour (or lack of colour) black is an already very well established, predetermined concept.

“Turns out when people play the game, they don’t admire your feet at all.” sephiroth

(edited by Tigaseye.2047)

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azala Yar.7693

Azala Yar.7693

Because it’s not, actually, rare…

IRL, things that are sold as rare are actually rare (or should be) and they are normally relatively expensive to produce.

Whereas, this colour “dye” is no more, or less, rare than any other and none of them are, actually, rare and it costs no more to produce.

Its supposed “rarity” is completely arbitrary (as in, invented by ANet).

So, even though they may not, actually, set the price on the TP – because they have complete control over its supposed “rarity”, they might as well do.

Because, if they wanted to, they could up the supply 100x, or reduce it 100x, whenever they liked.

…and yes, it does have to do with right and wrong.

IMO, there should at least be some correlation between effort put in, in something’s design and the price charged.

When there isn’t, it just looks like something verging on a scam.

Especially when you add in the fact that Black isn’t actually black, when the colour (or lack of colour) black is an already very well established, predetermined concept.

Something is worth what people are prepared to pay for it.

If there is a surplus of anything it tends to be cheap unless it comes from one supply source then it can be controlled.

In the case of the black dye it would suggest that it’s rarer as the price is higher. Being black there will also be a higher demand for it than a lot of other colours. If black was common the price would be a lot less than it is.

Rarity has nothing to do with cost of being produced and doesn’t necessarily mean it will be worth much. If there’s no demand the value will be extremely low.

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chris McSwag.4683

Chris McSwag.4683

Rarity has nothing to do with cost of being produced and doesn’t necessarily mean it will be worth much. If there’s no demand the value will be extremely low.

There is no point to continue the discussion as regardless of how valid points you make, OP Tigaseye neither will or want to understand or listen to them as they are different to his/her own(which of course are the only right ones).

[eS] Ethereal Synergy
DPS Benchmarks, Raids, Low-mans etc.

(edited by Chris McSwag.4683)

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rapthorne.7345


Because it’s not, actually, rare…

IRL, things that are sold as rare are actually rare (or should be) and they are normally relatively expensive to produce.

Whereas, this colour “dye” is no more, or less, rare than any other and none of them are, actually, rare and it costs no more to produce.

Its supposed “rarity” is completely arbitrary (as in, invented by ANet).

So, even though they may not, actually, set the price on the TP – because they have complete control over its supposed “rarity”, they might as well do.

Because, if they wanted to, they could up the supply 100x, or reduce it 100x, whenever they liked.

…and yes, it does have to do with right and wrong.

IMO, there should at least be some correlation between effort put in, in something’s design and the price charged.

When there isn’t, it just looks like something verging on a scam.

Especially when you add in the fact that Black isn’t actually black, when the colour (or lack of colour) black is an already very well established, predetermined concept.

Sure, anet could absolutely flood the economy with whatever item they chose because the items are virtual, but so is the game economy. any action that drastic that ANet could take would have massive impact on the game economy.

By your logic they should just flood the game with everything there’s a scarcity of because it’s “not really rare”.

In a virtual environment virtual rarity is just as valid as real world rarity is in a real world environment.

It’s not fair that only a select few people get precursor drops, let’s flood the economy with them so everyone can get a precursor for no effort.

It’s not fair that only a small amount of people have ascended stuff, let’s flood the game with ascended chests so everyone can get them, then it’s fair.

Your argument about fairness is a childish one.

Had you gone a different route and suggested they make some dyes direct buy in the gem store, rather than rely on chance to obtain, I could somewhat support your point, but how you’re trying to argue your point is childish and shows a total lack of understanding for even the most basic principles of economics

Resident smug Englishman on the NA servers, just because.

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tigaseye.2047


Because it’s not, actually, rare…

IRL, things that are sold as rare are actually rare (or should be) and they are normally relatively expensive to produce.

Whereas, this colour “dye” is no more, or less, rare than any other and none of them are, actually, rare and it costs no more to produce.

Its supposed “rarity” is completely arbitrary (as in, invented by ANet).

So, even though they may not, actually, set the price on the TP – because they have complete control over its supposed “rarity”, they might as well do.

Because, if they wanted to, they could up the supply 100x, or reduce it 100x, whenever they liked.

…and yes, it does have to do with right and wrong.

IMO, there should at least be some correlation between effort put in, in something’s design and the price charged.

When there isn’t, it just looks like something verging on a scam.

Especially when you add in the fact that Black isn’t actually black, when the colour (or lack of colour) black is an already very well established, predetermined concept.

Something is worth what people are prepared to pay for it.

If there is a surplus of anything it tends to be cheap unless it comes from one supply source then it can be controlled.

In the case of the black dye it would suggest that it’s rarer as the price is higher. Being black there will also be a higher demand for it than a lot of other colours. If black was common the price would be a lot less than it is.

Rarity has nothing to do with cost of being produced and doesn’t necessarily mean it will be worth much. If there’s no demand the value will be extremely low.

Yes, I get how basic supply and demand works, thank you.

There is nothing stopping ANet looking at the prices on the TP, for certain dyes, and trying to adjust the supply side accordingly and yet they don’t.

That is their responsibility.

The point (once again) is that it is obviously a total supply monopoly, the fake “rarity” is arbitrarily set by the only “supplier” and both its (low) supply and (very high) resulting price have no correlation with the actual effort required to produce it (if any).

I have a problem with that.

I don’t think it makes ANet look as good as they could do.

Nothing that has been said here has, or will, change my mind on that.

What does make them look good (or would do), is making sure that their basic product is well designed, balanced, logical, runs well and is non-exploitable and then producing beautiful armour sets/outfits, minis, toys etc.., which most people (I hope) will happily spend their spare cash on.

As they can clearly see the effort and creativeness that has gone into their design.

As opposed to a colour, for colouring in armour with.

Not to say they can’t, also, sell dyes and look good.

They should just aim to reign-in the top end prices, IMO.

A colour should not cost more than an entire armour skin, period.

“Turns out when people play the game, they don’t admire your feet at all.” sephiroth

(edited by Tigaseye.2047)

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tigaseye.2047


Rarity has nothing to do with cost of being produced and doesn’t necessarily mean it will be worth much. If there’s no demand the value will be extremely low.

There is no point to continue the discussion as regardless of how valid points you make, OP neither will or want to understand or listen to them as they are different to his/her own(which of course are the only right ones).

I’m not the OP.

“Turns out when people play the game, they don’t admire your feet at all.” sephiroth

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azala Yar.7693

Azala Yar.7693

Yes, I get how basic supply and demand works, thank you.

There is nothing stopping ANet looking at the prices on the TP, for certain dyes, and trying to adjust the supply side accordingly and yet they don’t.

That is their responsibility.

The point (once again) is that it is obviously a total supply monopoly, the fake “rarity” is arbitrarily set by the only “supplier” and both its (low) supply and (very high) resulting price have no correlation with the actual effort required to produce it (if any).

I have a problem with that.

I don’t think it makes ANet look as good as they could do.

Nothing that has been said here has, or will, change my mind on that.

What does make them look good (or would do), is making sure that their basic product is well designed, balanced, logical, runs well and is non-exploitable and then producing beautiful armour sets/outfits, minis, toys etc.., which most people (I hope) will happily spend their spare cash on.

As they can clearly see the effort and creativeness that has gone into their design.

As opposed to a colour, for colouring in armour with.

Not to say they can’t, also, sell dyes and look good.

They should just aim to reign-in the top end prices, IMO.

A colour should not cost more than an entire armour skin, period.

It’s a virtual world and market, there is no rarity unless ANet make it that way.

If ANet made it so there was no rare items in-game the market place would be a pretty boring place.

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Limodriver.4106


most of expnesive dyes can be replaced by dyes cost less than 1 gold. What u see on heros panel is not always what u get on ur character.. For example I bought electro pink which was 70 gold it looks just like regular pink dye 50 silver. I bought imperial red which was 70 gold looks just like cherry 50 silver. On hero’s panel they look diff but on my characters they look exactly the same.

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chris McSwag.4683

Chris McSwag.4683

Nothing that has been said here has, or will, change my mind on that.

Thank you for confirming my previous post. Honestly find it sad that you’re not willing to even try to listen or understand the many good answers in this thread, though i am fully aware that you don’t give a kitten about that as my opinions are different than yours.

With your logic i don’t even see why you’re willing to pay anything for dyes – why not have a few ones accessible by all?
Why should precursors be rare when they can be a guaranteed drop from every mob just by a quick change of code?
Why even have a trade post? Everything should be free!

I get it, you don’t like the way the free market works and would rather have a limited market where everyone can get everything without much effort – but i personally find that idea incredibly boring.

[eS] Ethereal Synergy
DPS Benchmarks, Raids, Low-mans etc.

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azala Yar.7693

Azala Yar.7693

most of expnesive dyes can be replaced by dyes cost less than 1 gold. What u see on heros panel is not always what u get on ur character.. For example I bought electro pink which was 70 gold it looks just like regular pink dye 50 silver. I bought imperial red which was 70 gold looks just like cherry 50 silver. On hero’s panel they look diff but on my characters they look exactly the same.

On my thief I just use black, how it looks is more to do with the armour skin than the colour itself (I mix armour sets). Some parts look black others look dark grey.

(edited by Azala Yar.7693)

Dye frustration

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tigaseye.2047


Nothing that has been said here has, or will, change my mind on that.

Thank you for confirming my previous post. Honestly find it sad that you’re not willing to even try to listen or understand the many good answers in this thread, though i am fully aware that you don’t give a kitten about that as my opinions are different than yours.

With your logic i don’t even see why you’re willing to pay anything for dyes – why not have a few ones accessible by all?
Why should precursors be rare when they can be a guaranteed drop from every mob just by a quick change of code?
Why even have a trade post? Everything should be free!

I get it, you don’t like the way the free market works and would rather have a limited market where everyone can get everything without much effort – but i personally find that idea incredibly boring.

I’ve listened, I just don’t happen to agree in the case of the most extreme priced dye(s).

I think I have argued my case pretty well and demonstrated that I do understand how these things work.

There is no point in me repeating myself any further, as this isn’t even my battle and I have no horse in this race.

Unlike some of you, I am not currently looking to buy, or sell, the most expensive dye(s).

All I am saying is that this kind of thing doesn’t paint ANet in a good light (if you’ll pardon the rather too apt expression!), at all, IMO.

They can, obviously, choose to take that (unbiased) observation on board, or totally ignore it and carry on with business as usual.

Entirely up to them.

“Turns out when people play the game, they don’t admire your feet at all.” sephiroth