(edited by lover.8351)
Ecto Drop Rate
What nerf? And if there is, it was only fixed last time based on a wealth of statistical evidence from the community. If you are genuinely spotting an issue, wouldn’t it be easier for them to fix something you can show some evidence for it..?
If it wasn’t an error in the code then why would Arenanet come out and investigate it then announce it was a bug causing only 1 ecto at most to come out of rares.
I know there’s no problem with ectos currently becuase yesterday I salvaged my Exotic Warhorn and got 3 ectos. Also got 2 ectos from somethign else I salvaged but can’t remember. RNG is RNG
I’ve been getting 2/3 ectos from rares regularly.
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
/puts on his tinfoil hat
Sometimes I wonder what I’m doing here…
It’s just RNG. I’ve had times where I get zero ecto from five rares and then others where ill have like 8 or 9. If you think there is an issue then you’ll have to prove it with a LARGE sample size. You’re looking into thousands of salvages at least.
You know, once again nerfing the drop rate of ectos from rares while people are distracted with Dragon Bash is incredibly shady.
Personally, I strongly doubt that it was an honest mistake in the code last time, and I doubt that it is again this time, but if it is, please please do the right thing and fix it.
Preferably before people have to raise kitten on the forums about it again.
Nice try ecto hoarder
My fun laughs at your server pride.
You know, once again nerfing the drop rate of ectos from rares while people are distracted with Dragon Bash is incredibly shady.
Personally, I strongly doubt that it was an honest mistake in the code last time, and I doubt that it is again this time, but if it is, please please do the right thing and fix it.
Preferably before people have to raise kitten on the forums about it again.
What is your dataset?
You know, once again nerfing the drop rate of ectos from rares while people are distracted with Dragon Bash is incredibly shady.
Personally, I strongly doubt that it was an honest mistake in the code last time, and I doubt that it is again this time, but if it is, please please do the right thing and fix it.
Preferably before people have to raise kitten on the forums about it again.
What is your dataset?
You know, once again nerfing the drop rate of ectos from rares while people are distracted with Dragon Bash is incredibly shady.
Personally, I strongly doubt that it was an honest mistake in the code last time, and I doubt that it is again this time, but if it is, please please do the right thing and fix it.
Preferably before people have to raise kitten on the forums about it again.
What is your dataset?
Thank you. How many of them were today? There was a recent patch that came out today. Also were they just rares or or exotics too and what levels are they? What salvage kits were you using?
Can someone else provide a dataset that disagrees/agrees with the OP?
(edited by anzenketh.3759)
I’m at 0 ectos out of 3 salvages. Obviously not a legit sample size, but if you are going to combine numbers feel free to add mine in.
9 out of 3 salvages post patch. Again, tiny sample, but no “nerf alert” screamed either
9 out of 3 salvages post patch. Again, tiny sample, but no “nerf alert” screamed either
You’re stealin all my good RNG!
I have had pretty good luck with ectos recently. I don’t keep spreadsheets withhard numbers, but feel like I am averaging 1.5-2 per rare in the last week.
9 out of 3 salvages post patch. Again, tiny sample, but no “nerf alert” screamed either
You’re stealin all my good RNG!
It’s my one day a month. You really should see my RNG the rest of the month ;D
ectos don’t have drop rates, gold items do, and from that you have to take the salvage rate. I wish ectos became a drop again in some hard instanced area. Atleast exotics will gain some values again.
salvaged 33 rares, got 23 ecto. june/19/2013
Just salvaged 3 rares and got 3 ectos (1 from 1, 2 from 1, and 0 from 1). Since I didn’t get 3 ectos per, ecto drop rates are obviously busted
ectos don’t have drop rates, gold items do, and from that you have to take the salvage rate. I wish ectos became a drop again in some hard instanced area. Atleast exotics will gain some values again.
As I have been in the Orr thread that would be a great idea..
Ectos should be able to drop from Orr chest, in Orr dungeons, or directly from Orr champions!
And to contribute to this thread: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/Ecto-rate-suspiciously-low-again/first#post2235339
I salvaged 250 level 39 rares with Black Lion Salvage Kits and didn’t get any ecto!
Fix nao prz.
C’mon guys, you can do better witch hunting than this. Let me show:
I’ve been getting more ectos during the dragon bash than I’ve usually gotten. They must’ve buffed the drop rate, I’m sure of it! 100% confirmed! Spread the news, ecto drop rate at least 90%!
Its a bug………….
Nothing has changed with ectos.
Yeah, every time you don’t get the loot you want, it’s a stealth nerf that Anet did because they all sit around the office all day laughing at how they kitten off their own customers.
They changed the game so that absolutely nothing but vendor trash drops so you have to buy $50 worth of gems every week just to pay for repairs and waypoint costs. Because businesses exist to chase away their customers and lose money.
(edited by tolunart.2095)
if the recent ecto rate bug was not a bug, they wouldn’t of given out BLSK to people that used them when it was bugged, which they did, so I don’t believe it was intentional.
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
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Well, nothing has been changed sounds like that there were no changes made by Anet that happened intentionally. Have you checked if the recent bug could have had a comeback?
There is no bug. I don’t mean that we didn’t change anything, I mean that the numbers haven’t changed pre-post patch.
Thanks for telling!
There is no bug. I don’t mean that we didn’t change anything, I mean that the numbers haven’t changed pre-post patch.
To clarify, does this also mean that you guys did not change anything at some other point either?
If anything changes with ectos, it will be in the update notes.
I’m not sure that making accusations based on a test sample of 100 is valid.
If anything changes with ectos, it will be in the update notes.
Well, okie dokie then.
I’m not sure that making accusations based on a test sample of 100 is valid.
What’s a valid sample then? 1000? 100,000? Lulz. Go waste your own money.
I think it is also legit to question the ecto salavage rate even if we do not have hundreds or thousands as a “valid” sample size. It is not our job to do that.
If it feels a little bit off and especially after it was recently bugged, it is understandable that people might question it.
It’s fine to ask questions if something seems off after a reasonable number of salvages, but complaining about a stealth nerf without a robust data set (in the very same update that provides a way to use ectos to generate dust) is a step too far.
This again? Every single patch we have this… Someone find that record player and fix it please.
Been getting mostly 2-3 ectos per rare. Only had a few in the last week that have dropped zero. Ill keep count next time I go on a meta event run, but i can honestly say i have more ectos than the rares i salvaged.
I think it is also legit to question the ecto salavage rate even if we do not have hundreds or thousands as a “valid” sample size. It is not our job to do that.
If it feels a little bit off and especially after it was recently bugged, it is understandable that people might question it.
Go ahead, and sometime between the 2nd and 500th time you say this, everyone will have made the decision to ignore you.
Lol. That doesn’t bother me.
You know, once again nerfing the drop rate of ectos from rares while people are distracted with Dragon Bash is incredibly shady.
Personally, I strongly doubt that it was an honest mistake in the code last time, and I doubt that it is again this time, but if it is, please please do the right thing and fix it.
Preferably before people have to raise kitten on the forums about it again.
Edit: 100 rares salvaged over the past few days. 27 ectos. Not just RNG and I’m not the only one saying it. Y’all can put on your tinfoil hats all you want, but we were right last time and we’re right this time too. If it’s a mistake, again, fine, but fix it please.
I think it is also legit to question the ecto salavage rate even if we do not have hundreds or thousands as a “valid” sample size. It is not our job to do that.
If it feels a little bit off and especially after it was recently bugged, it is understandable that people might question it.
It wasn’t “questioning the ecto salvage rate.” The OP asked no question, only made negative comments. There was no question in the post about ectoplasm rates— it was simply assumed that they had been nerfed (based on personal experience), that it was intentional (based on the assumption that Arenanet is evil), and that since more than one person complains about it, it must must be a valid complaint (based, obviously, on an in-depth knowledge of statistics theory).
and the stupidest grown-ups who are the most grown-up.”
- C. S. Lewis
Well, actually, atm I’m getting ectos by 2 or 3 with a ratio of 1.3 to 1.4. So I seem to have taken your luck. I’ll give it back to you when I’m done.
I’m not sure that making accusations based on a test sample of 100 is valid.
What’s a valid sample then? 1000? 100,000? Lulz. Go waste your own money.
Nope. Don’t need to.
I also know better than to salvage one item and complain that not getting an ecto means that there has been a nerf. One, and one hundred are similarly insignificant samples for something of this sort.
If anything changes with ectos intentionally, it will be in the update notes.
100 rares salvaged over the past few days. 27 ectos. Not just RNG and I’m not the only one saying it. Y’all can put on your tinfoil hats all you want, but we were right last time and we’re right this time too. If it’s a mistake, again, fine, but fix it please.
It sounds more like you’ve just got a case of ancedotal bad luck. I’ve been salvaging multiple ectos from dropped rares beyond a 1:1 ratio. But then, I’ve also obtained a jade weapon ticket, dragon wings, and a holographic pet from random drops recently, too.
I’ll try to send you some of my luck from across the ’net.
Seriously it needs to stop. Really. Every single update we see threads like this where people complain they don’t get the “expected” amount of ectos from their dozen of rares salvaged.
While it has been proven in the past that Anet can make mistakes regarding salvage rates, you (and by you I mean people in general) need to understand that bringing on the table so small sample won’t help make your point and that RNG is RNG whether it is in your favor or not. Now if you DO think there’s really something fishy going on, then go provide some reasonable sample to prove your point.
Well I was told it was 0-3 per item last time I checked. If that’s true then we’re bound to have some items drop nothing. My other thought was does mf help this in any way?
Seriously it needs to stop. Really. Every single update we see threads like this where people complain they don’t get the “expected” amount of ectos from their dozen of rares salvaged.
Oh, it’ll stop…. It’ll stop immediately when Anet gets it together and puts in some Streak-Breaker code
27 Ectos out of 100 Salvages?? Even just seeing a lousy 10 out of 20 like I did during this patch was enough to raise suspicions. You should never go 0 for 3 for something that cost ~16s to craft when the salvage piece you want is only worth ~18s. That’s just Anet’s net&DB Coders being too focused on bad priorities. They’ve already got D.R. …so if they’re going to micromanage our Probabilities to the level DR does, then it’s only fair for them to go in the opposite direction when it comes to the stuff we had to pry away from that stupid D.R. situation. OTHERWISE, they’re just double dipping on their Magical Money-Sinks. …aka: Double Taxed Earnings… YEAH, I wanna hear Mr Smith up there try and justify that one with all his other real-world market prinicples. This is supposed to be a Casual Fantasy Game for crying out loud … who’s Fantasy tho? Lenin’s??
(edited by ilr.9675)
Oh, it’ll stop…. It’ll stop immediately when Anet gets it together and puts in some Streak-Breaker code
27 Ectos out of 100 Salvages?? Even just seeing a lousy 10 out of 20 like I did during this patch was enough to raise suspicions. You should never go 0 for 3 for something that cost ~16s to craft when the salvage piece you want is only worth ~18s. That’s just Anet’s net&DB Coders being lazy. They’ve already got D.R. …so if they’re going to micromanage our Probabilities to the level DR does, then it’s only fair for them to go in the opposite direction when it comes to the stuff we had to pry away from that stupid D.R. situation. OTHERWISE, they’re just double dipping on their Magical Money-Sinks. …aka: Double Taxed Earnings… YEAH, I wanna hear Mr Smith up there try and justify that one with all his other real-world market prinicples. This is supposed to be a Casual Fantasy Game for crying out loud … who’s Fantasy tho? Lenin’s??
Please read a basic statistics book, an economics book, and the forum code of conduct.
Sorrow’s Furnace Commander
“You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!”-Colin Johanson
Why are you invoking the TOS? I know what it says, believe me I combed over it VERY CAREFULLY in Beta and the fact I have ZERO infractions or even warnings, proves it.
Another poster’s Personal beliefs ARE fair game when they’ve volunteered them in past Threads as prior justifications by the way… It’s only the things you’d have to infer/accuse that aren’t fair grounds
And the other question: What part of “streak breaker” do you need education on to understand that the ENTIRE POINT of it is to throw out the basic statistics book rules in favor of maintaining the Fantasy Aesthetic?
Read the second of JS’s posts. It leaves some questions doesn’t it? Technically the numbers may not have changed but it leaves open the unswered part of his response as to what DID change. It is this type of half-communication approach that leaves doubts in the minds of the players and, accordingly, ANet has only themselves to blame for fueling the “conspiracy” theorists……again.
Read the second of JS’s posts. It leaves some questions doesn’t it? Technically the numbers may not have changed but it leaves open the unswered part of his response as to what DID change. It is this type of half-communication approach that leaves doubts in the minds of the players and, accordingly, ANet has only themselves to blame for fueling the “conspiracy” theorists……again.
While I could agree that ANet is not always clear in communication and causes some of their own issues, in this case, I think any conspiracy theorists are just trying to read more into things than is there.
His first post tried to make clear that nothing changed.
Second post was to say that actual numbers were checked and that he wasn’t just going on “we didn’t change anything on purpose”.
Third post was to assure people that any changes would be in the patch notes.
Seems pretty clear to me at that point.