Feedback/Questions: MegaServer
Personally I absolutely hate megaservers and the fixed timers on events. For me it has gone from a beautiful, dynamic, fun, challenging and epic game to a strictly scheduled slide show of green text and particle effects. GW and GW2 has managed to keep me captivated since release but I am rapidly loosing interest. The only thing that is still keeping me here at the moment is the community in my guild and the occasional WvW raid but that is unfortunately not enough to keep me interested for much longer.
There are just too many random people around everywhere. I selected a low/medium population server after the beta weekends just to not have as many people around. It might be nice to see some people in the remote areas but in many cases those areas also feel crowded at the moment. People are competing with each other to tag mobs instead of wishing they could get some help.
Megaservers could have had some potential if everything that was promised was kept but I don’t see how that would ever be possible. Partial solution would be to just reduce the softcap to somewhere around a third of the current number. That might make PvE playable again and make it easier to taxi into the same map as your friends.
If megaservers are here to stay please either use the district option from GW and always have a few empty maps that noone is sorted into automatically or give servers dedicated copies of every map that you can switch to whenever you want to get away from overflows.
That would nicely solve every problem with guild missions, Tequatl, wurm and any such event in the future that require any type of organization at all. Server specific maps would probably mean that those maps would be even emptier than before but personally I would rather be alone on a map than in the current zerg.
And even if you somehow manage to tweak megaservers to work, make them specific to server language (Not client language). Guess it might be ok with mixed languages in the middle of the night, if the number of people is really low, but not during the day. It is really annoying when half of the people on a map has no idea what is going on just because they have the language filter enabled.
If they need testers for something they could just ask some larger communities.
For example: The Tequatl communities (TTS, TxS, ATT, Wurm, and so on) alone would/could bring enough players online at a certain time to fill up at least 10 maps with the members alone. A lot of those are in this game since the beta (including me).
I can´t speak for all of them, but i think most of them would be happy to help out.
Better test something first on an testserver instead of just throwing it on an live server and hope for the best.
They did it with the HotM. Why not also with the megaserver?
As for my opinion about the megaserver itself:
Nothing more than an overflow and i have plenty experience with those thanks to the Alliance. Good for single players who don´t have any guilds or low level newcomers.
Really bad for guilds that do guildmissions. The bigger the guild the more problems they have if they are not familiar enough with the overflow system and how to play it.
I don´t call that part “the overflow game” just for fun.
Also really bad for players with PCs that barely fullfil the requirements.
Telling these players to just buy a new PC… well, go buy them one.
I am sure they won´t object. Not everyone is able to upgrade the PC on a yearly basis or can afford a new PC every year or two.
Why i am still playing? I am with my guild since the launch of GW1 and know many of them personally because of RL guild meetings. You just don´t throw that away for nothing.
I also grew quite fond of the Alliance and consider many of the members as friends, some even close friends.
Besides that, i really care for this game. This is why i voice my opinion and bring sometimes suggestions how to make it better. If somethings broken, i will complain about it, but also i will make suggestions how to fix it.
I am certainly not one of those fanboys that take everything they publish as “has to be great” content. If it sucks i will complain.
These comments are for those that always say, don´t complain, just ragequit.
For those i just can say gfys.
Also, some people are able to play more than only one game at a time (i don´t mean simultaneously).
First step: Take out the kitten language filter. I just complicate things, especially on big events like Tequatl.
If people are so intolerant that they have to kitten around when they can´t read something and even get hostile or abusive let them get reportet.
Maybe a few days pause will teach them. If not let´s get rid of them.
Some may never learn.
To everyone yelling for a major overhaul or to do away with the megaserver – at this point, we all know that is not going to happen. It is here, and while there are issues, there are a ton of people who think it has improved the game.
Bottom line – it isn’t going anywhere.
So let’s focus on areas where we see potential improvements and growth (and “scrap the megaserver/rollback to old system” and “let me play singleplayer” are neither of those).
I think there are a few small areas where things could be significantly improved, as follows -
1. Making it easier for players to play alongside guildmates and friends. My suggestion here was to extend the “join player in … map” to includ more than friends list. This would make it easier to taxi to instances my friends are in,. know there may be other ideas out there as well (alot have suggested the shard system from GW1, for instance).
2. Issues with concurrent guild missions. When more than one guild is doing a bounty, challenge, puzzle or rush, there are currently bugs and issues making it very difficult to have fun and/or get the reward from the event. These have always been there, but are much more evident now that we are all on the same map. Not sure how to fix this, but a fix is needed.
3. Temples and events never fail anymore. Temples are in a perpetual state of success (which is a good thing) due to the there always being people around to do them (another really good thing). The problems are people want to do the capture events and the temple defenses get to be boring. I would like to see some kind of progressive difficulty wave associated with these defense events – each time the defense event procs, it is more difficult (more adds, stronger bosses, etc) and more rewarding (more champs, higher chance at ascended/precursors) than the last. This would make the defense events more enjoyable, offer a sense of accomplishment (“we defended the gates of Arah 6 times before failing”) and, eventually, cause the event to fail and reset. It also makes alot of sense from a lore perspective.
4. Mat farming and champ farming. Both of these took a blow with the megaserver (probably on purpose for economic reasons), but regardless, they are something people enjoyed. Champs, particularly, need to be beefed up/scale better in all zones – with a slight buff to rewards to match. Take the troll out of AC explorable and drop him in place of the troll in Queensdale, as an example.
These are the four areas I would change related to the megaserver. None are necessarily gamebreaking (I actually love the megaserver), but I think its worth having the conversation shift to things we can actually influence rather than just a bunch of hate (from the same tiny group of people) directed at the game.
(edited by Blaeys.3102)
The megaserver systems requires the following things:
- The ability for guilds to create private instances or guild world events, and determining who can and cannot enter them. These instances won’t be map-wide. Like personal stories and the starting instance, they’ll have a “border” and teleport back in or kick out those who move outside the boundaries.
- Numbering to identify each particular instance of a map created by the system, so people can try and enter the same map without getting in the same party.
- Queues like in WvW maps, so people can queue to enter the same map if it’s full.
- A list of all existing instances of any map available to any player from anywhere. For example, whenever they click a waypoint in that map from anywhere in the world, a third button in the waypoint confirmation message opens a panel with this list.
- This list must include:
- Number of friends on each instance.
- Number of guildies on each instance.
- Queue size.
- If you are waiting in a queue, your position in that queue.
- If the instance is a private world event instance, a symbol to indicate it, like a lock.
That way people will have an easier time getting together, and be able to set instances private to attempt things without random strangers if so they want.
[DV] – megaboss community
Just a note to point out the challenges we are seeing with megaserver (dealing with grouping issues):
1. Guild members are not being moved to the same map…
2. Multiple groups of guild members do not move to the same map
3. Squad members do not move to the same map
We haven’t seen groups being broken up…but when we try to do anything by switching maps we have to manually bring the rest of the guild over to one map. (moving 3 or more groups and the wait times really hurts the fun times we’ve planned!)
Finally, guild recruitment is difficult currently because we can sign people up, but until they are on the same server, they do not get the benefits of belonging to the guild. I know this is an issue that should be cleared up by the end of 2014….please make this (as well as the grouping issues) a higher priority to the game. It appears to be hurting the game more than it is helping the undercrowding issue.
Third Element
Gamebreaker Nation
Yaks Bend
I don’t know if you know, but you can right click on the player in your party and join their instance. Just an FYI. I do it all the time when I’m roaming with my guildies
That has nothing to do with what I was talking about unfortunately, or it would have been really simple. I’m talking about the effect the megaserver system has on allowing hundreds of other players to join in on community events. It takes ages to get everyone in the same overflow this way. And our party doesn’t exactly allow hundreds of players.
We want it to be easy for players to join a community event. We just want to tell them where it is, and on what server. And then when they show up, they should be in the right overflow automatically to join the event. If that isn’t possible… then how is the megaserver system an improvement? This seems worse than what we had before.
I can’t believe people are complaining about the megaserver. IMO it is a great update. Now I can simply run around and complete events, meet new people, do group events with no problem etc.. This is a great improvement.
If Dungeons were the same as open world pve I think more people would do ALL of them. I would love to just simply walk into a dungeon and run into other players. That would be cool IMO.
This mega server is a step backwards not a step forwards. It is way too crowded on all the maps now and there are not enough events to go around. Back on my home world I picked low population for a reason to make sure I would have plenty to play. Now every map i waypoint to I cant find any events running, and I have to camp out and wait for them to spawn and its over much faster to with all the added ppl. I have yet to get to do a temple run every time Im on they are already clear. We used to do them on a routine basis on my home world, now i never seem to be able to. Even our Guild missions are getting screwed by the mega server and this was never a problem before. We desperatly need our home worlds back or a complete overhaul to this mega server! It would be nice to get a stable community back too cause that went right down the toilet with this mega server.
I don’t know if you know, but you can right click on the player in your party and join their instance. Just an FYI. I do it all the time when I’m roaming with my guildies
That has nothing to do with what I was talking about unfortunately, or it would have been really simple. I’m talking about the effect the megaserver system has on allowing hundreds of other players to join in on community events. It takes ages to get everyone in the same overflow this way. And our party doesn’t exactly allow hundreds of players.
We want it to be easy for players to join a community event. We just want to tell them where it is, and on what server. And then when they show up, they should be in the right overflow automatically to join the event. If that isn’t possible… then how is the megaserver system an improvement? This seems worse than what we had before.
You have to re adapt your mind here. The megaserver has essentially done away with servers, but not necessarily with communities. Anet will probably have to build some new tech to support communities now that they have broke down server walls. So what yall community people should start thinking of, lets say servers dont exist, but communities do, what would you need to make your community work?
Anet kind of blew up the world a bit here, so i think the community is going to have to guide them a bit on what communities will become, and how they will go about doing it.
I get in with my party/friends/guildies without a problem. What seems to be a problem I haven’t had before is the lag. The connection-killing lag.
I love that the megaserver brings together enough people to run world content, but the cap needs to be lowered dramatically.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
You have to re adapt your mind here. The megaserver has essentially done away with servers, but not necessarily with communities. Anet will probably have to build some new tech to support communities now that they have broke down server walls. So what yall community people should start thinking of, lets say servers dont exist, but communities do, what would you need to make your community work?
That’s the problem, there’s nothing we can do. We’ve attempted to make a special event guild, and have players join that guild in order to appear in the right overflow. But this has two problems:
-It doesn’t work, players still appear in the wrong instance of the map
-It’s too much to ask from players who just want to join an event
So how do we host events now, if we can’t get players to find the event? Please Anet, answer us this!
I hope this doesn’t get overlooked or ignored here, just like all feedback concerning Megaserver, but if I made a new thread it would just get locked. So here it is, about an issue encountered by the Megaboss community recently.
Megaboss gameplay issue
- ISSUE REPORT: 29.04. and 30.04. – “Hardcapped” empty maps
While gathering for the Great Jungle Wurm in the Bloodtide Coast (EU), we have encountered what appears to be a glitch or a bug of some sort where people could not join on their party members (hardcapped) in maps that were seemingly empty.
There were 3 megaboss teams ready to attempt the Wurm on 3 Bloodtide overflows/megaservers on Europe at the same time. Our map was hardcapped very soon, but we had AFK people on the map and TeamSpeak people who couldn’t get in, so we decided to re-enter. According to Anet’s model of the megaserver that “puts us in the same map as our friends and guildies”, we should have ended up together in the new, empty Bloodtide instance. Instead, when we re-entered, we were spread out across several Bloodtide servers. But what made things more difficult, after some initial joining / server-hopping, my party members were no longer able to join on me. I counted <30 ppl at the Firthside Vigil WP and I quickly ported to other WPs to see if anyone was on there. I also asked in map chat if anyone else was doing a big event (guild missions or Taidha), no response. Yet the map that held 30 people was already hardcapped. If it has been another Megaboss guild, they would have said so, as we’ve communicated like that beforehand.
It took several map-hoppings to find a server that was half-empty. And still a lot of TS people and guildies weren’t able to join.
This “hardcapping” issue appeared several times. And not just in prime time for the scheduled event, but also later, when we were about to guild-spawn the Wurm.
- Issue 1: When guildies and party-members enter the map, Megaserver scatters them across several overflows / Bloodtide instances.
- Issue 2: Unable to “join in” on friends / guildies / party members when they are in a server instance that looks empty and should hold more people that only 30 people.
- Note: Both issues appeared several times across a few days, both during the scheduled Wurm and the guild-spawned event, on EU servers.
[DV] – megaboss community
Something actually cool that they could do (as opposed to all of the very un-cool stuff they have been adding into the game lately) is make Lions Arch a ‘home’ map for each server. And then let each server have their own customized version of Lions Arch that gets rebuilt based upon a combination of Living Story actions, accomplishments, and WvW achievements, and whatever else.
Each server would have their own, slightly unique version of LA. Then at least we could have SOME little bit of identity still in this game, a place to rally for WvW, and a place to socialize with our own group of familiar people.
I can almost guarantee that they will never do it, but you have to admit it would be nice, and would almost make up for the whole megaserver fiasco.
Then they would just have to figure out some way to fix the overpopulation at world events and the fact that guilds and parties have extreme difficulty grouping together and we would almost be back to being even again.
Don’t know if its just that there’s more folks around in general, or specific to the mega-servers. But to me it seems like they have brought back the bots. While finding a spot to do stuff on my own now I run into others that just kill stuff, they don’t respond to whispers asking if they want to participate in the event or not. If I had to guess they are just bots from the way the move from fight to fight. Before the mega-servers when I met others we would often chat a bit, tag along together for an event or two before parting ways again.
Some are bots: But there could be other reasons.
I have turned off whispers to avoid gold spam in pve.
I have turned of map chat to avoid the megaserver map chat.
They could be speaking a completely different language from yours. no comprehension of what you said.
They could be ignoring you as- stopping to chat means again having to wait for all the players around to stop being there—(in vain) so you can complete your heart.
I used to be a friendly player and didn’t mind giving advice or helping out- ressing-
Now—— I want the other players to die.
Socialize? whats the point- you will never see them again- It’s not like you have a server community to meet up with.-
I simply love it. The reason I became interested in GW2 is I wanted to play an mmo where you could simply run around and run into stuff to do. It was disappointing running around and seeing none of the group events and stuff they had set up not being done. Well now that is a thing of the past from what I have seen. Now I am always running into groups doing stuff and meeting new people.
In my opinion the megaserver is a big win for GW2. How do you feel about it ?
If this topic has already been discussed, apologies. I haven’t posted on the forums in awhile.
Yes . you will always run into groups doing stuff… its kitten hard not to. Sadly this gives you no challenges and everything dies real fast. often so fast you cant get the kills needed to complete stuff.
Indeed you will always meet new people… and you will continue meeting new people. – and never meet the first ones you met-again.. Its a bit like going into a real world city. – Sure lot of people… and you could stop someone on the street and start chatting….. but you will not make friends as in that 5 million city no one comes to the same place again.
You could walk around in that city shouting one-liners, old memes and other stuff. – and many others do the same…. – I want all those to shut up..- cause even If I do hear a person shouting something I like in that busy street- I’ll never meet the person again.
How do I feel about it?—- I feel like the majority of the 2k posters….. Its kittening awful
I’m sure it had been said before but please, API’s of events (normal events and temple events) have to come back ! It’s no longer possible that we have to wait all day long in front of a temple to know when it starts … please
(edited by Lea.6194)
The current megaserver problem causes a lot of problems, but I can think of a few ideas to ‘fix’ it.
1. Big problem is a complete loss of a sense of server community. This can sort of be fixed by making a server ‘map’ with preferences of zones to favor people close to each other on that map, so that people of the same server stick together, and have a chance of meeting the same people from the other servers again as zones dynamically load. Shifting characters between adjacent servers on the map should also be cheap and easy, so if you find yourself preferring the friends from another server, you can join them. The server map idea also should have variable density, so people who like a certain population level can gravitate toward the area of the server map that’s as dense or sparse as they enjoy. Maybe I should sketch this idea out.
Also, parties and guilds should never be split on the same map, ever. If you party with someone native to a different server, one of you gets to be a guest for as long as the party lasts. Oh yeah… and cross-server friends lists.
2. Population control is borked in both directions – too much zerg in some areas, yet guilds/groups struggle to get everyone in on the same map. Never split parties or guilds. The server map idea hopefully handles this by giving each zone a different ‘minimum’ number of players based on density.
Just a note to point out the challenges we are seeing with megaserver (dealing with grouping issues):
1. Guild members are not being moved to the same map…
2. Multiple groups of guild members do not move to the same map
3. Squad members do not move to the same mapWe haven’t seen groups being broken up…but when we try to do anything by switching maps we have to manually bring the rest of the guild over to one map. (moving 3 or more groups and the wait times really hurts the fun times we’ve planned!)
Finally, guild recruitment is difficult currently because we can sign people up, but until they are on the same server, they do not get the benefits of belonging to the guild. I know this is an issue that should be cleared up by the end of 2014….please make this (as well as the grouping issues) a higher priority to the game. It appears to be hurting the game more than it is helping the undercrowding issue.
Third Element
Gamebreaker Nation
Yaks Bend
This is so true and Anet only responded to my support ticket saying I need to post in the forums instead, like it is working as intended and they will not do anything about it.
It is hard to get all guildies in the same map anymore and where is the more people map as we can only get the same numbers in at around 150 just like before.
Before megaserver, it used to be a time when each server has its own map for ores and logs. Location between servers were diffrents, but we knew on which map we were.
Now megaserver is up, and we no longer know on which map we are. On the morning I make a whole map with one character, I note every location of ores and logs and then I cone back with another characters. On the evening, I’m not able to return on the same map … and if a big event occurs (temple or world boss) I also can’t go on the map I were on the morning.
A solution ? Please make the location of ores and logs be the same on all megaserver maps
The biggest problem I have with the megaserver is it seems to reinforce the whole “zerg train” mentality this game has adopted. Maybe I’m in the minority here, but I just don’t see the appeal of it. There’s no challenge in this content. Run in, hope you can find the boss amidst a mob of players, hit it with your 1 skill a few times and get loot. I truly hope that Anet isn’t happy with the current state of world boss events.
I understand a lot of thought and testing needs to go into any changes Anet makes, but for now please please please lower the amount of people on each map, especially during world bosses. Because while almost all bosses are just zergfests currently, you really can’t expect people to use precise dodging and coordination while getting 5 fps. The amount of people in these fights is ridiculous.
In theory, the megaserver sounds like a good idea: populate the maps, give people a chance to do all these events that used to be neglected. But in reality, it’s just created bigger zerg trains and laggy boss fights with zero challenge.
That zerg mentality stops at Tequatl, i am still surprised people are still trying to zerg him and don´t bother to read the event up and keep on failing on a daily basis for weeks now^^
I wonder is there is anybody here who also plays ESO?
Eso was the first to introduce this mega-server like system and when they did I already had my doubts with it expecting the type of problems we now see in GW2.
If anybody here is playing ESO can he tell us if similar problems (guilds not being together and so on) also happen in ESO? I can;t see how they would not but maybe they found a solution.
The megaserver has a very negative impact on the dungeon CoE. This dungeon is in Mount Maelstrom, which happens to also be the map where two megaserver bosses are located (megadestroyer and Mark II Inquest Golem). As a result, I’ve constantly been uncontesting CoE, go in to do a path only to be thrown out in a different megaserver shard where the dungeon is contested from the very beginning. This is so incredibly unfair, unreasonable, and there’s nothing you can really do about it because guesting is pointless and you have no control over getting back to the map you actually uncontested the dungeon on. We need a solution for this please…posting because it’s happened daily for the past week and is a majorly unnecessary time sink.
I wonder is there is anybody here who also plays ESO?
Eso was the first to introduce this mega-server like system and when they did I already had my doubts with it expecting the type of problems we now see in GW2.
If anybody here is playing ESO can he tell us if similar problems (guilds not being together and so on) also happen in ESO? I can;t see how they would not but maybe they found a solution.
ESO was far from the first to introduce Mega-Servers.
They have existed for YEARS.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
The megaserver has a very negative impact on the dungeon CoE. This dungeon is in Mount Maelstrom, which happens to also be the map where two megaserver bosses are located (megadestroyer and Mark II Inquest Golem). As a result, I’ve constantly been uncontesting CoE, go in to do a path only to be thrown out in a different megaserver shard where the dungeon is contested from the very beginning. This is so incredibly unfair, unreasonable, and there’s nothing you can really do about it because guesting is pointless and you have no control over getting back to the map you actually uncontested the dungeon on. We need a solution for this please…posting because it’s happened daily for the past week and is a majorly unnecessary time sink.
What you can do is that if you or one of your party-members has an extra account then use that to find a map where you can access. Once in leave him there. He will then be the taxi for everybody. Also when you are in a dungeon and you get DC you might have a hard time getting back I think (not 100% sure) also then that character who is still standing there can be the taxi.
I wonder is there is anybody here who also plays ESO?
Eso was the first to introduce this mega-server like system and when they did I already had my doubts with it expecting the type of problems we now see in GW2.
If anybody here is playing ESO can he tell us if similar problems (guilds not being together and so on) also happen in ESO? I can;t see how they would not but maybe they found a solution.
ESO was far from the first to introduce Mega-Servers.
They have existed for YEARS.
I did never hear of it and did never see it before. I know now there are multiple games that are / going to use it but I did hear it for the first time with ESO. Anyway, the question was not so much if it existed longer but how it worked in another game.
I did never hear of it and did never see it before. I know now there are multiple games that are / going to use it but I did hear it for the first time with ESO. Anyway, the question was not so much if it existed longer but how it worked in another game.
A good example is DC Universe Online, and there it works quite well.
One can also assume that they worked on the MegaServer in GW2 long before they saw how it worked in ESO, so don’t really see what ESO have to do with anything at all.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
I did never hear of it and did never see it before. I know now there are multiple games that are / going to use it but I did hear it for the first time with ESO. Anyway, the question was not so much if it existed longer but how it worked in another game.
A good example is DC Universe Online, and there it works quite well.
One can also assume that they worked on the MegaServer in GW2 long before they saw how it worked in ESO, so don’t really see what ESO have to do with anything at all.
Like I said it’s just an example to see if and so how it works in other games.
guilds not getting split up in ESO or DC Universe Online?
I was trying to do tequatl with my guild today and i couldn’t get in the right server this never used to be a problem but now it is.
Also there are the french and German players who refuse to speak english and are not helpful at all they need their own servers.
Averege skill of the players i run into has gone down Grenth never used to fail on my old server Piken Square now it is almost impossible to do.
Doing a event that used to lead to a world boss now does nothing if you do it at the wrong time this is frustrating as all hell.
Burn the mega server and bring back the old severs.
Log in- Find out if on my server.
If yes – play normally
If not-
/m train? Pig ok.
Go to troll- kill troll
Go to oak- kill oak
keep switching maps till back to home territory
U Mad Bookah?
inspiration! goes to buy name change.
Part 2
Convince everyone to drink to 25 stacks from guild keg.
(edited by DonQuack.9025)
As guild leader i have 2 major difficulty’s with this new mega server.
1: Getting my members in the same overflow for Guild missions
2: Recruiting members from different server so they cant join me on WvW
I never had any issue’s before, i love the time table they added (its not working yet but atleast its good to see its here!). Perhaps making some guild missions as a instance like the Puzzle, Challenge and Rush? So we dont have to wait for other guilds to finish and dont have to stand in line like a theme park. Yes i have waited for 3 guilds to finish the Quaggan challenge in Mount Mealstrom which wasnt fun at all and frustrated my members extremely while theyre used to be pretty calm and friendly minded.
Even if you post on this forum for recruitment you still get people from different servers which suprised me really. Also when putting down a recruit line saying your looking for (in my case) Gandara players you still end up with jade sea people or anything else.
I think Guild Wars 2 need to bring back the Guild life back to the game and stop thinking about personal loots and benefits. Let the guilds work first as it is called ’’Guild’’ Wars.
IMO the mega server has 1 huge benefit, no more empty maps so there is always someone to play with when running alone. But still, even that has issues as mention above me
Hope Anet will bring a new patch soon to fix some of the major issues here. Cant fix it all for certain but you can cut down the weeds.
1st, not everyone has great internet and pc. 2nd, Anet seems to dislike the district selection idea. 3rd,I do like megaserver at lower pop map but not during bosses and high level map(due to all temple uncontested,im not going to camp for hours or check every 15min, its boring). So,this will be my additional rough idea.
- A menu like wvw/eotm/pvp where i can select “leave megaserver” to go to my home/guest server. The API and gw2node thingy could still work with this.
- Or make it a queue, e.g when a queue reaches 50 players, a new megaserver map will be created. Time restrict it to prevent abuse, say 2 or 4 hour per map for that player.
- Make all the world event chest ‘splash’ like the daily bonus and heart, if i dc, i can still get the rewards.
- The boss timer, temple really needs some major rework/thinking as many people already mentioned. Not many people have hours to wait. Maybe put an in game timer for the temples or even schedule it to fail?(20 champ gorilla should do the job). There have been a lot of good ideas about this.
It’s not perfect but i suppose a lot of people will be happy if given the ability to choose, be it either they want to be with a zerg, a 10 person boss kill, multiple bosses selection, RP, server communities,guild temple run,organized teq/worm,guild missions ,24/7 map filed with players,etc.Well, you guys get the idea.
TLDR: Anet can, keep the megaserver idea but a major rework on it has to be perform so everyone can enjoy playing the game. Choice is the keyword.
(edited by NelvonJ.7516)
The greatest loss here is the sense of server identity and community. By preserving the WvW “server” while basically removing it from PvE, there is no longer any chance for people to jump out of WvW and go to LA or big maps and say “Trying to take SM; come help” or “Home keep under attack, join us if you can”.
There is no more server-led temple runs or world boss runs.
There is no more soloing or small-partying bosses like FE and golem, which have been some of the most satisfying fights in the game. (Yes, I am from a low-pop server and I love it).
Guilds are split with no apparent route into the same maps. Whatever Anet is saying about trying to keep guilds on the same megaserver is absolutely not working. Guild chat will say “Doing Dwayna, last phase” and I’ll go and find a map where it’s already done, with no guildies at all to see on the map. I know the other map is not capped, as other people will still get on it, but clearly the guild affiliation has no effect that I can see on which MS I end up on. This is very frustrating.
I have no idea why the cities at least are not still server-based. Map chat everywhere is anonymous and getting really disgusting as people feel freer to troll among a huge population of users they probably won’t see again or whom they think won’t remember them anyway. You can’t talk WvW strategy anywhere except in the actual WvW maps. There is no place I can go to just chat with my servermates other than WvW itself, and people don’t just chill there for the purpose of chatting.
In short, the megaserver has killed the sense of server-based community, which was THE best thing about the game.
In short, the megaserver has killed the sense of server-based community, which was THE best thing about the game.
Remember that rush when Teq was revamped and the idea of a true open world raid style boss had everyone clamouring for world first? Remember servers banding together to try to work out how to do it all by themselves without outside help? Yeah, that’s not happening again.
All sorts of communities have been tossed in the trash with the MegaServer system, from RPers to hardcore PvEers to WvWers. I guess that’s what some call progress?
what if we run out of things to say in here (35 pages already cough), and we are not allowed to pump. Would these topics go into the void, never to be heard again?
I suspect that would be an “As planned” from anet
Incoming Quaggans [iQ]
Also there are the french and German players who refuse to speak english and are not helpful at all they need their own servers.
You realize what you write?
(edited by Domely.7405)
Give the players options to express their intend in mega-server assignement (MSA).
The following list is not complete, just some matters that are in my mind:
option: Guild-mission: yes/no
If set to yes, the MSA only puts members of this guild to a map that has enough free slots to fit all the members of that guild that have this option on and it reserves all these slots for that guild members. If there is no such map a new one is started and enough slots are reserved for that guild.
option: preferred capacity: low, medium, high (normal)
I really hate, that whenever I attend a world boss from I end up in a crowd of 100+ people. Before mega-server I was able to time that, early in the morning a boss was doable with 5 people, in prime-time you could attend the 100+ crowd.
With this option you can express your will to play a map with fewer people, the number of slots should be maybe 25 for low, 50 for medium, the current size for high.
option: chat language: english, german, french, spanish, polish, russian, italian, … (more than the interface languages!!)
option: strenght of language preference: strong, medium, weak
If you put that to strong you end up on a map with only other people that selected exactly this language, none, if there is none. If you put it to weak it’s like today, other options are stronger.
Also there are the french and German players who refuse to speak english and are not helpful at all they need their own servers.
What about all those english players that refuse to talk Spanish, French, German, Polish, Portugese, Italian and so on?
There was a reason for most of them to choose certain servers in the first place. Most non-native English speakers can speak at least two languages, but English is not necessarily the first one, depending on where they live and how old they are. Most native English speakers only speak their own language, does not matter how old they are or where they live. Before you criticize something like that, start in your own court.
For the record i speak four (4) languages besides my mothertongue.
How about you? Just curious.
But with one thing you are right, they need their own servers! The sooner the better.
After playing for a bit post-update I have tried really hard to find anything positive about the whole megaserver thing. I just can’t find anything though.
Its bad design, its bad for guilds, its bad for the old server communities, and ultimately it will prove to be bad for the game.
An update should add important content or features that help to keep ahead of the competition. Instead, the game has taken a few steps backwards.
This should not have been introduced without including the district option from GW1 or at the very least the addition of Guild Halls so that everyone could have a good place to meet up before heading out on missions.
Guild Missions has a bug, if you don’t guest to the server in which the guild is located you won’t get the chest with the commendations..
1) It’s now nearly impossible to get harpy feathers. As many people know, the event bugs out almost 99% of the time when more than one person is in the area when the Veteran Harpy Matriarch spawns. Since there’s no one at Arenanet that fixes bugs of this nature, it’s here to stay. Therefore, the more populated the area is the less of a chance there is of completing this event. These items are absolutely necessary for Arah — especially considering the AI (or lack of) of the dungeon NPC’s or if in a pug team where people aggro all of China to you due to not knowing what they’re doing.
2) I’m seeing Arah dungeon entrance contested a LOT more frequently than before. As well as this, other dungeons too. Before you could simply check to see what servers had an uncontested waypoint but with the new Megaserver system, I have no means of getting myself into another instance of the area unless I magically find someone to party up with that’s in a different instance of the area and can taxi me into theirs.
3) I love setting arbitrary challenges for myself, such as soloing Eye of Zhaitan in Malchor’s Leap, soloing champions in Cursed Shore, etc. I can never do those things again because these events are being scaled due to the huge karma trains flying all over the place. Instead of killing a boss with active defense and putting my personal skills to the test, I have no choice but to autoattack with a giant mesh of people until the massive health bar burns down. It’s SO boring. At least with the old system, if you didn’t want to solo it you could guest to a more populated server to do it. With this new system it eliminates the option of doing anything alone.
4) Increased lag in many areas of the game— in particular, sudden and brief FPS drops for no apparent reason in many areas now and it’s happened since April 15th, so evidently something having to do with that feature patch is the culprit.
P.S. I am well aware of the fact that there are obvious positives to look at in regards to this update, I just thought I’d highlight the main reasons why it bothers me.
Thanks for reading.
The flaws of the game have been discussed at great length on these forums. Some of them are severe enough to cause great irritation among players (even resulting in a 2 week forum ban for myself). So I thought to myself…what would the devs need to change to make me happy?
There are tons of minor annoyances in the game that to me, greatly devaluate my gameplay. It’s also things that I personally feel should be relatively obvious and easy to fix. If they were adressed, it would improve my gaming experience a lot. To the point where I’d rather have these fixes than new content or features.
Keep in mind that these are issues I run into every single day. While they’re all minor by themselves, the fact that they keep popping up repeatedly makes them a major irritation factor.
Some examples:
- Winning ‘temple defense’ events rewards less than losing and recapping.
- Warriors being invulnerable with their healing signet. I don’t mind losing, but at least the illusion that I’m actually doing something to them would be nice. At the moment I feel that I might as well give up because I’m never gonna get their hp bar to drop to more than 90%.
- Skill timers being inconsistent with actual casting animation duration.
- Infused ascended celestial items having lower stats than their non-infused counterparts.
- Banging my head against invisible platforms during jumping puzzles.
- Improper scaling of certain dynamic events that makes them virtually impossible to do.
- Anet finally lowering the passive on healing signet, only to lower damage even more in the same frikkin patch.
- The extreme high price of the new traits, combined with the inability to reliably attend their unlock events (Temple of Lyssa for example).
- Guild bounty bosses used to be repeatable during a single bounty. This was a great way to make sure all guild members got their daily rewards. This was ‘fixed’, resulting that a single guildie helping another group defeat the boss can ruïn the reward for the rest. With megaservers, it got even worse because it also counts across instances now.
- Hard counter traits. I know they’re easier to implement than actual balance, but it makes the game more about the luck of the draw than player skill.
- Guilds that do missions together no longer both get the reward (even if clicking ‘accept reward’).
- Forum moderators removing a long post completely because a small part is against the rules. A lot of effort went into said post, at least send us a copy to our inbox so we can re-post it already!
- Running down a hill and getting killed by ‘falling damage’.
- Dungeons being 95% about stacking. (I know this one is NOT easy to fix, but I just had to vent it
Of course, these things will vary per person, so feel free to add your own. The main point I’m trying to make here though, is that quality over quantity isn’t neccesarily the best way to go. I’d rather have 1 good patch every 3 months than one riddled with bugs and annoyances every 2 weeks.
(edited by ThiBash.5634)
So my suggestion, what do you think about it, tho someone else might have already suggested this for Megaserver system:
Reintroduce queue system, as a button on some corner of the hud or some place is the most easy to access, but having automated pop up on each map travel is no good should be avoided instead.
With the queue system, it’ll ask the player, wether they want to be placed in map copy with same world players, if such map doesn’t exist yet, it puts player to queue to wait for more players of same world map copy.
There of course can be more options, but I can’t think what else it could have.
I rarely do PvP or Hard PvE, unless it’s organized.
I was a many-years WoW player. I used to play in Top100 hc-killing guild. I also used to play PVP (high rating+Gladaitor title).
Unfortunately, after SoO content and killing Garrosh hc on novmber/december period I have decide to find a new game for a year before the new expansion. The choice was simple – Guild Wars 2. Because the game used to be “mostly for fun” – especially the big events like World Bosses (which I really loved, especially Tequatl the Sunless) and WvW. For those features I was playing GW2.
So, the choice of the server I made my characters was simple – one of the biggest and best servers – Desolation. I was playing peacefully, doing what like when I like (World Bosses and WvW). But, I don’t know what idea has reached NCsoft’s minds and they releasd the 15th April patch…
How is it possible to order bosses to the minute instead of previous randomizing them? Why do they have to respawn every 15 minutes? And why Tequatl is respawning only 3 times a day (and of them is on the 3 am!)?
The worst thing is that before the patch I was able to kill Sunless between 10 am and 1 am (every 2 hours). And I was playing with Desolation players. Now, I’m not able to kill him and I’m sentenced to play with some rabble from the god-forsaken servers.
I’m very dissapointed and I regret wasting my money on this game. In particular – I wanted to be fair and have bought some gems… If only I knew the “new patch” would ruin every good thing, I would have never paid even a penny for this…
Not every change is going to make everyone happy, so the object is to make the majority happy. I have a feeling that the majority of the players like the Mega servers…
Anyways, you should not have posted this thread, you should have just put your feedback into the Mega Server feedback thread. This thread will either be closed or locked.
Something that just occurred to me today is that megaservers have basically increased the minimum hardware requirements for the game.
For a year and a half I have played, at 100% best performance minimum settings, with little or infrequent graphical lag. Now every world event I go to drops me to 5 fps or less. People keep telling me it’s my fault for having an old rig, but it ran just fine until the population of world events shot up 5×.
I have a feeling that the majority of the players like the Mega servers…
Your feelings are wrong.
I did never hear of it and did never see it before. I know now there are multiple games that are / going to use it but I did hear it for the first time with ESO. Anyway, the question was not so much if it existed longer but how it worked in another game.
A good example is DC Universe Online, and there it works quite well.
One can also assume that they worked on the MegaServer in GW2 long before they saw how it worked in ESO, so don’t really see what ESO have to do with anything at all.Like I said it’s just an example to see if and so how it works in other games.
guilds not getting split up in ESO or DC Universe Online?
ESO is using a silly phasing system that makes the GW2 Megaserver look like a masterpiece. ESO is a “typical” fedex quest game but in order to be on the same zone as your friends you MUST be on the same quest stage, otherwise even your freaking party members disappear, and you can’t help, nor can be helped by, anyone that has already done the quests or doesn’t have them active. It’s totally ridiculous.
In PVP though, I think there is no split because Cyrodil is huge and can accomodate loads of people. Of course that’s only because most of it is empty, barren, devoid of life or anything of importance, just like the entire game world.
I know a few mmorpgs that use a megaserver approach, Neverwinter online was one (after beta) and if I remember correctly The Secret World had one huge shard at a point. It’s nothing new really.
The problem (and the difference) with the other games is that in Guild Wars 2 we have boss schedules, those force people to bunch up and create huge groups that cause all the problems with guildies/friends not going on the same map. I don’t think any other MMORPG has such a silly schedule system for World Bosses like Guild Wars 2 has (could be wrong though) as usually this type of epic big boss is inside an instance.