Feedback/Questions: The Megaserver System: World Bosses and Events
Feedback/Questions: The Megaserver System: World Bosses and Events
Posted by: Treebeard The Swift.9620
I feel the urge to bump.
Megaservers are bad because the “smart” sorting is terrible and players have no control over what to do when it fails aside from blindly asking guildies if they are in a different map so they can join spam them….
I had a terrible time during this week’s guild missions because 2 maps we had them in were megaservered…. the waypoints didnt work, the guild kept getting split into different servers (took like 10 minutes just to make sure we were in the same map twice!!) and then there was guilds in that server already doing the an event which effectively blocked our progress (another 15 minutes wasted!!!)
Frankly here are my suggestions:
1. Allow players options on how they want the megaserver to sort them— Sliders or such for options so players can decide how weighted the choice between the following would go a long way: Guild based, Home Server based, Emptiest megaserver, and most populated megaserver
2. Give players direct control over where they want to go in case they didnt like the sorting . And no, having to ask someone if you can join their party to get the privilege of right click joining on them s not a solution.
3. Increase the rate of the natural spawn timers on the bigger bosses. This means Tequatl, Karka and Wurm, even if they dont get done they should spawn at least every 3 hours like they used to give non organized players of every time zone a chance at them.
4. Remove all contested waypoints from the game. They were all based on how active your home server was and how often people were clearing them, this responded to your old server system and dont work now. Remove the possibility of them getting contested at all. (Removing WP costs would also sort of make this better because at least im not spending more silver to experiment)
Feedback/Questions: The Megaserver System: World Bosses and Events
Posted by: CuteLilKittenHugz.2064
I hate the new megaserver system. It brings so very little good to the table, and they are heavily outweighed by its countless flaws. One in particular I’d like to voice my opinion about is the World Boss changes. I have only completed a whopping ONE world boss event since April 15th. I used to be able to do several a day. Now, every single time I’ve attempted to participate, the WB never spawns. Either I miss the event because I can’t make the tiny window of the exact time it starts, OR when i actually do happen to make it, the event always ends early because someone didn’t know you aren’t supposed to do this or that or the boss won’t spawn.
This megaserver system and new WB schedule has got to go. Good-bye no one loves you and no one will miss you.
As someone who helped to run a world boss train for a majority of Isle of Janthir, this patch has made the game a lot less enjoyable. The whole premise of this change was to make world bosses more accessible and promote the growth of social communities.
However, the addition of MegaServers and synchronization seems, to me at least, to have done the opposite. Through the process of this quality of life update, so many communities have been destroyed. Just before WvW Leagues started, we held a raffle for about a week and a half during the 2 1/2 hours we would complete ALL the world bosses. We raised about 500 gold worth of siege and supplies for IOJ’s WvW community. There’s no way we could ever possibly do that again with the implementation of MegaServers.
As it is now, It’s nearly impossible to find a contested temple because of the auto-balancing of maps. I’m sure they’re out there, but who knows which server they’re on or which server I’m on for that matter. If you do find one, in about 30 seconds the map will be flooded with people and no one else from my party/guild can get in.
On top of that, if an event becomes bugged, like the instance of Temple of Melandru I found last night. Instead of a single server of people missing out on that for a little bit, now at least 10x the amount of people are going to miss out on it because no one will want to be on that map, but people will be forced to go there regardless.
Personally I’d like to see MegaServers rolled back entirely, but I know that won’t happen. I kind of wish we could have a hybrid, removing the guesting limitations, but maintain seperate servers, again that won’t happen. A lot of good ideas have been given in this thread, I really REALLY hope that Arena Net listens to some of them.
Regardless, they’ve changed the game from “play as you please” to “play this way, because it’s better.”
I wish Arena Net had been more vocal about their roll out of MegaServers as well, instead of just pushing them out without any real notice. I’m pretty sure 50% of the games population doesn’t realize that all maps are MegaServered now.
Any ways, sorry for rambling and not maintaining a straight line of thought, I just really hate the state of the game currently. I don’t see why Arena Net decided to fix something that wasn’t broken.
Regarding the megaserver changes:
- But…I like my peace and quiet…
I like my server because of the low number of players I run into in PvE. I enjoy rarely coming across a single other player and hanging together in silence as we explore and fight enemies before splitting off and going our separate ways to find more adventures. Seeing dozens upon dozens of players running past me every minute ruins my sense of immersion into the world.
With this virtual server merge, no longer will I be able to play content alone and in relative peace and quiet. Every enemy I face will likely be attacked by several others, or will even already be dead before I can even get to it. Every hilltop I climb for the view will be soured by a dozen other people already crowding the peak. Every remote path through the mountains or forest that I walk along (literally and with the UI off) will no longer be a serene stroll with only sounds of birds, wind and water bubbling in streams. The pleasure of a silent stroll will now be saturated with the unceasing sounds of a dozen other players constantly slaughtering the bunnies and deer nestling nearby and the busy bee line of players running back and forth across my screen.
Yes, this is an MMO, I know there are other people in the game world and that one can expect to see and interact with other players. However, the frequency of that interaction was a choice players had based on the server they choose to play on. Servers have been specifically chosen by some (many?) players based on the density and attitudes/play styles of other players on that server.
I like my server because I do not see dozens of players every 15 seconds running around. If I wanted that then I would go to one of the larger, more densely populated servers. The megaserver changes will destroy OW-PvE for me and will take away my choice of playing how I want to play.
Again, if I wanted to interact with more people in the open world, I’d guest or transfer to a higher pop server. Bringing them to me and forcing interaction against my will sours my game experience. Instead of adding the living feeling to the world, more players thrown across my path only snaps me out of the immersion and reminds me that it isn’t a living world because a person taking a stroll out in the woods shouldn’t be met with the bustling crowds of dozens of people running like mad across my path every 15 seconds.
Regarding the world bosses and events changes:
- Hinterlands: Ulgoth put on a timer? – Living and dynamic world goes bye-bye?
First I will be losing my solitude and immersion into my surroundings, now I will also lose the ability to run the Hinterlands dynamic event chain (among others) when I choose to?
“Static” is not the same thing as “Dynamic”, it is the opposite.
Removing the dynamic nature of zone events (such as those leading up to confronting Ulgoth) and making them into statically scheduled events is nothing short of pure madness. Arguably the most fun and spectacularly designed event chain and zone boss group event in the game (which other zone events should have been modeled off of) …and you remove the dynamic nature of it and throw it on a fixed timer?
The “living” feeling and the dynamic nature of the world and what occurs in it is constantly being removed from the game.- Why is the implementation and feeling of the “Living World” being slowly and intentionally removed?
- Why are you intentionally removing the ability for players to bring about and have their own adventures?
- Why are you forcing us to only have the adventures you want us to have, when you want us to have them?
- Are you wanting all players of your game to have a uniform, predetermined experience as is gradually being dictated?
This isn’t playing “the way you want to” – this is being forced into a box with players who are not on your server and who could be WvW enemies…
The Megaserver may have done wonders for the devs but it didn’t do a thing for the players who were fine with guesting to get what was needed without absolutely wrecking WvW and, as you put it, our peace – oh, our peace.
And as has been pointed out very clearly – this destroys many guild missions.
The only thing I would like is that, now i can meet people from other servers
and the fact that I actually made some friends thanks to the megaserver system
But, I still don’t like it for the following reasons:
1.) I feel like working when I do world bosses
One of the feature made me join GW2 is that events generates more like randomly around the world. That means I play a role of adventurer and I keep an eye on what is happening around the world. This is THE one feature that really make Tyria to be lively.
Now when I want to do world bosses, I stick to a schedule. Yes, some other events are still random but world bosses matters. Not that much people are willing to do those ordinary random events, and that’s the reason why these events alone could not give life to Tyria.
2.) There claimed to be no overflow, but they just changed the name
You can still see a main server and some abandoned “overflow” servers. Big raids are still dominated by big guilds like TTS. ArenaNet didn’t quite solve the problem. Ordinary players are still having hard time finding a good server for a promised successful, greatly organized raids.
3.) Nodesssss
Yeah as explained, not going to talk more about that
4.) Double your screen loading time if you want to be with your friends
Before megaserver, we just need to guest to be with any of my friends for the whole day. Now, I might need to join in their server every single map change and this is annoying.
5.) Please let us queue to a specific server
The title say it all. Those un-limited right clicking is making me not wanting to do big events.
Hmmm and speaking of hardcore events, I like it, but please don’t make festivals be TTS only. Teq, 3-headed wurms and maybe future world bosses are enough.
We civilians would like to enjoy big celebrations in Tyria as well.