Finishing your dailies for Laurels.
Uncle salty I hear what you are saying and please correct me if i don’t completely understand.
What you are suggesting is a system that allows people who put in 1/3 of the time to earn the same reward as those who put in 3/3 of time. Or are u sugsting a system where if an achievement takes roughly 2 hours to tackle you allow more than one day to do it. Thus time spent is the same but the time is spread out.
If you are suggesting the later I would not mind seeing a truncated monthly type achievement which we can call a “weekly”. These would be a little more difficult than a daily and provide 1 or 2 laurels.
Remember the Guild Wars where you used to be able to get BiS gear in less than few days just by playing the game?
“*What Happened?*
Remember how in Guild Wars 1 if you weren’t PvP and unlocking skills through Balthazar Faction you had to wait forever to get access to certain skills . . . and by the time you got them you probably found more efficient ways of doing without?
Guild Wars 1 was constructed completely differently from the ground up, and that design got really kind of worn down towards the end. The initial idea was that people would do the PvE to learn the game then go into the PvP side of it. When that didn’t happen the game pretty much stopped being the initial concept and had to adapt. It did it well enough, but as I said . . . that kinda started to get worn thin even as Nightfall was getting handled. Important to note that GW1 it wasn’t the gear which was of much importance, it was your attributes which controlled your attack effectiveness.
Guild Wars 2 was designed as a different game, but take note. You had people getting “Best in Slot” gear within a few days anyway. You still can get the “Best in Slot” within a month for one of your choice, or faster if you’re lucky/determined.
How did you ever have to wait to get any skill in Guild Wars, Aura of the Lich comes from a level 28 mob, you can probably skill cap it at level 12 if you’re efficient enough. That might take up to 10 hours if you’re not going all out, yet still making an effort to rush.
Maybe it was the Allegiance rank skills? Currently it would take 33 hours to get a max allegiance rank skill with a dedicated group. 66 hours if you were solo and dedicated.
Sunspear skills? I’ve done 0-10 in 23 hours Arjok farming.
Moreover where did you get the idea that gear wasn’t important? Having proper runes and sigils for your build was imperative for most professions.
Now to get back on the topic of gear, after all that is what this topic was about was it not? A simple analogy would be the comparison in loot between Borderlands and Borderlands 2, as such the same connection can easily be made about Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2. You simply cannot get BiS gear by playing the game how you want to play it.
In broader perspective, why should ArenaNet even care about the guy who wanted to level 1-80 completely under-water(Remember that hypothetical dreamer from one of the Colin “smiles” Johanson interviews)? When they can readily pilfer from the WoW-plebmill, awarding them extra sheep points for completing mindless and skilless tasks, so that they can one day save up for that thing that they always wanted.
They should just use SP’s for Laurels. Buy 10 Laurels with 20 SP’s or whatever the ratio needs to be. Problem solved. Anyone can amass skill points and not have to log in every day.
True, but then you get people who would grind the living heck out of experience. Laurels appear to be a means of controlling how fast those objects being sold are earned more than just another weird currency.
I see. They’re trying to control how fast the players who play 23 hours a day get things. Not possible, they already have everything and are on fractal 7500 with a legendary and full exotic dungeon set with ascended everything and max agony resist.
Not sure how hard it would be to implement, would folks be happy with a daily that only resets upon two criteria.
first: All objectives met. meaning if you didnt finish it doesnt reset.
I would not recommend applying this to monthly however.
second: Server Time passes ie 7est as it is now.
What that means is if you dont finish your daily it carries over to next day or next week. Say you finally finish at 2est. Daily resets at 7est just like everyone else.
That way someone who doesnt log in everyday or gets home from work at 5:30 has dinner etc logs in at 6:30 doesnt have to worry about never getting a daily done on time.
I guess the people who log in once every few days don’t care about ascended items, and are happy with their exotics.
Yes that is about it
Or not. It could well be that many people’s game time is restricted by other commitments in life. They may well wish to follow the prescribed power curve but are compromised, at least in terms of time to acquisition.
There are other aspects as well. For active players they may quickly achieve a daily completion and then the remainder of their gameplay that day is unrecognized and unrewarded. And, there is the tangentially related issue of alts. The daily achievements, and therefore the path of the power curve, do not take alts into consideration. You can’t hop on an alt and do the daily for them so that they can get the amulet in reasonable time. And for the unreasonable altoholic who has, say 8 level 80 characters (not naming any names here), that means 8 months (no monthlies) to get one piece of max level gear in one slot for each character. There are a number of issues that make the path of the power curve problematic for some players and it’s not just problematic for casuals.
Uncle Salty, your solution of being able to do 3 days worth of dailies would still give problems to a subset of the population. What about the player that is only able to play 1 hour every 3 days? They don’t have the time to finish all 3 dailies so, according to you, they are “missing” dailies that they could be getting and, thus, will take much longer to achieve the laurels necessary for their first amulet. Poor player Should the system be changed for that person? If you answer no, why not?
WHAT?How did you ever have to wait to get any skill in Guild Wars, Aura of the Lich comes from a level 28 mob, you can probably skill cap it at level 12 if you’re efficient enough. That might take up to 10 hours if you’re not going all out, yet still making an effort to rush.
Oh ye of little knowledge, the wiki shall absolve you of your ignorance. Look how many skills you would have to wait until certain parts of the campaign to buy off Skill Trainers. I’m not talking Elites, my dear reader, like “Aura of the Lich” . . . by the way, that only appears in the final mission of Prophecies and on a post-campaign enemy. So great choice of skills to use as an example! Another one – Hundred Blades, formerly limited to the final mission in Prophecies. Also only appears at certain mission points in other campaigns.
That’s what I’m talking about. If you want those Skills, you had to push through the campaign to get there. Especially Hell’s Precipice where you get “Aura of the Lich”. Or Ember Light Camp, where Dakk would train you on any skill in Prophecies. Or how about the Skill “Power Drain”, which would require you to at least reach Maguuma to pick up. Or transfer campaigns and reach a similar distance.
Maybe it was the Allegiance rank skills? Currently it would take 33 hours to get a max allegiance rank skill with a dedicated group. 66 hours if you were solo and dedicated.
Sunspear skills? I’ve done 0-10 in 23 hours Arjok farming.
So, you could get around that by excessive farming? How exactly does this not compare to what we’re talking about? But no, I was referring specifically to how you would need to at least reach a certain point to access them. And some desirable ones would show up late.
Moreover where did you get the idea that gear wasn’t important? Having proper runes and sigils for your build was imperative for most professions.
“Did you even play Guild Wars?”
What’s “proper”? Remember, there were several builds you could make per class. Every Assassin didn’t need to have the same runes (even if they did), every Monk didn’t need to have the same runes (and they frequently did not, at least two skilled monks I know had extra armor in their bags . . . one Prot set and one Heal set). Rangers tended to have a couple sets too, if they ran Trap builds often enough.
I think so, wait, is Guild Wars the one with the orcs? Yes of course I played Guild Wars, and I remember it fairly well apparently. By the way, keep being hilarious trying to get a rise out of me, that’s not working.
Now to get back on the topic of gear, after all that is what this topic was about was it not? A simple analogy would be the comparison in loot between Borderlands and Borderlands 2, as such the same connection can easily be made about Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2. You simply cannot get BiS gear by playing the game how you want to play it.
Sure you can. I play it the way I want to play it, and you know, I’m rather close to Best-in-Slot. Three dedicated weekends and I’d have it. Or I could just play the game the way I want, and wait a few months. I’ll get what I “need” eventually, and am not in a rush.
I’m playing the way I want to play, Best-in-Slot gear will be mine eventually, so I apparently can get it that way.
OK, time to use some actual numbers, and may the gods forgive me for doing so. I’m going to use my mesmer as he’s set up right now with a relatively balanced build. Here’s the numbers:
Ascended Amulet: 126 power, 85 precision, 9% crit
Ruby-ori Berserk: 115 power, 79 precision, 8% crit
Base: 1867 power, 1684 precision, 35% crit
The Ascended amulet is replacing the Ruby Orichalcum amulet of the berserker. The base numbers are without an amulet equipped at all. The ascended amulet gives me an increase of 11 power, 6 precision and 1% critical damage. In other words, after changing amulets we see this:
Power: 1982 -> 1993
Precision: 1763 -> 1769
Crit dmg: 44% -> 45%
C’mon people… are you really stressing over numbers this marginal? You can practically change a gem and have a bigger impact.Yeah, but what will happen when full Ascended Gear is available? 10% more crit for example definitely makes a difference.
It takes three weeks, including the monthly, to get the amulet alone. Three weeks, 30 laurels, then another three weeks to get the utility infusion if you choose that route. I can easily see the armor pieces, when introduced, taking notably longer, as they should be. Someone willing to dedicate a year or so towards getting an ascended full set for a handful of extra stat points (and who can still be defeated by someone in exotics) has, in my opinion, earned them. I’ll salute their corpse for their efforts in WvW.
So we agree that being unemployed or spending all of your spare time in GW2 gives you an advantage. Which wasn’t supposed to happen, even a legendary doesn’t do that. Plus it supports addictive behaviour.
They should just use SP’s for Laurels. Buy 10 Laurels with 20 SP’s or whatever the ratio needs to be. Problem solved. Anyone can amass skill points and not have to log in every day.
True, but then you get people who would grind the living heck out of experience. Laurels appear to be a means of controlling how fast those objects being sold are earned more than just another weird currency.
I see. They’re trying to control how fast the players who play 23 hours a day get things. Not possible, they already have everything and are on fractal 7500 with a legendary and full exotic dungeon set with ascended everything and max agony resist.
You’re missing the point I’m trying to illustrate. Placing a method of earning this stuff in existing currencies has issues with people who could just force-grind it in a far shorter amount of time. And that’s assuming nothing new gets added to the Laurel Merchant later.
If they tied it to Karma, you’d get overactive Karma farms and complaining about how people aren’t earning it fast enough. I also ran the math in a rough outline a little bit back and noticed the psychological difference between “a buttload” of Karma versus “ten days of completed achievements”.
If they tied it to Skill Points, and by derivation Experience, you get people grinding experience and complaining they aren’t earning it fast enough.
If you tied it to Influence (why in the name of God….) then you’d get complaints that small guilds can’t compete and big guilds would just stomp-faceroll anyone smaller.
If you tied it to gold, you’d get the “Pay To Win” coming back with a vengeance.
If you tied it to Mystic Coins (which you earn one for Daily and a larger for Monthly) you’d have complaints since it’s used in Legendary-related recipes. Clearly ArenaNet wants you to buy your Legendary instead of using the Coins!
DOn’t forget that each of the 5 tasks take a certain amount of time. Maybe the ‘casual’ guy doesn’t have time to complete 75 underwater kills, 15 vet’s defeated, 15 Events, 60 gatherings, and 30 Allies healed during his once-every-three-days-playing.
But the bottom line is that if you can’t log in during a 24 hour period, then you should have no expectation for any optional ‘reward’ that has nothing to do with your ability to enjoy the game.
There’s not enough reward for the work involved in messing with dailies for myself. It’s too much like taking on a job at McDonald’s for minimum wage.
This isn’t a bid to put more “rewarding” things on the vendor. This is a bid to stop trying to appeal to people’s OCD disorders to keep them hooked, and stop making grinds that aren’t fun or rewarding.
GW2 has so much potential and I’m watching my friends leave in droves now. Getting irritated being on my 3rd guild folding and having to keep making more friends. Friends are the only thing that keep me in a game when the fun is gone. A strange conundrum, I know. :P
C’mon people… are you really stressing over numbers this marginal? You can practically change a gem and have a bigger impact.
lol you get a bigger change by swapping gems because you are putting an equivalent amount into other stats, you don’t get more stats. you could equally argue there’s a bigger change by swapping traits or classes <_<
and while your example is specifically chosen to show a small difference, here is a larger one
opal orichalium amulet of the explorer vs golden lotus
exotic item with exotic jem
79 power
79 precision
7% MFascended item with fine infusion
85 power
85 precision
30% MFdifference in %
+7.5% power
+7.5% precision
+328.5% MF
since your base MF is 0 thats a pretty big increase ehTLDR numbers can show whatever you like depending on how you do the calculation and what variables you include
devs say its a 5-10% increase, which is approximately right, trying to spin it as marginal due to base stats is ridiculous given anyone can take off their gear and see the difference in performance compared to base stats alone gear makes for them. if you want to include base stats in your calculation you need to count the difference for every slot and for every possible build.
No matter how you try to fudge the math to produce the illusion of the worst case scenario the fact remains that you’ve added 6 power and 6 precision. Even with a base of 1800 in either, that’s a .33% increase. You can compare the sizes of two ants, saying one is 50% bigger than the other… but it really doesn’t matter when compared to the shoe that’s squishing them.
OK, time to use some actual numbers, and may the gods forgive me for doing so. I’m going to use my mesmer as he’s set up right now with a relatively balanced build. Here’s the numbers:
Ascended Amulet: 126 power, 85 precision, 9% crit
Ruby-ori Berserk: 115 power, 79 precision, 8% crit
Base: 1867 power, 1684 precision, 35% crit
The Ascended amulet is replacing the Ruby Orichalcum amulet of the berserker. The base numbers are without an amulet equipped at all. The ascended amulet gives me an increase of 11 power, 6 precision and 1% critical damage. In other words, after changing amulets we see this:
Power: 1982 -> 1993
Precision: 1763 -> 1769
Crit dmg: 44% -> 45%
C’mon people… are you really stressing over numbers this marginal? You can practically change a gem and have a bigger impact.Yeah, but what will happen when full Ascended Gear is available? 10% more crit for example definitely makes a difference.
It takes three weeks, including the monthly, to get the amulet alone. Three weeks, 30 laurels, then another three weeks to get the utility infusion if you choose that route. I can easily see the armor pieces, when introduced, taking notably longer, as they should be. Someone willing to dedicate a year or so towards getting an ascended full set for a handful of extra stat points (and who can still be defeated by someone in exotics) has, in my opinion, earned them. I’ll salute their corpse for their efforts in WvW.
So we agree that being unemployed or spending all of your spare time in GW2 gives you an advantage. Which wasn’t supposed to happen, even a legendary doesn’t do that. Plus it supports addictive behaviour.
Unemployed or all spare time? Takes me an hour or two at most to do a daily. I see what’s required for it and make the active choice to play in a way that accomplishes that.
We hatesess antssess!!
I personally don’t like this “log in daily, if you want xyz” either. So I agree with the TO.
Friends are the only thing that keep me in a game when the fun is gone. A strange conundrum, I know. :P
Oddly, friends in my guild were what kept me coming back (albeit only for special events) for the last two years of Guild Wars 1.
I personally don’t like this “log in daily, if you want xyz” either. So I agree with the TO.
Let me refine that for you.
One way to achieve ascended items is to log in and complete the dailies. You don’t have to do it every day, but only the days that you do will count for that particular path to ascended items.
I personally don’t like this “log in daily, if you want xyz” either. So I agree with the TO.
Let me refine that for you.
One way to achieve ascended items is to log in and complete the dailies. You don’t have to do it every day, but only the days that you do will count for that particular path to ascended items.
I’ll go one better. Ask yourself if you really want the items in the first place. If you do, you’ll figure out a way which works until you can get it. If not, you won’t bother.
Bright side? At least it’s not 30 days uninterrupted. Done that song and dance before, and it was considerably not-fun.
Well the point is it’s a very cheap system to lure people into a skinner-box. It’s not the experience that counts not the stuff you do but the way that you do it daily. Tell me whatever you want but I hate stuff like this because it’s one more step to a WoW light.
I personally liked this daily system at the very beginning best. Do something because you WANT to DO it and not because you gain some shinies at the end. But yeah thats me.
Yeah, I liked it when it was just a Mystic Coin and a handful of silver, and nothing else. I opted often not to do it. Then there was the Jugs of Instant Karma and I would treat the list as a checklist to get done either at the start or end of my time. And I wouldn’t sweat it if I didn’t feel up to it, because Karma? I can get that anywhere else.
Now Laurels . . . after I get my main his Amulet and maybe a Ring, I’ll probably no longer even try doing the Daily. I’ll be honest, I’m dropping in more frequently because I know if I put the effort in now, I don’t have to put it in later. That’s the theory behind my method of dealing with this.
Also worth noting . . . I do my Daily in an hour and a half at the most, when events just aren’t syncing up with my timing. I’ve also finished Daily in less than a half hour. Dodge, Kill Count, Gathering, Events, and Crafter. I logged out at the “R&D Waypoint” in Cursed Shore and Arena was starting, I ran to the shoreline to the west and got scent glands for the skritt there, then the Tar Elementals started on the outpost, THEN I finished the two other missions following from the scent glands.
Traveled to home borderlands and crafted my items, hit two trees in the north camp and that was it.
I personally don’t like this “log in daily, if you want xyz” either. So I agree with the TO.
Again, a blanket statement that provides opinion without comments to substantiate it.
The fallacy of your logic is you negate to mention that item “xyz” can be achieved by logging in on any day which is not “daily”.
It is the sum of the optional daily achievement rewards obtained over time. Therefore this who complete the daily achievements casually such as one a week or those who do them everyday can receive the exact same rewards for their efforts.
Well the point is it’s a very cheap system to lure people into a skinner-box. It’s not the experience that counts not the stuff you do but the way that you do it daily. Tell me whatever you want but I hate stuff like this because it’s one more step to a WoW light.
I personally liked this daily system at the very beginning best. Do something because you WANT to DO it and not because you gain some shinies at the end. But yeah thats me.
You still can do it if you want to. You don’t need ascended gear to succeed in this game, nor will dailies be the only means to ascended items. Now, if you do dailies, you get a laurel. Some people are using those for lots of dyes etc… it’s only one path to ascended gear and you don’t even need to spend the laurels on ascended items.
I personally don’t like this “log in daily, if you want xyz” either. So I agree with the TO.
Again, a blanket statement that provides opinion without comments to substantiate it.
The fallacy of your logic is you negate to mention that item “xyz” can be achieved by logging in on any day which is not “daily”.
It is the sum of the optional daily achievement rewards obtained over time. Therefore this who complete the daily achievements casually such as one a week or those who do them everyday can receive the exact same rewards for their efforts.
The efford is to log in daily, it’s not that if you DO more – you get more it’s that you have to do it regularly every 24 hours or it doesn’t count for the laurel. Also it would be awesome if you could read my second post too before blaming me. As well I’m stating a personal opinion which should be allowed in a public forum, isn’t it?
Sure you can. I play it the way I want to play it, and you know, I’m rather close to Best-in-Slot. Three dedicated weekends and I’d have it. Or I could just play the game the way I want, and wait a few months. I’ll get what I “need” eventually, and am not in a rush.
I’m playing the way I want to play, Best-in-Slot gear will be mine eventually, so I apparently can get it that way.
Thanks for understanding that you cannot get BiS in a “few” days just as I stated before. No need to write out a long winded deflection post.
But let’s be honest you probably couldn’t level a character in a few days without crafting anyways.
Generally I find the concept of dailies rather lazy in terms of game design, as they’re often represented as shallow and mindless tasks. However if they could be more along the lines of doing dungeons with “Pain Randomisers” from Don’t Starve, that might be interesting.
If I had to rate them in comparisons to other aspects of Guild Wars 2, I would say that the shoe-horning of amulets only being obtainable through dailies is equal to if not worse than the Story.
Sure you can. I play it the way I want to play it, and you know, I’m rather close to Best-in-Slot. Three dedicated weekends and I’d have it. Or I could just play the game the way I want, and wait a few months. I’ll get what I “need” eventually, and am not in a rush.
I’m playing the way I want to play, Best-in-Slot gear will be mine eventually, so I apparently can get it that way.
Thanks for understanding that you cannot get BiS in a “few” days just as I stated before. But let’s be honest you probably couldn’t level a character in a few days without crafting anyways.
No, probably not, but what’s your point? You said I couldn’t do it playing the way I wanted. Could not. CANNOT. That was what you said. You moved the goalposts once I defined how I play.
And again, I could do it in the time you want to issue me, if I cared to. But I don’t so why . . . exactly . . . are you saying it’s invalid?
You simply cannot get BiS gear by playing the game how you want to play it.
I can. I will. And that proves you wrong.
Uncle Salty, your solution of being able to do 3 days worth of dailies would still give problems to a subset of the population. What about the player that is only able to play 1 hour every 3 days? They don’t have the time to finish all 3 dailies so, according to you, they are “missing” dailies that they could be getting and, thus, will take much longer to achieve the laurels necessary for their first amulet. Poor player
Should the system be changed for that person? If you answer no, why not?
There will always be someone that won’t be satisfied with a given system. Always.
So you build a system that satisfies most of the population, so you set up some arbitrary cut-off point to what lengths you’ll go to satisfy the most persons. So dunno, in this case I’d look at the number of players and how many dailies they do per week/month, stuff like that. If number of dailies done on average per unique player done was low (idk 15 out of 30 per month – here’s the arbitrary part) I’d change the system so dailies can add up for 2-3 days.
Hell, it doesn’t effect players that do dailies religiously and it helps the people that can’t/forget/whatever do them all at once every few days…hm, even if you do them daily you can then have a choice when to bother and not be forced to do them every darn day.
So no idea why people are even against this. Some kind of reverse entitlement :P
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee
I personally don’t like this “log in daily, if you want xyz” either. So I agree with the TO.
Again, a blanket statement that provides opinion without comments to substantiate it.
The fallacy of your logic is you negate to mention that item “xyz” can be achieved by logging in on any day which is not “daily”.
It is the sum of the optional daily achievement rewards obtained over time. Therefore this who complete the daily achievements casually such as one a week or those who do them everyday can receive the exact same rewards for their efforts.
The efford is to log in daily, it’s not that if you DO more – you get more it’s that you have to do it regularly every 24 hours or it doesn’t count for the laurel. Also it would be awesome if you could read my second post too before blaming me. As well I’m stating a personal opinion which should be allowed in a public forum, isn’t it?
i need 20 min max to do daily 100% all its EPICly easy
I have a routine for my dailies and I have no problem with them. Even though I don’t play GW2 much. If I know the following day I won’t play GW2 much, ie I have college or I want to play something else then I do my daily at 00:00. It usually takes me 30-45 minutes to do my daily. I go to sleep when I done my daily. Or if I get unlucky with my Events and I don’t manage to do my daily I do as much as I can. So that the little time I play I can finish them off.
I’m somewhat addicted to dailies so even if I don’t feel like playing GW2 I still come on to do my daily like a zombie
i need 20 min max to do daily 100% all its EPICly easy
It’s not so simple as “is it easy” as “I feel I need to log in daily”. For some, it’s a big thing, and it feels like a leash. That’s clear in abundance. Others don’t notice because they’re already in the game daily, and can spare the time to do them.
You’re all arguing over something that is changing here in the next week or so, and they have already mentioned they are adding in other ways to obtain Laurels.
I liken the people complaining here to people who want to open their Christmas presents on Thanksgiving.
i need 20 min max to do daily 100% all its EPICly easy
It’s not so simple as “is it easy” as “I feel I need to log in daily”. For some, it’s a big thing, and it feels like a leash. That’s clear in abundance. Others don’t notice because they’re already in the game daily, and can spare the time to do them.
I agree, I’m one of those people. But it’s our own fault for being on that “leash”. If you want something badly enough then you’ll do it. There’s nothing forcing you to do the daily and get your laurels. It all depends if you want the gear or not
You’re all arguing over something that is changing here in the next week or so, and they have already mentioned they are adding in other ways to obtain Laurels.
I liken the people complaining here to people who want to open their Christmas presents on Thanksgiving.
If they add other ways, I’ll get my work done faster and will relax sooner.
Also, umm, I hate to tell you this? But for the last few years I knew what my Christmas presents were going to be by the second week of October. Usually the answer is “nothing”, or “a quiet day with no family drama”.
So this is the current system.
The alternative to FOTM is to religiously finish your dailies . Meaning if you want X item, keep doing it for said amount of days. Putting aside, monthly achievement bonus of 10 laurels, let’s put things into perspective before I go further.
Assuming Tom, Phallus and Harry all want an ascended ring. 30 laurels. Which ring is of no relevance. Don’t bring necessity in. They want it, so it’s necessary to them. Your opinion of what is and what isn’t would be moot.
Tom logs in and does his achievements everyday. So it’d take him 30 days to hit 30 laurels.
Phallus comes once every two days which would take him 60 days to hit 30 laurels.
Harry often gets himself in a tangle and only manages to log in once every 3 days. Which would ultimately take him 90 days to reach 30 laurels.
With all the hue and cry for all the unnecessary things out there, why isn’t this a concern for any of you casuals or players who log in irregularly?
There are people who live rather sporadic lifestyles. They can be busy for a few and be stuck on the couch for the next. So because dailies are dailies, the deadline expires on the day itself. As such attaining said item from the laurel shop would take unnaturally long.
There are games like Forsaken World which allows you to accumulate your rewards for up to 3 days. That’s a decent compromise.
And it isn’t from the kindness from my heart I thought of this. I just went to bed early and forgot all about the last 15% on gathering to finish my daily. Brain fart happened and I wonder why this isn’t a bigger issue.
Moderator edit: off-topic content removed
i got an story also
Tom , John and harry want an bike. Bike cost 2000 Gold
They earn 10 gold / hour.
Tom works 8 hours/day -from monday to saturday.
John works 8 hours /day- from monday to thursday
Harry works 8 hours /day on weekend.
Who will get his bike first?
Should we reward Harry for other activities, and help him buy the bike same day with Tom?
If Tom and Harry will get the bike in same day, why would Tom work more for it ?
i need 20 min max to do daily 100% all its EPICly easy
It’s not so simple as “is it easy” as “I feel I need to log in daily”. For some, it’s a big thing, and it feels like a leash. That’s clear in abundance. Others don’t notice because they’re already in the game daily, and can spare the time to do them.
I agree, I’m one of those people. But it’s our own fault for being on that “leash”. If you want something badly enough then you’ll do it. There’s nothing forcing you to do the daily and get your laurels. It all depends if you want the gear or not
I don’t really want the gear. I just will be getting it because after I finish my Monthly today or tomorrow I’ll have the amount it will cost. And I see little reason not to buy it for my main character. Aside from the fact, well, he’s a ranger.
And if I really wanted another one? I’d do 20 days of work and a monthly next month. If I don’t, I won’t. Things really are just that simple for how I approach this stuff. You should see my plan for getting a Legendary.
It starts with Heck freezing over.
I personally don’t like this “log in daily, if you want xyz” either. So I agree with the TO.
Again, a blanket statement that provides opinion without comments to substantiate it.
The fallacy of your logic is you negate to mention that item “xyz” can be achieved by logging in on any day which is not “daily”.
It is the sum of the optional daily achievement rewards obtained over time. Therefore this who complete the daily achievements casually such as one a week or those who do them everyday can receive the exact same rewards for their efforts.
The efford is to log in daily, it’s not that if you DO more – you get more it’s that you have to do it regularly every 24 hours or it doesn’t count for the laurel. Also it would be awesome if you could read my second post too before blaming me. As well I’m stating a personal opinion which should be allowed in a public forum, isn’t it?
Sure stating your opinion is fine. However in an environment where a debate is in place your opinion by itself without defense of it is worthless.
It’s like if I only respond to peoples posts by saying " you are wrong". I am entitled to that opinion but without defense it is poor for a debates sake.
Back on topic..
Please read the definitions for “optional” and “achievement”. Put the two together and apply it to laurels, dailies, and Monthlys. Redefine your parameters to succeed in the game and finally be happy with it.
@Rayya: your example is wrong: Tom, Harry and John work the same amount of time but Tom works every day 2 hours from Monday to sunday, while John is working 7 hours each on two days.
@Zoey Hellry: When I write: I agree with the TO, I say that I agree with his opinion and his arguments, so what’s your point in attacking my opinion while you can’t provide much yourself? It was not my intention to cook up this discussion any further but to support an opinion I agree with.
(edited by Pirlipat.2479)
Sure you can. I play it the way I want to play it, and you know, I’m rather close to Best-in-Slot. Three dedicated weekends and I’d have it. Or I could just play the game the way I want, and wait a few months. I’ll get what I “need” eventually, and am not in a rush.
I’m playing the way I want to play, Best-in-Slot gear will be mine eventually, so I apparently can get it that way.
Thanks for understanding that you cannot get BiS in a “few” days just as I stated before. No need to write out a long winded deflection post.
But let’s be honest you probably couldn’t level a character in a few days without crafting anyways.
Generally I find the concept of dailies rather lazy in terms of game design, as they’re often represented as shallow and mindless tasks. However if they could be more along the lines of doing dungeons with “Pain Randomisers” from Don’t Starve, that might be interesting.
If I had to rate them in comparisons to other aspects of Guild Wars 2, I would say that the shoe-horning of amulets only being obtainable through dailies is equal to if not worse than the Story.
And you know for a fact that this will be the only way to ever get ascended amulets.
You’re all arguing over something that is changing here in the next week or so, and they have already mentioned they are adding in other ways to obtain Laurels.
I liken the people complaining here to people who want to open their Christmas presents on Thanksgiving.
If they add other ways, I’ll get my work done faster and will relax sooner.
Also, umm, I hate to tell you this? But for the last few years I knew what my Christmas presents were going to be by the second week of October. Usually the answer is “nothing”, or “a quiet day with no family drama”.
My point being they are adding in more ways to get laurels, they are in the process of doing and have stated they are doing so, but people would rather keep complaining until it happens because they want it now.
Dailies are very easy, and not time consuming.
I play a little when I get home, and a little at night. By little, I mean a total of 30 min + 30 min.
If I play 30min AFTER reset and don’t finish the daily; then I can finish it tomorrow before the reset.
If I don’t, then oh well. I missed out on a single laurel.
Why is it that people must have EVERYTHING right NOW? It’s a silly notion.
i got an story also
Tom , John and harry want an bike. Bike cost 2000 Gold
They earn 10 gold / hour.
Tom works 8 hours/day -from monday to saturday.
John works 8 hours /day- from monday to thursday
Harry works 8 hours /day on weekend.
Who will get his bike first?
Should we reward Harry for other activities, and help him buy the bike same day with Tom?
If Tom and Harry will get the bike in same day, why would Tom work more for it ?
Well currently it is like this:
Tom works 2hrs/day every day = 10×2×7=140 gold (7 laurels)
Harry works 24hrs 1 day per week. = 24×10=240 gold (1 laurel)
If Anet was selling the bikes, Tom would get 7 bikes and Harry just 1 :P
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee
The problem with Karma as a currency for these, as far as I can halfway guess . . . is that it’s easily considered a “grind” more so than Laurels. If we can extrapolate what an Ascended ring or Amulet would cost through Karma? The Exotic armor available at Temples costs . . . 4,200 Karma per piece, and already people have said that it’s grind-y.(Bear in mind, 6 Daily achievements nets you 6 Jugs of Liquid Karma which will cover the cost and then some.)
I think you need to rework your premise…
As an fyi, exotic Karma armor goes fo 42,000 per piece, not 4,200. A jug of liquid karma gives you 4,500 karma. Presuming you use a karma booster (50%) and karmic infusion (15%), six dailies would get you 1 piece of exotic karma armor (not the full set). A full set costs you 252k karma (or ~34 dailies with boosters).
And yes, for some people, 42,000 (not a trivial 4,200) could be considered a grind.
Based on this, you can then extrapolate what a piece of ascended gear may cost in terms of karma. However, I don’t think it holds up under these conditions.
(edited by Mourningcry.9428)
I just blew 15 laurels on 30 dyes. Was it worth it? Yes. Yes, it was.
I did this too. Was totally worth it. Made over 10 gold.
nice turn around for just doing the daily. I run with Rare armor and Masterwork accessories. no problems surviving content for me…
The problem with Karma as a currency for these, as far as I can halfway guess . . . is that it’s easily considered a “grind” more so than Laurels. If we can extrapolate what an Ascended ring or Amulet would cost through Karma? The Exotic armor available at Temples costs . . . 4,200 Karma per piece, and already people have said that it’s grind-y.(Bear in mind, 6 Daily achievements nets you 6 Jugs of Liquid Karma which will cover the cost and then some.)
I think you need to rework your premise…
As an fyi, exotic Karma armor goes fo 42,000 per piece, not 4,200. A jug of liquid karma gives you 4,500 karma. Presuming you use a karma booster (50%) and food (10%), six dailies would get you 1 piece of exotic karma armor (not the full set). A full set costs you 252k karma.
And yes, for some people, 42,000 (not a trivial 4,200) could be considered a grind.
Based on this, you can then extrapolate what a piece of ascended gear may cost in terms of karma. However, I don’t think it holds up under these conditions.
No, probably not. 42,000? Geez wow, I really was off. And I’d just bought mine too.
Note to self, never try to argue math ever again, you suck at it. And details. And everything else.
i got an story also
Tom , John and harry want an bike. Bike cost 2000 Gold
They earn 10 gold / hour.
Tom works 8 hours/day -from monday to saturday.
John works 8 hours /day- from monday to thursday
Harry works 8 hours /day on weekend.
Who will get his bike first?
Should we reward Harry for other activities, and help him buy the bike same day with Tom?
If Tom and Harry will get the bike in same day, why would Tom work more for it ?Well currently it is like this:
Tom works 2hrs/day every day = 10×2×7=140 gold (7 laurels)
Harry works 24hrs 1 day per week. = 24×10=240 gold (1 laurel)If Anet was selling the bikes, Tom would get 7 bikes and Harry just 1 :P
ye , but A-Net prefer Tom because he clean the pool every day.
Why would they hire harry to clean an pool for 24 hours, and have it dirty for 6 days after.
That is the ideea of A-net, that is why we got DR, daily .
No, probably not. 42,000? Geez wow, I really was off. And I’d just bought mine too.
Note to self, never try to argue math ever again, you suck at it. And details. And everything else.
All good Always best to avoid the maths
I actually was off in my post as well (you could get an additional 15% boost, not 10%).
ye , but A-Net prefer Tom because he clean the pool every day.
Why would they hire harry to clean an pool for 24 hours, and have it dirty for 6 days after.
That is the ideea of A-net, that is why we got DR, daily .
cough that’s the problem with analogies A-Net doesn’t have a pool to clean and they don’t hire the players to clean it. There is actually no recquirement divide an activity and spread it over 7 days.
i got an story also
Tom , John and harry want an bike. Bike cost 2000 Gold
They earn 10 gold / hour.
Tom works 8 hours/day -from monday to saturday.
John works 8 hours /day- from monday to thursday
Harry works 8 hours /day on weekend.
Who will get his bike first?
Should we reward Harry for other activities, and help him buy the bike same day with Tom?
If Tom and Harry will get the bike in same day, why would Tom work more for it ?Well currently it is like this:
Tom works 2hrs/day every day = 10×2×7=140 gold (7 laurels)
Harry works 24hrs 1 day per week. = 24×10=240 gold (1 laurel)If Anet was selling the bikes, Tom would get 7 bikes and Harry just 1 :P
ye , but A-Net prefer Tom because he clean the pool every day.
Why would they hire harry to clean an pool for 24 hours, and have it dirty for 6 days after.
That is the ideea of A-net, that is why we got DR, daily .
Yeh, but my calculation kinda shows that people do not want stuff easy like or without effort, they just want a choice when to do it, they’ll have to put the same effort to do them.
And Anet in this case should be the bike seller not someone who hires a poolboy. It’s a big difference if you’re treating someone as hired help or a valued customer
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee
I guess the people who log in once every few days don’t care about ascended items, and are happy with their exotics.
Yes that is about it
Or not. It could well be that many people’s game time is restricted by other commitments in life. They may well wish to follow the prescribed power curve but are compromised, at least in terms of time to acquisition.
There are other aspects as well. For active players they may quickly achieve a daily completion and then the remainder of their gameplay that day is unrecognized and unrewarded. And, there is the tangentially related issue of alts. The daily achievements, and therefore the path of the power curve, do not take alts into consideration. You can’t hop on an alt and do the daily for them so that they can get the amulet in reasonable time. And for the unreasonable altoholic who has, say 8 level 80 characters (not naming any names here), that means 8 months (no monthlies) to get one piece of max level gear in one slot for each character. There are a number of issues that make the path of the power curve problematic for some players and it’s not just problematic for casuals.
I can see where you are going…. but
I have 4 atls lvl 58-62, how does it not take alts into consideration?
My time is entirely restricted by my other commitments, as far as I am concerned there is no power curve.
I do not do dungeons and I have never set foot in FoTM- why would I care about ascended gear in whatever form?
I am free to get laurels to spend on dyes or not and I like it that way