You knew that they were going to add Ascended items to the other slots after they were first released in November. It’s not a big surprise that you were going to see Ascended weapons and armor. It would however be quite surprising if ArenaNet went back on their promise and introduced a tier above Ascended at some point in time.
Oh, none of this surprised me. I saw the blog posts when the ascended rings were first added. I’ve known since last November than full ascended gear was coming eventually. And ever since that, I’ve hoped that they would make start implementing ascended gear in some way that doesn’t punish alts and build variety. And every time another piece comes out with yet another timegated, alt-hating, way to acquire it, my desire to keep playing this game dies a little.
It’s pretty discouraging to know that the devs are working hard to completely destroy your playstyle…one that they previously claimed to uphold and encourage. I’m completely for the idea that some games aren’t suited or some people/playstyles, and that it can be best to find a game more suited to you…but GW2 was suited to me, and was marketed to this type of player. And now the game is changing to suit the demands of a different type of player, at the cost of destroying my preferred playstyle. Those that want this type of long-term time-gated progression have many game options, why try to turn GW2 into something it wasn’t supposed to be?
While I don’t necessarily agree with the so called time gating mechanism, one thing it does do is put everyone on a level playing field. This way, someone who has a lot more gold than most players can’t just simply buy his/her way into an Ascended weapon. This player won’t get their hands on something that will give them a statistical edge until everyone else does. Imagine stepping into WvW where someone with a full Ascended set just destroys everyone because he/she had a lot of gold to spend versus everyone else that had a lot less and were stuck with exotics. Such a scenario is less likely if this person was forced to attain their Ascended gear at the same pace as everyone else.
I’m not saying that ArenaNet should ignore your feedback but they should look at it more carefully. They do listen to feedback. Acting on that feedback however might not always be in the best interest of the game because it can have unintended consequences. Remember when people complained about the lack of rewards for champions and how ArenaNet finally acted on it? You know how that turned out.
You have players that have complained about the lack of progression on their characters and how there’s nothing to do. Nothing to do can’t be further from the truth since they can explore the world, run all explorable dungeons, do jumping puzzles, and yes level alts. They are stuck in this whole end game mindset where they only want to progress their mains. They don’t care that there are other things to do. You might say that ArenaNet should just ignore them because giving them what they want would ultimately make you unhappy. I don’t know if they made the right decision at the time but there was no way they were going to make both groups happy.
Now back to gearing up alts with Ascended gear. Similar to how someone with more time and gold on their hands could get better gear quicker, they could also gear up their alts quicker than other players that like playing with alts. If having an edge over everyone else wasn’t enough now they have an edge over everyone else with several characters. Time gating, while it forces you to log in every day, is a necessary evil that prevents that truly rich from outright dominating the poor.