Fractals took WAY too long
People complaining like the post above are the reason I stay away from these forums but when I see a lot of good positive notes from the ANet team I have to say, I am very excited!
I really hope to see some rewards revamping with Pristine Fractal relics.
Ready and Willing Knights [RAWK] Leader – Founding Member (10 Years of GW!)
I currently see no reason to step foot in FOTM again until the new map is released. I have done all the maps several times already and have no use for the relics so why should I bother to do them again? The first 4 or maybe 5 times can be fun but after that is just doing the same thing over and over.
Things Fractals need:
1) Fractal level set to be account-wide, rather than per-character based. This is self-explanatory.
2) Length normalization, but that seems to be the acknowledged point. Find an ideal time you consider a Fractal should take, and shoot for that between all Fractals. Nobody should cheer when they get a certain Fractal just because it’s the shortest, or moan when they get the longest. That suggests misplaced rewards. Alternatively, reward in greater amounts for Fractals which take, on average, longer to complete.
3) Reduce RNG – although there is longevity in grinding for a specific Fractal weapon, there is also frustration. Fractal skins should use a token system where you either, A ) collect tokens until you have enough to purchase your desired weapon, or B ) get a single-use token in place of a skin as a daily reward which allows you to select your desired skin.
4) Increase rewards. The time vs. reward outcome of high level Fractals is just off the mark right now. At 38+ Fractals generally never take less than an hour (unless you roll Aqua, Charr and Swamp) and can sometimes take an hour and a half or more. Comparatively, a place like CoE or AC will easily net you 5g or more in under an hour for all three paths, and champion bag farming can see returns as high as 7g an hour – and all are, comparably, MUCH easier content. At higher levels, say, level 48, Fractals should never earn a player less than 5g. Realistically, at 48, players should probably expect to earn at least 7-10g or more. A good place to start would be chest rewards. For example, at level 30-39 have all chests give 1g + a guaranteed rare. At 40-49, have all chests gives 1.5g + a guaranteed rare. At 50+, have all chests give 2g + a guaranteed exotic. Obviously these numbers would have to be played with, but 48+ Fractals are currently the most difficult content in the game and should be accordingly rewarding. A very small subset of players is dedicated enough to reach these levels and run them, yet I still see people walk out of level 48 with nothing but greens and blues for an hour+ of work.
(edited by Darmikau.9413)
Do you know what an exploit even is? Your taking advantage of a mechanic that should not be used, the game wasnt made to use a dead body as a way to help you get pass a section.
Um, yes. I do know what an exploit is. I also know how basic physics works. If you stand on a pressure plate to cause a mechanism to trigger, it shouldn’t matter if you’re dead or alive to trigger it. The weight of the person standing on it is what triggers it. If you could place a rock or some other heavy object on it that would also work.
My point is that this isn’t exploiting a game mechanic to get past the puzzle. It’s how the mechanic works. It wouldn’t make any sense if a dead body didn’t trigger a pressure point in the same way as a living one. Calling this particular physics “trick” an exploit is ignoring the very core of the way the mechanism works in the first place. It would completely defy logic to not have the pressure plates work when downed or defeated. You don’t weigh any less when you’re dead.
These pressure plates should be functional regardless of whether the person standing on them is alive or dead. This seems like a fair and legitimate strategy. It may not be the best strategy since you have to die but it works. At the same time it also takes 2 out of the 5 players completely out of commission and puts the group at a possible disadvantage.
Teleporting through walls, jumping over invisible objects, climbing to locations not intended to be reachable, and stacking in strange locations to take advantage of enemy AI is not fair strategy. That is exploiting because you’re taking advantage of a game bug to progress. Standing on a pressure plate is how this particular mechanic was designed. It’s even in other parts of the game and you often need to place other objects on them to proceed. Alive or dead doesn’t matter. The plate is still pressed and the puzzle is solved.
Im saying no matter what you do lots of members of your party will die or wipe unless you have certain classes, and changed to those classes shouldnt be the only way.
The way I see it is quite simple. If you start doing high level scaling content that’s also intended to be challenging, then having to swap certain classes out to get past certain sections without using exploits may actually be necessary. Not all classes have the necessary tools to achieve certain goals.
(edited by Zedd.8239)
Fractal relics are worthless after a point. I suggest the relic golem sell a miniature kitty-golem pet that costs an obscene number of relics. I will not rest until I have such a thing.
It has to make the meow noise. I’m serious >:(
Let us use them to buy the runes from the regular dungeons.
Just the runes. The skins can stay dungeon locked for all I care.
To hell with your runes! I want a kitty golem!
Do you know what an exploit even is? Your taking advantage of a mechanic that should not be used, the game wasnt made to use a dead body as a way to help you get pass a section.
Um, yes. I do know what an exploit is. I also know how basic physics works. If you stand on a pressure plate to cause a mechanism to trigger, it shouldn’t matter if you’re dead or alive to trigger it. The weight of the person standing on it is what triggers it. If you could place a rock or some other heavy object on it that would also work. My point is that this isn’t exploiting a game mechanic to get past the puzzle. It’s how the mechanic works. It wouldn’t make any sense if a dead body didn’t trigger a pressure point in the same way as a living one. Calling this particular physics “trick” an exploit is ignoring the very core of the way the mechanism works in the first place. It would completely defy logic to not have the pressure plates work when downed or defeated. You don’t weigh any less when you’re dead. These pressure plates should be functional regardless of whether the person standing on them is alive or dead. This seems like a fair and legitimate strategy. It may not be the best strategy since you have to die but it works. At the same time it also takes 2 out of the 5 players completely out of commission and puts the group at a possible disadvantage.
Teleporting through walls, jumping over invisible objects, climbing to locations not intended to be reachable, and stacking in strange locations to take advantage of enemy AI is not fair strategy. That is exploiting because you’re taking advantage of a game bug to progress. Standing on a pressure plate is how this particular mechanic was designed. It’s even in other parts of the game and you often need to place other objects on them to proceed. Alive or dead doesn’t matter. The plate is still pressed and the puzzle is solved.
Im saying no matter what you do lots of members of your party will die or wipe unless you have certain classes, and changed to those classes shouldnt be the only way.
The way I see it is quite simple. If you start doing high level scaling content that’s also intended to be challenging, then having to swap certain classes out to get past certain sections without using exploits may actually be necessary. Not all classes have the necessary tools to achieve certain goals.
But thats way Im so mad, we should be able to take any class to do this content at any level. If we start forcing a type of class or build then isnt that the same as the “holy trinity” and isnt that the complete opposite of what gw2 stands for? I dont want another WoW were we are stuck having to take a set build type of classes to complete content and leaving some classes in the dirt.
We already have a problem with some classes being “undesirable” and more of that is not what is needed.
(edited by Faux.1937)
so far im frac lv 49 and i havent experienced this ‘’better class’’ system you are talking about ive done frac 48 in a hour and a hlaf with 5 eles ive done it with 2 eles a necro and 2 engineers and been perfectly fine all it comes down to is how experienced the player is with the fractal and ai mechanics and as long as they have a good understanding on how things work for the most part fractal runs are quite smooth
Any changes to the length and annoyance of fractals is welcome, but please, PLEASE, for the love of all thats holy take a look at the absolutely asinine rng to get fractal skins. Running 200+ fractal dailies at high levels to only have a trident and spear that I cant even use is completely ridiculous. A good fix would be to allow you to gather shards or something to work towards the weapon you want, or straight up drop a box that allows you to choose.
(edited by Lucav.9547)
I look forward to any changes made to Fractals.
I agree that fractals are too long tho. I think the ideal length of a dungeon is 20 minute with 30 minutes pushing the extreme limit. This 45+ minute stuff is crazy, I can’t sit at a computer for that long...
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
IMO we need more telegraphed and interuptable 1 shot abilities….there should be content where lesser skilled people can’t do it simply unless they improve….theres no statistical gain from it fractals is now no longer the only way to get ascended items so its perfect….if your skilled you get x item quicker…otherwise you still get x item but it’ll take longer….whats the problem? QQ’ers wanting their free uber lootz NAO!?
so far im frac lv 49 and i havent experienced this ‘’better class’’ system you are talking about ive done frac 48 in a hour and a hlaf with 5 eles ive done it with 2 eles a necro and 2 engineers and been perfectly fine
all it comes down to is how experienced the player is with the fractal and ai mechanics and as long as they have a good understanding on how things work for the most part fractal runs are quite smooth
I’ve always found it weird why players (at this stage of the game) even bother looking at class comp in this game. As long as the players knows the content and their toons are correctly built, then class comp never matters.
Nooo Anet dont shorten Dredge please. Dredge is my fav dungeon ever.
At most make it so that if you get Dredge then you get Underwater and Swamp (the shortest) to go with it, so it’s balanced.
so far im frac lv 49 and i havent experienced this ‘’better class’’ system you are talking about ive done frac 48 in a hour and a hlaf with 5 eles ive done it with 2 eles a necro and 2 engineers and been perfectly fine
all it comes down to is how experienced the player is with the fractal and ai mechanics and as long as they have a good understanding on how things work for the most part fractal runs are quite smooth
I’ve always found it weird why players (at this stage of the game) even bother looking at class comp in this game. As long as the players knows the content and their toons are correctly built, then class comp never matters.
True but it’s also true that certain comps make it much easier and/or faster.
Having a Guardian giving lots of protection uptime (i.e. not those Warrior-wannabe guardians that we carry through the dungeons) decreases the chance to fail by a lot.
Having good Warriors (i.e. not those Guardian-wannabes who spec into full defense and deal lol damages) increases the speed of the clearing.
Class comps do matter, it’s a fact.
Then of course you can get away with anything, you’re just not doing it as effectively as a comp could.
1 guard 4 warriors get through a dungeon faster and safer than say 5 rangers.
I vote for new fotm sets depending on level you do you wanted to add new fotm and that could be a new way to introduce them and would prevent the over scaling of the previous ones. Also allows you to retailor difficulty for rewards.
maybe they could make dredge count as two fractals due to its length?
so far im frac lv 49 and i havent experienced this ‘’better class’’ system you are talking about ive done frac 48 in a hour and a hlaf with 5 eles ive done it with 2 eles a necro and 2 engineers and been perfectly fine
all it comes down to is how experienced the player is with the fractal and ai mechanics and as long as they have a good understanding on how things work for the most part fractal runs are quite smooth
I’ve always found it weird why players (at this stage of the game) even bother looking at class comp in this game. As long as the players knows the content and their toons are correctly built, then class comp never matters.
True but it’s also true that certain comps make it much easier and/or faster.
Having a Guardian giving lots of protection uptime (i.e. not those Warrior-wannabe guardians that we carry through the dungeons) decreases the chance to fail by a lot.
Having good Warriors (i.e. not those Guardian-wannabes who spec into full defense and deal lol damages) increases the speed of the clearing.Class comps do matter, it’s a fact.
Then of course you can get away with anything, you’re just not doing it as effectively as a comp could.
1 guard 4 warriors get through a dungeon faster and safer than say 5 rangers.
I agree with you that certain comps make stuff easier/faster. But with pugs it really doesn’t matter much. Organized groups, no matter the class comp, will always make stuff easier/faster anyways.
For example, I used to cringe at the thought of having a Ranger in my party. But that’s because 99% of rangers are running longbow only at max range. When the class is used correctly, using a 1h sword/warhorn + spirits….then it becomes a joy to have them in the grp.
Also, I don’t get what you mean by “Guardian wanna be Warriors”. Do you mean that Guradians have poor dps? If so, that is not true. I run a GS, 1h sword/focus dps build with full zerk except for glove+shoulders being knights, that can deal a ton of dmg and also have support in the form of wor and strength in numbers….which is what is mostly needed in dungeons.
*edit – typo
Also, I don’t get what you mean by “Guardian wanna be Warriors”. Do you mean that Guradians have poor dps? If so, that is not true. I run a GS, 1h sword/focus dps build with full zerk except for glove+shoulders being knights, that can deal a ton of dmg and also have support in the form of wor and strength in numbers….which is what is mostly needed in dungeons.
*edit – typo
He’s saying Warriors that try to be Guardians. i.e. bad warriors who run shout heals (see: sonic boon).
Hey, if you really want to make fractals better for the community, get your balance team to split PVE/PVP nerfs so that all classes can be useful in high end PVE. Yes, they would have to admit that they were wrong for the past year, but we already know that they were/are.
But thats way Im so mad, we should be able to take any class to do this content at any level. If we start forcing a type of class or build then isnt that the same as the “holy trinity” and isnt that the complete opposite of what gw2 stands for? I dont want another WoW were we are stuck having to take a set build type of classes to complete content and leaving some classes in the dirt.
We already have a problem with some classes being “undesirable” and more of that is not what is needed.
If every class could do everything, then what’s the point in even having different classes in the first place? Everyone should be forced to play the same generic class. It’s true that this game doesn’t have the “holy trinity.” It does, however, have a type of trinity (damage, support, control). At least in theory. In practice it could use some more work.
Not once has ArenaNet ever said that every class can perform every single possible task in the game on exactly the same level. Some classes are simply better at certain things than other classes. That problem will always exist as long as ArenaNet intends to differentiate between classes. I personally don’t even think it’s a problem with the game. It’s a problem with random groups. The first game had a similar problem.
All I’m saying is that I don’t think it’s a bad thing to require players to swap classes to get the utility they desire for a particular task when it’s high level content. I’m not saying certain classes should be kicked simply because they’re an “incorrect” class. But if you want to be the best at using stealth, for example, to accomplish something, you need to play a thief.
Also, I don’t get what you mean by “Guardian wanna be Warriors”. Do you mean that Guradians have poor dps? If so, that is not true. I run a GS, 1h sword/focus dps build with full zerk except for glove+shoulders being knights, that can deal a ton of dmg and also have support in the form of wor and strength in numbers….which is what is mostly needed in dungeons.
*edit – typo
You can twist a die on all sides but you’ll never score a seven.
A full DPS guardian will always, objectively deal less DPS than a focused warrior, regardless how much effort you put in brainwashing yourself otherwise.
Likewise a support Warrior will always, objectively support worse than a guardian who can instead make a team almost immortal with his tools.
I simply don’t like people who play inefficiently in my teams but you’re free to do so in other teams with people who don’t care if you’re playing inefficiently or not.
We both own the game and paid for it so we decide who is worth playing with, and who is not.
I’m fully aware there is a group of “sonic boon” warriors playing nurse and “full dps” guardians doing no support and trying DPS, I’m happy you guys have fun and I know trying to tell you otherwise would be like trying to convert a muslim to christianism so I let you have your niche and go my own ways.
(edited by Red Falcon.8257)
Also, I don’t get what you mean by “Guardian wanna be Warriors”. Do you mean that Guradians have poor dps? If so, that is not true. I run a GS, 1h sword/focus dps build with full zerk except for glove+shoulders being knights, that can deal a ton of dmg and also have support in the form of wor and strength in numbers….which is what is mostly needed in dungeons.
*edit – typo
You can twist a die on all sides but you’ll never score a seven.
A full DPS guardian will always, objectively deal less DPS than a focused warrior, regardless how much effort you put in brainwashing yourself otherwise.
Likewise a support Warrior will always, objectively support worse than a guardian who can instead make a team almost immortal with his tools.
I simply don’t like people who play inefficiently in my teams but you’re free to do so in other teams with people who don’t care if you’re playing inefficiently or not.We both own the game and paid for it so we decide who is worth playing with, and who is not.
I’m fully aware there is a group of “sonic boon” warriors playing nurse and “full dps” guardians doing no support and trying DPS, I’m happy you guys have fun and I know trying to tell you otherwise would be like trying to convert a muslim to christianism so I let you have your niche and go my own ways.
Pretty sure math says it’s the other way around. When there’s a warrior to buff that guardian anyway.
Also, I don’t get what you mean by “Guardian wanna be Warriors”. Do you mean that Guradians have poor dps? If so, that is not true. I run a GS, 1h sword/focus dps build with full zerk except for glove+shoulders being knights, that can deal a ton of dmg and also have support in the form of wor and strength in numbers….which is what is mostly needed in dungeons.
*edit – typo
You can twist a die on all sides but you’ll never score a seven.
A full DPS guardian will always, objectively deal less DPS than a focused warrior, regardless how much effort you put in brainwashing yourself otherwise.
Likewise a support Warrior will always, objectively support worse than a guardian who can instead make a team almost immortal with his tools.
I simply don’t like people who play inefficiently in my teams but you’re free to do so in other teams with people who don’t care if you’re playing inefficiently or not.We both own the game and paid for it so we decide who is worth playing with, and who is not.
I’m fully aware there is a group of “sonic boon” warriors playing nurse and “full dps” guardians doing no support and trying DPS, I’m happy you guys have fun and I know trying to tell you otherwise would be like trying to convert a muslim to christianism so I let you have your niche and go my own ways.
While I agree with you that a support Warrior is useless. You and I differ completely on why they are useless.
For me, support warriors are useless precisely because they are “support”. “Support” is really bad for PvE in general.
Just as you laugh at “support” warriors, I laugh and feel pity at support Guardians (and I just feel sorry for staff guardians) You say DPS Guardians get carried through dungeons but in fact, it is completely the other way around. Anchor Guardians are a thing of the past and are only helpful in a party full of newbies who know nothing of what they are doing.
Its weird that you mention efficiency in your group with a full support Guardian. Im sorry but if you want efficiency in any dungeon, then at the moment, with the current state of the game, DPS is KING.
5 DPS spec’ed players who know what they are doing = Efficiency no matter class make up. If you want to min max and set speed records, then class comp matters. If not, then it does not.
But as you said, you and I both paid for the game. You don’t have to play the way I like and I don’t have to play the way you like. But in the end, it doesn’t change the fact that, in the current state of the game, you are completely wrong in your beliefs. While I do not care if you become a better player, as a fellow GW2 player, I suggest you educate yourself. There is plenty of information available online.
I play the way that is most efficient. If Anet comes out with a big patch that makes full support Guardians viable….then trust me….I WILL go full support Guardian. Till then, its DPS for me.
Good to see some dev posts on fractals. I love fracs and I’m looking forward to the thermo fractal as well as when molten facility eventully becomes a fractals. On topic I don’t think reducing the length of fractals will make much difference tho dredge is definatly one that could be shortened if you go in that direction or at-least guarantee swamp or water after. I think the Bigger issue’s are reward scaling and Class balance. I’ll address rewards first Fractals are already some of the hardest content in the game (and they should be). Yet outside of a random chance for a fractal skin/weapon from level 24 onwards the rewards are basically same. 10 + you get some greens and a core in the maw chest and a pristine relic/30+ relics in bonus chest, compared to dungeons and some world boss chains this is severly lacking.
I reckon from 28 onwards the daily bonus chest should include either a guaranteed rare or 15 of a random t6 mat and the rewards scale up from there. reason I say rare or a mat is so it differentiates dungeons. As an example the new scale would be
Bonus chest rewards
0-8 – 25 relics
10-18 – 30 relics, pristine relic, chance of a ring
20-28 – 35 relics, pristine relic, 15 of a T6 mat or 1 rare, chance of a ring/skin/weapon
30-38 – 40 relics, pristine relic, 20 of a t6 mat or 2 rares, chance of a ring/skin/weapon
40+ – 45 relics, pristine relic, 25 of a t6 mat or 3 rares, guaranteed ring/skin/weapon
Under this scale players know there getting a decent reward for there time. I would also add more items that pristine relics can be spent on. Including Fractal skins (25+ pristines), exclusive runes and sigils, black lion keys, some minis and maybe a precursor’s (100pristines). anything brought with pristines should be account bound so people have to do fractals to get them. I know some will complain but there needs to be a reason to go in.
Next class balance. Why is it that someone in full PVT/Knights or a mix of the 2 can be insta-killed. Im not asking you to rework the main bosses but trash mobs and secondary bosses should not kill you instantly even at 48 or higher. Outside of certain circumstance’s (Ice elemental, pulling lava at dredge) once you go past 34 you may as well be in zerker/rampager/valkerie or at-least have them on hand since most things will just kill you in 1 or 2 hits. Maybe instead of insta kill attacks swap it for a flat 20000 or so dmg scaling downwards based on toughness above 1400 that way those who build for survival or tech in enough knights gear can survive while glass cannons still die. In return make bosses a more aggressive so players still have to dodge correct or time there aegis/blind well.
Sorry for the long post but that’s my 2 cents
…. So I Need to wait another 8 months for the repply….
There is sadly enough nothing ingame that was a real challenge… Fractals was easy we just played and hopped it gets hard till we hit the cap on 80
Liadri was tricky especially light it up achievment still not too hard ( have beaten her on day 1 )
SAB beaten everything on TM first 2 days just a matter of time and wipeing to know the traps…
When will there be hard Content ? …
ahhh I forgott I’ll ask in another 8 months….
Good for you for accomplishing such tasks which some of us consider challenging. Instead of asking for hard content, maybe you can try to challenge yourself without asking for new content like soloing a dungeon like TA F/U without any armor or weapon and then post it on youtube. I’m pretty sure that would be a bit/ challenging and hard for me.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
so far im frac lv 49 and i havent experienced this ‘’better class’’ system you are talking about ive done frac 48 in a hour and a hlaf with 5 eles ive done it with 2 eles a necro and 2 engineers and been perfectly fine
all it comes down to is how experienced the player is with the fractal and ai mechanics and as long as they have a good understanding on how things work for the most part fractal runs are quite smooth
frac 49 on 2 characters…
1600+ single fractal run….400+ dailies
You are wrong….
If it took so few to your 5 eles is because as everyone knows, some fractals are easier and shorter.
Since 2 professions have insane dps and support (no conjured ele doesn t work so well in fotm) it may be viable if you just take a lot of precautions and range lot of things that with a good party you can los in a corner in seconds.
The 3rd profession is the Special support and may vary between thief and mesmer and alone bypass broken mechanics……
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
40min is good, but 20min extra is absolutely unacceptable? Uhhh….wha….?
::At restaurant::
Waiter: Would you like some grated cheese?
Me: Sure!
Waiter: Let me know when.
Me: Keep it coming!
Waiter: How’s that?
Me: A little more…
::Waiter grates more::
Me: A little bit more…
::Waiter grates more::
Me: Whoa that’s too much I can’t eat this, take it back.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Just remember: higher hp doesn’t necessarily = more challenging content
I agree. Unfortunately damage and defense scaling reaches a point where it no longer conveys a sense of progression and challenge. For example, once creatures start one-shotting every player, it doesn’t matter how much extra damage they do. We’re also looking into how to meaningfully extend the scalability of FOTM.
Adding some puzzle elements might help. Maybe make some fights with objectives that must be completed to make the boss vulnerable to damage (like in the Zelda games where you had to stun the boss before you could do any real damage). Then as difficulty scales, you can shorten the window, require more people to complete the objective, etc. If you add more dimensions to the fight than just damage, I think it’ll be easier to scale difficulty without scaling damage.
We’re currently looking at a few things regarding individual fractal difficulty and length. A couple of options are reducing the length of unnecessarily long fractals (dredge) and modifying the possible sequence of randomly selected fractals so you don’t get the longest and most difficult ones all on the same run.
Anthony, and about the hard cap at 50? And about the rewards that are completely abysmal? Every single pve content out there got a buffed reward except fractals, i’m lucky to get out of a level 48 with more than 1 gold. And those ones are exceedingly long and hard.
Really? Players in Sorrow’s Furnace have been using the newly increased rewards to entice players to join them in FotM. End chests now drop Empyreal Fragments and have a chance at dropping ascended weapons.
Not probably but is the most broken thing in the game.
I’d love to know how you define “broken”.
Sorrow’s Furnace Commander
“You’re the mount, karka’s ride you instead, and thus they die happy!”-Colin Johanson
Whatever you do please please please don’t change the final fight in Grawl fractal. It is, by a huge margin, the best fight I have done in GW2 and the most intense I’ve done in any MMO in recent memory.
Have your way with the rest.
Extra rewards would be nice. Shouldn’t high lvl fractals be the best rewards in the game? I mean gold reward I guess, since at some point you’ll have all the gear/skins you actually want from fractals making them useless as repeatable content otherwise.
I don’t like that some bosses are super easy. Hungerfen, for example. Also, Jade Maw hasn’t seemed to increase in difficulty at all from 2 to 28.
We’re currently looking at a few things regarding individual fractal difficulty and length. A couple of options are reducing the length of unnecessarily long fractals (dredge) and modifying the possible sequence of randomly selected fractals so you don’t get the longest and most difficult ones all on the same run.
Good job on that… Not only it’s longer, but also more annoying now. Can we enjoy fractals for once without having to worry about the dredge all the time? It makes the whole experience incredibly frustrating. At this point, each time we get a level that’s NOT dredge we’re celebrating.
We’re currently looking at a few things regarding individual fractal difficulty and length. A couple of options are reducing the length of unnecessarily long fractals (dredge) and modifying the possible sequence of randomly selected fractals so you don’t get the longest and most difficult ones all on the same run.
Good job on that… Not only it’s longer, but also more annoying now. Can we enjoy fractals for once without having to worry about the dredge all the time? It makes the whole experience incredibly frustrating. At this point, each time we get a level that’s NOT dredge we’re celebrating.
Well, we had a fractal upgrade with fractured subforum and voiced our disappointment a thousand times and never got even one dev response during those two weeks. Apparently, noone at ANet even cares that Dredge has become even more imbalanced, frustrating tedious and -let’s face it- HATED than ever before and it was really bad to begin with. I’ve lost all hope that it’ll ever be fixed to be honest. If ANet was actually working on a real fix, they’d have no reason whatsoever to keep it silent, as an actual fix would make fractal fans squee and rejoice. But the silence about fractals since the fractal patch has been deafening…
Well, we had a fractal upgrade with fractured subforum and voiced our disappointment a thousand times and never got even one dev response during those two weeks. Apparently, noone at ANet even cares that Dredge has become even more imbalanced, frustrating tedious and -let’s face it- HATED than ever before and it was really bad to begin with. I’ve lost all hope that it’ll ever be fixed to be honest. If ANet was actually working on a real fix, they’d have no reason whatsoever to keep it silent, as an actual fix would make fractal fans squee and rejoice. But the silence about fractals since the fractal patch has been deafening…
Sadly the new update created more issues than it fixed, driving most of my guildmates away from fractals completely. We used to do fractals every day, sometimes few times in a day. Now… I’ll be lucky if I get a group going once per week…
Its really sad.. sooo many broken promises..
i saw as much players leaving after this patch.. as in the karka event disaster and all of those were some of the most dedicated players in gw2.. that not only got a really poor recycled content but also the reset of lvl ..
ANet looked like a really compromised and open to fans company when i bought the game.. i even suggested it to alot of friends who all quited for diferent reasons .. the lack of attention to players suggestions its disheartening and whenever they answer is just to lie..
(edited by Csele.1647)
Reading back through this thread its really weird in that the devs said they were looking to decrease there length…yet in practice you now after do 4 fractals instead of 3 before, so they increased the length.
Don’t get me wrong. Anet did a lot of great things that made this game what it is today. I’m dissapointed sometimes, it’s true, but it’s only because I love this game so much. Thus being passionate about it. Fractals used to be my favorite thing in the game for a long time, and it’s just saddening to see what was done with it and how it’s slowly dying off. Anet did a lot of things right, and I still believe in the company itself. I just wish they didn’t drop the ball on fractals as it was a main core for my gameplay for a long time. I haven’t seen any other part of the game handles so poorly without any interaction with the players while going through such heavy impacting choices. No feedback been answered, no suggestion been heard. Regardless, I’ll still play the game every day, even though one part of what I loved to do is now practically almost dead…
Having dredge in the past was bad. But it was 1/8 chance of getting it. Now since the fractals been categorized, there is about 1/4 chance of getting it on the 3rd try. I wish they switched the difficulty that you start with hardest and work your way down. It would be much more enjoyable.
Aah fractals. I don’t even bother doing them anymore. I don’t have 3 hours for one fractal level up sadly. I wish you could do 1 single fractal and get a level through that, but sadly it’s not the case.
These are your options anet if you want more people to play fractals.
- Allow us to save progress (for example: if you managed to do 2 fractals, but didn’t have time to finish 3rd and boss fractal, next time you enter fractal you’ll only have to do 2 fractals in order to get a level up).
- Make 1 fractal cycle only 1 fractal and not 4.
Personally I won’t play them until something like this is in. I’m at fractal level 4 if I’m not wrong, and I think I have entered the fractal some 15 times, meaning I haven’t completed 11 runs, because they always tend to get like 2-3 hours and I seriously do not have time for it.
I would very much like to see shorter Fractals.
My group of friends used to do Fractals but multiple dungeons one after the other just got too long. Plus we would inevitably end up getting put into a Fractal someone hated, so that would put a stop to it for the night.
Aah fractals. I don’t even bother doing them anymore. I don’t have 3 hours for one fractal level up sadly. I wish you could do 1 single fractal and get a level through that, but sadly it’s not the case.
- Allow us to save progress
That would be a good idea. Of course, it would probably mean that people will keep logging and quitting Fractals to only pick the ones they want to do.
Wait, giving player’s the choice on what they want to play. How is that a bad thing?
If no one is picking a particular Fractual then that would be a sign to ArenaNet that the Fractal isn’t fun and needs to be adjusted.
If ArenaNet is worried about people only picking the easy Fractals then they could make those worth less, maybe they only count for 50% for level progress or something. And they could make the harder Fractals would count for more, rewarding people who do the harder content.
TLDR – Shorter fractals and let us pick them (adjusting rewards for ‘easy’ ones).
(edited by DoctorOverlord.8620)
Pre-Fractured, runs rarely felt overly long unless you were really unlucky. Now however, it feels like there’s too much balancing, and all runs feel either long, or very long.
Remaking fractals will take a lot of work no doubt, so how about reducing the number of fractals to 2 instead? All fractals can be split into either short or long, and have the boss loot reduced if necessary.
Fractals was something I had fun playing every now and again, but now I ‘dredge’ it… ahem.
(edited by samanosuke.4508)
If they made it so it saved progress people would just spam swamp all day to level up. What would be the point of even having difficulty levels if it just results in ignoring the 13 other fractals. Especially, considering it is one of the few pieces of pve content which is somewhat difficult.
Anyway… either blow up or complexly revamp dredge, move cliffside so it can only be a long fractal, move Aetherblade so it is a medium fractal (and fix the final boss so the lasers actually hurt). That way their is less variance in the potential time it takes to run a full set of 4.
Tyr Sylvison – Warrior
Illyiah – Revenant
Its A-Nets fault that they made fractals even more annoying than before. We asked for shorter time, shorter Dredge in particular. A way to optain skins we never got without the need of hideous RNG. What did we get?
A fractal weapon skin ticket, that is still RNG (no clue if they exist never saw one drop so far)
Dredge has gotten MORE TEDIOUS, I did not think that they found a designer that could make this god aweful dungeon even worse, but A-Net managed to make this particular dungeon worse every patch. Now its on an all time low. (Why can you not die on the plates anymore its ridicilous)
Oh and dredge + some mist instabilities just forces your group to quit or redo the whole dungeon.
Add to the fact that now you get Dredge more frequently because before the update you had a 1/9 chance to get Dredge, so yeah you had id sometimes but it was bearable. Now its a 1/3 chance.
Guess how often I had dredge for the 10 times I have run Fractals since the patch (and then simply quit them, I refuse to go in there ever again)…
Oh and I have a ton of fractal skins, want one of my 3 staff skins? But still not one single 1h Sword skin (which is the only one I actually want).
Well I am done with fractals and pretty much with GW2 all together, every patch made things worse since the release, there are some good things but it feels like the fun is completly missing from the game now.
One shining example of increased difficulty without increased stats were the enemies War in Kryta and Winds of Change.
They had WAY lower stats than enemies in elite areas or dungeons, yet they WAY more challenging and fun to fight against for anyone.
The variation of their team compositions made sure you could not beat all enemy parties the same way, that you have to learn which ones were the key targets you had to defeat based on you own party’s capabilities. A party that would be quickly defeated by energy denial would do really well against melee physical attackers, and one that would quickly succumb to AoE spikes would survive easily to DPS pressure, so different party formations had to prioritize different enemies.
But in most locations in GW2, enemies have just a few skills.
It would really help things like:
- Adding more enemy variety. Not just more kinds of enemies, but also variety within the enemy skills. One disaggregator may give Swiftness, Protection and Might with the gong, another in a different party could give regeneration, retaliation and fury. And also variety in enemy party coposition.
- Make enemies use more player skills, builds more similar to player builds and have behaviors that try to imitate more what players do. In WvW, one see how very few people is ready to deal with things like a Stealth thief, or an enemy using illusions, when all that enemies they’ve met in PvE do is run to spot, stand still and spam simple skills.
- Adding better ways to tell what skills are enemies using. For enemies to use more skills, better visual tells are going to be needed to differentiate between skills. Visual tells require more visual effects and animations, and that requires more resources. And many effects are already hiding what many enemies do anyways. Something like an optional setting to show skill indicators as floating icons with a border that indicates the activation/channeling progression above each enemy’s head could help.