GW 2 PvE Discussion [Merged Threads]
That may be true in quantity but its pretty clear to me that the focus of GW2 ..especially profession design and mechanics is PvP not PvE. …maybe the name Guild WARS might actually be a clue. =P
1. It’s already been stated by the devs that the game title has no correlation to the direction and intent of the game. I can’t find the post but effectively they’ve simply stated that it’s called Guild Wars 2 because it’s merely the successor to Guild Wars (1).
2. While I don’t think anyone can argue which direction the designers intend to focus on more – PvP or PvE, I can certainly argue that it has been stated repeatedly in development literature there is an equal amounts of attention on both.
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee
I think PvE would be more exciting with the following revisions.
- Randomize dynamic events
Have events trigger multiple paths. If I fight the centaurs at the bridge, perhaps one time they realize the bridge is not repairable, and flood the river. Or if defeated, they sometimes fall back, or sometimes light fire to the area.
Basically, dynamic events need to be dynamic. Predictable outcomes mean repetitive gameplay.
- World Bosses randomized
“ETA on world boss?” Should never, ever show up in world chat. Special and exciting events are not built on predictability. If the world bosses spawned randomly, in random places, and even on the tail end of random dynamic events, it would add a huge excitement factor to the game.
- creature density and AI
Creatures are predictable. They’re in the same place, doing the same thing. A new cave? Of course, bats, grubs…spaced out evenly, and ready to attack every few steps. There is a reason that people who work in fishing plants don’t smell the stink of the fish. The human brain quickly adjusts and ignores predictable patterns. When you place the same creatures, in the same configuration, in the same environment, with the same behavior, the player stops caring.
- Make things challenging for the right reasons
Button mashing your way though a game with no chance of failure or consequence means no excitement. Gone are the days where you sat there, sweat sliding down your forehead as you are about to enter the final boss, on your last “continue”. You either won, or you start over. Today, everything is Lego Batman where you just keep putting yourself back together until you finish the game.
Games need to be challenging for the right reasons. Not just more creatures spawning, but combat that requires thought and skill.
By fighting monsters around 5 levels higher than you are. At least for me it has kept things interesting most of time. of course once you get to 80 there is no place for that.
There is no sense of character advancement in this game. Gear is more about looking pretty, rather than being strong.
as a guardian, if i want to stay alive when the S hit the fan,
i have to use my 5 weapon skills, swap weapon for 5 more, and my utilities and use my virtue (f1 and f3 especially) on time to block attacks.seriously, what do people want? to play with their toes too?
This game is fine in the situation you described. GW2 is great when you’re an inch from death. The problem being the other 80% of the time when you’re doing just fine, in no danger at all, merrily staring at your character auto-attack for optimal damage. While it’s certainly a larger problem on Necro than other professions my optimal damage is:
Staff: Drop Chillblains and Mark of Blood while running to the enemy. Swap to Dagger. Drop Enfeebling Blood. Autoattack.
Seriously, that’s all I have to do for top damage. Everything else is utilitarian or defensive. Even if they were damage gains over auto-attack the cooldowns are simply too long to be interesting. I realize this game isn’t about damage meters, etc. but it can’t just be about survival either because you aren’t always needing a means to survive. The game becomes stale when doing generic content and you can’t spend every moment doing dungeons or PvP. They need to better balance the focus between offense and defense to make the game at least moderately involved even in the tamest of circumstances.
There is no sense of character advancement in this game. Gear is more about looking pretty, rather than being strong.
Yes, and that’s by design… If they would change that, they would have to change the entire concept on which GW2 was built…
I like the post about the dynamic events… Yes, they are “dynamic”. If you wander around the world, you’ll see events popping up without you having to do something. But, I agree, they’re not dynamic in execution and that would make it awesome.
I miss how in GW1 enemies came in packs, you’d practically never be fighting 1 on 1 with something (unless you are finishing off a group). You can aggro multiple enemies in GW2 but that doesn’t make them feel like a “group”. Maybe Arenanet can do something about that with future content.
A bigger problem is that there are no exciting drops whatsoever. Saw a chest behind that champion? It probably contains crap, not worth the effort! Your lowliest trash mob seems to have the same chance to drop something rare as the big group event baddy or his chest.
Raids, plain and simple. Dungeons that require 25+ people in a raid group to complete. Knock it all you want, but raids are a mmo staple. It IS what you do for endgame PVE in mmo’s.
I feel many events are simply too easy to win, and improving on that problem would make things more exciting for me, personally. I’m just looking for more of a steady pace of challenges.
player housing please
We need more Bosses those are really exciting to engage with, like Mega destroyer for example, he forces you to observe his movements rather than your skill bar, he really keeps you on your toe because the boss actually require player skills to take him down. Ever heard of the game Monster Hunter? Its the best action PSP game in the Japanese market for years because of its engaging/challenging boss fight system. Bosses are really responsive there, they dont just auto attack you all day, you gotta foresee its signiture attacks like charging in zigzags, again it forces you to observe the boss, not the skill bar (where your eyes are on those skills on cooldown). Bosses give warning sign for their powerful attacks and players do get time to react to it.
Guild wars 2 definitely has potential to make the boss fight really fun and I can see the PVE becoming so much funner if the changes are made.
Sorry if I was asking for too much but really, I really think this is the best way to truely improve PVE in gw2.
This battle video pretty much somes up my point up there:
Well, the end game zones are absolutely terrible. I find them to be zero fun. I hate even logging in to do ANY events in them. While I don’t want the game to be a cake-walk, the 3 end zones are way over tuned.
Martok- Mesmer-Tarnished Coast
Taldonus- Mesmer- Tarnished Coast
The challenge in GW2 PVE is how a player manages 10+ skills and use them in sequence. I think the issue people are having with this type of skill play style is that a) it’s spammy, b) core builds execution is very boring, I mean even though it’s fun theory craft/play around with stats, ultimately when it comes down to performing your builds it feels too easy for most players (the challenge is high within the preparation, but low within the execution). That’s why players think PVE is too easy, because the “physical combat” has LOW depth (HIGH depth = being able to succeed and fail based on execution performance, not builds).
EDIT: What I mean by my last comment is that a combat with good depth is a well rounded combat, not just one that’s about putting theory-crafting and builds waayyyy in front of actually how the player executes on the battlefield).
@FluffyDoe, although I totally agree with this, there still needs to be more depth in PvE gameplay than just the player improving his own playstyle. It’s kinda moot to continue to improve if the content can just as easily be facerolled through.
I loved being able to sit and theorycraft for a bit (mind you, I’m in no way a qualified expert at it), put those theories to the test on test dummies, then take what I’ve learned out into a real challenging encounter and watch the results. It was incredibly fulfilling to watch myself continuously improve my playstyle, but the caveat is that I had the challenging content that validated my efforts!
Currently, I’ve kinda lost all desire to do this (in a PvE setting) because the content just doesn’t warrant it.
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee
Theory crafting means there are mechanics you need to think about and do something to best those mechanics. Thats not needed in GW2 because there litterally are no mechanics other than I’m a boss i have lots of Hp hit hard and may do aoe or summon adds
CHALLEGEING ENCOUNTERS!!!! The pve is only un-fun because its so easy its stupid. My favorite game ever is dark souls it doesn’t have a huge amount of content but it feels like it does because every second of the game is a challenge.
Problems:(besides bugs)
1. Dungeons/learge events are easy
-They are just plain easy and all fight fell the same
2. Dungeons/large events feel unrewarding
-You get CRAP items in most chests and the tokens are boring and give you the same armor every one has.
3. Everything in game is too easy from crafting to events
-Everyone being able to farm the same node seems great in theory but takes away the fun of finding a rare not(not to mention the worth of it). Zerg events are so boring and easy!
By making the game so EASY you have taken out the FUN of game. Video games at a basic level are 1. present challenge 2. go have fun beating the challenge, 3.once you beat it feel good that you did so. And repeat. GW2 has made beating the challenge so trivial that step two is no longer fun and step three is no longer exhistant because it was so easy
Well, the end game zones are absolutely terrible. I find them to be zero fun. I hate even logging in to do ANY events in them. While I don’t want the game to be a cake-walk, the 3 end zones are way over tuned.
What part of any of the zones is over-tuned? I solo’d all the 50 plus zones with my guard to completion and rarely died and if you die you spawn again how is that hard? Just get a speed buff run to where you want, use all your skills to down the mobs and repeat?
If they increase the difficulty, they would have to increase the reward which would cause the economy to go even more wack.
I don’t agree. Well…. I’ll explain. I find the WHOLE pve experience pretty easy, EXCEPT for the 5 man dungeons… Those things are difficult.
The game was designed to cater to everyone. Ramping up the difficulty would cause a mass exodus of players that like to sit back and enjoy the game.
Theres also a reason why MMO’s that have steep difficulty are very low populated.
This game will have a mass exodus when everyone beats the easy content and is bored. I wish they would ramp up the rewards and the difficultly because right noe explorable is easy to farm.
Undergear yourself if you want challenge, problem solved.
I don’t agree. It’s not the difficulty in the sense of how hard the mob hits, or how much hp it has for example. What PVE needs is strategy, a reason for players to band together and communicate a strategy to take down a mob or DE, not just simply zerg it. The concept of DE’s is awesome, but they quickly become super boring and unfulfilling if players just zerg them. Same thing can be said for dungeons.
I should not have to run around naked to be challenged in a MMO. I’d rather need every stat I have gained, and be punished for having magic find equipped. But as it stands you can run like 100% magic find and be good to go in all instances. I just want some challenge and not face roll everything and have something I can be happy about beating not just o look me and everyone else beat this.
Theory crafting means there are mechanics you need to think about and do something to best those mechanics. Thats not needed in GW2 because there litterally are no mechanics other than I’m a boss i have lots of Hp hit hard and may do aoe or summon adds
Which is exactly what I’m advocating to change =/
Don’t get me wrong, I love being able to just run into an encounter and sometimes just mindlessly faceroll it just for fun; I just would like more than HP and hard-hitting boss attacks to be the only critical component in challenging players.
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee
I don’t agree. It’s not the difficulty in the sense of how hard the mob hits, or how much hp it has for example. What PVE needs is strategy, a reason for players to band together and communicate a strategy to take down a mob or DE, not just simply zerg it. The concept of DE’s is awesome, but they quickly become super boring and unfulfilling if players just zerg them. Same thing can be said for dungeons.
Thats exactly what I mean, I don’t want stupid hard or stupid long I want a fun challege that is engaging to over come. I want locked door large boss rooms with environmental mechanics as well as good solid boss mechanics
@Lance Coolee.
Sorry I meant to put I agree I was backing you. this game really lacks any good fun mechanics. It needed Boss rooms with locking door. LARGE boss rooms with environmental as well as a good large boss with good mechanics to work around.
The game was designed to cater to everyone. Ramping up the difficulty would cause a mass exodus of players that like to sit back and enjoy the game.
Theres also a reason why MMO’s that have steep difficulty are very low populated.
Not sure I can agree w/ this statement.
<That game which shall not be named> had plenty of incredibly challenging content and they still managed to break what is it now, 15 MILLION subscribers (I still can’t get over that number).The key is to have content that catered to both player bases.
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee
@Lance Coolee.
Sorry I meant to put I agree I was backing you. this game really lacks any good fun mechanics. It needed Boss rooms with locking door. LARGE boss rooms with environmental as well as a good large boss with good mechanics to work around.
I know you were, I was just furthering my opinion on the topic
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee
I should not have to run around naked to be challenged in a MMO. I’d rather need every stat I have gained, and be punished for having magic find equipped. But as it stands you can run like 100% magic find and be good to go in all instances. I just want some challenge and not face roll everything and have something I can be happy about beating not just o look me and everyone else beat this.
Green gear should be the need stats whereas rares should be of a “required for dungeons but higher quality of life out in the world” tier. Exotics should be better quality of life all around but required for only the toughest of dungeons.
Besides, on my elementalist I still have plenty of challenge, especially solo or trying to compete with an army of rangers and warriors for loot drops.
I just go to the lesser populated zones and try to solo everything…the champions can be a real challenge by yourself.
I troll because I care
okay, I gave this some thought after I just was in yet another temple of Balthazar and temple of Grenth event. I do not intend to flame anyone here, but everyone who thinks the game is too easy: Please take a step back and ponder – maybe you are simply good at the game? At Balthazar, I saw 50 percent of the people being downed constantly because they didn´t bother to leave areas of incoming damage or analyze where the priest was going with his “slow” teleport. 30 % of the raisers died because they didn´t bother to watch the champion and priest closing in and breaking up raise to dodge. the event failed because people were not able to keep their dps on a single target. Then the usual Grenth experience – people plainly ignore the shadows or keep attacking them for 0 damage. Noone can expect a newbie there to know about the mechanic, but to stick to a strategy that obviously results in no damage without asking about it in chat…. All in all, I now think at least half of the players are still over their head in anything above victory by numbers (dragon events) or small groups of wolves on the normal pve map.
This is a fair point when talking about world pve, it shouldn’t be really hard. I think greth is tuned properly for world events I would like all to be so hard.
But, when talking about explorable mode dungeons,the hardest thing in the game, it should be not just hard but very hard to beat. It should take 5 skilled players that are cooperating and thinking through tactics. This is just not how it is. Many explorable modes are done routinely by pugs where they just start boss fights with little to no talking. This would be fine for story mode but for explorable modes? There is nothing wrong with things for the not so skilled players, but why can’t there be hard stuff for the skilled players?
I think i can sum up the issues a little bit more clearly.
The issue is they have not delivered on their boast of a game driven entirely by fun.
Obtaining legendarys for example is not fun, it is a grind that requires you to do repetitive behaviors on different parts of the game that more than likely over half of em you do not enjoy doing. I expected legendarys to be like everquests Epics. For those not familiar they were INCREDIBLY difficult to obtain weapons that required doing a long (usually well written) quest that forced you to do things all around the world. Some were easy some required going into a very dangerous territory and spawning an event that would need the aid of others. It was a long journey (in eq1 original epics it could take you months to a year to complete) but it was fun and exciting along the way. In this its “do this task over and over, farm this over and over, grind this”, how is this fun? wouldnt a climactic quest be more exciting that really challenged the player and maybe encouraged him to ask the aid of friends “i know communicate in an mmo right?” to overcome the odds and receive a prestige award?
The game feels entirely bent on lack of communication to do most aspects of the game. Many aspects simply be “throw your bodys at this till it dies”. I think dungeons were done well in difficulty and such. But i find even THEM to be grinds, as most players are just trying to push through them to get to the end as QUICKLY as possible even DODGING BOSSES!. Because they just want those tokens so they can “grind” through it again and get another set. Seriously….it was the dullest thing WoW ever did in regards to dungeons imo (once you get all the rare drops you can grind faction/etc and eventually get OTHER items just GRIND GRIND GRIND!) I prefer the spontanious joy of a rare drop over this even if it does require me to repeat a dungeon, atleast its exciting and i wont want to skip bosses as each drops something worth while or unique. I say keep your grind tokens, but lets see something else to make killing a boss exciting for the player and not an obstacle on their grind path.
okay, I gave this some thought after I just was in yet another temple of Balthazar and temple of Grenth event. I do not intend to flame anyone here, but everyone who thinks the game is too easy: Please take a step back and ponder – maybe you are simply good at the game? At Balthazar, I saw 50 percent of the people being downed constantly because they didn´t bother to leave areas of incoming damage or analyze where the priest was going with his “slow” teleport. 30 % of the raisers died because they didn´t bother to watch the champion and priest closing in and breaking up raise to dodge. the event failed because people were not able to keep their dps on a single target. Then the usual Grenth experience – people plainly ignore the shadows or keep attacking them for 0 damage. Noone can expect a newbie there to know about the mechanic, but to stick to a strategy that obviously results in no damage without asking about it in chat…. All in all, I now think at least half of the players are still over their head in anything above victory by numbers (dragon events) or small groups of wolves on the normal pve map.
Regardless of whether the content is too easy or the players are too good you still need something to retain those people. Some form of raiding would accomplish that task, giving those who like a challenge the ability to do so. Currently the only difficult content is limited to 5 people and even that is hard for the wrong reasons like people in this thread have said.
There is nothing in this game for guilds of over 5 people who like a challenge.
Caveat for people who havnt read my previous posts. Raiding without gear grind or exclusive content or gear.
Besides, on my elementalist I still have plenty of challenge, especially solo or trying to compete with an army of rangers and warriors for loot drops.
I just go to the lesser populated zones and try to solo everything…the champions can be a real challenge by yourself.
Not to sound abrasive, but I really didn’t buy an MMO to go play by myself =/
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee
Obtaining legendarys for example is not fun, it is a grind that requires you to do repetitive behaviors on different parts of the game that more than likely over half of em you do not enjoy doing. I expected legendarys to be like everquests Epics. For those not familiar they were INCREDIBLY difficult to obtain weapons that required doing a long (usually well written) quest that forced you to do things all around the world. Some were easy some required going into a very dangerous territory and spawning an event that would need the aid of others. It was a long journey (in eq1 original epics it could take you months to a year to complete) but it was fun and exciting along the way.
THIS is what I thought GW2 was going to bring back. THIS is what I got incredibly hyped up for after each new Dev post emerged over the last 2 years.
I’ve lost count how many times I’ve advocated this exact philosophy after having found out what endgame was truly like here.
“We just don’t want players to grind in GW2” – C. Johanson
“The most important thing in any game should be the player” – R. Soesbee
Hard Mode needs to be done.
If they make the game too easy, we complain.
If they make the game too hard, baddies/casuals ragequit.
If they make the game too balanced, both will complain.
Simply split and make both happy Anet.
Hard Mode needs to be done.
If they make the game too easy, we complain.
If they make the game too hard, baddies/casuals ragequit.
If they make the game too balanced, both will complain.Simply split and make both happy Anet.
They already tried making the game balanced. BWE1 was too hard, BWE3 was too easy, so they made the difficulty closer to BWE2. A lot of people still complained it was too easy. While the difficulty in BWE1 was challenging, it made events memorable (not something to easily melt through so you can get to the next one).
IMO this made everything from 1-80 easily solo-able, which is why so many areas in between are desolate. You can’t force someone to play a certain way, and of course many players will go through content as quickly as possible. I think if it was made harder, you would find the populace spread throughout more evenly, although it may be too late for that looking at how many people have already completed the map (except alts). Adding a hard mode would only split the game up even more.
(edited by Polluxo.4967)
This is a fair point when talking about world pve, it shouldn’t be really hard. I think greth is tuned properly for world events I would like all to be so hard.
But, when talking about explorable mode dungeons,the hardest thing in the game, it should be not just hard but very hard to beat. It should take 5 skilled players that are cooperating and thinking through tactics. This is just not how it is. Many explorable modes are done routinely by pugs where they just start boss fights with little to no talking. This would be fine for story mode but for explorable modes? There is nothing wrong with things for the not so skilled players, but why can’t there be hard stuff for the skilled players?
I agree, but I think it would be fair to give the game some time, GW1 didn´t start out with DoA (did it even have FoW and UW at start? cannot remember). Anet was never about make it as easy as possible for everyone, yes, the game isn´t perfect just now, but i think they really created a little diamond here and am willing to watch it grow.
260+ hrs played. Still loving the PvE !!!!
I think that what a lot of people that post here simply don’t realize is that there is a huge number of players that never got to see any real end-game content whatsoever in most MMOGs, and so “zerging” – as you call it – PvE boss mobs is new, fresh, and quite fun for us.
But, if you give us about 10 years of enjoying it, maybe we’ll get to a point where we find it “boring” too
This is a fair point when talking about world pve, it shouldn’t be really hard. I think greth is tuned properly for world events I would like all to be so hard.
But, when talking about explorable mode dungeons,the hardest thing in the game, it should be not just hard but very hard to beat. It should take 5 skilled players that are cooperating and thinking through tactics. This is just not how it is. Many explorable modes are done routinely by pugs where they just start boss fights with little to no talking. This would be fine for story mode but for explorable modes? There is nothing wrong with things for the not so skilled players, but why can’t there be hard stuff for the skilled players?
I agree, but I think it would be fair to give the game some time, GW1 didn´t start out with DoA (did it even have FoW and UW at start? cannot remember). Anet was never about make it as easy as possible for everyone, yes, the game isn´t perfect just now, but i think they really created a little diamond here and am willing to watch it grow.
I totally agree and that’s why I post on here in hopes that they will take this to heart and change current/ or make new content to sate these complains.
I could agree that some improvements could be made to the game but what I can’t understand is how anyone can say that wows skill curve is higher than this? I left wow because it was way too easy lol, I could tank and have dinner at the same time and for dps all you do is just stand there and do a rotation. Played wow since beta and just recently left, I feel this game takes far more skill especially in the dungeons.. Could you imagine being grouped in a dungeon in gw2 with the scrubs in wow that are a dps class and want to pull everything and expect a tank to save them all the time? They wouldn’t last a second in the dungeons here and right away they would be saying this game needs tanks and heals..
I could agree that some improvements could be made to the game but what I can’t understand is how anyone can say that wows skill curve is higher than this? I left wow because it was way too easy lol, I could tank and have dinner at the same time and for dps all you do is just stand there and do a rotation. Played wow since beta and just recently left, I feel this game takes far more skill especially in the dungeons.. Could you imagine being grouped in a dungeon in gw2 with the scrubs in wow that are a dps class and want to pull everything and expect a tank to save them all the time? They wouldn’t last a second in the dungeons here and right away they would be saying this game needs tanks and heals..
I agree in part. yes some 5 man dungeons in wow where pretty easy. But some 5 mans and lots of raids had fun mechanics. I feel like GW2 dungeons have a huge lack of mechanics and environmental play most is just kite boss/adds and switch aggro if in trouble. Thats like 90% of the EM mode fights
I could agree that some improvements could be made to the game but what I can’t understand is how anyone can say that wows skill curve is higher than this? I left wow because it was way too easy lol, I could tank and have dinner at the same time and for dps all you do is just stand there and do a rotation. Played wow since beta and just recently left, I feel this game takes far more skill especially in the dungeons.. Could you imagine being grouped in a dungeon in gw2 with the scrubs in wow that are a dps class and want to pull everything and expect a tank to save them all the time? They wouldn’t last a second in the dungeons here and right away they would be saying this game needs tanks and heals..
I agree in part. yes some 5 man dungeons in wow where pretty easy. But some 5 mans and lots of raids had fun mechanics. I feel like GW2 dungeons have a huge lack of mechanics and environmental play most is just kite boss/adds and switch aggro if in trouble. Thats like 90% of the EM mode fights
ok I can agree that mechanics can be buffed up a bit but as far as the skill curve with the classes go gw2 hands down takes more skill than wow, you dont just stand there and do a boring rotation. I just know for a fact that those scrubs in wow, “you know what Im talking about” would be frustrated in the dungeons here because there is no tank or heals that going to save them from the dumb mistakes they make.
I could agree that some improvements could be made to the game but what I can’t understand is how anyone can say that wows skill curve is higher than this? I left wow because it was way too easy lol, I could tank and have dinner at the same time and for dps all you do is just stand there and do a rotation. Played wow since beta and just recently left, I feel this game takes far more skill especially in the dungeons.. Could you imagine being grouped in a dungeon in gw2 with the scrubs in wow that are a dps class and want to pull everything and expect a tank to save them all the time? They wouldn’t last a second in the dungeons here and right away they would be saying this game needs tanks and heals..
I agree in part. yes some 5 man dungeons in wow where pretty easy. But some 5 mans and lots of raids had fun mechanics. I feel like GW2 dungeons have a huge lack of mechanics and environmental play most is just kite boss/adds and switch aggro if in trouble. Thats like 90% of the EM mode fights
first of all, this the first no-flaming discussion I had with someone obviously more dissatisfied than me, my sincere thanks for that
we shouldn´t bring up Wow here as a comparison though. It is a totally different game, even with the common game tag “MMORPG”. I never played it (well, 2 days when a friend send me a trial invite), but a lot of games with a similiar mechanic. It is NOT without a challenge to player skills, but in traditional MMORPG it was more about planning and building your character in gear and knowing what was required of your build in given situations, while GW2 really brings some action game aspects into the picture. And let´s be honest, many of us MMORPG veterans are far inferior in action game play compared to the enthusiasts of different genres. Also, anet is really trying something new here, I am eager to see how it will develop.
I could agree that some improvements could be made to the game but what I can’t understand is how anyone can say that wows skill curve is higher than this? I left wow because it was way too easy lol, I could tank and have dinner at the same time and for dps all you do is just stand there and do a rotation. Played wow since beta and just recently left, I feel this game takes far more skill especially in the dungeons.. Could you imagine being grouped in a dungeon in gw2 with the scrubs in wow that are a dps class and want to pull everything and expect a tank to save them all the time? They wouldn’t last a second in the dungeons here and right away they would be saying this game needs tanks and heals..
I agree in part. yes some 5 man dungeons in wow where pretty easy. But some 5 mans and lots of raids had fun mechanics. I feel like GW2 dungeons have a huge lack of mechanics and environmental play most is just kite boss/adds and switch aggro if in trouble. Thats like 90% of the EM mode fights
ok I can agree that mechanics can be buffed up a bit but as far as the skill curve with the classes go gw2 hands down takes more skill than wow, you dont just stand there and do a boring rotation. I just know for a fact that those scrubs in wow, “you know what Im talking about” would be frustrated in the dungeons here because there is no tank or heals that going to save them from the dumb mistakes they make.
It doesn’t take much to say that, but GW1 also takes more skill than GW2. You can’t make a game for everyone but that is what ANET tried to do and a lot of players are getting burnt out and leaving, because the mechanics aren’t there, and the depth was sacrificed to make it easier for the casual gamer.
I could agree that some improvements could be made to the game but what I can’t understand is how anyone can say that wows skill curve is higher than this? I left wow because it was way too easy lol, I could tank and have dinner at the same time and for dps all you do is just stand there and do a rotation. Played wow since beta and just recently left, I feel this game takes far more skill especially in the dungeons.. Could you imagine being grouped in a dungeon in gw2 with the scrubs in wow that are a dps class and want to pull everything and expect a tank to save them all the time? They wouldn’t last a second in the dungeons here and right away they would be saying this game needs tanks and heals..
I agree in part. yes some 5 man dungeons in wow where pretty easy. But some 5 mans and lots of raids had fun mechanics. I feel like GW2 dungeons have a huge lack of mechanics and environmental play most is just kite boss/adds and switch aggro if in trouble. Thats like 90% of the EM mode fights
ok I can agree that mechanics can be buffed up a bit but as far as the skill curve with the classes go gw2 hands down takes more skill than wow, you dont just stand there and do a boring rotation. I just know for a fact that those scrubs in wow, “you know what Im talking about” would be frustrated in the dungeons here because there is no tank or heals that going to save them from the dumb mistakes they make.
It doesn’t take much to say that, but GW1 also takes more skill than GW2. You can’t make a game for everyone but that is what ANET tried to do and a lot of players are getting burnt out and leaving, because the mechanics aren’t there, and the depth was sacrificed to make it easier for the casual gamer.
I am not convinced that is actually the reason – they build a new type of game from scratch and I expect a lot of experimentation to add depth in this environment.
Algreg: “we shouldn´t bring up Wow here as a comparison though. It is a totally different game, even with the common game tag “MMORPG”. I never played it (well, 2 days when a friend send me a trial invite), but a lot of games with a similiar mechanic. It is NOT without a challenge to player skills, but in traditional MMORPG it was more about planning and building your character in gear and knowing what was required of your build in given situations, while GW2 really brings some action game aspects into the picture. And let´s be honest, many of us MMORPG veterans are far inferior in action game play compared to the enthusiasts of different genres. Also, anet is really trying something new here, I am eager to see how it will develop.”
(my responce)
I’m not sure why you can suggest not to compare this game to easily the closest comparison you can make that most people would recognize WoW is the most successfull mmo to date. It main streamed mmo playing to the point its become part of pop culture. Your comman man who doesnt even play video games knows what it is. Also, most people playing gw2 played an mmo before, and most likely WoW was one of em.
Anyway, end point….dont tell people what they can and cant compare something to. Just because you dont eat Lemons, doesnt mean i cant compare the flavor of an orange to lemons instead of a banana.
Also, gw2 made a lot of changes to the way your typical mmo works “just like wow did”. They tried once again to solve issues people didnt like about present mmos with new features to make the game even MORE casual and main stream than WoW was to the mmo’s before it (like ultima or EQ for examp). Just like WoW though some things worked…some things were turn offs. Though in their case more things worked and they are now the standard most people go by for what an MMO is. If something that worked in it is not present in this one, people will notice and complain. Just like i was upset when WoW felt too easy and death didnt feel impactful it was like ez-mode, still the pvp was new and fun and more of my friends could get into it without feeling like they had to sign their life away. However gw2 leaves a lot of my friends feeling unsatisfied and bored. The lack of e-sport features, the lack of many guild activities outside of WvW, the grind and absent feeling of accomplishment for world bosses are all things a large population of people were let down on.
There is no sense of character advancement in this game. Gear is more about looking pretty, rather than being strong.
Yes, and that’s by design… If they would change that, they would have to change the entire concept on which GW2 was built…
I like the post about the dynamic events… Yes, they are “dynamic”. If you wander around the world, you’ll see events popping up without you having to do something. But, I agree, they’re not dynamic in execution and that would make it awesome.
I don’t have a problem with lack of gear progression.
GW1 didn’t have it, but it did have much better character customization in terms of playstyle/build. They destroyed most of that with GW2 but w/o gear progression to make up for it. There’s really no progression at all once you’ve unlocked your traits/skills.