GW1 to GW2 - Steps Forward and Backward
A persistent world doesn’t actually reset, even if events within it might cycle. The world itself is open. In other words, it persists.
Endlessly recycling events in GW2 produce the same effect as zones resetting in GW1: despite all your efforts to the contrary, nothing has really changed.
This is completely untrue. When I walk out a gate in Guild Wars 1 I know exactly where every creature will be…where they’ll spawn…where they’ll drop. The closest thing to random I can find in Guild Wars 1 is the rotating bosses in some zones, which if you’re looking to cap an elite is merely annoying.
In Guild Wars 2, I don’t always know what I’ll find when I walk out a gate. An event may spawn, it may not spawn. In fact, in Guild Wars 1, once you finish your quests, you pretty much just have mobs in zones, and maybe an occasional repeatable quest. But you don’t anything else but mobs all standing in exactly the same spot.
Cyclic events aren’t the same as static events, or even no events.
Just the fact that an event can scale up changes it dramatically. There’s no reason for events to scale in Guild Wars 2, because the game knows exactly how many people you’re taking. You can take less or more, but the event never changes.
There are times, due to spawning or even overlapping events that some interesting results have occurred. That just doesn’t happen in Guild Wars 1.
Vayne, Please… Mobs just standing in one spot? Guess you never did DOA/UW did you. Or half the game, obviously. Mobs in GW1 patrol a LOT bigger areas, Particularly in NF and EoTN. Just stop already. There is no reason to state an outright exaggeration to prove whatever point you think you are proving. It only weakens that point.
I’m a legendary Vanquisher, are you? Must have been so easy for you, knowing EXACTLY where every mob “just standing there” would be. How much GW1 did you actually play? How can you even make such claims?
And GW2? again, come on, Please.. Daily Kill variety quests I run directly to the spots I know mobs will be. Other dailies I run directly to the mobs I need, for what I need, and so does everyone else. It never varies, ever, except to wait for respawn. If anything, big patrol pattern mobs are RARER in GW2 than GW1. I know where DE mobs will spawn, how many, where and when. Every player who does Maw, Dragons, every Meta also knows what will spawn, when it will spawn, and where it will spawn. Jeez.. Random, GW2 is not, and any player who does dailies knows this.
There are enough legitimate differences, pros and cons, both sides, to debate a preference for either game. You really don’t need to manufacture a post like this.
He said he played gw1 for 5 and half years and he didn’t liked dungeons nor pvp lol he played for over half a decade ignoring the best parts of the game. I wonder, what exactly a person that logs in for so long could be doing? Probably lying to prove his points…
He could be honest. I played PVP sporadically, and hardly did dungeons except for the achievements. There was a lot to do in that game, and that could mean me and vayne disagree on the best part. For me it was mostly about title hunting which meant basically anything but dungeons and pvp
No lying required, although it shows how dishonest you just are.
Sounds fair but title hunting for five and a half years? I mean if you were playing casually 1h per week then sure but if you were ‘playing’ the game, it wouldn’t take you anywhere near to get GWAMM (if that’s what you were aiming for). its your play style liking maxing titles and that’s fine but i just cannot believe when some1 tells me he didn’t like dungeons/pvp in gw1, it was glorious!!!
Took me about that long, correct. Never rushed it, took my time, enjoyed the game. Never put any focus on anything. Eventually I got GWAMM and 50/50 with about 2000 hours played in 7 years. I never put full dedication towards it because THATS BORING. Why would I get GWAMM in a week if I could get it in 7 years instead.
Confused here, titles towards the Kind of A Big Deal/Max Titles Rank never became prevalent until later on in the Guild Wars time frame. Originally titles were a pure cosmetic like GW2 and served no purpose, nor a goal for GWAMM. Especially not for HoM
Around Nightfall I got my first 5 titles. Good wine is meant to be enjoyed slowly.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
A persistent world doesn’t actually reset, even if events within it might cycle. The world itself is open. In other words, it persists.
Endlessly recycling events in GW2 produce the same effect as zones resetting in GW1: despite all your efforts to the contrary, nothing has really changed.
This is completely untrue. When I walk out a gate in Guild Wars 1 I know exactly where every creature will be…where they’ll spawn…where they’ll drop. The closest thing to random I can find in Guild Wars 1 is the rotating bosses in some zones, which if you’re looking to cap an elite is merely annoying.
In Guild Wars 2, I don’t always know what I’ll find when I walk out a gate. An event may spawn, it may not spawn. In fact, in Guild Wars 1, once you finish your quests, you pretty much just have mobs in zones, and maybe an occasional repeatable quest. But you don’t anything else but mobs all standing in exactly the same spot.
Cyclic events aren’t the same as static events, or even no events.
Just the fact that an event can scale up changes it dramatically. There’s no reason for events to scale in Guild Wars 2, because the game knows exactly how many people you’re taking. You can take less or more, but the event never changes.
There are times, due to spawning or even overlapping events that some interesting results have occurred. That just doesn’t happen in Guild Wars 1.
Vayne, Please… Mobs just standing in one spot? Guess you never did DOA/UW did you. Or half the game, obviously. Mobs in GW1 patrol a LOT bigger areas, Particularly in NF and EoTN. Just stop already. There is no reason to state an outright exaggeration to prove whatever point you think you are proving. It only weakens that point.
I’m a legendary Vanquisher, are you? Must have been so easy for you, knowing EXACTLY where every mob “just standing there” would be. How much GW1 did you actually play? How can you even make such claims?
And GW2? again, come on, Please.. Daily Kill variety quests I run directly to the spots I know mobs will be. Other dailies I run directly to the mobs I need, for what I need, and so does everyone else. It never varies, ever, except to wait for respawn. If anything, big patrol pattern mobs are RARER in GW2 than GW1. I know where DE mobs will spawn, how many, where and when. Every player who does Maw, Dragons, every Meta also knows what will spawn, when it will spawn, and where it will spawn. Jeez.. Random, GW2 is not, and any player who does dailies knows this.
There are enough legitimate differences, pros and cons, both sides, to debate a preference for either game. You really don’t need to manufacture a post like this.
He said he played gw1 for 5 and half years and he didn’t liked dungeons nor pvp lol he played for over half a decade ignoring the best parts of the game. I wonder, what exactly a person that logs in for so long could be doing? Probably lying to prove his points…
He could be honest. I played PVP sporadically, and hardly did dungeons except for the achievements. There was a lot to do in that game, and that could mean me and vayne disagree on the best part. For me it was mostly about title hunting which meant basically anything but dungeons and pvp
No lying required, although it shows how dishonest you just are.
Sounds fair but title hunting for five and a half years? I mean if you were playing casually 1h per week then sure but if you were ‘playing’ the game, it wouldn’t take you anywhere near to get GWAMM (if that’s what you were aiming for). its your play style liking maxing titles and that’s fine but i just cannot believe when some1 tells me he didn’t like dungeons/pvp in gw1, it was glorious!!!
Took me about that long, correct. Never rushed it, took my time, enjoyed the game. Never put any focus on anything. Eventually I got GWAMM and 50/50 with about 2000 hours played in 7 years. I never put full dedication towards it because THATS BORING. Why would I get GWAMM in a week if I could get it in 7 years instead.
Confused here, titles towards the Kind of A Big Deal/Max Titles Rank never became prevalent until later on in the Guild Wars time frame. Originally titles were a pure cosmetic like GW2 and served no purpose, nor a goal for GWAMM. Especially not for HoM
Around Nightfall I got my first 5 titles. Good wine is meant to be enjoyed slowly.
It sounded at first as you were attempting to get max titles from the start of Guild Wars, which isn’t logical, but if that wasn’t a goal until later on, then it would make perfect sense.
From gw1 to gw2 is like from 360 to X1, 1 step forward and 10 backwards.
Maybe you’re just facing the wrong direction.
Now if only that was true. Read comments in this and many other threads, lots of people are displeased with anet patches, you’re in the minority who enjoys them. This is just a forum and probably only 5-10% of the whole gw2 population but its on forums you find people who’ve supported gw1 for almost a decade, so if i was them i’d listen and stop with these jumping puzzles crap.
Nope, I’m not the minority. You’re making an assumption because more people complain…but it’s still only a tiny tiny percentage of the player base. And in this it’s like every other forum for every other MMORPG. Nothing but complaints. It’s meaningless.
As for the people who supported Guild Wars 2 for a decade, I still see a whole lot of GWAMM titles running around when I play. Maybe your numbers are wrong.
Either way, you can only guess or assume you’re in the majority. I certainly don’t think you are.
Yes, there’s enough SWAMM left, people have patience, i have patience and still playing gw2 daily even tho i haven’t enjoyed anything after Fractal patch. You may not want to accept it but you’re the minority who enjoys their latest content. I don’t even need to be on this forum to see tones of people laugh at their mini games that are fun for 2 minutes and you never step your foot back in them. In game you’ll see that a lot in LA (but let me guess, they’re all trolls because they don’t appreciate what you do…), on jtv streams most people when asked if they enjoy what anet’s adding just LOL… I mean, its not one, five, ten or a hundred of people complaining, its tones.
You may not accept it, but you don’t know. I don’t know either. At least I can admit I don’t know.
But I strongly suspect that you only see what you want to see.
Confused here, titles towards the Kind of A Big Deal/Max Titles Rank never became prevalent until later on in the Guild Wars time frame. Originally titles were a pure cosmetic like GW2 and served no purpose, nor a goal for GWAMM. Especially not for HoM
Around Nightfall I got my first 5 titles. Good wine is meant to be enjoyed slowly.
It sounded at first as you were attempting to get max titles from the start of Guild Wars, which isn’t logical, but if that wasn’t a goal until later on, then it would make perfect sense.
Not really, I started out around factions when they were first introduced, but it was a very, very slow process. I never hasted myself except when achieving a title was imminent. I was always progressing several titles at the same time.
The Luxon title is the best example. I started out shortly after factions release and worked on it for years. It was the last title to be completed. If I had done it any faster, I wouldn’t have completed it due to burn outs.
Why do you presume people do stuff just as fast as you do?
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
The “MM” part stands for “Massively Multiplayer.” Massively is an adjective here describing multiplayer, it’s not a stand-alone word. GW1 is multiplayer, but it’s certainly not massive about it because 95% of it is instanced and limited to 8 players. That, in conjunction with the “persistent” aspect of MMO’s, is what, I think, people are arguing about.
Yes, there’s 5% of the game that you can call “massive”(the towns). But that’s a lot like saying my Camry is a sports car because it has a spoiler on the back. If you look at the game as a whole and are being forced to pin it as either CoRPG or MMORPG, the former is a way better fit for it…even though it has a few elements of the latter.
On topic though, I agree with most of what you say about the OP’s post. :P
Apologies on misinforming the definition with “Mass”, but even still. You can still take Massively in two perspectives. One of which you mentioned or still as I mentioned under “Mass”, which massively is “large amount of mass, bulk of something ( this case, players)”.
It can still be translated as the amount of players on the game at any given time (which was a large amount in its prime).
I also stand by saying both sides are correct in which MMO now typically translates into a diverse, persistent living worlds with people playing simultaneously in any given location (or percentage as you listed). Like a lot of words or phrases, the prime generation takes words and “coins” them with new terms.
It can still be translated as the amount of players on the game at any given time (which was a large amount in its prime).
But that translation is not correct in this context. They have to be online in the same open world. That’s the meaning of massively multiplayer, not to be limited to the players in your personal room (typically 4-16) but seeing every player in the same area.
Merely being in the same game is not enough. Counter-strike is not an MMO. Diablo 2 isn’t. Team Fortress 2 isn’t. League of Legacy isn’t. Guild Wars 1 isn’t. You should be able to see the difference.
I also stand by saying both sides are correct in which MMO now typically translates into a diverse, persistent living worlds with people playing simultaneously in any given location (or percentage as you listed). Like a lot of words or phrases, the prime generation takes words and “coins” them with new terms.
That’s politics. Diluting terms to mean whatever you want. Outside of politics such rhetoric is deprecated.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
Vayne.8563 stop defending gw2, you act like this game has a random generator, but if you go outside of city you will notice that every event repeat 20 min, moobs are always in same position and drop same items. Problem in gw2 is that dev promised us a lot (I heard there will be a lot of dragon fighting and instead we get 1 dragon, we had more dragons in gw1 … ) We are not telling here that gw2 is bad game, we just fell that this game miss “end game” . We have only 2 lvl 80 maps, which is to small number in my opinion. We just miss good thing from gw1 for example: Festival hat maker (you showed him hat you did get during special event and he could make a copy for every of your character). Also gw1 was mmorpg im opinion of many people (I know you will call it corpg because world wasn’t open, but to be honest it wasn’t a big problem, many times I can’t join friends because im stuck in overflow here ….)
As for dungeons, it’s true instances are instances, but Anet has never focused on dungeons per se…and they still don’t. There are 8 dungeons and 1500 dynamic events over 26 zones. I’m pretty sure Anet is more focused on the open world than dugeons, one of the reasons I like this game.
Lolololol. It’s kinfa funny this, because ALL open world in Gw2 are COMPLETLY DEAD. Some don’t realize that the majority of people, a vast majority, like to play in PVE in instanced zones, and this is the reason why Gw2 fail, because Anet invested a lot of time in a open world that anybody plays and anybody want play.
Even WoW know this, all endgame are based in instanced Raids. The open world in all MMO’s are dead. Even in Gw2 the “end game” (Orr) zones are death. Hey, I vanquished all maps of Gw1 with my 2 friends and heroes and that was epic, in Gw2 it’s impossible to go with my 2 friends because the open world is a joke.
I’m with the OP, Gw2 want to be something between Gw1 and the rest of MMOClons, and for me this is a big mistake.
Pd: Sorry if my english is not very good, i’m learning
(edited by Layka.7465)
For the record, I HATE MMOs. If games are a hearty stew, MMOs are a watery gruel, only a faint hint of flavor amongst an otherwise plentiful yet unsatisfying experience. That being said, I LOVED Guild Wars 1 tremendously, especially after the advent of heroes. Making builds and tackling HM with them was great. It was nice to know that with a full party of heroes, there was no ambiguity that it was possible, and I just wasn’t doing it right. The fault lied entirely with me, and I was the one to fix it. I would get tired of GW1 for months at a time (as I think people should be allowed to do with a game) but I still felt it was always one of my favorite games ever. Nobody randomly attacking me, nobody stealing my stuff, and I always had the opportunity to do things with other people if I wanted. People can argue about it being a CoRPG instead of an MMO, but it’s rather irrelevant. The first reference to the term I saw was an interview after they had announced they were working on GW2, basically admitting that they failed to make an MMO. But hey, if we want to make genre distinctions, here’s this:
The game we’re playing here is Guild Wars 2, not Guild Wars Online or some other thing to signify a departure from the things that people identify with Guild Wars 1. So if GW1 is a CoRPG, then it would make sense that given its direct sequel status, its genre would remain intact. But this isn’t really important. It may be good by MMO standards, but I would not say it’s a worthy sequel by any means. It’s not just some misplaced nostalgia for the first game either. It was that nostalgia that drove initial sales, but the game is lacking the stuff that kept people coming back to GW1 year after year.
The thing is that the people who are here complaining about playing the game are actually still playing it, despite their complaints. Most people when they don’t like something don’t complain, they just stop. Believe it or not, people don’t generally like to put themselves out there. They’re either more prone to speak up, or feel really strongly about it. My long time GW1 guild has mostly stopped playing GW2 at this point, and you probably haven’t heard from a single one of them on the forum. A few people complaining is many more people leaving. And no amount of living story temporary content is going to make them come back once they’ve decided they’re done.
The complainers need to be listened to. Already I see LA regularly abuzz about the next MMO to be released. A large portion of the player base will just migrate to something else because that’s what they do when an MMO comes out, and quality has nothing to do with it. The complainers are the people who really want to like the game, and are willing to stick with it despite the fact they aren’t enjoying it as much as something else they can still play (you don’t need to remind them of that, they are fully aware already).
If games are supposed to make people feel important within the game world, this one does a poor job of it. I succeed in an event, it will be back in an hour tops. Countless events aren’t even possible by myself. The outcomes of the living story will happen whether or not I had anything to do with them. If the goal was to make a game where people feel like a replaceable cog in society and make all of their accomplishments feel meaningless, then they managed to do so. At least once I completed a quest in GW1, those enemies would disappear. Combine that with the stranglehold the current system puts on the “monetary” rewards, then the whole game turns into a cycle of doing chores for someone’s loose change (Achievement Rewards are a huge step towards alleviating this particular problem though). I could get more into actual mechanical and systemic issues, but if you want to understand why the game doesn’t “feel” very satisfying, that’s a big part of it.
Fun on someone else’s schedule is not fun
If I could transfer my Norn to GW1, I would NOT be here. And that is the solid truth.
Here, let me type slower and louder for you. I’m playing GW2 at this point simply because I love my Norn characters.
So, hypothetically, if Norn were a playable race in GW1, there would be no reason for me to be here.
Conversely, if Norn had never been playable here, I would have never installed this. I bought after launch, and had real trepidation then.
It is an illustrative statement of just how thin the margin is that is keeping me here at all.
Hey don’t get mad at me because of your dumb “IF statement” was. That’s the brilliance of IF statements you can fantasies all you want, but it wont be true.
It doesn’t matter how "thin’ your margin for playing the game is, the fact is you are playing the game.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
Hey don’t get mad at me because of your dumb “IF statement” was.
I was not mad. . I often look at a players posting history. You have a penchant for labeling posters you don’t agree with with various negative labels, questioning intelligence, generally insulting. So, I don’t take an insult from you as any big deal, since you tend to do it a lot, and its nothing new or even personal.
have a nice day
As for dungeons, it’s true instances are instances, but Anet has never focused on dungeons per se…and they still don’t. There are 8 dungeons and 1500 dynamic events over 26 zones. I’m pretty sure Anet is more focused on the open world than dugeons, one of the reasons I like this game.
Lolololol. It’s kinfa funny this, because ALL open world in Gw2 are COMPLETLY DEAD. Some don’t realize that the majority of people, a vast majority, like to play in PVE in instanced zones, and this is the reason why Gw2 fail, because Anet invested a lot of time in a open world that anybody plays and anybody want play.
Even WoW know this, all endgame are based in instanced Raids. The open world in all MMO’s are dead. Even in Gw2 the “end game” (Orr) zones are death. Hey, I vanquished all maps of Gw1 with my 2 friends and heroes and that was epic, in Gw2 it’s impossible to go with my 2 friends because the open world is a joke.
I’m with the OP, Gw2 want to be something between Gw1 and the rest of MMOClons, and for me this is a big mistake.
Pd: Sorry if my english is not very good, i’m learning
The open world isn’t dead. Anet is channeling people into specific areas. Just because you don’t understand what Anet is doing doesn’t mean Anet doesn’t know what they’re doing.
I love how many people think they no more about the game than the developers.
Or, how some people can think they know so much that they can speak for the developers, and yet not be one.
see what I did there?
The annoyance cuts both ways, and both disrupt communication.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
It can still be translated as the amount of players on the game at any given time (which was a large amount in its prime).
But that translation is not correct in this context. They have to be online in the same open world. That’s the meaning of massively multiplayer, not to be limited to the players in your personal room (typically 4-16) but seeing every player in the same area.
Merely being in the same game is not enough. Counter-strike is not an MMO. Diablo 2 isn’t. Team Fortress 2 isn’t. League of Legacy isn’t. Guild Wars 1 isn’t. You should be able to see the difference.
I also stand by saying both sides are correct in which MMO now typically translates into a diverse, persistent living worlds with people playing simultaneously in any given location (or percentage as you listed). Like a lot of words or phrases, the prime generation takes words and “coins” them with new terms.
That’s politics. Diluting terms to mean whatever you want. Outside of politics such rhetoric is deprecated.
Firstly, well done on breaking your point out with correct statements.
I will close my argument with this:
As a poster had stated, the phrased “Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO)” was used as a marketing ploy originally and eventually used to describe specific games played online with persistent worlds. This does not take away from the actual meaning of the words in the phrase.
With that said, unless someone could provide a legitimate record stating the above phrase is coined with the meaning you stated, then it can be used to describe other games not typically considered “MMO” material. Which I would consider Guild Wars 1 since the game could be played in areas that allowed many players to simultaneously join at any time.
If someone does have a record stating it’s coined as stated, then I stand corrected and withdraw all arguments above. If not, they are entirely correct and opinionated as are any regarding this subject.
From gw1 to gw2 is like from 360 to X1, 1 step forward and 10 backwards.
Maybe you’re just facing the wrong direction.
Now if only that was true. Read comments in this and many other threads, lots of people are displeased with anet patches, you’re in the minority who enjoys them. This is just a forum and probably only 5-10% of the whole gw2 population but its on forums you find people who’ve supported gw1 for almost a decade, so if i was them i’d listen and stop with these jumping puzzles crap.
Nope, I’m not the minority. You’re making an assumption because more people complain…but it’s still only a tiny tiny percentage of the player base. And in this it’s like every other forum for every other MMORPG. Nothing but complaints. It’s meaningless.
As for the people who supported Guild Wars 2 for a decade, I still see a whole lot of GWAMM titles running around when I play. Maybe your numbers are wrong.
Either way, you can only guess or assume you’re in the majority. I certainly don’t think you are.
Yes, there’s enough SWAMM left, people have patience, i have patience and still playing gw2 daily even tho i haven’t enjoyed anything after Fractal patch. You may not want to accept it but you’re the minority who enjoys their latest content. I don’t even need to be on this forum to see tones of people laugh at their mini games that are fun for 2 minutes and you never step your foot back in them. In game you’ll see that a lot in LA (but let me guess, they’re all trolls because they don’t appreciate what you do…), on jtv streams most people when asked if they enjoy what anet’s adding just LOL… I mean, its not one, five, ten or a hundred of people complaining, its tones.
You may not accept it, but you don’t know. I don’t know either. At least I can admit I don’t know.
But I strongly suspect that you only see what you want to see.
okay, i get it, proving a point to you is pointless.
It can still be translated as the amount of players on the game at any given time (which was a large amount in its prime).
But that translation is not correct in this context. They have to be online in the same open world. That’s the meaning of massively multiplayer, not to be limited to the players in your personal room (typically 4-16) but seeing every player in the same area.
Merely being in the same game is not enough. Counter-strike is not an MMO. Diablo 2 isn’t. Team Fortress 2 isn’t. League of Legacy isn’t. Guild Wars 1 isn’t. You should be able to see the difference.
I also stand by saying both sides are correct in which MMO now typically translates into a diverse, persistent living worlds with people playing simultaneously in any given location (or percentage as you listed). Like a lot of words or phrases, the prime generation takes words and “coins” them with new terms.
That’s politics. Diluting terms to mean whatever you want. Outside of politics such rhetoric is deprecated.
Firstly, well done on breaking your point out with correct statements.
I will close my argument with this:
As a poster had stated, the phrased “Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO)” was used as a marketing ploy originally and eventually used to describe specific games played online with persistent worlds. This does not take away from the actual meaning of the words in the phrase.
With that said, unless someone could provide a legitimate record stating the above phrase is coined with the meaning you stated, then it can be used to describe other games not typically considered “MMO” material. Which I would consider Guild Wars 1 since the game could be played in areas that allowed many players to simultaneously join at any time.
If someone does have a record stating it’s coined as stated, then I stand corrected and withdraw all arguments above. If not, they are entirely correct and opinionated as are any regarding this subject.
I always considered gw1 a mmo, peeps could say its instanced and not massive multiplayer, but it is a massive game multiplayer and online, try explaining to someone why they cant get into the deep when cavalon is held, or consider faction farming for alliance, or even favour of the gods and we can see how it multiplayer.
For those of you arguing GW2 is a different game…deal with it….leave, I’d like you to consider the statement Anet made in announcing GW2: "GW2 takes everything you loved about GW1 and puts it into a persistent world. ". First of all, is it possible to consider as an overall design goal? I think so. I never played GW1, but I understood perfectly well what he was saying. Any game that can be described as a franchise has a similar dynamic. The game’s have a core DNA and as they evolve their success is measured around keeping things that worked, losing things that didn’t, taking advantage of technical advances, and trying out new things that seem compatible with the DNA. When new releases within a franchise seem like a different game altogether that indicates a failure to manage a franchise over time.
I think what a lot of people are saying is that Anet hasn’t managed the franchise well. Please don’t hear me wrong, as I love GW2 and think it has great potential. Even though I didn’t play GW1, from what I know of it, I think GW2 would benefit from evolving along the path of its DNA. It’s actually why I came to GW2 from WoW.
The game’s have a core DNA and as they evolve their success is measured around keeping things that worked, losing things that didn’t, taking advantage of technical advances, and trying out new things that seem compatible with the DNA. When new releases within a franchise seem like a different game altogether that indicates a failure to manage a franchise over time.
Umm…that’s what a lot of us are saying actually. That they didn’t keep a lot of things that people liked about GW1. That it does seem like a different game altogether. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of good things about this game, but a legitimate and spiritual successor to Guild Wars it is not.
In fact, I’ll start a poll on that very thing to see how everyone feels about it…
…and here it is: GW1&2 Poll
I troll because I care
(edited by Obsidian.1328)
I think GW2 will never bring back that aspects, which we loved in GW1. Other way around. They will move further, far away from their manifesto, far away what we loved in GW1. I don’t believe that they bring… I don’t want to talk about it.
My friend didn’t play GW1, but even he said, that GW2 is not worth wasting time. He said that GW2 is just like Perfect World, the same grinding and RNG game.
-The talentless developers, the talentless game.
That’s what he said. And I’m starting agree with him.
I think GW2 will never bring back that aspects, which we loved in GW1. Other way around. They will move further, far away from their manifesto, far away what we loved in GW1. I don’t believe that they bring… I don’t want to talk about it.
You really sound heartbroken… Cheer up man! We are here for you!
Idk how many years i played gw1, hmmh at a guess 7 years, i want the game the devs in the manifesto speak of, i don’t want grind, i want villages to remain saved and the villagers to remember me, i want to battle me way through the game joining the dynamic events and join a real living story.
I want an adventure, i made a post re the manifesto a few mins ago for a forum moder to remove it and give me a warning, perhaps justified in the way i made the post as i was complaining and unhappy with the way gw2 is going.
What i dont want is every update being silly jumping or mini games, i want gw2 like they marketed it, pls can i have it? do you want the game like they said or how its been given now?
You really sound heartbroken… Cheer up man! We are here for you!
That’s true. I am heartbroken. I loved GW1. It was the best online game I’ve ever played. Before GW1 I’ve played: Lineage 2, Requiem Online, Perfect World, Forsaken World.
I can’t tell you how much GW1 brought me joy. I said to myself: “Finally! That is the game I was looking for”.
And then I saw manifesto about GW2. “Everything you love in gw1 blah-blah-blah”.
But what we have? And I can’t even return to GW1 because GW1 is already dead. Of course I can play pve with heroes, but GW1 is dead anyway. And GW2 is a way, far away from what we loved in GW1. They lied to us.
I regret that I bought this game. 60 dollars and for what? Actually, even my friend who didn’t play GW1, said that they didn’t implement many things, which they promised.
Talentless developers, talentless game. That’s what he said. I didn’t want to believe in it, but…. he was right.
(edited by Kreslin.6832)
No, I’m not heartbroken. It’s just a game. I’m just disappointed.
My friend didn’t play GW1, but even he said, that GW2 is not worth wasting time. He said that GW2 is just like Perfect World, the same grinding and RNG game.
-The talentless developers, the talentless game.
That’s what he said. And I’m starting agree with him.
Having played PWI for a considerable time between GW1 and GW2, I can tell you that GW2 is most definitely NOT “just like PWI” nor is it “just like” any other game.
About grind:
PWI gives you enough quests to make it to the next level…up until about level 60, in which the rest of the levels may have one or two quests associated with the next tier, the rest is mindless mob killing until you amass enough exp to get to the next level. Once you progress beyond a certain level above the area you’re in, the mobs don’t even drop anything for you. The only other way to gain exp is to “help” other people through the required dungeon every 10 levels or so.
GW2 gives you plenty to do to level to the next “tier” or zone, in fact, sometimes, you’re way ahead of the game, so to speak. Not only that, there are many areas that leveling to 80 is not necessary, as you are either boosted to 80, or the content is designed to be playable by everyone. The is also absolutely no content that is “required” for leveling. You don’t have to go to point A to kill mob B in order to progress.
Grinding for gear/upgrades is a choice. literally, almost EVERY other game out there has the same mechanic. Unfortunately, it’s how the vast majority of games provide “progression” in their system.
About RNG:
RNG is a fact of gaming life. Some is ok, some stinks. Items that are “rare” or “Unique” are not meant to be had by everyone. If they were, then a lvl 1 could simply buy it and go on, and everyone would be the same as everyone else.
Admittedly, the RNG in GW2 is inconsistent at best, and there are some things that might drop once out of 782190874 tries, but still, I have seen worse. There are some things that I believe should be guaranteed, such as crafting something with hard earned (and expensive) mats, but random drops should be random, not guaranteed every time.
One other thing about PWI that is VASTLY different than GW2… There’s really no story…at all… I played that game for over a year on and off, and to this day, I cannot remember what the overal theme or goal was, except to level to 150 (or whatever it is) and then hang out in Archisaur as a cat store.
GW2 has a story. It may not be a story you like, and it may not be an all encompassing, immensely engrossing story, but everyone knows that the basic theme is to defeat the elder dragons. Not only that, we’ve only seen ONE so far. There are more, and I hope to see them. In fact, I think it would be kind of cool for the next expansion to have more levels and another Personal Story to go through for the next Elder Dragon war. Kind of like “Ok, you’ve defeated Zhaitan (sp) now go defeat Primordus…” As long as that salad Trahearne isn’t in charge, I’ll be happy.
In short, if your friend is using RNG and Grind as his/her sole reason for not playing GW2, then he/she should maybe take a look at why they are gaming at all.
(edited by Ashabhi.1365)
I think it’s important to make a distinction between “GW2 is horrible” and “GW2 could benefit from elements of GW1 it’s missing and is currently headed in a direction away from that rather than towards it which will make it worse than it is and fail to reach its full potential”
I feel the latter is true, but that GW2 remains the best template MMO on the market at the moment. The argument is that it could be even better with some migration towards what made GW1 great.
GW2 is a great game. Once the “Next Big Thing” releases and the locust swarm of MMO misfits moves on I think the game will begin to change for the better. Most anyone over 25 I’m sure has dated someone else that is frustratingly detached. It can take years to realize that there was never anything you or anyone else could do to make the relationship work. They were always going to move on. No matter what, it was about them, not you, not the next person or the one before you. This is true of the MMO locust. It’s not the game, it’s them. No one company can ever satisfy the appetite they have for content / new experiences. Once Anet is relieved of the burden of trying to find ways to stay true to their creed while satisfying the locust swarm, they’ll find it much easier to rediscover what was in the soul of GW1.
My friend didn’t play GW1, but even he said, that GW2 is not worth wasting time. He said that GW2 is just like Perfect World, the same grinding and RNG game.
-The talentless developers, the talentless game.
That’s what he said. And I’m starting agree with him.
My friend didn’t play GW1 at release but played WoW instead. He tried GW1 later on but unistalled in 1 week, it was “crappy game”. Got GW2 at release and never looked back at WoW (or GW1 of course) and is happy ever since.
I guess different people and different friends.
I was playing Lineage 2 a long time ago, which has a similar grind to Perfect World, honestly I can’t see any similarities between them, any at all.
My friend didn’t play GW1, but even he said, that GW2 is not worth wasting time. He said that GW2 is just like Perfect World, the same grinding and RNG game.
-The talentless developers, the talentless game.
That’s what he said. And I’m starting agree with him.
My friend didn’t play GW1 at release but played WoW instead. He tried GW1 later on but unistalled in 1 week, it was “crappy game”. Got GW2 at release and never looked back at WoW (or GW1 of course) and is happy ever since.
I guess different people and different friends.
I was playing Lineage 2 a long time ago, which has a similar grind to Perfect World, honestly I can’t see any similarities between them, any at all.
same here, I loved GW1, and my cousin was a big WoW fan. He played GW1 for about a week or so.
GW2 broken him from WoW though, and even though I still support GW1 as a funner game, I find GW2 fun and willing to see the direction the game takes.
Also, I started playing GW1 recently. Its good, sure, but Im quickly reminded what I love about GW2…its different. GW1 is a generic MMO
Wut. GW2 is far closer to a generic MMO than GW1 was in every sense of the word. Static skills, identical crafting system, lack of hybrid classes, forced partying, etc, etc. In fact, the focal point of the original post, the lack of ability to create and customize your own NPC party is a huge part of what makes GW2 MUCH more generic than GW1. You should really think about what words mean before you just blurt out nonsense.
There isnt grinding in GW2
aha, pwaha, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Kid, Grind Wars 2 didn’t earn its nickname for nothing. lololol…I can’t believe you actually said that. There is no context in the world that would make that statement even remotely accurate.
But since you’re maintaining that ridiculous “no grinding in gw2” stance, answer me this. How do you get an ascended back slot without grinding?
250 T6 rare mats? 1,850 fractal tokens? Oops, both grinding.
Go on, tell me the other non-grinding means of obtaining BiS gear for the back. Surely I’ve forgotten the non grinding option. I’ll wait.
Good job cutting off the rest of my post explaining what I mean by grinding. Ive yet to grind in GW2. I have had lots of fun without ever grinding. Its not my fault people who grind forget they are playing a game meant for fun. Ive yet to need an ascended back item. So has most players, if not all.
Also Mr Obnoxious, from the sound of your post, sounds like you should give up on GW2, you clearly dont know how to have fun in it. Why torture youself if you dont like it?
As for the NPCs, that puts me off. Its not a single player offline RPG like Torment or Baldur’s Gate where I need NPC allies. Maybe some people like it, but not me.
Conversely, People have no more reason to think they know more about the term than Richard Garriot, who coined the Massively Multiplayer term to introduce the first game to allow more that a couple hundred to log in at the same time by increased support for modem connections. Simple marketing slogan, nothing more. Little to do with gameplay, lots to do with the improvements that allowed a huge leap in numbers able to log in at once.
And Anet was free to use whatever marketing label they chose to, and Im sure aiming at the Console pvp demographic inspired Co OP as a label more than any “definition” of MMO that differs according to whatever point a someone is trying to make.
Ask for solo content in a game, and the usual crowd will contend that MMO means “grouping”
You haven’t been playing GW2 much have you?
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, odds are, its some sort of duck.
Common sense, people.
Common sense says it might be geese too. MMO is very clear term indicating an open persistent world which GW1 does not have. If it stand on 4 hooves and makes the sound of a horse, chances are it’s probably not a duck.
Again, MMO taken out of context. Maybe I shall break the entire phrase down.
- A considerable quantity, number, aggregation of something (In this case people)
- A mode of play involving more than one player/person at any particular time in a computer or virtual experience/game (This is where the coined term gets taken out of context, possibly without even realizing. This definition can be interpreted one of two ways, the first being, multiple players at any given time within the game itself such as person A. in Ascalon doing whatever, and person B. in Kryta doing whatever. Or the second interpretation where multiple players can be at any given location at any time. This is where GW1 gets put out of the MMO genre by some. Because zones are instanced, and can only be “Multiplayer” when grouped before entering the zone." However, there are multiple ways to communicate with other online players regardless of zone, designated locations where any given player can be. )
- Connected by computer device to one or more other computers/networks. Typically through a commercial information service or the “Internet”.
Again, taken out of context. Everyone is right, but like I stated first, ArenaNet made a statement regarding what genre GW1 fell in, which was in fact “MMO RPG”. It was designed and originally planned for PvP arena type game play; i.e, CoRPG)
Not sure where the word “Persistent” resides in any of those terms, or defines those terms. Because it doesn’t.
Literally the first line.
“Guild Wars is a CORPG, or Competitive/Cooperative Online Role Playing Game developed for Windows by ArenaNet and published by NCsoft.”
“The different genre was chosen (as opposed to the classic “Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) RPG”) due to the perceived differences between the game and other, more traditional MMOs…"
GW and GW2
As has been pointed out, GW2 was designed to avoid the balance issues inherent in GW. That said, there are balance issues in GW2. The profession and stat design philosophies are questionable at best.
Heroes would not work in GW2 dungeons. Dungeons are designed around players using moments of invulnerability and positioning to avoid damage. The NPC AI in GW2 is a dismal failure in that regard. For heroes to work, they would either have to be several orders of magnitude tougher than player characters or the NPC AI would have to be revamped.
The Gem Store
I actually don’t think the gem store is that bad. Ommv, but there is nothing in there I have to have. There is nothing in there that gives anyone much of an advantage in the game. There are the buffs, but I’ve gotten a lot of them for free and don’t miss them when I don’t use them. If they’re not “allowed” to sell game-altering stuff, and not allowed to sell skins, what are they allowed to sell? I draw the line at RNG — I only buy things where I know exactly what I am getting. If that means I have a smaller selection of skins to choose from, then so be it. That said, I’m boycotting the “Buy gems” button because I do not want more Ascended added, and disapprove of the ways they will be available — at least so far as we have been told.
Living Story
The whole four teams with each one having three months to develop “their” release is just getting going. Have we even seen content done by a team that had that much time? I’m still in wait-and-see mode on this. If another three months go by and the breadth and depth of the LS releases do not improve, then I’ll start to be concerned.
I’m not unique in this aspect: I played Guild Wars 1 for years. It is arguably my favorite game of all time.
What made it near perfect was its balance between MMO gameplay and the ability to play however you wanted, whether alone or with people, min-maxing or playing with something quirky and interesting. Character builds, while widely copied for min-maxing at least, were extremely unique and interesting. Necro/Rit, Rit/Ranger, Wa/Mo, Wa/Derv and on and on. I was always surprised reading about what combination of classes, runes, items and abilities someone combined to make something truly unique.
In Guild Wars 1, I happily purchased almost every item they put into the cash shop. The link to heroes for the PvP unlocks made them still extremely worthwhile purchases even for just running around vanquishing areas.
In Guild Wars 2, much of this is lost. In its place are other benefits. Crafting is much improved in terms of potential at least. Visual character customization is better than it’s ever been. Combat is in many ways improved, certainly in the fluidity and potential skill cap of the active combat itself. The world feels more alive. Weapons tied to abilities has lead to more potential variety in setup. Guild functionality is much improved (though who doesn’t miss having a guild hall?). Achievement rewards, awesome.
What I find interesting however is that in every area where it is a step backward, it is not a step backward in a way that conflicts with its steps forward.
What I’ve felt most poignantly having come back to GW2 after a lost absence is the inability to attempt any PvE content I wish by myself. It’s not that I’m anti-social, but that my life is not configured such to be able to always allow for uninterrupted play. If I was running on a group of myself + heroes, I could simply step away from the computer for a few minutes, take care of what I needed to, and return. I don’t believe 4 players would approve of this. No progress GW2 has made in any other area would be negatively impacted by allowing the use of heroes, especially if those heroes were tied to alts or important story characters. World roaming, I don’t see any purpose in a self made party, but for fractals and dungeons, it’s a tremendous loss compared to GW1.Also, the gem store is a mixed bag. On the one hand, it’s a great way to offer some of the best parts of the GW1 cash store and more. On the other hand, it’s clearly affecting game design decisions in a way that is moving too far down the path of mobile and facebook games. I strongly dislike RNG elements introduced into store purchases (recent skin items) and am also not a fan of some of the restrictions on items that are relatively expensive. When I buy a skin, I expect to own that skin forever. I do not expect to have to re-purchase it for $10 every time I change armor to maintain that look. When I buy a perma-axe, I expect to be able to send it to my new main. It was $10 afterall. Capping salvage kits from merchants at 80% with gem purchased @ 100%. These are the types of gameplay changes that are moving away from the “pay for what you love” and into the “pay to remove pain points” territory.
There is also the slip into gear based progression and too much reliance on grinding #‘s. I didn’t understand the move to 80 levels from 20. The quote I remember was something along the lines of, people said they wanted more progression. Ok… but what happens at level 80? This strikes me of the scene in Something About Mary with 7 minute abs. The problem isn’t removed, only moved and delayed. All it’s managed to do is delay the moment where you feel ready for end game content (upleveling just isn’t effective in WvW). Now add in the ascended gear/legendary stat increases and an unpleasant precedent is being set.
Finally, the living story and lack of emphasis on major content releases. I’m not into mini-games and jumping puzzles. A trickle of these in groups with a little lore attached will never replicate the experience of exploring Cantha for the first time or playing through the well crafted missions of GW1. New classes. New continents. New content to rival the starter content in size, scope and importance. Currently, content feels like a thinly veiled pressure to spend more money in the gem shop when I’d much rather, and gladly, throw money at you for new content.
If you want to be able to play ALL the content by yourself, then why are you playing an MMO? even if you could play dungeons in gw2 by yourself, it would be way less exciting then playing say a singleplayer only game where you have 5 npcs that help you (DRAGON AGE ORIGINS / MASS EFFECT 1,2,3 BAULDRS GATE, DIABLO, SKYRIM.FALLOUT)
If you want to be able to play ALL the content by yourself, then why are you playing an MMO? even if you could play dungeons in gw2 by yourself, it would be way less exciting then playing say a singleplayer only game where you have 5 npcs that help you (DRAGON AGE ORIGINS / MASS EFFECT 1,2,3 BAULDRS GATE, DIABLO, SKYRIM.FALLOUT)
There are times it is obvious someone hits reply and types a response before thinking something through. This is one of those times. These are not mutually exclusive:
- I want to have the option to play with other people when I’m able.
- I want to trade with real people.
- I want to play in areas like WvW with and against other people
- I want to be able to complete all PvE content when I’m unable to do any of those things with people.
You know, somewhat ike GW1, that other game that shares a name, company and lore to which this is supposedly a sequel.
If you want to be able to play ALL the content by yourself, then why are you playing an MMO? even if you could play dungeons in gw2 by yourself, it would be way less exciting then playing say a singleplayer only game where you have 5 npcs that help you (DRAGON AGE ORIGINS / MASS EFFECT 1,2,3 BAULDRS GATE, DIABLO, SKYRIM.FALLOUT)
There are times it is obvious someone hits reply and types a response before thinking something through. This is one of those times. These are not mutually exclusive:
- I want to have the option to play with other people when I’m able.
- I want to trade with real people.
- I want to play in areas like WvW with and against other people
- I want to be able to complete all PvE content when I’m unable to do any of those things with people.You know, somewhat ike GW1, that other game that shares a name, company and lore to which this is supposedly a sequel.
But you can solo most of GW2 there just a few events you cant. In most mmorpg most things you cant solo and you MUST have a pt. If any thing GW2 is one of the more friendly solo mmorpg games out there.
I will go point by point for added notes.
- I want to have the option to play with other people when I’m able.
Yes GW2 is like this you do not need to be in a pt to play with other ppl in a way you can group up in the open world with out needed to build a pt as you do with the stander mmorpg (mind you in the coming mmorpgs there going to be a tank healer dps set up so you MUST have a pt to do any thing of importanes).
- I want to trade with real people.
In GW1 there was no TP but there was trading the thing is ppl will get scammed even with a good trading system so the best way to keep the ppl who take advantages of these type of system is to have a TP system that lets you type in the names of the items you want..
- I want to play in areas like WvW with and against other people
So Spvp? or even WvW there are system in GW2 like this.
- I want to be able to complete all PvE content when I’m unable to do any of those things with people.
That there the line is drawn for an non mmorpg vs an mmorpg. GW2 is very light on needing a pt to do most events and even more light on needing x jobs to do this or x jobs to do that. When we look at other mmorpgs where you need a very well made set up you will find that a pt is a MUST for all events. The only thing GW1 let you do over GW2 was to have npc and to come down to it these npc where not the smartest AI.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
(edited by Jski.6180)
But you can solo most of GW2 there just a few events you cant. In most mmorpg most things you cant solo and you MUST have a pt. If any thing GW2 is one of the more friendly solo mmorpg games out there.
Arah. CoF. CoE etc. etc. etc.
It is solo friendly, but no more so than other MMOs. In GW1, essentially all PvE content was soloable. GW2 is much more in line with the 20 other template MMOs on the market at the moment. Gimmick builds exist for most of those to solo party content as well.
In most mmorpg most things you cant solo and you MUST have a pt.
That’s not true.
Sure, today all MMORPGs have endgame focusing on raids and etc. But all modern MMORPGs realize most player actually play solo most of the time, so they have made most areas of the game soloable. In fact, other than the end game instances, most parts of MMORPGs are soloable.
People like the option of playing with others. People don’t like being forced to play with others all the time.
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons
But you can solo most of GW2 there just a few events you cant. In most mmorpg most things you cant solo and you MUST have a pt. If any thing GW2 is one of the more friendly solo mmorpg games out there.
Arah. CoF. CoE etc. etc. etc.
It is solo friendly, but no more so than other MMOs. In GW1, essentially all PvE content was soloable. GW2 is much more in line with the 20 other template MMOs on the market at the moment. Gimmick builds exist for most of those to solo party content as well.
GW1 was not realty an mmorpg it would be like calling D2 an mmorpg or even a MH game an mmorpg. GW1 was made to be a solo game that you could run with other ppl when you wanted to. Look at other real mmorpgs when your looking for solo ability. WoW needs up to 30? for the major event content FF11 needed 6-18 for most events (most of the time it was more you just played the system and cycled out ppl) even games like Wildstart where you have a tank dps and support your more then likely going to need a full well set up pt to do events same is going to be true for ESO.
Also for a very long time GW1 npc where not up to part to do all pve events only later in its life where the npc able to push you though hard pve content.
Also the truth is these non solo friendly content your talking about is a very small part of GW2 there a good number of them but there is a lot more open world content where other players whom are with you running pve are in a world wild pt.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
In most mmorpg most things you cant solo and you MUST have a pt.
That’s not true.
Sure, today all MMORPGs have endgame focusing on raids and etc. But all modern MMORPGs realize most player actually play solo most of the time, so they have made most areas of the game soloable. In fact, other than the end game instances, most parts of MMORPGs are soloable.
People like the option of playing with others. People don’t like being forced to play with others all the time.
Examples please.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
In most mmorpg most things you cant solo and you MUST have a pt.
That’s not true.
Sure, today all MMORPGs have endgame focusing on raids and etc. But all modern MMORPGs realize most player actually play solo most of the time, so they have made most areas of the game soloable. In fact, other than the end game instances, most parts of MMORPGs are soloable.
People like the option of playing with others. People don’t like being forced to play with others all the time.
Yup, even hardcore old Everquest has mercs you can hire. My Everquest2 Shadowknight merc was the most OP npc I have ever seen. Easily handled orange con 3up linked overland encounters over our level. with my Warden healing her. Did green/blue con single group dungeons with her without a lot of effort. If you were lucky, you could hire a very elusive Fabled mercenary that was even more powerful, and never lose it as long as you paid the salary while it was called. (group in EQ2, 6 max, Raid=4group max.)
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Examples please.
Everything. Can you point a single MMORPG released in the past few years in which most of the world map requires people to be in a group, as opposed to being soloable?
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons
In most mmorpg most things you cant solo and you MUST have a pt.
That’s not true.
Sure, today all MMORPGs have endgame focusing on raids and etc. But all modern MMORPGs realize most player actually play solo most of the time, so they have made most areas of the game soloable. In fact, other than the end game instances, most parts of MMORPGs are soloable.
People like the option of playing with others. People don’t like being forced to play with others all the time.
Yup, even hardcore old Everquest has mercs you can hire. My Everquest2 Shadowknight merc was the most OP npc I have ever seen. Easily handled orange con 3up linked encounters over our level. with my Warden healing her.
So you could do all pve content with a Shadowknight merc? Was it better to run with real ppl or these npc or was there no one playing so you had no chose?
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
My friend didn’t play GW1, but even he said, that GW2 is not worth wasting time. He said that GW2 is just like Perfect World, the same grinding and RNG game.
-The talentless developers, the talentless game.
That’s what he said. And I’m starting agree with him.
My friend didn’t play GW1 at release but played WoW instead. He tried GW1 later on but unistalled in 1 week, it was “crappy game”. Got GW2 at release and never looked back at WoW (or GW1 of course) and is happy ever since.
I guess different people and different friends.
I was playing Lineage 2 a long time ago, which has a similar grind to Perfect World, honestly I can’t see any similarities between them, any at all.
There’s only one way to not like gw1, if you tried the game for the first time when it was already dead… Its close to impossible to not like that game if you’ve played it in 07 or earlier (of course you need to like rpg’s in general). If i tried gw1 in 2012 for the first time of course i wouldn’t like it, game feels super slow, ugly graphics and its deserted. That wasn’t the case in 08 and earlier
Examples please.
Everything. Can you point a single MMORPG released in the past few years in which most of the world map requires people to be in a group, as opposed to being soloable?
FF11 i think FF14 was the same way there was Rift i think Star wars online was a lot like this in the later levels. I cant think of any mmorpg that you could do all the pve content solo. Now if you just trying to pull out “I can exp solo in this game” as solo pve content then GW2 fit that bill well.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
In most mmorpg most things you cant solo and you MUST have a pt.
That’s not true.
Sure, today all MMORPGs have endgame focusing on raids and etc. But all modern MMORPGs realize most player actually play solo most of the time, so they have made most areas of the game soloable. In fact, other than the end game instances, most parts of MMORPGs are soloable.
People like the option of playing with others. People don’t like being forced to play with others all the time.
Yup, even hardcore old Everquest has mercs you can hire. My Everquest2 Shadowknight merc was the most OP npc I have ever seen. Easily handled orange con 3up linked encounters over our level. with my Warden healing her.
So you could do all pve content with a Shadowknight merc? Was it better to run with real ppl or these npc or was there no one playing so you had no chose?
With the SK merc, I could do most single group (6 man max) content if I had a few levels on them. Some dungeons had scripts the NPC was too dumb to do. Raid content was out of the question. People also used them as fillers, ie, 4 people and a merc or 2 to do a harder group dungeon. Anything overland was cake, save contested epics. In fact, overland I usually didn’t even call the merc except for Named.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
In most mmorpg most things you cant solo and you MUST have a pt.
That’s not true.
Sure, today all MMORPGs have endgame focusing on raids and etc. But all modern MMORPGs realize most player actually play solo most of the time, so they have made most areas of the game soloable. In fact, other than the end game instances, most parts of MMORPGs are soloable.
People like the option of playing with others. People don’t like being forced to play with others all the time.
Yup, even hardcore old Everquest has mercs you can hire. My Everquest2 Shadowknight merc was the most OP npc I have ever seen. Easily handled orange con 3up linked encounters over our level. with my Warden healing her.
So you could do all pve content with a Shadowknight merc? Was it better to run with real ppl or these npc or was there no one playing so you had no chose?
With the SK merc, I could do most small group content. Some dungeons had scripts the NPC was too dumb to do. Raid content was out of the question. People also used them as fillers, ie, 4 people and a merc to do a harder group dungeon. Anything overland was cake, save contested epics.
I see i though as much but i do not think its comply out of question to see more npc to “help” you in dungeon content in GW2.
As things stand you can have very bad Ai item pets in GW2 to help you in dungeon but GW2 not a tank and spank game so you will need npc doing much more then just being a meat shield THAT what it means to play a real mmorpg where you need ppl doing more then just spamming attks to kill things fast.
Npc never worked in ff11 they would just simply give the mobs too much tp and you must be able to call them off in a sec if it was needed and DoT spells would mess things up soo much. Same reason why pets classes beyond the SMN class where that effect but i must say i LOVED Pup soo much.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
In most mmorpg most things you cant solo and you MUST have a pt.
That’s not true.
Sure, today all MMORPGs have endgame focusing on raids and etc. But all modern MMORPGs realize most player actually play solo most of the time, so they have made most areas of the game soloable. In fact, other than the end game instances, most parts of MMORPGs are soloable.
People like the option of playing with others. People don’t like being forced to play with others all the time.
Yup, even hardcore old Everquest has mercs you can hire. My Everquest2 Shadowknight merc was the most OP npc I have ever seen. Easily handled orange con 3up linked encounters over our level. with my Warden healing her.
So you could do all pve content with a Shadowknight merc? Was it better to run with real ppl or these npc or was there no one playing so you had no chose?
With the SK merc, I could do most small group content. Some dungeons had scripts the NPC was too dumb to do. Raid content was out of the question. People also used them as fillers, ie, 4 people and a merc to do a harder group dungeon. Anything overland was cake, save contested epics.
I used Mercs overland on named, doing dungeons that were ‘yesterdays news" while leveling, and as a personal choice when my small guild was not online. I don’t pug. Ever.
“GW2 takes everything you loved about GW1 and puts it into a persistent world. ".
If I did not know any better I would think that was a marketing line. So I supppose you are one of those people that believes buying AXE body spray and wash would cause women to swoon over you?
Secondly, how would arenanet know what YOU loved about guild wars 1? Did they ask you in a survey? read your mind? This goes back to my original point, it was at best a marketing line because there is no reasonable way for Arenanet to be able to determine what YOU loved about guild wars 2. That is simply impossible.
As a person who played guild wars 1, what I loved about guild wars 1 is probably not what YOU loved about it, as a matter of fact the fact that you are I are on different sides pretty much makes that line possible to achieve. BK has this tagline “Have it your way” does that mean I should expect a pizza burger or subway in BK? NO, it is just that a Marketing line.
Let assume that line wasn’t a marketing. After the manifesto that came out 2 years before the game’s release, by the time guild wars 2 was release, it should have been apparent that the "GW2 takes everything you loved about GW1 and puts it into a persistent world. " line was simply NOT true or NOT true for YOU (for me it was true since the main most important thing about gw1 for me was b2p and no real gear treadmill).
So even after all that information was released which showed that the manifesto was wrong, you still decided to buy the game. To me it simply means that YOU choose to ignore all the FACTs or that you are angry that the game did not invoke the same EMOTIONs as guild wars 1 did.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
(edited by silvermember.8941)
Guild Wars 1 and 2 are for different peoples.
GW1 = hardcore(thinking) gamers
GW2 = casuals
Simplyfied skills, hundreds of useless skins(especially in pvp which is a joke), PvP is primitive. What’s good about GW2? mostly tank and healer in GW1 were hard to find, in GW2 this problem doesn’t exist, they brought back even more mini games which were great in GW1, jumping puzzles are cool too.
Guild Wars 1 and 2 are for different peoples.
GW1 = hardcore(thinking) gamers
GW2 = casuals
Simplyfied skills, hundreds of useless skins(especially in pvp which is a joke), PvP is primitive. What’s good about GW2? mostly tank and healer in GW1 were hard to find, in GW2 this problem doesn’t exist, they brought back even more mini games which were great in GW1, jumping puzzles are cool too.
Monks may be gone but Guardians and heavy’s in general are always asked/wanted in high level fractals (the only half challenging part of pve)