(edited by Lishtenbird.2814)
Game Dev abusing power? Any way to report it?
IF and that is a VERY BIG IF this is truly it is very disheartening. True it is their game but we bought it so that in turn makes it ours also (even if its just a little bit)……
You don’t even own it a little bit. You only buy the licence to use the software.
You own it more then the person who pirates it. The same for playing in a public field. I play Futbol or soccer for americans and we have to buy permits to give us the “right” to play there. It is mostly so they are not liable if we get hurt but we “own” the right to play there.
The rights given to you will be clearly stated. There is no implied rights. You still own nothing of the software.
I am a software writer / vendor myself and have dealt with solicitors when drawing up terms & conditions, etc. I would be very upset to find anyone who bought my software thought they had some say over it. They do not. Their rights are spelled out in the licence they purchase.
Actually OP you don’t have any rights at all. Anet isn’t America. It’s Tyria. You don’t have any rights except the ability to access the server to the game. Those are your rights. Even if you were kicked, and I won’t say you were or weren’t, you still accessed the game. You lost no rewards in the process. You were back in in a matter of seconds.
You could report him, I suppose, but what are they going to realistically to do him? Ban him for 72 hours? I somehow doubt that. Talk to him? Maybe.
Nothing will likely come of it, because nothing really happened, except that your ego was hurt.
Despite the OP being childish for not moving, an Anet employee should not abuse their power like that (if the story’s true). It’s not about who started it here, Anet people should realize they are the face of the company they represent. It’s a matter of professionalism.
We only have one side of the story though. No screen shots. No nothing. Did the Anet employee, who allegedly disconnected him, have other motive than specified. I mean the OP is saying that dev probably wanted to take a screen shot, but he’s theorizing. He didn’t say the dev wanted to take a screen shot.
Anyway, no real reason to believe one way or the other…but my gut says there’s something here we’re not hearing.
Hence the “if the story’s true”
What I’m saying is, if the Anet employee really did DC the OP, then that’s just wrong in this case because that’s abusing his status as an Anet employee, and it’s giving the wrong example for us regular players. Anet players should be an example for other players, and stand above childish behaviour in which they might be tempted to abuse their dev powers for personal reasons.
But as said, we only know one side of the story without anything to properly back it up.
IF and that is a VERY BIG IF this is truly it is very disheartening. True it is their game but we bought it so that in turn makes it ours also (even if its just a little bit)……
You don’t even own it a little bit. You only buy the licence to use the software.
You own it more then the person who pirates it. The same for playing in a public field. I play Futbol or soccer for americans and we have to buy permits to give us the “right” to play there. It is mostly so they are not liable if we get hurt but we “own” the right to play there.
The rights given to you will be clearly stated. There is no implied rights. You still own nothing of the software.
I am a software writer / vendor myself and have dealt with solicitors when drawing up terms & conditions, etc. I would be very upset to find anyone who bought my software thought they had some say over it. They do not. Their rights are spelled out in the licence they purchase.
I completely understand what you are saying but the player had the RIGHT to stand WHEREVER he wanted too. That is the point I’m trying to make. You can’t change the game but you “OWN” the RIGHT to play it…
I think it would be quite hilarious though if OP just turned out to have a crappy internet connection
Well, the person on the screenshot, the one who did the kicking/banning during Escape from LA, and the one who allegedly did the kicking in order to bring a guild’s members to their Tequatl overflow is one and the same. It’s not like there isn’t any precedence to him kicking on a whim. /shrug
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
Report it to support, with his name, then company management might investigate it.
Moving on.
Well I will say this I have been playing guild wars since the second week of launch and have been giving my FULL support to the development team but the day that I get kick from the game even ONCE because I was in the way of a PICTURE as much of a d*** or whatever you want to call that then it is the day I leave guild wars and quick! If I am harassing or being disrespectful ok I will understand but because of a picture or because I don’t want to leave an area of the game then I find that, that is an abuse of power and I won’t be a part of power hungry people. My 2cents on the issue and like I said before I don’t condone the actions of the OP or condone a**h*** behavior. If I was in the street and called a cop a b**** and I got arrested then i’d go back to cuba! Obviously not the same thing but I like to think GW2 is like the free world and not Cuba…..
response to the rules of conduct
(edited by Zoso.8279)
Abuse of power
“11. You will follow the instructions of authorized personnel while in Guild Wars 2 or on the official Guild Wars 2 website.”
“Please be aware that failure to comply with these rules of conduct may result in the termination of your Guild Wars 2 game account”
Nothing to whine about this,be happy you got away with a kick.
Any organization concerned with its reputation and with building sustainable trust with internal and external stakeholders, must recognize that legalistic arguments about what one has a right to do undermines credibility. The lens of judgment is made from ethical principles – what’s right, fair and responsible — not justifications based on legality rather than morality.
An ethical people and companies often do more than they are required to do and less than they are allowed to do. The law tell us what we can’t do (i.e., prohibitions) and, sometimes what we must do (i.e., mandates); it does not answer the bigger question what should we do.
Ethical vs Legal
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
Probably just a coincidence you got dced. I hear the games been lagging/dcing people recently due to DDOS attacks.
I wish I could kick customers out of the store I work in like this :-D
I wouldn’t keep my job.
OP, I have had DC’s one after the other. Literally just after logging in, DC..what makes you think it wasn’t just..you know, bad luck? Coincidental?
I can’t see a dev doing this tbh.
This isn’t the first time something like this happened relating to this person though. I could put links here of topics about this anet employee but it would get me an infraction. I’d be happy to pm them to anyone who wants to read them though.
I’m actually pretty fond of most of the devs I meet ingame. Except this one. When one of my friends got treated similarly by him and she filed a complaint to customer support they even gave us advice on how to submit a complaint directly to NCSoft if she wanted. Maybe you should do the same OP.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
(edited by Leo Paul.1659)
Actually OP you don’t have any rights at all. Anet isn’t America. It’s Tyria. You don’t have any rights except the ability to access the server to the game. Those are your rights. Even if you were kicked, and I won’t say you were or weren’t, you still accessed the game. You lost no rewards in the process. You were back in in a matter of seconds.
You could report him, I suppose, but what are they going to realistically to do him? Ban him for 72 hours? I somehow doubt that. Talk to him? Maybe.
Nothing will likely come of it, because nothing really happened, except that your ego was hurt.
It’s posts like this that really get my dander up. How dismissive and ignorant!
Should the OP have moved? There wasn’t a problem with him being there. The onlookers seemed to enjoy his playing. It wasn’t until the ANET employee showed up to use a Power Over maneuver to forcibly remove him from the game so “Kitten y” could do what he/she wanted.
This isn’t a theoretical discussion of Rights. It’s a matter of behavior, and of inappropriate abuse of power.
To the OP: I’d email rather than posting on a thread. Discussions like this will always get locked and there is the risk you’ll be infracted because the topic is about staff and their moderation.
All A.Net employees can use the tag/icon. But not all employees have GM powers.
You’ll notice the A.Net employee isn’t named GM Der_py.
2. ArenaNet Senior GMs all have character names akin to GM Madi Walker and have the ArenaNet Guild Tag.
3. All ArenaNet GMs have GM ‘Hopefully Cool Alias’.#### for a display name.
only senior GMs have character names starting with GM. Others have an account name starting with GM, the character name can be named anything else. Regardless, I find it amusing that that GM’s name can’t be written on the forums as it gets “kittened”.
It is against the rules of the forum to call out an A.Net employee even their characters.
To the OP, man are you one whiney troll. I don’t think an A.Net employee caused your DC. They would need to know your IP and it would take a bit to search a database. You just probably DC’ed at an inopportune point and blamed the A.Net person.
What a bunch of malarkey!!!
I really wish you wouldn’t make it your full-time job to browse the threads and attack anyone who has anything negative to say about ANET. Negative commentary, personal attacks, and non-constructive behavior are, as far as I am aware, frowned upon here.
Problem is we don’t really know what happened so now we are discussing a hypothetical situation and using it as an excuse to chastise someone who may be completely innocent or who actually acted appropriately. Our history is littered with such situations though so ….
The number of authority abuse apologists on this thread is frightening.
Again, I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again I don’t feel like this really happened. Disconnected because internet problems that as far as my personal opinion goes with this post. OP you should still be kind if all they wanted was a picture just move for one sec and then get back to the fun. I don’t want to sound like a broken record player so this is probably my last comment on this issue. No reason to up vote this anymore.
All A.Net employees can use the tag/icon. But not all employees have GM powers.
You’ll notice the A.Net employee isn’t named GM Der_py.
2. ArenaNet Senior GMs all have character names akin to GM Madi Walker and have the ArenaNet Guild Tag.
3. All ArenaNet GMs have GM ‘Hopefully Cool Alias’.#### for a display name.
only senior GMs have character names starting with GM. Others have an account name starting with GM, the character name can be named anything else. Regardless, I find it amusing that that GM’s name can’t be written on the forums as it gets “kittened”.
It is against the rules of the forum to call out an A.Net employee even their characters.
To the OP, man are you one whiney troll. I don’t think an A.Net employee caused your DC. They would need to know your IP and it would take a bit to search a database. You just probably DC’ed at an inopportune point and blamed the A.Net person.
What a bunch of malarkey!!!
I really wish you wouldn’t make it your full-time job to browse the threads and attack anyone who has anything negative to say about ANET. Negative commentary, personal attacks, and non-constructive behavior are, as far as I am aware, frowned upon here.
I was more like WTF – only a GM account would have such rights in game. It it wasn’t a GM account – then it is a no.
I am just trying to balance the obvious automatic negativity that occurs on this forum.
So why wouldn’t you just move for a bit if you were asked?
Because he doesn’t have to. Theres no rule or consequence for not doing what another person asks you to do inside of GW2.
The number of authority abuse apologists on this thread is frightening.
Probably because
1) This sort of story is hardly new, and almost always conveniently leaves out details that would cast the accuser in a less than innocent light.
2) The supposed “power” that the dev wielded isn’t one that makes much sense, and is more easily explained by simple, non-malicious means.
3) Some people don’t immediately presume guilt and malice after only hearing one side of the story.
Actually OP you don’t have any rights at all. Anet isn’t America. It’s Tyria. You don’t have any rights except the ability to access the server to the game. Those are your rights. Even if you were kicked, and I won’t say you were or weren’t, you still accessed the game. You lost no rewards in the process. You were back in in a matter of seconds.
You could report him, I suppose, but what are they going to realistically to do him? Ban him for 72 hours? I somehow doubt that. Talk to him? Maybe.
Nothing will likely come of it, because nothing really happened, except that your ego was hurt.
You just never stop defending GW2 and arenanet do you? Ever? Even (if this story is true) the game dev abused his power like this…you see no wrong in it?
No, there are no laws safeguarding players against developers abusing powers. Of course not. But that doesn’t mean we have to accept the fact that developers have free reign to be complete kitten like this. If true, the OP has his own personal right to be upset, and take whatever appropriate steps he or she wishes to take to make sure this issue gets to the right people so that Arenanet can handle internally. Does arenanet want their reputation damaged by having developers just running around DC’ing people? What if the developer deleted the OP’s in game bank? Still OK?
If I went to McDonalds and the cashier was a complete jerk to me, theres no law saying that he cannot be a jerk to me but I have every right to complain and try to bring my complaints to management.
Stop drinking the kool-aid for once.
(edited by Moderator)
Well, why should he have moved away? The group easily could have ported away if all the other members had felt he would be an uninvited guest. No need to harass a player that wanted to participate in a game with other players. Much less, when they really only wanted to take a screen shot.. it is just a screen shot..
Yes, he could have been kind and just moved away for a moment, but he doesn’t has to.
(Although it is hard to believe something like that happened.. letting a particular player dc..)
Not to mention…since the developer clearly had no regard for using his developer/GM powers in game, he could have quickly ported himself and these people to an isolated area for whatever picture(and probably a better vista).
All A.Net employees can use the tag/icon. But not all employees have GM powers.
You’ll notice the A.Net employee isn’t named GM Der_py.
2. ArenaNet Senior GMs all have character names akin to GM Madi Walker and have the ArenaNet Guild Tag.
3. All ArenaNet GMs have GM ‘Hopefully Cool Alias’.#### for a display name.
only senior GMs have character names starting with GM. Others have an account name starting with GM, the character name can be named anything else. Regardless, I find it amusing that that GM’s name can’t be written on the forums as it gets “kittened”.
It is against the rules of the forum to call out an A.Net employee even their characters.
To the OP, man are you one whiney troll. I don’t think an A.Net employee caused your DC. They would need to know your IP and it would take a bit to search a database. You just probably DC’ed at an inopportune point and blamed the A.Net person.
What a bunch of malarkey!!!
I really wish you wouldn’t make it your full-time job to browse the threads and attack anyone who has anything negative to say about ANET. Negative commentary, personal attacks, and non-constructive behavior are, as far as I am aware, frowned upon here.
I was more like WTF – only a GM account would have such rights in game. It it wasn’t a GM account – then it is a no.
I am just trying to balance the obvious automatic negativity that occurs on this forum.
I dunno how much power he wields, but his official job description is:
responsible for maintaining fair game-play in Guild Wars 2 by enforcing the User Agreements and Rules of Conduct as well as reducing instances of payment fraud. …involves assessing player conduct in relation to major violations, helping determine appropriate penalties when violations are detected, and analyzing both game and eCommerce data to detect attacks, strengthen rules, and identify weaknesses.
I hardly think not moving when asked to because he wants to take a screenie constitutes a major violation – at least, enough for him to activate powers to kick him out of the game though.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
(edited by Leo Paul.1659)
You where asked to move and you didn’t.
Maybe instead of being a jerk, you could have moved when you were asked and be kind?I support the Dev if they did D/ced you out for the short time.
Abuse of power or not… I rather someone abuse power to bring justice than not.It’s their game not yours. We all have the right to access to play their game but we don’t own it.
Appreciate for having the access to play or don’t play at all.
Be kind to others or leave the game.
I think everyone here paid box price to access this game. So merely having access to the game is no longer a privalage(sp). Its becomes a right until the customer breaks the ToS. With that said, if an account was terminated for no reason, obviously I highly doubt any legal action would see the light of day. However, in this case the OP did nothing to break ToS. He was completely benign and undeserving of this. He has every right to complain(if it were true).
So I was in Div Reach and there were a group of people who were dancing as Ursans with ursan Tonics. And I got in the middle and started playing an instrument and they liked having me there. A Game Dev came and Asked me to move from the middle of their group and I didn’t really feel like it, and kept playing…He wanted a picture I guess, And out of nowhere I got DCed and I logged right back in in the middle of them all again, and got instantly DCed again. The next time I logged back in I didn’t get DCed again, I assumed he got his picture. I felt like the DCing was probably against a rule or something, and I confronted him about it asking if it was against a rule to DC me like that and he just ignored me. The Dev’s name was kitten y.
good grief, would it have hurt you to move out of the way for a few minutes while he took a picture?
So I was in Div Reach and there were a group of people who were dancing as Ursans with ursan Tonics. And I got in the middle and started playing an instrument and they liked having me there. A Game Dev came and Asked me to move from the middle of their group and I didn’t really feel like it, and kept playing…He wanted a picture I guess, And out of nowhere I got DCed and I logged right back in in the middle of them all again, and got instantly DCed again. The next time I logged back in I didn’t get DCed again, I assumed he got his picture. I felt like the DCing was probably against a rule or something, and I confronted him about it asking if it was against a rule to DC me like that and he just ignored me. The Dev’s name was kitten y.
good grief, would it have hurt you to move out of the way for a few minutes while he took a picture?
Apparently, the dancing bears(sounds so silly to say) didn’t mind him being there. He was playing an instrument. The only sour grape was the dev. Why should he have to move? …Again if all of what the OP said is true. There are always two sides to a story.
Kinda like the WvW link provided earlier, the one that conveniently leaves out the portion BEFORE the Arena.net employee pops his tag, the part where the GvGers were harassing this seemingly normal player for daring to be in the same area as their attempt at GvG.
Oh lord these forums. I knew something would come up with a defense for trolling from an Arenanet employee.
Nice generalization first of all. Some of the people were rude, some not. You can even see the chat and some are asking him kindly multiple times to move. Some are harassing him.
Second, everyone and their mother knows that that place is used for GvG, so when someone stands in the way for more than 10s you can assume he’s there for trolling and purposefully disrupting the match.
You know, like the “you are violating my game mode” guy was doing.
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
Let me get this straight, an Anet representative (in other words the supreme god whose word is axiomatic truth) asked you politely to move (which you are obliged to do since you clicked I Agree on the ToS where it says “You will follow the instructions of authorized personnel while in Guild Wars 2 or on the official Guild Wars 2 website.”) and you only got away with an (alleged) d/c?
Are you requesting ban as you feel your griefing-like behaviour wasn’t duly punished by d/c, or what is this about? Help a brother out here.
for I shall not change.
So I was in Div Reach and there were a group of people who were dancing as Ursans with ursan Tonics. And I got in the middle and started playing an instrument and they liked having me there. A Game Dev came and Asked me to move from the middle of their group and I didn’t really feel like it, and kept playing…He wanted a picture I guess, And out of nowhere I got DCed and I logged right back in in the middle of them all again, and got instantly DCed again. The next time I logged back in I didn’t get DCed again, I assumed he got his picture. I felt like the DCing was probably against a rule or something, and I confronted him about it asking if it was against a rule to DC me like that and he just ignored me. The Dev’s name was kitten y.
good grief, would it have hurt you to move out of the way for a few minutes while he took a picture?
Apparently, the dancing bears(sounds so silly to say) didn’t mind him being there. He was playing an instrument. The only sour grape was the dev. Why should he have to move? …Again if all of what the OP said is true. There are always two sides to a story.
If someone asks you nicely to move out of the way…why can’t you just move out of the way? It’s really not that big of a deal. By NOT moving out of the way, there is a chance that something negative could happen, not always of course, just possible. So why not just avoid a possible negative confrontation and move out of the way for a few minutes?
Sounds extremely trollish to me OP.
If the dev in question had/has the power to kick you, then I’m sure he/they has the power to just move you to your own mega server instance instead. But as others have said send a ticket if true, posting here will most likely not endear anyone to your plight.
… kodak moment…
Oh god!
… kodak moment…
Oh god!
Well spotted, I’m still chuckling
for I shall not change.
Apparently, the dancing bears(sounds so silly to say) didn’t mind him being there. He was playing an instrument. The only sour grape was the dev. Why should he have to move? …Again if all of what the OP said is true. There are always two sides to a story.
If you look at the one screenshot that was posted by someone else, you can notice that the screenshot was taken from a transformed character. A quick look shows that one of the Kodan isn’t showing a name above their head, meaning that’s who took the screenshot.
So, we have the word of one of the Kodan players that the character playing an instrument wasn’t causing a problem and was welcome there by all but the ANet person. The poster simply can’t confirm or deny any other parts of the story. However, there have been reports of problems with this particular ANet person before.
Yes, I believe someone abused their powers. And I think they’ll get away with it, just like they always have.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
Apparently, the dancing bears(sounds so silly to say) didn’t mind him being there. He was playing an instrument. The only sour grape was the dev. Why should he have to move? …Again if all of what the OP said is true. There are always two sides to a story.
If you look at the one screenshot that was posted by someone else, you can notice that the screenshot was taken from a transformed character. A quick look shows that one of the Kodan isn’t showing a name above their head, meaning that’s who took the screenshot.
So, we have the word of one of the Kodan players that the character playing an instrument wasn’t causing a problem and was welcome there by all but the ANet person. The poster simply can’t confirm or deny any other parts of the story. However, there have been reports of problems with this particular ANet person before.
Yes, I believe someone abused their powers. And I think they’ll get away with it, just like they always have.
If it was any other dev I would most certainly give him/her the benefit of the doubt. But I’ve been around for a while enough to have read the other threads regarding issues of abuse of power about this person both on this forum and on gw2 reddit to feel it isn’t so farfetched that he’d do something like this (again).
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
Oh lord these forums. I knew something would come up with a defense for trolling from an Arenanet employee.
Nice generalization first of all. Some of the people were rude, some not. You can even see the chat and some are asking him kindly multiple times to move. Some are harassing him.
Second, everyone and their mother knows that that place is used for GvG, so when someone stands in the way for more than 10s you can assume he’s there for trolling and purposefully disrupting the match.
You know, like the “you are violating my game mode” guy was doing.
Since you probably don’t know, my feeling on the matter is that the Arena.net employee in that case crossed the line when he popped his tag. He was not in the right to act in that way… then again, neither were the GvGers really. Both sides behaved inappropriately.
The point I was getting at is that I quite frequently see in these sort of threads a complaint from a player that rather conveniently leaves out information that doesn’t exactly cast them as an innocent victim, either… just like in that famous WvW abuse claim.
If for some reason, an Arena.net GM decided to force a player to disconnect (which would be a really odd way to resolve the situation and more rationally explained by simple coincidence of the ol’ Internet), I am merely curious as to what the accuser ISN’T telling about the story (because by my experience, they always do).
Don’t think it was against the rules considering they are the devs however neither one of you were acting very maturely imo.
If it was any other dev I would most certainly give him/her the benefit of the doubt. But I’ve been around for a while enough to have read the other threads regarding issues of abuse of power about this person both on this forum and on gw2 reddit to feel it isn’t so farfetched that he’d do something like this (again).
Agreed. If it was any other ANet person, I’d tend towards giving them the benefit of the doubt.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
Both need a time out then. Please both go stand in a corner and wait until we say you can move again.
Both need a time out then. Please both go stand in a corner and wait until we say you can move again.
And taking screen shots during this time is forbidden!
Oh lord these forums. I knew something would come up with a defense for trolling from an Arenanet employee.
Nice generalization first of all. Some of the people were rude, some not. You can even see the chat and some are asking him kindly multiple times to move. Some are harassing him.
Second, everyone and their mother knows that that place is used for GvG, so when someone stands in the way for more than 10s you can assume he’s there for trolling and purposefully disrupting the match.
You know, like the “you are violating my game mode” guy was doing.
Since you probably don’t know, my feeling on the matter is that the Arena.net employee in that case crossed the line when he popped his tag. He was not in the right to act in that way… then again, neither were the GvGers really. Both sides behaved inappropriately.
The point I was getting at is that I quite frequently see in these sort of threads a complaint from a player that rather conveniently leaves out information that doesn’t exactly cast them as an innocent victim, either… just like in that famous WvW abuse claim.
If for some reason, an Arena.net GM decided to force a player to disconnect (which would be a really odd way to resolve the situation and more rationally explained by simple coincidence of the ol’ Internet), I am merely curious as to what the accuser ISN’T telling about the story (because by my experience, they always do).
We agree then, sorry for misinterpreting your post.
On the topic at hand, I agree that we might not be hearing the whole story and that at least it was rude of the OP not to move for a second. Besides, this whole thread should be locked and further investigation done by contacting support.
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”
Knows a dev was abusing his/her powers but can’t locate the support forums?
Sorry I don’t buy it. You have to scroll past it to get to general.
No one can prove the GM did anything OP.
Could have, but it didn’t cost you anything. Next time don’t be a kittenhat (to a GM no less) and move over a few pixels.
Or, you know, it might not have been the GM and you’d still D/C because any other countless reasons.
The number of authority abuse apologists on this thread is frightening.
There would be no issue at all here beyond what the OP made it out to be.
Now if the GM took all his gold, temp/perma banned him, ate his legendary or all his gear or something, sure. You can be mad.
That’s an egregious abuse of power. That’s totally out of line, and I’d be behind the OP or anyone the victim of such authority abuse.
OP possibly got soft kicked (something we can’t prove) from the game because they’re being a jerk? I’m having trouble giving any kittens for that.
The lack of common sense in people is disturbing.
I’m an Anet defender and from what I’m seeing here, yeah it ‘seems’ to be an abuse of power.
Yes, I agree that it’s relatively minor and some would laugh at it (I would if I were the victim), but it is still unacceptable behavior.
From what I recall Regina said several months back, Anet employees do not have admin commands on their personal accounts.
So either of these happened
1.) It was a dev employee using his dev account
2.) OP simply disconnected and it was pretty bad timing (do we know if anyone else in that pic got DC’d?)
Well I think its jumping to conclusions. Lets take a look at what we have.
1. The person says he disconnected. This doesn’t mean the Anet person kicked him or abused his powers. Simply getting to the d/c and jumping to the conclusion that is was someone else is a bit much.
2. You don’t seem to be playing any instrument in the picture provided. You’re just standing there.
3. You refuse to move for a couple of seconds. Out of pride? It’s a bit…dramatic.
So all we have is a claim with no definite proof and the only thing close to proof that was provided is one that goes against your story of playing an instrument and adding to the fun. Instead what we see in the picture is you possibly trolling/being unreasonably prideful.
I’m all against any sort of abuse of power, but quite frankly this whole situation doesn’t have anything substantial to create a bunch of drama over it. I already think OP may be more on the dramatic side of a personality and is jumping to conclusions.
Someone from a while back posted screenies of this dev admitting to kicking people out of the game. The problem is that the reasons behind him doing it seems to have gotten particularly petty and more of a personal whim. Without anything else to go by this time (and taking into account how and why he’s done it before, not to mention how I judge his character to be based on his tweets), I feel he’s taking too much liberty in exercising his authority.
What I’m saying is, although definitely subjective, is that he is obviously an kitten.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
(edited by Leo Paul.1659)
Think it is time for this to be closed and the court of public opinion given a rest.
All A.Net employees can use the tag/icon. But not all employees have GM powers.
You’ll notice the A.Net employee isn’t named GM Der_py.
2. ArenaNet Senior GMs all have character names akin to GM Madi Walker and have the ArenaNet Guild Tag.
3. All ArenaNet GMs have GM ‘Hopefully Cool Alias’.#### for a display name.
only senior GMs have character names starting with GM. Others have an account name starting with GM, the character name can be named anything else.
This employee is not a GM, or, at least, this account is not a GM because the Display Name is the same as the character name. I know because this person has been on my friends’ list for some time.
Whether this account has any ‘powers’, I have no idea. But, definitely not a GM.
Considering how many threads and posts we see on the forums about disconnections, it may just be coincidence.
Employees can also be kitten hats.
Just look at the forum staff.
Also for all those people defending the dev, I would ONLY do that if he was all “Hey bud, mind just moving out for like 6 seconds so I can screencap?”
Then, I would be cool with the dc, because seriously, be friendly and move.
But he didn’t ask.
He acted like a crying kitten.
Cry more.
Is this even confirmed for truth?
PS, edit, I just looked at the link and laffed! I approve of this kind of dev trolling, which I don’t even consider trolling per-se! I really do believe devs do have a literal ownership/authority over the game world. Since, you know, they made it and all.
Lunar Sunset.8742
(edited by Omar Aschi Popp.7496)