Game Updates: Guild World Events, Megaservers, WvW
I wanted to come on and say thanks for adding the Megaserver (among other things).
As I live in Australia and often play late at night I’m usually on at what must be the quietest time for the game, so I really appreciate the ability to encounter more people
As a few other people have mentioned, I’d like to see some sort of change for having to double waypoint on some maps. Possibly make it so that for 30 seconds after waypointing it’s free to travel to any other waypoint on your map? Not a huge deal, but is extra annoying when paired with the following issue.
The inability to see where party members are in the world if they’re on another map. This is fairly irritating, although it doesn’t always happen. Can’t work out if it’s just because not all maps are on the Megaserver yet, or if it’s a problem of the Megaserver. Either way, I hope it is something that won’t be a problem sometime soon.
Again, these are minor annoyances, I am far more pleased than anything
Now, lets start off with this:
This is NOT a complaint about the megaserver. I like having less populated zones have more people in them. I like being able to do events without guesting to a more populated or active server. It is also nice to be able to interact with friends from other servers, and even make new friends.
However, sometimes people just want to have somewhere to go that is predictable. Somewhere that you know a good portion of the people there, and you don’t feel like you’re in another country. Familiar faces and names, with familiar antics. Sometimes, you don’t realize how much you like the people in your community until you have to try to find them among strangers.
What I think would be nice, would be to have somewhere that megaserver is disabled, besides borderlands. Somewhere like the capital cities, or something. Or perhaps even a chat specifically for each server.
Anyways, that’s my two cents.
Report from a [PSDH] Teq run activated by a friendly [SOF] guild:
We spent about an hour taxiing people in, but no, the nerf with 3 spare minutes we had before megaservers did not help and we failed with 1% left.
The manifesto was decimated long ago when they started introducing Living story achievements, which are essentially quest steps that direct you where to go, along with numerous events that had no impact on the world (such as Scarlet’s Invasions). They plunged a stake through its heart with the introduction of boss schedules and megaservers. Now the world really doesn’t care if you are there or not, it operates the same regardless of your actions.
(edited by Moderator)
From a different point of view this is odd to see what the online community is like and it seem they really hate ppl from different places and who speak different languages. I though the GW2 community was better then this i guess all online community have there own ideals of “spate but equip” its a shame too.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
The manifesto was decimated long ago when they started introducing Living story achievements, which are essentially quest steps that direct you where to go, along with numerous events that had no impact on the world (such as Scarlet’s Invasions). They plunged a stake through its heart with the introduction of boss schedules and megaservers. Now the world really doesn’t care if you are there or not, it operates the same regardless of your actions.
Why do you say that? What would you do to improve the system (no removing MegaServers is not a option).
(edited by Moderator)
And speaking of lies, a buddy just linked me this…
Those exact words… manifesto was decimated long ago when they started introducing Living story achievements, which are essentially quest steps that direct you where to go, along with numerous events that had no impact on the world (such as Scarlet’s Invasions). They plunged a stake through its heart with the introduction of boss schedules and megaservers. Now the world really doesn’t care if you are there or not, it operates the same regardless of your actions.
Why do you say that? What would you do to improve the system (no removing MegaServers is not a option).
Step1: Add the option for guild leaders/officers when they start a mission (including world events like Teq/Wurm) to create a new fresh instance of the map so they can port their guild members in to do the content as it is supposed to be done (by members of the same guild). Then, after a delay maybe, the instance (if it’s not full) can return to open status for anyone outside the activating guild to join up, just like anywhere else in the game.
This change solves all the problems with Guild Missions or Big World Events allowing members of the same community to do content together, content that they can’t even start now due to the Megaservers.
Step2: Remove Megaserver from certain places, for example Gendaran Fields, lots of servers already have overflows there, since it’s the most popular hub zone, which means a Megaserver isn’t needed. By removing the Megaserver from the central hub it will allow WvW guilds to recruit members of their own server, allow them to do rally calls for help etc Or even non-WvW guilds to recruit people that will actually benefit from their guild buffs…
The alternative is to allow players to SELECT their instance from a drop-down menu. I think a dev posted sometime ago that they can’t do this due to their tech, so the above 2 steps would be a great improvement.
Why do you say that? What would you do to improve the system (no removing MegaServers is not a option).
In the manifesto Ree states, “As a structure, the MMO has lost the ability to make the player feel like a hero. Everybody around you is doing the same thing you are doing. The boss you just killed respawns ten minutes later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
Colin continues, “You’ll get quest text that tells you ’I’m being attacked by these horrible things,’ and it’s not actually happening. In the game world, these horrible centaurs are standing around in a field, and you get a quest step that says ‘Go kill ten centaurs.’ We don’t think that’s OK. You see what’s happening. You see centaurs running to the trading post, knocking the walls down, burning and killing the merchants.”
And later concludes, “Cause and effect: A single decision made by a player cascades out in a chain of events.”
Dynamic events as a tool can generate this feel of actions mattering to the world… when player action actually maters to their outcome. With the new scheduled bosses our actions no longer matter to the world. The bosses will still act as they always have and still retreat, regardless of our victory or not. This isn’t to say that dynamic events before this patch were extraordinary, as many; like Tequatl; largely operated the same regardless of player participation.
My favorite example of an event chain done right is Ogre Wars. It’s an event that will not occur unless players actually take the time to start it by helping the Charr or Humans (could be better if both had to be done to activate it). After doing so it procedes through several steps as the Charr and Human gain more and more territory until they get to the boss of the event. Unfortunately, the follow up events aren’t that great, as the Ogres just seem to take back some of the territory regardless of player action. Nonetheless, it’s miles above Tequatl in terms of player driven effects on the world. The events leading up to defeating Ulgoth the Modniir used to be another great example of player generated effects on the world… this is no longer the case due to the boss schedule.
The megaserver worsens the situation as there can no longer be persisting effects on the world as there are no longer worlds that stick around for you as the player to actually have any sort of lasting effect on. The Bloodtide Coast you entered 30 minutes ago is likely not to be the same one you enter again, thus any effects you may have had on the zone are quickly erased. Even if that zone still persists you have no means of reliably entering it again. There also can no longer be cross-zone effects, which had all sorts of interesting avenues Arena Net could have explored and were suggested in the Living World CDI.
I have no illusions that megaservers are going away, and I have no solutions to the problems that trouble me. This patch has soured me to the game and the direction its going. I have no intentions of logging in, short of treating it as a single player game that delivers new smatterings of lore occasionally. I’m eagerly watching Everquest Next as they are promising a world that actually responds to player action and doesn’t operate on schedules.
Edit: Devouring the Brand is another excellent event chain… though again it just seems to reset itself without player or NPC involvement. Of course, even if it did have a back and forth feel to it, like Ulgoth used to, any effects we had on the zone would be short lived as soon as we left it and tried entering again.
(edited by SirMoogie.9263)
I’d like to revise and amend my remarks regarding difficulties imposed on large guilds by Megaserver.
Others have proposed solutions to the server community / identity, RP, and language issues. The following should not be incompatible with any of those ideas.
Because Megaserver is trying to keep instances as full as possible, a large guild that could max out an instance by itself will have a hard time getting together. Guilds have been trying to solve the problem themselves by using the party system to ferry people into one instance, but for popular content the instances become hard capped quickly. It’s also very inconvenient and time consuming.
Even with the “sorting hat” features – it’s unclear if those have been added yet – Megaserver can never know ahead of time whether a member of such a guild is just there to solo, or if the rest of the guild will be on their way shortly. It can’t read minds. What we need is some way to tell it when we’re ready to be grouped together.
Guild officers should be given a button that instructs Megaserver to begin a consolidation process. This would create a new instance of the officer’s current map and offer each guild member from other instances a ferry to the new guild instance. The guild instance should be exclusive to guild members for a short period of time – just long enough to accept the ferry and port in. After that, the guild instance joins Megaserver’s pool of available instances for anyone to join according to the whims of the sorting hat. Guild members who are late to the event would either be sorted in by the sorting hat or would have to ask to be ferried in by party, but the bulk of the guild would be united quickly and easily.
I would hope that if there has to be a price tag on accessing the guild-instance button it would be a one time cost. It can’t have a long cooldown or a high price tag per use or it would be useless.
In case the creation of extra instances really is a problem from a server cost standpoint, note that it’s likely a net gain of zero instances. By consolidating a guild onto their own instance, you vacate the other instances that probably would have become hard capped anyway.
I’d like to revise and amend my remarks regarding difficulties imposed on large guilds by Megaserver.
Others have proposed solutions to the server community / identity, RP, and language issues. The following should not be incompatible with any of those ideas.
Because Megaserver is trying to keep instances as full as possible, a large guild that could max out an instance by itself will have a hard time getting together. Guilds have been trying to solve the problem themselves by using the party system to ferry people into one instance, but for popular content the instances become hard capped quickly. It’s also very inconvenient and time consuming.
Even with the “sorting hat” features – it’s unclear if those have been added yet – Megaserver can never know ahead of time whether a member of such a guild is just there to solo, or if the rest of the guild will be on their way shortly. It can’t read minds. What we need is some way to tell it when we’re ready to be grouped together.
Guild officers should be given a button that instructs Megaserver to begin a consolidation process. This would create a new instance of the officer’s current map and offer each guild member from other instances a ferry to the new guild instance. The guild instance should be exclusive to guild members for a short period of time – just long enough to accept the ferry and port in. After that, the guild instance joins Megaserver’s pool of available instances for anyone to join according to the whims of the sorting hat. Guild members who are late to the event would either be sorted in by the sorting hat or would have to ask to be ferried in by party, but the bulk of the guild would be united quickly and easily.
I would hope that if there has to be a price tag on accessing the guild-instance button it would be a one time cost. It can’t have a long cooldown or a high price tag per use or it would be useless.
In case the creation of extra instances really is a problem from a server cost standpoint, note that it’s likely a net gain of zero instances. By consolidating a guild onto their own instance, you vacate the other instances that probably would have become hard capped anyway.
I really like this idea. Still no server wide world boss tour as one, or easily finding temples to do – but a great start.
Due to a MMO had many players in it you can not have a long lasting effect to the world. ArenaNet is trying to do that with the living story. But that can not be done on a individual player level. Something like that must be instanced and in a personal story. Also if I remember right that hero comment was more talking about the Personal Story.
However you can have a effect to the shard you are on until the pendulum reaches it’s peak. Given it is not that big of a effect. I am also upset that they have to get rid of the cross map mechanics. I really enjoyed them in game. However I would rather have that lost then having a empty zone always overrun by risen
As for the world boss pre-events not leading up to the world boss. I agree the pre-events should not spawn until it is close to it’s scheduled time.
I think that the system should try to put you in the same shard that you were last in (and I think it does try to do that). Except it can not do that if the shard is closed. That is just the nature of the way it is. Again I would rather have that feeling lost then having a empty map with no players in it.
Due to a MMO had many players in it you can not have a long lasting effect to the world.
Why not? Keep in mind, I didn’t say long lasting. I said actions that matter to the world. Effects need not be “permanent” or even lasting over multiple days (though that would be nice for somethings). What I’m looking for is a world that responds and acts like actions from players and NPCs matter, and are not driven by timers or “hard resets” to event chains. Of course to have that you have to actually have a world to begin with and not a series of instances that are constantly in a state of creation/removal.
(edited by SirMoogie.9263)
Due to a MMO had many players in it you can not have a long lasting effect to the world.Why not?
I guess that all depends on your definition of long lasting. Most event chains work on a pendulum. The events in Orr are specifically designed that way. We push to capture a temple. Capture a temple. Defense event starts to have the risen try to take back the temple. It is up to the players to defend it or let it fail. That is not a hard reset.
How many times have you followed a NPC after you completed a dynamic event. Your changes do matter. They determine if specific merchants are available. They determine if while on the shard you can go to a waypoint or not. Most of the world acts like this.
Sadly however the world bosses can not work that way. This is not due to a technical limitation but a community one. Too many players want to fight the world boss. They want to know who what when and where they need to be. They don’t want to miss out on a boss because the map is full. Due to that reason players "don’t want to miss out on a boss because the map is full. " ArenaNet decided to put them on a schedule. They were moving that way anyways due to the overflow system causing the problem of miss out on a boss because the map is full.
(edited by anzenketh.3759)
I must admit, Megaservers is losing a bit of its luster for me, because the Queensdale Champion Train was a mess last night, with no one agreeing on the order, and people sniping Champions left and right.
Updated every Monday
The reason why in most cases a player or group of individuals can not have a long lasting effect on the open world is for the simple reason being that other players need to participate in the same content by design.
I disagree with your assumption that ALL players need to participate in the same content. Arena Net doesn’t even agree with this seeing as they created the Living Story.
I can eat an egg and you can no longer eat that same egg. The pleasure in sharing human experience is predicated on the fact that we don’t share the same experiences precisely. That said, despite eating an egg, there are still many eggs for you to eat and have a very similar, yet uniquely different, experience than I had.
Using an in game example, even though me and my friends have pushed the centaurs back to their stronghold, doesn’t mean you and your friends cannot enjoy continuing our efforts. Yes, you won’t get to see them out in the fields, presently; but if the centaurs gather enough resources, scry new combat techniques, make assassination attempts on unsuspecting players; well they might just win the day and push back into the fields again. If we as the players do so well as to push them off the map, well there won’t be centaurs for a while, but eventually we as players will leave for other activities and they can regain their foothold.
Perhaps some devoted groups that can keep the centaurs at bay for ever. Seems awfully boring, but more power to them, they really want to protect Kryta. Though, there are certainly ways to make it so that failure by the player base is inevitable by continually increasing the difficulty of centaur “breakout” events the more a persisting world succeeds… if we had persisting worlds
There are some examples where dynamic events can deliver such back and forth conflicts where there are persistent outcomes to our actions that can be reversed by the enemy NPCs or or own actions. Most of these eventually reset based on some timer that starts a retake event, and I don’t expect this to go away. However, the more intricate the chain of events is and NPC behavior becomes, the more this is hidden and the less it needs to be relied upon. Such complicated events that persist, yet are reversible, would be possible if Arena Net wasn’t gung-ho on eliminating a persistent world and dictating a schedule to us.
(edited by SirMoogie.9263)
I’d like to revise and amend my remarks regarding difficulties imposed on large guilds by Megaserver.
Others have proposed solutions to the server community / identity, RP, and language issues. The following should not be incompatible with any of those ideas.
Because Megaserver is trying to keep instances as full as possible, a large guild that could max out an instance by itself will have a hard time getting together. Guilds have been trying to solve the problem themselves by using the party system to ferry people into one instance, but for popular content the instances become hard capped quickly. It’s also very inconvenient and time consuming.
Even with the “sorting hat” features – it’s unclear if those have been added yet – Megaserver can never know ahead of time whether a member of such a guild is just there to solo, or if the rest of the guild will be on their way shortly. It can’t read minds. What we need is some way to tell it when we’re ready to be grouped together.
Guild officers should be given a button that instructs Megaserver to begin a consolidation process. This would create a new instance of the officer’s current map and offer each guild member from other instances a ferry to the new guild instance. The guild instance should be exclusive to guild members for a short period of time – just long enough to accept the ferry and port in. After that, the guild instance joins Megaserver’s pool of available instances for anyone to join according to the whims of the sorting hat. Guild members who are late to the event would either be sorted in by the sorting hat or would have to ask to be ferried in by party, but the bulk of the guild would be united quickly and easily.
I would hope that if there has to be a price tag on accessing the guild-instance button it would be a one time cost. It can’t have a long cooldown or a high price tag per use or it would be useless.
In case the creation of extra instances really is a problem from a server cost standpoint, note that it’s likely a net gain of zero instances. By consolidating a guild onto their own instance, you vacate the other instances that probably would have become hard capped anyway.
This would fix a lot of my gripes! I hope Anet notices this idea.
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is
SO! The one time I actually get home early from work and DASH on to my PC to try to do Tequatl with TxS for the first time in ages (Because of the new spawn times) and Guess what! NOPE!
Screwed by the Mega Server. Unable to “Join in Sparkfly Fen” no matter how many times you press it. So much for joining you’re guild and friends to do guild boss attempts.
Bit of a rant so sorry about that but this game is pretty much just ruined for me now.
I haven’t been able to do Teq since the update. Before there was a dedicated Teq guild running the event around midnight my time on various low-populated servers almost every night. It was fun and usually followed up by Karka queen. But now it’s ruined.
Indeed it is. That’s what we did in TxS too. Killed Karka afterwards.
I must admit, Megaservers is losing a bit of its luster for me, because the Queensdale Champion Train was a mess last night, with no one agreeing on the order, and people sniping Champions left and right.
That not really a megaservers issue that a troll issue or an ego thing just because a megaserver is there dose not changes ppl are still going to act like ppl.
This is happening a lot ppl are using megaservers as a default excuse to blame things on when its more on the lines that ppl are unable to get over there own point of views and work with ppl to get things done. You could blame the internet for all the problems on earth because all the problems are on the internet but that dose not mean the internet is causing them all. I guess its to easy to blame ppl who do not think like your self as “though ppl are messing up every thing” but often that is not right both from a real life stand point and from a morel stand point.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Well, in the german forum a community manager stated that they will rework the timers. Hopefully this time in an acutual intelligent way (i know hope dies last).
Btw, when you get an DC on one of these events you are pretty much screwed.
There is no hope on joining back in, even counting the fact that you are in a party and in a squad, repping the guild and having half the zerg on your friendlist.
Almost two years and still no handshake.
I must admit, Megaservers is losing a bit of its luster for me, because the Queensdale Champion Train was a mess last night, with no one agreeing on the order, and people sniping Champions left and right.
That not really a megaservers issue that a troll issue or an ego thing just because a megaserver is there dose not changes ppl are still going to act like ppl.
This is happening a lot ppl are using megaservers as a default excuse to blame things on when its more on the lines that ppl are unable to get over there own point of views and work with ppl to get things done. You could blame the internet for all the problems on earth because all the problems are on the internet but that dose not mean the internet is causing them all. I guess its to easy to blame ppl who do not think like your self as “though ppl are messing up every thing” but often that is not right both from a real life stand point and from a morel stand point.
It’s still a valid argument as to whether or not the Megaservers have improved your gameplay experience. If this sort of thing wasn’t happening before, it was because you were playing on a server with a more mature playerbase, and that could be related to the fact that with a single server, you as an individual have more identity. If you kitten up and troll people, your name can spread and you could become infamous within the server. This new system is severely lacking in that level of accountability. But putting all speculation aside, if the argument here is whether or not the introduction of Megaservers has improved GW2 for you, I see this as a perfectly valid reasoning for “No.” If the whole justification of Megaservers is that your gameplay would improve with the introduction of more players to a map, this is an example of that not being the case.
Why is it that it is a week and a half after they pushed through this awful megaserver, and still there is no response to this thread? This is one of the most read/commented on threads in the forums, and there is still no comment?! Honestly I think these concerns warrant a blog post, and they can’t even bother to write a few sentence comment over it.
Typical Anet PR. You don’t like it? Well we are doing it anyway, we will just pretend like we don’t know you don’t like it.
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] | Rank 80
In 1427 hours of playing, I’ve played more WvW after the Megaservers blanketed every map, than ever before. I want to play with people from my server, I chose this server because I like most of the people I’ve come across here. I also chose this server because it had low population, something I wanted. The people who wanted to see more players should have just been directed to join a high population server. They would get what they wanted to see, and I would still be able to play in low population maps. Now I’m forced to play in high population maps, with absolutely no workaround.
To the people spouting “This is an MMO, you’re supposed to see people” well… GW1 was an MMO, was it not? You couldn’t see a single person outside of a town in GW1 unless they were in your party.
There were some good points made in previous posts. Particularly this…
The megaserver worsens the situation as there can no longer be persisting effects on the world as there are no longer worlds that stick around for you as the player to actually have any sort of lasting effect on. The Bloodtide Coast you entered 30 minutes ago is likely not to be the same one you enter again, thus any effects you may have had on the zone are quickly erased. Even if that zone still persists you have no means of reliably entering it again.
There are problems for sure. People have proposed fine solutions. But there is no solution that will restore the game to is former state, except a removal of Megaserver, which definitely isn’t going to happen. It took exactly one week for Megavirus to take over, I just can’t wait to see what comes next.
Megaserver kittening kittens! :-(
In 1427 hours of playing, I’ve played more WvW after the Megaservers blanketed every map, than ever before. I want to play with people from my server, I chose this server because I like most of the people I’ve come across here. I also chose this server because it had low population, something I wanted. The people who wanted to see more players should have just been directed to join a high population server. They would get what they wanted to see, and I would still be able to play in low population maps. Now I’m forced to play in high population maps, with absolutely no workaround.
To the people spouting “This is an MMO, you’re supposed to see people” well… GW1 was an MMO, was it not? You couldn’t see a single person outside of a town in GW1 unless they were in your party.
There were some good points made in previous posts. Particularly this…
The megaserver worsens the situation as there can no longer be persisting effects on the world as there are no longer worlds that stick around for you as the player to actually have any sort of lasting effect on. The Bloodtide Coast you entered 30 minutes ago is likely not to be the same one you enter again, thus any effects you may have had on the zone are quickly erased. Even if that zone still persists you have no means of reliably entering it again.
There are problems for sure. People have proposed fine solutions. But there is no solution that will restore the game to is former state, except a removal of Megaserver, which definitely isn’t going to happen. It took exactly one week for Megavirus to take over, I just can’t wait to see what comes next.
Same here. I’ve been hiding in WvW most of the time since the update. I will actually use that as my city to do my routine stuff, I enter PvP matches straight from there, I’m doing dungeons far less than before, and I won’t even touch open world content like bosses/temples. They are awful zerg fests, no fun, and troll breeding grounds. The cities are pretty terrible too, as are the load times.
It’s pathetic that I feel the need to hide in one zone of this game to escape this change that supposedly “Facilitated Friendly Play!”. Trust me I’m not spending a single dollar in support of this game until they start to work with us to make this right. Voting with your wallet is the only thing they seem to understand.
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] | Rank 80
Megaserver is a great idea, but some modification should be made.
-Option to “Privacy zone” which simply choose the less populated zone. For player that like to be either alone or like to do event the hard way.
-Squad priority, if a person is in a squad is should have 100% chance to get in the same zone as their squad leader. Even if its mean create a new instance of the map.
-Cursed shore need to be removed from megaserver, this zone is like the main point for starting zerg. Where you will be able to join a squad leader.
-City most be removed from the megaserver, it has no purpose other then increase the lag.
-Queendale need to be removed from megaserver, cause its a massive train zone. Each server has their order and its nice to chit-chat with people of your server and other clan of your server.
In short commander join in a party, then people join the squad of those commander. Doing so we can have a zerg with 150+ people easy that follow each other.
The other day I was in a group with m friends. Same guild, same server, same group, and we didn’t even appear on the same map ? How ? Why ? Why does anet keeps knocking down their own game ? Finding temples to get dragonite is now absolute hell. You have to keep checking every 15mins if there’s one active. I’m not even gonna talk about how much guild events are kittened up.
Why is it like this ? Is there something I don’t see in this megaserver thing ? Because for now what I see is an absolute fail that led alot of my friends to start thinking about quitting.
The other day I was in a group with m friends. Same guild, same server, same group, and we didn’t even appear on the same map ? How ? Why ? Why does anet keeps knocking down their own game ? Finding temples to get dragonite is now absolute hell. You have to keep checking every 15mins if there’s one active. I’m not even gonna talk about how much guild events are kittened up.
Why is it like this ? Is there something I don’t see in this megaserver thing ? Because for now what I see is an absolute fail that led alot of my friends to start thinking about quitting.
Are you aware that if you are in a party that you can right click on your friends portrait and click on Join in.
What server are you on?
What map were you going too?
My Advise on temples is play the other events in the area and keep checking the map to see if the temple is contested.
Hello, I have a friend who chooses a European server…
My question is : can I play in one way or another with him or not ? Because I see him in the map (blue dot on the mini-map), but I do not see his character.
If the answer is no, can we do dungeons and fractals together ?
Thank you
Hello, I have a friend who chooses a European server…
My question is : can I play in one way or another with him or not ? Because I see him in the map (blue dot on the mini-map), but I do not see his character.If the answer is no, can we do dungeons and fractals together ?
Thank you
Are you also on a European Server? If so yes. If not no you can not play with him in any game mode. He or you would need to transfer and be on the same region.
No i’m on a america server :/ Thx for the answer
No i’m on a america server :/ Thx for the answer
If it makes you feel any better, even if he/she was on an American server you wouldn’t be guaranteed the ability to play with them either! Thanks Megaserver we love you! /sarcasm.
Anet: Dictating which relationships and interactions matter to you since 4/15/2014.
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] | Rank 80
No i’m on a america server :/ Thx for the answer
If it makes you feel any better, even if he/she was on an American server you wouldn’t be guaranteed the ability to play with them either!
Thanks Megaserver we love you! /sarcasm.
Anet: Dictating which relationships and interactions matter to you since 4/15/2014.
Not true. You can always go to the same map then right click on their portrait then click join in if you did not land on the same map. If it states full. The other party member would need to join you.
The other day I was in a group with m friends. Same guild, same server, same group, and we didn’t even appear on the same map ? How ? Why ? Why does anet keeps knocking down their own game ? Finding temples to get dragonite is now absolute hell. You have to keep checking every 15mins if there’s one active. I’m not even gonna talk about how much guild events are kittened up.
Why is it like this ? Is there something I don’t see in this megaserver thing ? Because for now what I see is an absolute fail that led alot of my friends to start thinking about quitting.
Are you aware that if you are in a party that you can right click on your friends portrait and click on Join in.
What server are you on?
What map were you going too?My Advise on temples is play the other events in the area and keep checking the map to see if the temple is contested.
Joining on a party member doesn’t always work when the whole party had been moved to full servers. A number of guilds can’t do GMs because they can’t successfully get everyone on the same map even with joining.
I didn’t notice this until now because I was focused on leveling my ranger those last few levels before reaching 80, but while going around and collecting the pieces of temple armor I noticed that the general map for Orr still shows all of the teleportation locations as being contested even tho that’s not true since Megaserver has begun.
See if you try to teleport from outside a map into a map they show as contested but once you’re ported into the map they show as all freed up because people are actually there doing them.
Someone might need to look into opening these teleporters or the map updating to reflect the actual megaserver channel one would be teleported into if one clicks on the teleport from another map to travel there.
To my knowledge this is only happening in Orr. Let me give you an example so it might paint a picture a bit better than I’ve explained it.
I’m in DR and I want to go to the temple of Lyssa. I click on my map expand it but everything in Orr says contested so I teleport to the closest one I can. Then when I reach the map that the Temple of Lyssa is on I click on the map and all of the temples are freed even tho it didn’t say they were freed while I was in DR.
(edited by tigirius.9014)
I discovered three significant opinions about this mega server business….one: a fair number of players liked it or were willing to go with it before all of the maps changed….two: most of those advocates hated or started to oppose it after we lost all of the maps… three: the stronger the community and the more important that community is to a player or community, the more unhappy they are with the megaservers in general.
Therefore I think that ultimately anet would benefit from studying nations and what makes a nation a nation, and how that relates to our server communities. I believe understanding this will help you see how many of these complaints about the mega servers are really all the same.
Basically what you did was create an artificial diaspora fot all of your players to muddle and suffer through. This isn’t because mega servers are flawed…no….it is because you did it wrong.
We have lost the ability to find, communicate with, and interact with general people from our servers outside of wvw. It is like you took a pool and dumped all of our coloured buckets into it. Yet somehow you expect us to maintain our colour because we were dumped in the same area.
Not that your intentions were bad, but you have left our servers with no identity, and in some cases a cultural crisis. You need to fix this or even wvw will suffer in the long term.
We build community and identity a and relationships in pve because we have time to. Wvw is solely for battle. We train in pve, we organize in pve, we recruit in pve for wvw. We create culture, events, and community in pve. We can’t do that now because we don’t know if our server is in our map, or if our enemy servers are in our map. We can’t communicate with only our server, we have no means of organizing server wide events because all it takes is a wp change and anyone can suddenly be serverless.
This does not mean abandon the idea entirely…just give us a point of reference….a Home base…maybe the cities don’t have to be mega…no events or battles happen in them outside of instances anyway…further cities have historically been where events and organization occurs for all the servers.
If cities were left server exclusive, servers could then maintain their ability to organize, communicate, and be communities with unique identities as each server defines itself, While still creating fuller maps out in the world.
Also…other note…. you should probably fix the bosses…wping should not change boss status because you randomly changed meta maps….that’s just broken. Also guilds should be able to do missions without being randomly seperated.
A 26 (as of this post) page thread on mega servers feedback
A 18 (as of this post) page thread on the effects of mega servers on one of the largest niche communities in this game
In case anyone thought this was the only substantial thread on the issue.
Anet grossly underestimates the importance of community. Now, with people dumped into random megaservers (people in the same party aren’t even getting into the same instance), this new anonymity is bringing out the troll in lots of people who used to be well behaved.
The general question is, as someone so nicely asked on another thread is, “Where’s my Guild and friends?”
My snarky reply was:
Irrelevant request player XY111014.
/end of line
Which pretty much sums up how some players are feeling, as just a number. I don’t know how the game is layering us into zones but, it certainly appears flawed. Maybe if one person way points into a zone at a time it’ll help, who knows?
I think the Dev’s should make a second WvW Citadel as it’s own map in the mist. A place where only our own server mates can go. A staging area for going into WvW that doesn’t affect the map queues. If it were like the PvP Mist where we could test out builds, even better! Though Worlds should have at least ONE non combat place to go!!!!
Mega servers have really ruined the large guild open world experience for me. Guild missions, the biggest bosses, etc.
I’m in a guild of easily 100+ members online at a time.
Now for running around with a low level character alone or in a small party, yeah its nice, I won’t disagree at all, but its really hurt the large guild experience badly.
Like a lot of the rest of the changes though.
Garrett Ward – 80 Thief / Roland Ward – 80 Warrior / Tacitus Ward – 80 Necro
No i’m on a america server :/ Thx for the answer
If it makes you feel any better, even if he/she was on an American server you wouldn’t be guaranteed the ability to play with them either!
Thanks Megaserver we love you! /sarcasm.
Anet: Dictating which relationships and interactions matter to you since 4/15/2014.
Not true. You can always go to the same map then right click on their portrait then click join in if you did not land on the same map. If it states full. The other party member would need to join you.
only works if both on Euro server or both in US server.
Players form different continent will only see the blue dot
It’s really sad, that no one has said anything to us about the megaserver. It shows a lot about a company, when they don’t seem to care that their customers are unhappy. I honestly feel like, we went from a game that required some effort.. to a game that a 3 year old could play.
I never really cared much for WvWvW before.. but since the mega-kitten came in to game, it’s the only place I want to play. I don’t like logging in, and immediately see an argument going on in map. I shouldn’t have to turn off map chat, either. I used to LOVE to go to the world boss events, and now.. I can’t go to them.. the severe lag and massive skill casting overload, is too much for me to take.
I really wish they would implement a feature, where I can just be on my home server again, if I would like to.. not automatically be pushed with 100’s of people. I like to have a challenge.. if I wanted EASY, I would go play on
I never res downed players anymore. I enjoy them dying, as I imagine the crowd getting a bit smaller… Of course they just respawn on the wp, but one can dream.
William S. Burroughs
Eh, my proposition thread has been mercilessly cut down
William S. Burroughs
I don’t get it all the hate.
And the next, people are complaining that they see more players.
It’s an MMO, you know, a Massive Multi-player online game? Have you all been so desensitized by the shear factor of a dead zone (pre Megaserver) that’s it’s the normal to see a…. Dead zone?
And then I see the most awful complaints of “my friend is in another Megaserver, RAGGGEEEE QUITTT”
Hello!? You can easily move to their own Megaserver with 2 clicks.
I’m not even trying to be a “white Knight”
In fact, I hate how GW2 has become and their more important stealth nerfs.
But this, this is a step in the right direction.
I’m usually typing on my phone
See if you try to teleport from outside a map into a map they show as contested but once you’re ported into the map they show as all freed up because people are actually there doing them.
As stated in the blog post about megaservers -
Waypoints—All contestable waypoints on any map you’re not currently playing in will always appear contested. When you arrive in the map, you will be able to travel to these waypoints pending their local status.
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.
And the next, people are complaining that they see more players.
More players would not be a problem. Hundreds of players is. The events and spawns are simply not prepared for these zergs and have become a race between players to even touch a critter. Have you even seen the Harathi Ulgoth event chain? It’s a farce. Used to be fun, now it’s really hard to tag 5 centaurs out of a group of 10, they melt so fast.
The Risen in the Orr would sometimes attack in groups of 6 and sometimes were even able to down a low hp player. Now? Fat chance. They’d have to run in groups of 20 or so. With a vet on the top.
And there is absolutely no place to be alone anymore. And sometimes even the most zerg-addicted players need to take a breather, I imagine.
William S. Burroughs
(edited by Asmodeus.5782)
I don’t get it all the hate.
And the next, people are complaining that they see more players.
It’s an MMO, you know, a Massive Multi-player online game? Have you all been so desensitized by the shear factor of a dead zone (pre Megaserver) that’s it’s the normal to see a…. Dead zone?
And then I see the most awful complaints of “my friend is in another Megaserver, RAGGGEEEE QUITTT”
Hello!? You can easily move to their own Megaserver with 2 clicks.I’m not even trying to be a “white Knight”
In fact, I hate how GW2 has become and their more important stealth nerfs.
But this, this is a step in the right direction.
Actually, no, you can’t. It’s not “that easy” as you and some others have put it. If you were in a larger guild or trying to ‘taxi’ some larger groups together you’d know that you’re eventually going to run into a problem. Whether it be people just not knowing how to get things done (which lead to it taking much longer to do). Which makes something that should be (or once was) an easy task. Such as getting people together to do a guild event/mission. All the way up to the ERROR that the game will give you saying that “sorry it cannot bring you and you friend(s) together” due to full maps or whatever other lame excuses it can come up with…
I for one, cannot wait until they wise up and kittenING get rid of this HORRIBLE mistake #megaSTUPIDserver
© sparc.3649 ~ LPC ~ Anvil Rock
I think I just figured this all out don’t know if this has been posted anywhere yet but I think I read somewhere that NCSoft runs the servers GuildWars runs on, so what up and coming game release will need server space “hmmm” how to get it reduce the server load on one game to make room for another? GuildWars is free to play, this new game has a monthly fee?
put the correct term in but not everyone has kittens