The current system was touted as an improvement, yes, but they made the mistake of only looking at the perspective of a new player running their first character. Also, it came from CDI ideas about horizontal progression that the community never intended to be applied to pre-existing abilities.
I still don’t understand how the current system would be considered a good idea, even from that perspective. I played GW1 extensively from beta until 2009, but I was pretty late to the game for GW2 and didn’t come in until after the new traits were added. I still thought it was a mess. Here was my experience as a brand new player to GW2:
- I bought a trait book from a vendor for a couple of gold, only to discover that those trait books weren’t even useful for anything anymore. The game still let me buy and consume it, but imagine my surprise when I opened my trait panel only to find the next tier still locked.
- After looking on the wiki (because I could find nothing in-game explaining how traits work) I discovered that trait tiers automatically unlock.
- I couldn’t figure out how to unlock individual traits. I finally happened to glance at the tooltip dialog that popped up as my cursor was hovering past the telescope.
- Most of the level 30 traits involved areas that were nowhere near the places my story had taken me.
- I didn’t even know how to fulfill most of those unlock conditions. I had no clue as to where the ogre camp was until I joined a guild mate in WvW.
- I didn’t even need traits to level to 80. I have several level 80 characters now. Some of them got there with only 2-3 traits unlocked. My wife, who started playing a couple of months ago, levelled her character without any traits whatsoever.
For these reasons I seriously doubt they even considered the trait system from that perspective. Honestly, I have no idea how they came up with this. Historically ArenaNet’s systems have been well-designed and thoughtful. Every time they made a change in the pre-EotN days I could understand and agree with their reasoning. I don’t know what happened to change that. After hearing their ideas for the new mastery system and their intent to make traits consistent with it, I’m hopeful we’ll see this system fixed soon.
Yep, they really ruined their trait system, and the game story has been woefully unsupportive too – while the huge grind for mats is unplayable for anyone with a real life. The last straw for me has been destroying the capital city and not bothering to rebuild it before Christmas.
I absolutely will not pay for more poorly-executed, grindy, “shiny” content, while so many unadressed issues remain. I love the voice acting and other features in this game, but the altered mechanics, beginning with the dumbing-down called “New Player Experience”, and recently culminating in the absolutely medocrity-inducing change to the dailies, has been a huge bag of suck (the one improvement I do like is the “stacking” feature of the crafting recipies now that allows you to make components while on the same page, etc).