PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
I just thought of something better…has Anet thought about giving us some sort of TP (trait point) every level we can use to buy a trait? Make it so the traits cost a differing amount of TP (like the 1-3-5-10-30 SP tier thing), and it changes it so once you unlock traits, not only do you get to unlock a trait, every level you get another point to use like that.
It changes it to where it’s like SP, you get more and more of them as you level, and you have to choose wisely on what you unlock with it. Also gives better diversity since just like SP, if you make a wrong choice, you can just raise a level and unlock something else.
Locking traits was a horrible decision. Some traits at the adept stage which you can start using at level 36 require being a much higher level to unlock (eg, story mode dungeons where you will most likely not get a group if you are less than level 80). The other option of buying them with gold and skill points is probably just as bad to a leveling character as they need those skill points for skills themselves. The grandmaster traits being locked I can understand as characters are fairly well developed by that stage.
Wow…I been active in sPvP since patch release and recently decided to level a new toon. I already have 5 level 80s but want to play a new class. I run along enjoying leveling a new toon again until I reach level 35. At this point I assume all I needed to do was purchase each trait I want. Come to find out I have to spend skill points with it? Really? Skill points are being used to unlock my utilities. So I have the choice of doing the events that are my level or completing every zone. I mean this has become such a time sink now. I thought ok let’s do a few events. I find out to unlock certain traits I need to do higher level story ? Where is the logic in that? I remember an ANET post about the new system making it easier for new players. Leveling a new character I can see how difficult it would be for a new player. Setting rewards for time invested or effort too far out gives a sense of loss cause and hope. Good job if the goal was to stop people from making alts or making it more difficult for them. Take this as a customer complaint, if that thing matters to you. I am posting it here since it fits with a majority of these other posts here. I’m not sure why I keep playing…I am starting to really give up and see there is no hope. Far too many decisions that were poorly made since release. Everyone has ideas, but not all of them are great. Learn from your customers and stop taking away choices.
(edited by Billionaire.5607)
Trait unlocking system: I like it a lot!!
Really good idea and it’s a lot of fun to be revarded with this kind of character progresseion for discovering the game world!
This is something I can get behind for the Master and Grandmaster traits, but not the Adept-level traits, which should have been a baseline for everyone to be able to access as soon as they were available. And bringing down the cost of master, grandmaster, and the new traits (So that masters cost as much as old Adept traits, Grandmasters cost as much as old Master traits, and the new Grandmasters cost as mcuh as the old grandmaster traits) would make acquisition less painful.
The pace of trait point acquisition is a little weird though. At 30 you get elite skills plus the trait system. Then you get nothing big until 60 (tier 2 traits), then at 80 you get tier 3 plus endgame gear plus dungeons etc. So lvl 30 and 80 are overkill when it comes to new stuff an 31~59 feels a little stale in comparison.
Plus there’s the issue of T1 traits requiring lvl 60++ content to unlock. It’s gotten better after the change but some requirements still feel extremely out of place.
It feels a little too focused on the last levels (2 trait points at 78 and at 80, really? :<).
This is the biggest problem with the trait system, IMO – Grandmasters waiting until level 80 to unlock overemphasizes the level 80 endgame that’s not supposed to exist – what happened to “Endgame starts at level 1”? – The game needs to open up MUCH earlier than it currently does, and even out the rate of trait point gain. As others have pointed out multiple times – level 15 and 1 every 5 levels would take a LOT of the pain of the new system off.
I feels like you have removed the player from the character. The old system at least made you feel that you had some say in the build of your toon. Just a bad idea in general from my stand point.
So I decided to go ahead and level a new character to give this system a fair shot. I went all the way to 80, doing map completion, personal story, and story mode dungeons. I upgraded my armor regularly after lvl 10 to keep my armor at green/rare quality within ~5 levels of my character level.
53 hours played
45% map completion
30/65 traits unlocked
*Figuring out how to unlock traits is not intuitive. The UI is very odd and doesn’t immediately tell the player what they’re looking for.
*Spending 1 point per level felt more rewarding – like I was constantly growing in power each level. Waiting to spend a point every 5/6 levels makes traits feel less important/less meaningful.
*When I finally got high enough to have 2 trait points (my first Major trait) I had only unlocked 2 traits to choose from. Neither were in a line that gave me stat boosts I wanted or affected the build I was running with.
*Many traits are locked behind events requiring many people/long cooldowns. I specifically had to look up a timer for Ulgoth (Centaur event in Hirathi Hinterlands) in order to make sure I got that trait – even though I had 100% map completed that zone, I just happened to miss that event.
*I felt much weaker on this character than previous leveling – especially at higher levels. Fighting in level 70-80 zones/Arah story without having a real good trait setup was frustrating.
I am not a new player so I can’t say what it would be like for them – but I am assuming they wouldn’t be able to buy good rare gear every 5/10 levels, wouldn’t have deep understanding of the maps/events and know where to go/what to do for each one, have knowledge of outside sources like event timer websites to look up when to do some events, etc.
I mostly find this system frustrating as I’ve put in a pretty good amount of time into this character and he is less than halfway through getting his traits. Considering ‘customization’ in this game is looks, weapons, utilities, and traits, it feels lame to have only half of one of my most important customization tools (traits) at max level.
Completing ANY trait event grants the player a Trait Token which they can spend to unlock ANY trait.
Example: 100% map completion of Hirathi Hinterlands grants 1 Trait Token.
I can now buy 1 trait (such as Greatsword Training).
- Bring back 1 trait point per level or seperate traits from stat points. Give stat points every level and trait points every 5.
Completing ANY trait event grants the player a Trait Token which they can spend to unlock ANY trait.
Example: 100% map completion of Hirathi Hinterlands grants 1 Trait Token.
I can now buy 1 trait (such as Greatsword Training).- Bring back 1 trait point per level or seperate traits from stat points. Give stat points every level and trait points every 5.
I would love to have stat points separate from trait lines. That would allow me to really customize my play style.
I really liked your whole post, but that’s what stood out to me the most.
Well – I made my (strongly negative) initial reactions known earlier in the thread, when the changes first came out, and again whilst levelling a pre-patch, low-level character. So here’s an update now I’ve had a bit more time to try things out from scratch.
I’ve now got a level 42, entirely post-patch Thief in progress. I’ve been progressing as I normally would (and as it’s reasonable to assume a fair number of new players will), following her personal story when it’s been available, and when it’s not been, working on map completion for the ones that’s taken her to. So far she’s run no dungeons, nor am I in a hurry that she should. Being of that level, so far she’s only got earned the right to one major (adept) trait. And in the natural course of things, she’s unlocked? Precisely one trait. And even that didn’t happen until around level 39 (the slot I wanted it for unlocked at level 36, of course).
Sadly, even once she actually unlocked something, the trait in question bore little relationship to the way I’m looking to play her (D/D condition damage – not high DPS, but she’s been quite fun to play so far). What I wanted was Trickery III (Caltrops); what I got was in the Critical Strikes line (Precision and Ferocity. Just what a condition build needs!). And unlocking the trait I actually wanted was not even merely implausible at her level , but literally impossible – the unlock requirement is completion of her level 59 personal story!
(Edit: OK, that’s not quite technically correct – I suppose that, in theory, I could have put together a group of friends to help me rush her through all the personal stories between her then-current story and the one that unlocks the trait I was after – 12 of them, by my count. Clearly it was never going to happen. And to say that it would have distorted – i.e. ruined – the levelling experience, if I had, would be something of an understatement!)
Inevitably, I ended up dipping into my funds to get her the actual trait I wanted, to let me play her the way I want to. And as far as I can see, that’s likely to be what happens all the way through to 80.
Basically, I haven’t really changed my initial opinions. Either ANet have decided that levelling, and the levelling experience, isn’t an important part of the game (and that players can go without meaningful builds until they’re high-enough level to go grab all those skills up near level 80 – probably to some extent true, but hardly what you want out of a quality game). Or they actively want people to spend gold (hence, for a small but financially significant number of players, gems and therefore real money) on buying those traits as they progress. Or possibly both. Because it’s clear that the current system isn’t remotely designed to be a working (let alone fun and rewarding) system for lower-level characters.
Levelling so far hasn’t been too bad; my character is at least holding her own. Oh, and I’m watching her gear much more closely than I might have in the past, to make sure she’s got the attributes she needs to drive the way I want to play her – and that, I would say, is goodness. But apart from that, the new system is almost entirely divorced from my progress; for all the positive impact it’s had on me, it might as well not have been there.
Levelling an entirely new character confirms that the new system is truly flawed for levelling purposes, ANet. Please either rework it to something that reconnects us with our character progress, or have the courtesy to tell us honestly what it’s actually for, and why you’re not going to fix it.
(edited by Doghouse.1562)
23 pages and a month later still nothing announced, is this for permanent?
Anet why are you punishing our new toons and the new players?
Why are you forcing us to play certain contents we do not like?
Why are you taking away our freedom to play in whatever style we want to?
(edited by MokkoriChance.5170)
I wish I just pumped out every class at lvl 80 now before I started to actually play the game…………… I would be fine with the gold, I can see they are trying to be greedy and make money but the trait points are unfair that is the part forcing anyone who didn’t make all lvl 80s before the update to (cringe) do world exploration (dies)
wow you make a thread for this but don’t sticky it to the front page for all to see… just hope it vanishes.
I think many posters on this forum are being very single minded in that players who started playing GW2 before this system began got accustomed to all the traits being handed to us with no real sense of accomplishment in getting them and now with many of us rolling alts it feels like a “grind” to go through this system. Think about this though… If you were a brand new player it would be fantastic to go through this and have that sense of accomplishment rather than roll through all the content and in a game like this one that doest really have a treadmill gear grind that sense of accomplishment could go a long way…
Totally agree.
I have rerolled a new alt (got all classes to lv80 before patch) to try the trait system which i hate the class originally. Amazingly, lots of new experience and this make me like this class A LOT. Because of the new trait system, many contents was generally ignored by players has been revived. When i was leveling, i found new events that i never met with my 8 lv80 during their leveling. So i decided to take a look, a mini underwater dungeon, met some other players, we take down the underwater boss, and bang new trait unlocked. Thats a very very nice experience that never happens before.
So i maybe the minority that actually love this update.
Hardly. LOL here’s why.
Not all accounts are created equal. There are numerous problems with the loot system. I myself have started getting a bug lately where I keep getting Undentifiable Items from champion and boss bags and boxes including the ones that show up on the right side of the screen when completing a boss fight. That gives you a couple of coppers so that means you can’t earn enough to actually get the skill you want because there’s nothing dropping.
Second, this is yet another system of delay, here we have yet another set of new promises that most likely won’t be implemented anytime soon and the choices they make for the priority will most likely be things that were never discussed and never wanted by the playerbase while things that the majority here wanted for the improvement of gameplay will most likely go ignored. They know new games are coming out soon and that many of us have alts that we’re about to be finished with because it is coming up on the 2 year mark so why not put something into the game that’s not implemented correctly (birthday scrolls only go to level 20 not 30 for example) and why not put something in that will delay the players so that they remain in the game longer making it seem more populated.
And finally, I find it fascinating that while we’re still sitting here waiting on all of the things that were originally promised just prior to the launch of the game title that people are somehow playing devils advocate by saying that this was somehow awesome for new players (even tho it too was never part of the original design promises) and even tho it’s something that many new players would be turned off by because you can’t do things with your buddies (like certain dungeons for example) because you’re having to spend all this time not just leveling but going around and getting these traits and columns instead of being able to just join any party like people were able to do before. How in the world is this a positive when it will severely delay any new player from joining and being a meaningful member of the party for most activities in the game?
This new system is terrible!
It’s going to turn off a lot of new players. I’m not even new and it discourages me from leveling an alt.
Certain traits should’ve been locked, but not all of them! Having to gather all of them is too overwhelming.
Yes, we can buy them, but as someone said earlier, it totals up to 40+ gold and skill points. This is so ridiculous.
I’m sure this has been brought up already.. But i have limited time to read and considering this post is 23 pages… I absolutely don’t have to time to read all that . I know everyone hates the new system as do I….. However its not the fact you have to unlock your skills its the fact that I am forced to use certain traits as low levels…
For example: I’m leveling a warrior, i have 2 traits point available… and I want to go 2 in the strength line with dual-wielding as the adept trait. Well guess what, unless I have a high level grind out blazeridge steppes while I tag along I can’t have that trait until I’m of sufficient level to do that zone. As of right now I’m 38 I don’t think i’ll survive well In the least die a hell of a lot of times… and spend way more time the necessary. . So now my choice is either use the traits that are available to unlock ( which is forcing me to play a line or trait line i don’t want ) at my level or spend a bazillion skill points and gold to open them up. I know you guys wanted to make us less op in lower zones but why would you make leveling so convoluted and annoying that it saps the fun right out of it. Actually l am considering not even finishing her in the fashion you are forcing me to do… I’m considering getting tomes and level her to 80 that way… Now as that point your system is totally broken…..
I’m sure you have a reason for not wanting a level 38 to have dual-wielding and well to be honest you could tell me the reason but it wouldn’t matter because it wouldn’t change the fact I’m still being forced to choice a limited amount of traits…
(edited by Pomi.6415)
I didn’t realize how awful this new one is until i hit level 30 last night.
I thought all the old traits would be unlocked, and that the new Adept ones, were the only ones that needed to be unlocked.
I was severely mistaken. ALL the traits are locked. I never felt so discouraged to level in any MMO until now.
There’s 30 traits in the first tier.
There’s 20 traits in the second tier.
There’s 15 traits in the third tier.
I can no longer try each trait, while leveling, unless i unlock 30 traits, just in the first tier. It’s bad enough we have to wait until level 30, but some of these traits are locked behind a level 50 personal story quest. That’s insane!
My major problem with this system?
It forces me to stop my personal leveling experience
I’m not able to level how i want to.
If i want all the traits, i’m forced to do pvp, personal story, dungeons, map completions, etc.
The only alternative is to waste 38+ gold and hundreds of skill points.
This is just unacceptable. I can only imagine the new player hit with these restrictions at level 30.
If you’re level 80 or had your traits unlocked already, please make an alt to 30 and see for yourself, and look at this new system as a new player without gold and skill points.
I’ll just level to 35 for the cultural armor, and stop leveling anymore alts, until the old system is brought back, or they fundamentally change the way we acquire traits.
It would’ve been fine for the new Adept traits, but not all of them. That’s where this new system went wrong.
I’m going to make this as brief as I can but this is a hugely disappointing change. I was hoping to be a returning player after a year of absence but it seems ANET doesn’t want me to enjoy myself again.
I originally stopped playing last year when the game was patched and the system requirements increased and my computer could no longer run GW2. After spending the time and real world coin on 2 lvl 80s who I very much enjoyed playing I was kicked out by ANET. I supported this game through BETA and part of the reason I enjoyed the game was that it appealed to every MMO player and made strides to make the visually appealing game accessible to those with old and weak computers as well as the super gaming rigs.
Finally a year later I have the money to build a nice gaming rig and Im getting very excited to come back to GW2 with a fresh character, even planning to spend some cash to show ANET that I’m invested in this game even after being kicked out, but after reading what has happened to the trait system I don’t know if I’ll be returning. Initially I thought “well those gems that I was going to use on random fun goodies in the gem store Ill just use to purchase the traits I want” then I realized that if I did that I would be rewarding ANET for changing the game in a way that ruins my fun. I LOVED the original trait system because I could play with different builds as I leveled and find exactly the right fit for me by the time I hit the 50-60 range.
Since I already own the game Ill at least give it a try but I refuse to spend money in the gem store until ANET starts making some positive changes that make me want to play the game again and support the company. However if what I read is accurate I think I will be moving on to greener pastures, guess I may buy WildStar after all. I had so much fun with my other characters I just hope ANET sees this overwhelmingly negative response to their update, however I feel most people will just buy traits with cash and ANET will be happy with the temporary monetary gain rather than the long term loyalty of founding players.
As a preorder player, I would like to ask that the traits not be locked behind event completions. I just started a new Guardian, and the task of unlocking all of her traits is beyond daunting.
I can understand elite traits being locked behind tasks, but the rest of them? Leveling a new character is supposed to be fun, not a chore.
hope they at least make the basic traits free or remove the skill point requirement maybe they will stop chasing away new customers then……..
What I would have happily accepted is something akin to the following:
Adept traits: These would be unlocked by completing hearts – 10 to unlock all the I traits, 20 for all of II, 40 for all of III, 60 for all of IV, 80 for all of V, 100 for all of VI
Master traits: Unlocked through story – lvl 20 to unlock VII, 40 to unlock VIII, 60 to unlock IX, last mission before Zhaitan (Source of Orr) to unlock X. Alternatively, levels 5, 10, 25 and 50 in WvWvW progression or something similar in PvP.
Grandmaster traits: Unlocked through dynamic events – 50 for XI, 150 for XII.
This would give something more akin to a real feeling of progression.
As a preorder player, I would like to ask that the traits not be locked behind event completions. I just started a new Guardian, and the task of unlocking all of her traits is beyond daunting.
I can understand elite traits being locked behind tasks, but the rest of them? Leveling a new character is supposed to be fun, not a chore.
Indeed played a lowbie th eother night and have the same impression and feeling, if we had more stuff to unlock players would feel more the progression of the character.
I have 11 Chars, 9 of them at 80. Levelling was my most loved thing to do. Every level felt like progression, taking steps towards being better and more heroic, deciding for a specialization. From level 60 on, you could try out complete builds to learn to play them till 80.
Now a level up mostly means your gear just got kittentier. That is all. No feeling of accomplishment or growth at all. The feeling of “leveling up” just got lost for me completely. Until level 30 you get no specialization at all and after that, traits are still locked, no heroism for you.
You either do a very specific task (wasn’t a central Mantra at launch “play it your way”?) or you pay more than any newbie could accumulate by that time.
Worst of all, before level 80 you have no access to an actual working build because the most effective builds are usually based around grandmaster traits. That is why they are grandmaster traits. So now you have to learn to play your char AFTER reaching last level. Was that intended? Because now all the people not taking lowbie Chars for lowbie dungeons are actually right in doing so. The update somehow devalued the entire journey before 80. Now I just push to 80 asap and then start to play the char
Just started a new character a few days ago. Even with a level 20 scroll, I feel like my experience is stagnated. I have the skills I wanted to buy already (missing two higher-cost ones that aren’t vital to my build), and I’m kinda ticked that a build I could make work at level 40 got pushed back to 60.
Since I’m playing along with a friend (warband!), it hasn’t felt like a huge grind, but without him exploring and battling beside me, I can definitely see the play experience being increasingly dull.
Even when I had a grandfather’d pre-80, I was staring at my screen, groaning “C’mon, get to level X” already, and then “C’mon, get to level X+6, I get two skill points, then.”
It wasn’t exciting, it wasn’t liberating. It was deliberately hampering my growth for no reason. :\
I know i’m late, loong late, but i can’t get over the traits changes. At least them starting from level 30 and being obtainable every 6 levels. Why on earth did ya do this arena.net?
The point “to steamline it, so people don’t get stuck with 4 points into one line and 1 into another, later realising their mistake” falls dead on it’s face with that trait reset button we got now.
Traits starting from level 11 was great, i had something to work with, a long term goal starting early and lasting till the end of the game. Every level i got a trait point to boost my character’s stats and feel extra rewarded. At lvl 30 when first dungeon unlocks i already could enjoy the benefit of 20 traits points giving me stat boost and two adept tier traits available to me for some little extra customization and edge in there.
Now it feels like i’m getting starved till level 30 and from there every 6 levels matter, rest is “a drag through” phase….such a buzzkill.
I know i’m late, loong late, but i can’t get over the traits changes. At least them starting from level 30 and being obtainable every 6 levels. Why on earth did ya do this arena.net?
The point “to steamline it, so people don’t get stuck with 4 points into one line and 1 into another, later realising their mistake” falls dead on it’s face with that trait reset button we got now.
Traits starting from level 11 was great, i had something to work with, a long term goal starting early and lasting till the end of the game. Every level i got a trait point to boost my character’s stats and feel extra rewarded. At lvl 30 when first dungeon unlocks i already could enjoy the benefit of 20 traits points giving me stat boost and two adept tier traits available to me for some little extra customization and edge in there.
Now it feels like i’m getting starved till level 30 and from there every 6 levels matter, rest is “a drag through” phase….such a buzzkill.
Hi all.
I have been playing with two Necros created after the patch. I finally got tired of lack of traits and since I had the stuffs in my bank, I crafted them to 80….OMG, with my first Necro (Asura) I only thought I knew what I was doing, really didn’t, and after I got done with buying traits at the Necro trainer I ended up having to go with a Power Necro build and had very little of the slot skills.
My second Necro (Human) had the advantage in the fact that I sort of knew what I was doing, but still, compared to my kids created before the new patch, she has a looong way to go to catch up.
Anet, I do not like this new way of getting traits at all. It feels like you were under a strict time limit and drew methods of getting traits out of a hat.
Traits are an important part of your character.
If you make the getting of them (traits) too hard, people are going to (1) quit making new characters, (2) new players who are casual are going to throw up their hands, and not play since getting to 80 is such a chore.
About (2) The casual players are more than often casual because they have jobs and lots going on in real life. Since you want people to buy gems to support the game and the casual people are most likely to buy gems in the Gemstore, they should be your target demographic…but…what do I know
Anyways, count my in on the list of people who do not like the current trait system.
(edited by Julischka Bean.7491)
Can we please get some info on this? This isn’t even a controversial topic. Almost everyone that levels characters and has contributed to the discussion hates this (not just dislikes, or sees problems with, but actively hates this).
Prior to patch, you hit level 40, had master tier unlocked, 30 points to spend, and 50 traits to choose from. Now you have three points to spend on adept traits, and if you’re lucky you might have one or two traits actually available (though almost certainly won’t have any useful ones).
This has completely destroyed the previous feeling of progression, removed any chance of build experimentation, removed the significance of levels, and made leveling new characters more confusing to make. Please, please undo this.
If it’s really important for some reason, leave master and grandmaster traits locked. But please return the old level requirements and unlock all adept traits. Ideally though, rollback the entire thing, and introduce new locked traits and skills at all tiers.
So I’ve been trying to find the best way to describe this in a way that made sense, and for me it works like this:
Currently the trait system feels much like outfitting my toon in armor. As i’m leveling its like I’m expected to just put on whatever armor comes my way that is marginally better than the last piece of armor, whether or not it helps me play style or build or whatever. Now if I have a TP to spend, i get to spend it on whatever I managed to maybe unlock by happen stance as i level regardless of its usefulness. Then at level 80, aside from dropping (sometimes) upwards of 20 gold on armor and runes and maybe one or 2 weapons for my now level 80 toon that are potentially build specific, I also get to drop some serious gold on buying the traits I want for said build and basically ignore the other traits unless I: a) buy them, or b) hunt them down in the world as a level 80.
By contrast, this was my leveling experience before: Starting at level 11 i could start burning TP and would sink 10 into each line until level 60. not only did this synergize fairly well with random armor drops, but it allowed me to play with different play styles as i leveled while still being effective with a little of everything. I’d sometimes even stay that way until level 80 when I’d buy the remaining books, and then re trait once i’ve learned how i wanted to play. And i could do this for WAY less gold than I have to spend now to unlock all the traits i might want to play with.
I don’t know who has this ideias, it may seem good on paper but in the game are horrible.
Now i’m not playing how i want, i’m playing how they want…wich seems contradictory with the manifesto…yes the manifesto…that chapter is buried and long gone, i guess.
I don’t know who has this ideias, it may seem good on paper but in the game are horrible.
Now i’m not playing how i want, i’m playing how they want…wich seems contradictory with the manifesto…yes the manifesto…that chapter is buried and long gone, i guess.
No, they sound pretty bad on paper too. That’s what has been so baffling about this whole thing.
No, they sound pretty bad on paper too. That’s what has been so baffling about this whole thing.
The statements regarding trait redesign and their execution are in conflict.
Sure, I get they wanted to revive skill hunts from GW1, but as a part of their “we want players to experiment with builds” is utterly destroyed by the way traits are suppressed by having to go in weird directions to get them.
If they were based on rep quests or something else, that’d be different, but the tasks are just nonsense.
As an active participant in the “Horizontal Progression: CDI” thread, I can confirm that many of the top requested things were addressed in the April 15th patch, and one of those things was a more interactive method of gaining traits. Many people suggested a system similar to GW’s skill-hunting. So this is clearly in response to that, and kudos to Anet for listening, and starting to make adjustments based on the feedback from players in the new system.
This new system can’t be good for your new player retention rates. Seriously, the old system used to cost… what, 2g70s to unlock all the traits? And 40g + 340 skillpoints is seen as a reasonable increase?
As an active participant in the “Horizontal Progression: CDI” thread, I can confirm that many of the top requested things were addressed in the April 15th patch, and one of those things was a more interactive method of gaining traits. Many people suggested a system similar to GW’s skill-hunting. So this is clearly in response to that, and kudos to Anet for listening, and starting to make adjustments based on the feedback from players in the new system.
Based on that thread I envisaged this occurring around the utilities not the traits. Also all they’ve done is tie them to existing events which was not what people wanted. Plus there’s the issue of not being able to unlock traits when they are available because the event to do so is in a zone in advance of the player. Basically they took the idea and completely kittened it up in implementation.
(edited by morrolan.9608)
I am stuck once I get an alt to lv80 I can’t put traits on it because of the cost, and Its not worth my time to go though the same stuff over and over again and spend hours GRINDING to get traits. I already have a ranger with The dreamer, full ascended armor, and map completion. I should have to waste so much time just to get my alts some traits. I have better uses for my time and money.
Just make all traits like old skill capture. You don’t need to do dungeons/story, just explore and boss hunt like the 5 new grandmaster traits per profession.
So, just hit 30 last night with my new character.
…and I’m realizing how much I hate, loathe, despise this new trait acquisition system. I thought a previous patch had tamed some of the more insidious tasks, but I was mistaken.
While 100% Harathi isn’t out of my league as a level 30-36 character, it’s a massive, lengthy, herculean chore to get one trait. For finishing an entire zone, I should get the entire friggin’ suite of Adept traits on that trait line, not just one.
Worse, I now have to come up with a road map along with my buddy on what goals we want to finish, which is pulling us away from Personal Story.
tl;dr – Trait hunt bad!
I don’t know who has this ideias, it may seem good on paper but in the game are horrible.
Now i’m not playing how i want, i’m playing how they want…wich seems contradictory with the manifesto…yes the manifesto…that chapter is buried and long gone, i guess.No, they sound pretty bad on paper too. That’s what has been so baffling about this whole thing.
Yeah, baffling is the perfect word there. How it made it to live/production and not in the trash makes me think they do want this game to die. Or they are testing how much they can mess with/push the player base before killing a game for marketing/research reasons.
tl;dr – Trait hunt bad!
They should have never changed traits except for the addition of the retrait button . It should have been a skill hunt like gw1.
I just thought of something, maybe I have been giving arenanet/ncsoft to much credit and they honestly do not see how bad some of these decisions are. So to help them out here is what they should do to fix this and make money. Roll back the entire trait system change and add just a retrait button and add the new traits directly to the list.
Now make it so that skills are sold at heart/karma vendors. Make them cost karma and skill points at those vendors and make all karma vendors locked until you complete the event just like heart vendors. This way people will have to complete the events and not just find one that isn’t contested, thinking of temple vendors. After you get the completion once, then you can go back to the vendor any time it is not contested. This will annoy some players but I think it is something they can live with. Make it so the skills are in level appropriate areas. You do not put tier 1 skills in level 50 areas. Put the skills in areas and vendors that make sense. Like put racial skills in the proper racial areas,(no getting a char racial skill in an asuran area).
Next you add a vendor in every city that has every skill and it charges gold and skill points. Make the skill point cost exactly like the heart/karma vendors and keep that cost the same as what skills currently cost. For each tier you can make the skills have increasing gold cost with elites costing the most obviously. I would make the healing skills cost the same as tier one skills except for the ones. have those cost the same as the elites.
For any new skills you can attaché them to new events or event heart/karma vendors that do not have any skills attached to them.
EDIT: Forgot to add they should make defend events count as completion the same as attacking so that players can get completion for events that are constantly defended.
Edit: One more thing I forgot is adding vendors in WvW that would have the skill point cost and instead of karma or gold it would cost badges.
(edited by Lobo Dela Noche.5127)
Could we just have it so that the unlocks bought with gold/skill points are account wide? That way, if the level requirements get put back to normal, we can just buy our way back to having a fun leveling system?
Anyone who wants the new system can then just not use the vendor.
Here is a GREAT idea! Put it back the way it was with the option to go hunt if you wish. Anet will make more money because players will once again start making alts. Plus an added gold sink equipping those alts.
Win, Win! Simple huh!
Personally, the only need I would have for buying jewels would be if I were to level a new toon. I have three open slots, but just can’t deal with the new trait system.
So now I just log in one of my 80’s occasionally. I bet I’m not the only one.
When it’s all over, I think this trait change will prove to be the game killer.
I started an ele on April 16. Even though the business of not getting trait points each level left me feeling shortchanged, I do appreciate being able to use the 1 point I got to unlock a REAL trait.
Just wanted to pile on. This new system is horrible. I feel bad for the new players who are forced to grind now. I definitely won’t be creating any new charterer now. Good job Arenanet on downgrading your game.
(edited by Keefe.3821)
Just want to say how much fun I’m having with the new trait system. I started leveling a new character and was surprised to find I’m getting so many traits unlocked simply by running around the open world and doing different things. Has a real BONUS! feeling when I unlock one.
At level 40 now, there’s has been a couple that I’ve specifically sought out – seems like a really good direction for the game, very much like skill hunting in GW1.
I’ve tried opening my mind and giving it another try, but unfortunately my opinion hasn’t changed. To me, having to unlock traits feels like a chore. It’s frustrating, really. I’ve already abandoned two new characters because of that.
If it were just the grandmaster traits, I might look forward to it, but having to go out of my way to unlock adept and master traits is such a bummer… I want to buy another character slot to make a guardian, but I know I just won’t. Not under this system.
So… Still no response from ANET for this horrendous trait change? Maybe they think if they ignore it we will somehow start liking it after complaining for over a month.
This change kills any chance of me making any alts. which means no more money for you ANET. I have also stopped playing my main due to the fact that you haven’t even tried to explain why this change is good and why it was put in place.
You now have over a thousand responses for this thread with most people hating this new system. And you still don’t have the decency to respond.
Well, no more alts for me. I had 7 out of 8 classes already created, and wanted to level my warrior, but it was made after the 15th, and after reading the arbitrary crap I would have to go through to unlock the traits, screw it.
no more alts for me. and no more gem store money for anet.
whats really amazing is that anet has the kittening balls to say in the patch notes that they want to encourage people to experiment with builds while leveling. Does anyone at anet even play this game anymore?
[…]Does anyone at anet even play this game anymore?
Besides the one I killed in WvW a week or two ago (I think they were upacaled. Or had no traits) I’d say maybe not as much as they used to. Other then that, I see them standing around in town a lot. But I guess that hardly counts. It’d explain a lot though. Not counting them out yet despite the trait and town-clothing change. But it is gettin’ scary. The game seems to be doing rather well. Income through a revolving door. Extreme playerbase turn around is still an income. In fact, it might help in this case, because new players will buy gems, unknowing of any ‘bad’ changes. Maybe that’s what they’re going for…? who knows…
I hate this change. The new trait system is worse than the previous system. The new system is harder to use, confusing, and prevents me to do any type of experimentation. Your character is weaker with this new system and discourages you to even try to level it in wvw. To make it worse, traits with pve content that are difficult to unlock, you have to waste your skill points to unlock the traits that could have been spent on actual skills. Overall, it just seems more grindy and forces you to level your character 1 way.
I did not see a lot of complaints about the old trait system, and I was surprised anet spent resources on fixing/changing something that was working.
Bottom line:
If it’s not broken, there’s no reason to fix it. Now, with the change, it’s broken and worse than before.
I regret getting a new character slot. If it was possible to get a refund on the character slot, I would jump on that and save the trouble of leveling another character.
(edited by jojojoon.8607)
Just want to say how much fun I’m having with the new trait system. I started leveling a new character and was surprised to find I’m getting so many traits unlocked simply by running around the open world and doing different things. Has a real BONUS! feeling when I unlock one.
At level 40 now, there’s has been a couple that I’ve specifically sought out – seems like a really good direction for the game, very much like skill hunting in GW1.
That is the problem. Anet is forcing you to level your character 1 way. Before, you could level your character in wvw, through crafting, dungeons, ktrain, etc. Now, you can’t anymore since it’s a huge hassle to unlock your traits.
I find this lack of communication and acknowledgement of problems and player complaints quite concerning. I see lots of topics closed, moderators asking for this and that, mostly not to complain where people complain. But if not here in the forum, where else to express concerns? I’m sad because both GW games has been my favorite for years, and now I really feel that things are not heading the right way.
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