Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
Has anyone address the loss of feature from transmutation where we can mix and match the skin, stats, and the rune/sigil/stone?
Right now the Transmutation Charges only change skins.
What if I want the stats from a piece of gear, or the rune, or the sigil — what then?
The loss of this feature doesn’t warrant the Trans. Charges to be the same price as the Trans. Crystal because they are obviously not the same thing — we’re paying the same amount for something that is obviously less than what we get from before.
This is borderline evil.
Before the last update I had the witch and cook outfits.
Now I have lost the cook outfit that had cost me a lot of gems.
Black Lion Armorsmith has given me just the witch outfit.
I am very sad about this, and I hope we can reach a solution.
(edited by fede.8591)
Sheathed weapons on the back are moved slightly further behind the character.
This results in greatswords no longer fitting neatly in the orrian light mantle armor, now they look like crap.
Would be cool if this could get reverted.
With all of the issues posted here, it can only mean one thing…….after ghostcrawler was kicked from WoW…. he was hired by Arena Net as lead dev?
I too… have a long list of refunds i will be submitting.
You should just remove the transmutation charge requirement. It’s really just a cash grab.
W T F …. the biggest problem with this is that for non-salvageable armor like those bought with badges of honor there is NO way to transfer or remove the runes in those pieces without buying the God-awfully ridiculously overpriced upgrade extractors which is just insulting to make us buy. Arenanet, you guys need to fix this kitten ASAP.
Make EVERY armor salvageable. For Christ’s sake.
Before the last update I had the witch and cook outfits.
Now I have lost the cook outfit that had cost me a lot of gems.
Black Lion Armorsmith has given me just the witch outfit.
I am very sad about this, and I hope we can reach a solution.
You have to visit the BL Armor Trader with each character. He converts whatever that particular toon has on him/her. Visit him again with the toon that has your cooks outfit equipped.
Let’s be honest here. Most of the money paid come from visuals in this game. Town clothes, especially the single pieces, are a very important part of that aspect. And every person loves to personalize their outlook, be it dyes or accessories.
So, why, please answer us, are you forcing now a single design of clothes in the form of tonic? Why will anyone want them now?
I won’t be asking for refund for my ruined townclothes YET for only one reason:
Because I hope the company can actually reconsider this part of update.
Before the last update I had the witch and cook outfits.
Now I have lost the cook outfit that had cost me a lot of gems.
Black Lion Armorsmith has given me just the witch outfit.
I am very sad about this, and I hope we can reach a solution.You have to visit the BL Armor Trader with each character. He converts whatever that particular toon has on him/her. Visit him again with the toon that has your cooks outfit equipped.
Already done. It doesn’t work.
(edited by fede.8591)
Has anyone address the loss of feature from transmutation where we can mix and match the skin, stats, and the rune/sigil/stone?
Right now the Transmutation Charges only change skins.
What if I want the stats from a piece of gear, or the rune, or the sigil — what then?
The loss of this feature doesn’t warrant the Trans. Charges to be the same price as the Trans. Crystal because they are obviously not the same thing — we’re paying the same amount for something that is obviously less than what we get from before.
This is borderline evil.
That is one of my main issues with the new wardrobe system. In my opinion, the losses outweigh the gains with this new system. And I am not alone in thinking that, based on what I read so far.
Before the last update I had the witch and cook outfits.
Now I have lost the cook outfit that had cost me a lot of gems.
Black Lion Armorsmith has given me just the witch outfit.
I am very sad about this, and I hope we can reach a solution.You have to visit the BL Armor Trader with each character. He converts whatever that particular toon has on him/her. Visit him again with the toon that has your cooks outfit equipped.
Already done. It doesn’t work.
From the wardrobe UI, there’s a slot for the outfit (next to your head gear slot) — click that.
(edited by Sir Vincent III.1286)
Please make it so that transmuted items are named after the skin that is used, rather than of the weapon/armor which supplied the stats. It doesn’t make sense that a weapon that looks like a Tormented Staff is called a Berserker’s Pearl Quarterstaff
This is my biggest gripe with the new patch. I hope this wasn’t intended.
Before the last update I had the witch and cook outfits.
Now I have lost the cook outfit that had cost me a lot of gems.
Black Lion Armorsmith has given me just the witch outfit.
I am very sad about this, and I hope we can reach a solution.You have to visit the BL Armor Trader with each character. He converts whatever that particular toon has on him/her. Visit him again with the toon that has your cooks outfit equipped.
Already done. It doesn’t work.
From the wardrobe UI, there’s a slot for the outfit (next to your head gear slot) — click that.
I know it. Black Lion Armorsmith gave me only the witch outfit and only it I see from the UI wardrobe under the outfit slot.
No cook outfit is there
(edited by fede.8591)
Before the last update I had the witch and cook outfits.
Now I have lost the cook outfit that had cost me a lot of gems.
Black Lion Armorsmith has given me just the witch outfit.
I am very sad about this, and I hope we can reach a solution.You have to visit the BL Armor Trader with each character. He converts whatever that particular toon has on him/her. Visit him again with the toon that has your cooks outfit equipped.
Already done. It doesn’t work.
From the wardrobe UI, there’s a slot for the outfit (next to your head gear slot) — click that.
I know it. Black Lion Armorsmith gave me only the witch outfit and only it I see from the UI wardrobe under the outfit slot.
No cook outfit is there
Do you have the outfit in your inventory? Some other alts wearing them? Where is this outfit prior to the patch?
Do you have the outfit in your inventory? Some other alts wearing them? Where is this outfit prior to the patch?
In the outfits slot I have only the witch outfit.
Before the last update I was wearing the cook outfit and now it is gone
Do you have the outfit in your inventory? Some other alts wearing them? Where is this outfit prior to the patch?
In the outfits slot I have only the witch outfit.
Before the last update I was wearing the cook outfit and now it is gone
Yeah, that’s an obvious bug. It should have converted it for you since it did to mine.
My Boxing Gloves just dsapper after the pach.. how I can be refounded?
Yeah, that’s an obvious bug. It should have converted it for you since it did to mine.
It was the outfit that I care more, I used to craft.
Do you think Anet will solve this bug?
Thanks for the assistance. Finally found it.As for the issue about our costumes needed to be “PAID AGAIN” for us to use it. That’s a complete BS. We bought it with real money ( for me I spent real money for my costumes ) and then I get this… Pay first for you to use!
This also applies to my Rox skins. I paid for them why do I have to pay again and again to use them? You removed our gold farms but you made sure that we throw more cash to you. A complete total BS is happening from what I can see.
While I don’t like what they have done to town clothes, you are wrong about what you are posting here.
When you bought your Rox skins, you paid for ONE free skin on any item you wanted, after that, if you wanted to move the Rox skin to any other item you had to use a transmute stone. The only way it screws someone is if they were reskinning those items under level 80 where the cost is 3 times as much now.
This just screams like an oversight. That, or the systems they updated couldn’t accommodate the systems we had before, so a change was required—regardless of whether or not said change took things away.
I’m incredibly disappointed by the changes to town clothes. This, plus the megaserver changes have considerably changed the way roleplayers will interface, and not for the better.
My Boxing Gloves just dsapper after the pach.. how I can be refounded?
They didn’t disappear. Any outfit you have, whether it be boxing gloves, pirates, cooks, etc is still there. You have to visit a Black Lions Armorsmith, for example standing with the Black Lion Traders in Divinity’s Reach across from the bank, on the character that has the gloves or outfit these are stored on and choose Exchange your old town clothes for new ones. That will put the new versions in your inventory.
That will put the new versions in your inventory.
It’s bugged
I have a real question about the new town clothes system:
In my case, every single item that was not part of a “set” is now a tonic. When I use this tonic, my character wears a complete outfit, but that cannot be dyed or used in combat.
And… Why a tonic? Why not an equippable outfit that could be dyed?
With the new system, both “new” outfits and tonics prevent mix’n match, so I don’t really see the point of tonics.
I don’t see why people are griping about the wardrobe. It’s an addition all the way around.
First off, transmutation charges are slightly cheaper than the stones at 5/150 instead of 5/200. Granted, that may change.
Secondly, if the skin you want is saved in the wardrobe, you don’t have to obtain more of the same and you can apply the skins across your entire account. If it’s cheaper to obtain more instead of buying transmutation charges and they come with the stat spread you want, then get your skins the manual way.
This is an addition to the game no matter how you look at it.
Yeah, that’s an obvious bug. It should have converted it for you since it did to mine.
It was the outfit that I care more, I used to craft.
Do you think Anet will solve this bug?:(
Not sure, but you should contact support about it.
So I didn’t have any clothing items I was really using, one witch hat from an event and I converted it with no problem.
What I am really missing however is that my default town cloths are now a tonic that I can no longer change the dyes on, or if there is a way it has escaped the last hour of searching I have done. It also means that I have to have an item taking up a slot in my inventory at all times since I don’t want to go to the bank get the tonic out use it then put it back in every time I feel like changing into my town clothes.
If there was some way to return the dyeing function to town clothes that would be great, although I seriously don’t understand why they changed the way default town clothes worked.
I don’t see why people are griping about the wardrobe. It’s an addition all the way around.
First off, transmutation charges are slightly cheaper than the stones at 5/150 instead of 5/200. Granted, that may change.
Except for the fact that your Trans. Crystal is a 1:1 exchange for the Trans. Charges, yet you lose a lot of functionality that we used to have.
So how else are we going to transfer the rune/sigil/stone — use an Extractor? Please, I refuse to purchase something I previously do not need.
Secondly, if the skin you want is saved in the wardrobe, you don’t have to obtain more of the same and you can apply the skins across your entire account.
I used Trans. Stones to transfer stats and upgrade more than I use it to transfer skin. If I want the stats and skin from an item but I want to keep my upgrade, there’s no way to do that now.
If it’s cheaper to obtain more instead of buying transmutation charges and they come with the stat spread you want, then get your skins the manual way.
This is an addition to the game no matter how you look at it.
No it’s not. You have a very limited view on how the transmutation used to work.
I want my Town Clothes back. Converting them to undyeable all in one tonics is not an option. Does Anet really think that this is the right way to treat paying customers? This was my last purchase in their shop till i get them back fully useable. Who does things like that to their customers once may do it again.
As there appears to be no separate dye feedback thread, I assume this thread was meant for feedback on the dye conversion as well. So just a warning to others: just before the feature pack went live, I registered a couple of dyes (I always kept very good track of which dyes I registered on which character). I just discovered that those dyes are gone from my dye list. What I registered after the feature pack went live (due to duplicates), is there, but the ones I registered just before it went live, are gone.
I created a support ticket… hope they can help me. But just in case other people here have also registered dyes briefly before the feature pack went live, and didn’t notice yet that those are gone… be sure to double-check!
So am I right that you can’t combine 2 weapons now? I want the skin and sigil from 1 and the stats from another (or even stats and bnoth sigils for 2H weps now) and this used to be relatively simple with trans stones but can’t figure out any way to do that on the new system.
So am I right that you can’t combine 2 weapons now? I want the skin and sigil from 1 and the stats from another (or even stats and bnoth sigils for 2H weps now) and this used to be relatively simple with trans stones but can’t figure out any way to do that on the new system.
1) You have to use the Upgrade Extractor to remove the sigil.
2) Add the sigil to the weapon with the stats your like
3) Transmute it to the skin you like.
The fact that the Extractor is added to the cost is an outrage.
I’m really disappointed that the starter town clothing simply vanished. I’m not sure if it was supposed to be turned into a tonic or not, but I can’t find it anywhere. I would love to have it as an outfit in the wardrobe, but if I can’t, I’d like to have at least an endless tonic version.
I don’t see why people are griping about the wardrobe. It’s an addition all the way around.
First off, transmutation charges are slightly cheaper than the stones at 5/150 instead of 5/200. Granted, that may change.
Except for the fact that your Trans. Crystal is a 1:1 exchange for the Trans. Charges, yet you lose a lot of functionality that we used to have.
So how else are we going to transfer the rune/sigil/stone — use an Extractor? Please, I refuse to purchase something I previously do not need.
Secondly, if the skin you want is saved in the wardrobe, you don’t have to obtain more of the same and you can apply the skins across your entire account.
I used Trans. Stones to transfer stats and upgrade more than I use it to transfer skin. If I want the stats and skin from an item but I want to keep my upgrade, there’s no way to do that now.
If it’s cheaper to obtain more instead of buying transmutation charges and they come with the stat spread you want, then get your skins the manual way.
This is an addition to the game no matter how you look at it.
No it’s not. You have a very limited view on how the transmutation used to work.
In fact, all of these changes tell me that ANet can no longer support the game under the “old” model. They’re having to force intricate payment schemes in order to make the game sustainable. Ironic, when you consider that this will push people away (who now see themselves as being punished because ANet couldn’t pull in players), thereby exacerbating the problem.
Really? wow that is a seriously stupid regression of the transmutation system.
And there was me liking the update as a whole and they go and be all Anet-y and kitten it up
Upgrade Extractor? At that cost? I don’t think so….
Thank you for taking off PvP Profane armor from my character and making me use charges to get the skin re-applied to character that ALREADY HAD THAT ARMOR ON.
Also thank you for giving me 1 charge for 3 (read: three) Transmutation Stones.
While you’re at it, make Hall of Monuments skins require charges. Go the whole nine yards, why not. /sarcasm
While you’re at it, make Hall of Monuments skins require charges. Go the whole nine yards, why not. /sarcasm
About that. You have to buy a throw-away armor piece for each slot in order to put the HoM skins (and Achievement skins) into your wardrobe. You can’t just double click it to add into the wardrobe, you have to apply the skin to a gear first.
Retroactive should be applied to Wardrobe, if you ever had x skin/armor/weapon/etc on your possession, it should appear in your wardrobe regardless of what happened with that item, example, sold, salvaged, deleted, transmuted, etc
So I understand the philosophy behind the transmutation charges for each skin, but it is way too high for someone who has many toons and wants to re-skin them once in a while.
To re-skin a toon you need 6 transmutations for the armor and 2-4 for the weapons and backpiece. That is 10 transmutations in total or 200 gems or almost $3 fee.
A better solution is to charge 1 transmutation per a total make over. In other words, it doesn’t matter if someone re-skins one piece or all ten pieces in one go, you still get charged 1 transmutation.
I have one minor annoyance with the new hero menu. When you initially press ‘h’ to open it (the first time after you log in), it gives no options; instead forcing you to click on either equipment, wardrobe or dyes. While I understand the motivation for this, grouping each into their own section, I feel that the first time after you log in it should default to the equipment panel (as this is probably what is going to be used 95% of the time anyways, and how it was before), with the ability to toggle to the other 2 options in the upper right corner, similar to how it is now. It isn’t major, but will result in quite a few extra clicks.
I have one minor annoyance with the new hero menu. When you initially press ‘h’ to open it (the first time after you log in), it gives no options; instead forcing you to click on either equipment, wardrobe or dyes. While I understand the motivation for this, grouping each into their own section, I feel that the first time after you log in it should default to the equipment panel (as this is probably what is going to be used 95% of the time anyways, and how it was before), with the ability to toggle to the other 2 options in the upper right corner, similar to how it is now. It isn’t major, but will result in quite a few extra clicks.
Yup, it should default to the Equipment tab. I totally agree.
Finished the Fashion Achievement today. Takes 1000 various skins. Still have many more to get.
Thanks for this ability Anet.
Side note. For those working on the achievement, don’t forget to grab all the skins from the HoM if you have those.
(edited by danielrjones.8759)
I don’t understand why town clothes weren’t given a separate 6 equipment slots and be bound to a hotkey to be swapped like weapons/attunements/kits and would persist through combat and cost no charges to swap pieces.
My main complaint about the wardrobe changes is the town clothes! Please give us back our customize ability! Please?
My main issues:
1. Transmuted items should have the name of the skin, NOT the name of the original item
2. Townclothes need to be revamped to allow dyeability and mix-and-match.
I’m terribly disappointed with the high cost of transmutation charges. Anet, what motivation do I have to buy and enjoy multiple sets of armor, various cool weapon skins (like Jory’s daggers, etc.) if I ALSO have to pay nearly $5 to put on one of those sets of armors?
You’ve got it all wrong. Make your money selling us nice cosmetic gear. Don’t then also try to rob our wallet to put on those various sets of gear. That should be FREE.
As it stands, I have less motivation than ever to fork over 10-ish dollars per nifty set of cosmetic gear you release. Why? Why bother?
I must join the bandwagon of disappointment in the way townclothes is now handled. I used to LOVE my Bloody Prince’s outfit with my devil horns but now I can’t use both. sigh. Not to mention I hate the headpiece for the BP outfit… just ruins the whole thing for me. :/ not to mention the fiasco where you can’t color your default town clothes or single pieces like the separate shirts. My aviator pants turned into the entire outfit which I am very disappointed with… I’ll never use these things again because I can no longer mix and match them the way that I want. I really fail to see how this was pushed through the way it was without any (or little) consideration for how it’d be received by the playerbase. I love how the wardrobe handles for armor though, it is a very nice convenience but you guys really dropped the ball with town clothes.
only thing I like about it is that I can wear it in combat now but… otherwise it’s quite bad in my opinion.
Same sentiment here… I’m starting to think that I’d rather fork money that i’d spent on transmutation stones and that upgrade extractor to a Realm Reborn Subscription Fee.
No offense ANET but i’m doubting what you want us customers to do with the game now.
I’m terribly disappointed with the high cost of transmutation charges. Anet, what motivation do I have to buy and enjoy multiple sets of armor, various cool weapon skins (like Jory’s daggers, etc.) if I ALSO have to pay nearly $5 to put on one of those sets of armors?
You’ve got it all wrong. Make your money selling us nice cosmetic gear. Don’t then also try to rob our wallet to put on those various sets of gear. That should be FREE.
As it stands, I have less motivation than ever to fork over 10-ish dollars per nifty set of cosmetic gear you release. Why? Why bother?
This exactly. Why make it so fun and accessible and yet so costly? The impression I got from the early previews made it seem like customizing the look of ALL your toons on the fly was going to be super easy and (for some reason, idk why I thought this) more affordable.
In essence, I’m now paying the same price on my level 80 chars as I am on my low level alts- who for obvious reasons, need to use transmutes more often. And I know charges are more affordable than crystals, but they AREN’T more affordable than stones were, especially considering that stones often were a reward in game.
Nevermind that if there’s a cool skin I’ve unlocked, I’m now going to feel motivated to use it from my wardrobe instead of buying something with that skin from the TP- something I thought they were encouraging by making it so accessible. And I feel like many people (myself included) are going to take advantage of that convenience and in the process run themselves out of charges quickly. It seems like maybe that was something that anet was counting on- us frequently changing the look of our gear and then using the gem shop for more charges just as frequently. I’m sure they thought this was a good way to earn more money, and I am aware that they do need to earn money somehow- but I would seriously be willing to pay a $15 dollar a month fee and have unlimited charges over however much it would cost me to keep buying gems all the time. 25 charges really isn’t that many. It really really isn’t.
Possible suggestion- maybe anet could think of selling a one-time purchase unlimited charge item in the shop- maybe for 1000 gems, similar to the gathering tools. It’s not the best solution because it still requires you to spend a good amount of real world money just to do something you could for almost free before. But, it’s better than nothing…
(edited by Idris.9351)
Just a quick question, cuz reading through 9 pages is quite a lot:
If i got Skins in the past but dont longer obtain them are they showing up in the wardrobe? I didnt transmute em, i simply deleted em, but they have been soulbound to a character.
Don’t know what you guys are complaining about. The transmutation system didn’t change. They didn’t suddenly want to make it a charity. They streamlined it.
And you can still equip multiple sets of armor. Those claiming you require charges to do so need to look closely at what they are doing because you certainly do not need charges to equip a different set of armor.
And as another note, charges are even cheaper than the previous said crystals – assuming all you cared about was your level 80 appearance. That said, I am sad that constantly changing the appearance of your gear when you’re leveling up is not possible anymore, but then again, you am constantly changing gear anyways and it’s almost not worth it to keep that same appearance up all the time even with the old stone/crystal system.
(edited by andrew.1798)
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