(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Guild CDI - The True Complete Summary Edition
Individual Guild Chat Channels
Guild HQ marker for Meeting Points as Example
Guild Member Infos on Player Name Hovering
More detailed Guild Stash/Trove/Cave Permissions
Last Representation Info
More interactive World Events for Guilds to participate in
Guild Raids
Improved Guild Rewards/ Shoutboxes for Leaders/ Guild Description Improvement
Buyable Guild Instances similar to PvP Arenas
Rank System Improvements for Horizontal/Vertical Ranks – https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/167033/guildFlowchart.gif
Feirlista Xv.1425
Guild Announcements with the help of using the Register Emails
Search Improvements in the Guild Roster for specific Players
Rank gated starting of Guild Missions
Guild Blackboards in the Towns
QoL improvements for the Guild Buffs – all of them being 24hours long
Guild Tags in Chat
Stacking in Guils Stash ect. without having to move Stuff 1st into Inventory
Account Names to Character Name
Reimplemention of a fully useable Eye of the North
Guild Rule Tab/ Customizable Guild Tabs
Change of the Guild Roster to a Guild Tree
Viewable Guild Member Notes
Only by guilds seeable Guild Commanders
Guild Statistics, like Representation in %
Thats basically everything unique out of Page 2
Continues for Page III
Oh my goodness Orpheal this is awesome. i love you guys so much.
Send me a PM please so i can send you a thank you and please don’t forget to link this to the main CDI or I can (-:
Bug Fixes naturally
Shanaeri Rynale.6897
Gain Influence also from Non-repping Players at a reduced rate
Guild Influence Donations to other Guilds
More Rank Rights
Guild Influence as a general Game Currency
Return to only 1 Guild-System/Player
Banned Player Log Implemention with Reason Notes
More Guild Emblems and Customization Options there
Guild Name/Tag on claimed Keeps/Towers in WvW
Improve WvW Rewards for the Defense, so that people have an incentive at all to defend
More new Guild Activities/ new types of Guild Activities/ make Activities into Guild Minigames
Guild Commendation Token Transfer
Automatic Guild Representation for new created Characters
Reminder System for Guild Events
Artemis Thuras.8795
Multi Guild Chatting/ Multi Guild Influence Sharing
Achievements of Members visible to other Members/ Achievement Log
Guild Roster should show only representing Players
Yalora Istairiea.6287
A more secure place for the Leave Guild Button
Make it easier to participate in Guild Missions
Remove all Build Queues, instant builds
Viewable Guild Chats also without Representation
Officer Private Chats
Optimize the Tabs to reduce Tab Switching
Iason Evan.3806
Visualization of Members that aren’t in a Party yet as also Visualization of Members, that are in a Party already
Distinguish own Commander Tags
Add Warning Messages when tryign to Leave a Guild
Thats it for Page III
Continues for Page IV
PS: I’ll re-edit a link to the Main CDI Thread into the first posting
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Page IV
Jon Peters
Guild related WvW improvements for claiming locations
Remove Claim Time Gates
Guild Specializations, so that each Guild becomes more unique, like Merchant Guild, Crafting Guild, Order Guild ect.
Add more Motivation to get into a Guild/ Social Aspect Improvements
Drop Down List for Multi Guild Chatting
Adding of more Guild Relationship related mechanics
Guild Focus – however, sounded to me a bit like Guild Reward Tracks including Guild Mechanic Unlocks
Tie Guild Buffs to Representation/ Reduce need of Representation
Improve Guild Banners so that they become better Guild Tools
Gemstore UI Rework including Guild related Gem Store Features there
Implement Tools for Custom Guild Events
Guild Experience? – Guild Ranks basically like WvW Ranks for more rewardign guilds?
Guild Taxes
Guild Merits/Donations into Guild Commendation Exchange
Guild Task Board for selfmade assign quests
Guild Achievements!
Yalora Istairiea.6287
Split into Personal, Paired and Multiplayer Guilds
All Guild Chats visible in a window
Forgotten Legend.9281
Guilds must earn a Members Loyality to gain Representation/Influence from them
(Basically turning the leaf to the favor of members)
World Boss Starts for ALL the World Bosses
Guild Type related automatic Guild Tag/Representation Switching
Thats all for Page IV
Continues tomorrow on Page V
Artemis Thuras.8795
Maintained Guild Enchantments
Add a Memo Pad Function
Custom named Chat Channels
Sungak Alkandenes.1369
Add Server/World Chat Channels that you can read from just everywhere in your Server
Guild Notifications working like the Dynamic Event UI
Add special Guild Outfits
Add a Reward System for Guild Loyality
Guild Selling/Buying Option
Make Items from Guild Storage buy/sellable
That was it, Page V was alot more like 50% about just discussions about risks and general discussions over already made suggestions.
The amount of repeated suggestions clearly increases also from page to page.
Continues on Page VI
Give Guild Commander Status through Influence/ WvW Kills too (with unique colors – example orange and green)
Improve Chat Tools, like making more usage with /wiki
Add a seperate Guild Storage for Materials & Crafting/ Workshops
Improve the Guild History/ Guild Locking
Chris Whiteside LOL ^^
Complimentary Guild Stories within Living World/Strategetic Group Challenges
^ this shows, how much Chris is within the whole discussion, he even is self so much part of I that I have to list his own unique ideas awesome ^^ < THIS <3 with extra hype sauce on top
Information about when the MOTD has been changed
Guild Parties (Something special, when a party consists only out of Guild Members, giving players an intention to party with your Guild)
Make Guild Parties more overviewable, who is together with whom in a Guild Party from the Guild Roaster as example by marking those players together as a Group
Custom Party Names given by the Party Creator (this reminds me so much on Ragnarok Online personally!)
Turn Guild Puzzles into Instances
Add a Guild Activities Graph to help comparing your priorities on 1 view with the activities of the Guild, if they match with your own personal ones, or not
Guild Rank Automatism for automatic Rank Ups if Guild Members fulfill their requirements
Incluence Scaling to make it easier for Small Guilds
Let the Game take over indirectly more the Player Organization
That was it for page VI
Continues on Page VII
Change of Chat Text Colors
“Event Alliances” specially for Events in the Game
Direct Donations to Guild Orders to speed up the building/crafting to speed up the building
Add more Chat Filters
Ben K.6238
Chat Highlights/Highlighting for Multi Guild Chats
Guild Slot Increases as a buyable Gem Store Guild Upgrade
(I understand this like you want to have more space for more Members, buy this Upgrade, similar like you want to have more Characters, buy a Character Slot from the Gem Store)
Iason Evan.3806
Comment Numbers in brackets for Chat Tabs/ Add Twitter Features to the Chat
Thats it with Page VII
Again alot of discussions over already made suggestions
And to the next Page, number VIII
Hector.1408/ Storm Toryama.2197
Add a Build/Gear Loader/ Weapon/Armor Storages/ Build Templates
(Don’t know what this has to do with Guilds, but however xD Im sure with some brainstormign this can be turned into a guild based improvement, like for example a guild based “Build Template System” or so ^^ that helps to share builds with guild members)
Guild Member Login Messages
A linkable Easy Option to show Guild Requirements to interested Players
Add Guild Leader-Symbols that work like the 100% Map Star/Commander Symbol
Faster fading away of Map and Say Chat over the other Chat Types
Chat Priorities for sticking Chat Lines to the Top
Chat Divide
Import Real Life trusted Calendars from Yahoo, Google, Apple
More Consequences for your decisions being made in the game (including guild decisions I guess also too)
Add Societies as a new “Guild Type” for subscription based Services to help on Organization/ give people a run to point to pledge there for assistance/help ect. pp
Thats it for page VIII
I make a break for today
Amazing and very well organized and I take it you will do the same for the Sub-Classes CDI to as well?
Amazing and very well organized and I take it you will do the same for the Sub-Classes CDI to as well?
Not necessarily. Most likely, Orphael only did this because s/he was deeply entrenched in the Guild CDI topic.
Mechanist Gregory [BEER]
Arondight Unfading [ZB]
Amazing and very well organized and I take it you will do the same for the Sub-Classes CDI to as well?
Not necessarily. Most likely, Orphael only did this because s/he was deeply entrenched in the Guild CDI topic.
Orpheal tends to do these for CDIs
Whoops, missed my page 3 one about moving the Leave Guild button and adding warning messages.
Sure, no problem! This is an astounding labor of love on your part. All my thanks for it.
Temporary Guild Waypoints
Add a Chat Block Function
A Web of Parties
Persistent Chat, even when Relogging
MegaServer Placement Priorization through Alliances
Add the Ability to be part of large events, like Guild Missions without needign to change the Guild you represent to get rewarded and be part of it (huge +1 of me for this)
improve the LFG System (absolute +1 for this too, its still in BETA since its introduction xD and clearly doesn’t make use of its full potential yet)
Better Reflection/Visibility of Guild Leaders/Officers in the Guild Roaster UI
Benefitting from playing together with Guild Members in your near
That was it for Page IX
This here was due to Jon’s heavy partaking far more a huge discussion around alliances, then anything else mostly over the half page
Next comes the X
Artemis Thuras.8795
Personal Alliances with Influence Sharing? (at least this is it what you can read here between the lines)
Removal of Non-Representation Icon
Eight Samurai.6840
Add a Voting System
Improve Reasons for getting into Guilds, without that people need to do Forums and other outside sources for advertisements
Guild Special Dungeon Events
Titanium Argentum.1427
Guild Reward Track (basically belongs to loyality, but I think loyality can also be expressed in a different way, than just to give rewards for staying long in a guild, thats why I wanted to list this here, because this here is clearly only about rewards)
That Guy.5704
Turn Guild Ressources like Influence more into an automatic progressive system that we know from strategetic browser games
Ressources used over time instead of just fire off and forget
Marcus Greythorne.6843
Make Guild Content like Guild Missions more accessible to Non Guild Players
Completely remove the concept of influence working as Currency
Option to show Server and Local Time
Optionally let Account Names be shown in Guild Chat
Option to see all Characters from someone’s Account (Personally I’m absolutely strictly against this! Makes privacy way too much glassy – however, showing guild members by Class Symbols, if that Guild Member X owns such a Class on his account, is somethign different, but more should nobody get to see)
Add Filter/Managing Tools to the Guild Roaster
This was Page X
Break for today
The show must go on
Rank Based Chat Channels
Linking the MotD to the Callendar or other Functions
Show when a Member logs out/in in the Chat
Add the ability for Custom Event Creation in the Calendar
Export Guild Data/ Real Time Infos like Member Lists and WvW activities for Websites ect
Export mails from the Game onto the PC
Add the Feature of automatic Welcome Mails
Rose Solane.1027
Add a Last Representation Date
Enable us to do Guild Missions more oftenly a Week (is there even a limitation?, can’t remember xD)
Add a Guild World Transfer Mechnism/Upgrade
(So that people stop using gold for gems for each single guild member to transfer. Basically if a Guild transfers, every member should get asked if they want to transfer too with the guild in one go)
Add a temporary Guild Commander Function
Option to block people from joining the Guild, that aren’t from your same server
More visibility of what your Guild has claimed in WvW
Guild Morale – https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/archive/suggestions/Improving-the-guild-system-Long-detailed
Guild Blog Function
Show People somehow as part of the Guild, even if not representing
Put back a Bank NPC into WvW
Put a Mystic Forge at the WvW Spawn Spot
Merge Bank Function with Guild Bank Function to work together
Jon Peters
Bring back 10 Minute long Guild Fireworks
Guild Mystic Forge
whoo, that was it, lots of stuff here. Mostly first a Devata-one man show, but then at the end – suggestion floods
Next to the XII
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Tutorial Golems later for Guild Halls
Special Guild Furniture only for Guild Halls, non useable for Personal Housing
Furniture Collection/Achievement, including a Tequatl Example
Let us invite more people into house isntance, than only the party, like Squads
No preset Guild Halls, rather build the Hall as Guild self as a long term Guild Mission
Guild Training Dummies
Guild Banners/Banquets should give Influence per Person who uses them
Improve your Metrics for better evaluating Guild Participation
Marcus Greythorne.6843
Guild Tavern and Library
Guild Duel Arena
Guild Portal to Guild Mission Areas
Guild Jumping Puzzle
Split between Guild and “Personal” Influence, so that Players can donate this way also Influence to Guilds they like
Special Guild Crafting Stations for unique craftings only possible through them
Merge the old Hall of Monuments Function into Guild Halls, so that players have there a unique instance to show others what for accomplishments they have reached
Represented Guild Roaster should be always the Default Roaster
Prevent better unintended Guild Invitations
Improve the Upgrade Interface to make it easier to understand
Add a Build Queue-Queue for buildings over several days
Make the Join/Left Guild Info in the Guild UI more visible with the help of colors maybe.
Rewardless Boss Training-Arena
Guildmate of the Week-Function
Pinkamena Diane Pie.8054
Guilds claiming also PvE Zones
That was page XII, it was to be expected, that here again would be alot more discussions, rather suggestions because of Jon’s posting
Option to see all Characters from someone’s Account (Personally I’m absolutely strictly against this! Makes privacy way too much glassy – however, showing guild members by Class Symbols, if that Guild Member X owns such a Class on his account, is somethign different, but more should nobody get to see)
I am not sure what additional account information you are referring to.
The information I am talking about is already visible. As soon as he logs in with that character you see that information of him in your guild-roster. If he then logs in with another character you see that of the new character.
So if I would be looking at the roster the whole time and note it I would have the same list. All I am asking here is basically for the roster to not overwrite it when a member gets on a new character but simply show both the characters (only one with status online) and remove it when he throws the character away.
So this does not really add any new information that is not already obtainable. It only makes it easier! for guild-members to know whats race and professions (and crafts) your guild-members have what is useful when organizing events.
Anyway, good work on the summary.
More Consequences for your decisions being made in the game (including guild decisions I guess also too)
especially guild decisions
the overall goal is to give weight and meaning to the path we decide to choose: this will enrich Tyria with variety and depth.
lets continue
Add a Low Res World Map/WvW Map ingame, that shows Member Locations
Guild Records, like Fastest Dungeon Run, Highest WvW Rank, most Influence earned
Visual Goal Markers
Visual Gold/Influence Meters
Merge Guild Halls into the Towns without Instancing (I doubt that this is even possible, but however)
Sungak Alkandenes.1369
Buy Influence through selling Items
Guild Fractals
Redesign of the Friend List, Add a Request System for Friends (I personally would add also the complete Removal of the Follower List, its completely useless)
Auto Deny System for blocked people
Cleaner Guild Tabs, like Guild Missions > Guild Bounties > Tier, 1,2,3
Black Listing, to prevent accidental Invites
Join Dates being shown
Turn Merits into Influence
Send Out Recruiting Messages to all Map Instances via Map Chat
Guild Wars in the persistant World (Basically suggesting Player Killing Mode, once Guilds declare War between each other)
Petrus Petraeus.7368
Add a Guild Store, where Members can buy donated things by prices set up by the Guild Leader
Ronah Lynda.2496
Guild Recrutation List, making it visible to players, which Guilds are recruiting ingame
Visual Ingame Guild Advertisement, when applying for a Guild
Guild Internal LFG Tool
Using some of yet unexaplorable World Map Parts for racial themed Guild Zones
That was page XIII
And next number XIV
Guild Quests
Use Crafting Materials to Upgrade Guilds instead of Influence
Short Summary Number 1
Add back the Zaishen Chest
Guild Pride
Customizable Guild Banners
Jon Peters
Queued Player Transport into same Map Instances
Interactable Environment, like sitting on Chairs
Social Guild Cafe
Change Guild Started World Bosses into Instances (reminds me on the Gamescom Demo of GW2 where we got warped into a Shatterer Instance and got asked, if we would like to join it after readign first a big fat yellow attention seeking world info about it in the screen, that this world boss appeared)
Give a Volunteer Buff to PUG, that leave a Map Instance when a Guild claims an instance for them
Guild Bank Label Edit Permissions
Give daily Boosts for visiting the Guild Halls to give players an incentive to visit it continously
Guild Guesting GW1 Style
That was Page XIV
Heavy Interaction mostly only with Jon Peters here again half of this Page
Later I continue with XV
So lets finish this now with the last few pages
Edgar Doiron.2804
Recruitment Banners
Little Summary Number 2
Little Summary Number 3
Little Summary Number 5
Guild Banner Aesthetic Improvements for more Prestige
Multiple Guild Phases for Progression – Hall > Hideout > Keep > Fortress > Village > Town for example
Guild Districts
Limit Text Modification on Guild Stash, Trove, Cave based on Permissions
Minimum Representation Limits (personally I’m against this as i find it pointless)
Little Summary Number 4
Make the Design of the Guild Panel more similar to the Wardrobe/gemstore Design
So, this was Page 15, with more and more little Summaries appearing from this post on, this is the page that makes clear, that this CDI Phase was sure to be finnished soon.
Guild Airships/Ships
(This page is mostly only about Guild Airships/Ships lol – they invaded Page 16 basically)
Topic Split from now on into a Top 3 Discussion..no more suggestions
That was a real quick page rofl ^^
Darck Archebald.8470
Add a Guild Merging/Fusion System
Gold Transfer between Guilds
All the Power goes to Asuran Special Forces here, but it leaded to a Fun Suggestion xD
Tobias Trueflight.8350
Racial Fun Effects (besides of it having nothing to do with the topic, but its still mention worthy I think)
Mireles Lore.5942
Permanent Perk Trees as Part of the guild Progression
Add Marks/Check Boxes to see if Players are in a Party
Colored Ranks
Increase of Party Size to Max 8 (9 would make more sense, as you self dont get shown in the Party UI, 4 left, 4 right, you self down)
Thas was Page 17
Next to number XVIII
Map Reputation
Remove Mega-Servering for Towns for easier Recruitment
Improve WvW Claim Effects to give better Incentive to defend Locations
Split the Queues between Guild Mission Tab, Boost Tab ect.
Updating the GW2 Messenger Client
Add Locations into the Guild Roaster
Guild Mission-Buddy System to let people help(including rewardign them) at Guild Missions without that these peopel have to belong to the guild as members (big +1 from me)
That was page 18. Coming to the End soon
Improve/Fix the Guild Finisher
Gap Closing of Rewards between Smaller and Bigger Guilds
Guild Contracts (Boards) for Assignments between Guilds to do tasks for other players and gettign rewarded through fulfilling them
Add a Wall of Fame/Shame
Ideas for Guild Activities – Living Chess, Bar Drinking, Dance Contests
Thats it.
Now comes number XX
the sober ninja.6539
Remain invisible after Log Out/Be Unknown when Invisible
Guild Bank Authentication for Access
Closing List of the most wished things of Top 3
Add more Symbols for Custom Guild Ranks
Drakth.1875 (His Excel List of the Top 3)
Enable us to use Custom Guild Emblems
Chris Whiteside
>>>>>> https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/CDI-Guilds-Logistics-and-QOL/page/20#post4453936 <<<<<<
Something I’ve forgotten to raise during the QoL phase is preloading the character models of group- and guildmates upon joining a map.
I would like to see my mates from afar in the map and not them fading in when I come closer. An option in the graphics settings would be nice.
If ppl like orpheal are going to put this much effort into threads like this, we need a cdi subforum. This thread is 20 days old and its the first time since ive seen it due to the amount of duplicate and junk threads in general discussion burying important ones like this.
Good work orpheal
Or this needs to be stickied, perhaps? With some moderation to keep it mostly just the summary.
Or this needs to be stickied, perhaps? With some moderation to keep it mostly just the summary.
This summary will be written progressively, like I’ve done it with the Phase 1, because I’m a working person too and have not so much time as much as I would like to have it often – I do this summary in my free time just so that you all know.
I’ll get my summary started for Phase 2, but first – the formatting.
I won’t be this time again a summary page per page, but rather a topic related summary, that gives each topic its time and credit to summarize within it the most important things that have been mentioned in a brief way within all over the pages.
This is how I will structure the summary for Phase 2:
- Guild Hall General Features
- Guild Halls Design
- Guild Hall Location
- Guild Hall Acquisition
- Guild Hall Progression
- Guild Hall UI Changes
- Guild Hall Logistics & QoL
- Guild Hall Mechanics (Rewards ect.)
- Discussions with Developers
- Links & Pictures
This Formatting is still in Progress. It may change over the time while I work on the summary
Pages reviewed currently: 4 of 27
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Custom Guild Mascots
- to serve for welcoming new members/Visitors of other Guilds
Guild Jumping Puzzles
- Inside GH’s and in general
Guild Achievements
- like for doing Guild Missions, progressing the GH ect.
- Guild Scavenger Hunts
- Guild Trophies for the Collection
Alliance System
- as a way to bond Alliances with other Guilds
Leaderboards/ Recruitment Boards/Banners
- for various Statistics, like WvW Ranks of Members, PvP Ranks, Ap, Influence Gained
- Easier Recruiting outside of GH’s
Training Area
- A Training Ground with Option to summon non loot enemies/bosses/target dummies or to duel other Members.
Roleplay Rooms/Places
- Barracks, Taverns, Stables, Hospital, Library, Garden ect.*
Guild Decorations for Customization
- Various Furnitures, Plants, Pictures, Carpets, Trophies ect.
- Guild Architects for Rennovation Projects
- Changeable Guild Themes/Templates like in GW1
As Instance
- with unchecked new Monsters
- with Guild Dynamic Events/ World Bosses inside appearing
- with Access to WvW via Queue System
- Verticality/ Open/Closed roofed areas
-Merge it with Player Housing
Guild Airships
- to make GH’s mobile as a moveable Waypoint
Guild Halls in the Realm of the Mists
- As a new Map (Floating Islands, similar like Edges of the Mist)
- Ability to buy more Islands
GH’s in Guild Districts within the Towns
- Instanced Areas in LA with Assets, Guild Market Place (Central Hub), Communities and Neighborhoods within those Instances
- Real Estates & reserveable Guild Plots
GH’s as Outposts in the World Map
- requires some Map Space to be turned into a Guild Outpost Map, like in GW1
GH’s as a redesign of the Heart of the Mist
- merge the HotM with the complete GH System.
Building a Guild Hall/ Alliance Courtyard
- requiring a time gated process
- needing alot of Materials, Gold and other currencies
- Requires again a Celestial Sigil like in GW1, speak with Guild Registrar
- Convert Materials such as Bloodstone Dust, Dragonite Ore and Empyreal Fragments into Influence for Building/Upgrading GHs
Guild Story
- special Story Missions that you have to do with Guild Members to progress as Guild
Donation System
- the Ability to donate Money, Materials, Furniture ect. to a Guild to help the Guild
- Guild Fund Raisers
Guild Hall Tier System
- Guild Hall/Keep/Fortress/Castle/Village/Town as expansions dependant of Guild Size
- Requirement for Guild versus Guild-Mode aka Guild Wars
- Guild Land
Guild Reputation
- as a part of the Guild Hall Progression System
- Guild Loyality/Pride System as part again of Guild Reputation
Integration of Hall of Monuments/ Hall of Heroes
- Player Statues, Portraits, Item Display in the GH/ Guild Accomplishments
Integration into the Architecture Tree
- or Guild Halls as an own Guild Perk
- Keep Merits out, unless its System gets revamped
Add Panels
- for Rennovation Projects
- for Quick Event Access
Progress Bar
- to make it visual how far you’ve progressed with your Guild
(edited by Orpheal.8263)
Decoration Vault
- so that all the stuff doesn’t land in personal inventories
Traveling to or from the Guild Hall
- Add a Go to/Leave Guild Hall-Button
- Travel via Asura Gates from LA to Guild Outpost
- Entering integrated GH’s as Outposts from every Map
- Asura Gates from the GH to the Racial Towns
- GH Entrance from the Home Instance
Guild Merchants
- for Mystic Forge, for Crafting Jobs/ Materials, for Trading Post/ Bank, for Laurels, for Dungeon Tokens
Guild Activities/Quests
- as also access to PvE Activities like SAB, Belchers Bluff ect from the GH.
- Questboard for special Guild Tasks aka Quests
Lighting Changes
- add a way to change the Room Lighting for GHs
Unlocking Mechanics
- Through Member Achievements, through Influence, or through Rewards from Guild Missions/ Guild Dungeon Runs
Reward Mechanics
- GH’s as a Way to improve WvW Buffs/Boosters, gettign cheaper Siege Weapons
- Collectors like Nicholas in the GH
- Add incentives to visit the GH daily, like special Gathering Nodes, that are only there.
- Special GH related rewards from Dungeon Tokens only, like Dungeon Themed Furnitures
- More unique Guild Weapon/Armor Sets or Guild Outfits via GH Progression
- Permanent Guild Banners in the GH for their Buffs
- Resetable Renown Hearts for Guild Rewards
Guild Boost Mechanics
- based on which Guild Theme is chosen and how it is progressed, Members could receive different Boosts
- Crafting Boosts if you craft in the GH instead of outside of GH
Member History as Statues/ Picture Inspirement
Guild Zones
GH Theme Name Ideas
GH Room Ideas
To be continued tomorrow
(edited by Orpheal.8263)