Guild Halls/Player Housing

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarcShriek.5829


I can’t think of any adventure story I’ve read that focused on hanging lace curtains at home. I would much prefer that the developers spend their time creating new lands for me to explore, new skulls to crack, and new treasures to plunder!

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


I can’t think of any adventure story I’ve read that focused on hanging lace curtains at home. I would much prefer that the developers spend their time creating new lands for me to explore, new skulls to crack, and new treasures to plunder!

It is hardly that we are asking for the game to focus on housing- but a hero needs a home.

I mean I have been running around saving the world for over a year, am the Commander of the Pact and I am basically a bum?

I think every one wants new places to explore- why is that mutually exclusive to housing?

Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by Morrigan.2809)

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SlothBear.9846


Yeah I guess we have to downgrade all of what was advertised.

“In game” = “doesn’t work, will be fixed within a year…maybe”
“Coming Soon!” = “Maybe 2014”
“Will be Added at Some Point” = “Never”

Unfortunately housing was in the last category….

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


They’re talking about character progression in the CDI threads right now. Maybe we should go there and tell them that Home Instance progression (hall of monuments style) would be the way to go!

And guild progression with guild halls of course.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751


I see no use/need for player housing and would much rather they spend the development time on real content. Player housing would add no play value to the game at all except for the very small RPG crowd.
New races, new skills, new dragons, expand the personal story, new lands, then and ONLY then should they even consider something as useless as housing.

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


I see no use/need for player housing and would much rather they spend the development time on real content. Player housing would add no play value to the game at all except for the very small RPG crowd.
New races, new skills, new dragons, expand the personal story, new lands, then and ONLY then should they even consider something as useless as housing.

You are welcome to your opinion- but the CDI disagrees with you- many people want player housing and it is not useless by a long shot and can add quite a lot of game play to the world- apart from the fact that you end up with a house too.

not sure why you think we will not have the other things- because we will

Gunnar’s Hold

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ShiningSquirrel.3751


I see no use/need for player housing and would much rather they spend the development time on real content. Player housing would add no play value to the game at all except for the very small RPG crowd.
New races, new skills, new dragons, expand the personal story, new lands, then and ONLY then should they even consider something as useless as housing.

You are welcome to your opinion- but the CDI disagrees with you- many people want player housing and it is not useless by a long shot and can add quite a lot of game play to the world- apart from the fact that you end up with a house too.

not sure why you think we will not have the other things- because we will

Go back and read what I wrote, nowhere did I say we would not have anything. I said I would rather see those other items added before they wasted their time on housing. Housing should be down towards the bottom of the very long list of things that need to be addressed/added to the game. I stand by my statement, IMHO, housing is worthless and would add no game play value at all. I have seen it many times in other games. Players get a house, add furniture, add children/spouse, then it sits empty as they go and actually play the game. I do not want to play an interior design simulator.
I don’t care if some players do, they can have housing AFTER the more important improvements are done.

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


I see no use/need for player housing and would much rather they spend the development time on real content. Player housing would add no play value to the game at all except for the very small RPG crowd.
New races, new skills, new dragons, expand the personal story, new lands, then and ONLY then should they even consider something as useless as housing.

You are welcome to your opinion- but the CDI disagrees with you- many people want player housing and it is not useless by a long shot and can add quite a lot of game play to the world- apart from the fact that you end up with a house too.

not sure why you think we will not have the other things- because we will

Go back and read what I wrote, nowhere did I say we would not have anything. I said I would rather see those other items added before they wasted their time on housing. Housing should be down towards the bottom of the very long list of things that need to be addressed/added to the game. I stand by my statement, IMHO, housing is worthless and would add no game play value at all. I have seen it many times in other games. Players get a house, add furniture, add children/spouse, then it sits empty as they go and actually play the game. I do not want to play an interior design simulator.
I don’t care if some players do, they can have housing AFTER the more important improvements are done.

My point is that even though you do not care for it, many players do- and there are also quite a few people seem to think that it will have the most impact across the game for everyone.

If you know the things you want will be added, why be so vehement that a feature people have been asking for since launch is worthless?
Surely we can have something for everyone?

Gunnar’s Hold

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mesme.5028


I agree that we need more guild stuff such as halls and whatnot, but I am one of the few that think player housing isn’t as important as a lot of other things that need to be added.

In every game I have played that has player housing, the gold sinks and grind for certain “amenities” was worse than anything in GW2 as it is now.

Player housing also adds individual content, but group content suffers as a result.

The last thing this game needs is more individual content. At least guild halls is a group effort.

Even wow now is getting a variation of it, idk why we havnt.

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Guild Wars 2 has guilds but no actual guild wars. It’s weird because this game has so much potential. Can ArenaNet perform in the next 12 months? I would buy an expansion without hesitation.

there is a rumor and a screenshot of a test arena from a dev stream that gvg is under development

link please?

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tinymurder.5791


I like the idea of player housing and/or guildhalls. They could easily add it in as a series of instanced areas, like LotRO did.

I just don’t see what it will add, besides grind for the rent and an additional place to store stuff. Honestly, how many people spend time in their home instance? The home instance is a great deal like player housing would/should be set up, only larger. Sure, we can’t customize our home instance, unless we complete certain LS meta-achievements, but technologically the home instance and player housing are identical in all but size.

So, Anet can add a brand new gold sink for players and/or guilds and then what? Watch as everybody hangs out in the market district of LA, dancing on the steps? I love the idea of player housing, but unless you’re planning on hosting some friends for some RP, it’s not what I would call a major quality of life upgrade.

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keiel.7489


It’s not the “when” but the “how” that is more important.

I think everyone has their idea of how guild halls and housing works, so if it’s one thing and nother the other all we will surely have is more gripes and complaints on the forums once it starts. If GW2 was a All out PvP game, I would say the best way is to have guild halls be placeable in normal zones with a radius for guildmembers homes being built. Much like Shadowbane. Guild halls could be fought over and/or destroyed, creating actual loss and a real gold sink. People would have to defend their guild lands and such.

With how GW2 is set up atm, that method is kind of pointless unless they make a seperate world or massive map where it is full on PvP with resource nodes to take if your guild hall is close to the area (can only mine the resource if your guild owns the land to prevent friendly mining of everything anyways).

If not the only thing I would be interested in is if they opened up player housing in already exisitng cities (including smaller towns and such) where there is a limited amount of estate. Players would bid for the house on sale on initial release, pay tax for the house, and even resell the house. If the player falls behind on his tax payments then house would go back on the market for bidding. To prevent some gold tychoon buying up everything they can make the tax based on the final bid.

Or they could do what WoW is doing and let you build personal forts and turn the game into castleville.


Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Halo.1679


Anyone play Dark Age of Camelot? They had a pretty in depth player housing in which you bought a plot of land, bought a deed to whatever size house you could afford, then upgraded the decorations as you wanted. Each realm had a different architectural style and floor plans. You could also earn achievments during holidays to decorate your house, buy chests for extra storage, set up your own crafting tables, etc…. No doubt in GW2 they would probably charge gems for this though.

Their trading post was also located in player housing interestingly…you could search the listings at the entrance but had to actually walk/ride to the persons house that was selling the item unless you wanted to pay a huge fee. Yes you had to have a house with a merchant to sell your goods on the market. Of course they also had player to player trading as well, something GW2 does not

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Anyone play Dark Age of Camelot? They had a pretty in depth player housing in which you bought a plot of land, bought a deed to whatever size house you could afford, then upgraded the decorations as you wanted. Each realm had a different architectural style and floor plans. You could also earn achievments during holidays to decorate your house, buy chests for extra storage, set up your own crafting tables, etc…. No doubt in GW2 they would probably charge gems for this though.

Their trading post was also located in player housing interestingly…you could search the listings at the entrance but had to actually walk/ride to the persons house that was selling the item unless you wanted to pay a huge fee. Yes you had to have a house with a merchant to sell your goods on the market. Of course they also had player to player trading as well, something GW2 does not

Honestly. I wouldn’t want any NPC convience in your housing, maybe limited NPC in the guild halls or maybe a close by “community hub”. But having the ability to have NPCs in your homes makes people withdraw from the social aspect of a MMO even more. I rather own a small house in LA than a mansion in the middle of nowhere.


Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


while I would want my house to be as far away from Lions Arch as possible- I don’t want any convenience NPC’s in my house either.
We have cities for that.

As such if my house has to contain other people I would rather have it be my own alts

I want my house to be about my character- and no I do not consider the home instance my house- or even anything to do with me.

Also people have been mentioning renting and property decay and the like-
Hell no, I get enough of that kind of thing in real life

Gunnar’s Hold

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


So how long after Rift launched was it before Trion added player housing? It’ll get here when it gets here.

Except it was firts promised to be in the game, then promised to be added really soon. Then we hear they’re not even working on it, and we’re still waiting.

Exactly they kinda said player housing will be in game.

And it kinda is, the home instance. But it does fall rather short in terms of what we were kinda expecting.

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


What the kitten you would do in your house? Sounds boring.

I would build my house .
I would mount all my slayer kitten on my walls,
I would plant stuff, because I can and I would have lace curtains because I crafted it
I would have a whole garden of minis because I am just cool that way :p

Basically I would build my house to reflect my characters

Guild could build GH for GvG no?

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


What the kitten you would do in your house? Sounds boring.

I would build my house .
I would mount all my slayer kitten on my walls,
I would plant stuff, because I can and I would have lace curtains because I crafted it
I would have a whole garden of minis because I am just cool that way :p

Basically I would build my house to reflect my characters

Guild could build GH for GvG no?

Sure, and they should be able to- also as a meeting place to hang out set up runs, make parties and what not.

I am just not focused on GvG or Guild Housing because the guild content in this game is not made for small guilds and I have no interest in joining a big one, which is why I have my own guild.
Also Guild Houses are more about communities and their identity as a group- while I see Player Housing as an expression of the individual.

Gunnar’s Hold

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raf.1078


Guild Halls will make ghost towns of all the cities.

Wouldn’t mind player housing though.

PF/ GOAT on Tarnished Coast (Semi-Retired)
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Travis the Terrible.4739

Travis the Terrible.4739

Guild Halls will make ghost towns of all the cities.

Wouldn’t mind player housing though.

Except all the cities aside from lions arch ARE GHOST TOWNS. Seriously have you been to rata sum?

Follow the darkness into the depths, it’s more fun than the light can provide.

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TChalla.7146


I played a little-known MMORPG that had a rather complex housing system. It was geared towards community, since your house had to be built from the ground up, and crafters had to help with the construction. It was a pretty cool system overall… one I’d like to see utilized again. Perhaps new crafting skills could be added just for housing, and someone wanting to have their house built would either need to have the crafting skills needed to build the house or hire others to help with its construction.

I don’t necessarily want to see NPCs in the houses. However, being able to have access to crafting stations would be a good thing.

I suppose access to the Trading Post wouldn’t hurt either, since there really is no direct socialization going on at any Trading Post I’ve seen yet. It’s usually just a glob of players staying around quietly rummaging through the list of goods to be bought or sold.

Overall, I think player housing and guild halls would add quite a bit towards feelings of accomplishment for quite a few players, myself included.

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GuzziHero.2467


Best guild housing ever – Crimecraft. We got pole dancers :p

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VOLKON.1290


Guild Halls will make ghost towns of all the cities.

Wouldn’t mind player housing though.

Except all the cities aside from lions arch ARE GHOST TOWNS. Seriously have you been to rata sum?

That’s strange, too, because Rata Sum is probably the best town in the game for crafting, with the bank and TP at the central hub and all the stations spoked out from that.


Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


Guild Halls will make ghost towns of all the cities.

Wouldn’t mind player housing though.

Except all the cities aside from lions arch ARE GHOST TOWNS. Seriously have you been to rata sum?

That’s strange, too, because Rata Sum is probably the best town in the game for crafting, with the bank and TP at the central hub and all the stations spoked out from that.

Divinity’s Reach has always been rather busy on my server- more so lately.
It is my home base, even though only 3 of my characters are human- I never set foot in Lion’s Arch unless I absolutely have to

Gunnar’s Hold

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


It’s silly that an MMO from 1997 with a dozen developers originally could come up with something like this:

and we still don’t have custom housing.

How bad I want a successor to Ultima Online.

Housing inside the game world
Drop items on the ground and interact with them everywhere you want (no other MMO has that as far as I know)
No instances
No levels
Good crafting system
No soulbound, trade everything
No classses, use skillpoints to build a character from 50+ skills any way you like
Unique, one of a kind items

there were a few games like that but it isnt very profitable…
when a company make a game, it is all about profit and how to reach a broader audience

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SkyShroud.2865


i don’t see guild house or player housing (accessible to everyone) coming to the game any time soon…
the map designs are not for guild house or player housing in mind…

it is sad to say that gw2 is like a online version of single player RPG.

Founder & Leader of Equinox Solstice [TIME], a Singapore-Based International Guild
Henge of Denravi Server

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Excursion.9752


I loved the way Ultima Online did it way back when. I think they could easily open up new lands just for housing and guild housing. There is a giant portion of the map that is not being utilized. The way UO did it was if you did not log on once per week and open the front door of your house it would fall and all of the stuff inside the house would be able to be looted. This kept people playing the game because people love to get new things to decorate their house with. I could go on and on but no reason to because they will not do it the way they did it

| 80 (Guardian) Rusty Tooth | 80 (Warrior) Razer Tooth | 80 (Ranger) Eir Stegallkin |
| 80 (Mesmer) Brook Envision | 80 (Thief) Kuro Rin |

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raf.1078


Guild Halls will make ghost towns of all the cities.

Wouldn’t mind player housing though.

Except all the cities aside from lions arch ARE GHOST TOWNS. Seriously have you been to rata sum?

Rata Sum? Even my Asura characters move to DR as soon as they can. That said Hoelbrak, DR and The Black Citadel on TC seem pretty busy to me. Can’t speak for Rata Sum or The Grove as I don’t care for either.

But Guild Halls will make it worse.

PF/ GOAT on Tarnished Coast (Semi-Retired)
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

Mitsubishi Eclipsed.6732

This is Gold Wars 2.

No no, it’s Gem War 2.

R O A R|Weezy|Drïzzy|Drama Llama|Mitsubishi Eclipsed|Swaglock Miststone
Member of Flock Of Smeagols [FoS]
Tarnished Coast

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mint Rain.6798

Mint Rain.6798

Maybe if we spent less time on, “Murr we want this, murr,” or, “Blah this isn’t here yet,” and spent a little more time being productive at least we can say we tried to contribute? What I mean by this is that the Devs have already stated that they don’t respond well to whining / drama llamaing. So, if we want them to respond at large maybe we could try taking negatives and making them neutrals or positives.

Example, expand.

“Murr, I want guild halls.”

Okay, well, how could you see them being added into the game? What type of progression do you see? Will it be a gem store thing like arenas? Will it be guild progression through missions? Will it be gold like in Guild Wars?

“Murr other games had this, this, and THIS!”
Maybe expand on the types of guild hall designs (this goes for player housing too) that they could add. In Guild Wars there was everything from the Jade Sea to Kryta. What do you envision? Do you want to see certain achievements added? Do you want to be able to buy things for your guild hall (like merchants, or chairs?).

Promote productivity. Some of you are already doing this but I encourage the rest of you to do it. That way, these threads stop getting so much overlook because of whining, and may actually get reviewed and tips even taken.

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkfiremew.5937


In the home instance: -more resources to gather/mine/cut
-the NPCs that we’ve encountered in the personal story to actually say something; preferably related to the current living story
-after finishing a living story content, the home instance should reflect this in a small meaningful way ranging from NPC’s, small decorations, dialogue with existing NPCs
-home instance specific mini-games that varies depending on which capital you have accessed the home instance; an existing example of this is Belcher’s Bluff if accessed from Hoelbrak; more of that;
-let the pets roam free in the instance, if a player is a hunter or just has collected minis he should be greeted by the when entering his home;
These are a few of my ideas, I welcome all whom want to add to my suggestions.

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tobias Trueflight.8350

Tobias Trueflight.8350

Promote productivity. Some of you are already doing this but I encourage the rest of you to do it. That way, these threads stop getting so much overlook because of whining, and may actually get reviewed and tips even taken.


Here’s what I’d hope for in player housing, and think this would be a good basis for people to actually enjoy the option of it.

First. Give me an instanced house, so that it doesn’t take up in-game real estate like UO’s housing did. Allow me to drop a marker or something so people could be invited into my house, but it wouldn’t need to be tied to a specific location X other people might have assigned to them. In fact, it should be something which could be upgraded over time from simple small space to a mansion.

Secondly. Allow me some personalization, and something which makes achievement hunting worthwhile. For instance, for my slayer achievements I can have a trophy room showing them off in various stages of “neat” to “that’s awesome” depending on which of the four ranks I’ve completed. Or let me have a “workshop” which picks up increasingly notable tools or workbenches based on my crafting achievements. Let me get banners hung for some of the other achievements, such as a Vigil Banner if I have completed the personal story to the point I’m a full member.

Note this is where a lot of the work could be sunk into it, and while it would be a daunting list it would probably take about as much time as a full month of Living Story update work.

Third. Allow me to use some crafting materials and skills to improve things. Let there be an “artisan” NPC or somesuch I can go to and hand over . . . say . . . 1 gold and 50 Bolts of Silk and my bedroom will have drapes I can have made to a dye channel or two I currently own. (Make use of that dye collection!) In this case, going back to the artisan would let you remake it without needing to spend on the curtains being made again. Get the picture? Allow me some real customization in a modular manner of furniture.

Fourth. Take the whole journal idea from the personal story record and tie it to a writing desk or something. Now add entries for Living Story chapters where at least one achievement was completed (to measure if the player actually took part and thus the character would know). If the meta achievement was completed, a second page is added with, say, hidden text. Be it plot related (notes on Scarlet’s ramblings, recounting about the Nightmare Chamber contents) or just plain funny (complaints about Hobo-Tron, commentary about how the Labyrinthine Cliffs were very dangerous to navigate….)

Fifth. Get the idea of “PvE Locker” for skins and make use of it. There’s a closet or chest somewhere in the house where you can go and pull out weapon skins you’ve stored there. Add a salvage option from non-basic kits where you can “Convert to blueprint” or something similar and you can store them in your house to remove later and apply to a weapon which you really like the stats of but is godawful in appearance (Orrian stuff, for instance). Heck, break this off into “part two” of a month of Living Story where you introduce housing.

Lastly. All these things? Don’t initially tie anything to the Gem Store other than cosmetic options. I know it’s tempting to sell upgrades to the home through it but unless the change doesn’t add function, don’t do it.

Seeking assistants for the Asuran Catapult Project. Applicants will be tested for aerodynamics.

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Silvercyclone.1462


With player housing I don’t really care how they will be cause im sure whatever Anet puts out will be good enough. As for guild halls I really hope they don’t involve guild missions to be able to aquire them because that would upset a lot of smaller guild and large guilds who don’t wish to participate in what they think is a useless waste of time. I would rather see influence, coins or gems used to buy guild halls rather than guild merits.

Guild Halls/Player Housing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


Promote productivity. Some of you are already doing this but I encourage the rest of you to do it. That way, these threads stop getting so much overlook because of whining, and may actually get reviewed and tips even taken.


Here’s what I’d hope for in player housing, and think this would be a good basis for people to actually enjoy the option of it.

First. Give me an instanced house, so that it doesn’t take up in-game real estate like UO’s housing did. Allow me to drop a marker or something so people could be invited into my house, but it wouldn’t need to be tied to a specific location X other people might have assigned to them. In fact, it should be something which could be upgraded over time from simple small space to a mansion.

Secondly. Allow me some personalization, and something which makes achievement hunting worthwhile. For instance, for my slayer achievements I can have a trophy room showing them off in various stages of “neat” to “that’s awesome” depending on which of the four ranks I’ve completed. Or let me have a “workshop” which picks up increasingly notable tools or workbenches based on my crafting achievements. Let me get banners hung for some of the other achievements, such as a Vigil Banner if I have completed the personal story to the point I’m a full member.

Note this is where a lot of the work could be sunk into it, and while it would be a daunting list it would probably take about as much time as a full month of Living Story update work.

Third. Allow me to use some crafting materials and skills to improve things. Let there be an “artisan” NPC or somesuch I can go to and hand over . . . say . . . 1 gold and 50 Bolts of Silk and my bedroom will have drapes I can have made to a dye channel or two I currently own. (Make use of that dye collection!) In this case, going back to the artisan would let you remake it without needing to spend on the curtains being made again. Get the picture? Allow me some real customization in a modular manner of furniture.

Fourth. Take the whole journal idea from the personal story record and tie it to a writing desk or something. Now add entries for Living Story chapters where at least one achievement was completed (to measure if the player actually took part and thus the character would know). If the meta achievement was completed, a second page is added with, say, hidden text. Be it plot related (notes on Scarlet’s ramblings, recounting about the Nightmare Chamber contents) or just plain funny (complaints about Hobo-Tron, commentary about how the Labyrinthine Cliffs were very dangerous to navigate….)

Fifth. Get the idea of “PvE Locker” for skins and make use of it. There’s a closet or chest somewhere in the house where you can go and pull out weapon skins you’ve stored there. Add a salvage option from non-basic kits where you can “Convert to blueprint” or something similar and you can store them in your house to remove later and apply to a weapon which you really like the stats of but is godawful in appearance (Orrian stuff, for instance). Heck, break this off into “part two” of a month of Living Story where you introduce housing.

Lastly. All these things? Don’t initially tie anything to the Gem Store other than cosmetic options. I know it’s tempting to sell upgrades to the home through it but unless the change doesn’t add function, don’t do it.

+1 and High five
I would add that I would like the to be able to personalize my own space as much as possible.

If at all possible I would love it if we could tie our own crafting to it with the ability to craft unique decorative items and trade on the TP ( maybe a toolset?)
It is asking for a lot but it would be an amazing thing to see

Gunnar’s Hold