Currently playing Heart of Thorns.
Guild Missions [merged]
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.
I hope they cry everytime they read this thread.
I get the feeling that it’d be more likely that they’re laughing.
I think they’d say that guild missions are working as intended. For some reason, they designed them for large guilds. They made them expensive so most guilds of medium to small size would have to grind to unlock them. That means more time playing and/or grinding, which they hope will translate to more money being spent as well.
No this means that there is actually a reason to play together with your guild because that increases your influence gain.
Or a reason to abandon ship and move to a bigger guild that has all the bennies already.
It’s already happening with a lot of smaller guilds.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Hello, i did not read the full thread.
But i just want to tell the devs that the “guild missions” killed the guild i was part of.
We were active, and waiting for new activities, we had enough influence to unlock the very first mission, so we did.
The fact: this first mission is not designed for small guilds, most players of my guild were so dissappointed that a half of them stopped being “active”. As a result, the other half got stucked because of the lack of active players, and they did quit the guild for another one.
So, congratulations ….
I won’t have much time to check this thread in the future. But i just wanted to shared what happened.
Have a nice day
Hello, i did not read the full thread.
But i just want to tell the devs that the “guild missions” killed the guild i was part of.
We were active, and waiting for new activities, we had enough influence to unlock the very first mission, so we did.
The fact: this first mission is not designed for small guilds, most players of my guild were so dissappointed that a half of them stopped being “active”. As a result, the other half got stucked because of the lack of active players, and they did quit the guild for another one.
So, congratulations ….
I won’t have much time to check this thread in the future. But i just wanted to shared what happened.
Have a nice day
I’m sorry to hear about the death of your non-large guild.
But I can’t help but think that this may even be one of the intentions of the guild mission system. After all, if everyone can be a member of multiple guilds for free, then almost everyone will want have their own guild and save up for their guild storage, private emblem and the like. All this (and especially the guild influence tally and guild chat channel) creates extra guild data that requires server capacity to store and maintain.
By adding in new content that is not accessible for guilds that are too small, players are tempted to abandon these guilds in favor of larger ones. (Not all, but even a low percentage of a very large number is still a large number.) The abandoned small guilds can be deleted once the last member leaves, reducing the strain on the servers.
Of course, if this is true, what they fail to see is that what is “server clutter” to them is actually “playing with my friends” for many people, and the main reason they log in every day.
While I have no issue with mildly discouraging people from making their own private one-man-guilds, I feel that small groups of friends who do not want to join a collective are currently being left out in the cold.
Have we had any precursor drops reported yet?
My small guild has activated three T1 guild bounties so far. We were able to kill both bounties in time on two of those three attempts, with 10 people online each time, one of the teams had 4/5 under 80. We could have beaten the first bounty if we were more prepared for Bwikki’s mechanics, but now we know for next time. We don’t have the resources to pre-scout the bounties so it’s a mad dash and more challenging, but everyone had a blast doing them. We are looking forward to doing lots more!
We were pretty intimidated by the huge influence cost at first but decided to stick together and work for it as a small group rather than splitting up or being absorbed into a larger guild. Glad we did! It’s great to have something to do as a “big” (for us) group, it gets everyone on mumble together etc. We’ll be working toward Treks next but probably won’t go as hardcore with the influence purchases since we now have a way to get commendations.
So yeah, to all the small guilds out there – don’t be discouraged, keep at it and you’ll get there eventually if you haven’t already. Also if your small group ever needs assistance to complete your bounty feel free to send me a message in game. We’re happy to help!
Nice, while I hang in there to GRIND the freaking influence with my small guild and have to take 6 weeks to gather enough guild commendations for 1 earring (which is my current goal) every big guild will do the 5 different missions and get their 10 commendations/ week. So yeah, no grind involved, ever (except for small guilds/ not going to touch the grind-4-skins-theme).
But whining about it doesn’t help anyone. Would be nice to know if anyone at ANet is looking into some of the suggestions in this thread. And there are a few which can be easily implemented such as give us more time, or make the 15 min timer reset after killing each bounty. The reset would give even a 10 people strong guild the possibility to tackle the T3 bounty without complete failure. But then again massiv guilds would have no more problems solving even the hardest guild missions on any tier.
I own a personal guild that I dumped about 700 gold into in order to unlock bounties. Mainly just for me and a small group of maybe 6 friends that usually party together. Just finished building a tier 1 bounty and it’s sitting awaiting activation.
So I was reading up on bounties to get an idea of what needed to be done and eventually was led to here.
Frankly, I think the whole system is fubar and needs to be scrapped and redone.
First of all, there are some mission types that lend themselves well to the use of the world map, like guild trek, and others that just don’t belong as world events, such as bounties.
Large guilds end up with already noted problems such as people not being able to tag a bounty in time, scheduling issues where a lot of players simply miss out on missions altogether, or simultaneous missions being run by multiple guilds resulting in some failing due to a VIP already having been killed.
Small guilds can’t extend themselves to all 15 or so zones and track down their VIP’s within the given time limit, or run into the issue of an event being difficulty scaled out of control because a bunch of undergeared people going about their leveling business happen to be in the area.
We already have world bosses available for such experiences.
My suggestion would be to provide an instanced bounty type mission, something like the Mad King Thorn (Ascent to Madness) dungeon instance, rather than forcing the action onto the world map which just creates chaos. Let the players determine the party they want to take and when they want to run it, reducing a lot of the stress and hassle currently on guild members organizing these events. The Mad King Thorn instance was the perfect size and length for a bounty type mission. It still had an epic scale feel even though it was relatively short and straightforward. Design several small to medium scale dungeon type instances similar to Mad King Thorn that 5-10 guild members can simply party up for and run at any time.
Make the bounty “activation” an “unlock” period of maybe 24 to 72 hours. This would make the instance available to the entire guild, and they can party up with whomever they choose and on their own schedule. It would also be much easier to fine tune the difficulty scaling in this case, rather than trying to devise some all encompassing formula that would somehow keep the difficulty level reasonable whether there were 4 players in the area or 100. Large and small guilds alike could get equal enjoyment out of such a system, and the rewards could remain as-is.
Also, as my eventual goal was to get to jumping puzzle missions (which also happen to be the last available, go figure, and bounties are simply a necessary step I must take) I’d like to go ahead and suggest that the Clock Tower Halloween jumping puzzle and Wintersday jumping puzzle be included as throwbacks, both for people that already did them to revisit, and a chance for people that weren’t playing at the time to experience them.
Oh, and give us an 80 scaled dungeon similar to Mad King’s Labyrinth that’s just full of ever respawning mobs. Hard in the paint grinders like me would appreciate it.
(edited by SKATE.1394)
I like the fact that it takes you 6 Weeks for one item, and some more time to get all of the guildmissions!
Everybody wants everything today! Why? You ppl need to be patient, that game teaches you a good lesson for your reallife
Don’t mind that it takes time. Do mind that unless you got a 300+ guild, the bounties are unplayable.
I don’t mind that it takes time. I do mind that it takes smaller guilds longer to unlock the missions than it would take larger guilds, even if they start at the same level of influence.
And I second that the missions themselves are unplayable in groups smaller than 10-15. My guild is composed of real-life friends and doesn’t even have that many members.
Intentional or not, ArenaNet’s new guild content reinforces the elitist opinion that small guilds are not “real” guilds by placing guild missions out of the reach of small guilds.
Sorry if this has been asked before, but I’d really like to know the answer to this.
Point is our guild has only 4 active members. Guild Bounties caught our eye as we already had Art of War at level 4.
But now I noticed that the bounty targets are ‘somewhere’ on a map with no indication where exactly and you have to not only find them within 15 minutes, but kill them as well.
So will it even be possible to complete a Guild Bounty with only 4 people?
Fojja – Vyxxi – Nymmra – Mymmra – Champion of Dwayna .. and more
Highly Over Powered Explorers [HOPE] – Desolation EU
Completing it with 4 people will be difficult, but probably doable if you get lucky.
My small guild had about 8 people on for our last bounty session. We sent each player to a map to find one bounty, and then had whoever finds their bounties first place a personal waypoint at the bounty’s last known position and move on to find a bounty on a different map.
We covered the whole list of possible bounty locations this way and it still took 2 tries to complete due to other guilds killing bounties we tracked before we arrived…
With 4 people you should have at least 5 bounty missions queued up and hope you’re lucky enough to have the bounty assigned from the 8 maps you’re able to cover.
Tracking all the bounties before you start the mission seems like the lamest, dullest way to do the missions. No wonder people don’t like them.
While my guild is still working on the unlock (currently building AoW5), we’ve been invited to join a friendly guild on our server and participate in bounties with them every week. There’s usually about 20-25 active. When we start the bounty, we all warp to a zone and make a mad dash looking for the NPC. If somebody finds it, they ping chat and everybody warps there for the kill.
This is, admittedly, horribly disorganized, but it’s also 15-minutes of heart-pounding fun. We’ve successfully done T1 and T2 this way, though I imagine we’d have to be far more organized to do T3.
Just a suggestion in case you find the bounties to be very dull. Maybe you’re doing it wrong. /
I just wanted to point out to people who still talk in this topic that Ehmry Bay has a weekly server event already set up to help smaller guilds who may otherwise be unable to complete their Tier 3 missions. I’ve seen some comments about the necessity of joining larger guilds to complete guild mission and just wanted to throw this out there for smaller guilds who’d like to explore alternatives to having to do that. Feel free to PM me if you want more info on the coordinated event.
I don’t believe you even need to be part of our server to participate.
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not
Its easy for someone to miss the reward
Treks give no rewards to participants
They only give rewards once a week.
Merit boons and the other new upgrades are terrible
Agreed.. especially with the travel cost “reward”. it’s really quite silly.
My biggest gripe is that the bounties are just NOT fun. spending time looking all over the world for a regular mob, then killing it ikittenerg of dps is really quite lame. The search is not fun, interesting or challenging. The fight is mindless & pretty simple.
Finding & killing 1 of these guys seems like a 5-player event that you do on your own time to give the guild a boost. I thought these things would be huge boss fights that spawn a multi-part event that would travel across a map.
(edited by DarksunG.9537)
Well, My tiny guild of 4 active players and 18 inactive or active once a month players, went and tried to do the bounty today… It sucked. After having spent money to buy gems to buy influence because, frankly, we’re a small guild and we would never have unlocked it any other way, we quickly learned what a giant kitten sandwich guild bounties are. First off, scouring an entire map with a handful of people with a 14min timer ticking away as you hunt for a mob, isn’t fun… in the slightest. In fact, we didn’t even find the first one, until around 20min AFTER the timer ran out. And I had the wonderful joy of hearing my good friends exclaim “kitten-this, I’m not doing this anymore, this is stupid.” to which I can agree… It is stupid. There’s no direction to this activity, a larger guild may have no problem at all FINDING the mob, after all with numbers all you would need to do is fan out. But for groups of our size, this is nothing more then a gold dump where we pour cash/gems/gold/energy/resources/time into buying influence just to keep beating our heads against a wall, and frankly If my guildies or myself wanted to spend our game time doing remedial and repetitive grinding… we’d still be playing wow. Seeing as how one cannot progress into the other guild mission trees without doing guild bounty… we’re never going to advance, and we have no desire to after seeing how dissatisfying and un-enjoyable the first rung on the ladder is. Playing the game “your way” only seems to work if you want to be ikitten00+ guild. For everyone else, it’s sorry about your luck.
As a leader of a small guild (We currently have 12 members I see on regularly including myself, 7 during a high period currently due to impending finals and real life), I asked my members if we should try for bounties. My answer was, unanimously, yes. Having AoWT2 only, and only 10k infl banked, we knew we had our work cut out for us.
Without purchasing gems (none of us did so), we poured 100g into influence to buy the necessary upgrades for bounties. Although we had made dents in our gold purses, we were excited. After days upon days upon days of waiting, two nights ago we finished building bounties; and we were proud of that. I tossed in four queues for T1 Bounties, and one T2 when we could muscle up to it mid-april when the other half of my members return (making us 12 again).
Yesterday, we decided we wanted to see what we were up against. I rallied just five of us, made sure we were all on mumble, kept my list of bounty names + their maps in my notebook (I keep paper at my desk for such things), and set a timer on my phone for 15 minutes. Making sure everyone is ready, I activated our bounty. I called out Kessex, for Poobadoo, and explained the general area we would have to be looking.
Excitedly, we ported to Ireko WP which is along the line for the quaggan, and searched for about 3 minutes. A guildie found him, thankfully close to Ireko (he wandered in after we set out), and we burned him down in about a minute. I called out Gendarran next, because we were unfortunately stuck with Sotzz. I loaded in quickly and after a few minutes of searching on our own, we asked map chat. Someone had called out that they were burning him down near a waypoint, so we quickly rushed over there, but unfortunately missed making a mark due to the 30~some people already there. With 7 minutes left, we set out again, but unfortunately failed in finding him.
However, despite failing, we still had fun, and discussed what we could do differently next time. We didn’t feel like we had wasted in the influence, and decided it was just a goal for us to work on as a whole (whether it be recruiting, or just becoming more coordinated).
My only gripe with this is 15 minutes feels... too short. Especially when you might have Sotzz, Prisoner 1141, or Trekksa, all of whom I understand have very long confusing paths ( or random locations, such as Sotzz). My biggest suggestion, which I have read a few times in the last few pages, is either have a longer timer, or no timer at all, preferably the latter. I only say no timer because it’ll encourage people to explore, and actually understand the maps, as opposed to flanking an npc, hoping it’s near a wp, and popping a bounty. And if another guild gets there first, well at least you have another opportunity to find it! Even doubling the time helps!
All in all, this is definitely possible for smaller guilds (I would recommend at least a party and a half, so 7/8, to about two full parties), but if you can’t coordinate as a unit, then I suggest you don’t. I’m lucky that when leadership was handed to me, I had already been playing with a steady core group for four months, and it’s been easy to integrate new members as we get them, and learn their play styles as they learn our. It’s a learning curve, but we’re willing to make it for the content. However...
Anet, I know you haven’t commented on the original thread, and now this merged one, but please make this more enticing for the large guilds, but also to the small ones like mine. Make it so that us smaller guilds who have <20 members actually have a chance (more time) without feeling like they need to integrate into bigger guilds, and make it scale more for the larger guilds, so that their members actually see the benefit in this (actually able to tap the target/scale hp to group size, etc so that they can receive commendations/50s). I speak as someone who discussed this over and over again with her members, who wanted this as much as they did, and who wants to be able to successfully complete a bounty as opposed to only getting it, say, every one out of three tries. Make bounties enticing, because people will actually feel it is worth it in the end, and worth working towards your other missions.
This content is lovely, it just needs to be tweaked. And please, for the love of Dwayna, don’t forget us little/med guilds. We can’t exactly compete with >100 people guilds.
Tarnished Coast
(edited by Autumn.5093)
Hello everyone,
Since many of you have several questions or concerns about the New Guild Missions, we have decided to open a dedicated thread so you can all give your input about this.
Please use this thread for all questions, opinions, or concerns you may have about this upcoming feature.
As always, don’t forget to keep the discussion constructive and civil
Civil i will be, and constructive too. Please sort this mess out, small guilds cannot do the guild bounty content. A small guild is not 10 -15 people online at once, a small guild is like the one i’m in now, 7 close friends (who also played and loved GW1 for 7 years). I am not complaining about unlocking the content, we managed to save enough influence through co-ordinating event clearances and using a ton of gold. What i am saying however is that now we have unlocked the bounties we simply cannot get the manpower to search for, and find, and kill 2 champions with huge paths in 15 minutes. I repeat… 15 minutes! This is effectively locking us out of the rest of the guild missions as we simply cannot gain the guild merits required. The answer is easy? Yes i believe it is. Put in another tier where only 1 bounty is required and drop the rewards appropriately. Then the 4 or 5 of us who get online concurrently in our small guild would like nothing more than to zone into the relevant area and dash around yell in guild chat “Found it, Found it”. We honestly do not mind if it takes ages to then unlock the next mission (just make it possible please arenanet), remember we played GW1 for 7 years :-)
“GOSA, putting the fun back where it’s been removed”
My only gripe with this is 15 minutes feels… too short. Especially when you might have Sotzz, Prisoner 1141, or Trekksa, all of whom I understand have very long confusing paths ( or random locations, such as Sotzz). My biggest suggestion, which I have read a few times in the last few pages, is either have a longer timer, or no timer at all, preferably the latter. I only say no timer because it’ll encourage people to explore, and actually understand the maps, as opposed to flanking an npc, hoping it’s near a wip, and popping a bounty. And if another guild gets there first, well at least you have another opportunity to find it! Even doubling the time helps!
I’m not sure I understand all these people saying they couldn’t find the guys in time.. you know you can find them BEFORE you click begin, right?
My only gripe with this is 15 minutes feels… too short. Especially when you might have Sotzz, Prisoner 1141, or Trekksa, all of whom I understand have very long confusing paths ( or random locations, such as Sotzz). My biggest suggestion, which I have read a few times in the last few pages, is either have a longer timer, or no timer at all, preferably the latter. I only say no timer because it’ll encourage people to explore, and actually understand the maps, as opposed to flanking an npc, hoping it’s near a wip, and popping a bounty. And if another guild gets there first, well at least you have another opportunity to find it! Even doubling the time helps!
I’m not sure I understand all these people saying they couldn’t find the guys in time.. you know you can find them BEFORE you click begin, right?
Yes you can, but if there are only 4 or 5 of you online you can’t track all 15
My only gripe with this is 15 minutes feels... too short. Especially when you might have Sotzz, Prisoner 1141, or Trekksa, all of whom I understand have very long confusing paths ( or random locations, such as Sotzz). My biggest suggestion, which I have read a few times in the last few pages, is either have a longer timer, or no timer at all, preferably the latter. I only say no timer because it’ll encourage people to explore, and actually understand the maps, as opposed to flanking an npc, hoping it’s near a wip, and popping a bounty. And if another guild gets there first, well at least you have another opportunity to find it! Even doubling the time helps!
I’m not sure I understand all these people saying they couldn’t find the guys in time.. you know you can find them BEFORE you click begin, right?
We’re aware of this, but keep in mind at the beginning of my post I say we only have 12 members at the most, and presently, our daily high is anywhere from 7-8. If I had all 12 of my members, sure, I’d be able to ask them all to scout 12/15 maps. Also, we attempted a bounty in a party of 5 for fun, to try and understand the dynamics of it first hand so we could have a discussion on it.
Also, you are aware that Sotzz, our second bounty, has something like 300 random locations on his map? He is in one of the random suspicious barrels you can find on the map.
So yes, we know we can spread ourselves out and try and find the npc, but is this isn’t necessarily all that helpful when you, again, have a small guild like mine. Besides, we’re on Tarnished Coast, and I have yet to encounter anyone short of helpful, so asking map chat isn’t exactly an issue.
Yes you can, but if there are only 4 or 5 of you online you can’t track all 15
^ . Just because it’s easy for a bigger guild to do it, doesn’t mean a small guild necessarily can. This is why these missions need to be tweaked (time, especially).
Edit: The problem is, if another, bigger guild, gets one of your bounties (or both, say if you’re having bad luck), then you have to find them again and you’ll run out of time, subsequently/potentially failing the bounty and not getting rewarded.
Tarnished Coast
(edited by Autumn.5093)
I finally unlocked rank 6 for our TINY guild of 3 friends.
I poured every cent we had to buy reputation thinking we would be able to access the content even if the event failed we would have some fun.
Infrastucture Rank 6 achieved and I cannot create a Puzzle mission. WTH?!
Its locked apparently because I need to unlock Guild Rush, Guild Trek and Guild Hunts first.
WHY!!! WHY!! ANET seriously jipped us with this one.
Look at the unlocking table, it clearly shows what’s required.
Sorry to hear you wasted all your effort, but you should try to do better research next time.
That is beside the point they stonewalled us since there is no way we could complete a guild hunt.
It should be independent of each other.
Ouch, I really feel for you guys. While I agree that it could be certainly made more clear ingame in the upgrades tab what order is required exactly, on-the-spot I am not really sure if I agree that they should be seperate.
If they were seperate wouldn’t it mean you could unlock more at roughly the same time if you had the funds to do so (depending on how many upgrades you could build at the same time).
I think you need 6 people to do the puzzle anyways?
They should be independent but they have to be done in a certain order. why would you buy rank 6 anything if you didn’t check how many merits you needed to get the missions on that level?
You HAVE to get bounties first since that’s the only one that doesn’t cost merits.
but yea your guild doesn’t have enough members for a party, have you considered joining a large guild as a group or finding a guild that would let you join missions? assuming you don’t want to recruit.
I’m not sure if you’re on US or EU servers, but I know several US guilds hold public guild missions. I’m too lazy to look them up right now, but if you want I can direct you to them.
4 weeks “Grind” time between guild mission types is far to long
Simple as the title says, After I unlock guild rushes this weekend I still have to wait 3 weeks to get enough merits for the next mission and then a week for research times. This includes that my guild gets 100% of all of the merits we can earn each week.
After that I can earn 80 merits a week and need 250 for the next meaning with the 20 merits I currently have I still need to wait another 3 weeks and 1 week research time to get the final mission type.
I have one of if not the largest on my server, yet we still have an insane grind that we can’t really speed up unless you find saving up over half a million influence to rush 1 of these upgrades to finish a week sooner reasonable.( I don’t)
The guild mission update arrived a month ago and it takes a huge guild 3 months to unlock that content. I don’t know about the rest of you but that is insane, a smaller guild will struggle even longer.
If these missions had been around since the start of the game this kind of grind would be fine but forcing it on us now with a staggered 3 month release as the fastest time to get basic content we should have had at game release punishes all of the players ingame.
Small guilds might as well give up on seeing all of the missions anytime soon unless they somehow make 50,000-100,000 influence a week
I don’t see anything in-game that says you have to unlock them in order, there is just a merit cost associated with each mission. You have to do bounty first because it is the only one that doesn’t require any merits, but I don’t see why you couldn’t run bounty for 10 weeks and then unlock puzzle next.
Is there an actual hidden requirement for unlocking in order or is that just the fastest method?
I don’t see anything in-game that says you have to unlock them in order, there is just a merit cost associated with each mission. You have to do bounty first because it is the only one that doesn’t require any merits, but I don’t see why you couldn’t run bounty for 10 weeks and then unlock puzzle next.
Is there an actual hidden requirement for unlocking in order or is that just the fastest method?
You have to look at the requirements for each upgrade. they have to be done in a certain order.
I don’t see anything in-game that says you have to unlock them in order, there is just a merit cost associated with each mission. You have to do bounty first because it is the only one that doesn’t require any merits, but I don’t see why you couldn’t run bounty for 10 weeks and then unlock puzzle next.
Is there an actual hidden requirement for unlocking in order or is that just the fastest method?
You have to look at the requirements for each upgrade. they have to be done in a certain order.
There are also icons on the individual unlocks that show what you need.
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music
Just join a large guild, thats obviously what Anet is trying to force everyone into.
This game has totally gone from play it your way to play it as a faceless number in a large guild while farming world events for only chance of decent loot available in open world.
Way to go Anet.
Yeah there are icons but they don’t explain much. You see the guild puzzles shows an Orange icon but the unlock you need is actually Red. What they need is instead of a useless picture a clear mouseover text stating “Requires Guilt Hunt” unlocked.
Yeah there are icons but they don’t explain much. You see the guild puzzles shows an Orange icon but the unlock you need is actually Red. What they need is instead of a useless picture a clear mouseover text stating “Requires Guilt Hunt” unlocked.
I see red equals Guild Challenge to unlock?
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
I’m really sorry this happened to you. Didn’t you look up the requirements first?
I found this:
250 Guild Merits.
50 000 Influence.
Requires Level 6 Architecture.
Requires Guild Challenge
just after a 10 second Google search.
I’m sorry this happened to you though.
I also think you need at least 5-6 people to do the puzzles anyway.
Maybe you can partner with another guild on your server and work together.
well that’s INSANELY lame… so much for getting guild challenge after bounty……. so lame. Why can’t people just build what they want if they have the merits for it. We don’t have the influence to build everything like that so I didn’t want to waste it on crap we don’t even want.
well that’s INSANELY lame… so much for getting guild challenge after bounty……. so lame. Why can’t people just build what they want if they have the merits for it. We don’t have the influence to build everything like that so I didn’t want to waste it on crap we don’t even want.
Because it is a progressive system. By the time you hit the last option you will be able to do a ton of guild missions a week. That’s the overall goal of the system, not to just unlock whatever you want.
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music
Unlock Tech tree (Level) Influence Merits Time Other
Guild Bounty Art of War (5) 30,000 0 3 days Enables earning of merits.
Guild Trek Economy (6) 50,000 30 7 days Requires Guild Bounty
Guild Rush Politics (6) 50,000 80 7 days Requires Guild Trek
Guild ChallengeArt of War (6) 50,000 150 7 days Requires Guild Rush
Guild Puzzle Architecture (6) 50,000 250 7 days Requires Guild Challenge
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music
It should be mentioned that I think this is bad for everyone, if a large guild is forced to wait 3 months for content then a small guild will have a much much slower time
That’s not fair on anyway for basic content that doesn’t even add much to the game and should have been available on game release.
loooool wow. sorry dude but its kinda yur own fault. a little research, or just paying attention to the guild unlocks should have told you that you also need merits to unlock the guild mission types as well.
While I agree you could have done more research, I also think Anet could make stuff clearer. I mean before I did that much work, I’d have checked it out, but you shouldn’t have study stuff deeply to understand it. If there’s a requirement, it should be made blatantly obvious and I can’t think of any reason why it shouldn’t be made that way.
However, the whole concept of progression is what MMOs have always been about. The problem is that many people, maybe even most, need progression. For a long time there was very little reason to join a guild, aside from social stuff. Now there’s a reason and it’s long overdue.
Big guilds needed this kind of thing. And Anet has said they’re looking at ways to help smaller guilds access this content as well.
That is beside the point they stonewalled us since there is no way we could complete a guild hunt.
It should be independent of each other.
Should’ve done research before wasting your resources.
Not everything is possible for everyone in this world.
I hate the fact that you cant unlock all the missions with just inf alone, but the day Guild Missions came out I carefully checked the requirments in-game and figured out what order I’d need to unlock them in.
I can’t believe that you spent all that gold/inf and time unlocking the wrong thing first. If you’re going to set an expensive and time consuming target wouldnt it make sense to make doubly sure that it was the right one?
All the responsibility is on the OP for this one. I hope your friends forgive you for your mistake.
I agree this system is far too grindy, punishing, and complex. I have no idea what made them think this was a good system. Small guilds are pretty much crushed.
ya small guilds have like no chance…
I don’t know how the small guilds feel but as a huge guild leader I feel like 3 months waiting is to long for anyone. a month grinding for 1 small mission is far too much.
It is Gated Content which anet enjoys releasing because they said something along the lines of players are finding themselves bored quickly
My primary guild only has Guild Bounty unlocked and we are struggling to unlock the rest.
I’m in another guild that not only has unlocked everything, but also completed every type of guild mission.
It is only “Gated” for the small guilds. Something needs to be done.
(edited by Chobits.2430)