(edited by MrSilver.5269)
How many Chars will you gear w/ ascended?
at most one, most likely none, playing less and less everyday, mainly flipping things
It would be medium (thief) armor, so LW…
:P the forum is funny though
Only exactly zero.
Just like with weapons, none.
I don’t like crafting, in any MMO.
500g on 5 weapons… 25g left in my wallet… Yep, none -_-
I have 8 level 80s, and at first, I would never have thought I would gear them all with ascended trinkets, and just focused on my main. The they offered so many ways to acquire them, I have multiple sets on all of my characters. I can only deduce that armor would be similar.
One. My guardian.
The only profession besides Warrior that’s “good” in all aspects of the game, and almost always welcome in groups.
My alts are classes that are all too deficient in some way to be worth spending the time and engery on to get Ascended for.
If crafting or RNG drops are the only way to acquire them then the answer is absolutely ZERO.
Zero. I’m not going to sacrifice or waste my game time, effort, gold or cash crafting. Until I can earn them as rewards through regular gameplay of my choosing without an unreasonable grind and purchase them off the bltc, this system for gear progression does not interest me.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
I thought you meant charrs for a sec. I was confused then lol cos I am just bad at english.
I don’t know yet. It depends on how hard/ the cost on obtaining the gear. If it is even more than 20g then probably not… but then again. they did say that it will drop off fractals so I will be doing fractals to get it. Crafting, definitely a no.
I’ve never stepped foot into fractals because of the way they were rolled out, and because I just don’t care for pve.
I also don’t enjoy crafting… at all, but have been forced to do it because it is the only way you can get celestial armor.
Wish we had more info about the crafting grind.
I have 11 chars, of them 7 at 80, soon 8. Zero have ascended weapons. Equally as many will get ascended armor. Not worth the time and effort involved when having more than one character or even more than one build.
I’m sure I’ll EVENTUALLY gear up all my characters in full Ascended gear.
In, like, 10 years or something.
Right now, I haven’t crafted a single piece of ascended gear and don’t intend to anytime soon. I’m still getting all my characters in exotics (right now 4/5 have exotic armor, most have a mix of rare and exotic weapons, and only one has exotic jewelry with others having masterwork), no where near ready for the next step, especially not a very expensive and time-gated next step.
The only ascended gear I’ll probably get in the near future is jewelry. Just because you can get it with laurels and such.
Probably just the 1. It is much to long a grind to want to start over and do it again for another character.
Probably just the 1. It is much to long a grind to want to start over and do it again for another character.
or a different build (yaya for promoting build diversity lol NOT)
Hopefully, all 7 of my characters within 30-45 days of casual play (2-3 hours a day) will be decked out in ascended armor. Realistically, my top 3 characters will be decked out in all ascended gear, which would be my ele (main character), thief, and mes.
depends on stat differences, if insignificant I really can’t be bothered spending trans stones
I have nine 80s in full exotic. Most of them have 4-6 ascended trinkets. Two have 1 ascended weapon each.
I basically expect to put an ascended coat on maybe two of them, but trying to fully gear even one of them is beyond my drive.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
If it can only be crafted, zero just like the ascended weapons, and I’ll probably never bother with WvW again because of it. Anybody who says a 12% increase on primary stats and 8% on secondaries isn’t a significant advantage is disillusional.
0 and won’t ever buy one more fine transmutation stone with real money again in my life. Get the message if you want or just ignore it.
I speculated early, so I have enough mats to gear all my characters. My alts are overflowing with Bloodstone, Dragonites, and Empyreals. That feeling when you clear up inventory space next Tuesday…
The gating material for me is dragonite. I just don’t play enough anymore to be in on all the temple flips.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I plan on only gearing 1 and making it celestial. It is just too expensive to have multiple sets for multiple builds.
probably none. Eventually I might look at it but honestly I don’t need it. Even in WVW I’ll go without.
Doubt I will bother with even 1 of them. Don’t really see the point.
I think i’ll go for a total of ZER0. Why waste my time
I will be crafting the same amount of Ascended armor as I have Ascended weapons. Zero. I was not a fan of the Ascended gear when it was announced and my opinions on Ascended gear have not improved one bit since then.
at least one just to say i did it maybe up to 5 if i keep playing unless something better comes along
I plan to equip two characters with ascended armors. I estimate two (maybe three) months of work for it.
No idea yet what it will cost, and don’t care enough to research it, but I’ll do my usual thing of paying most attention to the Ele (because it’s the best profession) then if I can be bothered, the Warrior (because it’s the only other fun profession)
At most two, but I’ll be very angry about it the whole time I’m grinding for them (WvW player).
I have 0 legendaries after a year but am still working on them.
I have 0 ascended weapons and quit working on them. I will just level crafting professions instead.
I plan to have 0 ascended armor and will wait for legendary armor so I never have to worry about changing builds and losing all that gold and time.
I have 5 level80 characters and 4 low level characters. Exotics were hard enough for me to get on all of them and some have more than one set (PvE/WvW). I can’t chose just one character to play.
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued
Zero of Nine.
/extra body length
All of them, eventually, probably, maybe…
Then again I have some characters that are still in rare+masterwork while others have multiple stat sets. Too lazy to really spec things out for every character and unless I am doing lv80 content it is hard to notice the difference. Does it die in 2 hits or 3? Not a clue since I don’t bother to count.
One, of Six. I have ascended GS, Scepter and a Focus weapon on my Mesmer. That character also has a full set of Celestial Ascended trinkets. I think I have enough mats on hand to make a Celestial Ascended armor set for that character.
We will see how long that takes.
I am absolutely not going to grind/farm the mats to equip any other character with Ascended gear, which means I will still only have one character playing WvW, even if WxP becomes Account Bound some day. It wont matter. I only have one fully geared character for WvW.
When the update comes out? None, because I’m still broke from getting 500 artificer, crafting 2 ascended weapons, and the countless skins in the gem store I bought that I couldn’t pass up.
However, when I do have the money, I’ll be going for full ascended celestial armor for my guardian (although I only have 16 charged quartz crystals at the moment), and I’m still undecided about what armor set I’ll craft for my elementalist.
(edited by Zaoda.1653)
One, of Six. I have ascended GS, Scepter and a Focus weapon on my Mesmer. That character also has a full set of Celestial Ascended trinkets. I think I have enough mats on hand to make a Celestial Ascended armor set for that character.
We will see how long that takes.
I am absolutely not going to grind/farm the mats to equip any other character with Ascended gear, which means I will still only have one character playing WvW, even if WxP becomes Account Bound some day. It wont matter. I only have one fully geared character for WvW.
Yeah Ascended gear is really killing my motivation to WvW with my Alts. I was fine with the trinkets and somewhat reluctant with the weapons but the armor is just too much grind for me.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
I’ll probably equip my main, a ranger, with full celestial ascended armor; she already has 3 ascended celestial weapons (one a Tequatl drop). I have the probable materials already, except the quartz crystals, but I’m close on those. I think I have enough mats to get 500 leatherworker in a day or so.
After that, I won’t be “ascending” my few alts.
I can’t physically play PvP due to injury (only one hand), so I don’t care about PvP. I’ll be making the gear because I want it, not because I need it.
IF i decide to do any it’ll only be my Mesmer and Ranger but chances are i’ll do 0
One. My main character.
I do not craft in games.
Only for my Mez, I’ll buy it with real money when its introduced.
Its ugly as hell.
None I expect. Not completely anyway. I don’t see the need.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
Zero. none, zip. No interest at all in what they are offering in the Armor part of the game so far.
If the requirements are anything like weapons (I assume they will be roughly equivalent), then zero. I can always be surprised though.
Maybe one, most likely zero. im still burnt out from ascended weapons.
Out of sixteen characters (as of last night, 11×80s, 3×40s, 2×20s, 2 of each class), exactly none of them have ever had or will ever in the future obtain any Ascended Trash, Weapons, Armor or Trinkets. Unless I like the skin on something, in which case I might grind it out, then transmute that skin onto some Exotic gear.
Zero. Exactly as many as are carrying ascended weapons.
I just looked at the price of quartz… it is going to cost a fortune to craft to 500 and then get a full set of celestial armor.