I Don't Want to Farm Anymore
I dont’ think it is all that bad to keep pumping out new legendary or new content.
Obviously that is not the original gw2 design.
That being said, I think the main reason people complain is legendary is “so much” harder to get now compare to “when the game is released”.
I dont’ think it is all that bad to keep pumping out new legendary or new content.
Obviously that is not the original gw2 design.
That being said, I think the main reason people complain is legendary is “so much” harder to get now compare to “when the game is released”.
Inflation happens.
Blaming the Devs because the player driven economy is weak is dumb.
People need to just accept that Legendaries arent given like welfare and move on.
Then, someday when they get said Legendary, they will feel proud for working to acheive it, instead of crying because they dont have anything to work for.
I belive the OP is confused. In experience with the game up to this point, I have never grind for a thing. I have multiple sets of ascended armor and weapons.
If your grinding for anything in this game, it is because you choose to. If you simply play the game, you will organically collect all of the items to create what you need or the gold to buy it. If your grinding, it is simply your choice, because you Want it sooner.
I belive the OP is confused. In experience with the game up to this point, I have never grind for a thing. I have multiple sets of ascended armor and weapons.
If your grinding for anything in this game, it is because you choose to. If you simply play the game, you will organically collect all of the items to create what you need or the gold to buy it. If your grinding, it is simply your choice, because you Want it sooner.
OP wants legendaries, because in loot kitten mmos like World of Warcraft, you arent cool if you dont have legendaries.
Thats where the core problem lies.
Get out your wallet and buy some gems convert it into gold on the lottery day it will provide more than 50% increase. That’s pretty much what this economic design demands especially from new players.
Thanks for being one of the few people who actually noticed unlike the people that were in the Oath commercial that basically pledged against everything GW2 has become. Oh and don’t listen to the naysayers, they were probably folks that managed to get not just one but multiple precursors during the island event or are whales with big wallets.
The naysayers are the majority in the thread…for good reason.
Anet puts out a game with 5 years worth of work. People get through that amount of content in a couple of months. Anet realizes it doesn’t have enough stuff, will never have enough stuff, so they introduce at that time Fractals. Something to keep people playing. Most of the game’s population doesn’t play Fractals. Too hard, too boring, too repetitive, too instanced, too grouped whatever.
So Anet says how are we going to keep people. They put out ascended gear.
All ANY MMO is is a bunch of stuff to work towards. How do you do that without some kind of grind. The trick is, like in Guild Wars 1, is to make that grind not required. All people who are more casual to play the game without having to get ascended or even exotic gear. And you can.
Anet has created a game for people to play if they just want to play and to grind if they just want to grind.
Grinding is a choice, but without out, there would be no game. Most of us see this.
U don’t need farm at all. The exotic gear is easy to get. .
i’am sorry, but
- Having to do more that 50time a boring dungeon to get a complet exotic armor + 2-3weapons for me its farming.
- Having to collect 900+ mcm insignia just for a complet exotic armor, for me its farming
- I dont speak about Ascended gear which is CLEARLY farming.
- And i dont even speak about the necessity to have serveral stats to be able to correctly play 2-3 differents builds per char : which mean repeat X time the previews farm to play decently ONE class.
- And i forget to add the necessity of having X version of the same armor / weapon because of runes / sigils.
Yeah sure, no need to farm in GW2.. sure ! Are we really playing the same game ?
Mike Obrien
Legen – Wait for It – dary joke
If I ask help from a player who has a Legendary or two, she/he usually knows about everything in the game. That is good. Lets not change that.
MMO’s are games that do not end as most other games do. Thus, they always need to feature some sort of repetition. This is often experienced as grind. If your suggestions were implemented, I’ll guarantee that people would get what they want and the next day be clamoring for something else to do. How’s a developer to keep up. Look at other MMO’s challenging content. Raids? Challenging, until on farm — then repetition. If you don’t want grind, then this is not the genre for you.
agree with the part where “legendary should not be tradable”.
it is a personal accomplishment, and i don’t see why someone who didn’t accomplish all the aspect required to craft a legendary weapon should be able to equip it.
Archeage = Farmville with PK
Despite my ramblings, it’s actually a pretty good game. After awhile it does get very repetitive, but the world is so shiny cute. Especially if you roll on an Asura. : )
There’s way worse stuff out there. Definitely worth the (half) price. But some of you folks need to step back and think about how seriously you are involved with something that is actually not real.
Find a nice partner and go for a date outside somewhere. Maybe have a picnic.
U don’t need farm at all. The exotic gear is easy to get. .
i’am sorry, but
- Having to do more that 50time a boring dungeon to get a complet exotic armor + 2-3weapons for me its farming.
- Having to collect 900+ mcm insignia just for a complet exotic armor, for me its farming
- I dont speak about Ascended gear which is CLEARLY farming.
- And i dont even speak about the necessity to have serveral stats to be able to correctly play 2-3 differents builds per char : which mean repeat X time the previews farm to play decently ONE class.
- And i forget to add the necessity of having X version of the same armor / weapon because of runes / sigils.
Yeah sure, no need to farm in GW2.. sure ! Are we really playing the same game ?
I’ve been playing since the prerelease so maybe things have changed that make it more difficult for new players, but I have never farmed. I never did the Cursed Shore trains back in the early days. I never farmed CoF or any other dungeons. I don’t even have the dungeon master title. I very rarely jump on a champ train, usually only if I happen to be in Frostgorge or CS doing the daily. I just do whatever I feel like doing. But I have about 11K AP and ten toons all in exotic armor and weapons. Most have ascended trinkets and I have at least one ascended weapon. I didn’t think more of those were worth crafting. Likewise for ascended armor. You do not have to farm to have exotics. Just play the content and you can easily get them. Do the dailies. Early in the game I didn’t even do the those. Kill some world bosses. Do some events. Do an occasional dungeon. You can get everything you need in this game by just playing casually. Or at least you could. I suspect it is still true since I leveled a toon to 80 after the trait change using only weapons and armor that I found or occasionally got from karma vendors. Grinding is definitely not required excep for vanity items like legendaries.
Ascended is in no way necessary, unless you do fractals in which case, you’re already grinding. If you don’t like fractals, why do them?
and no, exotic armor and weapons is not a grind, so you do dungeons occasionally, and sometimes you get a drop. And Tier 6 materials are not that uncommon to where crafting is a grind. When it comes to the manifesto, it’s still valid on grinding; you do not HAVE to grind for anything.
U don’t need farm at all. The exotic gear is easy to get. .
i’am sorry, but
- Having to do more that 50time a boring dungeon to get a complet exotic armor + 2-3weapons for me its farming.
- Having to collect 900+ mcm insignia just for a complet exotic armor, for me its farming
- I dont speak about Ascended gear which is CLEARLY farming.
- And i dont even speak about the necessity to have serveral stats to be able to correctly play 2-3 differents builds per char : which mean repeat X time the previews farm to play decently ONE class.
- And i forget to add the necessity of having X version of the same armor / weapon because of runes / sigils.
Yeah sure, no need to farm in GW2.. sure ! Are we really playing the same game ?
You can make gold from doing pretty much every activities in the game. And in turn you can use that gold to buy the exotic gear on the trading post. Or even ascended gear.
Obviously the problem is some activities just generate way more gold. So people just do the same activities over and over again because that is the most efficient way to get gold fastest.
You dont’ need to do the same dungeon 50 times to get exotic gear. Just spread your time to do different activities in the game.
That being said, some of the more expensive item (ascended or legendary), the trend is people will do the same boring grind over and over again. Because even using efficient way of making money will take a while.
Yeah sure, no need to farm in GW2.. sure ! Are we really playing the same game ?
It isn’t that there NO grind or farming, but that basically all of it is entirely optional. Fractals being the exception obviously.
You can easily get 2-3 exotic weapons for 10g total or less.
Multiple sets of armor for different stats and runes is completely unnecessary unless you want to run at maximum efficiency. I have been able to easily complete the majority of the game’s content with just one set of rare armor and basic exotics/rare weapons which I was able to acquire by the time I hit 80 for the first time, or soon after.
Any grind is just a personal choice and depends on what your goals are. It isn’t necessary to complete the game whatsoever apart from fractals. Honestly, this is one of the best MMO’s I’ve ever played in terms of forced grind because there really is none. Try playing any other MMO where you have to hit a stupidly high level that takes hundreds of hours to reach, or have ridiculous items just to be able to access and stand a chance at completing content. THAT is grind. This game has no forced grind. If you’re grinding in this game, it is your own decision.
(edited by TheaOchiMati.7568)
How long would people play the game if exotics were worthless vendor trash and a few days of doing world bosses got you all the Legendaries you could possibly want?
Well exotics that aren’t precursors are worthless vendor trash because they aren’t ascended gear.
You don’t need anything above blues to complete almost every section this game offers. Blues and greens drop so much, you can outfit all your characters without even needing to buy from the trading post. YOU choose to use exotics and buy runes/sigils, but they are far from needed.
“Everyone, including casual gamers, by level 80 should have the best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base. The rare stuff becomes the really awesome looking armours. It’s all about collecting the unique looking stuff and collecting all the other rare collectable items in the game” – Colin Johanson
(edited by warherox.7943)
I can’t agree with this. Your problem is you have 7 characters. There is no need for so many. It is your choice to have that many, furthermore it’s your choice to outfit them all with exotics. Ya know, I was an altoholic too in GW1 and I was perpetually poor. I’ve since made it a golden rule for myself to keep characters to a maximum of two or three.
The weird thing is that so few people question this.
Why is this normal?
Why should games be slot machines?
Why would we pay someone else so that we can repeat repetitive tasks?
Games should be challenging – rewards should reflect the level of challenge.
But repeating mindless tasks simply so you can pass a gate and to repeat a different mindless task is not a game – it’s a chore.
Games shouldn’t be chores – they’re games!
And I would start holding developers to a higher standard.
This idea, that ‘this is just the way it is, and all MMO’s are like this’ is what allows MMO developers to get away with it.
Stop accepting the status quo. Stop accepting normal.
Challenge it and light a fire under their kitten . Get up and make them do something about it.
Demand better.
It’s easy to say that and I understand where you’re coming from, but the problem is, how exactly do you fix the issue?
I mean, if you look at some of the most popular games throughout history (or just your personal favorites) what kind of themes do you find? For me, it was games like Ocarina of Time and I fell in love with the seemingly endless ability to explore every nook and cranny and find something cool to do.
I played through it all the way several times.
But… it was also one of the few games I had access to at the time. It was basically the first RPG I played and the only RPG I could play at that time.
I could still see myself sitting down and enjoying Ocarina now, but it would be different. For one thing, my mentality has changed (it has been affected by games I’ve played); I would likely find myself speeding through dungeons and searching out every upgrade as if it’s a competition.
That change in mentality isn’t something I can just instantly reverse. There’s also the fact that because I have access to so many other titles (many of them RPGs), if I got bored with repeated content on Ocarina, I would probably just set it aside and forget about it for months at a time.
Contrast that to back in the day when wanting to play a video game meant I had to make do with the few titles I had access to.
See, part of the issue is that fewer options inspires more creativity. Depending on what environment you grew up in, you might remember finding ways to entertain yourself before the glut of TV and video games. I know I experienced it. And it holds true even within a video game; if I feel like I have few options, I will be more likely to try to eke out entertainment from something that I would otherwise abandon.
Now granted, developers can give certain tools to players to encourage creativity (e.g. things like player housing) but the traditional layout of “PvE” content (open-world or instanced) is thus: Fight mobs, kill mobs, get loot, repeat.
Which has a certain kind of appeal (mainly gear progression) and it’s hard to put a creative spin on it. I think the most potential I can see would be is you had some really advanced AI to pit players against, but we’re really not that far into AI yet. Part of what gives PvP longevity is the very fact that players can compete against each other, which is – in theory – an endless source of competition (because we’re adaptable human beings).
AI is not like that and so it becomes something that is either too hard (too much HP, too harsh mechanics, etc.) or too easy (yawnfest, loot, fall asleep, etc.).
If you have any thoughts for how to inspire that sort of creative longevity in traditional PvE content, feel free to share. It’s a fascinating question to me.
I can’t agree with this. Your problem is you have 7 characters. There is no need for so many. It is your choice to have that many, furthermore it’s your choice to outfit them all with exotics. Ya know, I was an altoholic too in GW1 and I was perpetually poor. I’ve since made it a golden rule for myself to keep characters to a maximum of two or three.
Yes. Altaholism can be a serious impediment to account progress.
And how do you roll and maintain 7 with any sort of normal existence?
Man, players these days wants everything to be handed to them in a silver platter.
Tbh, an mmo without farming / grinding is not an mmo at all.
You guys are just lazy. If you farm for 2hours in frost gorge you can get like 30gold and buy an entire exotic set for your character. 7 chars to gear with full exotic isnt that hard.
Ascended is a different story though. But imo ascended stuffs are only needed for higher level fractals. You cam basically get through everything in game with just full exotics.
Legendaries are legendaries for a reason. They are super hard to get and only the hardcore players should have the right to wield them. That is their ultimate reward for sticking to the game and actually putting an effort on their target goal.
If you guys really hate grinding, i suggest you guys go play f2p games in the market and just buy everything from item shop and become godlike in a day.
oh the same way like many people claim to have earned the legendaries they wield – by credit card???
Theres nothing legendary about havign a legendary in this game, those weapons don’t even have legends and as long you can simply buy these things from the TP, they will also never be legendary and are in the current state either a sign for it either that their wielder got no life, got papas credit card abused, or has to much time because of having no work to farm all day long day per day in this game to get all the stuff together plus havign incredible luck with gettign the precursors, where nothing is legenday about that as it requires no skill at all to get something dropped out of luck.
grinding for all those tons of materials needed also doesn’t require any player skills, its just a matter of time.
Exploring the world map to 100% doesn’t require skill, its also just again a tiem sink, that anybody can do, its just a matter of time to get the maps 100% done.
Gettign the required amount of badges of honor together is also no problem, just play the game long enough until you collect enough AP for achievements chests that give you badges of honor, again just a matter of time …
Getting 200 SP together, juts a matter of time, that requires no player skill.
After 100% map exploration you already have like 25% done of what you need for a bloodstone shard, just farm afterthat long enough dungeons or champ trains or run karma trains in Wvw until you farmed together the SP that you need more. Again just a matter of time that requires no skill of the player based on doing something, that is really a challenge worth of gettign a legendary weapon for it at the end.
Gettign all the mystic clovers? Just a matter of tiem AGAIn, as it requires only luck and farming enough karma and mystic coins that you get daily/monthly or can easily buy for a few copper in TP.
Icy Runestones, recipes and such stuff that costs gold, all just a matter of grinding dungeons until you have all the money that you need, nothign of that really requires skill to farm some of the super easy dungeon paths like Flame Citadel 1, or any Twilight Garden Path or any path of that dredge dungeon…
Salvage also everythign thats rare for ectos and sell these to get quite some nice extra money from that to speed up your money gain to get quicker the thigns that you need from TP.
So this statement here:
egendaries are legendaries for a reason. They are super hard to get and only the hardcore players should have the right to wield them
is more than just only wrong and is just pure wishthinking by you.
First off, everyone has the right to wield a legendary weapon, they are not super exlusive weapons that exist only for special people.
Secondly, they are absolutely not super hard to get, as nothing as you can easily see is a real player challenge to receive, what is required to craft a legendary weapon.
All of it isn’t super hard, but just only super time consuming – in other words – super grind. Alot of grind, that you can basically ignore, because if you just want only best equipment for your personal build, its much simpler to go for an ascended weapon with your needed Stat Set than to go for a legendary weapon, unless you want to have the quality of life utility to be able to change the weapon stats whenever you need other stats for different builds, then scrap the ascended weapon and go better direct for a legendary, as this decision saves you then alot of time and ressources, that you would have wasted otherwise on ascended stuff, that could have been more useful for followign the road to get your legendary done quicker.
U don’t need farm at all. The exotic gear is easy to get. .
i’am sorry, but
- Having to do more that 50time a boring dungeon to get a complet exotic armor + 2-3weapons for me its farming.
- Having to collect 900+ mcm insignia just for a complet exotic armor, for me its farming
- I dont speak about Ascended gear which is CLEARLY farming.
- And i dont even speak about the necessity to have serveral stats to be able to correctly play 2-3 differents builds per char : which mean repeat X time the previews farm to play decently ONE class.
- And i forget to add the necessity of having X version of the same armor / weapon because of runes / sigils.
Yeah sure, no need to farm in GW2.. sure ! Are we really playing the same game ?
I’ve been playing since the prerelease so maybe things have changed that make it more difficult for new players, but I have never farmed. I never did the Cursed Shore trains back in the early days. I never farmed CoF or any other dungeons. I don’t even have the dungeon master title. I very rarely jump on a champ train, usually only if I happen to be in Frostgorge or CS doing the daily. I just do whatever I feel like doing. But I have about 11K AP and ten toons all in exotic armor and weapons. Most have ascended trinkets and I have at least one ascended weapon. I didn’t think more of those were worth crafting. Likewise for ascended armor. You do not have to farm to have exotics. Just play the content and you can easily get them. Do the dailies. Early in the game I didn’t even do the those. Kill some world bosses. Do some events. Do an occasional dungeon. You can get everything you need in this game by just playing casually. Or at least you could. I suspect it is still true since I leveled a toon to 80 after the trait change using only weapons and armor that I found or occasionally got from karma vendors. Grinding is definitely not required excep for vanity items like legendaries.
This experience is almost identical to mine.
At OP, for what content do you want to have those exotics now? You can just get them by doing that same content (and other things when you feel like it) in blues, greens or rares until you get the gear or enough guild to upgrade to exotics (perhaps start with cheap exotics and then go for nicer skins).
You set yourself a grindy goal of obtaining the penultimate armour stat-wise on many different characters as fast as possible (which is not required for anything), instead of just acquiring wealth gradually while doing what you feel like. Since you suggest you do not feel like grinding, don’t only do the content that is the most efficient for getting said exotics, mix it up a bit. You can choose not to grind, but from your post I suspect you actually choose to.
Only for expensive skins it is nigh impossible to earn enough money without deliberately grinding, but that too is a choice. I would like to have an incinerator (legendary dagger) for the skin, but I’m not going to sacrifice my free time on something way more boring than most real life jobs just to get it.
(edited by Galespark.7835)
I am puzzled how people find gearing in exotics an issue. A grind then is even more puzzling. There are so many ways to get exotics and none take a lot of effort
WvW Vendor
Guild commendations vendor
Karma Vendors
you even get some as rewards for various Living story events
I fully geared 5 level 80 chars in exotics using crafting without spending much money at all (just to buy ectos)
and I have like 3m karma left which could be used to fully gear like another 6 characters
all without farming a single day in my life.
can probably great that many via crafting as well if I buy the ectos.. dont have many of those in stock right now.
People just put too much stock in gold and forget there is a game to be played and rewards to be earned by playing that game it seems.
It’s up to the player’s choice if they buy legendaries using their money or they make it by grinding.
I for one am on my way to make two legendaries, i only need the precursors so kitten hard to get, the rest i farmed on my own, well not everything, some i bought from tp from selling stuffs i get from farming but dont really need for my legendary.
Either way, both methods requires effort. I did not say it’s challenging, all im saying is that it requires effort, first using credit card, you need to make an effort on being succesful in real life so you have extra money to spend in game, then if you decide the 2nd way which is to farm for them, like you’ve said, very time consuming and requires alot of grinding.
If, Anet suddenly decides to cater the minority who wants everything handed down to them once they reach 80, a lot of people will get bored fast. If you do a survey, majority of the players are staying in this game because they have a certain goal. It is to make a full ascended armor set, or to make a legendary. It is their motivation to play it is what drives them to stay.
Like others have said, you don’t need ascended nor legendaries to every aspects of the game with the exemption of high level fractals. Exotics are fine. I am using full exotics and i get by events and dungeons just fine.
If you compare gw2 to other MMO’s this is by far the best and least grindy mmo. In WoW, for example, once you reach max level, you have to grind dungeons to get your gear level up and be able to grind public raids, then you need to grind public raids to get to FLEX raids then grind again for you to be able to do normal. Not to mention the time consuming legendary cloak quest. In FFXIV, same, you need to grind dungeons to get your gears for coil.
So comparing GW2 to these games, in gw2 once you reach 80, all you have to do is explore and farm a few events / champs and you can get your full exotic gears in about 2-3hours once that is done, you have access to everything gw2 has to offer except for fractals.
Legendaries and other items are all optional. Like youve said, legendaries have the same stats as their ascended counterparts.
Legendary is a status symbol for this game. It is not a requirement. The time it takes to complete one is very long which makes it more rewarding. The amount of real money you need to spend on gems to convert it to gold to buy one is also not to be taken lightly. So either way, people who have them should feel rewarded by wielding them. So giving access to all these good looking weapons to everyone is a big NO!
agree with the part where “legendary should not be tradable”.
it is a personal accomplishment, and i don’t see why someone who didn’t accomplish all the aspect required to craft a legendary weapon should be able to equip it.
I understand why they did it. It goes back the the RNG of drops.
Look you got a precursor from a drop. It’s not for a weapon you can or do use. So your choices are selling it to buy the precursor you want, which may still require a pile of gold to make up a difference, or craft the legendary your precursor is for and sell that, then buy the precursor you want and regather the mats for a new legendary.
RIP City of Heroes
They could very easily make them boxes like ascended boxes where you can choose the weapon that you wanted.
They could very easily make them boxes like ascended boxes where you can choose the weapon that you wanted.
Actually that might work. My initial thought was player choice would be unbalanced, lots of greatswords, few foci or torches and even fewer underwater ones, if any. But if the intention of the choice is to sell them for profit, the flood of supply could level out, to a degree, the cost of precursors. Assuming you’re still allow to sell them.
RIP City of Heroes
They could very easily make them boxes like ascended boxes where you can choose the weapon that you wanted.
Actually that might work. My initial thought was player choice would be unbalanced, lots of greatswords, few foci or torches and even fewer underwater ones, if any. But if the intention of the choice is to sell them for profit, the flood of supply could level out, to a degree, the cost of precursors. Assuming you’re still allow to sell them.
No, if they make precursors available through alternate means they will probably then make them account bound so everyone doesn’t immediately go for Dusk/Dawn and sell them for profit.
Sometimes I think that’s why people want the scavenger hunt to materialize – for the profit, not for the item.
This is like a teenager with an allowance saying they want more money, while they already have enough to get what they NEED, but they don’t want to work to get what they WANT.
If you step back a bit, you will see that thought process is a much wider spread problem in the first world than just with teenagers…. “Gimme, Gimme, Gimme”, is pretty much the norm for MANY first world occupants, period. (myself included).
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
To farm is a choice and I think guild wars do it very well by making farming more cooperative then other MMO that its just you going for hours. Farm trains are a great example of cooperative play for gathering loot and if you add scaled events to that then farming becomes a fun and exciting thing to do!
Well exotics that aren’t precursors are worthless vendor trash because they aren’t ascended gear.
I assume you mean when you already have all of your characters equipped in exotics. Because why would you throw away an exotic weapon upgrade just because it isn’t ascended? Ascended gear is completely unnecessary for pretty much every bit of content in the game.
Also, if you aren’t salvaging your extra Exotics or selling them on TP you’re an idiot.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
The Manifesto promised ‘no grind’.
To me, this means I should be able to access content in the game without needing to do any excessive farming (excessive: repeating any piece of content more than three times, and for any reason other than I find it fun and want to do it).
This game is nearly 95% farming. I’m still working on outfitting my 7 (soon to be
characters with a full set of exotic gear plus sigils and runes. I have no legendaries, no ascended.
Bosses – whether they be world, or dungeon – should have chances to drop exotic, and even legendary, items. The chance should be high enough that we shouldn’t have to repeat content more than two or three times to get it. Dungeon token rewards should be higher, or not capped every day.
GW2 was promised to NOT be a treadmill of any kind – but it IS.
Doing something more than three times is farming? Well, I guess that’s your opinion.
Bosses do drop exotics. What you want is not a game with no grind, what you want is a game with no effort required. The best loot should NOT be trivial to acquire.
You also contradict yourself, because not capping dungeon tokens means you would repeat the content over and over to get more tokens faster, and hey, that’s farming.
A manifesto is a declaration of intent, a show of passion. It absolutely is not a promise.
“Dungeon token rewards should be higher, or not capped every day.”
I don’t want to farm but don’t close the door for me to farm LOL
Those who want tons of loot with little effort, should play a single player game like Morrowind. In that game I have a room filled with expensive high end Daedric armor and weapons, high level lock picks, mounds of alchemy ingredients, rows upon rows of potions lined up. I even amused myself by placing stacks and stacks of gold on the floor.
A single player game can provide all the riches your heart desires. Why? Because you’re the only person there. That game doesn’t have to worry about the economy and what happens to it if you shower the players with loot. A multiplayer game has to keep this in mind.
What happens if everyone gets all the high end loot easily, so much that their inventories are full? Can they sell them? No, everyone else is trying to sell their epic loot. Prices plummet. Crafting mats prices plummet too. Why should anyone craft at all if the best gear is raining down upon you?
People who complain that they aren’t getting the drops they want aren’t seeing the whole picture. A game like this, where the marketplace is global, has to be stingy with their drops to the individual or the TP gets flooded. The Devs have to calculate how much loot one individual can get so that the loot from all the individuals are at an acceptable rate.
The grind is optional.
You don’t need to be fully decked in ascended. You don’t need to go after that legendary.
You can easily do all content this game has to offer just with exotics, which you can obtain really easily.
Now if Ascended and Legendary is what you want (aka prestigious items that weren’t made to be worn by the entire playerbase in the first place), you will simply have to put in more work.
Btw. if that is really true .. its the best joke at all about the “ascended grind” :
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
The grind is optional.
You don’t need to be fully decked in ascended. You don’t need to go after that legendary.
You can easily do all content this game has to offer just with exotics, which you can obtain really easily.Now if Ascended and Legendary is what you want (aka prestigious items that weren’t made to be worn by the entire playerbase in the first place), you will simply have to put in more work.
<insert amusing “well the game is optional so I don’t have to play it either” argument>
You’ll likely see something like the above as people always resort to that faulty logic which trying to counter someone’s argument about something being optional.
Tbh, an mmo without farming / grinding is not an mmo at all.
That’s your opinion of what an MMO is. It’s not the single definition.
Man, players these days wants everything to be handed to them in a silver platter.
A lot of people play games first and foremost FOR FUN and finding themselves doing grindy tasks for end-game is NOT fun to them. Seriously, you guys who are making analogies between this and having a job are hilariously missing the point; games are not supposed to be jobs.
The fact that some of us can get pleasure out of games being similar to jobs says more about our apparent lack of ability to relax than it does about people who just want to log in and enjoy themselves.
The onus of oddity is on us for thinking that a work-like game is somehow “normal,” not on the other guy.
Guild Wars 2 have mastered the farming and found a way to make it exciting and fun and not just a grind. Cooperative play is everything in an MMO = massive multiplayer and guild wars have found a way to make farming a group experience not like so many other MMO’s out now. Train farms are a good example many working together for the same goal of getting loot! Scaled events raises the action and takes away from the repetitiveness of only doing champion farming trains. By scaling event and people working together it turns farming from a mundane experience into an action packed one! Players like me who find zones where you can jump from Farm trains to scaled event farm trains not only gain loot while keeping the action alive but also experience the beauty of cooperative play that we love so much in MMORPGs. We all decide how to experience MMOs but farming in GW2 is not a grind.
The grind is optional.
You don’t need to be fully decked in ascended. You don’t need to go after that legendary.
You can easily do all content this game has to offer just with exotics, which you can obtain really easily.Now if Ascended and Legendary is what you want (aka prestigious items that weren’t made to be worn by the entire playerbase in the first place), you will simply have to put in more work.
<insert amusing “well the game is optional so I don’t have to play it either” argument>
You’ll likely see something like the above as people always resort to that faulty logic which trying to counter someone’s argument about something being optional.
That point is fully valid and MAY in fact be the OPs best choice….the entire game IS optional. I’ve heard EVERYTHING but death and taxes are too….
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
In over a year of playing, I’ve never seen an exotic drop once.
Man, players these days wants everything to be handed to them in a silver platter.
Tbh, an mmo without farming / grinding is not an mmo at all.
You guys are just lazy. If you farm for 2hours in frost gorge you can get like 30gold and buy an entire exotic set for your character. 7 chars to gear with full exotic isnt that hard.
Ascended is a different story though. But imo ascended stuffs are only needed for higher level fractals. You cam basically get through everything in game with just full exotics.
Legendaries are legendaries for a reason. They are super hard to get and only the hardcore players should have the right to wield them. That is their ultimate reward for sticking to the game and actually putting an effort on their target goal.
If you guys really hate grinding, i suggest you guys go play f2p games in the market and just buy everything from item shop and become godlike in a day.
30 gold huh?
Last time I checked, a Sigil of Generosity was about 70 gold. So you’re “buy a set” for 30 gold get’s me 1/2 a sigil.
A full set of exotic gear is about 30-40 gold.
Then there’s the full set of runes you need for it – which can run anywhere from 1 gold to 50 gold or more, depending on the rune set.
And then you need 4 sigils.
And that’s just to run one build for the rest of your career.
You need to repeat it if you plan to change builds at all, ever.
Now, repeat for every character you play.
A full set of exotic gear is about 30-40 gold.
O.o what exotic gear are you shopping for bro?
Regardless, you guys are focusing on the wrong problem.
My point isn’t about how hard it is or isn’t to get gear – I would prefer a game where gear like that was obtained from challenging content. I prefer gear to drop directly from bosses, or chests.
That’s not the point.
The point is what they force you to do to get it.
You can argue all day that no one is forcing you to do it, but the point is what else is there to do?
Ideally, as you play new content in the game, you should naturally just acquire whatever you need – whether this is the gear itself, or the currency (of any kind) that you need to get that gear.
You shouldn’t be required to repeat any content more than 3 times to get something.
I have repeated content hundreds of times. And I have quite a bit of exotic gear, but not quite complete on all toons. Almost there.
The point is that cool loot, like Superior Runes and Sigils, Exotic weapons and armor, should drop directly from bosses and boss chests more often – I haven’t seen a single one.
The best I ever get are a few rares, which occasionally sell for 30+ silver – which I then eventually turn into Exotics – after repeated runs doing the same content over and over and over again.
My point is that we shouldn’t have to run the same content as many times as we are required to get the same gear (or the money to get it).
It’s not challenging, when all you’re doing is farming.
It’s just repetitive. It’s a time sink.
Do you think it challenges my gaming skills, or my patience, to do dungeon runs over and over to just to accumulate gold?
There’s no challenge in that – it’s all farming.
I want a reduction in farming, because it isn’t challenging.
And I want more new content on a regular basis. NOt this LS crap – that whole thing is just another zerg fest. There’s almost no challenge there, either.
I want more zones. More dungeons. More solo content.
New stuff to do, while saving up the money to get all that other stuff.
In short, new content. Lots of new content.
Like double the size of the world, new content.
A full set of exotic gear is about 30-40 gold.
O.o what exotic gear are you shopping for bro?
On average, each piece comes to about 4-5 gold per piece.
The grind is optional.
You don’t need to be fully decked in ascended. You don’t need to go after that legendary.
You can easily do all content this game has to offer just with exotics, which you can obtain really easily.Now if Ascended and Legendary is what you want (aka prestigious items that weren’t made to be worn by the entire playerbase in the first place), you will simply have to put in more work.
<insert amusing “well the game is optional so I don’t have to play it either” argument>
You’ll likely see something like the above as people always resort to that faulty logic which trying to counter someone’s argument about something being optional.
That point is fully valid and MAY in fact be the OPs best choice….the entire game IS optional. I’ve heard EVERYTHING but death and taxes are too….
I see that reasoning as nothing more than blowing something way out of proportion and distorting the opposing party’s argument with absurd exaggerations. I see it as using a strawman argument or something (maybe slippery slope?) but instead of treating it as if someone one else had said it, you’re using it as your own.
I don’t know. I’m probably not doing a great job explaining my opinion when I see that line of reasoning used.
On average, each piece comes to about 4-5 gold per piece.
But I mean like, what gear are you trying to buy and from where? Typical exotics off the TP are not usually that expensive, from what I can recall?
On average, each piece comes to about 4-5 gold per piece.
But I mean like, what gear are you trying to buy and from where? Typical exotics off the TP are not usually that expensive, from what I can recall?
I don’t know what you mean by typical, the prices vary depending on skin and stats.
I’m just giving an average that I end up paying – sometimes if I’m willing to wait, I’ll make a custom offer and pay a little less.
I’m just saying that on average, most of my exotic armor has cost between 4-5 gold per piece.
Yes but it is literally impossible to make one game fun forever. It just is. Someone who plays 10h/day will run out of fun things to do after 6000+hours of in-game time…. Period. Or what one person thinks is fun, another person does not. How could they possibly make a game that is perpetually fun for every single type of gamer. I can tell you right now if there was no grind whatsoever I wouldn’t have fun, so already the game failed. You need to find the one game that is as close to what you want as possible then stick with it. If a game like that existed you’d be playing it right now and not on a soapbox in the GW2 forums..
I think what Anet really needs is something similar to what they did in SAB. Make an Infantile server. In that server you choose what level you want to start at. 80? Sure no problem. 1? Sure if you want to start from the beginning. You can set how much XP each monster gives you and what items they drop. Want the legendary weapons to drop from rabbits? Sure why not, go for it. Want AC dungeon paths to be empty except for the boss? Why not! And the reward chest gives a full suit of Ascended armor! AP, PvP ranks, WvW standings would not be counted in any way shape or form, but the people in the Infantile server don’t care about competitive play anyways.
EDIT: Quoted wrong person… =/
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
(edited by Draknar.5748)
Ok, I just logged in to check the TP, so for example:
Yakkington’s and Reyna’s are 8 gold per piece right now, ’Zerker’s is almost 7.
That’s what I mean.
On average, exotic armor runs about 30-40 gold or so (give or take) just for the armor set.
Add in a full set of superior runes – Exuberance is almost 16g per rune, and Sigil of Bursting is about 16 1/2