(edited by Maxwell.7843)
I just opened 13985 bags
Wow so you need 20-25k champ bags, to get Legendary equivalent t6 mats… More then I expected.
So are you the source of some materials, like Charged Core, getting undercut so fast, so hard, that the buy order/sell listings are 1 copper from each other?
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)
Wow so you need 20-20k champ bags, to get Legendary equivalent t6 mats… More then I expected.
So are you the source of some materials, like Charged Core, getting undercut so fast, so hard, that the buy order/sell listings are 1 copper from each other
This is pretty much all I took out of this… The drop rates of t6 are quite clearly too low… And if people say legendarys should be “legend” and that drop rates are fine then they are missing the fact that t6 are required to craft many other things in the game.
he can buy full sets of ascended armor.
Oh can he then? Are you very sure of this?
he can buy full setS of ascended armor.
Oh can he then? Are you very sure of this?
I know.. this is so vague… Like does he mean 2 or 10??
The game is gold based tho… he made 1100g.
he can buy full sets of ascended armor.
He made 1100g from 6 weeks of intensive farming.
Of course a thousand gold is a lot, but let’s put things into context. He spent a lot of time doing this.Also, through normal playing most players don’t come even close to having that many bags of loot. So you gotta look it that way too: if I play normally, what are my chances of getting some nice loot?
I think that a lot of players that complain about loot, do so because they feel that playing “normally” is not rewarding in terms of loot.
While poor loot is something that right now doesn’t bother me that much (I think I never posted in threads about unrewarding loot), I can understand these players’ point of view.How many hours did it take to open them all and sort everything out?
I spent over 10 hours on opening them all.
Thanks for answering, and thanks for taking the time to conduct this research, with the drops on the blog and all.
Can’t argue with maths.
But not all players have disposable income (students, young adults, etc). Moreover, the parallel is bit flawed because playing is something people do in their free time, working has timetables: you can’t phone your boss at 3am and say “hey boss, imma work 1hour now, send me 15€, kthanks gnite”.![]()
So “time is better spent working rather than farming” is not an absolute rule, because the time you spend farming cannot be always converted in time spent working.Some people can find farming relaxing or fun: in that case it makes sense to do it.
But playing normally is dependent on the person, My normally is dungeon/fotm tours I make 30g a day without trying to make gold, it just what I play. If I try to make gold there are times I make 60-70g a day.
I made 900g in 5 days last week, I bought the Emperor title, some gem store items and that Pact Fleet Pack.
My point is Normal play isnt the problem, the Problem is some parts of the game has almost no rewards where other parts have to much rewards.
Champ farming “wasnt” meant to be a amazing rewarding way to play, the game is based around doing alittle bit of everything.
Champ bags was a way to make you feel like you got something for fighting a harder opponent and it does that really well. You shouldnt be given a Gold for a 10sec kill.
Dungeons are 4-10min long and give 1-1.5g on average, there are ways to Kill 1 c hamp per 1 minute, if you got a gold per champ kill that be insane. that would be 60g per hour.
At that point Legendarys would be 8-10k gold instead of 2-4k BUT, it would de-value SO many other things in the game, like Cult gear, commander tags (even more so than now) etc….
I feel champ bags are in a Perfect spot, they are rewarding for killing a more difficualt mob, and that reward does fit the challenge of the fight, I feel Champ bags are the most well balanced loot in gw2.
this game is heaven for farmers and grinders with insane endless 24/7 champ farm or SW chest farm. i just spend 50 euro buying 4000 gem which gives me only like 450g..by far less than you farmers.. I WILL STOP SPENDING MONEY ON THIS GAME..i feel i keep the game alive for farmers and grinders.
1. You don’t need ascended for anything. Weapons are a nice upgrade because of the higher base damage, but stat wise the difference is negligible.
2. Because of #1 it doesn’t matter if the loot that drops will get you ascended gear in 2 months or 2 years. No content in the game is locked away from you because you don’t have ascended gear yet.
3. When the expansion launches, according to Anet you still don’t need ascended gear to complete the content there.
Can’t you understand that GW is not a loot based game. By locking yourself into a mindset of having to have the BiS gear before you can “have fun” is just a big road to disappointment. The fun is already there with exotic gear and if it isn’t, it won’t be there when you have grinded your ascended either.
this game is heaven for farmers and grinders with insane endless 24/7 champ farm or SW chest farm. i just spend 50 euro buying 4000 gem which gives me only like 450g..by far less than you farmers.. I WILL STOP SPENDING MONEY ON THIS GAME..i feel i keep the game alive for farmers and grinders.
How long did it take for you to make that 50 euros? 8 hours? 4 hours? One hour?
Now compare it to the hours these farmers and grinders took to make that 450 gold.
If you think it’s so much more fun to grind the gold, go ahead.
But playing normally is dependent on the person, My normally is dungeon/fotm tours I make 30g a day without trying to make gold, it just what I play. If I try to make gold there are times I make 60-70g a day.
I made 900g in 5 days last week, I bought the Emperor title, some gem store items and that Pact Fleet Pack.
My point is Normal play isnt the problem, the Problem is some parts of the game has almost no rewards where other parts have to much rewards.
“Normal” is subjective, you are right.
I should have said casual. My point was that most casual players don’t come even close to those numbers.
Casual players cannot do a dungeon in 4 minutes, not even SE P1. Not to mention fractals.
They don’t play the tp, don’t use buy orders and either sell to the highest bidder, or undercut by a random amount.
By “normal” I meant “normal playing experience for the vast majority of the playerbase”.
PS: Sorry but the part about some aspects being too rewarding is a bit confusing to me. I don’t understand what it is that you think is too rewarding, and what isn’t…
(edited by Maxwell.7843)
This solidifies how pathetically low precursor drop rates are.
I don’t get it… how are people saying this isn’t a lot of loot? The value of what he got is roughly ~3000g. He can buy 3 full sets of ascended armor, or a legendary weapon after just 6 weeks…
That seems quite reasonable to me….
My droprate is one bomb per evening, and here it is:
This game is so not about the loot.
no..it kinda is
Then tell me again about all the awesome loot you get everytime you play. Or most times. Or half the time. Or like, maybe, sort of once a week or so. Monthly? Hm.
Loot in this game equates to a game wage. Turn unwanted currencies/mats into desired items or whatever, but come on… The chance for an exotic worth more than 10G is tiny and a precursor? HAH! Windfalls are exceptionally rare.
It’s not about the loot. Those who fixate on the loot are some of the most bitter posters on here. Wonder why.
I don’t think they are saying it’s not a lot of loot. More so that it’s a lot of junk loot with too few good item in between. It’s quite a hassle to convert all that junk into something actually wanted. 10 hours to open the bags and then how much longer to sort through and convert?
I don’t get it… how are people saying this isn’t a lot of loot? The value of what he got is roughly ~3000g. He can buy 3 full sets of ascended armor, or a legendary weapon after just 6 weeks…
That seems quite reasonable to me….
That’s not loot, that is just gold. I dont play games to make gold, I already do that in real life.
And also, where do you buy this ascended armour?
I don’t get it… how are people saying this isn’t a lot of loot? The value of what he got is roughly ~3000g. He can buy 3 full sets of ascended armor, or a legendary weapon after just 6 weeks…
That seems quite reasonable to me….
That’s not loot, that is just gold. I dont play games to make gold, I already do that in real life.
And also, where do you buy this ascended armour?
You can buy everything else except the Vision Crystal directly from TP. With the addition of Silverwastes getting Vision Crystals is no longer a problem. Effectively yes, you can buy ascended from TP.
I don’t get it… how are people saying this isn’t a lot of loot? The value of what he got is roughly ~3000g. He can buy 3 full sets of ascended armor, or a legendary weapon after just 6 weeks…
That seems quite reasonable to me….
That’s not loot, that is just gold. I dont play games to make gold, I already do that in real life.
And also, where do you buy this ascended armour?
You can buy everything else except the Vision Crystal directly from TP. With the addition of Silverwastes getting Vision Crystals is no longer a problem. Effectively yes, you can buy ascended from TP.
Weird i will check tonight, never seen any ascended armour on the TP.
I don’t get it… how are people saying this isn’t a lot of loot? The value of what he got is roughly ~3000g. He can buy 3 full sets of ascended armor, or a legendary weapon after just 6 weeks…
That seems quite reasonable to me….
That’s not loot, that is just gold. I dont play games to make gold, I already do that in real life.
And also, where do you buy this ascended armour?
You can buy everything else except the Vision Crystal directly from TP. With the addition of Silverwastes getting Vision Crystals is no longer a problem. Effectively yes, you can buy ascended from TP.
Weird i will check tonight, never seen any ascended armour on the TP.
In the off chance that you’re not just trolling, no you can’t buy the actual end product in the TP, but you can get 3 of the 4 components (that is, the 2 parts and the inscription/insignia) from TP, which are the main bulk of the work.
Sure you still need to level a crafting discipline to 500, but that’s also easily solved by having enough gold.
Previously getting the mats for the Vision Crystal was the most time consuming part, as it required running world boss events, dungeons/JPs and champ farming. Now with Silverwastes chest farming everyone is practically swimming in ascended mats and skill point scrolls, so crafting Vision Crystals is the least time/money consuming part of the equation.
Copy & paste for those of us that *.blogspot.com is blocked for?
Why would it be blocked for you? Do you live in North Korea?
~Sincerely, Scissors
I don’t get it… how are people saying this isn’t a lot of loot? The value of what he got is roughly ~3000g. He can buy 3 full sets of ascended armor, or a legendary weapon after just 6 weeks…
That seems quite reasonable to me….
That’s not loot, that is just gold. I dont play games to make gold, I already do that in real life.
And also, where do you buy this ascended armour?
You can buy everything else except the Vision Crystal directly from TP. With the addition of Silverwastes getting Vision Crystals is no longer a problem. Effectively yes, you can buy ascended from TP.
Weird i will check tonight, never seen any ascended armour on the TP.
In the off chance that you’re not just trolling, no you can’t buy the actual end product in the TP, but you can get 3 of the 4 components (that is, the 2 parts and the inscription/insignia) from TP, which are the main bulk of the work.
Sure you still need to level a crafting discipline to 500, but that’s also easily solved by having enough gold.
Previously getting the mats for the Vision Crystal was the most time consuming part, as it required running world boss events, dungeons/JPs and champ farming. Now with Silverwastes chest farming everyone is practically swimming in ascended mats and skill point scrolls, so crafting Vision Crystals is the least time/money consuming part of the equation.
No I wasnt trolling, was actually hopefull I could buy the armour. I have neither the mats nor the crafting 500 dicipline. So I was just wondering if I missed some filter.
I dont do the silverwastes that much, mostly wvw, and the drops there are not that great
But playing normally is dependent on the person, My normally is dungeon/fotm tours I make 30g a day without trying to make gold, it just what I play. If I try to make gold there are times I make 60-70g a day.
I made 900g in 5 days last week, I bought the Emperor title, some gem store items and that Pact Fleet Pack.
My point is Normal play isnt the problem, the Problem is some parts of the game has almost no rewards where other parts have to much rewards.
“Normal” is subjective, you are right.
I should have said casual. My point was that most casual players don’t come even close to those numbers.
Casual players cannot do a dungeon in 4 minutes, not even SE P1. Not to mention fractals.
They don’t play the tp, don’t use buy orders and either sell to the highest bidder, or undercut by a random amount.By “normal” I meant “normal playing experience for the vast majority of the playerbase”.
PS: Sorry but the part about some aspects being too rewarding is a bit confusing to me. I don’t understand what it is that you think is too rewarding, and what isn’t…
That is why I said it the way I did.
At a casual pov SW is AMAZING good really really good, thats why I was saying Champ bags are well balanced, any player can go in goof around for an hour or 2 with NO worries and NO thought as to what is needed, there is no difficulty at all. For the reward that is being given out, its very good.
In my opinion this silverwastes farm is too good, such a reward for no brain chest farm… no offense :P
https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Champ-bags-are-well-balanced/first#post4757698 please read this.
I dont feel its to good, it is very good, I feel anet is trying to get the community to play together more and do the events. Its a step in the right direction and will need to be balanced more, but over all its doing well for now.
With HoT coming out, many players may not be getting our current materials/working on current weapons/armor/legendary skins and we may see a raise in prices of the old items. (not being farmed) or it my be the opposite we dont know just yet.
but I feel atm it isnt to good, and many players will move away from it.
In my opinion this silverwastes farm is too good, such a reward for no brain chest farm… no offense :P
Yea, like all the mindless chest farm zergs… 111111 all the way to zerg kill any mobs in the way and spend crests that you get in abundance on those bandit keys. 1100 gold without selling any of the exotics, t6 mats, etc. is pretty good given the absolutely inane/banale task the OP has undergone.
I think the actual achievement here and take-away from this thread was opening nearly 14K champ bags in 10 hours!
I hardly have 1K bags to open and it keeps growing because I dread having to open them…
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
In my opinion this silverwastes farm is too good, such a reward for no brain chest farm… no offense :P
Yea, like all the mindless chest farm zergs… 111111 all the way to zerg kill any mobs in the way and spend crests that you get in abundance on those bandit keys. 1100 gold without selling any of the exotics, t6 mats, etc. is pretty good given the absolutely inane/banale task the OP has undergone.
I think the actual achievement here and take-away from this thread was opening nearly 14K champ bags in 10 hours!
I hardly have 1K bags to open and it keeps growing because I dread having to open them…
I was under the impression that 1100g was with the ectos/mats/exotics being sold.
Yeah, it was with ectos/mats/exo’s being sold.
In my opinion this silverwastes farm is too good, such a reward for no brain chest farm… no offense :P
Well, you know what they say opinions are like…
Anyway, I’ve read/heard many-a-people opine that they enjoyed champ trains and farming as a way to zone-out and just relax after 8-12 hours at their job. Just something to do that they didn’t have to think too much about and just enjoy playing with others.
I think it’s working as intended and doesn’t need to be buffed/nerfed.
Yeah, it was with ectos/mats/exo’s being sold.
In my opinion this silverwastes farm is too good, such a reward for no brain chest farm… no offense :P
Well, you know what they say opinions are like…
Anyway, I’ve read/heard many-a-people opine that they enjoyed champ trains and farming as a way to zone-out and just relax after 8-12 hours at their job. Just something to do that they didn’t have to think too much about and just enjoy playing with others.
I think it’s working as intended and doesn’t need to be buffed/nerfed.
Maybe ur right, but when i will start thinking about fractal rewards compared to this chest farm im quite angry xD
I would make a separate forum post asking arena net why you only received 1 ascended item.
The fact that you opened over 10000 champions bags and received 1 ascended item is ridiculous.
Nevermind the fact that you can’t even choose the stats of the ascended item!! So then what? Salvage it? No wait, you can’t do that either, it’s literally poop.
+1 Disappointed in Arena Net and their employees that oversee such game mechanics.
EDIT: You would have made more money dungeon running/farming platinum ore/iron ore/softwood log on at least 4 characters. 6 weeks of 2-8hr grinds while only receiving 1100 gold is ridiculous. And it would not take you an 8 hour grind.
By doing the methods described you can make at least 30 gold a day.
6 weeks, 42 days,
42days x 30g = 1260g
(edited by Jelzouki.4128)
I was under the impression that 1100g was with the ectos/mats/exotics being sold.
Actually I didn’t sell t6 materials as well as cores (sold only 60 charged cores out of 140) and lodestones.
Yeah, it was with ectos/mats/exo’s being sold.
In my opinion this silverwastes farm is too good, such a reward for no brain chest farm… no offense :P
Well, you know what they say opinions are like…
Anyway, I’ve read/heard many-a-people opine that they enjoyed champ trains and farming as a way to zone-out and just relax after 8-12 hours at their job. Just something to do that they didn’t have to think too much about and just enjoy playing with others.
I think it’s working as intended and doesn’t need to be buffed/nerfed.
Maybe ur right, but when i will start thinking about fractal rewards compared to this chest farm im quite angry xD
My 50+ ascended boxes says other wise, not all what I wanted, But I have at least 2 full zerk sets, 1 full celestials and 1 full condi. With 2-3 zerk/sin weapons, 2-3 soldier weapons and 11 wup wup weapons.
I mostly do them b.c I love them they are very fun to me.
I was under the impression that 1100g was with the ectos/mats/exotics being sold.
Actually I didn’t sell t6 materials as well as cores (sold only 60 charged cores out of 140) and lodestones.
That is good to know.
1 ascended and 58 exotics and still anet dithers on the RNG thread. Most unrewarding western mmo ever.
The game is gold based tho… he made 1100g.
he can buy full sets of ascended armor.
I think that’s the real matter. Many players including myself find it more fun to have a drop based economy over gold/crafting one. Of course the latter doesn’t make anet money. So I guess I’m ok with it since there’s no sub fee.
1. You don’t need ascended for anything. Weapons are a nice upgrade because of the higher base damage, but stat wise the difference is negligible.
2. Because of #1 it doesn’t matter if the loot that drops will get you ascended gear in 2 months or 2 years. No content in the game is locked away from you because you don’t have ascended gear yet.
3. When the expansion launches, according to Anet you still don’t need ascended gear to complete the content there.
Really? So higher level, more rewarding fractals can be completed without ascended items? Good luck there.
You dont have to be one to love one.
seriously, this is just fine. I opened 3400 bags and got around 12 exos or so, and a ridiculous amount of rares and skill points. after salvaging everything and using all the mats for conversion and such I had enough to buy basically everything I needed for incinerator including spark.
1. You don’t need ascended for anything. Weapons are a nice upgrade because of the higher base damage, but stat wise the difference is negligible.
2. Because of #1 it doesn’t matter if the loot that drops will get you ascended gear in 2 months or 2 years. No content in the game is locked away from you because you don’t have ascended gear yet.
3. When the expansion launches, according to Anet you still don’t need ascended gear to complete the content there.
Really? So higher level, more rewarding fractals can be completed without ascended items? Good luck there.
Fotm is the only part of the game that is it needed for, and only for higher levels, a couple ascended trinkets can get you up to 3’s just fine.
thats 1 part of everything that it is needed for.
PvE, WvW, PvP, events, dungeons etc… dont need it. And the ONLY reason is b.c of AR.
You can do a 19 Fotm with 5ar on a Crafted Back piece with 0 problems so level 1-19 you need 0 AR.
If you really good and can dodge the Agony attacks then you dont need ascended gear at all up till level 29.
Sad drops… It’s such a shame you can’t buy almost anything on the Trading Post… oh wait…
When you can farm this many bags it’s no wonder the actual loot will be nerfed to hell.
Don’t blame Anet, blame the farmers for forcing ANet to nerf drop rates in order to preserve the economy. It’s a shame that rampant farmers so badly affect the more casual players, maybe they should look at ways to nerf drops just for the farmers or put a hard cap on the number of bags you can get per hour/day.
You know, they could deal with farming simply by counting how many bags you open in a day and then nerfing the odds after you pass thresholds. Thus the first couple, that most people who don’t farm will get, have decent chances. For all you know thi sis the case. I wonder if the poster kept track of what he got from the first 100 openings vs. the second one hundread etc.
How many hours did it take to open them all and sort everything out?
I spent over 10 hours on opening them all.
You guys are speculating if it is still worth to farm the bags. Before I opened them, I had had around 200g (had earned almost 300g and had got over 500 globs of ectoplasm in these 6 weeks without opening a single bag). Now I’ve got nearly 1300g thanks to the bags – and I still didn’t sell t6 materials, half of the globs and most of the cores and lodestones. IMO this is a good profit for 6 weeks.
It’s hard to say how many bags per hour I farmed because it depends on how I was farming. I’m not sure how many I get from doing Vinewrath twice a day, I farmed tons of bandit chests though and with a good group I’m able to open 100 of them per hour.
As a farmer I can say: there might be better way to farm gold, but I find chestfarm extremely fun to do. It’s just one more way to play the game.
2-8 hours a day, I will assume you took 2 days off.
5hrs per day average, 5 days a week for 6 weeks (30days) would be 150 hrs
You say you made about 1100g profit (You said you was at 200g and now your close to 1300g).
You made 7.3g per hour
Its not the fastest way to get gold, but If you are having fun then it is the best way
That’s without the t6 mats, most cores, and the lodestones. Some of the biggest sellers. Throw those in and he’s up hundreds of more gold enough to bump the per hour up another gold or two. Really not bad for the ease of play. Sure there are better farms but they usually take quite a bit more work to accomplish or are limited in other regards.
Also I wonder how he was approaching SW. If you hop maps and catch VW that’s pretty rewarding for the time. Chest farms are also pretty rewarding. Sitting on a fresh server and running it all the way through without chest farming however is much slower.
The game is gold based tho… he made 1100g.
he can buy full sets of ascended armor.
He made 1100g from 6 weeks of intensive farming.
Of course a thousand gold is a lot, but let’s put things into context. He spent a lot of time doing this.Also, through normal playing most players don’t come even close to having that many bags of loot. So you gotta look it that way too: if I play normally, what are my chances of getting some nice loot?
I think that a lot of players that complain about loot, do so because they feel that playing “normally” is not rewarding in terms of loot.
While poor loot is something that right now doesn’t bother me that much (I think I never posted in threads about unrewarding loot), I can understand these players’ point of view.How many hours did it take to open them all and sort everything out?
I spent over 10 hours on opening them all.
Thanks for answering, and thanks for taking the time to conduct this research, with the drops on the blog and all.
For over hour’s worth of my salaried time, which is roughly $17.50/hour, 24/7/365, I could buy as of the time of this posting one $15 gem card for most of an hour’s worth of my employed time. That’s 1200 gems.
To buy 1200 gems with gold at this moment, I would have to spend 187g 20s.
To convert those 1200 gems to gold, I would make almost an even 120g.
[…]Can’t argue with maths.
But not all players have disposable income (students, young adults, etc). Moreover, the parallel is bit flawed because playing is something people do in their free time, working has timetables: you can’t phone your boss at 3am and say “hey boss, imma work 1hour now, send me 15€, kthanks gnite”.![]()
So “time is better spent working rather than farming” is not an absolute rule, because the time you spend farming cannot be always converted in time spent working.Some people can find farming relaxing or fun: in that case it makes sense to do it.
I have to agree with naiasonod here…as you only live once. If you are a young adult / student, then the time IMO is better spent studying rather than farming. This gives you a lot of disposable income later. If you are an adult and have a job, then chances are you have more taking time away from gaming than giving it, so that time you must spend at work could be used to speed up your game time.
Really though, they hit the nail on the head with the point about anet and farming. There is zero reason for anet to make farming lucrative, especially when the game is pay once and has a cash shop.
So if one finds farming relaxing and has the time to do it, so be it. However, it most certainly is akin to walking everywhere instead of taking some form of modern transportation.
So farming if bad, using your credit card is good?
So farming if bad, using your credit card is good?
More like No live = farming
Family/Job no time = Credit card
I have a question for you guys farming SW:
I’m working toward Bolt and have a way to go at the moment, my concern is the stupid number of T6 mats and cores (I already have Zap). I manage to do AC and COF every day but that’s about it for reliable gold income, would I be better off just farming in Silver Wastes?
Low drop rates encourage people to use gem store.
The sales would go down if you could “easily” get better looking weapon/armor skins in game.You make it sound like it’s a bad thing the company developing the game would earn some money.
Making money off the game at the cost of gameplay IS a bad thing, ask anybody who played Diablo 3 if you don’t believe me. The Gem to gold conversion should have never existed, it encourages ANet to worsen the gameplay experience to increase their profits just as much as the D3 trading post did. The only difference is Blizzard customers weren’t so apathetic as to let it happen.
(edited by Conncept.7638)
1. You don’t need ascended for anything. Weapons are a nice upgrade because of the higher base damage, but stat wise the difference is negligible.
2. Because of #1 it doesn’t matter if the loot that drops will get you ascended gear in 2 months or 2 years. No content in the game is locked away from you because you don’t have ascended gear yet.
3. When the expansion launches, according to Anet you still don’t need ascended gear to complete the content there.
Really? So higher level, more rewarding fractals can be completed without ascended items? Good luck there.
Fotm is the only part of the game that is it needed for, and only for higher levels, a couple ascended trinkets can get you up to 3’s just fine.
thats 1 part of everything that it is needed for.
PvE, WvW, PvP, events, dungeons etc… dont need it. And the ONLY reason is b.c of AR.
You can do a 19 Fotm with 5ar on a Crafted Back piece with 0 problems so level 1-19 you need 0 AR.
If you really good and can dodge the Agony attacks then you dont need ascended gear at all up till level 29.
Yes, I know all of this. But someone saying “no content” needs ascended items is very different than saying some (FotM happens to be some of my favorite content in the game) requires it.
Also, not needing ascended gear until level 29? That’s 30% of your health per tick (on a 20-29 frac), and there are fractals with unavoidable agony. Just pointing out facts.
This is all beside the point though. I just don’t think people should downplay the necessity of ascended gear while saying you can play through all of the game without it. It’s simply not true.
You dont have to be one to love one.
1. You don’t need ascended for anything. Weapons are a nice upgrade because of the higher base damage, but stat wise the difference is negligible.
2. Because of #1 it doesn’t matter if the loot that drops will get you ascended gear in 2 months or 2 years. No content in the game is locked away from you because you don’t have ascended gear yet.
3. When the expansion launches, according to Anet you still don’t need ascended gear to complete the content there.
Really? So higher level, more rewarding fractals can be completed without ascended items? Good luck there.
Fotm is the only part of the game that is it needed for, and only for higher levels, a couple ascended trinkets can get you up to 3’s just fine.
thats 1 part of everything that it is needed for.
PvE, WvW, PvP, events, dungeons etc… dont need it. And the ONLY reason is b.c of AR.
You can do a 19 Fotm with 5ar on a Crafted Back piece with 0 problems so level 1-19 you need 0 AR.
If you really good and can dodge the Agony attacks then you dont need ascended gear at all up till level 29.
Yes, I know all of this. But someone saying “no content” needs ascended items is very different than saying some (FotM happens to be some of my favorite content in the game) requires it.
Also, not needing ascended gear until level 29? That’s 30% of your health per tick (on a 20-29 frac), and there are fractals with unavoidable agony. Just pointing out facts.
This is all beside the point though. I just don’t think people should downplay the necessity of ascended gear while saying you can play through all of the game without it. It’s simply not true.
Its 24% My bad, i was thinking 5ar got you down to 18%, But you can get 5ar with 0 Ascended. Again you can fotm without ascended gear, just not higher tiers. So technical he is right in you CAN fotm with 0 Ascended, just cant go to high of a level.
to the Original Poster, the main factor in the loot is Magic Find….what is your Magic Find?
It was 194% when I was opening the bags, magic find doesn’t affect loot from champion bags though.
I say you’re set for the legendary crafting. now just wait for hot scavanger hunt and you’ll be good. congrats
I’d say everything is working as intended. Farming that area is already rewarding enough by giving you gold in form of crafting materials and rares (or ectos if you salvage them). Ascended chests should have a much higher chance of dropping in more challenging content (like fractals lvl 50).
WAI != sensible
Doesn’t have any necessary correlation to something being any fun at all either. As it presently stands, drop rates on a lot of things are mathematical comedies, with the only time-effective recourse for anything that can be bought being to buy it off the tp.
Let’s just ignore elephant in the room to do with how profitable it is for Anet to make gold hard to farm in the quantities anything truly desirable goes for, because some here will sorrowfully declare such to beer Isidro’s that Anet works so anything to foster gem to gold conversion and make money hand over dust selling nothing but transient ones and zeroes for real currency – let’s just set that entire explanation for why Anet loves to foster an environment in which farming is pointless aside, despite the fact that it explains everything quite entirely and we’d need look no further at all to understand very plausible reasons for every single thing Anet had ever done to farming in this game at all.
My common symptom of that businesses are it to make money and will very typically make choices that they expect will grow their profits is rarely a popular one amongst gaming community members that deliriously believe that these companies are their friends or have some sort of higher purpose and nobler calling than ‘people in any other business’
Let’s set that aside and look at what’s left for particle explanations, because I can’t think of any that aren’t more stretched than their need to be or more payphone if facts we do not have.
We know for a fact that Anet is a business.
We know for a fact that they are for profit and not done sort of charity.
We know for a fact that they sell gems that can immediately thence be spent on many things, but can also be converted into gold.
With these three facts alone, without requiring even the safest of assumptions, one would have a very sound basis to presume that Anet would be wanting to make a fiscal profit off selling gems.
One would be utterly faultless in talking these facts and assuming that if these facts are indeed factual, several other things are likely to logically follow, such as that Anet will this have strong incentive to maker or way and very effective to works real money on gems and acquire more gold for the equivalent of one hour’s worth of minimum wage pay than they could ever earn by farming anything in the game for that same equivalent hour.
The value simply isn’t there for farming. And I laugh with mocking pity at those that think it’s free to farm tour gold even if it’s a lot slower than any other method of acquisition, including even mediocre skill at dedicated flipping and marketeering.
For over hour’s worth of my salaried time, which is roughly $17.50/hour, 24/7/365, I could buy as of the time of this posting one $15 gem card for most of an hour’s worth of my employed time. That’s 1200 gems.
To buy 1200 gems with gold at this moment, I would have to spend 187g 20s.
To convert those 1200 gems to gold, I would make almost an even 120g.
There is nothing you, I or anyone can do to make anything resembling a consistent 120g an hour. Not even the most successful tp flipping a single person could get up to will yield profits that substantive.
Farming? You’re never going to make 120g a hour farming anything. You will, very typically, spend many hours to earn a fraction of that much gold. If you can reliably make 3-6g per hour if farming anything, you’re doing OK.
Anet has powerful incentive to make farming minimally lucrative. Compared to covering gems to gold, is absolutely trivial when eating the value of farming in game versus the buying power of a single hour’s worth of minimum wage real money expenditure.
And for those of us making far more than minimum wage, with way more likelihood of having $15 to spare than 15 hours spent numbingly farming?
It’s all economics. And Anet has no incentive at all to make farming even remotely competitive with the value coefficient of gem to gold conversion.
Maybe ur right, but when i will start thinking about fractal rewards compared to this chest farm im quite angry xD
When fractals were launched, the rewards were somewhat better in comparison to the alternatives. Notably, this was before champ bags were a thing, and obviously long before Dry Top/SW. Thing is, there are not enough champs in a fractal run to make the champ bags reward anything more than a few silver unless one is stupidly lucky.
It seems like the Ascended drop rate is somewhat higher in FotM than elsewhere. However, those are not lucrative, anyway. They cannot be sold or salvaged for anything that can be sold. Thus, the only value accrues if you get a stat combo you’d use.
So, better rewards seem to be focused in newer content. The same seems to be true in WvW. Drops in regular Mists War play are not great. In comparison, the rewards in EotM (newer content) seem to be quite a bit better. What seems to be happening is that as ANet adds new stuff, they increase rewards, but do not update older content to balance.
In a way, I can see their perspective. Updating rewards for older content every time new content with better rewards is added would get more unwieldy as more new stuff gets added. We aren’t getting new levels and new gear tiers that would invalidate older content (as happens in other MMO’s). However, comparative lack of reward can have the same effect.
(edited by Drow.2081)