I want Tengu as the next playable race!
No contest… Next race… Elder Dragon.
Do we? Funny. I don’t recall asking for it.
Deep Sea Dragon expansion with Largos.
Make underwater combat relevant.
Deep Sea Dragon expansion with Largos.
Make underwater combat relevant.
As long as there’s a total rebalancing. Four second sinks are way too much on their own but then you have similar mobs with the same ability (that never ever seem to sink at the 3.9 or even 3 second mark so sinks wind up maximized on their part ensuring a kill). Since the trend is (reasonably) tougher mobs per expansion do you really want krait on steroids? Me neither.
Separate underwater headgear also has to go.
IF Anet really decide to expand underwater, I really hope the new playable race are the Quaggans, and not the Largos. I prefer cute rabid manatee than emo fishy drow.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
Dwarves are cooler than any other race.
Let’s bring them along with Elves. I bet they will be the best addition to the GW universe!
I would love if the CANTHANS under the United rule of the ministry of purity became elf like due to some insane magic to keep them pure from outside sources and fear off becoming corrupted again. They would dress in kurzrick style with the beautiful markings of the Luxond… Albeit more monotone. With the building design of the people from kaineng
How I would introduce tengu as playable race:
First mission will be that something happening.
Tengu can’t do it on their own.
They go to other race asking for help.
They get response from other races that sounds like:
“You cramped behind the wall while we were fighting. If you wanna anything from us, you need to undestand us.”
Then that choosen race give you something that will allow you to play their personal story as one of them. It will be magical or tenchological device or something to make retrospection like memory seed from ls2.
The second way what I imagine it is.
Whole personal story for tengu, that at some point other races can adds.
Its like going to Cantha in gw1 as nightfall player. You were in foreign quarters.
Therefore tengu basic personal story will do in retrospection mode.
I can’t imagine if the don’t fix all existing sets of armor to suit tengu. Anyway existing sets clipps at existing races. So it will clipp at new ones.
IF Anet really decide to expand underwater, I really hope the new playable race are the Quaggans, and not the Largos. I prefer cute rabid manatee than emo fishy drow.
With Quaggans, I can make one and hurl it off the top of LA’s starfish. He will be named Oohnooo and splat the ground spectacularly.
With Largos, I don’t even go through char-gen.
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
How I would introduce tengu as playable race:
First mission will be that something happening.
Tengu can’t do it on their own.
They go to other race asking for help.
They get response from other races that sounds like:
“You cramped behind the wall while we were fighting. If you wanna anything from us, you need to undestand us.”
Then that choosen race give you something that will allow you to play their personal story as one of them. It will be magical or tenchological device or something to make retrospection like memory seed from ls2.The second way what I imagine it is.
Whole personal story for tengu, that at some point other races can adds.
Its like going to Cantha in gw1 as nightfall player. You were in foreign quarters.Therefore tengu basic personal story will do in retrospection mode.
I can’t imagine if the don’t fix all existing sets of armor to suit tengu. Anyway existing sets clipps at existing races. So it will clipp at new ones.
I personally see Tengu architecture everywhere but am annoyed I can’t actually pass those walls. Near Ebonhawke is a door to the Crystal Desert that no one can pass. Nothing to do with the Tengu (?) to my knowledge but I normally like such forshadowings and feel annoyed and teased when it’s not followed up on. Doesn’t have to be immediate but if Tengu aren’t going to be a playable race I can respect that but I’d like to explore their zones and help with whatever problem they’re having. Maybe they’re isolating because they don’t want to drag other races into a problem they’re having with another Elder Dragon? Since lots of their walls surround the Sea of Sorrows (like their wall near the destroyers which in turn are near the troll cave with the rich iron which is further up from the flying castle) it could be the sea dragon. I say call him Serpentu darn it! :D
If they make tengu the next playable race I better have the option to look like this. But in all honesty I hope we don’t get anymore races got plenty as is.
Dark Crystal reference! Gosh….been so long…
..and I feel old again…
Nope….we all want Largos to be the next playable race, none of us want to play an ugly overgrown chicken.
dont speak for me id love to play tengu (although largos would be sweet as well)
Tengu!!! I want to know what’s going on in their huge city!
I want to play as a Centaur. I am sad so few seem to want that
A centaur’s death cry sounds like a diseased harpy dying of a colonic irrigation gone wrong. Do you really want your toon making that kind of noise?
I would do anything to play as a Centaur. Anything… ._.
No, we don’t. Too many resources would have to be spent for too little gain.
Who is this “we”? Don’t speak for the rest of us.
I personally don’t care much for the Tengu. They’re nice, I guess, but I wouldn’t want to play as them. If anything, I’d prefer QUAGGANS or something of that sort.
I was gonna say KODANS, but the Norn are already close enough to that.
Totes reserving the name “Wanak Racor” for my first Tengu~
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
I been waiting for Tengu to become a playable race for some time, i have two open spots for a male and female. A new race means new lore and lands to explore and character forging and new adventures to go on.
Here some of the races i would love to role as
Skritt: this should be an easy add since we do have skritts looking to make a major city hub for all skritt and to what i understand if you get anough of them together they can create new objects and building without using base materials from tech and scraps from other races. There allot that they can add to the lore
Kodan: The only problem or should i say with kodan is that they look like Norn bear transformation but i think this race can add allot of story to the game. I would love to see anet destroy and rebuild Hoelbrak like they did with LA with the joint team work of the Norns and the Kodans refugees to make a stronger city… Norn/Kodan architecture for the win
There allot of races, cultures and lands i would like to dive deeper into and i just dont hope we dont just get playable races but also new races all together.
Old topic but true: Tengu would be awesome! I see the problems though. They have to recreate every armor again for an additional race (or they simply can’t use old armor which creates outrages). Also they won’t add anything gameplay wise, it’s just flavor.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
To be honest an addition of this race is the only thing that will spark my interest in gw2 again…
As a very old mmo player I honestly got beyond tired of playing pink skinned apes in every single game lately, so some variety would’ve been really nice in this aspect. But… Seems like anet thinks otherwise cos they only reduce customization instead of creating more of it (outfits for example… yuck)
(edited by dragonkain.3984)
I thought Jotun were a tribe of Norn? They also look too human, we need different looking races if they’re adding some. Kodan, Tengu, and Nuhoc seem to fit the bill for different. In the Kodan or Nuhoc’s case they’re so big maybe a preteen version could be our character? Small enough not to inconvenience other players too much while being big enough to be plausible members of those races.
btw, Jotun are a totally different species. They are one of the oldest magic users in Tyria and were around to fight the elder dragons last cycle when most of the other sentient species of Tyria weren’t around at all. They have quite a heritage but are currently in a Dark Age it seems.
To be honest an addition of this race is the only thing that will spark my interest in gw2 again…
As a very old mmo player I honestly got beyond tired of playing pink skinned apes in every single game lately, so some variety would’ve been really nice in this aspect. But… Seems like anet thinks otherwise cos they only reduce customization instead of creating more of it (outfits for example… yuck)
If having a character that looks different is the only thing that would interest you in the game, then you must not actually like GW2 at all. I mean, you’re just talking about a character model and skins, where the game involves the battle playstyle, various kinds of content you can use your character for, and lots of scenery.
If the only thing that would make you play the game is something that would usually only take up 1/100th of your screen or less, then you probably wouldn’t actually play the game. You’d buy some armor, spend some money, and then be disappointed again when you couldn’t think of anything you wanted to do in the game. btw many non-pink-ape characters already in GW2.
I actually like the game, so I’d like more valuable content as the focus of production rather than an entire tedious remake of all the armors they’ve made so far.
You are still discussing even we ALL know that largos are way cooler and better and stuff….?
Here take your filthy parrot tengu class!
If you talk to the Tengu guarding the Dominion of Winds door in Lion’s Arch, he seems to hint that they might be a playable race soon.
That’s not how you spell “Kodan”.
You are still discussing even we ALL know that largos are way cooler and better and stuff….?
Here take your filthy parrot tengu class!
That gif just makes me want Tengu more.
You are still discussing even we ALL know that largos are way cooler and better and stuff….?
Here take your filthy parrot tengu class!
Wow, so Tengu really know how to party!
What do Largos do? Depress people with their drowned drow cosplays?
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
Anet moved away from underwater combat. Unless they change their minds and rework it, largos (and quaggan) have no chance, because both mainly live underwater. Also, largos are out because Anet’s not giving us another humanoid, and quaggan are out because we don’t need another character model.
Centaurs, krait, etc… Anet stated explicitly that these are meant to be “morally black” races, so they’re the polar opposite of the player character. Oh and also they’d need new armor models. Not gonna happen, even if they have room for starting areas.
Grawl, ogres, jotun and skritt: a) are too dumb to be playable, and b) have no room for a starting area. Won’t happen.
Nuhoch are GIANT. And also they’d need new armor models. And also they don’t have room for a starting zone because they’re native to the HoT maps. Won’t happen.
The dwarves may have room for their own starting and leveling areas, but they’re recluses and their numbers are dwindling because, uh, they’re made of stone. Won’t happen.
Kodan have room for a starter area if there is a Jormag-related expansion in the future. However, they only come in white (with the exception of the Voice of Koda, but we can’t have an entire race of those). And kodan voices and animations are awkwardly hilarious, so they would need to be redone. Close, but probably not gonna happen.
Tengu are the most realistic addition, since they were scrapped (pretty late?) in development and so have stuff like armor models and a city made for them already.
But of course, since there’d be storyline issues for any new race, the best option for all of us is better armor scaling and less clipping for the existing races.
I am a little bit astounded how many people want to rather play a flappy eared nonblue smurf than the really cool warrior guys from GW1 who made entering lions arch tricky.
And Anet has already shown they don´t give a rats rektum about continuity. I would suggest that Anet changes the current storyline into the starting storyline of a given character and make old living stories either available like ls 2 or even better as fractals. Of course would this remove the leveling component of it and would require shortening and remodeling them, but let´s be honest here:
If you don´t manage to quickly rise in level with excploration, hearts and quests, you can as well deinstall GW2. And better voluntarily give in your drivers license and ask for a legal custodian who does your finances for you.
No, don’t add Tengu as a playable race. Don’t add any new races. It would be such a waste of development time just to play a kittening chicken.
I’m surprised that so many people want playable Tengu, they’re kittening hideous with those creepy rat ears. Y’all seriously want to play rat-eared bird people? Although in fairness, they’re still better looking than most Charr (I am not a fan of the bestial races)
Problem with playable Tengu is making them backwards compatible with all the armour skins and outfits that have been added. Would prefer it if those resources were used to add new armour skins instead.
Since races in this game don’t offer nothing to the gameplay but skins, I’d rather have tonics that actually work in PvE combat so everyone wins. It would be a nice collection to have too and another thing for Artificers/Chefs craft.
But I would like an Underground Dweller (any one, even Dwarves) as new playable race for a new expansion. With a new starter map from 1-16 too and their own Personal Story. Revenants make me cringe every time I do PS with them because they are not SUPPOSED to be there, even with the Mists/Ravenloft/Dr. Who excuse.
But if an expansion would have this Underground theme (vs. Primordus, prob.), then I would go with a new race, totally different from anyone we saw until now.
Why not Largos or Kodan? Either they are secluded, bad-tempered, solitary, assassin’s or with little to none variation so far.
Why not Tengu? I don’t know. They are pretty secluded too… don’t think they want to deal with the world, unless the dragons knock on their door. But hey, Scarlet knocked and they threw their arrows ON US.
Of course we want Tengu as the next race, we have been wanting them to be playable since they announced GW2 wasnt just humans
The glider stuff has changed the calculus a little from last time the “next playable race” discussion was going around. It’s pretty funny that the so-called “flightless” tengu would, um, actually get wings -
Ah, but who taught the Pact how to make those gliders in the first place? There’s at least one skilled Tengu smith working for the Pact, and it would make sense if he brought along some assistants. From what little I recall about the Tengu, they do seem to be the kind to have an interest in flight and it wouldn’t be too strange to assume they’ve been using gliders inside their wall. It’s a small leap to then assume that the Pact Tengu were showing others how to make and use the gliders. A slow spread from just a few people would explain why so few of the people on the airships had them to save themselves with.
If they came in an expansion, a default minimum of Glider 1 for anyone with the expansion would be reasonable enough, preventing there from being any new Tengu characters made without them.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
Why is needed to have another race? Five is not enough? We’re not in WOW with 16 races guys! The five races are the more powerful races of tyria. How can they add another when only five race are the more powerfull and more impactfull in all tyria? Tengu is just a minority race and isolationist. It would give a kitten to lore to make them playable.
tha hell, no tengus for me, just give us kodan if we go fight jormag in the next expansion, or maybe largos(if underwatter content) or kitten give me margonites
Ok since this Thread got a bit quiet I try to take it over.
You guys want tengu… which is probably not gonna happen
I like largos which you guys dont like….
how about …..
That’s not how you spell “Kodan”.
I surely prefer Margonites to Tengu.
But I was checking again the Tengu’s models and I saw that they are introducing a much better quality for textures and especially for number of polygons, you can clearly see the difference between the Tengu in front of the door in LA and the one in the Guild Hall.
It could be just an update for Hot but I think that instead of this if it was just for mobs and random characters they would have saved much more polygons like with the old ones.
Lower poligon meshes are used for less important characters,mainly mobs. They also seem to be used for Kodan, Skritt, Largos, Quaggan and other lower races, and they were used for Tengu too but not anymore.
You can clearly see the difference in the head, the topology around the eyes of the new Tengu shows that the devs decided to spend more polygons on them because it was worth it…for what reason? I have my theory
I can clearly see though how they could add Kodan and Largos in some future expansions but they will have to replace the models first.
I’m actually just going for the more plausible one, the Tengu, because of the visual update.
I’m a big fan of Kodan too though! They are actually the white version of the norn bear transformation from gw1, so much awesomeness all together
(edited by Dantert.1803)
Elves – no. Stop.
Hylek – a minor race the major races took pity on.
Skritt – ^
Quaggan – ^^
Grawl – ^^^
Ogres – ^^^^
Jotun – purely enemies and they follow the mantra of “hide yo’ kids, hide yo’ wife”. Apparently related to ogres? Pretty much a species on the way out to the Mists.
Krait – pretty much permanently cast as villains.
Centaurs – were solely enemies, but now, that is not so… However, armour is still a super big issue—they don’t wear pants!
Dredge – pink fleshies. Mole people. Blind enemies with tunnel-vision who want world domination and seem to not care about Primordus omnoming on them like little wrinkly gummy bears. Formerly slaves of dwarves.
Dwarves – all turned to stone, near-extinct, and part of the Great Dwarf and on their way to meet their maker in the Great Forge in the Mists/Rift. Ogden’s explanation for female dwarves is too half-baked—at least LotR actually showed dimorphism between the two sexes even if they were bearded ladies.
Margonites – look like Branded, are humans transformed by the dead/defeated/forgotten god of secrets, and are generally evil—yet free-thinking individuals.
Largos – possibly shipped with Bubbles expac, but issues with individualistic nature and assassin-goals. They will probably be the welcome-mat minor race along with quaggan and other deep-sea minor races. Also: #blue-skin, white hair, ridiculous breathing apparatus, and manta-butterfly wings issues. Interestingly dual-wields swords underwater.
Kodan – possibly shipped with Jormag expac. White bear compare with white giant humans (Norn). Add tattoos and funky charr hairstyles? Different faces? Brown Kodan? Black Kodan? Possibilities with Norn-bear rig.
- norn-raven rig/charr rig/they have their own rigs already!
- they have their own starter city and if Anet wanted to close shop on tengu-playable possibility, they would have opened it up already as a tengu theme-park.
- Anet already started on them as a playable race. They have a base from which to start with circa 2012 (probably earlier, like before sylvari redesign).
- new higher-quality tengu textures with HoT!
- more story, avian race, get rid of the kittening blur-blotch in the middle of the world map…
Lore is not an issue for Tengu.
A new playable race would help draw in new players, while fixes to existing aesthetic issues or to mechanics are only appreciated later on. The latter is an issue of ongoing quality improvements, while the former is an extravagant marketable event. It’s something that draws positivity, rather than just clearing away a few dark clouds, it adds a new aspect—something with visual impact that can be celebrated because it is more tangible/visible.
It’s been four years. I’m sure they’ve fully baked their half-baked idea by now..! Easy bake! No need to commit any more resources ‘cause they’ve already done it!
Tengu, pls.
Another vote for the Kodan… or playable Skritt
I hear a lot of people say why? Or that a new race is a waste. To me, I say why not? Of all the things anet has done well with GW2, race is near the top. Compared to most other mmos, gw2 gives lore, a unique look and style, a clear attitude, flavored cultures and even unique abilities to their races. Most other mmos just limit classes by race and call it a day.
Elves – no. Stop.
Hylek – a minor race the major races took pity on.
Skritt – ^
Quaggan – ^^
Grawl – ^^^
Ogres – ^^^^Jotun – purely enemies and they follow the mantra of “hide yo’ kids, hide yo’ wife”. Apparently related to ogres? Pretty much a species on the way out to the Mists.
Krait – pretty much permanently cast as villains.
Centaurs – were solely enemies, but now, that is not so… However, armour is still a super big issue—they don’t wear pants!
Dredge – pink fleshies. Mole people. Blind enemies with tunnel-vision who want world domination and seem to not care about Primordus omnoming on them like little wrinkly gummy bears. Formerly slaves of dwarves.
Dwarves – all turned to stone, near-extinct, and part of the Great Dwarf and on their way to meet their maker in the Great Forge in the Mists/Rift. Ogden’s explanation for female dwarves is too half-baked—at least LotR actually showed dimorphism between the two sexes even if they were bearded ladies.
Margonites – look like Branded, are humans transformed by the dead/defeated/forgotten god of secrets, and are generally evil—yet free-thinking individuals.
Largos – possibly shipped with Bubbles expac, but issues with individualistic nature and assassin-goals. They will probably be the welcome-mat minor race along with quaggan and other deep-sea minor races. Also: #blue-skin, white hair, ridiculous breathing apparatus, and manta-butterfly wings issues. Interestingly dual-wields swords underwater.
Kodan – possibly shipped with Jormag expac. White bear compare with white giant humans (Norn). Add tattoos and funky charr hairstyles? Different faces? Brown Kodan? Black Kodan? Possibilities with Norn-bear rig.
- norn-raven rig/charr rig/they have their own rigs already!
- they have their own starter city and if Anet wanted to close shop on tengu-playable possibility, they would have opened it up already as a tengu theme-park.
- Anet already started on them as a playable race. They have a base from which to start with circa 2012 (probably earlier, like before sylvari redesign).
- new higher-quality tengu textures with HoT!
- more story, avian race, get rid of the kittening blur-blotch in the middle of the world map…Lore is not an issue for Tengu.
A new playable race would help draw in new players, while fixes to existing aesthetic issues or to mechanics are only appreciated later on. The latter is an issue of ongoing quality improvements, while the former is an extravagant marketable event. It’s something that draws positivity, rather than just clearing away a few dark clouds, it adds a new aspect—something with visual impact that can be celebrated because it is more tangible/visible.
It’s been four years. I’m sure they’ve fully baked their half-baked idea by now..! Easy bake! No need to commit any more resources ‘cause they’ve already done it!
Tengu, pls.
THIS!!!! It explains everythignI tried to say but with better words! Thank you!!!
Also I changed the topic from a more open “We” to a more closed “I” so maybe the posts saying “oh don’t talk for me” will stop.
Leo G. : Totally agree!
I played Gw2 from the start, and I’m a lore guy, I love it! Still I continue to discover stuff about the races, there are a bunch of interesting stuff about them even into the expansions.
Also I’ll throw it here… “They(Tengu) apparently have some ancient, lost knowledge of the Elder Dragons (an awareness of the cyclic nature of their awakening, for example), but it is not known how they acquired it.” -Source Tengu/GW2 Wiki
It also says “After the defeat of Zhaitan, Izu Steelshrike mentioned that the death of an Elder Dragon may spark renewed tengu interest into joining the other races in their fight against the dragons. However, no such movement has been seen so far .” And " During her preparations to assault Lion’s Arch, Scarlet Briar considered forging an alliance between the tengu and largos, but for one reason or another this did not come to pass."
Quite interesting don’t you think?
Also it comes up with the Largos so maybe their fans can keep their hopes up Maybe they will be playable right after Tengu :P
“During her preparations to assault Lion’s Arch, Scarlet Briar considered forging an alliance between the tengu and largos, but for one reason or another this did not come to pass.”
Quite interesting don’t you think?
Also it comes up with the Largos so maybe their fans can keep their hopes upMaybe they will be playable right after Tengu :P
Or, we’ll get playable Tengu and get to kill the twee water drow as enemies!
Gimme mah burdies!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
I want to play as a bird.
There are already 3 human races; human, norn and sylvari. We don’t need largos, which is just humans with wings. We have wing backpieces for that.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6zkT2uZAGA – GW2 – A world of wonder
(edited by Naus the Gobbo.5172)
There are already 3 human races; human, norn and sylvari.
Take that last one back! I once had to disguise myself as a human to infiltrate a bandit camp… they were all squishy and awkward and missing essential chlorophyll.
*shudders at the memory
I remember seeing some concept arts for the Tengu and one of the images was showing more deverses from them like one was an african parrot and another a tropical parrot looking heads.
So yeah I think they can be a playable race if the team ever put time and effort into it.
I would like tengu but they won’t do it. The armour sets are designed for humans and they already don’t modify most of the armour properly for the Charr. The tengu would be worse.
Besides, most guys wont want to kitten to it so they won’t be popular. They are more likely to go with largos.
(edited by Demented Sheep.1642)
I want to play as a bird.
There are already 3 human races; human, norn and sylvari. We don’t need largos, which is just humans with wings. We have wing backpieces for that.
I want a toucan mini.
I want to play as a bird.
There are already 3 human races; human, norn and sylvari. We don’t need largos, which is just humans with wings. We have wing backpieces for that.
I want a toucan mini.
Get the zephyrite backpack, there is a toucan in a cage.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6zkT2uZAGA – GW2 – A world of wonder