IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Veldan.4637


@ Mirta:

The devs even disagree with you, they once said something like “we sympathize, we are gamers too and some of us love to farm, it should be there for these people”

I can’t remember where it was said, but I thought it was Colin saying it in some podcast/video

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


@ Mirta:

The devs even disagree with you, they once said something like “we sympathize, we are gamers too and some of us love to farm, it should be there for these people”

I can’t remember where it was said, but I thought it was Colin saying it in some podcast

ya I mean, legendary give people a reason to farm. Else farming serve no purpose.

I think grinding is just part of every mmorpg. And that’s something mmorpg players have to accept.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


Basically they don’t want people farming/grinding in their game but a lot of skin recipes absolutely requires a load of farming…. so umm…. :S

Oceanic [LOD]

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nachtnebel.9168


And I don,t need to play the game.and you want ppl to play the game your way not the way they enjoy it. if someone wants to do a dungeon a million times why not if he is enjoying it.

Nobody stops you from doing that, the game just stops you from screwing with the eco by doing so.

Salix Babylonica (Necro), Tharnath (Guardian), N Faculty (Mesmer),
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IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Geotherma.2395


I farm I have fun doing it.. Except for that wraith.. hes just a meanie

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IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: morrolan.9608


I think we have two slightly different topics here. The first is about farming and how ArenaNet deals with it. In my book, they do a pretty good job making farming as hard as possible and they most definitively should continue doing so. Farming is not healthy for a game, it just drains players time and forces them to do things that not all of them enjoy over and over again.

Anets method doesn’t stop them though, this is the flaw in their thinking.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: morrolan.9608


@ Mirta:

The devs even disagree with you, they once said something like “we sympathize, we are gamers too and some of us love to farm, it should be there for these people”

I can’t remember where it was said, but I thought it was Colin saying it in some podcast/video

They also said words to the effect that they don’t mind legitimate farming. Problem is their actions bely those words.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nachtnebel.9168


I think we have two slightly different topics here. The first is about farming and how ArenaNet deals with it. In my book, they do a pretty good job making farming as hard as possible and they most definitively should continue doing so. Farming is not healthy for a game, it just drains players time and forces them to do things that not all of them enjoy over and over again.

Anets method doesn’t stop them though, this is the flaw in their thinking.

It doesn’t stop them completely but it slows down the process, which is, unless you remove the whole eco system, the best you can hope for.

Salix Babylonica (Necro), Tharnath (Guardian), N Faculty (Mesmer),
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kichwas.7152


This game was designed to be played by people who enjoy playing it.


Nuffa these farmers. You want to farm, go buy some seeds from Monsanto and get a plot of land in Idaho… then get the heck out of my game. – GW2 Blog Presenting the Opposing View
JAH Bless – Equal Rights and Justice for all.
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IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BadHabitZz.1856


You dont like farming thats OK, but how does exactly affect you if someone does? I would REALLY like to know……Imo DR and TP limit just annoys regular players and it does nothing for bots….Ane said before release that there will be items for ppl who wants to farm, but they didnt said we are gonna have 1-2 places to farm effectively in whole game….

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thewaterguy.4796


Nerfing things is not a fix all solution and catering solely to casual gamers will not work out for you…

I doubt you have any idea what a casual gamer is, and how GW2 feels for one.

I have zero against casual gamers and if you don’t want to farm for a legendary fine by me, but why is Anet punishing its more active players by discouraging farming?
If you don’t want to grind thats fine by me be a casual player and just enjoy the game
BUT why can’t GW2 cater to both parties?
it caters fine to casuals who just want to explore the world (which is epic by the way)
but its punishing its hardcore players who want to grind and farm to get a legendary with all these constant nerfs…

(personally I think anet is just greedy and wants people to buy stuff on the gem store with real world money but they forgot ONE THING all nerfing farming does is encourage gold sellers, because they are alot cheaper then the gem store)

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thewaterguy.4796


Basically they don’t want people farming/grinding in their game but a lot of skin recipes absolutely requires a load of farming…. so umm…. :S

exactly it makes zero sense all the cool skins (legendaries) require lots of grinding and farming so what do they do?
they turn around and nerf farming to make it very difficult

I think they just expect ppl to go to gem store
but honestly I would rather leave guild wars 2 or go to a gold seller (probably would quit before going to gold seller though)

anyway anet has the wrong mindset all nerfing farming does is drive people away, it doesn’t motivate people to keep playing

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thewaterguy.4796


@ Mirta:

The devs even disagree with you, they once said something like “we sympathize, we are gamers too and some of us love to farm, it should be there for these people”

I can’t remember where it was said, but I thought it was Colin saying it in some podcast

ya I mean, legendary give people a reason to farm. Else farming serve no purpose.

I think grinding is just part of every mmorpg. And that’s something mmorpg players have to accept.

exactly I want to farm and grind but all the nerfs for farming just makes it more and more difficult to get a legendary (an already rather daunting task)

Look my main problems lie with the t6 mats, the precourser and the lodestones
the t6 and lodestone drops have been nerfed considerably driving the price up to insane levels … everything else is doable but it gets to the point when I have to spend 600+ gold just to get t6 materials and lodestones (not even counting insanely high precourser)

and all thats happened in addition they have made it more difficult to make gold making it even more difficult to afford said items (unless you go to a gold seller or are the 1% of the pop. that manages to play the tp)

(edited by thewaterguy.4796)

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Hahaha, love the people stating that a legendary should take years.

Maybe your life is so insignificant for you that you can dedicate years to a single game but for people that actually realise their life is quite short in the grand scheme of things, this is a very bad and quite sad statement.

A few months of casual play for a single item is already an above average time dedication towards a game, let alone farming for months. If I would have to play for two or three years to obtain a single legendary, it would cost me nearly the same time as a full (re)education, in other words, thousands of valuable hours that any person on this planet can spend more wisely.

If the developers really didn’t want us to farm, they would make it rain materials so you actually wouldn’t have to farm to achieve a legendary. So the logic most people apply here to defend the game is actually very wrong. The simple truth is they want people to buy gems instead of farm the gold, that’s their main income so it’s quite normal they try so hard to force people towards this. So it’s either farm like mad or buy gems, casual play won’t get you anywhere (imagine having to get a single legendary for 8 alts, that would take decades of casual play).

That being said, the PR department deserves a raise because I have never seen such a brainwashed mass in any MMO for 8 months straight.

My post may seem hostile but that’s how it is, reality is hard.

(edited by Xuro.5861)

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

I wouldn’t even bother replying to them (it should be obvious to whom I am referring)……..every post of theirs is along the same lines and replying to them never goes anywhere…ie waste of time even acknowledging the posts.

That said…..there’s basically not much we can directly do to change anything in the game. What we can do is to make sure ppl have knowledge about the games ins and out…the positives and negatives so that they may make a more informed decision on spending their money.

If you don’t like something ig….put it out the via the many channels we have available via the internet. If you like something do the same. Eventually there will be enough info out there that patterns will emerge (a lot already have) and hopefully the devs will take heed of the patterns to change things for the betterment of the game, since in most cases it will have the added benefit of increase revenues. If not well…….I’ll end on this rather crude quote: “You can’t fix stupid!”

Serenity now~Insanity later

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Infernia.9847


CoF P1 farmers = gold +ectos into the economy
Temple events & Orr DE’s = smaller amount of gold/ectos but largest supply of T6 mats
Lack of desirable gold sinks = gold remains in economy prices on desirable mats/gear rise

anyone notice the T6 mat prices rising? There is a good reason for that. It’s hard as kitten to get people to go to Orr these days.
My guild has spent two nights there. We failed the Balthazar temple about 5 times and left. The second night we succeeded. But it takes coordination to get people there. Our guild invited other guilds to get them to the event.
Now we’re back to WvW for awhile unless a guildie needs a temple. The Penn/Shelter events are beyond hard. They just aren’t worth going to. Repair costs for trying to get rid of the Risen Wraith Champ are beyond what you’ll earn unless you have a coordinated group or get really lucky on RNG. I got a blue dagger on my guardian. Yay! wait… what?

Blackgate : Level 80 Ranger, Necro, Guardian, Warrior
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


To copy/paste from another thread..

I’m a farmer too and I do it because that’s what I like to do in MMOs. This game up until January was pretty good for farmers. I supplemented this with gems and supported Anet with $800 in purchases.

Since then I have not bought anything due to the constant farming nerfs by Anet. I’m very disappointed and it’s no coincidence that I’m not playing or enjoying this game as much as I used to.

There are only two really good farming areas in this game, one of them being Cof1 which I don’t do. But if they nerf the other, I don’t envision myself playing this game as before.

I’m already a wealthy player with lots of gold and legendaries but my fun is through farming and they’re removing that.

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IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


I have no idea, even as a casual gamer, why the RNG and anti farming policies in this game are so beyond strict.

I cannot think of any other game that punishes you as much as this game does just through playing the game normally. Yes, farming is "normally’ for a lot of veteran MMO players, get used to it newbies

I play maybe 2 hours a day most days, and I haven’t even bothered starting the legendary grind because there is no point, you can’t work on it an see marked progress reliably, one day you may get 50 orichalcum ore the next day you’ll get 5.

It’s really, really dumb, and makes the game look bad.

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blaeys.3102


I think people use the word farming as a catch all, when the real issue is something a little different.

Players shouldnt be able to earn a legendary by standing in a single spot for hours and hours with their finger on the # 1 key – or for running a dungeon as mind numbingly easy and fast as COF1 20+ times in a row in a single day.

At the same time, farming should be (and is) a viable way to play – it just needs to be done smartly. Even in the real world, farmers have to rotate their crops to keep from depleting the soil (their version of DR). Requiring farmers to move between events or zones to maximize yield seems fair to me.

I have routes mapped out in several zones that include a mix of farmable mobs and dynamic events. When I feel like farming, I follow these routes. Followed by playing the Trading Post a little (rather than selling outright), I make a good amount of gold (close if not equal to my friends who grind individual areas).

I think that DR and anti-grind changes at single events/dungeons/etc. is a good move on ArenaNet’s part. It isnt good for the game to have large groups of people stay in a single spot for hours (days?) on end.

Farming is still viable – you just have to put more thought into it (which should be a requirement for anyone wanting a legendary ).

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


I think people use the word farming as a catch all, when the real issue is something a little different.

Players shouldnt be able to earn a legendary by standing in a single spot for hours and hours with their finger on the # 1 key – or for running a dungeon as mind numbingly easy and fast as COF1 20+ times in a row in a single day.

At the same time, farming should be (and is) a viable way to play – it just needs to be done smartly. Even in the real world, farmers have to rotate their crops to keep from depleting the soil (their version of DR). Requiring farmers to move between events or zones to maximize yield seems fair to me.

I have routes mapped out in several zones that include a mix of farmable mobs and dynamic events. When I feel like farming, I follow these routes. Followed by playing the Trading Post a little (rather than selling outright), I make a good amount of gold (close if not equal to my friends who grind individual areas).

I think that DR and anti-grind changes at single events/dungeons/etc. is a good move on ArenaNet’s part. It isnt good for the game to have large groups of people stay in a single spot for hours (days?) on end.

Farming is still viable – you just have to put more thought into it (which should be a requirement for anyone wanting a legendary ).

I agree, but there are restrictions that make these farmable routes not enjoyable or rewarding enough.

For one, we have DR which kills the loot rate for up to 24 hours. DR is somewhat manageable when you are farming 1 spot with a huge amount of mobs, but when you have to run around in a chain you just don’t get as much rewards per hour.

And #2, the best loot is only available in end-game zones. So farmers need to stay in Cursed Shore, Malchor and northern FSG. If this game had 100% guaranteed on-par loot for your level, farming would be much easier and enjoyable for me.

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Magic find works.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Infernia.9847


Hahaha, love the people stating that a legendary should take years.

Maybe your life is so insignificant for you that you can dedicate years to a single game but for people that actually realise their life is quite short in the grand scheme of things, this is a very bad and quite sad statement.

A few months of casual play for a single item is already an above average time dedication towards a game, let alone farming for months. If I would have to play for two or three years to obtain a single legendary, it would cost me nearly the same time as a full (re)education, in other words, thousands of valuable hours that any person on this planet can spend more wisely.

If the developers really didn’t want us to farm, they would make it rain materials so you actually wouldn’t have to farm to achieve a legendary. So the logic most people apply here to defend the game is actually very wrong. The simple truth is they want people to buy gems instead of farm the gold, that’s their main income so it’s quite normal they try so hard to force people towards this. So it’s either farm like mad or buy gems, casual play won’t get you anywhere (imagine having to get a single legendary for 8 alts, that would take decades of casual play).

That being said, the PR department deserves a raise because I have never seen such a brainwashed mass in any MMO for 8 months straight.

My post may seem hostile but that’s how it is, reality is hard.

QFT – especially the first paragraph(s).
I won’t be working on a legendary until a pre-cursor literally falls into my lap. I won’t grind for it or buy/craft rares to flush in the Mystic Forge. It will either drop in loot or be a wonderful upgrade when I flush the four similar rares I’ve gotten as a drop into the MF.
There is no way I will waste what little time I have on this earth being overly concerned about a digital reward.
Play the game for fun, try to give constructive criticism in the forums to help dev’s and other players, help guildies and new random players, and hope for good drops on occasion.

Blackgate : Level 80 Ranger, Necro, Guardian, Warrior
Devs: Trait Challenge Issued

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


You dont like farming thats OK, but how does exactly affect you if someone does? I would REALLY like to know……Imo DR and TP limit just annoys regular players and it does nothing for bots….Ane said before release that there will be items for ppl who wants to farm, but they didnt said we are gonna have 1-2 places to farm effectively in whole game….

DR doesn’t annoy almost anyone, because you literally need to stand in the same spot for half an hour for it to activate. Other games have it far harsher and activate DR after 4 mobs killed.
TP has no limit, except how much you can sell at the same time. And I do agree it’s annoying. If I want fast money and end up emptying my crafting materials I can sell like 10, then wait, then sell 10 again, then wait… -_-

Hahaha, love the people stating that a legendary should take years.

Maybe your life is so insignificant for you that you can dedicate years to a single game but for people that actually realise their life is quite short in the grand scheme of things, this is a very bad and quite sad statement.

A few months of casual play for a single item is already an above average time dedication towards a game, let alone farming for months. If I would have to play for two or three years to obtain a single legendary, it would cost me nearly the same time as a full (re)education, in other words, thousands of valuable hours that any person on this planet can spend more wisely.

If the developers really didn’t want us to farm, they would make it rain materials so you actually wouldn’t have to farm to achieve a legendary. So the logic most people apply here to defend the game is actually very wrong. The simple truth is they want people to buy gems instead of farm the gold, that’s their main income so it’s quite normal they try so hard to force people towards this. So it’s either farm like mad or buy gems, casual play won’t get you anywhere (imagine having to get a single legendary for 8 alts, that would take decades of casual play).

That being said, the PR department deserves a raise because I have never seen such a brainwashed mass in any MMO for 8 months straight.

My post may seem hostile but that’s how it is, reality is hard.

so expecting people to play a few hours day for a few years for an MMO is unreasonable? Why do people play MMOs then? Is it to have fun, or is it to farm for 12 hours a day so that at the end of the week you could buy a shinny?
Casual play is plenty enough to have everything you ever need in this game and to start saving up a surplus of gold. It’s the mentality that’s wrong and not the game.
Where would the economy be if it was raining materials? You earn enough money to buy those materials though.
And no, calling people that actually enjoy the game brainwashed does not help your post.

(edited by Mirta.5029)

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raine.1394


I love the comments that farming is not “intended”. This is simply a misunderstanding of gaming in or near the genre. Farming is essential for any major goal in the game, say, acquiring a Legendary. That should be obvious. But, it is also how we maintain and evolve our characters. And, farming can be an enjoyable end in it’s own right. I am one of those people that actually enjoy what others would call farming.

I would love nothing more than if they made farming rewarding (and fun, not like Orr) and crafting a viable end-game option.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Why is Anet nerfing every single farming location that players find?

Because this game never intended to allow you to farm in the first place. Hence in launched with diminishing returns in exp, money and loot.
Why keep nerfing things you ask? Because people like you still didn’t get the point that you are not supposed to farm in this game. *

because of the gem store and being able to convert gold to gems. if people were able to bring in loads of gold they could essentially buy everything in the gem store without paying anet any money. they dont want that.

it’s not that hard to be able to buy everything in the gem store with gold. That’s what I’ve been doing, that’s why gold to gems exchange ratio is so high. If people were buying gems and exchanging those to gold gold to gem ratio would be extra low.

Nothing more annoying that being told HOW to play a game…

Sorry, but if I want to farm (I don’t do it for cash, I do it because I find it relaxing) why should I be penalized? It’s one thing to say “farming isn’t necessary” (and it isn’t), it’s quite another to say “you can’t do it”. One is ok, the other is for control freaks.

BTW, there IS farming in the game…1 path of 1 dungeon and the daily “chest” farm. I hate dungeons, so I just do the chests.

(edited by Phaedryn.3698)

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


at this point i wouldnt listen to his arguments anymore, you cant make money by doing nothing, and “playing the game” is an awful way to get you anywhere in terms of a legendary.

and if some people want legendary weapons?
I just really don’t understand Anet’s mentality
I got 100% map completion I’ve seen all the world has to offer
now what?
other than a legendary what else is their to do?

you’re both essentially crying “I want my legendary now”. A legendary was designed to take years to get, hence legendary.

You obviously didn’t get the point that MANY people farm for a legendary. Also you don’t know why DR is in place only an Anet employee knows how it works and why they really use it.

People play mmos in different ways and some players actually enjoy farming.

those people then should probably find an MMO that allows it. Besides while Guild Wars 2 community is crying, Tera has a far harsher DR and people seem to be okay with it.

Lol at the Tera “community”! Have you read map chat in that game? That’s not a community that’s a daycare center with RNG and a cash shop with hello kitty mobs.

LOL…yeah, I thought the terra comment was pretty humorous as well. Tried that “game” when it went F2P, laughed for half an hour then uninstalled it…how did it ever charge a monthly fee?

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


at this point i wouldnt listen to his arguments anymore, you cant make money by doing nothing, and “playing the game” is an awful way to get you anywhere in terms of a legendary.

and if some people want legendary weapons?
I just really don’t understand Anet’s mentality
I got 100% map completion I’ve seen all the world has to offer
now what?
other than a legendary what else is their to do?

you’re both essentially crying “I want my legendary now”. A legendary was designed to take years to get, hence legendary.

You obviously didn’t get the point that MANY people farm for a legendary. Also you don’t know why DR is in place only an Anet employee knows how it works and why they really use it.

People play mmos in different ways and some players actually enjoy farming.

those people then should probably find an MMO that allows it. Besides while Guild Wars 2 community is crying, Tera has a far harsher DR and people seem to be okay with it.

Lol at the Tera “community”! Have you read map chat in that game? That’s not a community that’s a daycare center with RNG and a cash shop with hello kitty mobs.

LOL…yeah, I thought the terra comment was pretty humorous as well. Tried that “game” when it went F2P, laughed for half an hour then uninstalled it…how did it ever charge a monthly fee?

because in comparison it has a good combat system?
Plus it’s the only serious competitor for Guild Wars 2, because they too reached 3 million players that bought the game after it went off the subscription fee. They too are expanding servers and their staff.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


at this point i wouldnt listen to his arguments anymore, you cant make money by doing nothing, and “playing the game” is an awful way to get you anywhere in terms of a legendary.

and if some people want legendary weapons?
I just really don’t understand Anet’s mentality
I got 100% map completion I’ve seen all the world has to offer
now what?
other than a legendary what else is their to do?

you’re both essentially crying “I want my legendary now”. A legendary was designed to take years to get, hence legendary.

You obviously didn’t get the point that MANY people farm for a legendary. Also you don’t know why DR is in place only an Anet employee knows how it works and why they really use it.

People play mmos in different ways and some players actually enjoy farming.

those people then should probably find an MMO that allows it. Besides while Guild Wars 2 community is crying, Tera has a far harsher DR and people seem to be okay with it.

Lol at the Tera “community”! Have you read map chat in that game? That’s not a community that’s a daycare center with RNG and a cash shop with hello kitty mobs.

LOL…yeah, I thought the terra comment was pretty humorous as well. Tried that “game” when it went F2P, laughed for half an hour then uninstalled it…how did it ever charge a monthly fee?

because in comparison it has a good combat system?
Plus it’s the only serious competitor for Guild Wars 2, because they too reached 3 million players that bought the game after it went off the subscription fee. They too are expanding servers and their staff.

At the expense of their game. It’s like a piece of crap in a river, whether it sinks or floats, it’s still just a chunk of crap floating downstream.

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


At the expense of their game. It’s like a piece of crap in a river, whether it sinks or floats, it’s still just a chunk of crap floating downstream.

to each his own. I don’t think that it’s a bad MMO at all.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


To copy/paste from another thread..

I’m a farmer too and I do it because that’s what I like to do in MMOs. This game up until January was pretty good for farmers. I supplemented this with gems and supported Anet with $800 in purchases.

Since then I have not bought anything due to the constant farming nerfs by Anet. I’m very disappointed and it’s no coincidence that I’m not playing or enjoying this game as much as I used to.

There are only two really good farming areas in this game, one of them being Cof1 which I don’t do. But if they nerf the other, I don’t envision myself playing this game as before.

I’m already a wealthy player with lots of gold and legendaries but my fun is through farming and they’re removing that.

This is where I am at, minus the lengendary (honestly, the effort to get one is way out of ballance with what you are getting…a skin, so I have no desire to bother with them). I bought gems previously, but now I refuse to in light of thier policies. It’s seems, more an more, they are altering game play to drive people to the gem store. I understand that is how they make money, but the heavy handed manner in which they are doing so is offensive, and I refuse to play that game for this reason. I will consider buying gems, or using the gem store, after they revise their stance on this issue, but not before.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olba.5376


According to this in order to play the game you have to use the gem store.
1-player 1 got his legendary day 1 using gem store.
2- player 2 want to earn his legendary and refuse to use the gem store.
3- player 3 is poor and cant afford it.
Anet made it to take years to get a legendary (if you are unlucky with the precursor).
now tell me they are not pushing us to use the gem store.

You – don’t – need – a – legendary – PERIOD.

I think we have two slightly different topics here. The first is about farming and how ArenaNet deals with it. In my book, they do a pretty good job making farming as hard as possible and they most definitively should continue doing so. Farming is not healthy for a game, it just drains players time and forces them to do things that not all of them enjoy over and over again.
If you could decide for your own whether or not you want to farm ArenaNet shouldn’t interfere, but this is just not how it works. Farming people screw the eco for people who don’t want to farm and therefore force them to do so, that’s what has happend in almost every other theme park mmo and it would have happen to GW2 too if ArenaNet hadn’t taken countermeasures.
However, there are certain items in this game you can farm, but those are all account bound on pick up (fractal weapons, dungeon tokens, honor badges, …) and therefor cannot harm the eco.
The second topic is about legendaries and what a player has to do in order to get them. Here I do agree that ArenaNet did a rather bad job. Legendaries should have been tied to something like the Personal Story and shouldn’t require any non-accountbound mats at all.

And I don,t need to play the game.and you want ppl to play the game your way not the way they enjoy it. if someone wants to do a dungeon a million times why not if he is enjoying it.

Well clearly he’s not enjoying the dungeon, but the rewards.

Protip: Dungeon != dungeon tokens

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amun Ra.6435

Amun Ra.6435

Why is Anet nerfing every single farming location that players find?

Because this game never intended to allow you to farm in the first place. Hence in launched with diminishing returns in exp, money and loot.
Why keep nerfing things you ask? Because people like you still didn’t get the point that you are not supposed to farm in this game.

because of the gem store and being able to convert gold to gems. if people were able to bring in loads of gold they could essentially buy everything in the gem store without paying anet any money. they dont want that.

it’s not that hard to be able to buy everything in the gem store with gold. That’s what I’ve been doing, that’s why gold to gems exchange ratio is so high. If people were buying gems and exchanging those to gold gold to gem ratio would be extra low.

Anet never said they they built the game to block you from framing or not allow you to farm…they intended to build a game where farming wasn’t “NECESSARY”…two totally different things, technically farming isn’t necessary.

What gets me is why Anet thought they could change human nature with this game. It’s human nature(for the most part) to want the best; be it better stats or something shinny…in this context…shinny skins, which usually takes an insane amount of grinding and/or farming…you can’t argue with that, though…some will try.

And im my opinion farming doesn’t reward enough…TP traders by far make more money and the community should not have to be forced to “trade” to have all the shinny stuff.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastruq.2463


Sure you’ll get into the low tier ones, but the game is up to 15 tiers by now. Only about 5% of the whole game population actually seen the end game.

I dont even play WoW and know this to be false. You shouldnt lie to make your point.

For years now WoW has made raids easier month after month to make sure everyone that wants to see them can do so. Yea you are not the very first person to see everything, always. But you can see everything if you care to queue for it (they even have automated raid finding to spare you the hassle of social interaction).

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Sure you’ll get into the low tier ones, but the game is up to 15 tiers by now. Only about 5% of the whole game population actually seen the end game.

I dont even play WoW and know this to be false. You shouldnt lie to make your point.

For years now WoW has made raids easier month after month to make sure everyone that wants to see them can do so. Yea you are not the very first person to see everything, always. But you can see everything if you care to queue for it (they even have automated raid finding to spare you the hassle of social interaction).

This is actually why I left WoW. When they nerfed the requirements way back in Burning Crusade I was done. After all the work to do the quest lines, and get attuned/keyed, and we get what? A title? Yeah, no…

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


Sure you’ll get into the low tier ones, but the game is up to 15 tiers by now. Only about 5% of the whole game population actually seen the end game.

I dont even play WoW and know this to be false. You shouldnt lie to make your point.

For years now WoW has made raids easier month after month to make sure everyone that wants to see them can do so. Yea you are not the very first person to see everything, always. But you can see everything if you care to queue for it (they even have automated raid finding to spare you the hassle of social interaction).
tier 15. There. I think that the most you can be boosted to is tier 7 or 10. Catching up will still be very hard, even if you will catch a guild that will agree to carry your butt trough lower tier raids so you can join them on the higher ones.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amun Ra.6435

Amun Ra.6435

Lets bring this back on topic before it gets closed by a mod please.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vlad.4167


If you are not playing the game as anet wants it then you can go elsewhere, you just paid for it but its still their game.:D:D

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


If you are not playing the game as anet wants it then you can go elsewhere, you just paid for it but its still their game.:D:D

Or, I can continue to play my way and refuse to give them another dime by not buying gems until they decide to pull their heads out and reverse some of this stupidity. You see, they have to pay for the resources we use but I don’t have to actually provide them with any funds out of my own pocket (if you want to do so, more power to you…I wont). I will use the game, for free, until such time as something else entertains me more.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


If you are not playing the game as anet wants it then you can go elsewhere, you just paid for it but its still their game.:D:D

Or, I can continue to play my way and refuse to give them another dime by not buying gems until they decide to pull their heads out and reverse some of this stupidity. You see, they have to pay for the resources we use but I don’t have to actually provide them with any funds out of my own pocket (if you want to do so, more power to you…I wont). I will use the game, for free, until such time as something else entertains me more.

good thing that you’re not the only one playing then, isn’t it?

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


If you are not playing the game as anet wants it then you can go elsewhere, you just paid for it but its still their game.:D:D

Or, I can continue to play my way and refuse to give them another dime by not buying gems until they decide to pull their heads out and reverse some of this stupidity. You see, they have to pay for the resources we use but I don’t have to actually provide them with any funds out of my own pocket (if you want to do so, more power to you…I wont). I will use the game, for free, until such time as something else entertains me more.

+1, well said. If their goal was to include as many players as possible for maximum profit, they need to actually include what the players desire.

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


If you are not playing the game as anet wants it then you can go elsewhere, you just paid for it but its still their game.:D:D

Or, I can continue to play my way and refuse to give them another dime by not buying gems until they decide to pull their heads out and reverse some of this stupidity. You see, they have to pay for the resources we use but I don’t have to actually provide them with any funds out of my own pocket (if you want to do so, more power to you…I wont). I will use the game, for free, until such time as something else entertains me more.

+1, well said. If their goal was to include as many players as possible for maximum profit, they need to actually include what the players desire.

no matter which way they will go someone will still be not satisfied. You can attempt to maximize the amount of people playing, you can attempt to create a game that you want it to be, but either way, never will 100% be satisfied.
Encouraging farming would probably upset a great deal of population too. There’s a fine line between supply and demand and how the economy works. Over increase the drop rate for certain materials and tier 3 skins will be close to unreachable because money making will be too hard (see yellows and what happened with their prices), buff the money reward too much and all materials will be too expensive for a legendary crafter.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


If you are not playing the game as anet wants it then you can go elsewhere, you just paid for it but its still their game.:D:D

Or, I can continue to play my way and refuse to give them another dime by not buying gems until they decide to pull their heads out and reverse some of this stupidity. You see, they have to pay for the resources we use but I don’t have to actually provide them with any funds out of my own pocket (if you want to do so, more power to you…I wont). I will use the game, for free, until such time as something else entertains me more.

+1, well said. If their goal was to include as many players as possible for maximum profit, they need to actually include what the players desire.

no matter which way they will go someone will still be not satisfied. You can attempt to maximize the amount of people playing, you can attempt to create a game that you want it to be, but either way, never will 100% be satisfied.
Encouraging farming would probably upset a great deal of population too. There’s a fine line between supply and demand and how the economy works. Over increase the drop rate for certain materials and tier 3 skins will be close to unreachable because money making will be too hard (see yellows and what happened with their prices), buff the money reward too much and all materials will be too expensive for a legendary crafter.

Having the ability to do something if you want does not encourage everyone to do it. The whole thing about this game, and the players, was to be a game everyone could play and be on semi equal footing. That part of the game is a success (so far).

The part of the game that is not a success is the inclusion of people who aren’t either a) Casual or b) Hardcore . What about the everyday gamer?

There is very little middle ground and this is why you see so many posts about people out of things to do besides alts.

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


Having the ability to do something if you want does not encourage everyone to do it. The whole thing about this game, and the players, was to be a game everyone could play and be on semi equal footing. That part of the game is a success (so far).

The part of the game that is not a success is the inclusion of people who aren’t either a) Casual or b) Hardcore . What about the everyday gamer?

There is very little middle ground and this is why you see so many posts about people out of things to do besides alts.

what would happen in your opinion if farming was made really profitable, but some people wouldn’t want to do it? How much on an equal footing would they be do you think?
And like I said regarding loot/ gold, the balancing should be done very carefully.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


If you are not playing the game as anet wants it then you can go elsewhere, you just paid for it but its still their game.:D:D

Or, I can continue to play my way and refuse to give them another dime by not buying gems until they decide to pull their heads out and reverse some of this stupidity. You see, they have to pay for the resources we use but I don’t have to actually provide them with any funds out of my own pocket (if you want to do so, more power to you…I wont). I will use the game, for free, until such time as something else entertains me more.

good thing that you’re not the only one playing then, isn’t it?

As I said, if others wish to put money in their pocket, more power to them. I will not. Not as long as this is the direction they intend to take the game. I will not buy gems, I will not pay for an expansion, I will not feed them money. You can, that is your perogative after all. If you are satisified with the product they are offering, by all means.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeonblade.8709


Having the ability to do something if you want does not encourage everyone to do it. The whole thing about this game, and the players, was to be a game everyone could play and be on semi equal footing. That part of the game is a success (so far).

The part of the game that is not a success is the inclusion of people who aren’t either a) Casual or b) Hardcore . What about the everyday gamer?

There is very little middle ground and this is why you see so many posts about people out of things to do besides alts.

what would happen in your opinion if farming was made really profitable, but some people wouldn’t want to do it? How much on an equal footing would they be do you think?
And like I said regarding loot/ gold, the balancing should be done very carefully.

I agree with this, I’m not asking for an earth shattering adjustment and every mob to be chock full of t6 mats and exotics. There is a fine line they need to find, they are just way to far to one side of it at the moment.

There should be a reward for playing the game how you would normally play it. Currently this is not the case for a large chunk of us who came from games like EQ, DAoC, and others. Killing monsters was a large part of any MMO I have played, and it seems to me this is the only game I can think of that actively punishes you for killing monsters. I’m sure there are more out there, and some of them are worse, but I have not played them.

Anarai Aeonblade [GASM] – Guardian – DB
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phaedryn.3698


Having the ability to do something if you want does not encourage everyone to do it. The whole thing about this game, and the players, was to be a game everyone could play and be on semi equal footing. That part of the game is a success (so far).

The part of the game that is not a success is the inclusion of people who aren’t either a) Casual or b) Hardcore . What about the everyday gamer?

There is very little middle ground and this is why you see so many posts about people out of things to do besides alts.

what would happen in your opinion if farming was made really profitable, but some people wouldn’t want to do it? How much on an equal footing would they be do you think?
And like I said regarding loot/ gold, the balancing should be done very carefully.

I agree with this, I’m not asking for an earth shattering adjustment and every mob to be chock full of t6 mats and exotics. There is a fine line they need to find, they are just way to far to one side of it at the moment.

There should be a reward for playing the game how you would normally play it. Currently this is not the case for a large chunk of us who came from games like EQ, DAoC, and others. Killing monsters was a large part of any MMO I have played, and it seems to me this is the only game I can think of that actively punishes you for killing monsters. I’m sure there are more out there, and some of them are worse, but I have not played them.

Well said. I am not looking for an equivalent to “8 hours spent in the same spot in DF just for one bubble of XP” farming. As it is, the drop rates on stuff really isn’t that great in GW2 to begin with. Just end the DR. Everything else can stay the same.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashane.3520


If you are not playing the game as anet wants it then you can go elsewhere, you just paid for it but its still their game.:D:D

Did that really just come out of your mouth (or fingers, as the case may be ;P )?

I’m curious, when did you last have a sit down with the Developers and them tell you… “Vlad, see we’d like our players to just play casually. Maybe do their dailies and some fractals, then log off. Anything else we dont really want them doing, could you please be our voice on these forums and let them know?”

Now, you could be referring to the old quotes about GW2 having a Horizontal progression. Which was entirely true… back in 2011/2012 when they were discussing GW2 with the media.

However, as we now know the real truth of that statement was, that GW2 would have a Horizontal AND a Vertical progression. That it simply woudnt be as vertical as say.. WoW, nor as grindy to get. (The quote in question: “We do intend to focus on horizontal, but we will have vertical progression moving forward….")

So, we’ve established that..

A) The Developers didnt call, skype, or text Mr Vlad with their direction of the game.
B) That if they did, they’d likely tell him to stop posting wrong information on the forums about how players should play the game.


This game has intended farming. Be it for Ascended items in Fractals, be it for Laurel’s with Dailies, be it for mats with your new shiny Legendary.

The only question that should be debated in this thread is if the nerfs to farming have gone too far, or if they are just right in terms of a gold/gem ratio. At no time should any wanna-be developer be telling players that this game dosent require farming or that dev’s simply dont want players to farm.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


Well said. I am not looking for an equivalent to “8 hours spent in the same spot in DF just for one bubble of XP” farming. As it is, the drop rates on stuff really isn’t that great in GW2 to begin with. Just end the DR. Everything else can stay the same.

Increasing the drop rate by a bit can be a good idea. Ending DR is a really bad idea.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


what would happen in your opinion if farming was made really profitable, but some people wouldn’t want to do it? How much on an equal footing would they be do you think?
And like I said regarding loot/ gold, the balancing should be done very carefully.

Equal footing for what? Only thing large gold is need for is a few skins, some fluffy item and some convenient item.

You might as well say people who spend real money makes the game unfair.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


Equal footing for what? Only thing large gold is need for is a few skins, some fluffy item and some convenient item.

You might as well say people who spend real money makes the game unfair.

getting exotic weapons and jewelery?
How many people do you think actually exchanges gems to gold? I know nobody that does that. There’s no need.

IMO, Farming nerfs are killing this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Equal footing for what? Only thing large gold is need for is a few skins, some fluffy item and some convenient item.

You might as well say people who spend real money makes the game unfair.

getting exotic weapons and jewelery?
How many people do you think actually exchanges gems to gold? I know nobody that does that. There’s no need.

Getting a full set of exotic cost like 40 gold. I’m in full exotic 1 day after I reach level80.
What is the DR suppose to fix? People getting full exotic in 2 days instead of 1?

I already told you the only way to buy gems with gold is because there are people selling the gems with gold. Else where do you think those gems on the exchange system come from.

Even if you neglect the gem system, there are people buy gem store item directly with cash right? That is unfair advantage.