(edited by Voltron.1043)
IMO, GW2 is the best game ever played
The base game is very good and has carried it as far as its gotten but its been hamstrung by stuff like the RMT aspect of the gem shop and the obsession with making it an esport. And the live support has been poor, on a par with swtor. As other mmos like TESO, Archeage, Wildstar and Defiance come out its popualtion will dwindle.
It is not like I want to say anything but read this OP post and think. Back in times when Lineage 2 and later WoW hit market MMO wasnt THAT popular, and those games were HUGE NEW MMOs wich created most what we know now. There was not such a big hype on MMOS. Now, after WoW succsess MMOs are growing every year like apples on tries. What I want to say is this: Now MMOs dont have time to wait and “see what will happen”. Players wont patiently wait and wait for promises to deliver. Players will leave MMOs that are not getting them, becasue soon there will be more of them to be realesed. Take a look on last years- Aion, Terra, Rift, EVE etc- now MMO market is merciless, players are. Now you have players that are playing GW2, but NOW there is no game that can take away most players, NOW is safe. But in next few months it will change dramaticly. You dont deliver what you promise- bye bye, new MMOs are coming. Thats how it is now- why do you think F2P is pushing P2P from 10 years ago? Market changed. It is not like 10 years ago at all. Thats why MMOs now CANT make same succsess like WoW made.
Only THIS year alone there are big MMOs coming- Elders Scrolls Online. ArchAge (Trion is doing localization in NA/EU)- A HUGE sandbox MMO with a lot new fresh ideas. Defiance. Wildstar. Blade & Soul NA/EU from NCSOFT. Neverwinter- in most famous fantsy world. All those are serious, big games. And it is only 2013.
What I mean is this in short- you cant compare WoW start or any other old-classic-MMOs from 10 years ago with nowadays MMO market. Now all MMO companies know what those classic did wrong on starts etc. But now they really have to win players with thier game, beacause most players if they have choice are moving to game where they fill best. And soon they will have plenty of choices. GW2 had a good start with nice hole in MMO market, but next two years will bring how many MMOs?
Just something to think now only in case of GW2 but all MMO games nowadays.
Just my 3 cents.
pretty much the same thing i said, but much better stated. this is very true and not a lot of people understand this, but then again they dont understand many other things, so w.e. you cant please everybody, much less a gaming fanbase. these fans range from kid-adults, spoiled kids, trendy gaming kids, ignorant adults, irritated adults with certain communication implications, people who just like gaming, etc etc etc. the game atm will continue to have a fanbase civil war until the game manages to excel in, not just expectations, but in the gaming scale. this will only come with time though, so w.e.
(edited by Adry.7512)
The video gaming genre is too vast to singly target one game that best defines it as a whole, because of the sum of it’s parts are varied between a large number of sub-genres within itself. MMO-wise, I’ve played plenty and currently it’s my favorite. It’s not perfect, and no game ever is and while it has many ways to improve on it’s core design, it’s a great MMO. Of course the “favorite game” either stems from either “in recent memory” or “nostalgia” factors, you could argue that Uncharted 2 was the best 3PS to come out, or someone could argue that the new Tomb Raider is better or that Golden Eye 007 was the best shooter in existence, it comes down to subjective opinions and we’ll never see one based on facts.
With future MMO’s in the future, some showing plenty of potential based on promises (Elder’s Scroll Online being one of them) doesn’t deter that I really enjoy GW2 seven months later.
The video gaming genre is too vast to singly target one game that best defines it as a whole, because of the sum of it’s parts are varied between a large number of sub-genres within itself. MMO-wise, I’ve played plenty and currently it’s my favorite. It’s not perfect, and no game ever is and while it has many ways to improve on it’s core design, it’s a great MMO. Of course the “favorite game” either stems from either “in recent memory” or “nostalgia” factors, you could argue that Uncharted 2 was the best 3PS to come out, or someone could argue that the new Tomb Raider is better or that Golden Eye 007 was the best shooter in existence, it comes down to subjective opinions and we’ll never see one based on facts.
With future MMO’s in the future, some showing plenty of potential based on promises (Elder’s Scroll Online being one of them) doesn’t deter that I really enjoy GW2 seven months later.
yea same here, atm this is my all-time-favorite mmorpg….im also waiting for blade and soul, but thats going to be veryyyy different from gw2, hence preventing an over-layer of preference. i seen allllll mmorpgs that r good, and all the known upcomingt ones and GW2 seems to keep me more interested. by, lets say, 5months from now, i expect a lot of small changes and patches and content, plus at least one BIG content update (like an expansion), if the game within that reasonable time period manages to fail those expectations (which arent expectations, its just the norm for an mmorpg), then i will say, yes the game has its good features, but it will definitely not be a game i will even log into on a weekly bases, maybe every three weeks.
the fact that u lvl up with crafting, beautiful. WvW its amazing. the mists pvp….needs more variety, seriously, but i love it too. the storyline, epic. everything is just really really good. i dont even understand how people can complain, dont get me wrong i read the threads and comments, but their all senseless to me =/. the game is nr1 without a doubt, this isnt even a biased comments cause i PLAYED a LOT of mmorpgs, and GW2’s nr1 status is no lie.
If this is the best game you have ever played, you should pm me. I will provide you with a large list of games that will surely blow you away.
No it is not, its better than some its not better than others, it still has many flaws..
The best game is very subjective..
I feel Guildwars 2 beats many games in areas (ease of use and leveling) but drops the ball in others (balancing, classes, story and lore) while it is downright is terrible at others (loot tables, gating, ascended and the trading post)..
(edited by Dante.1508)
the fact that u lvl up with crafting, beautiful. WvW its amazing. the mists pvp….needs more variety, seriously, but i love it too. the storyline, epic. everything is just really really good. i dont even understand how people can complain, dont get me wrong i read the threads and comments, but their all senseless to me =/. the game is nr1 without a doubt, this isnt even a biased comments cause i PLAYED a LOT of mmorpgs, and GW2’s nr1 status is no lie.
If this is the best game you have ever played, you should pm me. I will provide you with a large list of games that will surely blow you away.
lol mmorpg…..i didnt add that to the title, but when it comes to games in general that i would play lets say for over 1-2years, then yes GW2 is top3 for me, period. any actual game that’s not an mmorpg, once u beat it…..everything is just blahhhhh afterwards. and what i mean by blah, is that u literally forget u even have it.
I don’t think Guild Wars 2 is the best game ever. It’s my favorite MMO, though. It avoids some of the pitfalls of pay to play MMOs, while at the same time avoiding some of the pitfalls of F2P MMOs. I hope more MMOs in the future use the buy to play model.
Guild Wars 2 has done a lot of things right but there’s also a lot of room for improvement. And I think the game, over time, will improve.
But from my point of view, it’s definitely a cut above other MMOs.
you give a very solid opinion, and i agree with you 100%, but just like you said the game just came out. ik i use WoW as an example very often, but only cause of its popularity. back when WoW first started, they too had a very stale period in its career. most games do, just wait till they accomplish their “living story” dream, lol, then lets see how they manage to impress us, once their artistic needs are fulfilled…also their piggybanks….. its an mmorpg, its not a solo rpg, the game requires money, expansions, content, patches, etc, to make the game a daily thing. all mmorpgs become stale quick, its all about time, just dont go insane spending all your money on a game b4 it becomes perfect. just buy it, play it, be patient, and savor the smell before you eat it
Thanks I appreciate your thoughtful reply. I’m still waiting for them to come out with a major expansion pack or maybe some missions we can purchase from the cash shop, such as the bonus missions pack: http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Guild_Wars_Bonus_Mission_Pack
They were lore relevant, solo and fun. Not to mention you got an exclusive weapon skin. So it’s a reward and earn through gameplay. Anet made money and the player got extra content. Though with DE’s it’s true that content is much more difficult to implement.
The main reason for all the ‘hate’ and criticisms flying around the forum stem mostly from disappointment I think. I know there’s an argument for ‘overhyping’ a game, but to be fair, Anet was basically riding on their good reputation with fans and also their manifesto to raise that hype up to where it was.
The environments have not been disappointing, but revealing the rest of the world is what I am looking forward to most at this point. Better elder dragon fights, better storylines, better characters, better DE encounters that is all still very possible and Anet has the talent to do it.
(edited by Zhaneel.9208)
the fact that u lvl up with crafting, beautiful. WvW its amazing. the mists pvp….needs more variety, seriously, but i love it too. the storyline, epic. everything is just really really good. i dont even understand how people can complain, dont get me wrong i read the threads and comments, but their all senseless to me =/. the game is nr1 without a doubt, this isnt even a biased comments cause i PLAYED a LOT of mmorpgs, and GW2’s nr1 status is no lie.
What do you call a “LOT” of MMO’s? I’ve been playing MMO’s for 16 years, and to be honest, I’m guessing that’s about how old you are. I cut my teeth in Ultima Online. This is a wonderful MMO, but could be much better. I just can’t help but think, you’re opinion is coming from a very narrow perspective. Glad you are having fun, as am I, but if upcoming MMOs are paying attention, they have the opportunity to blow GW2 out of the water.
DDO was/is prolly my favorite of them all so far (DAoC is really really close), and SWG in at 3rd(I’d pay a sub right now just to have my buildings and jtls lol) It was just the time and place. With DDO I met up with an amaaaazing group of people early on and just dominated and enjoyed every minute after. We had this one dude that would play the top gun theme on his guitar before every raid lol, was great. I was primarily a bard, but filled in for lockpicking/trap disabling duties from time to time =D
Love me some GW2 but I think I might be burnt out already of the bouncey aroundy all the timey combat style.
(edited by Fletch.3572)
I wouldn’t even really place GW2 in my top 3.
The best thing that GW2 has done is removed quest based leveling, I love being able to just run around and do stuff without having to pick up quests. However I think they could have done better with that system. While having some of the big quest chains marked on the map is a good thing, I wish they would have added a lot of stuff that was unmarked and off the beaten path. I enjoy finding unexpected things and there just isn’t a whole lot of it in GW2, especially passed the starter zones(quality definitely goes downhill as the zones progress).
SWG pre-CU is probably my favorite MMO because it had great depth and dependencies on other players. The Chronicles of Spellborn had, by a wide margin, the best combat system in any MMO. It was simple but extremely deep, I wish that game had triple-A money backing it(RIP). GW2 has some great looking zones but as far as ambiance TCOS did better in that as well, it’s the only MMO to actually scare me(stupid howlers popping out of the ground for the first time). TCOS also had quests that were not easy to figure out and a really good story. As for PvP, DAOC did RvR better, in fact I’d go as far as saying even WoW vanilla AV 1.0 was better.
While GW2 is good, it’s not the best. The main draw for this game is the fact that it was B2P. If they had fleshed out combat/specialization more and added some depth to WvW/endgame, I’d say it could have been the best. Sadly though they didn’t. It’s not entirely their fault, sandbox games are hard to get funding for.
GW2 is 2nd. GW1 remains the best MMO I’ve played.
Deaths Fear [Fear] / The Hardcore Caravan [HC]
Forum Warrior: Black Belt in Ninja Edits
Nah, theres a better game.
(edited by bigtime.7410)
I agree!
I find Guild Wars 2 to be the best MMO I have ever played and one of the best games I have played. everything about the game is just great! The environments, the music, the gameplay, the story and also the lore!
It’s worth every penny spent on this game (That’s right, the 59.99 $ is worth it)!
GW2 is good and had some good things like the dye system, free specialised inventory bank and mapping system. But it also lack some things like a better weapon/armor skins changing system, monster bestiary (like in Atlantica online) or a free seperate inventory for cash shop items.
In short its good but not perfect.
I agree OP, GW2 is something amazing. There’s a lot of flaming on the forums but that’s prevalent in every single game that has forums because consumers gobble down content much faster than it can possibly be created. It takes a long time for developers to create good and engaging content.
That being said, GW2 released fantastically. The game has way more content than many other MMO’s had on release day. The fact that this game is successfully competing on the market is insane to even think about. WoW used to corner to the MMO market, but the hold it had is slowly diminishing.
There’s even evidence of this, so many MMO’s out there were WoW clones, but I challenge you to look at The Elder Scrolls Online. It’s an upcoming MMO, and if you were to call it a clone of any MMO on the market, it’s Guild Wars 2 without a doubt. It has dodging, 4man dungeons, weapon swapping between two sets of weapons, each weapon having 6 skills, the list goes on.
Now I’m not trying to bash on TESO, because I am anticipating it. But rather, the fact that another company is taking the ideas from GW2 and integrating into their game used to be something that very popularly happened to WoW. And GW2 is only half a year old.
That’s just fascinating in my opinion.
In my opinion, it’s average.
And will soon be bettered.
Check the game Wildstar. Check who is the publisher.
And, go on ?
GW2 is 2nd. GW1 remains the best MMO I’ve played.
For as much as I kitten about this game not being anything like GW1, it is definitely the only other MMO to hold my attention for any amount of time.
I really wish combat and PvP was better, but overall it is still a pretty good game and ranks #2 in time spent in any MMO for me.
Ragnarok is still the best mmo I’ve ever played, and I’ve played quite a lot the past decade. But GW2 is definitely one of the best.
Its hard to compare, everybody have their own theories as to why the game is a success/failure, and I do too, but sometimes there are things that are just hard to explain, and bottom line is you enjoy some games more than others. And some games leave a mark in your head more than others.
All these talk about TESO and kittens – I’m looking forward to TESO too, but it hasn’t even come out yet. Nobody can tell whether it will be better or worse than GW2.
YO ANet, I’m really happy for you, and ima let you finish, but Tribes had one of the best video games of ALL TIME!! Of ALL TIME!
the light! And if we dance, until the heart explodes,
It’ll make this place ignite!
GW2 did push the envelope in many ways, including but not limited to its visual appeal, the seamless PvE questing and broad leveling system, and strong economy design.
GW2 is also markedly inferior to its predecessor in important ways like combat depth and horizontal progression.
It is a good game in its own right, and one I have enjoyed more than I thought I would – but it is impossible for me to call a game the best ever when it takes substantial steps back from its predecessor.
Now I’m not trying to bash on TESO, because I am anticipating it. But rather, the fact that another company is taking the ideas from GW2 and integrating into their game used to be something that very popularly happened to WoW. And GW2 is only half a year old.
That’s just fascinating in my opinion.
I think you’ll find that TESO is taking its inspiration from multiple sources not just GW2.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
GW2 did push the envelope in many ways, including but not limited to its visual appeal, the seamless PvE questing and broad leveling system, and strong economy design.
GW2 is also markedly inferior to its predecessor in important ways like combat depth and horizontal progression.
It is a good game in its own right, and one I have enjoyed more than I thought I would – but it is impossible for me to call a game the best ever when it takes substantial steps back from its predecessor.
As a GWAMM, I would respectfully disagree.
PvE combat became the following builds:
- Hardmode Solo: http://www.gwpvx.com/Build:Team_-_3_Hero_Discordway
- Shadowform based speedclear.
In fact, despite the 1300+ skills (literally) I could destroy all of GW1’s endgame by removing 6 skills:
- Shadowform
- Obsidian Flesh
- Signet of Spirits
- Spiteful Spirit
- Protective Spirit
- Discord
It’s all a matter of opinion, I guess, but I prefer GW2. Smaller deck per class, but at least each deck is substantially different from one another (outside of CoF p1).
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
This game wouldn’t last a month with a sub-fee, that alone judges how great this game is.
No it doesn’t, because this game was designed without a sub-fee. Who cares if it would or wouldn’t last with a sub? It’s like saying that a single player game wouldn’t last a month because you wouldn’t pay a sub-fee for it. Guess what, you don’t have to. It makes absolutely no sense comparing the game to sub-based games – at least based on the sub-fee. Once you realize that, you can start enjoying the game for what it is, without your stupid rules that you set for yourself.
They still haven’t put “In my opinion” into the title of this thread…
I know I’m probably the only person who finds this amusing, but well, I do…
They still haven’t put “In my opinion” into the title of this thread…
I know I’m probably the only person who finds this amusing, but well, I do…
Some negative posters make well thought out, well intended posts. Some are just complaint threads, or simply trolling.
Since this forum is owned by the company who makes the game, it makes sense for them to make sure that non-constructive criticism gets all the respect it deserves.
I’m not thinking threads like this necessarily do the game any good either, mind you. They’re instantly dismissed by most people, even me, and I love the game.
So yeah, I don’t find it amusing that mods make people put in my opinion.
So yeah, I don’t find it amusing that mods make people put in my opinion.
I think we’re in agreement on that…mostly I was thinking that they’ll do it for negative posts, but not positive ones…
Anyway, probably neither here nor there…
This game wouldn’t last a month with a sub-fee, that alone judges how great this game is.
No it doesn’t, because this game was designed without a sub-fee. Who cares if it would or wouldn’t last with a sub? It’s like saying that a single player game wouldn’t last a month because you wouldn’t pay a sub-fee for it. Guess what, you don’t have to. It makes absolutely no sense comparing the game to sub-based games – at least based on the sub-fee. Once you realize that, you can start enjoying the game for what it is, without your stupid rules that you set for yourself.
Okay, see, I didn’t say “If they just out of the blue added a sub-fee” I said “if it had one.” Big difference.
Also, sub-fee doesn’t mean it has to be 14.99 a month, but really, that is extremely cheap and it does help the company as well as the consumer. Blows my mind people can afford gaming machines and high-speed internet but omg, a sub? pffffft I has no monies!!
Anyways, don’t put words into peoples mouths eh? Try supporting an argument that way.
YO ANet, I’m really happy for you, and ima let you finish, but Tribes had one of the best video games of ALL TIME!! Of ALL TIME!
Starsiege? If so I agree!
(edited by Nappychappy.7046)
They still haven’t put “In my opinion” into the title of this thread…
I know I’m probably the only person who finds this amusing, but well, I do…
First page, last post.
Okay, see, I didn’t say “If they just out of the blue added a sub-fee” I said “if it had one.” Big difference.
That’s exactly why your statement has no ground, the game would have to be different with a sub-fee as well.
GW2 is a strong MMO, but character story line is big for me and GW2’s story was actually rather insulting.
Oh, also…
If a mod can fix the thread title with “In my view” or “I feel” like you do with all the negative threads, that’ll be groovy :-)
They still haven’t put “In my opinion” into the title of this thread…
I know I’m probably the only person who finds this amusing, but well, I do…
First page, last post.
Yea, I see it. Kinda funny that it’s been mentioned a few times in this thread, and still hasn’t happened…
Minor detail, but deserves to be pointed out.
Okay, see, I didn’t say “If they just out of the blue added a sub-fee” I said “if it had one.” Big difference.
That’s exactly why your statement has no ground, the game would have to be different with a sub-fee as well.
Actually it does have ground, a sub-fee would improve the game overall, I mean, unless you cannot afford 50 cents a day (if high end of sub-fee spectrum).
But if the game would improve, change, how do you know how it would be and if it wouldn’t last a month with a fee…
Kool-Aid please! And everyone said… OOOHHHHH YEEEAAAA!!!! I do not blame someone for thinking that “this is the best game ever.” I had that mindset too when I first bought it. Then the honeymoon was over and now I deal with the constant nagging…
PS the TOS that came with the new content did open the possibility of a time based fee of some sort… who reads those anyway… heh…
GW2 is well worth its value, especially its on-sale value.
The best part is no subscription. You feel no obligation to continue playing or else feel like you’re wasting money. You can actually play other games, too.
Great game. Since its free.
It’s a good game.
I complain about a lot of stuff that I think would make it better. But it’s a good game.
Okay, see, I didn’t say “If they just out of the blue added a sub-fee” I said “if it had one.” Big difference.
That’s exactly why your statement has no ground, the game would have to be different with a sub-fee as well.
Actually it does have ground, a sub-fee would improve the game overall, I mean, unless you cannot afford 50 cents a day (if high end of sub-fee spectrum).
It sounds like they’re actually making more from the cash shop than what they would likely be making from the people that would stick around and choose to keep subbing. Worked out to something like if 600k people were subbing consistently since release at $15 according to the earnings report.
I suppose it’s possible more than that would have consistently subbed, but it’s not like they’re not making loads of money here on a weekly basis with the gem store. More than enough to fund anything they want to do with the game, and bank a tidy profit.
(edited by Minion of Vey.4398)
Head of Global Community
Changed thread title by popular demand.
Ha. That is funny, good job.
Changed thread title by popular demand.
+1 internets to you, much lol’ing ensued.
Hey guys, do you believe will expand the combat system at some point or will we stick to this very framework forever?
I know there’s balance, but there are so many things I’d like to see in combat, and class depth to be specific (many people may dislike, but I like class-specific titles, like Elementalist → Elemental Master, etc).
I’m still on the fence if it’s the best MMO I’ve ever played, but it is the best MMO I’ve played in 15 years, for some reason the game feels like a mix of GW1, Warhammer, and Final Fantasy VII, weird combo but that’s what it feels like. Just bits and pieces and the best of the best from the past MMOs, I’ve played them all as well, beta tested UO and haven’t had as much fun in an MMO since.
Is GW2 THE best game EVER? Hmm… I’ve played many games over the years, so I’d have to sit down and truly think on that for a while.
Is GW2 ONE of the best games EVER? Absolutely, positively without question it is!
it’s the best mmo on the market right now, trust me.
best video game EVAR!? not sure yet. give them a few years, expansions, refining of content. we’ll see.
Best mmo I’ve played? For sure, although I’m still waiting for a great sandbox mmo to come out.
Best game? Well I’m not really an mmo fan so I’d say no. It’s a great game but I just prefer single player games.
the fact that u lvl up with crafting, beautiful. WvW its amazing. the mists pvp….needs more variety, seriously, but i love it too. the storyline, epic. everything is just really really good. i dont even understand how people can complain, dont get me wrong i read the threads and comments, but their all senseless to me =/. the game is nr1 without a doubt, this isnt even a biased comments cause i PLAYED a LOT of mmorpgs, and GW2’s nr1 status is no lie.
Epic storyline? Dude, I am the kind of people who read the books ingame in Elder Scrolls (or any other game that has them). Im the kind of player who talks to NPCs to know their stories. And in my opinion, this game has the most idiot and boring main story ever made and the worst voice acting since Sega’s Altered Beast. The NPCs ask for your help while a city is being attacked by a crap load of monsters with the same emotion my antropology professor explained how important goats are for some tribes in middle-anywhere.
Epic? Well, if you think finding a lost heirloom is epic… then maybe. You start the story as an unknown idiot and you finish as the helper of some famous idiot. Even collecting boar crap in WoW had a more epic feeling.
If I had to make a ranking of the best MMOs Ive played (considering when they were released), GW2 wouldnt be amongst the top 5. It would certainly be amongst top 10, but I dont remember much more than 10 MMOs.
it’s the best mmo on the market right now, trust me.
best video game EVAR!? not sure yet. give them a few years, expansions, refining of content. we’ll see.
Nah, TSW is better. And Im putting my chips in The Repopulation to take its place. ESO? Well, lets see wat they deliver, but I have the feeling ESO will be another generic MMO just like GW2.