Let's talk about Dungeon Gold!
Nobody said it is 3g.
Only that it should not be 3g (as that’s on par with path 4 and the max) but perhaps it should be more then 1.5 (current value).
You know what I think Anet do?
I think over the entire game they have a fixed limit of rewards they want players to be able to achieve, this is to protect the games economy which in turn protects gem sales…
So what they do every so often is mix up the rewards, so it seems the game is more rewarding but what they actually do is nerf rewards somewhere else to pay for better rewards elsewhere…
So this latest patch gives better rewards for champions for example but its dungeon runners who pay for it…and so on…
I don’t think its a accident that Anet have a economist on the payroll whose job it is to manage the economy…
very insightful
i keep saying the gemstore seeps into everything anet does, people should pay attention. follow the money.
As someone who never runs dungeons, I must say that was badly thought out.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
HOTW P1 1G. HOTW Path 2 and 3 1G as well.
Sums up Anet’s logic nicely.
HOTW P1 1G. HOTW Path 2 and 3 1G as well.
Sums up Anet’s logic nicely.
Not only that, according to a write-up by ANET; https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/dungeon-rewards/ it was supposed to be this;
“Our goal is to make each and every dungeon path feel enticing and rewarding. We also want the rewards structure to encourage players to enjoy a variety of dungeon paths.
To reach these goals, we’ve made a few tweaks to the way dungeon completion is rewarded. Moving forward, the full reward for individual dungeon paths will be on a one-day timer, making it more lucrative to run multiple paths than repeating a single path. This should also increase the rewards for people who only do one dungeon a day. Story dungeons will award 50 silver for completion, and explorable dungeons will award between 1 and 3 gold depending on length and difficulty.”
What happened to this? Change of mind without so much as a word? Thought we wouldn’t/didn’t read things you make public?
Mud Bone – Sylvari Ranger
arah path 4 in my miserable experience should give 100g per run… 7 hours to complete it (yes we were all first timer, but it’s still stupid to come up with a dungeon that if you do for the first time could take 7 hours)
Join the Rainbow Pride
arah path 4 in my miserable experience should give 100g per run… 7 hours to complete it (yes we were all first timer, but it’s still stupid to come up with a dungeon that if you do for the first time could take 7 hours)
wow, that’s very impressive perseverance!
sounds like you at least had a very positive group, gratz on beating it!
that is true, i really appreciated that nobody wanted to give up until we were over… and at the dwayna fight we were all very very tired but we just wanted to do it, i was really lucky to have that group of people!
Join the Rainbow Pride
They REALLY dropped the ball on this. I’m really disappointed, because it shows ANET is out of touch with their economy.
Not only is it unrewarding for time spent, but it’s daily-limited.
What’s ANET so scared about making dungeons rewarding? A few days ago I made 16g in one hour from farming Barracudas. Another day I made 6g in one hour from farming in Cursed Shore.
If we spend more than one hour inside a single dungeon, and the dungeon is hard as heck (Arah p4) then shouldn’t it be super rewarding?
To put things in perspective, Arah p4 takes 3-4 hours for most groups. Yet only rewards 3g. Why? In one hour, I could easily make an average of 8g/hour simply farming open world mobs, so shouldn’t it give equivalent rewards?
If 24g DAILY in 3 hours for the toughest dungeon is too much, then at least 10g?
Some say players could run p4 in 30-40 minutes, but isn’t that a GOOD thing? Shouldn’t players be REWARDED for skill?
It feels like a really poor job. The person who actually assigned these should really be fired. This does not discourage people from farming cof p1 at all. You still get the 26s at the end. All this does is make people run AC 1 time, SE 1 time and return to cof.
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The
It feels like a really poor job. The person who actually assigned these should really be fired. This does not discourage people from farming cof p1 at all. You still get the 26s at the end. All this does is make people run AC 1 time, SE 1 time and return to cof.
Those in charge should be fired? Really? lol A bit of an over-reaction.
I’m sure they’re going to use this as a baseline to see who does what with it, and then adjust rewards accordingly.
maybe some people who ACTUALLY KNOW all dungeons well can express some opinions
I really didn`t want to gather random complainers here who have no clue what they`re talking about
when ppl come here with garbage like :
“As someone who never runs dungeons, bla bla.”
“The person who actually assigned these should really be fired.”
it`s just gonna make them ignore what the point was.
TA f/u is bugged so it’s not really about difficulty and more like it’s broken.
I agree SE path 2 should give 3G, not because it’s difficult but because it’s too long
CoF path 3 I never ran
What I think Anet should have done was announce that all dungeons would have a fixed gold reward for 2 weeks at 1.5G each. After that, they would enter a ‘alpha’ phase where they would look at the dungeon metrics and see the popular/unpopular ones and the amount of time each completed. Based on that, they would enter a ‘beta’ phase with further refinement, this time with appropriate rewards. After that, they would end up with the true gold reward.
^Anet! Hire this man naoww!
lol if they haven’t replied so far doubt they will reply any time soon. Also a base line for what? “lets give cof farmers more gold for farming cof and while we are at it make cof p1 have same rewards as ta ffkitten#8221;
lame but yeah really does need a rework.
can and do speak to unicorns.” (Arrow The
The only way I can explain the fiasco is that the rewards are coming prenerfed in preparation for the promised total rewriting of Dungeons, later this year.
And with Anet´s usual foresight, in the meantime here´s a hole in the ground in DR that you can run circles in till your wallets burst.
But only on patchday.
(edited by HawkMeister.4758)
I thought I saw/read something that this would be a baseline and they’d revisit it when they see who’s running what. I could be wrong though, because I’m too lazy to look for it.
In which case the numbers will likely be adjusted.
Seriously…I was thinking at least 1 or 2 paths on HotW and CoE would reward 2 gold. They’re long or challenging enough…
Regardless of how badly the gold rewards are assigned, you’re still getting more gold for dungeon completion than you were prior to the patch. I’ve run pretty much every dungeon path except Arah P1/P4 and CoF P3. HoTW 1-3, CM 1-3, and SE 2 aren’t really that hard. SE P2 is pretty long though and probably does deserve more than just 1G. I’ve never done CoF P3 because no one runs in so I don’t really know how difficult or easy it is.
I thought I saw/read something that this would be a baseline and they’d revisit it when they see who’s running what. I could be wrong though, because I’m too lazy to look for it.
In which case the numbers will likely be adjusted.
Yes, you are correct this is exactly what they have said…
Its still very lazy to start 80% of dungeons at 1g thou…
Just a hour or less looking at the group finder site for dungeons would have given them a good idea on the gold amount for each dungeon…
Also, the 1.5g for AC was a obvious ploy of trying to lure players back to it after putting off 80% of the players who were running it by there failed revamp a few months ago.
Anet do listen to there playerbase and often where possible give them what they want but also they are completely stubborn in that if they introduce something that completely fails such as the AC dungeon revamp there is not a chance of them ever reverting it back to how it was. They would prefer to lose players rather than change something back to how it was, I suspect they don’t want to hurt the ‘feelings’ of which ever members of staff did the changes…
I was one of the guys who did AC all paths every day. I haven`t been there after seeing the “revamps”. AC is just annoying, not harder, not better, simply annoying.
Putting it at the same reward as ARAH p3 ? Have I missed how they removed Lupicus from Arah 3 or what ?
I really don`t understand how they picked such awful gold numbers.
Funny how AC gives 1.5g and everything else gives 1g (except Arah). By their logic, CoE, SE, CM, and every other dungeon path & dungeon are just as easy and time consuming as CoF P1.
Because that’s how they evaluated how much money these dungeons give, right?
I was one of the guys who did AC all paths every day. I haven`t been there after seeing the “revamps”. AC is just annoying, not harder, not better, simply annoying.
Putting it at the same reward as ARAH p3 ? Have I missed how they removed Lupicus from Arah 3 or what ?
I really don`t understand how they picked such awful gold numbers.
Your entire post is exactly what’s on my mind.
Have any of you guys run SE p2 or CoF p3 lately?
I hadn’t ran either since 3 months after release because of bad memories and others horror stories. But today a guildy was asking for help with both while working on Dungeon Master. Our group was able to blow through both paths without a hitch, I was shocked at how easy they were.
[CDS] Caedas
Sanctum of Rall
Have any of you guys run SE p2 or CoF p3 lately?
I hadn’t ran either since 3 months after release because of bad memories and others horror stories. But today a guildy was asking for help with both while working on Dungeon Master. Our group was able to blow through both paths without a hitch, I was shocked at how easy they were.
They’re pretty easy if you know how to do them. My guild never has problems with any of the paths in SE.
Have any of you guys run SE p2 or CoF p3 lately?
I hadn’t ran either since 3 months after release because of bad memories and others horror stories. But today a guildy was asking for help with both while working on Dungeon Master. Our group was able to blow through both paths without a hitch, I was shocked at how easy they were.
They’re pretty easy if you know how to do them. My guild never has problems with any of the paths in SE.
The problem with SEp2 is not difficulty, its the length that most people an issue with it – its an incredibly tedious path. Since anet claimed that gold would be assigned based on both difficulty and length, it makes little sense that path 1 which takes 15 minutes and path 2 which takes 40 awards the same amount of gold.
hahahahaha, kinda funny.. Arah is the same ammount of gold than AC. This can’t be real..
Arah p3 lenght – ~30-40 min
AC P1/P3 – ~10-15 min
And the worst, Arah P4 should value 5G lol
First time I looked at these. They don’t make much sense, hope they change soon.
Why does AC reward 1.5g per path, though? I haven’t had trouble finding groups for it and it’s not all that difficult.
I think we can all agree that the gold amounts are off as is and I also remember reading something about them tuning the rewards as time went on… what I wonder about this tuning though is whether or not the rewards will remain within the range of 1g – 3g.
I would like to see a wider range because I believe the range in time invested in the dungeons are a little greater than that. I won’t suggest a range because I don’t want to seem greedy but as it stands you could run all the easy paths of the dungeons and come out with a greater reward than doing the hardest dungeon (both roughly taking the same time) which seems to defeat the purpose of the new dungeon rewards.
It’s bad now.
It will hopefully be adjusted later.
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
It’s bad now.
It will hopefully be adjusted later.
It’s really bad.
In my experience, CoF3 wasn’t so bad. Just needs people who aren’t dumb as bricks. I don’t like that bomb part, though.
Read Wingless, a fantasy comic about a knight’s journey, here!
Are. You. Kidding. Me.
Why does CoE give LESS than AC? and CoF3!?!?
that list… it’s just so obviously not thought out at all:
1.5 × 3 ….. 1 x 18 … 3, 3, 1.5, 3
the only “based on the path” was Arah3.
I think what this tells us the most is what dungeons the lead dungeon designer had trouble on than anything else.
Or maybe they based the rewards off of how hard the dungeon is for a party of brand new players at the ‘Explorable Level’ of that dungeon? If that were the case, I could totally see CoF path 1 taking as long as CoE path 3… both would take 4 hours with 20 wipes.
List of paths I think they accurately priced: CoF1&2, AC, most of Arah
Obvious changes: TA should be 1.5 each, CoF3 should be 3, SE should be 2 each, CoE should be 3 each
I thought they were trying to give rewards based on how hard/long the paths were so that no one dungeon would be preferred over others? While this is technically true, people now run the 6 select paths which give twice as much reward for the effort than all the others.
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
Just out of curiosity, has anyone listed how much gold we get for each of the dungeon paths in one easy to read list?
Ascalonian Catacombs
Path 1 – Hodgins 1 Gold 50 Silver
Path 2 – Detha 1 Gold 50 Silver
Path 3 – Tzark 1 Gold 50 Silver
Caudecus’s Manor
Path 1 – Asura 1 Gold
Path 2 – Seraph 1 Gold
Path 3 – Butler 1 Gold
Twilight Arbor
Path 1 – Up 1 Gold
Path 2 – Forward/Forward 1 Gold
Path 3 – Forward/Up 1 Gold
Sorrow’s Embrace
Path 1 – Fergg 1 Gold
Path 2 – Rasolov 1 Gold
Path 3 – Koptev 1 Gold
Citadel of Flame
Path 1 – Ferrah 1 Gold
Path 2 – Magg 1 Gold
Path 3 – Rhiannon 1 Gold
Honor of the Waves
Path 1 – Butcher 1 Gold
Path 2 – Plunderer 1 Gold
Path 3 – Zealot 1 Gold
Crucible of Eternity
Path 1 – Submarine 1 Gold
Path 2 – Teleporter 1 Gold
Path 3 – Front door 1 Gold
The Ruined City of Arah
Path 1 – Jotun 3 Gold
Path 2 – Mursaat 3 Gold
Path 3 – Forgotten 1 Gold 50 Silver
Path 4 – Seer 3 Gold
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
maybe we should give Anet a bit of Feedback to let them know that they need to adjust the Dungeon Gold Rewards.
maybe we should give Anet a bit of Feedback to let them know that they need to adjust the Dungeon Gold Rewards.
I’m pretty sure they’ve been reading this thread. They don’t respond to all threads because they’re busy developing new content. I think the current gold reward system for dungeons is really just a bandage. They said that they’re going to revamp the dungeons so the current rewards might actually be appropriate for when they’re revamped.
maybe we should give Anet a bit of Feedback to let them know that they need to adjust the Dungeon Gold Rewards.
I’m pretty sure they’ve been reading this thread. They don’t respond to all threads because they’re busy developing new content. I think the current gold reward system for dungeons is really just a bandage. They said that they’re going to revamp the dungeons so the current rewards might actually be appropriate for when they’re revamped.
Does that really make sense to you? These are simple gold numbers that can be changed easily and at any time.
Actually with this Update I am making a lot more gold than before. I don’t even have to sell the mats I’m getting (which I did before) and still get more gold.
That said I think it’s very stupid they give almost the same gold across the board.
3g for Arah p4 still isn’t worth it. 3g in 4 hours of a single very difficult dungeon is probably the worst profit in the entire game.
3g for Arah p4 still isn’t worth it. 3g in 4 hours of a single very difficult dungeon is probably the worst profit in the entire game.
4 hours? :P
3g for Arah p4 still isn’t worth it. 3g in 4 hours of a single very difficult dungeon is probably the worst profit in the entire game.
4 hours? :P
With a normal party? Yep. Especially when you keep having to reset Dwayna because she bugs out and heals each time she hits 50% despite the internal cooldown.