Living Story Won't bring people back.
Stopped reading at this point.
haha ikr?
Who suggested marriages? Will that really bring in more players? lol
Anyways… I like how the current system is with the constant new content. I don’t know how you could burn through everything in an hour or two though. I like not having to wait a year or two for new content.
Mounts, lol… Player housing, even more lol… Marriage system?! Downright laughable.
Its real simple. There are two types of peoples we want to bring back to the game: Roleplayers and WvWers.
Those are the things this engine almost ignore, we have a wvw model that almost doesn’t work, full of “unfixed glitches”, map design is what we know, full stacked server to cap a tower etc, and looks like the number of max players is far from reach the 500 per server.
About rolleplay i dont even understand why people choosed gw2 for roleplaying when theres mmo’s with politicals options and full control of the map.
in my opinion hard core gamers spend hard earned cash on gems, not the casual players.
So how does that business model make sense.
Wrong opinion .. hardcore players mostly have also masses of gold so they buy gems with gold, while casuals have no time to farm gold and so more often just buy gems with real cash.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Stopped reading after seeing Mounts in your suggestions list. Next time please type “Mounts” at the beginning of your post. Thanks in advance!
Funny. OP just about summarized all the things I don’t want ANet to do…
Living Story YAY! I love it! <3
witness our wonders and cry out in astonishment and humble themselves.
Beware our mighty works.
in my opinion hard core gamers spend hard earned cash on gems, not the casual players.
So how does that business model make sense.Wrong opinion .. hardcore players mostly have also masses of gold so they buy gems with gold, while casuals have no time to farm gold and so more often just buy gems with real cash.
Agreed. In most cases, casual players have jobs… they are the ones that can afford to drop some real cash on gemstore stuff… hardcore players just have an abundance of gold laying around since thats all they do… farm gold from playing the game 4-6+ hours a day
This is why anet’s focus has been on casual content… gw2 is a casual players paradise.. they make the most money from casuals so majority of the new things anet adds to gw2 will probably be based around casuals….This MMO is one of the least challenging on the market because of it, but meh, it seems to be working since anet is making money lol.
An expansion is Anet’s hidden Ace up the sleave. The minute the LS content development cycles do not generate sufficient gemstore revenue, THEN you will hear the word “expansion” start to surface. I have no doubt they are (at the very least), laying groundwork and writing story for something “larger” in terms of content, but since they appear to be making serious bank right now, why would they play their secret hole card now?
If they lose some players due to the current content structure, they are bound to gain them back when they DO commit to an Expansion. It’s a long game strategy.
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
I’m not so sure I’d want to take them away from what they’re working on to do other stuff, just because it’s in other games.
I think that you will find that people request things not because they are in other games but because they want them. Their realization that they like something or want it may come from having experienced it in another game, but the enjoyment is what they are after. If something’s existence in another game was in itself the reason it was being suggested then people would be suggesting things that they did not like in other games as well as things they liked.
But people also ask for stuff they have no idea how painful it would be to develop. Like being able to put houses anywhere in the world. How would that work with the megaserver? It couldn’t at all.
Everyone asks for stuff they want. Most people don’t stop to think about whether it’s possible or the downside to the game. I want lots of stuff that it wouldn’t be practical to put in this particular game.
Of course. I was not commenting on the merits of any given player or group of players’ desired additions to the game. I just wanted to point out that people requesting feature X are not requesting it because ti exists in another game but because it is something they liked, perhaps while playing another game.
In my opinion:
“GW2 should include feature X because big successful game W has it,” is a poor suggestion for a player to make.
“I used to play big game Z and really enjoyed feature Q. I think it would be cool to be able to do that here,” is a good suggestion for a player to make even if that feature cannot be and never will be added. Even in those situations where a given feature cannot be added an insightful developer might manage to figure out why it appeals and implement something that can work in their specific game in order to please (hopefully) those who like the feature.
Mounts, lol… Player housing, even more lol… Marriage system?! Downright laughable.
Its real simple. There are two types of peoples we want to bring back to the game: Roleplayers and WvWers.
The former are often smart enough to see straight through flimsy features like housing or marriage (again, lol), they probably want better basic functionality instead (like improved megaserver tech that doesnt scatter them to the wind).
The latter isnt going to give a rats kitten about anything other than WvW and GW2 is in dire need of improvements and tune ups in that area.
What about PvEers you say? HA! Grinders that have left the game isnt going to come back. The ones that havent left are still running around flipping over rocks in Orr in order to find some wooden sticks and possibly a worm or two. Or speedrunning dungeons with 5 man warrior teams. What are they going to do with player housing? Design it like CoF and start working out ways to run even faster?
But of course, Anet only seem to care about the PvEers. Living story, yay!
First of all, I was listing features and things people have been talking about and would like to see in game.
Yes believe it or not people have asked for a marriage system, go look it up on the forums, or is it too hard for you to comprehend?
Secondly, I’ve no idea what you’re even going on about with COF, who has ever mentioned wanting a home instance like COF to run it faster? what? I’m so confused.
To all of the people laughing at some of the suggestions I put up, that’s your own opinion and it does not reflect on the entire player bases opinion on things, as mine doesn’t either, but it’s there, and people have suggested it, so get over it.
Only if NO speed boosts, maybe like WItches Broom / Sonic Tunneler , allow Rangers to ride their pets
~Guild Halls
Hmmm maybe
~Player Housing
We have Instances already, underused and waste of resources, WoW has farmville now, odes gW2 need it ?
~Expansion pack (Cantha, Elona, maybe a new one we haven’t seen in gw1 before)
would be good
~Guild Wars (GvG)
So basically Arenas like WoW ?
~New Skills, new weapons
Again maybe good
~New classes
Not needed is it really ? LET THEM FIX THE ONES WE HAVE FIRST ( Mesmer)
~New Playable Races
~Mini pet fighting arena in LA that hasn’t been open (yet if ever)
OMG NO It’s bad enough that WoW added Pokemon does GW2 need it too ?
~Marriage system
NOTE: GW2 already sold 3.8 million copies in china in 2 months and a half.
actually the game is dying
Since when does the amount of sales for China have anything to do with what is happening on US/UK servers. The only thing China will do is subsidize the other regions and keep the life support running for them way past the time they should shut things down. That part is good for everyone that still enjoys the game and that want to keep playing it for years. It also means they do not have worry about retention for US/UK servers.
Back on topic, I don’t think LS will bring back anyone. It might get some people to check things out but I believe that once they see the state of the game they won’t stay for long. That is in regards to players that have left already of course. So I completely agree the LS will not bring back players. New players that are enjoying the game and those that still enjoy the game will mostly likely enjoy it but they are not returning players.
Mounts, lol… Player housing, even more lol… Marriage system?! Downright laughable.
Its real simple. There are two types of peoples we want to bring back to the game: Roleplayers and WvWers.
The former are often smart enough to see straight through flimsy features like housing or marriage (again, lol), they probably want better basic functionality instead (like improved megaserver tech that doesnt scatter them to the wind).
The latter isnt going to give a rats kitten about anything other than WvW and GW2 is in dire need of improvements and tune ups in that area.
What about PvEers you say? HA! Grinders that have left the game isnt going to come back. The ones that havent left are still running around flipping over rocks in Orr in order to find some wooden sticks and possibly a worm or two. Or speedrunning dungeons with 5 man warrior teams. What are they going to do with player housing? Design it like CoF and start working out ways to run even faster?
But of course, Anet only seem to care about the PvEers. Living story, yay!
First of all, I was listing features and things people have been talking about and would like to see in game.
Yes believe it or not people have asked for a marriage system, go look it up on the forums, or is it too hard for you to comprehend?
Secondly, I’ve no idea what you’re even going on about with COF, who has ever mentioned wanting a home instance like COF to run it faster? what? I’m so confused.
To all of the people laughing at some of the suggestions I put up, that’s your own opinion and it does not reflect on the entire player bases opinion on things, as mine doesn’t either, but it’s there, and people have suggested it, so get over it.
The main point being that some of these suggestions, while being viable and useful, would not bring players back to the game. I’d take additional living story content over mounts or marriage and I’m sure many others would as well.
Personally I am happy with how the game is, and in my opinion it would be more beneficial for current content to be tweaked rather than having additional content added. My input is probably not as relevant though, seeing as how I am content with the how the game is, and has been, and I am not planning on quitting any time soon. If I were to share the perspective of an individual who quit the game, I do think an expansion would certainly help. The other features, not so much.
Mounts, lol… Player housing, even more lol… Marriage system?! Downright laughable.
Its real simple. There are two types of peoples we want to bring back to the game: Roleplayers and WvWers.
The former are often smart enough to see straight through flimsy features like housing or marriage (again, lol), they probably want better basic functionality instead (like improved megaserver tech that doesnt scatter them to the wind).
The latter isnt going to give a rats kitten about anything other than WvW and GW2 is in dire need of improvements and tune ups in that area.
What about PvEers you say? HA! Grinders that have left the game isnt going to come back. The ones that havent left are still running around flipping over rocks in Orr in order to find some wooden sticks and possibly a worm or two. Or speedrunning dungeons with 5 man warrior teams. What are they going to do with player housing? Design it like CoF and start working out ways to run even faster?
But of course, Anet only seem to care about the PvEers. Living story, yay!
First of all, I was listing features and things people have been talking about and would like to see in game.
Yes believe it or not people have asked for a marriage system, go look it up on the forums, or is it too hard for you to comprehend?
Secondly, I’ve no idea what you’re even going on about with COF, who has ever mentioned wanting a home instance like COF to run it faster? what? I’m so confused.
To all of the people laughing at some of the suggestions I put up, that’s your own opinion and it does not reflect on the entire player bases opinion on things, as mine doesn’t either, but it’s there, and people have suggested it, so get over it.
I don’t see why there is so much hate for new content. Especially when most of it will either improve quality of life for all players or will have no effect on them. I wouldn’t want or care about some of the stuff on the list but I don’t see why someone would waste the time to hate on it unless they actually felt it would hurt the game. I didn’t read many like that though, most of the post were all just a bunch of “that’s lame” and make fun of it. Kind of reminds me of kitten bags in high school, they are just hating for the sake of hating.
The problem is allocation of resources. If there were enough resources, then we would likely have some of those things listed in the game already. But, there are not (according to the Devs), so many would rather see the available resources spent on other things than marriage or mini-games. So, in that sense, it could hurt the game.
Also, it is unlikely those things would bring back more people than the current Living Story Season.
What. Mounts are the first on the list and the thread has no masters of comedy posting the dead horse gif? You disappoint me, GW2 forumites.
Lol, you want a total overhaul of the combat system?
Also, it’s not ANet’s fault that the players turned EotM into a karma train. They gave us a perfectly good map with interesting mechanics and we’re the ones that didn’t appreciate it enough.I think it’s been confirmed that we won’t get an expansion, but LS season 2 is all permanent content, so I don’t really mind at all.
Don’t forget it was also play tested by wvw guilds who signed up, and THEY didn’t pick up on the abuse either!
cheshirefox I think you have hit the nail on the head with this. I recently put a post up regarding being slightly disillusioned with the business model anet have got.
High level simple terms…
The game is built for casual players, funds are based on micro transactions, in my opinion hard core gamers spend hard earned cash on gems, not the casual players.
So how does that business model make sense.
Because I’d argue the reverse is true.
“Hard core” gamers are more likely to spend hours grinding content and buying gems with in game gold. Casual players are more likely not to find the time sink worth it and open up the wallet.
(edited by chemiclord.3978)
You will see them announcing an expansion soon, becasue it is literally ignorant to believe that the +280 people who are not working on the living story are working on bug fixes.
You will see them announcing an expansion soon, becasue it is literally ignorant to believe that the +280 people who are not working on the living story are working on bug fixes.
Out of the 300 employees, how many of them are people who work directly on the game? Somewhere in there there is going to to be a whole lot of people who don’t even work on the game, like HR, PR, IT, and many other roles. Just curious to find out how many developers there are actually working on the game.
LS season 2 brought me back. I stopped playing right after Flame and Frost. I had been playing consistently since Beta and I needed a break. I saw LS 2 announced on Youtube, decided to give it a try. I’m glad I did, I really like what I have played so far and it makes me regret stopping playing in the first place and missing all the aetherblade stuff, tower of nightmare and most of the backstory of Taimi, Kasmer and Marjory and all the Scarlet stuff.
I actually really like the way Anet is rolling stuff out in small increments and I really hope they eventually turn season 1 into a journal. I would buy that. I want my characters to be able to bridge from Zhaitan’s death to LS 2 with the continual story.
Here is how I look at this:
A new player coming into Gw2, given the current state of the game and all their changes, including the state of PvP and WvW, what do you think their reaction will be?
I’ll tell you, as I recently took a new class through the game; basically how I did it when I first started.
- Most maps were largely empty
- The new LS area was difficult to get to, when I did, it was largely empty and events were not doable because of it
- Cant find a decent group for any dungeons. When I do find a group, people want warriors
- WvW is largely empty (on T1), figured I could level up there as I hate EoTM, sadly I was mistaken
- The trait system seems really restrictive at the moment, given you can’t put points into anything until a certain level
- Unlocking abilities also seems difficult for two reasons: 1) Nobody is on the map to help, and 2) The area might be on the other side of Tyria from where I started. I’m a new player, I don’t have the gold to purchase the books because not much of it seems to drop (were things nerfed at some point)
- I don’t touch PvP, but from what I’ve heard, it needs a lot of work
For a new player coming in, aside from the beautiful graphics and sound, what else could I possibly see as a positive in the game. Large amounts of it seem unplayable at the moment due to the lack of players.
The Living story doesn’t fix this; hell, I can’t even do the events because there isn’t enough people around. It seems only fitting to draw people back that an expansion is needed to give the areas that need addressing, and overhaul.
Expansions can take up to 3yrs to release, WoW is proof of this. I’m sure Burning Crusade took well over a year to develop. If Anet isn’t currently working on what, don’t expect one by the 3rd anniversary.
Empty maps? Dry Top empty? I haven’t seen empty maps for some time now. And I am on a server that was near the bottom. Maybe try guesting?
Here is how I look at this:
A new player coming into Gw2, given the current state of the game and all their changes, including the state of PvP and WvW, what do you think their reaction will be?
I’ll tell you, as I recently took a new class through the game; basically how I did it when I first started.
- Most maps were largely empty
- The new LS area was difficult to get to, when I did, it was largely empty and events were not doable because of it
- Cant find a decent group for any dungeons. When I do find a group, people want warriors
- WvW is largely empty (on T1), figured I could level up there as I hate EoTM, sadly I was mistaken
- The trait system seems really restrictive at the moment, given you can’t put points into anything until a certain level
- Unlocking abilities also seems difficult for two reasons: 1) Nobody is on the map to help, and 2) The area might be on the other side of Tyria from where I started. I’m a new player, I don’t have the gold to purchase the books because not much of it seems to drop (were things nerfed at some point)
- I don’t touch PvP, but from what I’ve heard, it needs a lot of workFor a new player coming in, aside from the beautiful graphics and sound, what else could I possibly see as a positive in the game. Large amounts of it seem unplayable at the moment due to the lack of players.
The Living story doesn’t fix this; hell, I can’t even do the events because there isn’t enough people around. It seems only fitting to draw people back that an expansion is needed to give the areas that need addressing, and overhaul.
Expansions can take up to 3yrs to release, WoW is proof of this. I’m sure Burning Crusade took well over a year to develop. If Anet isn’t currently working on what, don’t expect one by the 3rd anniversary.
There isn’t a lack of players, there is a lack of players at specific areas and all MMO’s have this problem with no exception.
GW2 isnt agame for mount system, small maps plus waypoints lost of speed boons access.
if maps were triple size and just 2 or 3 waypoints that would be totally different, but map size is limited to game design.
Also as much i dont like LS, it is a good way to explore new mechanics for later improvements.
(edited by Aeolus.3615)
Also the Living Story has been bringing people back. Returning player threads are a regular occurrence on this forum and apparently Reddit added a whole new section for them.
Yup. I’ve seen a handful of long-disappeared names come back because of this.
Also the Living Story has been bringing people back. Returning player threads are a regular occurrence on this forum and apparently Reddit added a whole new section for them.
Yup. I’ve seen a handful of long-disappeared names come back because of this.
Yep I have people in my guild who have come back just because of the Living Story.
Empty maps? Dry Top empty? I haven’t seen empty maps for some time now. And I am on a server that was near the bottom. Maybe try guesting?
Since it is all Megaserver Server doesn’t matter. If you notice your map in Dry Top gets empty and there is no progress on the rank display, just relog and mostly you get into the next instance with more players, or try to get into another map with guesting.
Check with “/ip” also if you are on another map.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
~Guild Wars (GvG)
So basically Arenas like WoW ?
They are nothing alike… Did you play GW1?
~Guild Wars (GvG)
So basically Arenas like WoW ?
They are nothing alike… Did you play GW1?
You can already do GvG in OS and in sPvP (5 vs 5). Why do we need something special?
~Guild Wars (GvG)
So basically Arenas like WoW ?
They are nothing alike… Did you play GW1?
You can already do GvG in OS and in sPvP (5 vs 5). Why do we need something special?
It wasn’t just 2 Guilds fighting. It was a different game type, particularly capture the flag. The current PvP would be a very different experience.
As soon as you said mounts you lost me.
~Guild Wars (GvG)
So basically Arenas like WoW ?
They are nothing alike… Did you play GW1?
You can already do GvG in OS and in sPvP (5 vs 5). Why do we need something special?
What guilds do in OS is not “real” GvG. It’s community-organized zerg bashing. It’s interesting and all that, but “real” GvG was an official game type with matchmaking structure, rewards, and special maps. It involved specifically tailored game modes like capture the flag. Comparing that to the GvG in OS is like saying Halo or Counter Strike is the same as Gary’s Mod.
Also the Living Story has been bringing people back. Returning player threads are a regular occurrence on this forum and apparently Reddit added a whole new section for them.
It may not be what you personally want but a lot of other people enjoy it. I’ve been playing almost every day since S2 started and my main character has left Dry Top twice, one of which was to do the Concordia and Fort Salma instances.
But consider the amount of people that left the game because of living story.
Im one of them.
Game has an amazing foundation, love the world, lore, even the combat and all is decent(when it isn’t tainted by zerging). I just wish they would focus efforts on content other than living story, like dungeon revamp, or encouraging us to participate in open world PVE not related to living story(i.e. the DE’s that launched with the game).
Still keeping an eye on the game hoping that Arenanet turns it around, but they keep on with a full head of steam with LS, so I stay away. And I keep my fat wallet with me.
Also the Living Story has been bringing people back. Returning player threads are a regular occurrence on this forum and apparently Reddit added a whole new section for them.
It may not be what you personally want but a lot of other people enjoy it. I’ve been playing almost every day since S2 started and my main character has left Dry Top twice, one of which was to do the Concordia and Fort Salma instances.
But consider the amount of people that left the game because of living story.
Im one of them.
Game has an amazing foundation, love the world, lore, even the combat and all is decent(when it isn’t tainted by zerging). I just wish they would focus efforts on content other than living story, like dungeon revamp, or encouraging us to participate in open world PVE not related to living story(i.e. the DE’s that launched with the game).
Still keeping an eye on the game hoping that Arenanet turns it around, but they keep on with a full head of steam with LS, so I stay away. And I keep my fat wallet with me.
Everyone thinks because they did something a lot of people feel the same way. But I think the living story has kept more people here than it’s lost. It’s a form of content you don’t see in many games. For each person who hates it, someone is going to enjoy it.
If Anet just started making raids, they’d have to compete with every game on the market. There’s very few people doing anything like the Living World. It gives them an edge. I’m here because of that content.
Put that “~Mounts” away.
Also the Living Story has been bringing people back. Returning player threads are a regular occurrence on this forum and apparently Reddit added a whole new section for them.
It may not be what you personally want but a lot of other people enjoy it. I’ve been playing almost every day since S2 started and my main character has left Dry Top twice, one of which was to do the Concordia and Fort Salma instances.
But consider the amount of people that left the game because of living story.
Im one of them.
Game has an amazing foundation, love the world, lore, even the combat and all is decent(when it isn’t tainted by zerging). I just wish they would focus efforts on content other than living story, like dungeon revamp, or encouraging us to participate in open world PVE not related to living story(i.e. the DE’s that launched with the game).
Still keeping an eye on the game hoping that Arenanet turns it around, but they keep on with a full head of steam with LS, so I stay away. And I keep my fat wallet with me.
Everyone thinks because they did something a lot of people feel the same way. But I think the living story has kept more people here than it’s lost. It’s a form of content you don’t see in many games. For each person who hates it, someone is going to enjoy it.
If Anet just started making raids, they’d have to compete with every game on the market. There’s very few people doing anything like the Living World. It gives them an edge. I’m here because of that content.
And for every person that enjoys it, theres somebody that hates it.
Im not playing because of it.
Also the Living Story has been bringing people back. Returning player threads are a regular occurrence on this forum and apparently Reddit added a whole new section for them.
It may not be what you personally want but a lot of other people enjoy it. I’ve been playing almost every day since S2 started and my main character has left Dry Top twice, one of which was to do the Concordia and Fort Salma instances.
But consider the amount of people that left the game because of living story.
Im one of them.
Game has an amazing foundation, love the world, lore, even the combat and all is decent(when it isn’t tainted by zerging). I just wish they would focus efforts on content other than living story, like dungeon revamp, or encouraging us to participate in open world PVE not related to living story(i.e. the DE’s that launched with the game).
Still keeping an eye on the game hoping that Arenanet turns it around, but they keep on with a full head of steam with LS, so I stay away. And I keep my fat wallet with me.
Everyone thinks because they did something a lot of people feel the same way. But I think the living story has kept more people here than it’s lost. It’s a form of content you don’t see in many games. For each person who hates it, someone is going to enjoy it.
If Anet just started making raids, they’d have to compete with every game on the market. There’s very few people doing anything like the Living World. It gives them an edge. I’m here because of that content.
And for every person that enjoys it, theres somebody that hates it.
Im not playing because of it.
Yep, and that’s not a bad thing. You’re not playing. You’re one guy. You don’t have numbers and neither do I. But I’m pretty kitten sure if Anet didn’t get the numbers they wanted from Season 1 they wouldn’t be doing Season 2. There is zero reason for them to go full on with this if it wasn’t successful for them.
I just wish they would focus efforts on content other than living story, like dungeon revamp, or encouraging us to participate in open world PVE not related to living story(i.e. the DE’s that launched with the game).
DE’s in Dry Top are not really part of the LS .. if we had gotten that zone instead as part of an expansion nobody would say it LS stuff .. then it would be just “awsome new expanion stuff”
Also a lot of people still do the mega-events.
Only with all the “normal” events i think ANet has a big problem how to give them a proper reward that wouldn’t be exploitet if masses of players just tag on mob an run to the next event.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Also the Living Story has been bringing people back. Returning player threads are a regular occurrence on this forum and apparently Reddit added a whole new section for them.
It may not be what you personally want but a lot of other people enjoy it. I’ve been playing almost every day since S2 started and my main character has left Dry Top twice, one of which was to do the Concordia and Fort Salma instances.
But consider the amount of people that left the game because of living story.
Im one of them.
Game has an amazing foundation, love the world, lore, even the combat and all is decent(when it isn’t tainted by zerging). I just wish they would focus efforts on content other than living story, like dungeon revamp, or encouraging us to participate in open world PVE not related to living story(i.e. the DE’s that launched with the game).
Still keeping an eye on the game hoping that Arenanet turns it around, but they keep on with a full head of steam with LS, so I stay away. And I keep my fat wallet with me.
Everyone thinks because they did something a lot of people feel the same way. But I think the living story has kept more people here than it’s lost. It’s a form of content you don’t see in many games. For each person who hates it, someone is going to enjoy it.
If Anet just started making raids, they’d have to compete with every game on the market. There’s very few people doing anything like the Living World. It gives them an edge. I’m here because of that content.
I would love to have raids but I see what you mean. I think cesmode just wants to see Anet really improve the DE system. Right now it’s just a sort of automated, cyclical quest system. The DE chains aren’t really “dynamic.” They just have two states: success or fail. If there was more branching and more complex mechanics (besides just killing enemies or collecting an item) it would be more interesting.
Also he has a point about dungeon revamps. The current meta of stacking in a corner and FGS rushing things down is terrible. The bosses need an overhaul with specially tailored mechanics and better AI.
Also the Living Story has been bringing people back. Returning player threads are a regular occurrence on this forum and apparently Reddit added a whole new section for them.
It may not be what you personally want but a lot of other people enjoy it. I’ve been playing almost every day since S2 started and my main character has left Dry Top twice, one of which was to do the Concordia and Fort Salma instances.
But consider the amount of people that left the game because of living story.
Im one of them.
Game has an amazing foundation, love the world, lore, even the combat and all is decent(when it isn’t tainted by zerging). I just wish they would focus efforts on content other than living story, like dungeon revamp, or encouraging us to participate in open world PVE not related to living story(i.e. the DE’s that launched with the game).
Still keeping an eye on the game hoping that Arenanet turns it around, but they keep on with a full head of steam with LS, so I stay away. And I keep my fat wallet with me.
Everyone thinks because they did something a lot of people feel the same way. But I think the living story has kept more people here than it’s lost. It’s a form of content you don’t see in many games. For each person who hates it, someone is going to enjoy it.
If Anet just started making raids, they’d have to compete with every game on the market. There’s very few people doing anything like the Living World. It gives them an edge. I’m here because of that content.
I would love to have raids but I see what you mean. I think cesmode just wants to see Anet really improve the DE system. Right now it’s just a sort of automated, cyclical quest system. The DE chains aren’t really “dynamic.” They just have two states: success or fail. If there was more branching and more complex mechanics (besides just killing enemies or collecting an item) it would be more interesting.
Also he has a point about dungeon revamps. The current meta of stacking in a corner and FGS rushing things down is terrible. The bosses need an overhaul with specially tailored mechanics and better AI.
I’m not saying work doesn’t have to be done elsewhere, but what he was saying is he left because of the Living Story. I’m relatively sure the Living Story has been good for the game.
I have no real problem with Anet updating events or fixing dungeons, but again, they have the numbers on how many do them. I don’t see any way out of the problems with dynamic events. You’re never going to be able to have enough of them, no matter how many you have. People will learn them all, people will be bored.
Anet’s goal has always been to make a living breathing world. They tried that with DEs and found it didn’t work, so they moved on to the Living Story. If you don’t like that, you’re probably quite screwed.
As for dungeons, yes, something should be done about them. But every time you make them harder or take longer, less people do them.
Also the Living Story has been bringing people back. Returning player threads are a regular occurrence on this forum and apparently Reddit added a whole new section for them.
It may not be what you personally want but a lot of other people enjoy it. I’ve been playing almost every day since S2 started and my main character has left Dry Top twice, one of which was to do the Concordia and Fort Salma instances.
But consider the amount of people that left the game because of living story.
Im one of them.
Game has an amazing foundation, love the world, lore, even the combat and all is decent(when it isn’t tainted by zerging). I just wish they would focus efforts on content other than living story, like dungeon revamp, or encouraging us to participate in open world PVE not related to living story(i.e. the DE’s that launched with the game).
Still keeping an eye on the game hoping that Arenanet turns it around, but they keep on with a full head of steam with LS, so I stay away. And I keep my fat wallet with me.
Everyone thinks because they did something a lot of people feel the same way. But I think the living story has kept more people here than it’s lost. It’s a form of content you don’t see in many games. For each person who hates it, someone is going to enjoy it.
If Anet just started making raids, they’d have to compete with every game on the market. There’s very few people doing anything like the Living World. It gives them an edge. I’m here because of that content.
And for every person that enjoys it, theres somebody that hates it.
Im not playing because of it.
Yep, and that’s not a bad thing. You’re not playing. You’re one guy. You don’t have numbers and neither do I. But I’m pretty kitten sure if Anet didn’t get the numbers they wanted from Season 1 they wouldn’t be doing Season 2. There is zero reason for them to go full on with this if it wasn’t successful for them.
And you’re one guy playing.
And about the numbers supporting decision making: while its logical, it may not be necessarily true. The game was wildly popular with a lot, A LOT less complaining in the three months after release before ascended gear. Then they dropped ascended gear. Fine. “We got over it”. There was a lot less whining about the direction of the game before living story, a lot of people enjoyed it. Then they put in this type of content that NO ONE asked for, there were no numbers to support making that decision, but they did it anyways. But, there were posts and outcries for other things (such as a legendary scav hunt, more dungeons, etc).
My point: They do not soley make their decision based on numbers. I have no idea what the numbers are, neither do you. They could be slightly or significantly down from last year and we wouldn’t know about it, but they figured they might try to salvage LS since they put a lot of effort in. Who knows. (this is all speculation, as is most everything in this thread including everything you say )
~Guild Wars (GvG)
So basically Arenas like WoW ?
They are nothing alike… Did you play GW1?
You can already do GvG in OS and in sPvP (5 vs 5). Why do we need something special?
What guilds do in OS is not “real” GvG. It’s community-organized zerg bashing. It’s interesting and all that, but “real” GvG was an official game type with matchmaking structure, rewards, and special maps. It involved specifically tailored game modes like capture the flag. Comparing that to the GvG in OS is like saying Halo or Counter Strike is the same as Gary’s Mod.
It is REAL GvG – sorry – just because it does not fit your GW1 definition of GvG. It istill GvG.
Also the Living Story has been bringing people back. Returning player threads are a regular occurrence on this forum and apparently Reddit added a whole new section for them.
It may not be what you personally want but a lot of other people enjoy it. I’ve been playing almost every day since S2 started and my main character has left Dry Top twice, one of which was to do the Concordia and Fort Salma instances.
But consider the amount of people that left the game because of living story.
Im one of them.
Game has an amazing foundation, love the world, lore, even the combat and all is decent(when it isn’t tainted by zerging). I just wish they would focus efforts on content other than living story, like dungeon revamp, or encouraging us to participate in open world PVE not related to living story(i.e. the DE’s that launched with the game).
Still keeping an eye on the game hoping that Arenanet turns it around, but they keep on with a full head of steam with LS, so I stay away. And I keep my fat wallet with me.
Everyone thinks because they did something a lot of people feel the same way. But I think the living story has kept more people here than it’s lost. It’s a form of content you don’t see in many games. For each person who hates it, someone is going to enjoy it.
If Anet just started making raids, they’d have to compete with every game on the market. There’s very few people doing anything like the Living World. It gives them an edge. I’m here because of that content.
I would love to have raids but I see what you mean. I think cesmode just wants to see Anet really improve the DE system. Right now it’s just a sort of automated, cyclical quest system. The DE chains aren’t really “dynamic.” They just have two states: success or fail. If there was more branching and more complex mechanics (besides just killing enemies or collecting an item) it would be more interesting.
Also he has a point about dungeon revamps. The current meta of stacking in a corner and FGS rushing things down is terrible. The bosses need an overhaul with specially tailored mechanics and better AI.
Pretty much. The leveling PVE experience REVOLVES around open world DEs (assuming you dont WvW or dungeon run your way to 80). Why abandon this system? Until there is more of an incentive to actually enjoy the bulk of the PVE game, I stay away.
However, I disagree with some of what you said. The DE system didn’t fail. Arenanet simply didn’t invest post-launch time and effort into it. They put out a quick patch post launch with a few more DEs, and thats about it. They also gave zero incentive for a level 80 to revisit mid-lower level zones. A few silver, and 300 karma is worthless. If they invested half of the resources that they use for LS into open world PVE/DEs and gave similar incentive, the world would be much more living and breathing.
(edited by cesmode.4257)
Season 2 brought back half my guild. I don’t care about anything else.
Resident Thief
Also the Living Story has been bringing people back. Returning player threads are a regular occurrence on this forum and apparently Reddit added a whole new section for them.
It may not be what you personally want but a lot of other people enjoy it. I’ve been playing almost every day since S2 started and my main character has left Dry Top twice, one of which was to do the Concordia and Fort Salma instances.
But consider the amount of people that left the game because of living story.
Im one of them.
Game has an amazing foundation, love the world, lore, even the combat and all is decent(when it isn’t tainted by zerging). I just wish they would focus efforts on content other than living story, like dungeon revamp, or encouraging us to participate in open world PVE not related to living story(i.e. the DE’s that launched with the game).
Still keeping an eye on the game hoping that Arenanet turns it around, but they keep on with a full head of steam with LS, so I stay away. And I keep my fat wallet with me.
Everyone thinks because they did something a lot of people feel the same way. But I think the living story has kept more people here than it’s lost. It’s a form of content you don’t see in many games. For each person who hates it, someone is going to enjoy it.
If Anet just started making raids, they’d have to compete with every game on the market. There’s very few people doing anything like the Living World. It gives them an edge. I’m here because of that content.
And for every person that enjoys it, theres somebody that hates it.
Im not playing because of it.
Yep, and that’s not a bad thing. You’re not playing. You’re one guy. You don’t have numbers and neither do I. But I’m pretty kitten sure if Anet didn’t get the numbers they wanted from Season 1 they wouldn’t be doing Season 2. There is zero reason for them to go full on with this if it wasn’t successful for them.
And you’re one guy playing.
And about the numbers supporting decision making: while its logical, it may not be necessarily true. The game was wildly popular with a lot, A LOT less complaining in the three months after release before ascended gear. Then they dropped ascended gear. Fine. “We got over it”. There was a lot less whining about the direction of the game before living story, a lot of people enjoyed it. Then they put in this type of content that NO ONE asked for, there were no numbers to support making that decision, but they did it anyways. But, there were posts and outcries for other things (such as a legendary scav hunt, more dungeons, etc).
My point: They do not soley make their decision based on numbers. I have no idea what the numbers are, neither do you. They could be slightly or significantly down from last year and we wouldn’t know about it, but they figured they might try to salvage LS since they put a lot of effort in. Who knows. (this is all speculation, as is most everything in this thread including everything you say
From things that have been said over the years, I’m fairly confident that numbers make up a huge portion of why Anet does things. They’ve talked about their metrics and they’ve even displayed how specific those metrics are (for example by telling us how many players since launch have been killed by one specific type of creature). Anet seems to be focused on metrics.
It’s why some of their decisions seem completely out of the blue. They listen to us to some degree, but metrics are also very important to them.
~Guild Wars (GvG)
So basically Arenas like WoW ?
They are nothing alike… Did you play GW1?
You can already do GvG in OS and in sPvP (5 vs 5). Why do we need something special?
What guilds do in OS is not “real” GvG. It’s community-organized zerg bashing. It’s interesting and all that, but “real” GvG was an official game type with matchmaking structure, rewards, and special maps. It involved specifically tailored game modes like capture the flag. Comparing that to the GvG in OS is like saying Halo or Counter Strike is the same as Gary’s Mod.
It is REAL GvG – sorry – just because it does not fit your GW1 definition of GvG. It istill GvG.
“My definition.”
Right. Because I made up my own personal definition out of thin air. Forget the fact that GvG in GW1 ever existed as a definition of “GvG.”
Here, I have an idea. Lets go grab a boulder. I’ll put it in the middle of Rata Sum. My team of random people starts at the Artificer station. Yours starts at the Leatherworking station. First team to get the boulder back to base wins. This will be the official Capture the Flag game! Now that we invented that, all other “definitions” of CTF are invalid and Anet should never waste time making a “real” CTF gametype…
Does anyone else see how ridiculous this is?
@Dusty Moon
Look I’m not trying to belittle your OS GvG. I’m sure it’s complex and competitive and all that. But it is simply…
…as GvG from GW1. We call that “real” GvG because it was an actual game mode developed by Anet, not an ad-hoc community-created activity. It’s like saying “real” football is what the NFL does as opposed to the football that your friends might play in the back yard.
~Guild Wars (GvG)
So basically Arenas like WoW ?
They are nothing alike… Did you play GW1?
You can already do GvG in OS and in sPvP (5 vs 5). Why do we need something special?
What guilds do in OS is not “real” GvG. It’s community-organized zerg bashing. It’s interesting and all that, but “real” GvG was an official game type with matchmaking structure, rewards, and special maps. It involved specifically tailored game modes like capture the flag. Comparing that to the GvG in OS is like saying Halo or Counter Strike is the same as Gary’s Mod.
It is REAL GvG – sorry – just because it does not fit your GW1 definition of GvG. It istill GvG.
“My definition.”
Right. Because I made up my own personal definition out of thin air. Forget the fact that GvG in GW1 ever existed as a definition of “GvG.”
Here, I have an idea. Lets go grab a boulder. I’ll put it in the middle of Rata Sum. My team of random people starts at the Artificer station. Yours starts at the Leatherworking station. First team to get the boulder back to base wins. This will be the official Capture the Flag game! Now that we invented that, all other “definitions” of CTF are invalid and Anet should never waste time making a “real” CTF gametype…
Does anyone else see how ridiculous this is?
@Dusty Moon
Look I’m not trying to belittle your OS GvG. I’m sure it’s complex and competitive and all that. But it is simply…
…as GvG from GW1. We call that “real” GvG because it was an actual game mode developed by Anet, not an ad-hoc community-created activity. It’s like saying “real” football is what the NFL does as opposed to the football that your friends might play in the back yard.
But GvG will never ever be the same as Guild Wars 1 without dedicated healers. With the ability to dodge roll. This game is different because it’s built to be different. I’m pretty sure if GvG were duplicated and we dropped Guild Wars 2 characters into it, it wouldn’t be anything like Guild Wars 1 players would want it to be.
Season 2 Living story brought me back to Guild Wars 2, because how they are conducting the season 2 this time around. Other than expansion pack, all the other stuff listed in the original post would not have brought me back.
Season 2 Living story brought me back to Guild Wars 2, because how they are conducting the season 2 this time around. Other than expansion pack, all the other stuff listed in the original post would not have brought me back.
In the words of Vayne,
You are one person. You do not represent the many, and there are many others that are not like you…therefor whatever you say is not fact.