You want to retain players? that’s not going to help. No one is going to keep playing this game because of the early levels…every MMORPG maker knows that endgame is how you retain players, not the early stages that get completed in less than a week…. so for the 10000th time, please work on a CONTENT PATCH FOR VETERANS. thats how you get new players to commit to this game and stay commited…. not by this pointless NPE.
I want to clarify one point I’ve been seeing expressed. This is one type of retention. There’s another type of retention where new players try the game and churn out before they even get to the point where they’re seeing the potential the game has to offer. Yes, a certain amount of people will just do that; they’ll log in to see what it’s about, have their curiosity satisfied, and move on. But we were seeing a lot of places where people who would otherwise have become active users were churning out prematurely because of the issues that we’re addressing with the NPE.
As Colin stated above, we can’t talk in detail about the ongoing development to drive retention for our veteran players, but I just wanted to make the point that the NPE was deliberately designed to address the early game retention issues, and ensure that Guild Wars 2 can benefit from a strong and steady influx of new players into the game.
I understand what you’re saying about people just jumping on and making assumptions based on first impressions. I am one of those people. But the first impression the game gave previously is far better than the first impression it gives now. I only bought the game 4 months ago and I played almost every day for like 12 hours per day after I bought it. My plan was to level a character of each profession to level 80 to see which one has to offer. When I heard there was going to be a new levelling system, I decided to wait to try it before starting my third character. When I tried it, I hated it. I was extremely excited about levelling my character with this new system, but I couldn’t bring myself to get past level 5. I haven’t played the game in 2 days. I’ve gone back to games I thought I would never go back to because they just didn’t make the cut for me. I understand what you’re trying to do, but this is definitely the wrong way to do it. A better way would be to make a tutorial that gives a glimpse of everything the game has to offer. That way it doesn’t make the game feel any slower and it doesn’t affect people who just want to play new characters. The levelling experience was fine before, and I understand wanting to make it feel more rewarding as well. But instead of locking features to use as rewards, why not give items as rewards? Perhaps items related to whatever they unlocked. The early levels could give harvesting tools or salvage kits, since I know I went through a ton of those early on. The mid-levels could give choices of weapons, armor, or dye, since when I played my first character I loved getting new weapons and armor, and I was obsessed with making my character look good. Then the higher levels could give maybe some gold, higher tier crafting materials, or more dye. That would be way more rewarding than just locking features behind level requirements, and everyone would be much happier. Or you could sell scrolls in the starting zones that give you 10 levels for around 5-10 gold each. That would add another money sink to the game and most people who are levelling alts have enough gold to get their character to around level 40+.