Lady Alexis Hawk – Main – Necromancer
Ravion Hawk – Warrior
I’ll just leave this right here for you…
Returning player wonder when we gona see a mount or a house system in GW2??
For a quick summary on the two topics, you can check this
and this
Housing is something I’d adore (and spend a HUGE amount of gems on, hint hint anet)
Interesting strategy, can’t close a mount thread if it also talks about something else.
It’s been my understanding that if they do a CDI for a game element it will eventually be introduced.
The devs themselves explained, that this understanding is not correct.
That is sort of true to cover themselves which i can understand. However, i would not expect the devs to waste time on something if they dis not at least have intent and were using the cdis to guide development.
Actually, they might use the CDI to see what people want, and then see if it’s viable to even make that in GW2. If it’s not, or at least not cost effective, then they’ll scrap it and that’s all we’ll ever hear of it.
Personally I just don’t see any point for having mounts in game. Housing I would Like, if it was actually functional and not just cosmetic.
can’t wait when I’ll be able to post this here:
(a flying carpet, a flying broom, a tunneling tool… it’s not too far away)
What I want more than anything else is the bloody search feature to actually work on this forum so these threads can stop appearing multiple times a day!
THIS ISN’T WoW! The maps aren’t big and we don’t need mounts for speed boosts or whatever. From skills to boosters the game basically hands you speed boosts!
THIS ISN’T WoW! The maps aren’t big and we don’t need mounts for speed boosts or whatever. From skills to boosters the game basically hands you speed boosts!
The ignorance of many of you is astonishing, a lot of people would prefer exploring a map on a mount than waypointing from A to B to C, so please: don’t speak for everyone but feel free to add an “Imho” to your posts of this kind.
btw. a lot of people don’t see mounts as speedboosts and wouldn’t care if a mount would have none. They love them for the looks. This has been said in all those countless posts you’re refering to more than once.
Then they can simply not use the waypoints. GW2 biggest maps still aren’t that big where walking from one side to the other takes a while and since like I said the game basically hands you speed boosts, that makes exploring even faster.
Magic carpet, sonic tunneling tool and riding broom, 3 things you can buy on the gems store right now and the closest thing Anet will probably ever make when it comes to “mounts”
So with that the mount situation is already covered and players can ignore those items all they want but they are still technically “mounts” just not in the way they might view and think mounts should look like.
As for housing, if the OP isn’t thinking of something like Guild Halls, GW2 doesn’t need to turn into The Sims: Guild Wars 2 Edition.
Games where it takes you several minutes by mount to get somewhere is one thing, but GW2? It takes less than 1 min of running (or skritt tunnel in SW) from a WP to get anywhere. Mounts would just clutter up the screen and slow FPS.
I know the games where location scale even smaller (NWO for example). Nevertheless, monts there are still one of the most desirable acquisitions. Mount – more decoration than practical significance
One Mount topic disappears from 1st page, then another pops up.
Passionate players…
Fixed that for ya’.
Seriously though if it gets brought up so much maybe their is some merit to actually adding it in game.
Well, expanding it since we technically do have “mounts”.
ANOTHER mount thread?
Please lock this and ban anyone making another on sight.
One Mount topic disappears from 1st page, then another pops up.
Passionate players…Fixed that for ya’.
Seriously though if it gets brought up so much maybe their is some merit to actually adding it in game.
Well, expanding it since we technically do have “mounts”.
The same posters and their friends wanting the same things posting over and over and bumping each others threads is not passionate it is childish.
Im definitely not opposed to any content that’s optional to take part in like mounts, housing, dueling, raids, etc..who am I to tell another player I don’t want it, so you shouldn’t have it too?
I would definitely support both ideas (house/mount) in GW2; expanding upon the current mount system (carpet, broom, tunnel), and mount system bar by adding sprint, protection, and stability would be nice. Similar to the way costume brawl abilities show up.
For housing I can see Anet doing something with the current appearance of our housing instance in the future, less of hall, and more of a house. Maybe even monetizing interior appearance in some way, but to add a full on instanced Wildstar style home property I highly doubt it.
The same posters and their friends wanting the same things posting over and over and bumping each others threads is not passionate it is childish.
I’m curious, has anyone actually compiled a list of who’s started and bumped the threads? There’s certainly a community feeling that a tiny subset of posters do the majority of “mounts please” chatter, but is there anything solid to back that up? And for comparison, how varied is the demographic on anti-mounters?
For the record I lean to the no-mounts side (other than the things like the carpet and tunneler). For one thing, I’d rather just start running than have to open my bags, click an item, and then get going. For another, I agree with all the reasoning presented in previous threads as to the utter lack of need for them in this particular game.
As to housing, do want. I’m psyched to see what comes of the Guild Hall CDI, which included some personal housing ideas.
I would definitely support both ideas (house/mount) in GW2; expanding upon the current mount system (carpet, broom, tunnel), and mount system bar by adding sprint, protection, and stability would be nice. Similar to the way costume brawl abilities show up.
Considering that the movement abilities on some costume brawl toys had already resulted in disabling costume brawl in WvW, i’d say that going in that direction is unlikely. Especially if you really think of mounts as “optional content” – then they should offer absolutely no advantage to going by foot.
One Mount topic disappears from 1st page, then another pops up.
Passionate players…Fixed that for ya’.
Seriously though if it gets brought up so much maybe their is some merit to actually adding it in game.
Well, expanding it since we technically do have “mounts”.
The same posters and their friends wanting the same things posting over and over and bumping each others threads is not passionate it is childish.
Sorry, didn’t know that is what has been going on for the last 2 years or so.
Maybe it’s just the same posters and their friends saying no in every thread?
No seriously, I have no idea…
Random Idea: ascended edible mounts, crafted by Chefs at 500. We ride them to our destinations, then eat them for tasty buffs. Examples:
Munchy Moas
Deviled Dolyaks
Custard Cows
Malted Moose
I get such a laugh out of the anti-mount people. The amount of energy used to twist logic to use against mounts is mind boggling. Some players really want mounts, end of story. The issue should be simply choice. If a player wants a mount so they can traverse Tyria’s vast open world, great. If someone doesn’t want a mount and uses the way points, great. It’s ALL good if it keeps players entertained and invested in the game. Telling either side they are wrong and can’t have does nothing but lessen someones experience of the game.
The word for every anti-mount person to learn is tolerance. This isn’t YOUR game alone.
Its such a waste not to implement this and it shows a lack of vision, imagination and ability.
No it doesnt. Copying other mmo’s sounds more like a lack of vision.
Why did you decide that mounts is copying of other mmo? In reality people also used the mounts. By your logic all mmo – plagiarism of reality? And even if we assume that the implementation of the idea of mounts is copying – then what prevents to implement it so that it will be not like in other MMOs?
See? Lack of vision.Dont come with BS explanations please. People want mounts because they have in in their old MMO and/or RPG.
Thats BS. The MMOS I played with mounts utilised them differently if not in play style in design, SWTOR, LOTR and a crap game called Black Gold. Infact I hated the mounts in that latter game and was unimpressed with them in LOTR. The games I have played the longest GW1 and DDO dont even use mounts!
In SWTOR I found the mounts in them were fun and worked nicely. When I considered the huge tech and magic variables in GW2 there is scope for so many fun mounts. The witches broomstick, the tunneling device and the flying carpet are proof of this already.
Some people really do have a shallow and unproportional dislike for mounts. Infact its a hatred that would beggar belief to me until I played Black Gold. I now can see how some people would be put off for life. That is from an experience that was bad and where some people can see a bad experience or two as not being evidence of a bad idea just a badly executed one others become blinkered and just see an idea that cant work period.
Lots of people wants to have them ingame. And i have an idea how to implement it without hurting the game. They should be an x second cast item that, when mounted, gives perma swiftness and maybe some dash on “dodge”. So mounts wouldnt give some extra super speed but gives you some easy acess for swiftness. Beside ofc looking good
We already have mounts
the magic carpet
the witch’s broom
the tunnel digger
and for swiftness you get the sandstorm kites off the tp
Lots of people wants to have them ingame. And i have an idea how to implement it without hurting the game. They should be an x second cast item that, when mounted, gives perma swiftness and maybe some dash on “dodge”. So mounts wouldnt give some extra super speed but gives you some easy acess for swiftness. Beside ofc looking good
We already have mounts
the magic carpet
the witch’s broom
the tunnel digger
and for swiftness you get the sandstorm kites off the tp
Yeh and these mounts are fantastic ideas, not one animal or horse or bird like creature yet because the devs used imagination. But I would love to see something like a drake with a pink ribbon on its head, a pink collar and pink bootees, a raptor, a nasty looking spider then crazy things like an asura designed skateboard, a charr omni cycle, and so on. I would also love to see a speed buff on them and durability.
Im happy to compromise on that mounting and dismounting having a time that is prohibitive to using them for the benefit of rushing into a fight or escaping one. It should just be an alternative means to get around fast to wps and asura gates and to the current limited speed buffs which imo are boring.
Another mount thread?
lol how often do we keep getting these?
Yeh and these mounts are fantastic ideas, not one animal or horse or bird like creature yet because the devs used imagination. But I would love to see something like a drake with a pink ribbon on its head, a pink collar and pink bootees, a raptor, a nasty looking spider then crazy things like an asura designed skateboard, a charr omni cycle, and so on. I would also love to see a speed buff on them and durability.
This is exactly the type of thing I would hate to see added in this game. I play Guild Wars because it is more life-like and realistic than wow or other games, and LESS CARTOON-like. Please stay away from adding anything like this.
Yeh and these mounts are fantastic ideas, not one animal or horse or bird like creature yet because the devs used imagination. But I would love to see something like a drake with a pink ribbon on its head, a pink collar and pink bootees, a raptor, a nasty looking spider then crazy things like an asura designed skateboard, a charr omni cycle, and so on. I would also love to see a speed buff on them and durability.
This is exactly the type of thing I would hate to see added in this game. I play Guild Wars because it is more life-like and realistic than wow or other games, and LESS CARTOON-like. Please stay away from adding anything like this.
That legendary short bow that shoots rainbow unicorns would like to have a word with you about life-like realism. See also: just about all the weapons in this game, putting on cow costumes to train cows in combat, and the living story.
Another mount thread?
lol how often do we keep getting these?
Hopefully this is the last one because this is the merged Mounts thread. All of them in one convenient spot!
Yeh and these mounts are fantastic ideas, not one animal or horse or bird like creature yet because the devs used imagination. But I would love to see something like a drake with a pink ribbon on its head, a pink collar and pink bootees, a raptor, a nasty looking spider then crazy things like an asura designed skateboard, a charr omni cycle, and so on. I would also love to see a speed buff on them and durability.
This is exactly the type of thing I would hate to see added in this game. I play Guild Wars because it is more life-like and realistic than wow or other games, and LESS CARTOON-like. Please stay away from adding anything like this.
That legendary short bow that shoots rainbow unicorns would like to have a word with you about life-like realism. See also: just about all the weapons in this game, putting on cow costumes to train cows in combat, and the living story.
My original response was longer and included that stuff, I narrowed it down. All that stuff could be removed and the game would be much better for it, but it will never happen.
GW2 was never ever about being realistic. Not once. All those crazy costumes, Cuddly minis running around after you? The cuddly backpacks? The combat finishers? The witches broomstick? Now we have nice little mailmen, pigeons or whatever else. They have embraced all this from the start so they may as well keep it. To be fair If Im Ihonest hate it too but its a major factor of the game so mounts need be no different in spirit.
I just want mounts so I can /map chat:
“Regulatoooooooooors! Mount up!”
I just want mounts so I can /map chat:
“Regulatoooooooooors! Mount up!”
This has made me want mounts in game for the first time.
….don’t worry, it will pass.
No mounts just feels a little outdated (like no jumping) in a fantasy mmorpg for some players, it’s an enjoyable rpg element for many.
No mounts just feels a little outdated (like no jumping) in a fantasy mmorpg for some players, it’s an enjoyable rpg element for many.
I do not share this view and I don’t want my frame rate dragged down by someones glitter pony. I play this game to escape from most of the MMO crap, and don’t take kindly to it wanting to follow me here.
i don’t expect to get mounts in this game, as much as i doubt we’ll have transforms that are as interesting/useful as they are in other games..
No mounts just feels a little outdated (like no jumping) in a fantasy mmorpg for some players, it’s an enjoyable rpg element for many.
I do not share this view and I don’t want my frame rate dragged down by someones glitter pony. I play this game to escape from most of the MMO crap, and don’t take kindly to it wanting to follow me here.
So build a better rig? Clearly mmo players in general like mounts (yes not the few GW purists), the genre and cash shops of other games (whole mmo genre) make this a fact.
but I did get a good chuckle as I envisioned you escaping those dreaded games w/mounts! the horror you must of went through!
No mounts just feels a little outdated (like no jumping) in a fantasy mmorpg for some players, it’s an enjoyable rpg element for many.
I do not share this view and I don’t want my frame rate dragged down by someones glitter pony. I play this game to escape from most of the MMO crap, and don’t take kindly to it wanting to follow me here.
So build a better rig? Clearly mmo players in general like mounts (yes not the few GW purists), the genre and cash shops of other games (whole mmo genre) make this a fact.
but I did get a good chuckle as I envisioned you escaping those dreaded games w/mounts! the horror you must of went through!
The rig is fine. I bet you already have a glitter pony in those other games huh? Don’t you? In case you hadn’t noticed this is the anti-MMO MMO.
Clearly mmo players in general like mounts (yes not the few GW purists), the genre and cash shops of other games (whole mmo genre) make this a fact.
Source for your fact please.
Clearly mmo players in general like mounts (yes not the few GW purists), the genre and cash shops of other games (whole mmo genre) make this a fact.
Source for your fact please.
Can’t link other mmo sites in forums I believe, so I encourage you to use that handy tool Google.
Clearly mmo players in general like mounts (yes not the few GW purists), the genre and cash shops of other games (whole mmo genre) make this a fact.
Source for your fact please.
Can’t link other mmo sites in forums I believe, so I will let you use that handy tool Google.
So you don’t have a source for your fact. That’s what I thought.
(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)
If I may be so bold as to leave an image which may sum up the general public opinion on Mounts within Guild Wars 2?
(edited by penelopehannibal.8947)
If I may be so bold as to leave an image which may sum up the general public opinion on Mounts within Guild Wars 2?
I agree with the sentiment, but don’t get yourself banned or infracted for posting people’s names.
If I may be so bold as to leave an image which may sum up the general public opinion on Mounts within Guild Wars 2?
I agree with the sentiment, but don’t get yourself banned or infracted for posting people’s names.
You’re right, I posted the wrong image, apologies! I had one image with censored names!
Yes, because we don’t have enough of these already. Before people jump on the thread and start posting “I want mounts” or “I don’t want mounts”, I’ll say it here, this isn’t about including or not including mounts. This thread is more about discussing how to improve (or tweak) the currently available “Mounts” already available in the game.
The question “Should we include mounts?” is moot because they already exist. I want to think of ways of making them more interesting!
There are more we can talk about, like acquisition methods (gem store, through actual content, LS etc), usage limitations (limited in open world pve, summon with an item or skill etc), hitting mounts options (dismounted when hit, have “hit points of their own”, stay on mount even after damaged etc) but I want to focus first on their BASIC FUNCTION. So what’s the BASIC FUNCTION of what we call Mount? What is it going to be used for?
The poll:
Some more details on the available poll options, also for those who don’t want to see the poll but contribute to the discussion:
a) Cosmetic only mounts means they work just like the current toys we have (like the Witch’s Broom) so they offer absolutely no gameplay advantage.
Obviously the next 2 options also have the “Cosmetic aspect” as well.
b) Permanent Speed boost means Mounts apply a permanent (only while mounted of course) speed boost, just like most Mounts work in other MMORPGs.
A side discussion that we can have on this subject is about the offered speed.
Poll on Mount speed:
This poll is only for those who selected option B on the first poll, so don’t bother asking for “No speed buff please” option.
I use speed boosts mostly available already in the game,
- 25%, equal to signet passive, like Elementalist Signet of Air
- 33%, equal to permanent swiftness
- 100%, double normal movement speed
- 100%+, even more than double speed, similar speed to teleporting around (on the same zone)
There is also an “Other” option you can use to specify what you want.
[edit]This is the MAXIMUM speed you can get with a mount, different mounts can offer different speed boosts, for example rare mounts more than common ones. [/edit]
c) Much like transform skills, Mounts can offer unique skillbars with combat oriented skills, only unlike Transforms, your character will also be visible, otherwise it’s not a mount. I can’t possibly make a poll on this one because the possibilities are endless, but we can have a discussion on the mount types. Examples:
Mobility mount: this one offers great movement skills, allowing players with “slow” characters to move rapidly on the battlefield to reach events quickly. Think of the Norn racial Elite skill, Snow Leopard form
Tank mount: a mount that offers great defensive skills, slow but effective in combat, allows squishy characters to change to something with more defense when needed. Think of the Asura Elite Golem or the Human Avatar of Melandru
Siege mount: offers great ranged attack skills, attacking foes from a distance, limited defensive/escape skills, think of the Mechanical Devourer transform in EoTM
Any other you can think off.
(edited by maddoctor.2738)
Polls are not allowed on the forums.
Just a remark:
1 first poll: You miss the option : I DO NOT WANT ANY MOUNTS.
3 Skills on mounts not gotten from play but gem-store are PAY-2-WIN as well. And I will spam the forum….. and so on.
(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)
Polls are not allowed on the forums.
IIRC petitions are not, polls are.
1 first poll: You miss the option : I DO NOT WANT ANY MOUNTS.
Agreed. The existing “cosmetics mounts” are essentially toys. I’m fine with toys, but once they’re called “mounts”, even “cosmetic”, we’re opening a can of wurms.
The same for speed bonus: where’s the generic “none”? No, not the “other”. NONE.
It’s like asking whether I would like a chocolate cake or a chocolate cookie, while I want no chocolate at all and instead something with berries.
(edited by Lishtenbird.2814)
Please merge this thread with the MegaMount thread. Regardless if the OP wishes to dress this thread as something else, it is still a pro mount thread. The only difference is that he/she acknowledges that mounts are already in game.
With Polls this slanted OP should work for Fox news.
Voted, good idea.
I hate it how on my warrior I need to waste trait points on it or use skills that have much bigger CD in relation to the speed buff they offer
Just a remark:
1 first poll: You miss the option : I DO NOT WANT ANY MOUNTS.
3 Skills on mounts not gotten from play but gem-store are PAY-2-WIN as well. And I will spam the forum….. and so on.
1) You missed the part that mounts already exist in the game, that’s why it didn’t make any sense to add a “I don’t want any mounts” option. If you want them to stay the same as they are, just cosmetic toys, then option 1 is for you.
2-3) Second poll has a wonderful “Other” option for your 10-15% idea. As for the gem store parts, I left out for later the discussion on mount acquisition, I think I very clearly stated that.
Mount threads usually put all things together, including acquisition and usage, I want to focus on their basic function first and then go from there
Please merge mount thread!
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