(edited by Ok I Did It.2854)
Mystic Coins again
Why does a high price mean that something should be done? People were paying peanuts for these not all that long ago and (some) folks asked for ANet to intervene so that they would be worth more.
I’d argue that coins should be pricey, because they are only used for fancy skins.
Its all because of me and my guild of monopolistic gentlemen.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Legendaries shouldn’t be cheap, quick, nor easy to make. MC prices and availability are just fine; they reflect that concept.
Yeah. But they also should not be “Hm waiting a year for all the coins or buying 2 more accs seems more resonable that buying them for 2g from the TP”.
I farm all the Mats myself. I play every bit of content and don’t want to limit myself, and if that fact, that I play the game like intended, means I can never have a legy or help my friends with theirs, then that’s sad.
That’s why I said supply ^^ I don’t mean the ones hoarded by flippers and ppl not realizing you can sell them, those don’t help any player that works for his stuff, when coins start to cost 1g soon. Cause those aren’t available to anyone and not in the pool of supply for ppl that need them.
Ppl save a lot of money too and just it’s existenz doesn’t help the economy ;D It has to be in the flow. Same thing here. And if ppl start hoarding stuff that should be in a constant flow, someone has to do something about it. (something apart from “don’t buy it, then it gets cheaper”, cause the a few rich flippers, could always hold the price at a very high level, FORCING others to adapt to them)
In the thread linked above, Chris Cleary stated that the amount of coins entering the game is “way more” than the amount consumed.
People hoard coins, yes. A rising prize will make the real hoarders less inclined to sell, since they “might use them some day”. These will probably not sell their coins at any price point.
However, most people aren’t hoarders to that degree. Each have their own sell point, where they reason that the gold they’d get is worth more than the possible use of saving them. As the price rises, more people notices the goldmine in their materials storage and sell, leading to a lowering of the price again. Moan a bit in map chat every now and then that they’re so expensive, and you’ll probably entice a few people to sell
That’s why I said supply ^^ I don’t mean the ones hoarded by flippers and ppl not realizing you can sell them, those don’t help any player that works for his stuff, when coins start to cost 1g soon. Cause those aren’t available to anyone and not in the pool of supply for ppl that need them.
Ppl save a lot of money too and just it’s existenz doesn’t help the economy ;D It has to be in the flow. Same thing here. And if ppl start hoarding stuff that should be in a constant flow, someone has to do something about it. (something apart from “don’t buy it, then it gets cheaper”, cause the a few rich flippers, could always hold the price at a very high level, FORCING others to adapt to them)
In the thread linked above, Chris Cleary stated that the amount of coins entering the game is “way more” than the amount consumed.
People hoard coins, yes. A rising prize will make the real hoarders less inclined to sell, since they “might use them some day”. These will probably not sell their coins at any price point.
However, most people aren’t hoarders to that degree. Each have their own sell point, where they reason that the gold they’d get is worth more than the possible use of saving them. As the price rises, more people notices the goldmine in their materials storage and sell, leading to a lowering of the price again. Moan a bit in map chat every now and then that they’re so expensive, and you’ll probably entice a few people to sell
Quite honestly if they stay at 60s each that’s okay by me, because they are “prestige” items But if they really break the 1g mark, it starts to get a bit insane 8’D
Not this topic again. High value of mystic coins is a good sign., it gives value too many exotic skins and the legendaries. We do not need another resonating sliver fiasco.
Oh and FYI coins are now more expensive that T6 blood, will Anet now do something about it.
The price of T6 blood is currently depressed below normal due to a large influx on the supply side (Frostgorge Sound event/champ trains) this week.
Legendaries shouldn’t be cheap, quick, nor easy to make. MC prices and availability are just fine; they reflect that concept.
Yeah. But they also should not be “Hm waiting a year for all the coins or buying 2 more accs seems more resonable that buying them for 2g from the TP”.
I farm all the Mats myself. I play every bit of content and don’t want to limit myself, and if that fact, that I play the game like intended, means I can never have a legy or help my friends with theirs, then that’s sad.
You just admitted you’re willing to farm mats. Then go farm charged lodestones, sell them on the TP, and buy your MCs. IME you can get roughly 1 charged lodestone every 20ish minutes, and it looks like each one should net you ~2-3 MCs. You’ll get your MCs faster, and you’ll be making some Mjolnir crafter very happy in the process.
There are ways and means to expedite the process of getting MCs w/o buying a new account. It’s a cost-benefit analysis everyone has to make within their preferred mode of play.
And, if someone (like me) weren’t willing to buy MCs on the TP, and instead wait until they have enough… then for something called a Legendary Weapon a year to craft sounds appropriate.
Legendaries shouldn’t be cheap, quick, nor easy to make. MC prices and availability are just fine; they reflect that concept.
Yeah. But they also should not be “Hm waiting a year for all the coins or buying 2 more accs seems more resonable that buying them for 2g from the TP”.
I farm all the Mats myself. I play every bit of content and don’t want to limit myself, and if that fact, that I play the game like intended, means I can never have a legy or help my friends with theirs, then that’s sad.You just admitted you’re willing to farm mats. Then go farm charged lodestones, sell them on the TP, and buy your MCs. IME you can get roughly 1 charged lodestone every 20ish minutes, and it looks like each one should net you ~2 MCs. You’ll get your MCs faster, and you’ll be making some Mjolnir crafter very happy in the process.
There are ways and means to expedite the process of getting MCs w/o buying a new account. It’s a cost-benefit analysis everyone has to make within their preferred mode of play.
And, if someone (like me) weren’t willing to buy MCs on the TP, and instead wait until they have enough… then for something called a Legendary Weapon a year to craft sounds appropriate.
No I don’t farm in THAT way, i play the content and get enough of everything! That’s something totally diffrent. I play and realize “Oh I have so much of x y z and q again, cool”. If you play a bit of everything, you get a bit of everything.
And i won’t do 2 weeks of SW to get my MCs. And it’s the charged loadstones that I need, so no I cant’t sell these
(edited by LolinaOtone.4196)
Why does a high price mean that something should be done? People were paying peanuts for these not all that long ago and (some) folks asked for ANet to intervene so that they would be worth more.
I’d argue that coins should be pricey, because they are only used for fancy skins.
Because Anet added a lot of new things that require a lot of coins, which are limited in supply, Anet already stated the price was going up because of TP flippers, this IS a problem,
Another massive problem is that coins are used in an RNG recipe for clovers which may or may not lead to you needing way more coins than you should,
So YES Anet should do something, but at least we get a good idea of who some of the TP flippers are when these topics come up.
Id say that Anet is secretly loving it as im sure there are ppl buying gems to convert to gold just to afford these coins now.
Add them to MAP rewards, so that every day players can get them, and not just TP Flippers.
(edited by Ok I Did It.2854)
No I don’t farm, i play the content and get enough of everything! That’s something totally diffrent. I play and realize “Oh I have so much of x y z and q again, cool”. If you play a bit of everything, you get a bit of everything.
And i won’t do 2 weeks of SW to get my MCs. And it’s the charged loadstones that I need, so no I cant’t sell these
Yes, but it’s also about managing your priorities. If a legendary is something you want faster than a year, then those resources you get playing how you want need to shift in that direction even if you don’t change how you play. Getting a bit of everything means that when you need more than a bit it’s gunna take longer.
For example, if you love doing Teq… then take the 1g reward every time you defeat Teq and put it towards buying a MC and you’re not playing any differently… you could do the same with the daily 2g if the dailies are something you do.
Even though you want your charged lodestones for something, you can dedicate them towards your legendary weap now, and when you have that weap shift resources back to gaining/saving lodestones.
Time=money, even in an imaginary economy like this one. And, it’s always been in any MMO that you trade the stuff you’re willing to work for but don’t want for the stuff you’re not willing to work for but do want. You don’t have to change how you play, but you do have to consider how you prioritize and manage your gains.
I was going to craft my first things with them soon. For example complet my “wild abandon” and carft my first legy after 7 months of playing. (giving my boyfriend 50 of my coins to help him with his legy, now seems like a big mistake, which it shouldn’t…)
But it’s nice to see, that Anet is not concerned about the fact that, with the current supply, only 22 Hot legys and 44 old legys can be crafted anymore.It’s not about those flipper (and the ppl that buy from them instead of listing their bid for 25s), but about how I can achive my goals, without having to wait 10 years.
I’m not one of the ppl that wants their stuff instant, I am willing to “work” for my goals, cause this game is fun, BUT if I have to rely on OTHER ppl to achive MY goals… the fun ends… cause the result can be seen with the price spike on the mystic coins…
Some rich players steps in, thinks he can control the market and the others can adjust to those rich guys…no thanksAnd if the only way I can control MY goals is to buy 5 more GW2 accs (three months to craft a legy through the collection), well…
I’d gladly do that instead of feeding those greedy flippers. (time to save that money)
“with the current supply, only 22 Hot legys and 44 old legys can be crafted anymore.”
There’s more than the current supply. Looking at trades of Mystic Coin, 43,177 coins exchanged hands in the last 24 hours (as of this posting) with 13,953 left as current supply. So that’s 57k coins in the last 24 hours that was available to buy, with a similar amount arriving each day
ANet may give it to you.
I won’t argue anymore.
So that’s 100 – 200 legys that can be crafted in a day (counting the exotic skins an what not out), I don’t know how many players Gw2 has, so~
I have something against the Idea, that a healthy supply is suddenly driven crazy by flippers that spend their time gating stuff, that they don’t need, to fill their virtual pockets. 50s for each coin? Seems okay. 70s… you done with flipping? 1g… price increase of 4x seems a bit too much.
So I have to wait a year~ I guess not, cause that collection needs them, and this collection needs them, and that item needs them…
I will wait until they a stable in their price again
And if everyone and their mother seems to love it, I guess everything is fine~
Ps.: Oh I forgot, Anet addmitted most coins are flipped, so those 57k coins exchanges are probably 1/3 flipped anyway~
(edited by LolinaOtone.4196)
Oh and FYI coins are now more expensive that T6 blood, will Anet now do something about it.
Just add Mystic coins to the map rewards, don’t let normal players pay the price for TP flippers.
Flipping aside, I like having something of value in my daily rewards now. Seeing the mystic coins is now a pleasant surprise versus, oh look, junk. These should be more valuable then a T6 material.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
“with the current supply, only 22 Hot legys and 44 old legys can be crafted anymore.”
There’s more than the current supply. Looking at trades of Mystic Coin, 43,177 coins exchanged hands in the last 24 hours (as of this posting) with 13,953 left as current supply. So that’s 57k coins in the last 24 hours that was available to buy, with a similar amount arriving each day
Didn’t they also come back in the last thread on this indicate more coins are entering the supply then leaving on a daily basis. If that is the case people are just stacking them. I admit, I do the same. There is, and should be, a premium to wanting to finish a legendary right now versus pre-building the supplies for it. They were meant to take a while unless you want to pay price for expedition.
De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.
“with the current supply, only 22 Hot legys and 44 old legys can be crafted anymore.”
There’s more than the current supply. Looking at trades of Mystic Coin, 43,177 coins exchanged hands in the last 24 hours (as of this posting) with 13,953 left as current supply. So that’s 57k coins in the last 24 hours that was available to buy, with a similar amount arriving each day
Didn’t they also come back in the last thread on this indicate more coins are entering the supply then leaving on a daily basis. If that is the case people are just stacking them. I admit, I do the same. There is, and should be, a premium to wanting to finish a legendary right now versus pre-building the supplies for it. They were meant to take a while unless you want to pay price for expedition.
If more people are buying to re-sell than are buying to use then to me that indicates that the prices are a bubble. There’s only so long that people can buy and sell to each other and not buy to use before it stops being profitable. If supply is not being used up as new coins keep coming in then the supply gets so high that the price bubble collapses.
ANet may give it to you.
I get a bunch from doing T4 fractals. T4 fractals are the only thing keeping their supply actually managable.
I have gotten precisely 1 mystic coin from Fractal Master chests since they were added as a possible loot drop, and I do fractals every kitten day.
If more people are buying to re-sell than are buying to use then to me that indicates that the prices are a bubble. There’s only so long that people can buy and sell to each other and not buy to use before it stops being profitable. If supply is not being used up as new coins keep coming in then the supply gets so high that the price bubble collapses.
The only way for them to be buying in bulk to sell for profit is if prices suddenly rise by 10 silver or more, as it’s currently an 8 silver loss on flips.
edit; lololololololololololol prices went up after my post to where the spread was only a ~1silver loss.
(edited by Aidan Savage.2078)
Legendaries shouldn’t be cheap, quick, nor easy to make. MC prices and availability are just fine; they reflect that concept.
You’re right… Legendaries shouldn’t be cheap, quick, nor easy to make… and imo they most certainly should NOT be a product of a casino machine either.
To me that is what the Mystic Forge always has been and I will seldom use it because RNG is fine for trash loot of chests, but not for something like a Legendary Weapon that should be a focused and straight forward quest in and of itself to complete, not an outcome of a chaotic event like random chance.
MC prices under current system are just a factor of supply and demand, we agree on that. When more Players realize the gold they can make selling them then the Supply will loosen up some. Things like this ebb and flow in markets, even MMO markets.
I will keep my MCs though because unless Anet changes things drastically I will need to pull the casino machine lever and cross my fingers for an outcome that should be far more reliable than random chance.
I have to admit when recently finishing up the crafting of my legendary I didn’t even notice the price for coins as being “expensive” I foolishly used most of my supply after I discovered mystic forge recipes and while crafting the mystic weapons for elite spec collections so I ended up buying most of what I needed.
To those currently working on those things themselves, I would highly suggest incremental purchases over a period of regular play. I am a person who hates farming, not that I have anything against it, I just get bored by it. By just making sure I spread my gameplay out over many things I was able to easily bring in enough gold to buy my coins in smaller amounts to work on clovers. This was a process spread over just a few weeks mind you but what I spent on coins was less than I can earn in a week by being diligent.
In short I would rather Anet not micromanage the TP except in the rare cases of true abuse and risk to the entire playerbase. For many, playing the TP is their gameplay and who wouldn’t enjoy making some extra gold here and there from some well placed sales? Once the price gets high enough, we will see many people sell what they’ve got and undercut each other in the process and I have faith that things will even out. For the one working on crafting their legendary, don’t feel like all hope is lost. It takes time to be sure but with some diligence in regards to your gameplay I feel that you will see the cost isn’t quite as insurmountable as it first seems.
If you think it’s high now, wait until legendary armor comes out.
At any given time the vast majority of mystic coins (and any other item) are not listed on the Trading Post. That only shows the ones that are currently being offered for sale, not all the ones in peoples banks and inventories.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Why does a high price mean that something should be done? People were paying peanuts for these not all that long ago and (some) folks asked for ANet to intervene so that they would be worth more.
I’d argue that coins should be pricey, because they are only used for fancy skins.
Because Anet added a lot of new things that require a lot of coins, which are limited in supply, Anet already stated the price was going up because of TP flippers, this IS a problem,
They already stated that the price was going up because people are willing to pay the higher prices that others are setting. That’s why ANet wasn’t and isn’t concerned.
Another massive problem is that coins are used in an RNG recipe for clovers which may or may not lead to you needing way more coins than you should,
No, coins are used in a completely predictable way for clovers. Using the 1-clover recipe, it takes about a stack; using the 10-clover recipe, the variation is higher. However, for the market (which is what we are discussing when we discuss a “shortage”), the law of large numbers applies — some people might need more or less, but it’s going to be, on average, an average (and therefore predictable) number of coins.
(PS I wouldn’t mind ANet changing the recipe to the crafting stations instead of MF/RNG — this isn’t, however, a good argument for it.)
So YES Anet should do something, but at least we get a good idea of who some of the TP flippers are when these topics come up.
You have no idea who some of the flippers speculators are based on this thread (or others). Further, even if you did, how does that help in the least? (FYI “flipping” is a short term strategy — quick buys and quicker sales; the people you decry are playing a longer game.)
I don’t have to be a speculator to be against ANet rushing in to intervene every time a few people dislike a change in equilibrium prices. I just have to be someone who is interested in a healthy marketplace that works best for the game.
Id say that Anet is secretly loving it as im sure there are ppl buying gems to convert to gold just to afford these coins now.
I’m sure there always have been, but I’m equally sure the number of people paying RL cash to afford mystic coins is negligible in terms of gem sales. Those who are impatient to acquire m-coins are more likely to sell off other assets to pay for them.
Add them to MAP rewards, so that every day players can get them, and not just TP Flippers.
Everyone gets them every month. For free. This includes “every day” players.
Conflict of interest.
High price is good for those who sell, bad for those who are chasing skins.
Making these more and more expensive through player controlled market shows the limited availability through natural means.
Whether something needs to be done is upto ArenaNet but I think that 1 mystic weapon per month through natural means or about 10 to 12 months for a legendary is quite alot.
Yes you can say that you can TP buy them. but if the price is high this will feel grindy and will affect what people think about their long term goals. They most likely will give up and indeed not consume coins because the goal is too far away to care about.
But hey, a high price for a bunch of skins through the mystic forge is fine. It gives them worth as more and more people say screw it I’m not going to feed these rich people into even richer people while they make me farm and wait that much longer.
Maybe buying them with laurels or having a bunch at the 28th daily login chest will make it feel more like there is some progress on their goals.
Plus this thread does keep returning. That alone should tell anyone with a bit of a brain that this doesn’t mean it’s automatically a good thing.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
I wish I could spend my useless karma on them.
There are actually ways to directly and indirectly turn karma into gold. wiki and youtube are your friend.
Could be a couple factors in play.
1. Market specualtion
2.. More supply then demand- which may indicate anything from Anet having made them more appealing; or everything the same but anet losing business, lowering supply on an item not easy to farm. Don’t think it’s this though since mystic coins are the only thing I know of that have gone through the roof lately.
3. conspiracy theory- troll with 2 much money who wants a laugh.
Legendaries shouldn’t be cheap, quick, nor easy to make. MC prices and availability are just fine; they reflect that concept.
You realize mystic coins are needed for dozens of other things besides legendaries, right? Including the mystic weapons you need for the elite spec weapon collections (god I feel sorry for anyone who didn’t already have those skins).
(also it’s dumb even if we’re just talking about legendaries)
If every HoT account decides to make 1 Elite Specialization Weapon crafting the Mystic Weapon, there’ll be no more Mystic Coins. That’s the problem. And I don’t care what Anet said in this case, there’s something really fishy about that.
Oh, and if we check the history for the Coin’s Price, in matter of hours after the last ANET statement, the price went skyhigh.
If every HoT account decides to make 1 Elite Specialization Weapon crafting the Mystic Weapon, there’ll be no more Mystic Coins. That’s the problem. And I don’t care what Anet said in this case, there’s something really fishy about that.
Oh, and if we check the history for the Coin’s Price, in matter of hours after the last ANET statement, the price went skyhigh.
There are a ton of mystic coins being held by players. I personally have maybe 6K or so but I know of others who have over 100K. What you see listed on the TP pales in comparison to what players are holding in their banks and such.
WIth roughly 600 mystic coins per year if you didn’t miss a daily nor monthly in the previous system. And since the daily change it’s ~260 per year if you don’t miss a login. with the game being roughly 4 years old, it’s obvious that those players with so many mystic coins only can have obtained them from other players, which in turn means that the players who sold them are now left in the dirt because of poor judgement? or whatever you want to call it.
Unless I missed some obvious way of getting mystic coins anyway.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
WIth roughly 600 mystic coins per year if you didn’t miss a daily nor monthly in the previous system. And since the daily change it’s ~260 per year if you don’t miss a login. with the game being roughly 4 years old, it’s obvious that those players with so many mystic coins only can have obtained them from other players, which in turn means that the players who sold them are now left in the dirt because of poor judgement? or whatever you want to call it.
Unless I missed some obvious way of getting mystic coins anyway.
How are those who sold them left in the dirt? they got gold when they sold them, which is what they wanted. Those who bought got coins, which is what they wanted.
I’m not against ANet increasing the rate per account back to 500+/year instead of 260/year. My argument is that they don’t need to — if I need more coins, I’ll sell other stuff to finance them; it’s just one more expense, not a fundamental change.
I can only imagine that with new relevance of mystic coins some people thought to make a quick buck to later realize they needed these in order to finish some achievements. I did leave a question mark and said it was poor judgement. =P
With the decrease in mystic coins you can get and the increase in relevance that just get highlighted even more. But yeah, it’s upto ArenaNet to decide whether action is needed.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Hitting 85 silver each now, will we see the 1 Gold a coin by the end of the day?
A week ago they where 60 silver, this cant be sustained.
Can we get a bit of input from Anet on this, I want to know if I should just stop going for anything that requires these coins or not.
(edited by Ok I Did It.2854)
No you should buy them whilst they’re 60 silver.
If you missed that window, you should buy them whilst they’re 85 silver.
If you miss that window.. well just pay 1 gold for them.
Why would you stop going for something? If you need 250 coins and you have zero, buy 250 coins. It’s what you would do if you wanted 250 wood and had none. Sure you might chop down some trees. Maybe you might chop down all the trees. But you know what.. why don’t you chop down some EXTRA trees.. sell them.. and buy your coins.
It’s called the trading post for a reason, just trade your excess for someone elses excess.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!
Some people are just too blinded by the fact that they don’t want the price to go down (because they don’t want to craft legendaries). How can anyone validate the fact that you have to log in every day during a whole year to get a skin?
Anyways, the problem is on the ways of obtaining them, not on the tp price. Currently there’s no reliable way of obtaining them by playing the game, which shouldn’t be the case. ANet could add some way of getting them tied to gameplay, and take some (or all) of the MC flux out of the daily login, thus mainting the overall MC flux more or less the same. This way, prices could remain in a place where MC is still a valuable item (around 50s), but those who don’t want to buy them off the TP could actually obtain them by playing the game.
This is just like the precursor issue before the collections came. Either you gambled on the Mystic Toilet endlessly until you got lucky, or you buyed it on the tp for an unreasonable price inflated by speculators. IMO the MC issue is even worse though, because your only alternative to buy it from speculators is to log in for 1 year (twice for HoT legendaries), which doesn’t even require you to play the game. With the precursors at least you could still keep getting t5 mats by playing, craft t5 weapons with those and keep gambling, but with MC you have no alternative aside from TP.
So yeah, if they addressed the precursor issue, they certainly need to address this. Logging in for 1,5 years or paying 400g of MC for a HoT legendary? Come on that doesn’t make any sense.
No you should buy them whilst they’re 60 silver.
If you missed that window, you should buy them whilst they’re 85 silver.
If you miss that window.. well just pay 1 gold for them.Why would you stop going for something? If you need 250 coins and you have zero, buy 250 coins. It’s what you would do if you wanted 250 wood and had none. Sure you might chop down some trees. Maybe you might chop down all the trees. But you know what.. why don’t you chop down some EXTRA trees.. sell them.. and buy your coins.
It’s called the trading post for a reason, just trade your excess for someone elses excess.
I will stop going for it, as coins are linked to an RNG recipe that may or may not result in the mats you need.
Anet already stated the price went up due to TP Flippers, it has went up 20 silver in a week 1, its not that players want to pay the inflated price to make a small group rich, its that they have NO CHOICE as there is no other way to get them,
All these comments about, you can get them via login rewards, imagine if all the players who did that ONLY did that, and didn’t do anything else in game, because they where limited by a small group of players who are inflating the price, and therefore could not progress, they get bored and don’t bother anymore then the game would be dead,
The coins are needed in several recipes now, a lot more than pre HoT, yet they reduced the number coming into the game, all the other comments about ppl crying to Anet to make the coins more valuable is laughable, you wanted ANET to step in to make them sky rocket in price, but don’t want them to step in when the price is getting stupid ,
They need to be added to map rewards and or other events in game, this will allow the players who don’t want to get caught up in the inflation game on the TP to still progress.
And finally, to the others who say they should be expensive as they are only used for skins, GW2 ENTIRE end game is based around SKINS, if people didn’t go for skins, there would be a lot more mats on that TP that would be sky high.
The fact that this topic was merged with another, shows Anet are very aware of it, and are monitoring it, so can we have some input please, all we really need it yes we are going to do something, or no we are fine with it, so that people like myself and others who need them, know whether to continue towards the items we want, or to cut and run.
(edited by Ok I Did It.2854)
They don’t need to be anything’ed, anet already said there is a good supply coming in. Just one guy is buying them all.
There is nothing stopping you buying them instead of that other guy, you just don’t seem to want to. Which is fine. The answer isn’t for anet to fix this tho, it’s for players to fix.
Imagine the issue only applies to you. You are saying “anet fix this for me”. Won’t happen. We have seen the same thing when people don’t have enough leather. Or laurels or orbs or whatever.
The merge just shows a mod has noticed a similar topic, nothing else.
If you need them go buy them. Or don’t. Still your choice.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!
Some people are just too blinded by the fact that they don’t want the price to go down (because they don’t want to craft legendaries). How can anyone validate the fact that you have to log in every day during a whole year to get a skin?
You don’t. Buy them off the TP.
There is also that new brewer of the month achievement. I believe that takes a year so there’s that..
People with them would like to get some money for them. Hardly a surprise.
You want some but don’t have any. Free exchange lets you both come to an agreement.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!
But they are NOT the item that was supposed to be the gold sink.
The Mystic clover itself was a gamble, it did not need fixxing. Maybe you need 250 coins if you have average luck, maybe you need 77 if you are the RNG god, maybe you need 2500 coins for one legendary. And the casual people that wanted their quick gold a day. Suprise, they already got it. Do 3 quick dailys (done in under 20 minutes) and you have you ~60g a month.
Thing is with the coins. They are an item you should NOT hoard. Don’t need them now, sell them on TP an buy them again for around the same price. If you sell them now, you are an Idiot, just hoard them more, soon ppl will be listing buy orders for 5g each.
So now we imagen the “monthy brew” achivement worked like this:
One player gets 1.000.000 brew for the current month, you get one every 5 months, it’s not acc bound, he can sell it, 100g a month to buy it of TP… That’s more like the situation right now.
Some idiots would still buy it and give the guy his money. Now in this example the appeal is a bit lacking, but a legy only gives 3 points to so~
And no people are not to impatient. You work for you’re legy month by month, accquire all the mats. The gold sink t6 mats, the gold sink Lodestones, the icy rune stones, and now you have the “trololo today it’s 80s, tomorrow 90s, next week 3g, in a month 5g” coins. I will never buy a single coin again. I want my one legy, and before I buy a coin from this broken system, I play PvP, and wait for this situation to get better.
They are working as intended, as in “there THEORETICALLY is enough supply, but we just did not think ppl would go to such lows and touch THE one item, that can be driven up 10g and still ppl would by it”
Thing is, if you are sitting on 50k coins right now, by the time they reach 5g each, you have sold most of those for a good profit, and still have enough to make that same profit again, cause ppl will buy them for 5g anyway.
So buy them now ;D (and inflate the price some more. You’ll just make it faster, it’s gonna happen anyway~)
So yes, in my eyes fixing is needed.
Ps: I can get the Leather myself, never had ANY Problem with ANY other mat, appart from this monstrosity. If you want leather, you just have to play the game a bit~
A bit fixable in the AMOUNT some recepies need nonetheless!
(edited by LolinaOtone.4196)
They don’t need to be anything’ed, anet already said there is a good supply coming in. Just one guy is buying them all.
There is nothing stopping you buying them instead of that other guy, you just don’t seem to want to. Which is fine. The answer isn’t for anet to fix this tho, it’s for players to fix.
Imagine the issue only applies to you. You are saying “anet fix this for me”. Won’t happen. We have seen the same thing when people don’t have enough leather. Or laurels or orbs or whatever.The merge just shows a mod has noticed a similar topic, nothing else.
If you need them go buy them. Or don’t. Still your choice.
Do you even bother to read other people’s arguments, or you’re just trolling?
1. This is not like leather or orbs. You can get them by playing the game
2. This is not like laurels, because there are alternative ways of getting everything sold by a laurel vendor.
3. How the hell can the players fix speculation, when speculators know how many MC’s there are in the market (TP stupidly shows it), but actual players don’t know how many MC’s there are in the game being hoarded?
You don’t want players to fix this, you want players to suck it up and buy them from speculators, which makes me think you’re a TP flipper.
No you should buy them whilst they’re 60 silver.
If you missed that window, you should buy them whilst they’re 85 silver.
If you miss that window.. well just pay 1 gold for them.Why would you stop going for something? If you need 250 coins and you have zero, buy 250 coins.
Lol’d so hard at this. You’re clearly a TP flipper.
This has 2 possible fixes. Either ANet addresses the way Mystic Coins are obtained (by rewarding active gameplay), or they fix the Trading Post once and for all to get rid of speculators/flippers (for example by not letting you see the quantity available of each item at each price).
What’s stupid is that people who want to actively play the game are at the mercy of those who just play the Trading Post. And that’s ANet’s responsibility to fix, not the players.
Lol am I?
I’m not.
You’re just upset there’s an issue for you. And others, I am not singling you out. But it’s exactly the same as the guy who doesn’t have any leather and wants the devs to fix it. Same as the guy who doesn’t have laurels or orbs. There is an in-game way to get what you want, it’s the TP.
It’s not anets responsibility to fix players activity. Playing the Trading Post is anathema for some people in many, many games. If this is your first game, it’s the first time it has annoyed you, it has annoyed me many times and at other times I’m sure I’ve annoyed other people when I was doing it successfully. There is nothing stopping you overbidding and undercuttying the flipper. Nothing. Except your attitude that it’s broken and anet needs to fix it. Which they are not going to.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!
So if one coin costs 8000 gold, they still won’t do anything. Yeah sure…
‘would of been’ —> wrong
Do you even bother to read other people’s arguments, or you’re just trolling?
Read it all, not trying to upset you by failing to understand the issue.
1. This is not like leather or orbs. You can get them by playing the game
You get mystic coins by playing the game. You get mystic coins from the TP same as leather and orbs.
2. This is not like laurels, because there are alternative ways of getting everything sold by a laurel vendor.
Is this about clovers?
3. How the hell can the players fix speculation, when speculators know how many MC’s there are in the market (TP stupidly shows it), but actual players don’t know how many MC’s there are in the game being hoarded?
I’m sorry you don’t know something you think is important, I don’t think it’s important to know how many are being hoarded. It’s a gamble on behalf of the seller. Tomorrow everyone who is hoarding could offload their stash and prices would tumble. Nobody can predict that. What I can do is just find the weak spot in the legendary supply chain and attempt to control it for profit. This means buying coins as cheap as possible whilst still making sure I get most of them and reselling them for the most money. Some people flip for a short term profit, others want the price to be 1 gold or more so they have a longer term plan. That’s how it works.
You don’t want players to fix this, you want players to suck it up and buy them from speculators, which makes me think you’re a TP flipper.
Well I’m sorry you think that, I was explaining what you should do, not what I am doing. If you want coins you should buy them and to make money you should sell some other stuff. That’s how it works. You can even make money doing this, surprising what you might have in your bank / storage. I salvaged a ton of rares I had stored and made a surprising amount of ecto I didn’t previously have.
Do I want players to fix this.. hmm.. well.. I personally don’t care, I’m not selling my coins, not buying any new ones, I’ve got enough gold I can do what I want in my own small way and I could buy gems for a really good trade-in price with rl money if I wanted to right now. Wonder how many coins to the pound I could get.. I digress.
If you want to fix this, don’t buy them. The price will come down the more people collectively stop buying them OR.. group up and form your own consortium, get the guild to pool their coins. I was in a guild that didn’t buy from the TP for a long time, just need to trust the leader to handle the transaction in the guild bank.
But those are things I would do. You may find your own things to do instead.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!
So if one coin costs 8000 gold, they still won’t do anything. Yeah sure…
There were no dreamers for sale just after I made mine. I wasn’t going to sell mine.. but I’d have cornered the market for a split second. They weren’t 8k gold and that was a legendary. Coins come in to the game constantly so this isn’t going to happen.
pve, raid, pvp, fractal, dungeon, world clearing, legendary questing.. Zapped!
The problem can be fixed by just one single change:
“you can’t sell what you buy from the trading post. The effect is retroactive.”
This will resolve any problem regarding the tp flippers and stabilize once and for all the real prices of every material.
Well if people were not willing to spend so much on coins…
If the community as a whole disagrees with the price then the community as a whole needs to stop buying them.
It’s something ArenaNet themselves needs to think about; How much free market do they want their game to have? It might not be a bad idea to reduce any monopolizing effects by those with alot of money who buy the stock of a single important yet fairly rare item. Especially when people are obviously dependable on the TP in order to get to their goals requiring mystic coins in a timely fashion. And if getting to those goals becomes a farm for either gold or waiting it out would quite possibly lead the game to go down the path of farming more and more for gold. I’m pretty sure ArenaNet themselves also think about those things regardless of anyones opinion on here, since it’s a very game design related problem.
And yeah, you can buy them from the TP, this doesn’t automatically mean it’s the best solution out there. I can imagine there’s lots of other things people want to buy rather than spending their cash on mystic coins alone.
But yeah what one can do is “indefinitely suspending” trading mystic coins. It’s not a bad thing to just slowly gain all the mystic coins by yourself, rather than being dependant on people driving up the price. Like some personal trade embargo with the people selling at these prices to increase their own (in-game) wealth.
That or start selling mystic coins at half the price that is currently being set, if you want the price to be lower. But I doubt that would happen as people are generally greedy.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
And how much of this “talk” is pushing the prices up? Is Mystic Coins Tyria’s version of “invest in gold”?
How much of the spike is being caused by players now hording or even buying up MC as they enter the TP thus keeping supply low because they hear that MC prices are/will be going through the roof?
I’m always skeptical about “<item> on TP price is out of control” threads. Smells too much like an attempt at market manipulation to me.
RIP City of Heroes