[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes
I Would like to request this QoL improvement that should be next to trivial to implement, thou it would help a lot.
Every Calculator/Simulator out there has an icon overlay indicating the stats combination of the items, it should be easy enough to implement a toggle option for the same thing in the game.
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015
(edited by Apolo.5942)
I’m not exactly sure what you’re asking. More detail required. And mods – please merge with main QoL thread?
Allow salvaging or forging of superior runes and sigils.
Concerning Crafting:
I would like all crafting tabs to -
begin collapsed
remember which were collapsed and which were not from the last use.
The first seems easier to impliment.
please please make mini as fast as pets/minions Would love to have my mini golem running alongside me when I run into combat, not him trying to catch up XD
1. Key Ring
2. Toys, Tonics, and Instruments section (like the old miniature collection in material storage).
3. Ability to Repeat recipes using Mystic Forge using a counter like how you can buy multiple items at a vendor.
4. Build Templates (the ability to change gear, traits, and skills out with a drop down menu to select the build saved).
5. Account wide harvesting tools
6. Standard character models in WvW like how they have them in PvP.
7. Salvage All window needs to come with an option to let you un-select stuff you don’t want salvaged.
8. Add a ‘Smaller’ option to UI scaling. This will go even tinier than ‘Small’.
9. Add a hotkey to both ‘Deposit All Materials’ and ‘Compact’
10. Allow us players to mark which items are considered junk, so we never have to deal with those stupid sigils and runes again !!
I’m not exactly sure what you’re asking. More detail required. And mods – please merge with main QoL thread?
Have the option to toggle an icon overlay for item stats combination for exotic or better gear so we dont need to mouse over to know the stats.
Have a toggle option to auto sell with the rest of the junk sigils and runes under superior quality.
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015
I’m not exactly sure what you’re asking. More detail required. And mods – please merge with main QoL thread?
Have the option to toggle an icon overlay for item stats combination for exotic or better gear so we dont need to mouse over to know the stats.
Ah, you want to see at a glance that gear is Zerk or Valk or whatever? Agreed. It’s something I’ve suggested too.
Allow me to bind [Enter] key to confirm any “Accept”-button that may appear in dialogs.
Are you sure you want to salvage? – “Accept [Enter]”
Are you sure you want to …? – “Accept [Enter]”
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
Here’s an easy one.
Have the vendors in the personal instance sell sickles, axes, and picks.
Please allow us to toggle on / off all pieces of armor, including shoes and shirt. Characters can’t be “naked,” there are already places like diving goggles and that beach in Southsun Cove where we take all our clothes off automatically, so it’s not like anyone will be indecent. And there are some rockin’ shirtless Charr NPCs. Right now my only option is to completely take my armor shirt off and run around legitimately shirtless. If I can do that, I should be able to do it while still actually wearing the armor.
I have over 750 Tomes of Knowledge sitting on my chars/bank. Please make them useful for SOMETHING. At the very least let me use them in a “consume all” to get the spirit shards. Double clicking and hitting ok per tome is not fun.
From a post outside of this thread:
Recipe to make Lodestones in bulk (much like the 10 Amalgamated Gemstones one) through MF!
my tip is nerf necro lol
Can we get a shareable storage spot for Ascended items?
Since Ascended items are account bound and never soulbound, I think we need a better way to share them between characters. Sure I know some people just run Fractals all day every day, but for the masses of us to whom Ascended items are a big achievement, we’re more likely to want to share them between characters.
It seems to me that making Ascended items account bound was for the more casual players among us but sharing is not very user friendly at all and this needs to change.
Right now we have a nice method of retrieving and sharing previously earned achievement rewards with this nice “Unlocked Rewards” section at the bottom of the Achievement panel:
I’d like something similar for Ascended items, so I can wear them on multiple characters at the same time. I’d be ok with making these “copies” unsalvageable, unvendorable, and whatever other limitations need to be put on them. But right now my only option would be to throw them in the bank and as someone who switches alts numerous times a day, this is not really an option.
I think a minor UI change would be a huge QoL change that wouldn’t be too hard to implement and would make a lot of players happy. And really if your intention wasn’t to make these items easily shareable, then they shouldn’t be account bound to begin with. But since they are, I think it only makes sense to make it easier to do.
Toggle for visible/invisible shoulders and gloves in Outfits.
Toggle for visible/invisible shirt in Equipment.
Please add a drop-down option to skins to convert them to transmute charges, under the following circumstances:
Skin is Account Bound.
Skin is Unlocked in Wardrobe.
Skin has no stats.
Skin has no function except to act as a free application of the skin.
MAYBE: Skin is purchased from Gem Store.
Reason from player pov: These skins clog up inventory. Once you have enough of them, they are a substantial value in transmutation charges. While it’s annoying that skins purchased with RL cash only come with one free use, at least they could not force bank and bag space use when saving them for the right character. As they are already in the Wardrobe, the only reason to keep them as a discrete object is for that free transmute.
Reason from ANet pov: For purchasers teetering on whether or not to buy something, knowing that it won’t hog bank space may push them to buy. I know I haven’t bought the Kurzick Axe because I don’t care for the design enough to remove something else from my bank to make room for it on the off chance it will suit an alt one day. If it became a Wardrobe unlock + free charge for applying any skin, I’d likely have PayPal’d my way to more gems to get it since I think it’s ok and I do like the red fog effect.
I would gain so freaking much bank space if I could turn my unlocked but still item-space-using skins into transmute charges. True QoL.
Chat / Social: Option to allow whispers only from friends and guildmates. Or maybe ‘appear offline’ to everybody who is not friend / guildmate. Whichever works best with your code architecture. This feature would cut down on so many spam and abuse issues.
I think a shape-shifter would be a very fun and versatile profession. They would be able to shape shift into different creatures, that have there own set of skills and specially abilities. Kinda like the Dervish Elite Avatar Forms.
This would be good because you could remain in that shape until either the time runs out (like 10mins to an hour), death, or you wish to change back. (Or you could have a similar system to the Norn Animal Spirit skills in guild wars 1, and you change back when you run out of energy). Though I don’t see the issue with the form being strictly a “When you Wish to turn back” kind of thing making it solely based around your beast forms.
The main forms should either follow the spirits of the wild, making any who use this specialization/class devotes of those spirits. We see people from all of the races learning and following the animal spirits just as the norn do, so it’s not too far-fetched. Bear/warg? should be a tankish/raw damage sort of form, as we could have snow leopard/raven for bleeds and condi damage. Wolf could be a raw dps with tons of burst, each form offering unique utilities while in that form.
Now the biggest Idea here is a Dragon form? Why, well because of Glints baby and it being born untainted into the natural cycle, sort of following in gilts footsteps.So It’s not too far fetched to have us turn into a wyvern/Dragon since we have both as actual inhabitants of tyria’s surface. This could offer Arena-net that “We don’t want to be like any other mmorpg” sort of feel too a pre-existing fantasy profession.
The Trait Lines could be as follows If it were its own class.
Shape-shifting- Increases the power of and the length of each form. Most forms dedicated to this attribute.
Ancestral Grace- Increases length and power of enchants that buff forms/player. enchantment skills that buff player dedicated to this attribute.
Ferocity- Increases Damage output of each form AND your weapon. Some- more damage orientated forms- could be dedicated to this attribute
Instincts- (PRIMARY) Increases Energy and Health a little, and gives you a bit of a health regen boost for 6 seconds, +3 seconds per rank in Survivability, when a form ends. Some forms, like healing or buffing ones, could be dedicated to this attribute.
Alpha- Increases forms chance to gain health or energy when they hit a target (like critical strikes but for health/energy instead of extra damage). Skills and shouts that buff player are dedicated to this attribute.
If it became a simple elite spec, you could have simply shape-shifting and make the spec involve all that is listed above. Either way it still works and will bring those shapeshifter players from all over, with your combat engine and beautiful world paired with the ability to become beasts of power? Who needs anything else, Shape-shifting is what kept me in WoW as long as I was there because to me the idea of being a big creature is freaking awesome. I know im going to get those “Ew no don’t do it, please thats just dumb” People in here. But I know you have players who would really enjoy this spec, not every spec/class is for everyone but to add this would appeal to a spectrum you have yet to give anything toward. To make up for the norns lacking Lycanthropic forms, which are pretty much useless in-game this would be a good alternative. It also would be for ALL races meaning each races forms may look different, giving shapeshifters a feeling of “dude look at me, My charr bear/dragon looks amazing!! Holy kitten look at that norn shape-shifter, they look so cool.”
If you do go for the route of each race having their forms look different, I suggest asurans get Bob-cats for their bleeds. And maybe either baby wyverns/dragons, Or a wolverine for their bear like shape. (( wolverines are notorious for bringing down prey four times their size, just throwing that out there.))
I know its not much of a Quality of Life thing, but again alot of people from other titles would flock to the chance. I know it would give me the type of character I enjoy in almost everything else, Please consider this.
Utility cooldowns visible in death shroud
Bank slots for legendary stuff and all of the personal story junk from the last seasons like Marjory’s journal
Dyable hair accessories
Push down leather prices on tp
Restart WvW: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/Clean-The-Slate/first#post6208959
I wanted to post only about the gathering tools, but might as well add a few things
1. Gem store gathering tools and unbound magic gathering tools:
The new gathering tools sold by the heart vendors in Ember Bay offer quite a good ammount of unbound magic. But you have to use the “ugly” default tools/animation. I have 2 sets of gathering tools from gem store (the first 3 ever and 3 new ones) and I’m “forced” not to use them if I want the unbound magic bonus. It also actively discourages people from buying them from gem store (since you have a “best” option easily available in game).
My suggestion: Make a timed boon-type of thing, that you can buy from those heart vendors in Ember Bay, which gives you the extra unbound magic when gathering as long as it is active. There’s no limit on the gathering tools, as far as I know, so there shouldn’t be a limit on how many times you can get this buff/boon. Something like a 30 minutes seems appropriate to me (and the karma cost can be calculated based on how much you can gather with a bundle now and their cost). This will let people like me enjoy the gathering tools bought from gem store and, at the same time, benefit from the unbound magic extra.
2. Wardrobe toys:
Like others suggested before, I would like to see all toys/tonics become accessible in a wardrobe-like thing, similar to minis.
3. Extended wallet
Call it wallet, or key chain or whatever. A way to keep all the currency from various maps (VB bars, AB keys, TD acid vials, DS machetes, blood rubies, petrified wood, shovels, bandit keys, Dry Top keys, and anything else I can’t think of at the moment) and easily access them on any character would be amazing.
4. Petrified Wood Node
Just that
i know this has been posted many times before, but the more times its posted, the bigger the chance for anet to listen.
please add an option for using the MF for the same recipe multiple times. for excample having 4 stacks of major sigils, then we should have the option to let the MF do its magic 250 times, or untill the inventory is full.
or having 250 cores + the other kitten, then let it be used 125 times without having to click 2000+ times.
Superior siege also needs some love, at least batches of 10 would be nice.
There are economic effects of making it possible to bulk convert and I doubt they’ll make it happen — currently, most promotion recipes are profitable entirely because it takes time (and effort).
That said, some things aren’t promotions and/or could use alternative mechanics, e.g. a different sink for minor/major runes+sigils.
at the very least, after you forge something, leave the old ingredients in the boxes so you could hit ‘forge’ again if you choose. the percent of the time you forge diffierent items in the same session is grossely overshaddowed by the number of times you forge the same items, or only 1 item.
Mystic’s Gold Profiting Guide
Forge & more JSON recipes
at the very least, after you forge something, leave the old ingredients in the boxes so you could hit ‘forge’ again if you choose. the percent of the time you forge diffierent items in the same session is grossely overshaddowed by the number of times you forge the same items, or only 1 item.
“Forge again” sounds like a great compromise. It bypasses the worst tedium without speeding things up enormously.
hello people of tyria
here r my suggestions
- more bagslots:
would be nice if its possible to buy more bagslots from the gemstore..especially for player who only play their main.
- if u recive materials, that r already have a spot in a shared inventory slot..then it should automaticly go there…instead of the other not shared slots.
- give options to downscaleing:
it should be possible to make one self even -5 lvl weaker than currently…but ofc everyone should be able to choose what diffiulty is the best for him/herself.
(maybe it will result with a better droprate? or +10% mf per lvl, so strong player dont 1 shot everything in central tyria….but ofc its only a option…so everyone can choose what he/she wants)
- world wide map-reward:
choose the material u want to have..and a bar slowly get filled. It get filled with events, repeatable heart, and so one
(edited by moony.5780)
more fun and wildlife masteries
- fishing
- unlock a mini game to catch fishes. These fishes can be used to feed the hungry cats in the home instance.
- catch delicious fish: make the cats so happy that they give u a happieness buff ;D
- unlock competitive fisher: allows to catch big fishes..and to compare them with other player in a ranking.
- huntsman:
- it works for wolfs, moas and all these creatures.
- allows to get the skin of the animal to make leathder out of it.
- learn how to track down specific animals..and once u find them a whole tribe of them may appear.
- luring animals to a specific spot.
- the chance to get useable leather increase.
- something like huntsman but for cotton ;D
im helping the same guy in queensdale to bring his goods to the next city..but even after the 50th time he dont remember me :P
- fill a bar everytime u finish a quest for an npc
- the more u help that npc the more he know u…and once the bar is full he even greet u differently
- hes so happy to see us, so he start selling nice items for us (but need much karma, like the repeatable hearts)
- the more that npc get help, the more and better things he trade
Make /surrender work everywhere.
Sometimes you get stuck somewhere and you can’t jump off an edge.
This happened in the new jumping puzzle and also in one of the story instances (Bitter Harvest, I got into the bottom of the jungle and couldn’t get out.
i know this has been posted many times before, but the more times its posted, the bigger the chance for anet to listen.
please add an option for using the MF for the same recipe multiple times. for excample having 4 stacks of major sigils, then we should have the option to let the MF do its magic 250 times, or untill the inventory is full.
or having 250 cores + the other kitten, then let it be used 125 times without having to click 2000+ times.
I just logged in to say this. Please. It’s unbearable.
-Unending Guild Enhancements: It’d be nice if when you choose a guild enhancement like the gathering boost that it wouldn’t go away unless you choose a different one. Instead of having to remember to refresh it after the 24 hrs it up.
-District Drop Down Menus For Maps: What I mean by this is in guild wars 1 you guys had a great setup for maps where when in a specific map like Lion’s Arch or Queensdale there would be a drop down menu of available versions of that map which I think were called Districts. So, in the upper right corner of the screen between the party and game menu there would be a drop down menu saying District 1-10 or however many versions of the map there are available. I think if you guys bring this system over to guild wars 2 it would help with the overflow maps. That way people can see how many maps are open and be able to move between them more smoothly if there are problems like bugged events and stuff then they could try a different district. If there are a ton of people on a map there will be more districts. If there are districts with no people on them then the map will close like how they do now with a warning to move to the more populated map.
-Let Us Dye Weapons and Backpacks
Something I think would improve Norns is changing the Call Wurm skill to a targeted one where you throw an egg at the location you want them to appear. I think it would make it much more usable as a distraction.
QoL for the BLTP: Net Profit = Estimated Profit minus Vendor Value. Estimated Profit is awesome, but it’s only part of what a seller needs to know. What we REALLY want to know is whether it would be more profitable to sell it on the TP, or vendor/salvage it. Replacing Price with Net Profit would make such decisions immediately known, without trawling through tons of “false positives” that are only going to end up vendored or salvaged.
Here are some things I would like:
- Add all currencies and keys to wallet
- Option to open all loot bags at once
- Option to turn off ctrl + click autolinking
- Option to mute Salvage-o-Matic sounds (while still hearing other sounds)
- Make chests, etc., so they can’t have vendors or other items put on top of them
- Add basic repeatable reward tracks for pve so that experience is not lost/there is no empty experience bar
- More customization for home instance
Just as in Guild Wars, I would like the ability to set my Status before entering the Character Select/Create screen.
The tool-tips for Karma Merchants in Cities to be fixed; just a pet peeve that they still say ’Sell recipes", among other items. (Not really QoL, but more of a bug-fix, I know.)
I know (I guess?) there are third-party apps, but I’d love to mouse over a character in the Select screen, and see either a list of completed maps, or uncompleted maps (whichever would be easiest to program). That would be sooo helpful.
I wish, again same as in Guild Wars, there was a command line argument that show FPS/Ping/one other useful information bit. I use a third-party program, but it just refuses to work with the 64-bit client. I’d much rather use an in-game argument, though.
Thank you.
Build Saving/Sharing
Can sickles please have 100 uses out of them like the mining picks and axes as with the new nodes they’re used a lot more often than before and it seems weird that they’re still kept at only 50 uses.
Can sickles please have 100 uses out of them like the mining picks and axes as with the new nodes they’re used a lot more often than before and it seems weird that they’re still kept at only 50 uses.
I just wish they would stack.
Move DAILY FRACTALS from the Fractal of the Mists category into the DAILY category.
Separate the Daily PvE, PvP and WvW dailies into their own sub categories (if possible) and have them continue to function as they are.
Creation of some sort of KEY BANK for storage of all the various keys used in the game to save storage and make it easier to access on each character without moving them continually.
Account names in guild chat
It would be useful to show account names in guild chat instead of character name. We can mouse over name to see account but still it can be confusing in large guilds when chatting with more people. Also there is need for more micro management when you have action camera toggled on. You must turn on mouse pointer and instead of playing the game you must stop and mouse over each character to see who is posting.
Its not so important in map chat but at least make that feature for guild chats pls.
Account names in guild chat
It would be useful to show account names in guild chat instead of character name. We can mouse over name to see account but still it can be confusing in large guilds when chatting with more people. Also there is need for more micro management when you have action camera toggled on. You must turn on mouse pointer and instead of playing the game you must stop and mouse over each character to see who is posting.
Its not so important in map chat but at least make that feature for guild chats pls.
This has been suggested before, and the trouble with it is, even though it’ll help one kind of player out, it’d ruin the game for other types of players who need to see the character name.
Roleplayers for example. You want to interact with a character when RPing, not an account.
Halloween coming up some of my Suggestions for you:
*Ability to upgrade home instance candy corn node to rich candy corn node
*Guild hall decorations consisting of parts from the clock tower
*Ogdens hammer guy’s Ghost in LA…for those of us who miss him so (maybe another npc next to him telling him to shut up)
that is all
Halloween coming up
some of my Suggestions for you:
*Ability to upgrade home instance candy corn node to rich candy corn node
*Guild hall decorations consisting of parts from the clock tower
*Ogdens hammer guy’s Ghost in LA…for those of us who miss him so (maybe another npc next to him telling him to shut up)that is all
I’m down with that.
As a guild leader it would be nice to have the Admin lower ranks permission split up a little bit. Having a member invite is a permission that doesn’t really have any negative potential and is something that would be nice to give to more members. However doing so leaves the guild vulnerable if someone decides to leave the guild on bad terms.
It would be great if Admin Lower Ranks was limited to Promote, Demote and Kick with a new permission for Inviteing.
Grindhouse Gaming [GH]- Guild Leader
~ A “keyring”. Commonly suggested, hugely wanted. It would be so amazing if I didn’t have to waste half a dozen inventory slots on every character carrying around various items to open chests on all the maps with map-specific chest types. And additionally, when I first bring a character to a zone it’d be nice if I could just start opening chests and not have to worry about either transferring items over from other characters or buying / earning them through events before I can start getting that loot.
~ “Use All” functions for every consumable (or at least every “reward” type consumable, EG karma potions, experience scrolls, ect). Its amazing on Essences of Luck, spread the love.
A keyring would be nice, as I’m using up over half of my Shared Inventory Slots for the HoT/Silverwastes/Drytop/Aetherpath keys just so I don’t miss out on rewardsbecause I’m on an alt.
“Consume All” on karma would be WONDERFUL, especially considering the amount you can end up with in Ember Bay with the Karmic Retribution buff. It’d also be sorta nice to be able to burn a stack of Tomes, either to level a new character, or to get Spirit Shards.
I saw a QoL thread a while back, but don’t see it now, so I am going to make a new one. I don’t know about other people, but I find it quite irritating that have to sit and wait so long for my mithril/elder wood/etc. to refine into their respective forms (ingots/planks/etc.). Even with the “Craft All” button, we still have to wait a significant amount of time for it to craft which seems like it is simply a waste of time and not a needed part of gameplay in my opinion. An option that would simply allow us to instantly craft X number of the refined goods would be extremely helpful, but I can see how this could cause issues with the calculation of XP from crafting and and such. If that is the case, then maybe just speed it up. I know that refining luck takes less time than planks for example. Is it possible to just make them all go a bit faster or a way to let us determine how fast we want it to craft?
See Sticky above.
Good luck.