• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
(edited by Fay.2735)
So part of the patch notes include new and improved legendary effects! I compiled a list of available videos and images thus far…
The Dreamer:
http://youtu.be/pFEJWJ4XtCU?hd=1 (By Fay)
http://i.imagebanana.com/img/zhv2jjng/gw093.jpg (By Dauni)
http://i.imgur.com/9d3Lmrs.jpg (By Unknown)
http://i.imgur.com/W3m08N1.jpg (By AidanCrann)
http://i.imgur.com/0eMVZ09.jpg (By AidanCrann)
http://i.imgur.com/PITxMD3.jpg (By Stealthy Sane)
The Moot:
http://youtu.be/dZgcJbyk3fM?hd=1 (By Unknown)
http://i.imgur.com/9W6QzBA.jpg (Equip By Shompie)
http://i.imgur.com/Zj3QYyk.jpg (Footprints By Shompie)
http://i.imgur.com/fl3W3QR.jpg (Glow Effect By Shompie)
The Predator:
http://i.imgur.com/klcVt9O.jpg (Glow Effect)
http://i.imgur.com/bcMWGB7.png?1 (By Puru)
The Howler:
http://youtu.be/jilfRS0EuhE?hd=1 (By Ivanityy)
http://i.imgur.com/IBYsOvm.jpg (Equip)
http://i.imgur.com/zAX66GB.jpg (Glow Effect)
Sources/Credit: Reddit and Pictures/Videos posted by various people
Additional Pictures to be found here:
I got some high res pics of the moot, quip, predator and the dreamer if anyone want to see. Unfortunately can’t find anyone with the warhorn or any of the aquatic legendaries (guess people don’t exactly make those hehe)
(edited by Fay.2735)
The Moot is very cool now with disco footsteps
holy kitten that is awesome
brb leveling toon that uses a bow…
Great, now the Dreamer shoots my little ponies.
Great, now the Dreamer shoots my little ponies.
I think its the most awesome thing ever
They made The Dreamer even worse? Glad I don’t use a shortbow on anything.
Does anyone have Howler? Really itching to see those new effects, I was considering making it before, if they didn’t mess it up it’s confirmed.
i maintain the belief that Dreamer is a reference to Robot Unicorn Attack.
any new stuff for Quip? i have no pistol users, but Quip is quite possibly the only legendary i like.
It does not look like they updated Meteorlogicus….
It was not in the patch notes anyway. It really needs to have something added to it, maybe some spell changes?
So part of the patch notes include new and improved legendary effects!
I made a quick video showing the new shooting effect of The Dreamer legendary. If you have a legendary with new effects share your videos/screenshots showing the updates so everyone can see
Rainbow Unicorn!
Taste the rainbow, kittens!
i maintain the belief that Dreamer is a reference to Robot Unicorn Attack..
So mad. I got the bow because of the rainbow and because it reminded me of Robot Unicorn Attack.
Making it a brony bow is just stupid >:( The stupid butt tattoo pushed it from meh to FML. I’m embarrassed to use it now.
I regret getting this legendary now, should have gone with kudzu.
I’m curious to see moot now with the disco steps people are talking about.
So, no less than 24 hours ago I made a post:
What’s bothering me is that you people are acting like the concept of a unicorn, or the idea of a rainbow….like those things didn’t even exist before 2010. And they’ve certainly never showed up together before! Nope, obviously MLP invented them both.
I’m beginning to wonder if the internet has just completely lost its collective sanity and has decided that anything with rainbows or horse-shaped animals is automatically a brony shout-out.
The idea of rainbows and unicorns have often been used throughout the decades as a way to depict the idea of living in a fantasy, a sort of “dream world” that doesn’t at all resemble reality. Even today, it’s a term sometimes used by politicians to paint their opponent’s stance as living in a “dream world” that can’t possibly come to pass as a result of the policies they want to enact. Ergo, “The Dreamer” is a bow with a unicorn on it that shoots rainbows.
I don’t understand why this is so hard for people to comprehend, but trust me, unicorns and rainbows existed before MLP.
Yep. This is me happily eating my crow. I guess now I know better than to defend the staff.
Speaking as a brony, the new bow animation looks positively stupid and I am ashamed of whichever staff member was responsible for changing it. The bow was already disliked for being “girly” and a “brony reference”, and I came out here in these forums and defended the art….defended you. In its original state, I argued, it could be simply panned as a clever reference to the concept of “dream worlds” that has existed for decades. I thought it wasn’t at all “girly” and I actually liked the appeal and aesthetics of it.
But now you’ve gone and removed all doubt that this is just shameless pandering, and made the weapon look incredibly dumb in the process. A bow that shoots unicorns? What the hell? I’m not going to get one now simply because of this art change, it looks ludicrous.
Something I prized about this game is that despite its fantasy setting, it at least attempted to cling to something resembling good sense and sanity….this, to me, represents a departure from that. It’s not like it ruins the patch for me, but I’ll tell you what it does do….it decimates the very last scraps of “epicness” that legendaries might have had. They’re no longer these highly-sought-after items with unknown but potentially rich backstories full of adventure and excitement….they’re flashy graphics and shameless pandering. This is no Foehammer, no Sword of Shannara, it’s a bloody bow that shoots cutie-mark-wearing unicorns.
I now officially refuse to call them “legendaries” unless I’m using quotes around them, because it’s obvious now that you never intended to make them “epic” or have them “show off what you’ve accomplished”. You just wanted to make things that looked really shiny, so that your fans wouldn’t be able to resist pouring countless hours into your game just to have one of their own.
Yeah, I know, “QQ moar lawlz”. Save it. I’m genuinely disappointed here and I’m hoping I’m not the only one.
(edited by critickitten.1498)
i maintain the belief that Dreamer is a reference to Robot Unicorn Attack..
So mad. I got the bow because of the rainbow and because it reminded me of Robot Unicorn Attack.
Making it a brony bow is just stupid >:( The stupid butt tattoo pushed it from meh to FML. I’m embarrassed to use it now.
Wait…you weren’t embarrassed before using the giant rainbow unicorn bow?
bwahah with anet logo
i maintain the belief that Dreamer is a reference to Robot Unicorn Attack..
So mad. I got the bow because of the rainbow and because it reminded me of Robot Unicorn Attack.
Making it a brony bow is just stupid >:( The stupid butt tattoo pushed it from meh to FML. I’m embarrassed to use it now.
I regret getting this legendary now, should have gone with kudzu.
:o but i thought the update made it look even more like RUA! a running unicorn with a rainbow trail behind it!
anyways, i just made it to the end of the patch notes, and even though i own no legendaries, i am vicariously happy to see that Quip was improved a bit.
bwahah with anet logo
That’s an awesome picture haha! It goes so fast I didn’t even notice the Anet logo, Nice capture!
Wait…you weren’t embarrassed before using the giant rainbow unicorn bow?
No, I like rainbows. I don’t mind it being girly (I’m a girl), and my main is girly. I loved the rainbows and my guild thought it was a very fitting bow for me.
ndrangles.5183::o but i thought the update made it look even more like RUA! a running unicorn with a rainbow trail behind it!
And a brony butt tattoo…. That’s when I realized it was a brony reference and where I went from “I don’t like it, but I guess I can deal with it” to “I can’t use this bow any more”
The dreamer looks… even better than before. This just made the patch seem a little better.
Howler! Aaaooooooooo! Show me the Howler! For Wolf!
Does anyone have Howler? Really itching to see those new effects, I was considering making it before, if they didn’t mess it up it’s confirmed.
Seconding this… I have been working on howler as my norn ranger is very wolf-themed. I had always kind of accepted it was a “lesser” legendary but now I am DYING to see the new effects!
well! with that Anet butt mark we can call it a hybrid of the two. the running rainbow trail is too RUA to ignore, as is the butt mark too MLP to ignore. it’s clearly a hybrid unicorn that Anet created to bring world peace and joy to all.
i wish that when you fired Dreamer it started playing the RUA song, but that would ofc be too much for some players to handle. there would be complaints of too much love and harmony in the game.
So part of the patch notes include new and improved legendary effects!
I made a quick video showing the new shooting effect of The Dreamer legendary. If you have a legendary with new effects share your videos/screenshots showing the updates so everyone can see
Rainbow Unicorn!
Taste the rainbow, kittens!
the effect is very cool.
however, i believe the skittle catchphrase ‘taste the rainbow’ is a little outdated since the gay pride parade started using a rainbow flag…now its just too disturbing to think about.
oh great.. unicorns and rainbows woohoo? don’t tell all the creepy asian dudes who play as Elins in tera, we’ll have an invasion of pedo-creeps.
:( The legendary that needed an update the most didn’t get one? The minstrel? T_T
I’ve added another picture
OMG that effect makes me want The Dreamer more lol
I still find this bow hilarious and would get it for myself if i could afford it. I want to see a whole squad of people with this bow just chasing down a zerg in wvw yelling STAMPEDE
I might explode if I don’t see howler soon
I don’t understand the whole “MLP bow” mentality. The rainbow farting unicorn is clearly a reference to robot unicorn attack. And the so called “butt tattoo” reminds me more of a brand than anything else. You know, like the ones ranchers and farmers use to identify their livestock.
I don’t know whether the Dreamer change is “stupid”, “hilarious”, “awesome”, or “hilariously, stupidly awesome”.
I don’t know why some of u would be embarrassed to use the dreamer. I’d feel more humiliated at being trampled to death by rainbow streaking unicorns. lol this wep is awesome.
Wow The Predator is amazing!
It sets yourself on fire, definitely want!
Even more confetti on Quip! I will push my engi from 11 to 80 just so I have a reason to get it, I swear.
I’ve made a list containing all the current pictures/videos of the new legendary effects (Thanks Cycloney for pointing out the Reddit post).
It’s great to see that ArenaNet is updating the Legendaries. There is still hope for the Minstrel and Metereologicus, it seems.
I love the new unicorn effects. Gonna make it for the character named after my daughter.
She will absolutely love it!
The new bow and other updates are nice, but why not the Minstrel? Seriously, that weapon needs some serious love.
A crappy picture of frenzy, was taken in the dark to show the new boiling aura, how it looks in the dark and effects on a video i’ll probably upload tomorrow.
The changes to that weapon were:
-An explosion (like burst of boiling water around the weapon) when drawn along with a swarm, and i mean it, of fish rushing toward the weapon.
-Boiling water around your character
-The fish popping mechanic was massively changed, FAR more noticeable than before and visually more pleasant.
It’s bugged atm since it sometimes reverts to the old effects (meaning no aura, old popping mechanic) but i’m overall really pleased with the changes.
(edited by Puru.4217)
The new bow and other updates are nice, but why not the Minstrel? Seriously, that weapon needs some serious love.
Hopefully they have left the focus and the scepter for last since those two are the ones requiring the most work.
A crappy picture of frenzy, was taken in the dark to show the new boiling aura, how it looks in the dark and effects on a video i’ll probably upload tomorrow.
The changes to that weapon were:
-An explosion (like burst of boiling water around the weapon) when drawn along with a swarm, and i mean it, of fish rushing toward the weapon.
-Boiling water around your character
-The fish popping mechanic was massively changed, FAR more noticeable than before and visually more pleasant.
It’s bugged atm since it sometimes reverts to the old effects (meaning no aura, old popping mechanic) but i’m overall really pleased with the changes.
Nice, I added the picture to the list
I’ve updated the post with pictures/video of the Howler
What happened to Meteorlogicus? No update yet! Still looks good but nothing legendary about it. I hope they fix it on the next patch.
Never could have believed they could make the bow even worse than they were already, gotta give it to Anet to Surprise me time and time again…
I got some high res pics of the moot, quip, predator and the dreamer if anyone want to see. Unfortunately can’t find anyone with the warhorn or any of the aquatic legendaries (guess people don’t exactly make those hehe)
I got some high res pics of the moot, quip, predator and the dreamer if anyone want to see. Unfortunately can’t find anyone with the warhorn or any of the aquatic legendaries (guess people don’t exactly make those hehe)
I’ve quoted your post into the OP so people can easily find it
Last night in WvW I saw unicorns flying at me. Too funny!
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