Next Game Build: Update
But perhaps in the future Anet could refrain from hyping an update before they even know whether it’s going to actually work or not yet…
You do realize this means not giving any dates ever, until after it is in the game. Because otherwise you can never be 100% sure something will not happen in the very last second.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
The players over-hyped it up themselves, not Anet.
You may be right about that actually. Like I said though, I’m not necessarily blaming Anet for anything. I understand that as far as they were concerned everything was working correctly and at the last minute something went wrong. Disappointing, but understandable absolutely.
But perhaps in the future Anet could refrain from hyping an update before they even know whether it’s going to actually work or not yet…
You do realize this means not giving any dates ever, until after it is in the game. Because otherwise you can never be 100% sure something will not happen in the very last second.
Isn’t that what they’ve been doing? Only time we even get hints at any updates are when they are 100% sure they are ready and even then the hints are very vague.
First, you at least put it politely so thank you. That said, this is exactly why they stopped communicating much with the community. If they open up and say something, then get unforeseen delays, or even have to scrap something, they have people up in arms (usually much less polite than this, but the same message).
I miss the early days when they were very open on what they were working on and they’re hopes for the game. Sadly that era ended due to all the negative responses they got when things delayed. They have recently opened up a little (nowhere near what they use to do though) and I’m grateful.
I’m with you on one thing for sure, I do miss the early days of better communication. However, I don’t think voicing frustrations or disappointments is a bad thing. Positivity has its place and so does negativity. I mean come on, we’re all (Well most of us anyway) adults here. We should be able to voice our frustrations in a mature and polite way. That said, the people who just post, “this is bulls***, anet sucks”, aren’t helping anything.
Bottom line is, this is a massive game with many, many players. Not all of them will be respectful, sadly. But that shouldn’t deter Anet from communicating. For every negative little whiner out there there are 20 people who are grateful and appreciative. Letting those whiners effect whether the professionals communicate with everyone else is pretty sad if you ask me.
Well, quite clearly, the only — only! Way to make this betrayal up to us, is to re-open Super Adventure Box. Bam.
Are you kidding me? You hyped alot with FoV change. I was really looking forward to it. Now i need to wait even longer… This is just absurd.
“Absurd?” Are you seriously saying it is wildly unbelievable / unacceptable that something unexpected happened and you now have to wait a couple extra days for an update to a video game? Can you even imagine how many people are going to die violent and undeserved deaths in the next 24 hours while you whine about having to wait for this update?
Not upset it is getting delayed, but if they just said “next week” or even “in 2 weeks” people would calm down even though it would be further than they would hope. Like running a race without knowing how far you have to go, it drives you crazy. Nobody is mad if you tell them it will be a long time, and you finish it early. It is the not saying anything about it at all that brings the aggro. I’m not personally mad, but I definitely understand the frustration of some.
Not upset it is getting delayed, but if they just said “next week” or even “in 2 weeks” people would calm down even though it would be further than they would hope. Like running a race without knowing how far you have to go, it drives you crazy. Nobody is mad if you tell them it will be a long time, and you finish it early. It is the not saying anything about it at all that brings the aggro. I’m not personally mad, but I definitely understand the frustration of some.
i agree with you 100%
Thanks for the heads up Gaile. It’s always better to be a little late than busted. No Big.
Enjoy your time abroad. We’ll keep the home fires burning…
Thanks for keeping the community up to date with this
It is sad to hear, though.
But perhaps in the future Anet could refrain from hyping an update before they even know whether it’s going to actually work or not yet…
You do realize this means not giving any dates ever, until after it is in the game. Because otherwise you can never be 100% sure something will not happen in the very last second.
Isn’t that what they’ve been doing? Only time we even get hints at any updates are when they are 100% sure they are ready and even then the hints are very vague.
They are at least giving some hints (and a bit more they used to before). If we force them to not give them until they are truly 100% sure they can make it, we won’t hear anything at all. Because in this business a 100% certainty doesn’t exist.
And i assume they are not giving any dates is because they don’t have any idea yet how fast the problem will get fixed. Perhaps we will hear something more specific later on, when they have assessed the situation better. or perhaps (due to this thread, among other things) they will decide to keep us in the dark.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
by the way, someone should probably say something on the official Facebook. Twitter gets updated consistently, but nobody has said anything on FB yet….
And here I was hoping the camera changes would be ready for release since it would change the way I looked (heh) at the game’s environments.
Are you kidding me? You hyped alot with FoV change. I was really looking forward to it. Now i need to wait even longer… This is just absurd.
“Absurd?” Are you seriously saying it is wildly unbelievable / unacceptable that something unexpected happened and you now have to wait a couple extra days for an update to a video game? Can you even imagine how many people are going to die violent and undeserved deaths in the next 24 hours while you whine about having to wait for this update?
“other people have it worse so you can’t complain about anything "
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Not upset it is getting delayed, but if they just said “next week” or even “in 2 weeks” people would calm down even though it would be further than they would hope. Like running a race without knowing how far you have to go, it drives you crazy. Nobody is mad if you tell them it will be a long time, and you finish it early. It is the not saying anything about it at all that brings the aggro. I’m not personally mad, but I definitely understand the frustration of some.
And what do they say if they do not know how long it will take to fix the problem? Should they make something up and risk upsetting players more by not meeting that deadline? I think it is far safer to just advise it will be delayed now, then let us have an estimate when they have more information to give us.
I am sure they had every intention of releasing the patch today, but realised it just wasn’t going to happen so thought it best to at least let us know it will be delayed. I am sure that once they have an idea when it will be fixed they will give us an estimate.
It is unfortunate, but these things happen and Anet are not doing it to annoy us. People just need to be patient.
Typical forums.
Players: Anet doesn’t communicate with the people on the forums.
Anet communicating on forums: Sorry but there will be a delay for the next update due to technical reasons.
Players: Why you no update on time! I’m so mad!
LOL. There is some truthiness in your post. However, the amount of players who are “mad” is still not enough in my opinion to justify a policy of not communicating.
However: since 99.9% of my complaints on these forums have to do with what I perceive to be extremely poor communication on the part of ANet, I can’t let this thread go by without acknowledging that they did the right thing here.
Seriously, that was great communication and it made me a very happy player.
Thank you Gaile. Please continue to rock. You always do. :-)
First, you at least put it politely so thank you. That said, this is exactly why they stopped communicating much with the community. If they open up and say something, then get unforeseen delays, or even have to scrap something, they have people up in arms (usually much less polite than this, but the same message).
I miss the early days when they were very open on what they were working on and they’re hopes for the game. Sadly that era ended due to all the negative responses they got when things delayed. They have recently opened up a little (nowhere near what they use to do though) and I’m grateful.
I don’t actually disagree with you in principle here (I think this thread is a good thing, though I think it is a symptom of poor planning of release dates), but I’m not sure that’s quite a fair picture of why people complained.
The issue wasn’t that things were delayed or abandoned. The thing was that things were delayed or abandoned without telling us or giving indication as to why. We didn’t get a “Hey, sorry, precursor crafting will actually be a couple of years for this reason”, the issue just got kind of ignored. We still don’t know why SAB isn’t open, or when it might come back, or if there’s ever any chance of refunds for people who paid cash to get the ICC. We don’t know when traits are being fixed, or how they’re being fixed, or why they haven’t been fixed already.
Also, this thread is good, but it has come basically a day in advance, and without actually giving a basic time frame for when the patch might eventually come. That’s about as bare minimum a level of communication as you can have without simply ignoring the issue altogether. I am appreciative of the thread, but it comes with a feeling of “I have to be nice about this or they might go back to zero communication again, and last minute minimal communication is at least slightly better than what they were doing before.”
kittenahe — I know you’re excited about what’s coming. So are we. We do want to do our best to make sure everything is topnotch and great, so a little more time for testing is in order. And I believe — although I don’t presume to tell you how to feel
-- that you’ll be happy with the update!
Sharen — Yep, I hear you.
You mean you finally are fixing all the ancient bugs in WvW? My dream come true!!!!!
Sidenote: Some bugs are so old and you cant convince me bugged upgrade bars are so hard to fix it takes months? (No dolly spawning green bl at Foghaven to hills either happens to often and no hotfix ever either, just hoping it’s fixed next MU)
Thank you Gaile. Please continue to rock.
I’d rather know, so thanks for telling us
Thank you, Gaile, for the communication here. It IS nice to know. I also appreciate ArenaNet polishing the update more if it needs it -versus- releasing it when its not ready. That would be more upsetting than a delay.
Gaile, sometimes I can’t believe the entitled attitudes that people have. Please rest assured that some of us realize devs are human, that we realize a delay in release means you were actually doing QA testing and making sure everything works properly, and that we appreciate you wanting to release a working product, even if that means a delay.
Thank you for keeping us informed. I’m really looking forward to the changes, and I’m prepared to wait until they are ready. <3
Thanks for the heads up — extra testing is always worth the wait, especially when the team thinks it’s needed.
I know I kitten a lot about communication, but I do try to thumbs up when you guys get it right Thanks again!
Sad to hear/read that. I’d already planned my first person view trip to the SW JP… Oh, well…
Wish you luck that everything goes according to plan after QA had another look at the changes
Hi Gale, I’m the guy with the book saturday. Thanks for that hug at PaXeast saturday)
Thanks for the update and letting us know whats going on. I’m excited to play any new updates and am crossing my fingers for camera update)))
First, you at least put it politely so thank you. That said, this is exactly why they stopped communicating much with the community. If they open up and say something, then get unforeseen delays, or even have to scrap something, they have people up in arms (usually much less polite than this, but the same message).
I miss the early days when they were very open on what they were working on and they’re hopes for the game. Sadly that era ended due to all the negative responses they got when things delayed. They have recently opened up a little (nowhere near what they use to do though) and I’m grateful.
I’m with you on one thing for sure, I do miss the early days of better communication. However, I don’t think voicing frustrations or disappointments is a bad thing. Positivity has its place and so does negativity. I mean come on, we’re all (Well most of us anyway) adults here. We should be able to voice our frustrations in a mature and polite way. That said, the people who just post, “this is bulls***, anet sucks”, aren’t helping anything.
Bottom line is, this is a massive game with many, many players. Not all of them will be respectful, sadly. But that shouldn’t deter Anet from communicating. For every negative little whiner out there there are 20 people who are grateful and appreciative. Letting those whiners effect whether the professionals communicate with everyone else is pretty sad if you ask me.
I’m gonna have to agree. Also everything anet does affects their PR. Every good/on time patch gives the consumers(us) more confidence in them and the product. The opposite is also true however so I suppose it’s a risk/reward thing with giving us release dates.
That being said, I’m hard pressed to think of any MMO that doesn’t give their gamers dates of small(e.g. not expansions/massive gameplay overhauls) patches. Simply saying “Expect a patch sometime in the future” or nothing at all would be quite odd.
Hey there,
We know that some of you are anticipating a new build for Guild Wars 2 on March 10th. We wanted to give you a heads up that the game update is coming, but it will not be going out on March 10th. At the present time, contents of the build is undergoing additional QA Testing. If we get more information about an anticipated timeframe for the buildโs release weโll try to provide that info in advance. But of course as always, we will update in the forums with detailed update notes when the build goes live.
Thanks for your patience.
Will we be getting new makeover kit options? Like new hair and faces?? That’s about the only thing I’m looking forward to- PLEASE DON’T DENY ME ANY LONGER
new hair and faces! new hair and faces!!
I can’t even imagine that people wouldn’t prefer a later functioning patch to an earlier broken one.
I’ve found ArenaNet to the best in class when it comes to quality of patches, time to fix bugs (that aren’t related to Mesmer skills ) and most importantly no downtime.
The issue wasn’t that things were delayed or abandoned. The thing was that things were delayed or abandoned without telling us or giving indication as to why. …
Also, this thread is good, but it has come basically a day in advance, and without actually giving a basic time frame for when the patch might eventually come. That’s about as bare minimum a level of communication as you can have without simply ignoring the issue altogether. I am appreciative of the thread, but it comes with a feeling of “I have to be nice about this or they might go back to zero communication again, and last minute minimal communication is at least slightly better than what they were doing before.”
What would you be doing differently if the patch was coming out today? Does having it today or tomorrow or next week make a hill of beans worth of difference in how you are planning your life and/or game time?
Also, they clearly stated that they need more QA testing on it before it can be released. In other words, something isn’t working quite the way it’s supposed to, and they don’t want to release it without being sure it will work correctly. There are no assumptions there, that is what Gaile said, translated for you.
However, you CAN infer that the thing that is not working is game-breaking in some way, whether it’s glitches/crashes, or exploits. Would knowing exactly what KIND of game-break they’re dealing with make a difference to whether you think it’s reasonable for them to delay the release of the patch? Whether it’s a problem with stability, a weird visual glitch with the new camera system, or something as specific as “a crash-to-desktop when someone uses the first person camera when wearing twilight arbor light jacket and arah light pants while wielding the silly scimitar and shattering clones inside of a necro’s dark field at the same time an ele is blasting a fire field”…
if a game-breaking issue was discovered just prior to release, that’s really all the info we need to know.
If it was an exploit, it’s probably better that we don’t know the details.
If it was just a bug or crash, but one that happens to be game-breaking… knowing the details doesn’t matter.
As far as the rest of what you said…
Conscious delay of the release precursor crafting and SAB are not on the same level as this type of emergency-fix delay. Conscious delays are like going to a grocery store during a rush of customers and they only have a couple checkouts open because some of the cashiers are working on stocking. This patch delay is like going to a grocery store and having to wait in the checkout lane because the cashier suddenly came down with food poisoning from his lunch, vomited on the conveyor belt and they’re moving everyone to another lane while this one gets cleaned up.
Instead of complaining that you have to switch lanes, how about a little sympathy for the guy that puked in front of everybody? He’s embarrassed, sick, AND probably going to lose a day’s pay because he has to go home.
Thanks for the heads up! Bummed it’s not coming out today, but stoked to hear that it will be implemented properly instead of with issues.
What would you be doing differently if the patch was coming out today? Does having it today or tomorrow or next week make a hill of beans worth of difference in how you are planning your life and/or game time?
Also, they clearly stated that they need more QA testing on it before it can be released. In other words, something isn’t working quite the way it’s supposed to, and they don’t want to release it without being sure it will work correctly. There are no assumptions there, that is what Gaile said, translated for you.
However, you CAN infer that the thing that is not working is game-breaking in some way, whether it’s glitches/crashes, or exploits. Would knowing exactly what KIND of game-break they’re dealing with make a difference to whether you think it’s reasonable for them to delay the release of the patch? Whether it’s a problem with stability, a weird visual glitch with the new camera system, or something as specific as “a crash-to-desktop when someone uses the first person camera when wearing twilight arbor light jacket and arah light pants while wielding the silly scimitar and shattering clones inside of a necro’s dark field at the same time an ele is blasting a fire field”…
if a game-breaking issue was discovered just prior to release, that’s really all the info we need to know.
If it was an exploit, it’s probably better that we don’t know the details.
If it was just a bug or crash, but one that happens to be game-breaking… knowing the details doesn’t matter.As far as the rest of what you said…
Conscious delay of the release precursor crafting and SAB are not on the same level as this type of emergency-fix delay. Conscious delays are like going to a grocery store during a rush of customers and they only have a couple checkouts open because some of the cashiers are working on stocking. This patch delay is like going to a grocery store and having to wait in the checkout lane because the cashier suddenly came down with food poisoning from his lunch, vomited on the conveyor belt and they’re moving everyone to another lane while this one gets cleaned up.
Instead of complaining that you have to switch lanes, how about a little sympathy for the guy that puked in front of everybody? He’s embarrassed, sick, AND probably going to lose a day’s pay because he has to go home.
I’m not sure how this is relevant to what I said?
This patch delay is like going to a grocery store and having to wait in the checkout lane because the cashier suddenly came down with food poisoning from his lunch, vomited on the conveyor belt and they’re moving everyone to another lane while this one gets cleaned up.
Instead of complaining that you have to switch lanes, how about a little sympathy for the guy that puked in front of everybody? He’s embarrassed, sick, AND probably going to lose a day’s pay because he has to go home.
Haha you took that analogy in a very weird direction, but I see your point. However, it IS possible to feel bad for the sick guy (Anet) and still be bothered by the inconvenience. The one thing your analogy is missing though is that in a grocery store we can SEE them opening other lanes. We have a general idea of how long it will be before we can pay and leave. In this case, we the players have no way of knowing when this patch will be ready. Could be a day or two, could be a month or two, who knows. That’s what people are frustrated with.
Yes, I realize things happen and something isn’t right with the patch. I’m sure Anet is scrambling to get it working and released ASAP. No one is a screw up here, this is frustrating for both sides. But it isn’t fair to tell other people they have no right to be frustrated. Let them be frustrated, they’ll let you be patient, we’ll all wait it out together.
What would you be doing differently if the patch was coming out today? Does having it today or tomorrow or next week make a hill of beans worth of difference in how you are planning your life and/or game time?
Also, they clearly stated that they need more QA testing on it before it can be released. In other words, something isn’t working quite the way it’s supposed to, and they don’t want to release it without being sure it will work correctly. There are no assumptions there, that is what Gaile said, translated for you.
I don’t think he was complaining about the delay in release. It seemed pretty clear to me that he was unhappy with the communication surrounding the delay. That is an extremely important distinction that I think a lot of people miss.
Although I personally am happy with the level of communication they provided here, his point seems to be that he would have preferred it to come a bit earlier and to have provided a bit more information about when they feel the patch might be released.
While I think you can definitely debate whether the level of communication presented was adequate, I don’t think it’s accurate to respond to his post as though he was complaining about the actual delay itself.
:( Whyyyy!! ? -_-
ITT: Anet should just go ahead and release broken patches as scheduled, to appease a minority of forum posters so that those posters can move on to complaining about how Anet releases broken patches.
If anyone remembers when the patches came out when GW2 started you’ll know that they are doing a helluva better job at it, I’m always amazed at how they are able to release stuff so frequently and have so few issues after the updates, I know all of us didn’t like the 10 “New Build” messages during the day of the patch back in the old days hehe.
What would you be doing differently if the patch was coming out today? Does having it today or tomorrow or next week make a hill of beans worth of difference in how you are planning your life and/or game time?
Also, they clearly stated that they need more QA testing on it before it can be released. In other words, something isn’t working quite the way it’s supposed to, and they don’t want to release it without being sure it will work correctly. There are no assumptions there, that is what Gaile said, translated for you.
However, you CAN infer that the thing that is not working is game-breaking in some way, whether it’s glitches/crashes, or exploits. Would knowing exactly what KIND of game-break they’re dealing with make a difference to whether you think it’s reasonable for them to delay the release of the patch? Whether it’s a problem with stability, a weird visual glitch with the new camera system, or something as specific as “a crash-to-desktop when someone uses the first person camera when wearing twilight arbor light jacket and arah light pants while wielding the silly scimitar and shattering clones inside of a necro’s dark field at the same time an ele is blasting a fire field”…
if a game-breaking issue was discovered just prior to release, that’s really all the info we need to know.
If it was an exploit, it’s probably better that we don’t know the details.
If it was just a bug or crash, but one that happens to be game-breaking… knowing the details doesn’t matter.As far as the rest of what you said…
Conscious delay of the release precursor crafting and SAB are not on the same level as this type of emergency-fix delay. Conscious delays are like going to a grocery store during a rush of customers and they only have a couple checkouts open because some of the cashiers are working on stocking. This patch delay is like going to a grocery store and having to wait in the checkout lane because the cashier suddenly came down with food poisoning from his lunch, vomited on the conveyor belt and they’re moving everyone to another lane while this one gets cleaned up.
Instead of complaining that you have to switch lanes, how about a little sympathy for the guy that puked in front of everybody? He’s embarrassed, sick, AND probably going to lose a day’s pay because he has to go home.
I’m not sure how this is relevant to what I said?
Probably because it isn’t. He assumed you were complaining about the delay itself, not the communication surrounding it. Which I agree with.
Though some people go immediately on the offensive as soon as they detect any form of criticism on the forums, wether it’s constructive or not.
~Sincerely, Scissors
I don’t think he was complaining about the delay in release. It seemed pretty clear to me that he was unhappy with the communication surrounding the delay. That is an extremely important distinction that I think a lot of people miss.
Although I personally am happy with the level of communication they provided here, his point seems to be that he would have preferred it to come a bit earlier and to have provided a bit more information about when they feel the patch might be released.
While I think you can definitely debate whether the level of communication presented was adequate, I don’t think it’s accurate to respond to his post as though he was complaining about the actual delay itself.
I wasn’t even being that critical of this thread. I basically made two points:
1) The original dissatisfaction with communication did not come from delays, it came from lack of an update on delays. (I was responding to someone else, not Gaile)
2) While this thread is good (I said that twice), let’s not go overboard. This is a last minute update, with no adjusted time frame, which while better than nothing is hardly spectacular. From a company without a woefully poor communication history, this thread would be pretty much the minimum level of customer service you would expect. I’m grateful for the thread, but I don’t think it counterbalances the larger communication issues we’ve had for the last two years in any way.
I’m grateful for the thread, but I don’t think it counterbalances the larger communication issues we’ve had for the last two years in any way.
Well, here’s to hoping that the next thread Gaile creates is so mind-blowing for you that it completely makes up for two whole years of irritation with Anet’s level of communication.
I wasn’t even being that critical of this thread. I basically made two points:
1) The original dissatisfaction with communication did not come from delays, it came from lack of an update on delays. (I was responding to someone else, not Gaile)
2) While this thread is good (I said that twice), let’s not go overboard. This is a last minute update, with no adjusted time frame, which while better than nothing is hardly spectacular. From a company without a woefully poor communication history, this thread would be pretty much the minimum level of customer service you would expect. I’m grateful for the thread, but I don’t think it counterbalances the larger communication issues we’ve had for the last two years in any way.
FWIW, I didn’t see anything wrong at all with your post in the first place. I only chimed in because it is tiring seeing people constantly trying to make it seem as though feedback about communication is the same thing as complaints about lack of content.
But I’m glad you clarified your position.
his point seems to be that he would have preferred it to come a bit earlier and to have provided a bit more information about when they feel the patch might be released.
While I think you can definitely debate whether the level of communication presented was adequate, I don’t think it’s accurate to respond to his post as though he was complaining about the actual delay itself.
Haha you took that analogy in a very weird direction, but I see your point. However, it IS possible to feel bad for the sick guy (Anet) and still be bothered by the inconvenience. The one thing your analogy is missing though is that in a grocery store we can SEE them opening other lanes. We have a general idea of how long it will be before we can pay and leave. In this case, we the players have no way of knowing when this patch will be ready. Could be a day or two, could be a month or two, who knows. That’s what people are frustrated with.
I suppose my analogy could be improved by saying that the store manager had taken a minute to walk away to the phone and/or text other employees to come back from lunch early, so you might be aggravated because it looks like nothing’s happening.
Still, my biggest points are – it’s just camera and stability. It’s not like there was going to be CONTENT in this patch. The timing on when it comes out is so not important, I can’t even express it – so it doesn’t matter whether they tell us or not.
And sure, it’s possible that someone just forgot a closing bracket in the code, and they could just say “it will take two people, working at a pace of 12 lines of code a minute, 17 work hours to check every line of the code and find the closing bracket before we can release this, so count on Friday for release”, but it’s also possible that the camera was completely re-worked and they need to come up with a total replacement for one of the processes because telling it to check XYZ data before calculating and returning ABC data can make the entire game seize up, and they have to re-write that entire sub-process, which could take 90 man-hours and delay the patch until April. In other words… They might not KNOW how long it will take to fix. (and so they can’t tell us when it will be ready.) (From a post on reddit:
I obviously can’t speak for GW2’s engine specifically, but I certainly wouldn’t discount or underestimate the complexity involved in coding a camera. It’s one of the heavy lifts when it comes to math in video game programming . )
And although I too have posted on these forums about communication overall, I feel that they provided a satisfactory amount of info:
1. they told us what was going to be in the patch ahead of time, and gave a timeframe
2. when they realized it couldn’t happen, they notified us prior to the patch
3. they gave a reason why it was being delayed (QA problem) – and stated that they don’t know how long it will take to fix.
(edited by Adelas.6598)
Still, my biggest points are – it’s just camera and stability. It’s not like there was going to be CONTENT in this patch. The timing on when it comes out is so not important, I can’t even express it.
How do you know? We have no information whatsoever about whether the camera and stability changes are the only thing in the patch.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Gaile, can I please have your mini frog on guild wars 1?
Thanks for the information, and please also say thank you to whoever made the decision not to release something that we’d have to suffer through tonight. I’d much rather wait for a well-oiled bit of work, especially when it is as crucial as the camera, than to deal with the problems of a poorly working game.
Sorrows Furnace
So when can we expect a patch? Will it still be this week or will it be next tuesday or the tuesday after that?
So when can we expect a patch? Will it still be this week or will it be next tuesday or the tuesday after that?
When the reason for the delay is dealt with.
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
I wish we would get at least then the Patch Notes as some kind of “Preview” so that we know, what we would have gotten normally now today all, so that I can know at least, for what I’m happily waiting for, that got all delayed now
I’m sure the Changes to Stability and the Camera wouldn’t have been the only things that this Patch would have brought today.
But why do I have the feeling, Gaile didn’t told us here the full truth and the simple real reason for the delay is, that ANet decided to use these 2 changes rather as additional content for a later following “Feature Pack 3”, to make the FP3 look a bit bigger and meaningful to us under the covering excuse of delaying it for more quality testing…