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:( you ruined the fun. I wanted to have hype for a secret update on tuesday where we need to fight against golems all around tyria. It sucks that it won’t happen.
So an exploit then, though a mostly harmless one.
Wonder what the penalty will be. Back in WoW, people got permabanned from forums just for talking about exploits openly, regardless of the nature of the said exploit.
:( you ruined the fun. I wanted to have hype for a secret update on tuesday where we need to fight against golems all around tyria. It sucks that it won’t happen.
Getting people hyped for an upgrade that never comes isn’t any definition of fun I’ve ever heard.
So an exploit then, though a mostly harmless one.
Wonder what the penalty will be. Back in WoW, people got permabanned from forums just for talking about exploits openly, regardless of the nature of the said exploit.
The penalty is nothing because this is a bug, not an exploit. There’s nothing to be gained and nothing harmed from this.
same thing here in LA
Yup, I was there. It was glorious.
… don’t worry, I’m sure some one may be working on GW2 bugs.
Oh man. Was really hoping something special was coming down the line.
Oh man. Was really hoping something special was coming down the line.
Ikr. I was really disappointed to find out it was a bug. I so had hopes that there was a fun event or mini game planned for us.
Oh well, back to farming the Silverwastes.
Haha they even follow you like a mini as long as you are on that map I love dis!
I saw a few of them in the Heart of the Mists last night. OH MY GOD! IT’S THE kittenING APOCALYPSE! STOCKPILE THE MASHED POTATOES! THE END TIMES HAVE COME!
It’s the spanish inquisition!
It’s the spanish inquisition!
I totally did not expect that.
“Well then, we’ll bow down to our golem overlords”
SAB Praeludium! World 3: My little Toys confirmed!
They are in Edge of the mists too and i even saw someone with 10 of them following him … really misterious
I love these little teaser events that show something’s in the works.
Thanks Anet.
I love these little teaser events that show something’s in the works.
Thanks Anet.
Except for the fact that this is not one of them.
It is apparently a bug, as stated multiple times in this very thread.
I love these little teaser events that show something’s in the works.
Thanks Anet.
Except for the fact that this is not one of them.
It is apparently a bug, as stated multiple times in this very thread.
Whoops. Sorry about that; my mistake.
I doubt it’s the ‘bug’ or a glitch you guys are mentioning. In LA they would walk and line up from the little cave at the end of the “queue”. They also started circling the Mystic Forge. In Divinity’s Reach one was placed in the middle of a circle.
If someone would be using the bug we would’ve seen him place the golemns, but they just appeared or WALKED in from behind the scenes. Also i doubt its possible to place the golemns that specifically if you are just spamming a skill
I think this is most likely a fellow player messing with us. ^^
There are (were?) also some in Gendarran Fields.
Surprised no one has come up with a convoluted way to tie it to Cantha being released shortly.’s in the screenshot above. =P
Timing is everything
On a side note, when did they start building beside the circus in Divinities Reach?
that has bin there from the start
I doubt it’s the ‘bug’ or a glitch you guys are mentioning. In LA they would walk and line up from the little cave at the end of the “queue”. They also started circling the Mystic Forge. In Divinity’s Reach one was placed in the middle of a circle.
If someone would be using the bug we would’ve seen him place the golemns, but they just appeared or WALKED in from behind the scenes. Also i doubt its possible to place the golemns that specifically if you are just spamming a skill
I think this is most likely a fellow player messing with us. ^^
If you would read the posts more carefully, it’s already been said (a few times) that it is a player or players doing this by using a glitch/bug with the toy golem summon. The golem is placed in a set location based on your character’s location, so it’s easy to place them in specific places.
What if, even if it is a bug, Anet runs with this, they let us keep spamming this little guys everywhere. I mean tons of them, they never despawn and just sit there, waiting, watching, in all our favorite gathering places. Then one day, we log in, and BAM, all these little guys are going nuts with there little rifles (use engi skills or warrior skills or both) and are tearing these places apart, it’s all our fault, we gave them the foothold, created the numbers, and now the second golem uprising is upon us…
I doubt it’s the ‘bug’ or a glitch you guys are mentioning. In LA they would walk and line up from the little cave at the end of the “queue”. They also started circling the Mystic Forge. In Divinity’s Reach one was placed in the middle of a circle.
If someone would be using the bug we would’ve seen him place the golemns, but they just appeared or WALKED in from behind the scenes. Also i doubt its possible to place the golemns that specifically if you are just spamming a skill
I think this is most likely a fellow player messing with us. ^^If you would read the posts more carefully, it’s already been said (a few times) that it is a player or players doing this by using a glitch/bug with the toy golem summon. The golem is placed in a set location based on your character’s location, so it’s easy to place them in specific places.
I did read the previous posts, what I am trying to say is that: There was no sign of the player placing them, so it can’t be someone spamming the skill. I saw how they appeared on multiple occasions.
I think it is more likely that someone is just using the template/3D Model of these golemns and placing them via a program or something of the sort.
I doubt it’s the ‘bug’ or a glitch you guys are mentioning. In LA they would walk and line up from the little cave at the end of the “queue”. They also started circling the Mystic Forge. In Divinity’s Reach one was placed in the middle of a circle.
If someone would be using the bug we would’ve seen him place the golemns, but they just appeared or WALKED in from behind the scenes. Also i doubt its possible to place the golemns that specifically if you are just spamming a skill
I think this is most likely a fellow player messing with us. ^^If you would read the posts more carefully, it’s already been said (a few times) that it is a player or players doing this by using a glitch/bug with the toy golem summon. The golem is placed in a set location based on your character’s location, so it’s easy to place them in specific places.
I did read the previous posts, what I am trying to say is that: There was no sign of the player placing them, so it can’t be someone spamming the skill. I saw how they appeared on multiple occasions.
I think it is more likely that someone is just using the template/3D Model of these golemns and placing them via a program or something of the sort.
Not even this post?
Apparently there is a trick to making them persist and follow like a mini. They don’t despawn even if the summoner logs out. I met a fellow in DR who said so, anyway, and he had summoned a conga line of them, but he would not divulge the trick due to the lack of despawn. For that I salute him, and I hope he reports it as a bug.
Or this one?
They are in Edge of the mists too and i even saw someone with 10 of them following him … really misterious
We just saw a golem army invasion in Heart of the Mists!
Was funny though lol
I doubt it’s the ‘bug’ or a glitch you guys are mentioning. In LA they would walk and line up from the little cave at the end of the “queue”. They also started circling the Mystic Forge. In Divinity’s Reach one was placed in the middle of a circle.
If someone would be using the bug we would’ve seen him place the golemns, but they just appeared or WALKED in from behind the scenes. Also i doubt its possible to place the golemns that specifically if you are just spamming a skill
I think this is most likely a fellow player messing with us. ^^If you would read the posts more carefully, it’s already been said (a few times) that it is a player or players doing this by using a glitch/bug with the toy golem summon. The golem is placed in a set location based on your character’s location, so it’s easy to place them in specific places.
I did read the previous posts, what I am trying to say is that: There was no sign of the player placing them, so it can’t be someone spamming the skill. I saw how they appeared on multiple occasions.
I think it is more likely that someone is just using the template/3D Model of these golemns and placing them via a program or something of the sort.
Well, I saw it personally, first-hand, in a few places yesterday. Now, I didn’t see the massive conga line of them that someone posted; that one could be someone just messing with photo manipulation. But it is very possible to create the golem, have the model persist in the world, and then create another (especially if you have multiple people doing it, since the cooldown is a bit long).
Edit: Plus, now there’s video of it. :p
Illuminati comfirmed
Well, I saw it personally, first-hand, in a few places yesterday. Now, I didn’t see the massive conga line of them that someone posted; that one could be someone just messing with photo manipulation. But it is very possible to create the golem, have the model persist in the world, and then create another (especially if you have multiple people doing it, since the cooldown is a bit long).
Edit: Plus, now there’s video of it. :p
If you mean my screenshot – it really is a screenshot and there really was this line in LA today – I didn’t alter anything.
These things are annoying with their sounds and animations when there are hundreds of them……I’ve been reporting people for spamming when I see them running around doing this. Anet needs to fix it.
Saw them today in la near mystic forge ( they looked like they are forging something) three of them. But i tought somebody has some wierd tonic that i missed that spawns them idunno.
Heh well, I was thinking of those posts as talking about a different matter. I was referring to the extremely long line of golemns in Lion’s Arch which was definitly not done using the glitch because the golemns walked out of the cave alone, stopping at the end of the line.
The rest (like the mass in Heart of the Mists) may be just players inspired by the original occurrence that now utilize the glitch mentioned. I don’t know about the latter, however.
I saw the lane of golemns personally and can confirm that this indeed happened ^^ The lane even GREW over time, until the Golemns circled the mystic forge in a guard like manner. That is what I meant in my original posts.
(edited by meyst.4639)
Sigh, as soon as it was revealed on here I made a point of reminding players to NOT put these is the more persistent maps like Cities. Luckily with the mega server, instances still have a life cycle. Still… please put them somewhere else? Any map with a short lifespan won’t annoy players too much.
Heh well, I was thinking of those posts as talking about a different matter. I was referring to the extremely long line of golemns in Lion’s Arch which was definitly not done using the glitch because the golemns walked out of the cave alone, stopping at the end of the line.
The rest (like the mass in Heart of the Mists) may be just players inspired by the original occurrence that now utilize the glitch mentioned. I don’t know about the latter, however.EDIT
I saw the lane of golemns personally and can confirm that this indeed happened ^^ The lane even GREW over time, until the Golemns circled the mystic forge in a guard like manner. That is what I meant in my original posts.
You have just most likely failed to notice the person those golems were following after.
Heh well, I was thinking of those posts as talking about a different matter. I was referring to the extremely long line of golemns in Lion’s Arch which was definitly not done using the glitch because the golemns walked out of the cave alone, stopping at the end of the line.
The rest (like the mass in Heart of the Mists) may be just players inspired by the original occurrence that now utilize the glitch mentioned. I don’t know about the latter, however.EDIT
I saw the lane of golemns personally and can confirm that this indeed happened ^^ The lane even GREW over time, until the Golemns circled the mystic forge in a guard like manner. That is what I meant in my original posts.
You were clearly high when you “saw” this.
This bug sounds a lot like the old Ogre Whistle bug. Before the break in the item, it was discovered that if you summoned an Ogre Pet, map out, and have another player rez the dead pet ally, it would add a permanent version of the pet to the map. I’d added many pets to Shamore, outside of Divinity’s Reach in Queensdale after reporting the bug to GW2 Devs. [Another set was hidden in Plains of Ashford in a hidden area but were later removed as well… my menagerie.)
It was later that the whistles were limited to 1 pet active total, you were no longer able to rez the pet, and the whistle was changed from a recharge of 10 seconds to 3 minutes to prevent it from being exploited again. I got a Christmas card from that year. It was great.
~Sacred Was Eldaron
a secret arrow?
Dat chatrage.
Golem Uprising v2.0 ?
Didn’t we had something when Taimi got trapped at Dry Top?
Last night I saw these toy golems in Black Citadel near the waypoint Diessa Gate. Unfortunately I did not take a picture. Today I can’t find them there.
Yes, the golems seemed to have disappeared.
Dear Arenanet:
THis is how to tease content.
Love from
Dear Arenanet:
THis is how to tease content.
Love from
They have done things like this before. As early as a few months after release infact.
…except it wasn’t arenanet. I don’t get why people keep claiming it was devs when the origin of the golems is known.
It’s just like the Wraith Attack day in gw1.
I almost sure we get SAB in April,those golems look like they are from part 3(part 3 give red SAB skins)
…except it wasn’t arenanet. I don’t get why people keep claiming it was devs when the origin of the golems is known.
It’s just like the Wraith Attack day in gw1.
I suppose I should have been clearer.
I talked about ArenaNet having done stuff like this before, not that they are doing this.
There you go, a pic….
This just screams SAB to me Simple textures, solid colors, floating parts. Super Adventure Box breaking in for spring. First day of Spring is march 20th. So that would be approximately 4 weeks from now
(edited by Chuck.8196)
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All assets, page layout, visual style belong to ArenaNet and are used solely to replicate the original design and preserve the original look and feel.
Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.